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STANDARD 11: Conservation Easement Stewardship 11A. Fund Easement Stewardship 11D. Landowner Relations 11E. Enforcement 11I.


Policy: The Wood River Land Trust has a comprehensive program of responsible stewardship for its conservation easements, including monitoring, record-keeping, enforcement, and fostering positive landowner relations. Practice 11A: Funding Easement Stewardship. The Land Trust has adopted a policy to ensure its ability to fulfill its stewardship responsibilities now and in the future. The Land Trust established the Stewardship Fund to cover the costs of conservation easement monitoring, land management, and enforcement. The policy specifies that at the time it accepts or acquires an interest in land the Land Trust shall deposit sufficient funds into the Stewardship Fund to support its obligation to protect the conservation values in perpetuity. The amount of this deposit is calculated and determined in accordance with the established policy and worksheet that are regularly reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors. The Land Trust also developed a plan to secure funds to fulfill stewardship obligations for land already under protection at the time the Stewardship Fund was created. (See Appendix 11A.1, Stewardship Fund Policy and Procedures; and Appendix 11A.2, Stewardship Fund Worksheet.) Practice 11D: Landowner Relations. The Land Trust maintains regular contact with owners of easement properties. The landowner is contacted before the site inspection and is invited to attend. Following the easement inspection, a letter is sent to the landowner documenting the results of the monitoring and includes reminders about easement requirements and obligations. The Land Trust periodically provides information to the landowner on best stewardship practices and regional issues of importance. The Land Trust will make a special effort to contact new property owners who have purchased eased properties to ensure that the owners are aware of the terms of the conservation easement and to provide general information about the Land Trust. Practice 11E: Enforcement of Easements. The Land Trust has adopted a written policy that details how it will respond to conservation easement violations and to ensure that any violations are resolved expeditiously. (See Appendix 11E.1: Wood River Land Trust Conservation Easement Enforcement Policy.) The policy also details violation prevention strategies designed to deter and avoid violations of easements. The policy articulates a process for response, including when to engage the Board of Directors and legal resources for enforcement and defense. Practice 11I: Amendments. The Land Trust has adopted an easement amendment policy that reflects the Land Trusts intent to hold and enforce conservation easements as originally executed. Amendments to conservation easements and deed-restricted properties will be authorized only under exceptional circumstances. (See Appendix 11I.1, Land Trust Conservation Easement Amendment Policy.) The policy specifies criteria that must be met in order for an amendment to be considered, including: 1) a net gain to the original conservation purpose and 2) a prohibition of any modification which could result in private inurement or more than incidental private benefit. The amendment policy requires payment to cover anticipated costs pertaining to review of the request, and requires that the requested amendment clearly demonstrate a conservation benefit.
Standard 11: Conservation Easement Stewardship - Page 1 of 2 Adopted by the Board November 27, 2007

Standard 11: Conservation Easement Stewardship - Page 2 of 2 Adopted by the Board November 27, 2007

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