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The United Nations (UN) is an international organization that aims to promote global

cooperation and solve common global problems. In the past two years, the UN has been
involved in a range of initiatives and actions to help the world. Here are some examples:

1. COVID-19 Response: The UN has been actively involved in the global response to
the COVID-19 pandemic. The World Health Organization (WHO), a specialized
agency of the UN, has been leading efforts to coordinate the global response to
the pandemic, including developing guidelines for countries to follow and
supporting the production and distribution of vaccines.
2. Climate Change: The UN has been working to address climate change, which is
one of the most pressing global challenges. The UN Climate Change Conference
(COP26) is scheduled to take place in November 2021, where countries will come
together to discuss and implement ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
and mitigate the impacts of climate change.
3. Humanitarian Aid: The UN has been providing humanitarian aid to people
affected by conflicts, disasters, and other crises. In 2020 alone, the UN provided
assistance to more than 100 million people in 56 countries.
4. Sustainable Development: The UN has been working to achieve the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs), which are a set of 17 goals aimed at ending poverty,
protecting the planet, and ensuring peace and prosperity for all. The UN has been
working with governments, civil society organizations, and the private sector to
implement the SDGs.
5. Peacekeeping: The UN has been involved in peacekeeping operations around the
world, working to prevent and resolve conflicts and promote stability and
security. In the past two years, the UN has had peacekeeping missions in
countries such as Mali, South Sudan, and the Central African Republic.

These are just a few examples of how the UN has been helping the world in the past two
years. The UN is constantly engaged in various initiatives to promote global
cooperation, solve common global problems, and improve the lives of people around
the world.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an international organization that aims to

promote international monetary cooperation and exchange rate stability, facilitate
balanced international trade, and provide resources to help countries in need. In the
past two years, the IMF has been involved in several initiatives to help the world,

1. COVID-19 Response: The IMF has been actively involved in the global response
to the COVID-19 pandemic. It has provided emergency financing and technical
assistance to countries in need, including low-income and developing countries,
to help them address the economic impact of the pandemic.
2. Debt Relief: The IMF has been working with countries to provide debt relief and
restructuring to help them manage their debt burdens. In 2020, the IMF launched
the Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust to provide debt relief to eligible
low-income countries affected by the pandemic.
3. Economic Recovery: The IMF has been working with countries to support their
economic recovery efforts. It has provided policy advice and financial assistance
to help countries implement macroeconomic policies and structural reforms to
promote growth and job creation.
4. Sustainable Development: The IMF has been working to support sustainable
development, including by providing technical assistance to countries to help
them implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
5. Climate Change: The IMF has been working to address the impact of climate
change on the global economy. It has provided policy advice and technical
assistance to countries to help them transition to low-carbon and climate-
resilient economies.

These are just a few examples of how the IMF has helped the world in the past two
years. The IMF is constantly engaged in various initiatives to promote international
monetary cooperation, provide financial assistance to countries in need, and support
sustainable development and economic growth.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has played a crucial role in responding to the
COVID-19 pandemic over the past two years. Here are some of the ways in which WHO
has helped the world during this time:

1. Providing guidance and technical expertise: WHO has provided guidance on a

range of topics related to the pandemic, including disease control measures,
clinical management, and vaccine development.
2. Coordinating the global response: WHO has worked closely with member states
and other partners to coordinate the global response to the pandemic, including
the distribution of medical supplies and equipment.
3. Supporting research and development: WHO has facilitated research on COVID-
19 treatments and vaccines, including organizing a global research forum to
share information and collaborate on research efforts.
4. Advocating for equitable vaccine distribution: WHO has been a strong advocate
for equitable access to vaccines, particularly for low- and middle-income
5. Providing information and public health messaging: WHO has provided accurate
information and public health messaging to help people around the world
understand the risks of COVID-19 and how to protect themselves and others.

Overall, WHO has played a critical role in helping the world respond to the COVID-19
pandemic over the past two years.
The International Criminal Court (ICC) is an intergovernmental organization that
investigates and prosecutes individuals accused of committing genocide, crimes against
humanity, war crimes, and the crime of aggression. Here are some ways in which the ICC
has helped the world in the past two years:

1. Holding individuals accountable for international crimes: The ICC has continued
its work to hold individuals accountable for international crimes, including issuing
new indictments and conducting ongoing investigations.
2. Supporting victims: The ICC has also continued to provide support to victims of
international crimes, including through reparations and other forms of assistance.
3. Promoting international justice: The ICC has continued to promote the
importance of international justice, including through its outreach and education
4. Advancing international law: The ICC has helped to advance international law by
interpreting and applying the Rome Statute, which established the Court.
5. Responding to emerging issues: The ICC has responded to emerging issues
related to international crimes, such as by launching an investigation into the
situation in Afghanistan.

Overall, the ICC plays an important role in promoting international justice and
accountability for international crimes, and its work over the past two years has helped
to advance these goals.
The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is an important international non-governmental
organization (NGO) that works to protect and conserve the environment and the world's
biodiversity. It is known for its work in wildlife conservation, habitat protection, and
sustainable development.

The WWF is important for several reasons:

1. Conservation of biodiversity: The WWF works to conserve and protect the world's
biodiversity, including endangered species, ecosystems, and habitats. Its efforts
are critical in preserving the natural world for future generations.
2. Advocacy and awareness-raising: The WWF raises awareness of environmental
issues and advocates for policy changes to promote sustainable development
and conservation efforts. Its campaigns and initiatives help to educate the public
and influence decision-makers.
3. Collaboration and partnerships: The WWF collaborates with governments,
businesses, and other NGOs to achieve its conservation goals. Its partnerships
and collaborations help to create effective solutions to environmental problems.
4. Impactful projects: The WWF implements a wide range of projects that have a
significant impact on the environment and the communities that depend on it.
These projects include habitat restoration, sustainable agriculture, and renewable
energy initiatives.

Overall, the WWF plays a crucial role in protecting the environment and promoting
sustainable development. Its work is essential for the preservation of the world's
biodiversity and the well-being of future generations.

Millions of people in southeast Türkiye and bordering Syria are affected after
two earthquakes (magnitudes of 7.7 and 7.6) struck February 6, followed by
several additional powerful quakes, including one earlier this week.

The quakes caused severe disruptions to sanitation and access to safe water.
The elevated risk of infectious diseases, complications from non-
communicable diseases and disruptions to primary health care services
remain a threat.

For survivors, the journey to recovery has just begun. Many continue to leave
areas affected by the earthquake to seek shelter with loved ones, in
neighboring cities or in emergency shelters.

GLOBAL RESPONSE More than 9,000 volunteers and staff from the Syrian
Arab Red Crescent and Turkish Red Crescent have been on the ground helping
since the first two earthquakes struck. The two Red Cross Societies are at the
very heart of this response. Many have been affected themselves, having lost
their homes and loved ones, yet continue to respond around the clock to
provide lifesaving care each day. Learn more in this video.

To support the earthquake response, the International Federation of Red

Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is bringing in support from around
the world. Dozens of National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies have
offered technical support and almost 60 National Societies have started
domestic fundraising campaigns.

For its part, the American Red Cross is accepting funds to support the global
Red Cross Red Crescent response to help people affected by the Türkiye
earthquake. In addition, the American Red Cross has contributed two disaster
responders to the relief efforts, specializing in communications and
information management while continuing to assess and coordinate with the
global Red Cross to support ongoing needs.

Thus far, the response has included:

 More than 80 million hot meals distributed to people affected by the

 Cash vouchers distributed to around 140,000 households to meet
urgent needs.
 More than 54,000 tents and 107,000 blankets have been distributed in
the hardest-hit areas.
 Six mobile clinics are supporting rural communities and collective
shelter sites with health services.
 Tens of thousands of relief items, including hygiene kits, winterized
shelters, blankets, and other household goods have also been provided
to affected people.

IN TURKIYE, efforts are focused on reaching survivors where they are to

deliver essential aid.
More than 5,000 Turkish Red Crescent staff and volunteers continue to
provide food, clean water, and essential hygiene and relief supplies.

Together with the Ministry of Health, the Turkish Red Crescent is now
providing health care in rural areas and in temporary shelters to help improve
access to services, with IFRC’s technical support. Seven units are already
running and five more are coming. The Turkish Red Crescent also operates
the largest camp with toilets and bathing facilities available. Where markets
are functioning, cash assistance as humanitarian aid helps empower those
receiving it by giving them the freedom to purchase what they need most.
IN SYRIA, the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) continues to be the main
humanitarian group and its earthquake response operation is covering a wide
swath of the impacted area.

4,000 Syrian Arab Red Crescent staff and volunteers have provided more than
2.7 million humanitarian services. Clinics and mobile health units have
provided healthcare and medicines for over 54,000 people. More than 1.2
million relief items have been distributed providing support for over 1.8 million
people, including shelter, blankets, mattresses, winter clothes, hygiene
supplies, and food and agriculture supplies.

Many of those affected by the earthquake were already living in vulnerable

conditions before the earthquake in Syria. Red Crescent aid is arriving in
Northern Syria but access in the Idlib is still challenging. SARC is currently
working around the clock in Hama, Aleppo, Tartous and Lattakia.

Providing water, sanitation, and health services to prevent outbreaks is

essential in northern Syria. Prior to the earthquake, Syria was facing a cholera
outbreak with its whole healthcare system already weakened. The IFRC
network had been working tirelessly to help over 1.5 million people at risk
since last year. Palestine Red Crescent teams are working in the Palestinian
Refugee camps in Syria.

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