BEEE (Experiment 1 and 2)

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Date: 23-09-2021

Experiment 1

Verification of Kirchhoff Current Law

Aim: To verify Kirchhoff Current Law using Orcad software and compare with theoretical results.
Apparatus required:
SL Component Name Range Quantity
1 Current Source 0.003 A 1
0.004 A 1
2 Resistors 500 Ω 4
1000 Ω 1
3 Ground 0V 1

Analysis Type: Bias Point

Circuit Diagram:

3 mA 4 mA

A V4=0 B
Where: V1, V2, and V3 are unknowns for which we solve using KCL and AB be the reference node

In 1845, Gustav Kirchhoff a German physicist discovered the two sets of law that will help us to
understand the concept of conservation of current and energy in a given electrical circuit. These two
laws are commonly known as Kirchhoff's laws of electrical circuits. Kirchhoff’s laws are used to find
(or solve) voltage and currents in every element in the circuit.
Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL):
 Sum of all currents entering a node is zero
 Sum of currents entering node is equal to sum of currents leaving node
 Conservation of charge
Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL):
 Sum of voltages around any loop in a circuit is zero
 Conservation of energy
Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL)
 The algebraic sum of all the currents at any node in a circuit equals zero.
 The algebraic signify a sign on the current that is positive or negative. Since the current is a
reference quantity by direction. Then we can state the following

Current entering the node is positive and current leaving the node is negative
i 1+ (−i 2 )+ i3 =0 ⟹i 1−i 2 +i 3=0

 In Electric Circuit Analysis, there are two types of circuit analysis based on a systematic
application of Kirchhoff’s laws (KCL and KVL).

 Mesh Current Analysis

 Nodal Voltage Analysis

 Node analysis and Mesh analysis are both circuit analysis methods which are systematic and
apply to most circuits.

 Analysis of circuits using node or loop analysis requires solutions of systems of linear

 These equations can usually be written by inspection of the circuit.

Nodal Voltage Analysis

Steps to Determine Node Voltages:

 Identify the number nodes (n) in circuit and select one node as the reference node (more
number of branches are connected).

 Assign voltages v1, v2, . . . , vn−1 to the remaining n − 1 nodes. The voltages are referenced
with respect to the reference node.

 Apply KCL to each of the n − 1 non reference nodes. Use Ohm’s law to express the branch
currents in terms of node voltages.

 Solve the resulting simultaneous equations to obtain the unknown node voltages.
i. Search for ‘Capture CIS Lite’ and open the software
ii. File -> New -> Project…
iii. Write the name of the project (say Exp1), select ‘PSpice Analog or Mixed A/D’, select the
desired location where you want to save your file, and then click on ‘OK’
iv. Select ‘Create a blank project’ and click on ‘OK’
v. Schematic window opens, now select the ‘Place part’ from the toolbar at the right side of
the screen
vi. Go to ‘Libraries’ -> ‘Add Library’ -> Select all the files (Shortcut key: Ctrl + A) -> ‘Open’
vii. For resistors, type “r” under the ‘Part’ search bar and then double click at ‘R/ANALOG’ from
the ‘Part List’. In the given circuit diagram we need five resistors. So place the five resistors
on the schematic window by clicking the left button of the mouse. After placing the resistors,
right-click and click on ‘End mode’ (or Esc).
viii. For the direct current source, type “idc” under the ‘Part’ search bar and then double click at
‘IDC/SOURCE’ from the ‘Part List’. In the given circuit diagram we need two current sources.
So place the two current sources on the schematic window by clicking the left button of the
mouse. After placing the current source, right-click and click on ‘End mode’ (or Esc).
ix. Arrange the circuit elements by selecting and dragging them as per the Circuit Diagram
given. If you want to rotate the resistor or change the direction of the current of the direct
current source, select the circuit element by left-clicking and click on ‘Rotate’.
x. Select the ‘Place wire’ from the toolbar at the right side of the screen. Connect the circuit
elements terminal-to-terminal (Make sure the wire does not cross through the circuit
element as a short circuit will occur, resulting in wrong observations). After connecting,
right-click and click on ‘End wire’ (or Esc).
xi. Change the values or/and name of the circuit elements by double-clicking on it. Write down
the desired value and click on ‘OK’
xii. Select the ‘Place ground’ from the toolbar (7th row, 1st column) at the right side of the
screen. The following selection is made my default (‘0/CAPSYM’ below the ‘Symbol:’, select
‘CAPSYM’ and ‘Design Cache’ under ‘Libraries:’) Enter the desired name of the ground and
click on ‘OK’. Place the ground on the schematic window as given in the circuit diagram.
After placing the ground, right-click and click on ‘End mode’ (or Esc). Circuit design is over.
xiii. Go to the main menu then ‘PSpice’ -> ‘New Simulation Profile’
xiv. Give the same name as the project name (Exp1 in our case), ‘Inherit From:’ none then click
on create
xv. A ‘Simulation Settings’ window will open. Under the ‘Analysis’ tab. Select ‘Bias Point’ under
‘Analysis Type:’ and then click on ‘OK’
xvi. Go to the main menu then ‘PSpice’ -> ‘Run’
xvii. A window opens in the taskbar which shows 100% at the right bottom corner of the screen.
This means simulation is done
xviii. Come back to the schematic window, Enable the green buttons ‘V’ and ‘I’ to view the node
voltages and currents respectively
Manual Calculati ons:
Simulati on results:

Manual Results Simulations Results
V1 = 1.332 V V1 = 1.333 V
V2 = 1.167 V V2 = 1.167 V
V3 = 1.583 V V3 = 1.583 V
I1 = 3.000 mA I1 = 3.000 mA
I2 = 4.000 mA I2 = 4.000 mA
I (through R1) = 333.2 µA I (through R1) = 333.3 µA
I (through R2) = 833.2 µA I (through R2) = 833.3 µA
I (through R3) = 2.667 mA I (through R3) = 2.667 mA
I (through R4) = 1.167 mA I (through R4) = 1.167 mA
I (through R5) = 3.167 mA I (through R5) = 3.167 mA

The purpose of this experiment was to verify Kirchhoff's Current Law which states that “The
algebraic sum of all the currents at any node in a circuit equals zero”.

We can see from the above table that the manual results and simulations results are almost the
same, so the purpose was met.

Name: Surjosnath Guha Thakurta

Roll no.: 21BDS0177
Date: 30-09-2021

Experiment 2

Verification of Kirchhoff Voltage Law

Aim: To verify Kirchhoff Voltage Law using Orcad software and compare with theoretical results.
Apparatus required:
SL Component Name Range Quantity
1 Voltage Source 6V 1
8V 1
2 Resistors 1Ω 1
2Ω 1
4Ω 1
5Ω 1
10 Ω 1
3 Ground 0V 1

Analysis Type: Bias Point

Circuit Diagram:


Passive Sign Convention

 When we analyze an electrical circuit, we write mathematical relationships that describes
the circuit behavior.

 For passive circuit elements, we need to define voltage polarities and current directions
according to the Passive sign convention.
 Assumed positive current enters the assumed positive voltage terminal of passive
 Either voltage polarity or current direction can be chosen arbitrarily.
 Once one is chosen (either voltage or current), it dictates the choice of the other.
Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL)

 The algebraic sum of all the voltages around any closed path in a circuit equals zero

 The "algebraic" correspond to the reference direction to each voltage in the loop.

 This idea by Kirchhoff is commonly known as the Conservation of Energy, as moving around

a closed loop, or circuit, we will end up back to where we started in the circuit and therefore
back to the same initial potential with no loss of voltage around the loop. Hence any voltage
drops around the loop must be equal to any voltage sources met along the way.

Assigning a positive sign to a voltage drop (+ to -)

Assigning a negative sign to a voltage rise (- to +)

Loop 1:V 1 +V 2−5=0

Loop 2:V 3 +V 4−V 2 =0

Mesh Current Analysis

Steps to Determine Mesh Currents:

 Identify mesh (loops).

 Assign mesh currents i1, i2, . . . , in to the n meshes.

 Apply KVL to each of the n meshes. Use Ohm’s law to express the voltages in terms of the
mesh currents.

 Solve the resulting n simultaneous equations to get the mesh currents.

Voltages from Mesh Currents

i. Search for ‘Capture CIS Lite’ and open the software
ii. File -> New -> Project…
iii. Write the name of the project (say Exp2), select ‘PSpice Analog or Mixed A/D’, select the
desired location where you want to save your file, and then click on ‘OK’
iv. Select ‘Create a blank project’ and click on ‘OK’
v. Schematic window opens, now select the ‘Place part’ from the toolbar at the right side of
the screen
vi. Go to ‘Libraries’ -> ‘Add Library’ -> Select all the files (Shortcut key: Ctrl + A) -> ‘Open’
vii. For resistors, type “r” under the ‘Part’ search bar and then double click at ‘R/ANALOG’ from
the ‘Part List’. In the given circuit diagram we need five resistors. So place the five resistors
on the schematic window by clicking the left button of the mouse. After placing the resistors,
right-click and click on ‘End mode’ (or Esc).
viii. For the direct voltage source, type “vdc” under the ‘Part’ search bar and then double click at
‘VDC/SOURCE’ from the ‘Part List’. In the given circuit diagram we need two voltage sources.
So place the two voltage sources on the schematic window by clicking the left button of the
mouse. After placing the voltage source, right-click and click on ‘End mode’ (or Esc).
ix. Arrange the circuit elements by selecting and dragging them as per the Circuit Diagram
given. If you want to rotate the resistor or change the direction of the current of the direct
current source, select the circuit element by left-clicking and click on ‘Rotate’.
x. Select the ‘Place wire’ from the toolbar at the right side of the screen. Connect the circuit
elements terminal-to-terminal (Make sure the wire does not cross through the circuit
element as a short circuit will occur, resulting in wrong observations). After connecting,
right-click and click on ‘End wire’ (or Esc).
xi. Change the values or/and name of the circuit elements by double-clicking on it. Write down
the desired value and click on ‘OK’
xii. Select the ‘Place ground’ from the toolbar (7th row, 1st column) at the right side of the
screen. The following selection is made my default (‘0/CAPSYM’ below the ‘Symbol:’, select
‘CAPSYM’ and ‘Design Cache’ under ‘Libraries:’) Enter the desired name of the ground and
click on ‘OK’. Place the ground at the bottom of the circuit. After placing the ground, right-
click and click on ‘End mode’ (or Esc). Circuit design is over.
xiii. Go to the main menu then ‘PSpice’ -> ‘New Simulation Profile’
xiv. Give the same name as the project name (Exp2 in our case), ‘Inherit From:’ none then click
on create
xv. A ‘Simulation Settings’ window will open. Under the ‘Analysis’ tab. Select ‘Bias Point’ under
‘Analysis Type:’ and then click on ‘OK’
xvi. Go to the main menu then ‘PSpice’ -> ‘Run’
xvii. A window opens in the task bar which shows 100% at the right bottom corner of the screen.
This means simulation is done
xviii. Come back to the schematic window, Enable the green buttons ‘V’ and ‘I’ to view the node
voltages and currents respectively
Manual Calculati ons:
Simulati on results:
Manual Results Simulations Results
I1 (through R1) = 329.1 mA I1 (through R1) = 329.1 mA
I2 (through R2) = 1.026 A I2 (through R2) = 1.026 A
I3 (through R3) = 162.4 mA I3 (through R3) = 162.4 mA
I4 (through R4) = 1.355 A I4 (through R4) = 1.355 A
I5 (through R5) = 1.188 A I5 (through R5) = 1.188 A

The purpose of this experiment was to verify Kirchhoff's Voltage Law which states that “The
algebraic sum of all the voltages around any closed path in a circuit equals zero”.

We can see from the above table that the manual results and simulations results are almost the
same, so the purpose was met.

Name: Surjosnath Guha Thakurta

Roll no.: 21BDS0177

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