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C. Carrier*, D. Hodouin*, M. Courchesne**

*Groupe de Recherche sur les Applications de

I'Informatique k 1'Industrie Minerale.
University Laval, Quebec, Canada.
**Les Ressources Aiguebelle (Div. Mine Yvan
V e z i n a ) , Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec, Canada


The carbon in pulp process for gold recovery from cyanide solutions is now the
standard technique in new plants. For a better understanding of the operation of
this process, a dynamic model has been developped which involves adsorption and
desorption rate parameters, and transport and mixing phenomena. The model is used
as a basic module of a dynamic simulator where the following elements are
flexible : size and number of tanks in series, quantity of carbon in the tanks,
carbon transfer strategy from tank to tank, pumping flow rates, gold content of
carbon and solution feed. The simulator is calibrated using in-plant measurements
collected in the concentrator of Les Ressources Aiguebelle, Quebec. Parameter
estimation methods are proposed for pseudo-equilibrium data and for transient
regime data. Some applications of the simulator are given to illustrate the
effect of the operating and design variables on gold recovery.


Carbon-in-pulp; modelling; simulation; gold adsorption; activated carbon

The carbon-in-pulp process for recovery of gold dissolved in dilute cyanide
solutions, in the presence of solids, has now replaced the conventional processes
of pregnant liquid/barren solids separation followed by Merrill-Crowe
precipitation. Most plants built over the past ten years incorporate a CIP
section. The process is described as cheaper in capital and operating costs, and
few major start-up or operational difficulties are reported. For the purpose of
the present paper, the gold adsorption onto carbon is performed in a counter-
current cascade of tanks.
The slurry stream coming out of the cyanidation circuit is sent into a series of
agitated tanks in which it is mixed with activated carbon. The carbon particles
size is much coarser than the top size of the ground ore. The tanks are fitted
with screens that allows the slurry to overflow continuously into the next tank,
while retaining the carbon in the tank. Carbon is transferred from tank to tank
in a discontinuous manner. According to a specific schedule, the carbon from tank


one is removed, then carbon from tank two is sent to tank one, and so on, till
the last tank, which is filled with regenerated carbon coming from the elution-
regeneration section. The slurry going out of the last tank is sent to the
tailings pond, and the loaded carbon is sent to an elution-regeneration stage.
The amount of carbon removed, the transfer from tank to tank, the sequence of
transfer and the carbon inventory in the various tanks are parameters which have
to be selected for an optimal operation.

In comparison with other processes in mineral or metallurgical processing, the

CIP process presents a major difference in flow characteristics for the slurry,
which is in continuous flow, and carbon, which is in continuous agitation in a
fixed volume, corresponding to a batch behaviour except during the counter-
current transfers. Because of these characteristics, the optimal circuit
operating characteristics are not easy to obtain due to the limited information
available on the mechanisms of adsorption of gold on carbon and due to the
transient conditions which are the rule in such circuits.

The paper presents an attempt to derive a dynamic model to simulate the operation
of such a CIP circuit. A first order adsorption process in perfectly mixed
vessel is assumed. Model calibration is made using the results of a sampling
campaign in the Mine Vezina plant of Les Ressources Aiguebelle Inc. The dynamic
simulator usefulness is demonstrated by the evaluation of the influence of
various operating conditions and design parameters on the process performances.


To built a dynamic simulator of the CIP process, three aspects have to be taken
into consideration: the rate of adsorption, the mixing in the tanks and the
exchanges between tanks. For the first aspect it is widely accepted that gold
adsorption is a chemical surface phenomenon which is controlled by diffusion of
the aurocyanide complex A u ( C N 2 ) " , although the detailed surface mechanisms are
not well understood (McDougall, Hancock, 1 9 8 0 ) . In a first step, gold cyanide
migrate from the solution to a carbon particle through a film which surrounds the
particle. Then it can be directly adsorbed on the external particle surface when
adsorption sites are still available, or it can penetrate the particle through
macropores and then micropores where free surfaces are available.

The dynamics of the process are controlled by the rate of adsorption r which for
given carbon, solution, equipment and operation, is a fonetion of the gold
content of the solution and of the carbon. There are two main approaches to the
modelling of the rate of adsorption. One is based on a detailed description of
the diffusion mechanisms that occur in and around carbon particles (Peel, 1981;
Skrivanek, 1976; Van Deventer, 1984) and the other one is a lumped description of
the rate process considered as a first order reaction. In the first approach the
suitable parameters are the film and macropore transfer coefficients, the
macropore to micropore transfer coefficient, the fraction of adsorptive capacity
available in macropores and the equilibrium parameters. As it is difficult to
estimate the values of these parameters, a simplified approaches leading to more
empirical models has been proposed by Nicol and co-workers (1984a ) . In the
lumped approach used here the following first order reaction is considered :

, active , ^ - free . , adsorbed ,

^ site ^ ^ aurocyanide ^ <= ^ aurocyanide

and the rate of adsorption is written (Dixon, 1978; Menne, 1982; Williams and
Glasser, 1985)
r - ka X (y - y ) - kd y (1)

where x, y are respectively the gold contents in solution and on carbon* Ka and
Kd are adsorption and desorption rate constants and y the total number of active
sites on the carbon.

To model the mixing behaviour for the t3φe of agitated tank studied here, tracer
tests using LiCl impulses were performed in the plant. The results (see Fig. 1)
show that the tanks are very close to be perfect mixers. The best model found, a
Cholette-Cloutier unit with a stagnant zone of 10% of the tank volume having an
exchange rate with the active zone of 80% of the feed rate (Bazin, Hodouin,
1987), does not lead to significant simulated differences in the behaviour of the
process and, consequently, the tanks were considered as perflectly mixed.


20 30 40 50 60 80 90
TIME (min)

Fig. 1 Tacer test with LiCl impulse

Fig. 2 shows the typical exchange streams that have to be considered in a

counter-current cascade of CIP tanks. The mass conservation equations can be
written for each species in each tank, and the overall set of equations forms the
model of a CIP unit. To express the mass balance we assume that gold dissolution
is complete before entering the CIP circuit and that the adsorption rate
constants are the same in the η tanks.

The mass balance equation for the adsorbed gold in the i^^ tank can be written:

dMc^(t) y^(t) ^ ^^^^^ J- -y^(t)] nc^(t) - y^(t) Mc^(t)

•"Vl^^^ ^i+l^^^ • ^i^^> ^i^^) (2)

where the first member is the variation of the adsorbed gold amount in the i^^
tank and, in the second member, the first term is the quantity of gold adsorbed
per unit of time, the second term the quantity desorbed, the third and fourth
terms the addition and removal by transfer from tank i+1 to i and from tank i to
i-1. These two last terms disappear during periods with no transfer. Generally
only one transfer is performed at a time so that during transfer periods one of
these two terms cancels.


C| C|


l-l Oi-I Oi

Cn + I

S^, 0^, C^: mass flow rate of solution, ore and carbon
in the counter-current flow leaving the i^^
S ,0 , C Feed-rates of solution, ore and carbon to
ο ο n+i . , ,^
the circuit,
Ms, Mo, Mc : masses of solution, ore and carbon in the
i^^ tank.

Fig. 2 Exchange streams in a counter-current cascade of

CIP tanks.

The mass balance equation for the carbon in the i^^ tank is the following:

" - c_(t) - C,(t) (3)

dt ^"^^ ^

which have to be written accordingly to the type of transfer made. Outside

transfer periods M c ^ is obviously constant.

The mass balance equation for gold in solution is

d Ms^(t) x^(t)

-[S^(t) + S^(t)] x^(t) - Mc^ [k^ (y - y ^ ) - y^]
equation in which the terms depend on the type of transfer and where the prime
term are zero outside transfer periods. Accordingly, the variation of the mass of
solution in the i^^ tank is given by:

^ ^^1^^^ - S^.i(t) + S^^^(t) - S^(t) - S'^it) (5)


and the variation of the mass of ore:

^ ^""i^^^ " ^i-1^^^ ^ ^i+1^^^ • °i^^^ • ^i^^^


Equations (2) and (4) contain explicitly the assumption that the tank are perfect
mixers for the solution and for the carbon. However the perfect mixing conditions
of the three phases with respect to each other must be written . They are:

0[(t) _ 0^(t) _ Mo^(t)

S[(t) S^(t) Ms.(t)

V ^ . ^^i(^) (8)
S^(t) Ms^(t)

Since the i^^ tank directly overflows in the ( i + 1 ) ^ ^ tank, it can be considered
to contain a constant volume V of the 3-phase pulp. The volume V is related to
the masses of the 3 phases by:

v^- ii!i<2 ίϋίϋΐ (9)

where p^, pi and p^ are respectively the specific gravities of the solution, the
carbon and the ore.

The counter-current transfers are assumed to be made by constant volumetric

flowrate pump ( Q i ) . So, during carbon transfer periods, the following equation

Ί5 'c ^

For the first and the last tanks only carbon is pumped out or piomped in and the
equations 2 to 6 have to be modified accordingly.


The simulator architecture is depicted in Fig. 3. The simulation of the CIP

process is performed by simultaneous integration of the equations (2) to (10) for
all tanks. Initial values of carbon loading and solution gold content are
selected and a carbon transfer strategy is defined. After a complete cycle
simulation, a new calculation is initialized with the values obtained at the end

of the previous cycle. The procedure is iterated till carbon and solution have
the same gold contents from cycle to cycle. The simulator output gives the gold
content of the solution and carbon of each tank and calculates the gold djmamic
recovery of the circuit.

ore feed rate - number of tanks - model parameters

solution feed rate - size of tanks
gold content in - transfer strategy * Ka
feed solution
carbon feed rate * pumping rates * Kd
gold content in * pumping sequence
reactivated carbon * pumping duration * y

Initial values Runge-Kutta integration

yi(0) xi(0) of the dynamic equations
Mci(O) Msi(O) for all the tanks during
Moi(O) an operation cycle

Fig. 3 Simulator architecture

The natural way to evaluate the overall recovery of a CIP process is to evaluate
the amount of gold extracted from the feed solution when a steady-state operation
is obtained. For a continuous counter-current process, where the carbon is
continuously transferred from tank to tank, the recovery of the circuit is given

R - (11)

However for intermittent counter-current operation the expression is more complex

since the solution gold content never reaches a constant value. Equation (11) is
an approximation which can be applied to the pseudo-steady state values of χ
between carbon transfer periods. However they give biased estimates of gold
recovery. A correct evaluation of the process efficiency requires an integration
of the whole story of the solution gold content during a cycle, including the
variation of the flow rates which are disturbed during the carbon transfer
periods. The mathematical equation which performs these calculations in the
simulator is :

[ XQ(t) SQ(t) - x^(t) S^(t) ] dt (12)

Where Τ is the duration of cycle. In equation (12) it is assumed that the circuit
attained a pseudo equilibrium state i.e. that the successive cycles are identical
and the feed to the circuit stationnary, i.e. of constant mean.

Fig. 4 gives an example of simulation results for the gold content of the carbon
and the solution in the first and last tank of a series of five tanks. The carbon
transfer strategy simulated here involves a sequential pulp pumping from the
first cell to the last one using a pumping time of 2.25 hr for each tank, and a
cycle of 24 hours.

It clearly appears from this simulation that the gold contents are strongly
disturbed during the carbon transfers. This has an important implication for the
gold recovery, since, in the last tank, there is a very significant increase of
the solution gold content during about 6 hours. In the present case this
transient behaviour is responsible for half the gold losses to the tailings.

Fig. 4 Dynamic simulation results for the first and

last stage.

The three parameters (y, Ka, Kd) of the model must be estimated for each CIP
operation since they depend upon the equipment design, the carbon properties and
the solution chemistry. For this purpose two kinds of experiments can be
performed : pseudo-steady state tests or dynamic tests. In the first method the
sampling of the continuous laboratory or plant operation is made during the batch
operation with respect to the carbon ; this procedure gives pseudo-steady state
values of carbon and solution gold contents.

The experimental procedure of the first method consists in sampling carbon hold­
up and feed solution of each tank ίand the solution going to tailings. For the i^^
tank, equation (4) can be written:

- SQ (X^_^ - x^) - M c ^ [Ka x^(y - y^) - Kd y^] (13)


where the derivative of x^ is small and can be neglected, without significant

modification of the estimated parameters as it has been illustrated by
simulation. The best parameters are those which minimize the following criterion:

J (Ka,Kd,y,x^_^,x^ ) Ί I (\ ' \ )^λ2 ^^1 ' ^i^^ ^ 2 ' (14)

^ ^xi ^yi
2 2
where σ , σ are the variances of the gold analyses and where y. is calculated
^i ^1 ^
by equation ( 1 5 ) .

; _ - [ (SQ/MC^ )(X^.^ -X^ ) - Kax^y] ^^5^

1 A

Ka x^ + Kd

For parameter estimation, data acquisition was performed on the CIP plant of Les
Ressources Aiguebelle. This circuit is built to treat 1000 tons of solution per
day, i.e. 2000 tons of pulp. The adsorption unit consists in five 70 m-^
adsorption tanks mechanically agitated. The pulp is pumped from the cyanidation
plant to the first stage of adsorption. The amount of carbon per stage is about
15 g/1, and is retained in the stage by the mean of interstage screens in the
bottom of two launders immersed just below the pulp level. The pulp flows by
gravity from the first to the last stage, and the carbon is pumped counter-
currently to the pulp by the mean of diaphragm pumps. The carbon transfer is on a
daily basis and the amount transferred is about 1 ton. Fig. 5 shows the flowsheet
of the adsorption unit. Air jets are used for cleaning the interstage and
avoiding sedimentation in the launder. Three sets of pseudo-steady state data
(Table 1) were obtained on this CIP plant by sampling the tanks at the end of a
cycle just before the carbon transfer period. The parameters estimated for the
campaign of July 86 ( Table 1) are very different of the two others campaign.
Although a different carbon has been used the higher value of the desorption
constant for July 86 seems to be unrealistic.

In the second method, laboratory batch tests at constant (Hussey, Salisbury,

Potter, 1979) or variable (Hodouin and co-workers, 1987) solution gold content
give good estimates of the model parameters when the carbon properties, solution
chemistry and hydrodjmamics are the same than they are, or will be, in the plant,
a situation difficult to obtain. In the technique of immersed baskets
(Courchesne, Barbery, 1987), the tests are made under representative conditions

of the solution chemistry, however it is difficult to obtain the same

hydrodynamics in the basket as in the tank. A better technique consists in using
the transient regimes which occur naturally during the carbon transfer periods.
Using Xij and y^j , the measured values of the gold contents in the i^^ tank at
time j , the parameters can be estimated by the minimization of the following
least-squares criterion :

J (Ka.Kd.y) - I I I ( - \ j )^ 1 2 < ^ij " ^IJ >^ i 2 ^ (16)

where x ^ j , y^j are the values calculated b y the simulator w h e n a stabilized cycle
is obtained.

Table 1 Three Pseudo-steady State Data Acquigitlops

Ka Kd y STAGE X Χ y y

TEST 1 0.021 0.003 4200 FEED 2.120 - - -

(JULY 85) 1 0.970 1.005 2408 2390
2 0.430 0.419 1200 1211
3 0.170 0.165 683 682
4 0.069 0.073 498 494
5 0.034 0.034 389 391

(JULY 85) 0.021 0.001 4400 FEED 2.260 - - -
1 1.030 1.056 2501 2486
2 0.470 0.476 1264 1309
3 0.160 0.162 582 632
4 0.060 0.058 361 399
5 0.021 0.021 240 260

(JULY 86) 0,052 0.025 7119 FEED 2.700 - - -
1 0.400 0.429 2605 2552
2 0.100 0.088 705 781
3 0.018 0.022 263 240
4 0.010 0.010 136 136
5 0.010 0.010 145 141

As the type of djmamic sampling campaign involved in this estimation method

requires a large number of samples, tests were carried out only in the first and
last stages of the adsorption unit. Fig. 6 shows the results obtained during the
transfer period in the first tank, immediatly following the pseudo-steady state
data acquisition. The first hour corresponds to the carbon transfer to the
elution process and the following to the carbon transfer from tank 2 to tank 1.
The parameters estimated from this test and the corresponding simulated curve are

shown in Fig. 6. The simulated curve fits properly the experimental data, with a
desorption constant lower that the one estiin^ted with the pseudo-steady state
data and a very close number of active sites ( y ) .






Fig. 5 Flowsheet of the adsorption unit at Les

Ressources Aiguebelle (Mine Yvan V e z i n a ) .

^ 0.45| \·
• \
• \
ρ 0.4

5 0.351
ο Κα ^0.039 tg' h*
ο Kd-. 0.015 h-'
0.3| y :7II5 gr'

0.5 I 1.5 2.5

TIME ( hours)

Fig. 6 Dynamic results for the transient regime during

the transfer in stage 1.

Fig. 7 shows the results obtained during and after the transfer period in the
last stage. The increase in the gold content corresponding to the addition of
reactivated carbon is due to the fact that the carbon which comes from the
elution was more loaded than the one initially present in the fifth tank. This
unusual situation is useful for the estimation of the desorption constant kd. The
desorption parameters is much lower that the one estimated in the previous test
(Fig. 7 ) .


ΚαΌ.015 tg"" h"'
Kd: 0.005 h-'
y '4195 g f

0.5 1.5 2 2.5 3.5

TIME (hours)

Fig. 7 Dynamic results for stage 5 during reactivated

carbon addition.

The three sets of parameters values obtained in July 86 (pseudo steady-state,

stage 1, last stage) show that the estimation method can lead to different
parameters depending upon the data obtained. This sensivity of the parameters
estimation technique can be related to various factors: the data inaccuracies,
the interactions between the parameters which create large covariances between
their estimates, the influence of the data structure on the variance of the
estimates and finally the possibility that the parameters varies along the CIP
circuit. Other estimation techniques are being tested, however at this stage it
is not posible to propose a completly satisfying estimation scheme.

To test the influence of the parameters inaccuracies on the simulation, they have
been varied one at a time around a nominal value, and the corresponding gold
recovery calculated. It can be seen (Fig. 8) that y is the parameter which has
the greatest effect on the recovery. A n increase of the parameters y or Ka leads
to an increase in the amount of gold sent to the elution process, and a
corresponding decrease in the gold of the barren solution. For the parameters Kd
the opposite effect is observed, leading to a lower overall recovery. A n error of
10% in one of the parameters induce an error of about 20% on the gold losses, an
indication of the sensivity of the process to the parameters.


10 20 30 40 50 60

Fig. 8 Sensitivity of the simulated recovery to the

variation of the three model parameters.


The simulator can be used for the optimization of the process efficiency with
respect to various factors as the type of carbon, the circuit design and the
operation strategy. The following examples illustrate the potential of the
simulator to maximize the gold recovery in an intermittent counter-current CIP
circuit. For all simulation it is assumed that the gold dissolution is complete
that gold losses by carbon attrition is negligible, and that poisoning of the
carbon is not present in the circuit.

Carbon inventory and transferred fraction

For a given amount of gold to be recovered in a selected number of adsorption

stages, the carbon inventory in the tanks is a major operating variable. In the
case where only a fraction of the carbon hold-up is transferred from stage to
stage, the amount of carbon wich is moved is a secondary tuning variable which
should be tested. Fig. 9 shows the results of simulations performed for carbon
inventories ranging from 1 to 2 tons per tank and for various percentage of the
inventory transferred at each operation cycle, all the other design or operating
conditions, including the pump volumetric flow rate, being the same. The higher
the carbon inventory, the higher the gold recovery. However for high carbon
inventory the gold lock-up in the CIP circuit is higher and a larger amount of a
less loaded carbon has to be processed at the elution stage. The optimal fraction
to be transferred depends upon the inventory. For low inventory a higher fraction
must be transferred and the tuning is more critical. This optimum value is the
result of the competition between the advantage to transfer a maximum amount of
carbon and the drawback of a long pumping rate which increases the losses related
to the transfer disturbances.


Fig. 9 Influence on gold recovery of the carbon transferred
fraction for differents carbon inventories.

Transfer pumping rate

The effect of an increase of the carbon pump capacity (from 40 m-^/h to 100 m^/h)
was tested by simulation, assuming a constant pumping time or a constant
transferred fraction of the carbon inventory. In the first case, Fig. 10 shows
the improvement of the gold recovery with the pumping rate. The higher is the
pumping rate, the higher is the amount of transferred carbon and the results are
coherent with the effects observed in the previous section. In the second case,
where the amount of transferred carbon is maintain constant, the gold recovery is
also improved, because, with high pumping rates, the disturbance due to the
carbon transfer is shorter.

20 30 40 5 0 60 70 8 0 90 100 110 120


Fig. 10 Influence of pumping rate on gold recovery.


Carbon Inventory in the last tank

The previous simulations were performed assuming that the carbon inventory is
constant along the series of tanks. Since most of the gold losses are related to
the increase of gold content in the solution of the last tank during the transfer
periods, additional amount of carbon in this last tank only should minimize gold
losses. Simulations have been made to evaluate this point by increasing the
carbon inventory in the last tank, while maintaining the amount transferred to
the previous tank. It can be seen in Fig. 11 that the gold recovery is enhanced
with almost no effect on the gold concentration of the carbon going to the
elution stage.



— · 3.5 tons
1.4 tons

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Fig. 11 Influence on gold recovery of an additional
fraction of carbon in the last tank.

Tank size and transfer strategy

Dynamic simulation can also be very helpful to study the parameters which are
considered in the design of a CIP unit: the number of tanks in series, the tank
size and the type of transfer. The selection of the number of stages, which is
related to the tonnage and the grade of the ore which has to be treated, is not
studied here. The selection of the tank size is related to investment cost
considerations, to carbon concentration, which is usually 25 g carbon per liter,
and to the mean residence time for the pulp, which is usually about one hour.
Recent developments (Kyffin, Charles, Wilson 1983) on the CIP circuit design show
that, with a suitable tank/screen configuration, carbon concentration of 125 g/1
and mean residence time of 12 minutes can lead to the same efficiency as the
traditional design. To evaluate this aspect, simulations for different tank size
have been performed, keeping constant all the other operating variables. The
result show (Fig. 12) that small tank performances are better. This is mainly due
to the behaviour of the gold content in the solution during the transfer periods.
For higher carbon concentration (70 g/1 for a 20 m^ tank) the time required for
transfering the same amount of carbon is reduced and the gold losses are
consequently reduced.

The behaviour of the process has been also tested with a pumping rate
proportionnal to the tank size and for three differents t3φe of transfer (Table
2 ) : 1- instantaneous transfer of the carbon fraction, 2- pumping and carbon
screening, the pulp being immediatly returned to the tank which is pumped out,
and 3- pumping of carbon and pulp. For the batch transfer there is no difference
in the gold recovery between the two tank sizes tested, because of the absence of
transient regimes during the transfer. For continuous counter-current operation
or discontinuous operation with carbon batch transfer, gold recovery does not
depend upon the tank size inasmuch as the carbon inventory is constant as well as
the model parameters. This is based on the assumption that the hydrodynamics
conditions which control the diffusion around the carbon particles are the same
for higher carbon concentration in tanks. However, when the transient regimes are
taken into account (2 last cases of Table 2 ) , the tank size has an influence on
the gold recovery as it is illustrated in Fig. 13 by the different solution gold
content profiles in the last tank.


70 g/1
£ 99h

I 20g/i

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
TANK SIZE ( m 3 )

Fig. 12 Influence of tank size on gold recovery.

Table 2. Influence on gold recoverv of tank size and tvpe

of transfer,


V-20 V-70
BATCH 99.19 99.19
PUMP (CARBON ONLY) 98.91 98.84
PUMP (PULP AND CARBON) 98.87 98.69

0.05 L A R G E ΤΑΝΚ

9 0.04

// \
/ / SMALL ι
- 0.03
/ / ΤΑΝΚ

ο 1 ^
> 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
TIME (hours)

Fig. 13 Profile of gold content in solution in the last

stage for differents tank sizes.


The analysis of the carbon-in-pulp process by dynamic simulation leads to the

following concluding remarks:

- the CIP process, because of the intermittent transfer of carbon, is never in

steady-state operation;

- the gold content of the solution is strongly disturbed during the transfer

- for the tested circuit, half the gold losses can be explained by the transient
increase of the gold content of the solution sent to the tailings;

- for a correct design and tunning of a CIP circuit, these transient regimes have
to be taken into account;

- there is an optimal fraction of the carbon inventory to be transferred at each


- the transfer time must be minimized for a better gold recovery;

- small tanks with high carbon concentration is a valuable design to be explored;

- optimal carbon transfer strategy can be determined by dynamic simulation.

As for other mineral processes, the computer simulation of the CIP process gives
valuable information on its behaviour and the manner to improve its efficiency.
In future works, the simulated performances must be studied in connection to the
cyanidation and the elution-regeneration stages.


The authors are grateful to the Centre de Recherches minorales of the "Minist^re
de I'Energie et des Ressources du Gouvernement du Quebec" for the financial
support, the gold analyses and the permission to publish. The "Minist^re de
I'Enseignement Suporieur et de la Science du Gouvernement du Quebec" is also
thanked for its financial support though the "Programme d'Actions Structurantes".


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