Lewd Potion Table

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All of imbiber's fluids (drool, pre, vaginal lubricant, etc) become thick,
goopy, and highly virile semen instead. Any existing semen production is also
2. Imbiber has a soft, warm, and incredibly satisfying orgasm which lasts over the
next hour.
3. Drinker can't help but moan in the most sexual manner they can manage whenever
they try to speak.
4. Drinker begins to uncontroably gush pre-cum/vaginal fluid.
5. Breasts shrink to half their size. If drinker has no breasts, then nothing
6. Imbiber grows 2d6 internal testicles that immediately start producing large
amounts of sperm.
7. Drinker cannot orgasm unless given permission by someone else.
8. Imbiber's penis/vagina promptly glues itself shut with a sudden gush of
immensely sticky slime.
9. Imbiber's genitals start to glow with a soft inner light, as do their sexual
10. Roll twice, and apply both results.
11. Drinker's nipples become unbearably sensitive, to the point where wearing
clothing becomes troublesome.
12. Breasts grow by 1d4 cup sizes. If drinker has no breasts, they grow a pair 2d4
cup sizes large.
13. Imbiber gains immense sexual pleasure upon hearing their name.
14. Drinker's ass expands and they become absolutely bootylicious.
15. Imbiber's genitals become either immensely hot or incredibly cold to the touch.
16. If the drinker has a penis, it doubles in length and girth. If they do not have
a penis, they grow one 1d12+12 inches long and appropriately thick.
17. Drinker gains an intense craving for semen, which now acts like a powerful
18. Any clothes worn by the imbiber become invisible. This includes clothing put on
after drinking.
19. Drinker becomes incredibly tired, and will have extremely sexual dreams if they
do fall asleep.
20. Roll twice, and apply both results.
21. Imbiber gains an intense urge to masturbate, but conveniently forgets how.
22. Drinker suffers a massive, earth-shaking orgasm instantly.
23. Imbiber's fluids taste like chocolate.
24. Drinker loses control of their mouth, which proceeds to blurt out every naughty
thought and idea they've ever had.
25. Drinker loses their gag reflex.
26. Drinker's genitals become coated in a thin layer of super soft fur, inside and
27. Imbiber's tongue grows by 1d4 feet. It also brings sexual pleasure to the
drinker when touched, stroked, or otherwise used.
28. Drinker's penis shrinks by 2d6 inches/ breasts shrink by 1d4 cup sizes. The
next person to make physical contact with them gains this lost size for themselves.
29. Imbiber's ass suddenly becomes bottomless, able to take any and all insertions
with ease.
30. Roll twice, and apply both results.
31. Imbiber's hands constantly produce a clear lubricant that acts as a powerful
aphrodisiac when applied to someone else.
32. Drinker grows a tentacle just above their genitals, which immediately begins to
pleasure them.
33. Laughter arouses the drinker, whether it's their own or someone else's.
34. Drinker's testicles shrink by half their size. If user does not have testicles,
then nothing happens.
35. Imbiber grows a series of lumps and ridges either along the length of their
penis or on the inside of their vagina. These new growths are incredibly sensitive
to the touch.
36. Drinker's ass immediately becomes as flat as a board.
37. Some invisible force keeps pulling at the drinker's clothing, exposing them at
the most inopportune times.
38. Imbiber gains a second penis/vagina.
39. Drinker can bring themselves to orgasm by holding their breath.
40. Roll twice, and apply both results.
41. Imbiber lays an egg through whatever genitals they possess.
42. Drinker's hands come off at the wrist and proceed to molest them in every way
43. Imbiber grows a second urethra, just above the first.
44. Drinker grows a sheath which hides their genitals unless they are aroused.
45. Imbiber's skin seems to be constantly wet and shiny.
46. Imbiber grows 1d4 fat, fleshy medial rings, either along the length of their
penis or along their vaginal canal.
47. Drinker cannot stop drooling.
48. Drinker's cum vein/vaginal passage corkscrews in on itself, becoming
uncomfortably tight.
49. Drinker's sperm/egg production immediately quadruples.
50. Roll twice, and apply both results.
51. Imbiber grows 1d4 extra clitorises. If they do not have a clitoris, then
nothing happens.
52. Drinker becomes a semen magnet. Any cumshots in the general vicinity always
seem to land on them, no matter how unlikely it might seem.
53. Drinker's hair becomes a highly erogenous zone.
54. Drinker's penis/breasts squeak loudly when squeezed.
55. Imbiber's muscles become much more defined, giving them visible abs, biceps,
56. The sight of plants, and especially flowers, highly arouses the drinker.
57. Drinker's urethra/vaginal canal continuously flexes itself open and closed.
58. Imbiber becomes completely invisible when they engage in any kind of sexual
59. Drinker's lips taste like candy, becoming plump and kissable as well.
60. Roll twice, and apply both results.
61. Drinker's shadow begins to pleasure itself, forcing them to feel every single
phantom sensation.
62. Drinker becomes androgynous. Their actual appearance doesn't change, but
everyone just loses the ability to discern their gender.
63. Imbiber's penis doubles in length, but loses the ability to become erect. If
drinker does not have a penis, then nothing happens.
64. Drinker's voice doubles in volume whenever they moan, swear, or talk dirty.
65. Imbiber suddenly feels like they've been continuously edged for the better part
of a month.
66. Pink smoke rises out of the drinker's ears, and they become incredibly dumb and
sex obsessed.
67. Imbiber's genitals begin to speak, begging to be satisfied.
68. Drinker's next orgasm is dull and deeply unsatisfying.
69. Imbiber's lips become a powerful erogenous zone.
70. Roll twice, and apply both results.
71. Drinker's bones become rubbery and bendable, and all of their joints loosen to
the point where they become incredibly flexible.
72. All of the drinker's sexual fluids become highly carbonated.
73. Drinker's breasts start leaking copious amounts of honey. If drinker does not
have breasts, then nothing happens.
74.Drinker's genitals become numb, unresponsive to any and all stimulation.
75. Imbiber's hair grows long, voluminous, and turns platinum blonde.
76. Drinker's genitals fall off, leaving smooth skin behind. Resulting detached
genitals can then be used as sex toys, with sensations transferred to the drinker.
77. A number display floats over the drinker's head, displaying how close they are
to orgasm in a percentage score.
78. Imbiber keeps seeing incredibly sexual acts going on just out of their vision,
which disappear when they try to focus on them.
79. Drinker keeps hearing the faint sounds of moaning and vigorous sexual activity.
80. Roll twice, and apply both results.
81. Imbiber loses the ability to see clothing of any kind, knows what everyone
looks like naked.
82. Videos of all the drinker's sexual acts are posted on social media, regardless
of if they were actually recorded or not.
83. Drinker's vagina bestows x-ray vision on partners, allowing them to see inside
of drinker's vaginal passage during sex. If drinker has no vagina, then nothing
84. Imbiber grows a series of smooth scales across their abdomen, which are very
pleasing to touch and rub.
85. Base of drinker's penis bloats into a knot that's twice as thick as their
regular length. If drinker has no penis, then nothing happens.
86. Drinker has an afterglow about them at all times, as if they just had amazing
87. Sight of imbiber sends everybody into a furious heat/rut.
88. Drinker's breasts/penis grows when wet, like a plant being watered.
89. Drinker's penis will no longer fit in any hole. It's simply too big. If drinker
has a vagina, then nothing will fit into it. It's simply too small.
90. Roll twice, and apply both results.
91. Any semen drinker consumes makes their breasts/testicles grow.
92. Imbiber loses ability to accurately estimate size of objects, thinks all
penises are twelve inches longer than they actually are.
93. Drinker is censored, a mass of pixels obscuring their genitals and breasts at
all times.
94. Sex toys of any kind cease to pleasure the imbiber. They need the real thing.
95. Drinker always seems to have a condom on them somewhere, no matter how
96. Drinker looks ridiculously busty when wearing any kind of top. If drinker is
already endowed, then they look as flat as a board instead. The effect stops when
the clothing is removed.
97. Drinker always wakes from sleep intensely and messily aroused.
98. Imbiber shrinks with every orgasm, losing a foot of height, to a minimum of
three feet tall.
99. Drinker's balls/womb are immediately filled to the brim with small tentacle
creatures, which begin to thrash and squirm and eventually force themselves out of
whatever genitals the drinker possesses.
100. Roll twice, and apply both results.
101. Drinker goes blind. Ingesting fresh semen restores their sight for an hour.
102. Imbiber makes wild barnyard animal noises when engaged in sexual activity.
Moos, snorts, grunts, etc.
103. Drinker cannot reach orgasm unless they are holding someone else's hand.
104. Imbiber develops an intricate tattoo right above their crotch, which details
all manner of filthy, nasty things in delicate script.
105. Drinker experiences small, messy orgasms at inopportune moments.
106. All of drinker's underwear suddenly seem a size too small.
107. Drinker's skin tastes like fresh strawberries.
108. Imbiber is intensely aroused by money and wealth of any kind.
109. Drinker immediately goes into a vicious heat/rut.
110. Roll twice, and apply both results.
111. Drinker's saliva becomes highly caffeinated.
112. Drinker's head is engulfed in a tight latex mask, leaving only their mouth
exposed. Strangely, it does not impact their senses in any way.
113. Imbiber loses the ability to wear anything except jewelry.
114. Drinker's breasts/testicles double in weight, but remain the same size.
115. Drinker's genitals are coated in chrome.
116. Imbiber's sweat has a pleasing, relaxing floral aroma.
117. Drinker forgets everything they know about sex, and becomes very eager to
118. Drinker ejaculates milk and/or lactates semen.
119. Drinker becomes completely hairless.
120. Roll twice, and apply both results.
121. Imbiber sprouts a pair of large horns from their head, which conveniently look
like handlebars.
122. Any and all birth control stops working in the drinker's presence. Pills fail,
condoms break, etc.
123. Imbiber's pubic hair becomes soft, luxurious, poofy wool.
124. Drinker's vagina is replaced by a ravenous mouth. If drinker has no vagina,
then nothing happens.
125. Drinker becomes intensely aroused whenever they're on camera.
126. Imbiber hears a sultry voice whisper temptations in their ear every so often.
127. Drinker's penis becomes furiously erect whenever covered by clothing. If
drinker does not have a penis, then nothing happens.
128. Drinker's nipples and genitals disappear, leaving smooth skin behind.
129. Drinker's genitals become very sticky, inside and out.
130. Roll twice, apply both results.
131. Imbiber no longer needs to breathe when performing oral sex.
132. Drinker develops a deep sexual attraction to themself.
133. Drinker's breasts become huge, perky, and fake looking bolt-ons. If drinker
has no breasts, they grow a pair.
134. Force and distance Drinker ejaculates/squirts during orgasm is tripled. If
drinker wasn't a squirter before, they are now.
135.Imbiber grows an extra prostate. If drinker does not have a prostate, then they
grow a new one.
136. Drinker sprouts a small switch just above their crotch. When flipped on, their
genitals vibrate wildly.
137. Drinker can feel phantom tongues toying with their nipples.
138. Drinker's presence prevents any and all orgasms except their own.
139. Inside of imbiber's penis/vagina becomes annoyingly itchy.
140. Roll twice, apply both results.
141. Drinker grows a second tongue.
142. Gravity stops affecting the drinker when they engage in any kind of sexual
143. Drinker's sperm cells octuple in size. If drinker does not produce sperm, then
nothing happens.
144. Imbiber can't help but dance like a stripper whenever they hear music.
145. Drinker's virginity grows back.
146. Imbiber's fingers are replaced with wriggly, foot-long, slime-dripping
147. Drinker grows a long prehensile tail which seems to have a mind of its own,
teasing the drinker at inoppurtune moments.
148. Drinker's orgasms are accompanied by a billowing cloud of multicolored smoke.
149. Bottom of drinker's feet become a highly erogenous zone.
150. Roll twice, apply both results.

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