Y5 English Holiday Homework 2020-2021

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Pakistan International School Jeddah – English Section

Academic Session 2020 – 2021

5 Y

Name: ________________________

Class: ________Section:_________

English Holiday Homework Pack

Learning Objectives

 to enhance the skill of skim and scan for the main and specific details in a comprehension
passage respectively
 to demonstrate understanding of explicit and implicit meanings in a text
 to improve vocabulary
 to develop broad writing skills
 to develop content and use language appropriate to genre, purpose and audience
 to practise handwriting patterns and the joining of letters

Dear Parents,

In order to address the challenges of virtual learning like students’ motivation and to keep them
engaged through this mode of learning, we have integrated different learning tools like live
worksheet, wordwall, quizizz etc. in MS Teams to make this virtual learning a success. You are
requested to, kindly encourage your child to complete the homework independently during the
summer holidays.

*Students are required to submit the hard copy of homework pack on the first day of the school to
their respective Homerooms.

Thank you.

Alice in Wonderland

Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to
do. Once or twice, she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or
conversations in it, “What is the use of a book,” thought Alice, “without pictures or
conversation?” Suddenly, a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her. The rabbit pulled out a
watch from his pocket to check the time. He shook his head, then disappeared down a rabbit’s

“I must find out why he’s in such a hurry!” cried Alice. Filled with curiosity, she ran after the
rabbit and peeped through the entrance. Alice fell in the hole and fell for a long time when
suddenly she came upon a little three-legged table with a tiny golden key sitting on it. When she
looked around again, she saw a low curtain she had not noticed before, and behind it, was a little
door about fifteen inches high. She tried the little golden key in the lock, and to her great delight it
fitted! She opened the door and saw a beautiful garden through it, but she couldn’t reach it as she
was too big.

When she turned around towards the three-legged table, Alice found a green bottle that said
“DRINK ME” magically appeared on it. Alice drank the entire potion out of curiosity. Strangely,
she began to shrink until she was no bigger than a doll. She quickly ran through into the garden,
“What a splendid garden!” she exclaimed. “Why, I’m no bigger than the insects that crawl on
these flowers.” Alice soon grew bored with her tiny size. “I want to be big again,” she shouted.
Her shouts startled the White Rabbit, who ran past her again. Mistaking her for his maid, he
ordered, “Go to my cottage and fetch my gloves and fan.” “Maybe I’ll find something at the
cottage to help find my way out,” she thought hopefully.

As she was going out, she saw a piece of chocolate cake, next to which there was a note that read
“EAT ME”. “I’m so hungry,” Alice said as she ate the cake. She felt a strange and funny feeling,
“Oh, no! I’ve grown larger than this house!” she cried. “Get out of my way! You’re blocking the
door!” shouted the White Rabbit. Alice managed to pick up his fan as she began to shrink. Little
did she know, it was a magical fan, which made her small again. “Oh no, I’ll never get back to the
right size!”

Soon, she saw a green caterpillar dressed in a pink jacket. He was sitting on the top of a large
mushroom, smoking a bubble pipe. “One side makes you big, the other side makes you small,” he
hummed before slithering away. “One side of what?” Alice called after him. “The mushroom,
silly,” he answered. Alice ate a piece of the mushroom. “Thank goodness, I’m growing!” she
cried, “But which way do I go?”

There was a table set out under a tree in front of the house, and the March Hare and the Hatter
were having tea at it. “No room! No room!” they cried out when they saw Alice coming. “There’s
PLENTY of room!” said Alice unhappily, and she sat down in a large armchair at one end of the
table. “It isn’t very civil of you to sit down without being invited,” said the March Hare. “I
didn’tknow it was YOUR table,” said Alice; “it’s laid for a great many more than three.” She then
continued her walk as she felt uninvited.

Yet again she found herself in the middle of a field where the Queen of Hearts was playing
croquet. Her guards and gardeners were shaped like cards. One gardener had planted white roses
by mistake and was painting them red. “Put him in the jail!” shrieked the Queen. “I hate white
roses!”. The queen noticed Alice and asked her, “Have you ever played croquet?” “Yes,” Alice
timidly answered. “Play with me!” ordered the Queen. “And let me win or I’ll put you in jail!”
Alice tried her best to play but couldn’t quite. “Put her in jail!” cried the Queen. Just then a
trumpet sounded in the distance calling court to session. Everyone rushed into the courtroom.

“Court is now in session,” announced the White Rabbit, “Will Alice please come to the stand?”
Alice took the stand and looked at the jury box, where the March Hare and the Mad Hatter were
making noise. “You are guilty of stealing the delicious heart-shaped tarts!” accused the Queen.
“How silly,” replied Alice. “I did not have the slightest idea what you were talking about! I was
only playing croquet.”

Just then, Alice felt someone touch her shoulder, “Wake up. You’ve been sleeping for too long,”
said her sister softly. “I had a strange dream,” said Alice. She told her sister about the White
Rabbit, the mad tea party, the Queen of Hearts and the trial. But her sister wasn’t paying attention.
“You’re reading again,” mumbled Alice. As she stretched, Alice saw a little White Rabbit with
pink eyes scurry behind a tree.

Read the text and answers the questions given below:

1. What is genre of the text? Write any one feature of the genre.



2. Write two elements of the genre that you could identify from the given text?



3. How was Alice feeling at the start of the story?



4. Support your answer for question 3 by giving an evidence from the story.



5. Sequence the following sentences into the correct order.

Queen was playing croquet.

Alice followed the rabbit.

Alice’s sister woke her up.

The door was very short for Alice to pass through.

6. Why did Alice think, the book her sister was reading was boring?



7. Why did Alice follow the white rabbit?



8. Who is the point of view character of the story? Support your answer by giving a reason.



9. Write one sentence from the rising action of the story.



10.You are not allowed to sit in our tea part said the Mad Hatter with a frown.

Add the missing punctuation marks to the sentence and write on the lines below.



11. She felt a strange and funny feeling.

Change the given sentence into future tense and write on the lines below.


12. I want to eat the _________ mushroom?

Tick the correct homophone to complete the sen-




13. Find and write an adverb from the third paragraph.


14.The caterpillar was wearing a ‘pink jacket’, it was ___________.

Identify and tick the powerful adjective to describe the jacket.




15. a) Find and write a figure of speech from the 2nd paragraph.


b) Identify and write what kind of figure of speech is it?


16. What a splendid garden.” Tick the box that shows the correct synonym for the word





17. Imagine you discovered a wonderland like Alice, how would you have felt?



Writing Skills:

Next morning, Alice was feeling refreshed and didn’t believe it was a dream. She peeked behind
the tree she saw the rabbit go behind and found stairs leading down into the tree trunk. Alice
looked around and saw her sister making a chain out of wild daisies.

“I will collect some more daisies for you, I’ll be back real soon!” Alice assured her sister. Her
sister just hummed and nodded. Alice rushed to the stairs as she couldn’t wait to explore the other
side of the world again.

As Alice was climbing down the stairs, she tripped. She tumbled down and down and down the
dark stair case and suddenly found herself landing on a pink, fluffy piece of cloud. “Oh goodness
me! The clouds do feel a lot like cotton candy. I wonder if they taste as such?”

Continue your story to give it a plot and a conclusion. Use your best vocabulary to write an
impressive piece of writing.

You may add

 an appropriate title to your story

 two to three characters
 some more details about the wonders of the world that Alice has just discovered
 some strong adjectives and powerful verbs to make your story come alive
 figurative language to make it more attractive

Continue your story here …





















Content – make sure that your draft is complete with all the details about the character/setting.
Punctuation – it is very important while writing a draft. Recheck your story to make sure punctuation marks
like full stops, commas, speech marks, etc., are correctly inserted.
Purpose and audience – the text should be according to the question given. Unnecessary details should
not to be included.
Spelling – check your spellings thoroughly in the end.
Text structure – the story should be properly, neatly and correctly divided into paragraphs.Scribbling and
crossing the words by drawing lines on them is strictly not allowed.
Sentence structure – the sentences should be properly constructed with same tense throughout the story.

Donkey to Market

Long ago, there lived a man named Tao, who with his son Shan raised a donkey's calf. When the
calf grew up, the man said to his son, "Now our donkey has become plump and handsome. If we
sell it now, we can get a good price for it. The village where someone needs one is very far from
here. If we make the donkey walk to that far away village, it may get thin by fatigue, and its price
will go down. How can we get a good price for it?"

Finally, the man and his son decided what to do. They caught the donkey, fastened each pair of its
feet tightly together, passed a pole between the pairs of feet, and shouldered its two ends. Thus,
they began to carry it to the far away village where they hoped to get a good price.

While going on their way, they were seen by villagers who were much amused to see such a sight.
They burst into laughter and said, "Hey, what a strange thing! Two men carrying a donkey!" They
chided the man: "Old man, do not do so. A donkey has never been carried by men. It is the donkey
which has to carry men on its back."

On hearing this, the father then said to the son, "ride alone on it and I will follow you, for our
donkey is not as strong as an ox to carry both of us." And so, the young man did.

As they were passing through another village, the young man was asked, "Where are you riding,

"I ride to a village called Kompang," answered the young man.

And pointing to the old man, they asked, "Who is this old man behind you?"

"He is my father," the young man replied. 

On hearing this, the villagers became angry and said, "What an ungrateful son you are! You are
strong enough to walk while your old father is not so. You had better get down at once and let
your old father ride the donkey." 

On hearing this sharp remark, the young man at once got down from the donkey and the old man
took his place. Then they continued their journey.

After some time, they came near a well at the end of a certain village, there was a throng of young
women who came to draw water from there. Looking at the handsome young man walking slowly
behind the donkey, they felt a great sympathy for him. The young women approached the donkey
and said roughly to the old man, "This young donkey is fat and pretty; it is worthy of the young
man who is in the same happy state; an old man like you is not fit to ride on it!"

10 | P a g e
When the old man and his son heard such unkind words, they discussed the matter. "We will both

ride together on the donkey,” decided the old man. And they continued the journey.

After crossing some distance, they reached a customhouse. They were then seen by the officer of
the customhouse, who scolded,

"Your donkey is not strong and old enough to carry both of you. If you keep on riding along as far
as the village of Kompang, it will become thin and its price will go down. How foolish you are!"

The father and son looked at each other. "We cannot be in agreement with all people. Whatever we
do, we get a scolding from someone." At last, they agreed: "We will just have to travel as we see
fit, and put up with the blame as it comes," announced Shan. They went on and finally reached the
village, sold their donkey for a very good price and returned home without further loss of time

Moral: Try to please everyone, and you will

please no one.

11 | P a g e
Read the text carefully to answer the questions:

1. (a) What is the genre of the given extract?

Explanatory text

Personal narrative

Traditional story

(b) Mention a feature of the genre.


2. Read these statements about the ‘A Donkey To Market’. Tick two boxes which are true
from the story.

A man namedTao, who had a son, raised a cow’s calf.

It was Shan who insisted his father to sell the donkey.

Despite several tries, the father and son couldn’t satisfy anyone.

They both decided to do what in their view is best.

3. Find and write one example of simile from the story.


4. What verb tense is being used in the passage?


5. Stories like this often end with morals. Write an alternate moral for this story.


12 | P a g e
6. Did Tao and his son decided to sell the donkey in their own village?



Give an evidence from the text to support your answer.



7. What was Tao’s initial plan to take the donkey to the market?



8. Did you agree with any of the advices Tao and his son Shan received from people? Why

or why not?



9. Find and write two powerful adjectives from the text to describe the donkey:

1) ________________________ 2) __________________________

10. Mention a quote which shows the father and son’s final agreement on who to follow.



13 | P a g e
11.“What an ungrateful son you are!”
What do you think the word "ungrateful" means in this sentence?




12.How would have you responded to everyone’s advices if you were at the place of Tao?



14 | P a g e
Writing Skills

On the bank of a stream far in the West, an Owl lived long ago in a little house under the
ground. He had very strange habits. He always kept away from the Great Water and he dwelt
for the most part in the forest. He had very few friends, and he usually went hunting by himself.
He lived on toads and frogs and flies. He was always silent, gazing into space with wide-open
Not far away lived a little boy who loved taking walks in the forest. One day while walking, he saw
the Owl sitting on his branch. The boy stood under the tree and……….

You have read the beginning of the story, now continue it and give it a plot and the conclusion.

Owl, a boy
Characters Will anyone else be part of this story?
What does the boy do/say?
Plot Decide what is going to happen when the boy
approaches the owl.
Will the owl do /say anything or will he remain silent?
Setting Forest – use ideas you know well.

Remember to include as much detail as you can in your story. Use the most interesting

vocabulary you can.


Spend up to 5 minutes making notes in the box to plan your story.

15 | P a g e
Now continue your story here:















16 | P a g e














Content – make sure that your draft is complete with all the details about the character/setting.
Punctuation – it is very important while writing a draft. Recheck your story to make sure punctuation marks
like full stops, commas, speech marks, etc., are correctly inserted.
Purpose and audience – the text should be according to the question given. Unnecessary details should
not to be included.
Spelling – check your spellings thoroughly in the end.
Text structure – the story should be properly, neatly and correctly divided into paragraphs.Scribbling and
crossing the words by drawing lines on them is strictly not allowed.
Sentence structure – the sentences should be properly constructed with same tense throughout the story.

17 | P a g e


Great Pyramid of Giza

The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the Seven
Wonders of the world because it is the largest
pyramid in Egypt. The Great Pyramid of Giza is
located 5 miles west of the Nile River and is close
to the City of Cairo. This pyramid is part of other
pyramids called the Giza Necropolis.

Who was the Great Pyramid of Giza Built for?

The Great Pyramid of Giza was built for the great
pharaoh, Khufu. Pharaoh Khufu was a very rich and famous pharaoh and his pyramid held many
different treasures of gold, jewels and more. The tomb held these treasures because the Egyptians
believed that when people died, they took with them whatever was in their tomb.

Mystery Behind the Great Pyramid of Giza:

It is a mystery as to how the pyramids were built. No one is really sure how the Egyptians were
able to build such massive structures. Some believe that the Egyptians were able to move the stone
blocks to the top of the pyramids, but we know that they would have had to have some type of
machines or tools to do this.
Some historians think that they might have used things like sleds or water to boost the blocks to
the top of the pyramid and to help the blocks slide easier. We may never really know how the
pyramids really got to where they are.

What is Inside the Great Pyramid of Giza?

The Great Pyramid of Giza was built for the royalty and has over three rooms. These rooms
include a Grand Gallery, the King’s Chamber and the Queen’s Chamber. The King’s Chamber is
the most important room and it is located in the highest part of the pyramid. Not only is this room
important and bigger than the other rooms, it also has a granite sarcophagus. A sarcophagus is a
The Grand Gallery has a huge hallway which is over 150 feet long, over 5 feet wide and almost 30
feet high. There are also other areas such as tunnels that lead all through the pyramid to the

18 | P a g e
Read the given text and answer the questions.

1. What is the genre of the given text? Mention one feature of it.


2. What would the purpose be of having sub-headings in this text?


3. Why are the pyramids of Giza so mysterious?


4. The pyramid has more ways to exit rather than just one.
Is this statement true or false?



5. With evidence from the text, support your answer

to Q4.


19 | P a g e
6. According to the historians, how did the workers manage to lift the enormous bricks?


7. What is a pharaoh? Write the answer in your own words.


8. Do you think the pharaohs were kind to the people? Why or why not?


9. Were the pyramids constructed for the common people of Egypt?



10.Give a reason from the text to support your answer to Q9.


20 | P a g e
Writing Skills

You have read an informative text on The Pyramid of Giza. Now using the following points, write

an informative text onThe Great Wall of China.

 ancient wall in China - made of cement, rocks, bricks, and powdered dirt.
 finished in 1878 - meant to protect the north of the empire of China from enemy attacks.
 the longest structure humans have ever built.
 Thousands of workers died, giant falling stones, exhaustion, disease, animal attacks, and
 the starting point – Jiayu Pass - built by the Ming dynasty.
 The end point of the Great Wall - the Shanhai pass in Shanhaiguan district - commonly
known as “The Old Dragon’s Head”
 built by several old dynasties.
 took 22 centuries for it to finish
 The main purpose – protection against enemies like Mongols and other foreign invaders.

You should think about:

 how to organise the text

 how to elaborate the points, adding descriptive words and phrases.

Spend up to 5 minutes making notes in the box to plan your page.

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22 | P a g e



















23 | P a g e
Content – make sure that your draft is complete with all the details about the character/setting.
Punctuation – it is very important while writing a draft. Recheck your story to make sure punctuation marks
like full stops, commas, speech marks, etc., are correctly inserted.
Purpose and audience – the text should be according to the question given. Unnecessary details should not
to be included.
Spelling – check your spellings thoroughly in the end.
Text structure – the story should be properly, neatly and correctly divided into paragraphs.Scribbling and
crossing the words by drawing lines on them is strictly not allowed.
Sentence structure – the sentences should be properly constructed with same tense throughout the story.


Read the text then answer the following questions.

1. (a)What is the genre of this text?

Informative text


Newspaper report

Personal narrative

(b)Write one feature of the genre you chose above?


2. How long had Peake been living on the ISS?

24 | P a g e
(a) Did Tim have two jobs on the mission?
ThemenwereLaunchedintospace0n15thDecember 2015
and No in the months before take-off,they trained
intensively for their trip. The missioninvolved
conducting experiments, testing out
(b) Give an evidence to
newtechnologyandinspiringthenext support your answer.
ghlight of his mission was a spacewalk where hehad to
a repair 0n thespace station. Whilstaway from
in a recent press conference, Peake
home, Tim also ran the equivalent
commented 0nhow he'd missed family and
friends, and even therain. Tim expressed how
Havingcircledthe p l a n e t nearly 3,000times in much he was now Lookingforwardto
4. What is the headline of the newspaper report? spendingsomequalitytimewithhisfamily.
186 days, the crew returned home to Earth viaa When asked if he'd return to space in
Soyuz capsule, whichreached speeds ofup to28,000
kilometres per hour (25 times the
speedofsound).Thetouchdown was bumpy due His service to science has earned him
What washowever
winds, hard about being onLandedsafelyin
the astronauts the ISS for so long?
Kazakhstan. Theyallreturnedin goodhealth. Having MG,orcompanionoftheorderofStMichaeland
arrived back onsolid ground,the astronauts were StGeorge. in response,Tim
pulled out of the capsuleand carried as their said,'Iamonlyoneprivileged person in a
Legmuscles were too weaktowalk.Whilstsittingin complex team of technicians,scientists,
their space suits, themen were checked over by engineers, educators, trainers and
6. Writestaff.
medical the byline and the checks,Peake
Duringthese place line of this
askedhowit felt to behome, 'The smells of Earth are egreatest scientific andtechnical challenges
so strong andit'swonderfultobebackinthefreshair.' of ourtime - exploring our solar system for
Place line____________________________________________________
Tim Later flewfrom Kazakhstan to the
headquartersof the European Stage Agency in Cologne,
Germanywhere he is recovering and adjusting to Life
7. Why do you think Tim dedicated his special honour to the entire team?
back0n Earth. Scientists are carryingout tests to
seehowhisbodyhasbeen affectedbyhis time inspace.


8. In a newspaper report, what do we keep in mind while writing the ‘lead paragraph’?

25 | P a g e
9. Give two reasons why space travel is important.

10.Tick the best description of the text.

It informs readers about what’s happening around the world.
It contains fantasy elements.
It contains true information with evidence.

11.(a)Identify two connectives from the text.

(b) How do you think these connectives help the writer?

12.Find one present tense sentence from the text.


13.Find one past tense sentence from the text.


14.Add comma in the following sentence.

The missioninvolved conducting experiments testing out

newtechnologyandinspiringthenext generationofspacetravellers.

15.Circle the powerful verb which is closely related to the verb: begin
 halt
 launch
 escape

26 | P a g e
16.Identify and underline the powerful adjective in the following sentence.

Tim said,'Iamonlyoneprivileged person in a complex team of technicians,scientists, engineers,

educators, trainers and flightdirectors”.

17.Rewrite the following sentence by changing into future tense.

Thetouchdown was bumpy due tohighwinds,howevertheastronautslandedsafelyin

18.Join the underlined words in the sentence to match the correct word classes. One has
beendone for you.


noun verb adverb adjective

27 | P a g e
Section B: Writing

To promote healthy eating habits amongst school children your school recently organised a
“Nutritious Food and Snack Competition.” The competition was open to both parents and
students. A famous nutrition expert was the Chief Guest. The event was watched by thousands of
viewers through live streaming.

Keep in mind the following points to cover at the event:

 Where and when did the event happen?
 What were the most interesting parts of the event?
 Who were the people involved in organizing the event?

 Use relevant information.

 Add quotes from relevant people.
 Pay attention to spelling and punctuation.
Think about:
 an eye-catching headline
 how to organize the text
 how to make the text interesting and clear


28 | P a g e
Spend up to 5 minutes making notes in the box to plan your page.











29 | P a g e









30 | P a g e
Q1. Simile or Metaphor

Identify the sentences as Simile or Metaphor and then circle the nouns that are being

 Her hair was as black as coal. ________________

 Life is a highway. ___________________
 After school, my sister and I are couch potatoes. _____________________
 Cindy is like a fish when she swims. ____________________________
 Just finish your work Jessica, don’t be a cry baby. _______________

Q2. Add commas to these sentences.

1. Kylie who could only walk slow managed to win the race.
Remember, commas
2. Mazinga a cruel and evil wizard turned my friend into a are used to separate
extra information.
3. Jonathan the boy in the blue baseball cap is my new friend.
4. Eleanor the most dangerous parrot in the world has robbed three banks.
5. I invited Sheila the new girl in our class to come to the party.

Q3. Add the appropriate connectives to these sentences.

31 | P a g e
Connectives are used to join two sentences.
For example: and, but, however

1. He reads magazine, ______________ he doesn't like to read books.

2. I like tea ______ I also love coffee.
3. _______________ John is a careful driver, he has had several accidents.
4. He goes abroad on holiday_______he doesn’t like flying.
5. My hands are freezing cold __________ I forgot to bring my gloves today.
6. The clouds turned black __________we decided to go back inside.

Q5. Change the tense of the following sentences.

1. He writes a letter to his mother. (Change to past)

2. The birds flew south for the winter. (Change to future)
3. The lion will roar fiercely. (Change to present)
4. They sleep well. (Change to past)
5. The wolf howled at the moon. (Change to future)
6. The monkey will swing through the jungle. (Change to present)

Q6: Copy this passage replacing the underlined verbs with more powerful ones.

Grandma put the beautiful, golden turkey on the table. Just as the family sat down to eat, the dog
jumped and took it off the table. It went through the house, pulling the turkey behind it. Everyone
went after it, but it was too late. The dog had already taken the turkey out in the yard and was
happily eating it as everyone watched.
32 | P a g e

Q7. Separate subject, verb and object from the following sentences.

1. My mom washed all the clothes in the washing machine.

Subject:__________________ verb: ___________________object:_________________

2. The giraffe stretched to chew the highest leaves on the tree.

Subject:__________________ verb: ___________________object:_________________

3. We ate a classic pizza in a restaurant.

Subject:__________________ verb: ___________________object:_________________

4. Sam bravely fought his way through the jungle.

Subject:__________________ verb: ___________________object:_________________

5. The brave fireman frantically fought the fire.

Subject:__________________ verb: ___________________object:_________________

Q8. Underline the adverbs in the following sentences and state their kind such as (manner,
place, time) Adverb of
place tell us
1. Stop it, you're eating greedily. ___________________ where
2. I'm going to tidy my room tomorrow. ___________________ happens.

Adverb of 33 | P a g e
3. The balloon drifted upwards. ___________________

4. He gave us the money generously. ___________________

5. I have done that journey before. ___________________

6. I'm moving to the West with my family.___________________

Q9: Rewrite these sentences by changing the bold adjective into a more powerful one.

1. The dog is happy to see you.


2. The weather today is hot.


3. Lorna’s new puppy was good.


Q10. Fill in the blanks by changing the verbs in the bracket into abstract nouns.
1. These are the terms and condition of your_________________(employ).

2. Japan has taken the lead in car__________________(produce).

3. We are in regular _______________ (communicate) by letter.

4. There was a lot of _________________(discuss) about the working report.

5. The __________________(agree) strengthened the bond between the two countries.

34 | P a g e
Q11. Complete the sentences below. Use the prefix “im” or “in” with the words in the box.

1. It was __________ for the young teenagers to rob the old lady.

2. After waiting for half an hour, the __________________customer stormed out of the store

and called the manager.

3. Grizzly bears are __________________ in winter.

4. The police report is _______________because it doesn’t state all the items that were stolen.

5. She was _________________ of calling for help when she fell down, and broke her leg.

6. I was ___________________ , I should not talk like this.

7. She had given me an______________list as one name was missing from it.

8. The detective solved an __________ case by capturing the murderers.

35 | P a g e

36 | P a g e
Week 1 Personal Narrative

37 | P a g e
Week 1 Task 2

Character Description: Auggie
















38 | P a g e
Week 1 Task 3 (a) Annexure A

39 | P a g e
Annexure A
Draw picture for each sentence

40 | P a g e
41 | P a g e
Week 1 Task 3 (b)

Words and their meanings

Circle the word that has the same meaning.

1. correct in all details; exact

careless accurate mistaken general

2. personal belongings packed in suitcases for traveling; luggage

bill check note baggage

3. prevent someone from giving full attention to something

distract anger upset calm

4. unable to rest or relax as a result of anxiety or boredom

collected composed restless quiet

5. very fine in texture or structure; of intricate workmanship or quality

firm strong delicate healthy

6. strange or odd; unusual

peculiar normal vague ordinary

7. cause a person or animal to feel sudden shock or alarm

calm reassure composed startle

8. a short journey undertaken in order to deliver or collect something

errand charge visit role

42 | P a g e
Week 1 Task 3 (c)
Annexure A

Use an experience that brought laughter into your day to tell a story. Elaborate on that
experience and make it part of a fictional short story. Tell the events in the sequence that they
1.How did the story begin?
2.List five things that happened to make you laugh.
3.List them in the order that they happened.
4. How did you feel about your experience?
5. How did the story end?














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44 | P a g e
Week 2 Polish Your Grammar!

45 | P a g e
Week 2

Task 2 - Describe and Draw!

6 Adjectives to describe your superhero!

1. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________

3. ____________________________________

4. ____________________________________

5. ____________________________________

6. ____________________________________

46 | P a g e
Week 2 Task 4

Annexure B


47 | P a g e
Week 4 – What’s Your Favorite Book?

Week 4 Task 2 Annexure C

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50 | P a g e
Week 5 – Non-Fiction

51 | P a g e
Week 5 Task 4 Annexure D

Did you know that people in Australia never see the Big Dipper? Instead, they have the
Southern Cross in their night sky. Write a letter to a friend in Australia describing the
constellations you see in your night sky.
1. Describe the constellations you see.
2. Tell how many stars make up these constellations and describe how they are
3. Do you know any of the stories related to these constellations? Maybe you
could research some of these if you don't.

52 | P a g e
4. What do these constellations remind you of?
5. What else is in the sky when you look up from where you live?
6. Describe what you see.









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