02 Kato - Labor Law Bar Q - A

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Labor Arbiter

UP Law Center Panel of Experts in Labor Law

Law Professor
Currently: UST, UE, TSU & PUP
Formerly: UM, SLU, UC & UB

Bar Reviewer & Pre-Week Lecturer

(in the order invited)
ABRC, ChanRobles Online Bar Review
Magnificus Juris
Villasis Law Center, Great Minds Review Center
UST Bar Review, New Era Bar Review, SBU Bar Review
PUP Bar Review, TSU Bar Review,
Legal Edge Bar Review Center, UA&P Bar Review

Survival Notes in Labor Law, Bar Questions and Answers in
Labor Law, Bar Syllabus-Based Reviewer in Labor Law,
Labor Standards Law, A Remunerative and Protective Law &
Labor Relations Law: An Organizational and Tenurial Law

2020 Edition
Philippines Copyright 2020



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No portion of this handbook may be copied or reproduced 1.1..................................................................... ,,,, .• ,,2
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ISBN: 978-621-02-1049-1 V ., .,.,.. 'l'-$11"'>-"'"♦'"""'

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XVIII ...................................................................... 41 111 ...................... .,. .................................................. 69
IV.......................................................................... 71
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VI. ......................................................... . ,.. 73
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XVII ......... ♦ • • • .,.,,.. . . . ~~·•>ffl'I 57
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XVIII ....................................................................... 58 I. .......... ;................................. . ••<> .. 93 >' . . . . . . . . . .

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t~ . . . . . . . . ~ ¥"'""'•"'-~.If .......... , ; ......... ~ ... ),. .......... -• ., .. *,,. 58
........... ,..,,.~ ...... .. _.. ~•~.,, . . .
II ......................... ., ............................ ",. .................. 93
xx ........................................................................ ., 60 Ill ........................................................................... 94
XXI ~ ............. ,. ........ .,,.» ... ~ ............ t**"" .......... " ......... ~._ ....... ~ ... .,•¥·4-• ... 60 ,,jl, . . . . . . . . . "" . . .
IV .......................................................................... 95
XXll ...................................................................... .,62 V . ........................................................................... 96
XXlll ...........,. ................. ,. .......................................... 62 VI. ................ i ................................ , ........, ......... ., .... 97

VII"' ,.,. . ,,.,.,.1 ♦ ~'I-

,..,t,. .... t,il ........ •1 .. ➔ •i· .... ,. ........... ,,n·, ......... "' .. ''··
.. "-'-"'" .. 98
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XIII. .......... ., ............................................................ 129
Vilt ........................................................................ 99 XIV ......................................................................... 130
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J<<l'-1-:a.>--t!t'r,•.j,• .. .,, ... '"
XVI. ................~ ....................................................... 132
XL ......................................................................... 101 XVII ....................................................................... 133
XII ...,···~·· ~ . ,-,,.~ .... •~ ◄•-~"- IH•-"'•"""''""'·"•"'•"'t'"'•··· ........ ,. ....... ., ... 103
11 ... i# .. , ..... .,,. .. ........
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XI 11. ~.,,,."',.,.·"'II:•••** •••. ,,."~·,,., •• "·""·.·~•·"' ~···"'·,.,,.,,.,.,.Jt ....

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XIX . .................................................................,, ..... 136
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xx ......................................................... ,. .............. 136
xv.......................................................................... 1os XXI ......................................................................... 138
XVI . ........................................................................ 106 XXI I ,¥,,.'i-•i-*•'11"-*• •i..-i:.~
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41.,!ltid!<io::j,""'*.S,,liti~~.·* ....... *·:$«;..~i')-.::f''J

XVIII .. ., ... ~ i.,..~.,.--.... ,, .., •. ,. ... ~ ~ ,i•~·.;._ ....... 108

••lil•OIII• '"" ... ..... ,.,,.10•·,..,. •• -11.t.1>•• ...
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l ......... ,., ........ , .... , .... , ................................. " ............ 142
xx............ •f'\I'.,,.., ~** * """" ·~ ., ••• ·-~·~·* . , . . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
~ ~ ~ ,t·,1· ~·~ . . 110 ~¥-11>'1'..lt+
lt ..................................; ......................................... 142
XXI ............ ,., , ........ "':.~•·••••-=.. •t:•••·••·,i,.,t.'11•"•·«~ .. :•:••·"'"'"''·••*·... ., ...... 4'4'"'"' ,••·111
111 .... , • •

1•11_. ':11~••>¥11 ~11't< .. liJ1¥i •11<-.:t..->t ..l1t~V,N .. ~-><.,. ...~~"" :ti<•"'•.,.,_.,..,.., +><f-t • l •·•~>1,0.~ • ..... •, • •• , .. ,._,~ i, ~ , . , 144
XXII ............. ** ............. ,.)l""• ....,.,..," ...............111
ot. .... ,., ... ,,, .............. ,. •• ,. ... '\ • .,."" . . . . . .

IV .... ~. """' ........,-11,. ... ,.*""'1, .. , '"""*" ~,. """ ... ,. .. ~ - ~4 , . . . . -~·,,.¥.~<,."II ........... ,.,. .. '"',.~., •.• ·~.,.,,. 145
XXlll ...•.••.., , ........ ,.,..,,..,,11:•11c••·•**•,,,~'11...-~~•"'*'"" 112
-11 •• "' .................. ,. ...

XXIV ........................................................................113
c . . . . . . . . ., • •

v....................................... .. ................. 146

VJ ..... •~«i:->¥-.i-♦ ·••."'"·•-¥,,..,,i:,.\loi>O,... ~ ., ... ~ ..... ~~}""""'" ·•"'"'""'"~"••~t ·~~- ~ ""*"' 148
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XXV l i " ' ... ,, ............ ~.-. . . . . . . i"lt ........................ .................... I'"".""'**"•·· 114
..... "'"

VII. ........................................,. .... " ........................ 149

XXVl ....................................................................... 115
VIII . ........................................................................ 151
XXVII . ,. .... "'~ . ,. •.., .. ~ ......... ,...,. ,.,'l:,.·,.,.lt,.,.-lt ..
4rll,,+'.<1<!4:,U:.-t11<•'f.•.f'.i:,\hi11:\llf:1"-•¥:llJ1i'.:..l'~<J:: .. 116l!Of:'fl-11-llt·l,t
IX ............................. ., ........................................... 152
2015 BAR EXAMINATIONS x............................................................................ 153
I. ........................................................................... 118 XL .......................................................................... 154
ll ............................................................................ 118 XII. ......................................................................... 155
lll. ........................................................................... 119 XIII.., ............................................ ., ........ ., ............. .. 156
IV., ... -o1. ••,.. ~,.,~,... ...... ~ 120 XIV •....................................................... ,............... 158
)i:1"¥"11'¥J.~"'¥~<il»if . . . . . . . . . 1" . . . . . . . " ' • " " " ' . . . . . . . . ,.,,, •• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

·t."·li-.~ ....-..;.-..,·~-:~ ..........~ •• ~ ~ •ii:•··· .159

V...... ,. .... ., . "',."'"'"" . . .,,. ••• .,. #,.,.... ., .. - ~,.,.,,., .......... ~..: ...... ~,,., .. ►._,...,. ...... Jt.,,. •.• ~ ........ ~~,.,,..-~,.,,.,. 12.1'· 'II j"lf-li:<fjj··· ... ..:·,,. .... 1' .... --- ....... .. \·t<•• ..... ..... :r~ ... "'.,, .. ..,.

VI. ......................................................................... 122 XVI ......................................................................... 160

VII ............ .,*........ ,. .. ,. .................. .,11:•••*"\I••·····"·"···-.......... ,. .. 123
11- .............. »
XVII. .................................................................. ,... 161
VII(. •••••,..,.i.,,.,t-•ilit-""l:l'll:"'•••·••"'*"'"•'"""''.«:ll t~11ti,¥1i1totlll•••n•"ll'l/¥tt111-.t~•~••:11io ... -11~••••'*• 124 XVIII . ..................................................................... 162
IX .......................................................................... 125 XIX . ................................................................... ,... 164
X........................................................................... 126 xx., ............................~ ........................ .... 165
XI . ,..-.. "".,.., ., ..... "'""''""'"• • ,ua ""' ""'*""'" .. ",,. ll•l<,.,.. •• ►=• ~"'"·"'''"· .. •·.... ••ll'»:,i-11 i,•••<r• ~ 12 7
1o1-¥s¥1~·~'11 •

XII. ......................................................................... 128



1.. ~·i,,~·$•··$'"f'l•_,,.,..,Hl•trfl-11'•,t,•,'t-...,.,._. •.--~--~ ,.-,**""••··•••"¥",_-,_,.,..._,...,_ ..... ~ •.•~••"'~• 1«11i•--· 16 7 PARTI
11 ~ •.-.... ., •._ .• , . . ~""·· ·••=-••••>t•*•"·,.,. *."'"II' ..... ,. .. ,.-~~ .... ,. •• , ............ ""'""''"" 168
f t••'(t,I ..... A.1 ........................................................................ 208
111. """ •., . 'S' . . . !>-••·•· ...........,.•• ,.... ,.f""' ... ~*~__. ... "' •=~~ 169
¥ . . . . ., ... ,, • • • • • ,,,,, ••"" . . . . . . . . . . ~,.,. . . . .<j A.2 ....................... ,. ............"······ ............................ 209
IV.... ,. .. ~ ~ ... ,. "'11""' .... .- .... ,11,.,.""i,,""'"'"'· ..,.,.,"lj,. •• ~ .... ~···••ii,. ......... *••
ai .... 170 ,I .l'c ..... i,• • ..,,__.,. ... A. 3 ................. ~
..i ........ "'."'"''"'**"°'"' , ..... M., .. ., ...... ~ ............ ~,.., .. ,..~., ....... ~ ..... ,j,. ~ ~,. 210

V. :I/ii<.,_,,.,."' ... " .. '"'o\""1"'···-•··"'"'· ....·.... "' ••. "'""••'!"••"'"" ... 4••··"·•···•·"111 171
t, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,.. . . . . . . "' . . .
A.4 ............ <ii~"'~·~· j~~~•~¥ ~,~ ,.,.,.!' .. ~ ~ .. , ~~ ~ ~ ... , y. ~* .- ... ~ .. ~ .. ~ ... 211
~*::..."':lo:>irt.lti::~ .,..-~ .. . . . t'~

VI. ......................................................................... 173 A.5 . ..................................................... ,................. 212

VII ......................................................................... 174 A.6 . ...................................... ,................................. 212
A.7 ........................................................................ 213
Vlll ........................................................................ 175
A.8 . ................................................ ,. .............. " ..... 214
IX .......................................................................... 176
A.9............................................................... " ....... 215
X ........................................................................... 177 A·,,, 1o~ ~ . . . ,.~~·" ' . '"_,-I!,.."'.""'~~., ... ,. ,. ...... ,. ......... ~ ......... ,. ............. ".~.~ ...,'* ...... ~~ 217
XI. ~····~~ ... ,.,.*.,, .. ,.,. .. ~,. ............. ~ .........~ ...... ,, ..... ~~~~-,..,o; ............. ~.~·· .. ,,.~ ........ ,. .• ,,. .. ,,. .... 178
XII .......................................................................... 180
XIII ....... ,.,.,~ ............... ,1d'•/l;,. ... ,. •• ,. ..
t-.,111··1t•11,. · " ' · · · · .... ,.,. .................. 183 ,..~tPlli,. • ., .......... ,, •••
B.11 ...................................................................... 218
XIV ......................................................................... 185
8.12 ....................................................................... 219
B.13 . . $-lli•'io:••··••· ~ *......... ♦f
.--,,·4-$11 .... ,. .... ......... ,.ll ...-.., ..... 221 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,,,, .. i-11">1,t,;lj-~"0·~1 • .- . . . . . . .


8.14. ~""'""""'.,"l'"'i;••>i".i.~1'·11'~""~"_..·~•, '°*"'°"°*"'"'" 222
w,;,._·~•l1<11.J<<ll,.-li-¥1'fl't<:ll:,.1'-"' ............. 114111,:,lol 11

l. ........................................................... ., ............... 186 8.15...................................................................... 223

II,..,,..,. . ¥ . . . . . ,, . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ..................~,. .. ~ ..... ,.. ~"'"*""'•"OJ toJ " ........ '""''"' N-t"1••·~~~ ........ :t.:io• 187 B.16 ........................................................................ 224
Ill ,,.,1c•~·--"' •.~ •.,. ...... ,, ..... ~ ~ :t. ...... •• ••1o••· .... "" -""' , .. , , 188
....... ·,.. . . . . ,.,,..,:,.,. · · · · · · · · · · · · · . : . . - - - - • " '.. B.17 ...................................................................... 226
IV ............................................................................ 190 8.18 ................................ ., ............. ., ..................... 227
V t ♦1'1'"¥-¥--¥i-'¥ l<. """''""""'·~-t'• ......,.,, .. .,. •.~ ...... ► .i-... , ..
¥.; ."' .. ~,:,:,.,:,:~-. ~ 191 ,i,. .......... :t. .. t<t , ........ i,ll • • , • 8.19 ................................ ······· .......... ., ...... ,. ............ 228
VI 11:, •11.¥:1<><ll11>.l'.1r•••"""'.*"'"'*•" .. "*""'"'"',i"'j>"' ,~,..,,;........ ,,...,..,,,,,n,•<o1:•1tf'«-..t1':1< .... ••• .. '<'••11""'01 192
,..¥o¥ 8.20 .............................................,. ............................ 229
VII ......................................................................... 193
VIII ......................................................................... 194
IX ...... ~ ........... "'**'"'**••·►• .........~~-·~·,,.,,. ....... *.ill'"*~~..,.. ~··'·"•~.1o.~•- .. -....... ,. ........ 195
X .~,.,.,,. ........ ., ... ,...,".*"'1i: ••. ~ •• , •• 4,., ..... .,,,."' .1-.,..,,., ......... ".,,...,t .. ,,".~i-•\n•••"'•"~-¥:•..-i*•.... 197
XI ... "•*"l'•"»"'="'·,.,,.,"'"'jj:1t•·,n/,. ...... ,.., •• _... ,.,.,,.-..... ,,,." •• "•••• 199
si,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ".,""'""'""'·~,.. .....

~II .••• . _............,. .• , •••·.·111,~~•:-•»•~' •• "-..,.ll',,,.-,.,., ..~·•··•--·•· ....·.•• ,. ......,..: •• 1t1-.·i~•····200

XIII ........................ ·............. "'················ .. ··· ............ 201
XIV _. •• ,., ......, . ~ , , ...... ,. ,. ........ ~ ......... ~ ...... , ,. .... ,. .. ., ..... , . .... ~ ., ... ~ ~·· ''"!·••11- .. ·""·•.-·•. 202 .,lid!"t

XV.-,..,~•"""'•~•~,..~ •1<1-tit~+·•~•«•itt .. ••--:t,.... ,, ..:. •·••• •••••ti!J>;il•~"•••·•~'.-.>t<-..:•=ilt ,,,,,.._.~, 203


XVI ••-• ,..,_••••-••11••·,,. •«it'll** ,i.11 ••••••••t:11;11,11;,,u, '"'"'•~••¥ ►.ff..~.11•,.•• .,........ 11«-t*"'~"'• 204
XVII •••••• -,. .. ,, . ,........... * .... , .................. "" ........... ,..-.. ..... ..,." ....... ,.............. .- ... 206


a. Explain the automatic renewal clause of collec-

tive bargaining agreements. (3%)
b. Explain the extent of the workers right to parti-
cipate in policy and decision-making process as provi-
ded under Article XIII, Section 3 of the Philippine Cons-
titution. Does it include membership in the Board of
Directors of a corporation? (3%)


(a) Automatic Renewal Clause

When the political life of a collective bargaining agree-
ment (CBA) expires, all provisions will continue to be effec-
tive until a new CBA is concluded. This rule applies to both
original and renegotiated or extended CBAs.
(b) Right to Participate
The right to participate, as enshrined in Sec. 3, Art. XIII
of the Constitution, is the right to be part of the deliberative
and adoptive phases of policy and decision-making on mat-
ters affecting workers' rights, benefits and welfare. This right
does not cover purely business decisions (PAL v. NLRC, et
al., G.R. No. 85985, 13 August 1993) and the determina-
tion of retention criteria in retrenchment (FASAP v. PAL,
G.R. Na. 178083, 13 March 2018).
Board membership is not included in the right to parti-
cipate. The participation provision does not provide a
shortcut to board membership which is by election only.
However, by concession, the employer may permit wor-
kers' representation in its seat of governance, e.g., by way
of trade-off to get the union to agree to a bargaining mo-

ratorium arrangement (Rivera, et al. v. Espiritu, et al., a third party mutually chosen by them (Arts. 274 and 275,
G.R. No. 135547, 23 January 2002). Labor Code).
(c) Yes, a dispute originally taken cognizance of by a
H voluntary arbitration body rr.iay be brought for resolution to
a compulsory arbitration body.
a. What issues or disputes may be the subject of
voluntary arbitration under the Labor Code? (4%) In an assumed case, the Secretary of Labor exercises
discretionary, preemptive, incidental and plenary power;
b. Can a dispute falling within the exclusive juris- hence, owing to the plenary nature of assumption power,
diction of the Labor Arbiter be submitted to voluntary all issues between the same parties pending elsewhere, in-
arbitration? Why or why not? (3%) cluding those being heard by a voluntary arbitrator, shall
c. Cari a dispute falling within the jurisdiction of a be subsumed to the assumed case for simultaneous reso-
voluntary arbitrator be submitted to compulsory arbit- lution.
ration? Why or why not? (3%)
Savoy Department Store (SDS) adopted a policy
(a) The following may be brought to voluntary arbit-
of hiring salesladies on five-month cycles. At the end
of a saleslady's five-month term, another person is
In the exercise of traditional jurisdiction, (a) all un- hired as replacement. Salesladies attend to store cus-
resolved disputes arising from CBA interpretation or imple- tomers, were SOS uniforms, report at specified hours,
mentation; and (b) all unresolved dispuje& arising from the and are subject to SOS workplace rules and regula-
implementation or enforcement of company personnel poli- tions. Those who refuse the 5-month employment con-
cy (Art. 274, Labor Code); and tract are not hired.
In the exercise of jurisdiction by stipulation, all dis- The day after expiration of her 5-month engage-
putes as may be agreed upon by the parties to a CBA or ment, Lina wore her SOS white and blue uniform and
similar agreement to be brought to voluntary arbitration reported for work but was denied entry into the store
(Art. 275, Labor Code). premises. Agitated, she went on a hunger strike and
stationed herself in front of one of the gates of SOS.
(b) Yes.
Soon thereafter, other employees whose 5-month term
A dispute pending before the Labor Arbiter may be had also elapsed, joined Lina's hunger strike.
brought to voluntary arbitration in observance of the consti-
(a) Lina and 20 other sales ladies filed a complaint
tutional stricture on preferential use of voluntary modes of
for illegal dismissal, contending that they are SOS re-
dispute resolution. By agreement of the disputants, there-
gular employees as they performed activities usually
fore, their issues may be brought out of the compulsory ar-
necessary or desirable in the usual business or trade
bitration process (Art. 224, Labor Code) for resolution by
of SOS and thus, their constitutional right to security

of tenure was violated when they were dismissed with- (b) I will decline ..
out valid, just or authorized cause. SOS, in defense,
argued that Lina, et al. agreed - prior to engagement - The business engaged in by SOS is not of national in-
to a fixed period employment and thus waived their terest (NI) character. Based on jurisprudence, the following
right to a full-term tenure. Decide the dispute. (4%) are NI industriss: hospitals, energy production, air traffic
33control, transportation, water production, export, tire pro-
(b) The owner of SOS considered the hunger duction, banking, education, ·drugs and pharmaceuticals,
strike staged by Lina, et al., an eyesore and disruptive production of roofing materials and 5-star hotels. Under
of SOS business. He wrote the Secretary of Labor a DOLE D.O. 40-H-13, which has shortened the foregoing NI
letter asking him to assume jurisdiction over the dis- list, only the following are NI industries: water production,
pute and enjoin the hunger "strike". What answer will hospitals, energy production, air traffic control and such
you give if you were the Secretary of Labor? (3%) other industries as the National Tripartite Industrial Com-
(c) Assume that no fixed-term worker complained, mission (NTIC) may certify as NI. Under either list, SOS'
yet in a routine inspection a labor inspector of the Re- business is devoid of NI character.
gional Office of the Labor Code's security of tenure Hence, as Secretary o.J Labor, I will deny the petition
provisions and recommended to the Regional Director since there is no ·national interest to protect thru my as-
the issuance a compliance order. The Regional Direc- sumption.
tor adopted the recommendation and issued a com-
pliance order. Is the compliance order valid? Explain (c) The Regional Director cannot issue such Com-
your answer. (3%) pliance Order for want of jurisdiction. ,
Answer: Neither visitorial/enforcement power (Art. 128, Labor
Code) nor adjudicatory power (Art.129, Labor Code) of the
(a) I will give the employees a favorable resolution. Regional Director permits him to resolve the tenurial issue. If
The act of SOS in denying Lina et al. entry into its pre- ever, the only tenurial issue he can resolve is one involving
mises is an overt act of dismissal. The fixed-term employ- an apprentice (Art.65, Labor Code), kasambahay (Sec. 37,
ment contracts that expired on them are contracts of ad- R.A. 10361) or talent (DOLE Advisory 4, s. 2016). Here,
hesion; hence, being imposed on them in violation of tenu- where none of said workers is involved, the issue is for the
rial security, they cannot be allowed to produce any legal Labor Arbiter to resolve (Art. 224, Labor Code). Therefore,
effect. Consequently, given the nature of their work as one the order is not valid.
that is usually desirable or necessary in the usual trade of
SOS, Lina et al. attained tenure and could only be disso- IV
ciated for a just or authorized cause. Since the ground re-
lied upon by SOS, viz., expiration of contract, is not a listed Super Comfort Hotel employed a regular pool of
cause then their dissociation constitutes illegal dismissal. "extra waiters" who are called or asked to report for
duty when the Hotel's volume of business is beyond
the capacity of the regularly employed waiters to
undertake. Pedro has been an "extra waiter" for more

than 10 years. He is also called upon to work on week- (a) Is the contractual stipulation that there is no
ends, on holidays and when there are big affairs at the employer-employee relationship binding on labor offi.
hotel. cials? Why? Explain fully. (3%)
What is Pedro's status as an employee under the (b) Based on the testis for employer-employee re-
Labor Code? Why? Explain your answer fully. (6%) lationship, determine the issue of who is the employer
of the RSC members. (4%)
(c) Assume that RSC has a paid-up capitalization
of P1 ,000,000.00. Is RSC engaged in "labor only" con-
Pedro is a regular employee.
tracti~g, permissible job contracting, or simply recruit-
One who performs work which is usually necessary or ment? (3%)
desirable in the usual trade of his employer is conferred
regular employment status by force of law (Arl. 295, Labor Answer:
Code). Here, the work pool to which Pedro belongs is a
pool of emergency workers whose services are vital, indis- (a) No.
pensable and necessary and without which the hotel can- The stipulation against employer-employee relation-
not rest assured of its ability to run its business with just ship is not valid for these reasons: (1) employer-employee
the help of its non-pool employees. relationship is a question of law; and (2) it is a question of
fact. As a question of law, controlling case law supplies its
V cognitive significance; hence, if it exists within the contem-
plation of the Four-fold Test then it exists ·1n law. As a
The Pizza Corporation (PizCoi:p).and Ready Sup- question of fact, actual work circumstances determine
ply Cooperative (RSC) entered into a "service agree- whether its legal meaning has factual representation in the
ment" where RSC in consideration of service fees to affair between two persons; hence, if the control element is
be paid by PizCorp's will exclusively supply PizCorp actualized in said affair then employer-employee relation•
with a group of RSC motorcycle-owning cooperative ship exists as a fact. •
members who will henceforth perform PizCorp's pizza For the for~going reasons, parties to contracts cannot
delivery service. RSC assumes under the agreement stipulate against the existence of employer-employee rela-
full obligation for the payment of the salaries and other tionship.
statutory monetary benefits of its members deployed
to PizCorp. The parties also stipulated that there shall (b) PizCorp is the employer of the RSC members.
be no employer-employee relationship between
PizCorp and the RSC members. However, if PizCorp is Since PizCorp exercises labor law concept of control •
materially prejudiced by any act of the delivery impose or control over means and methods of performance as dis•
disciplinary sanctions on, including the power to dis• tlnct from other types of control, e.g., editorial right, built•in
miss, the erring RSC member/s. control in insurance, sound business practice, and post
production control - then it is the actual employer of the
supplied manpower.

The exercise by PizCorp of disciplinary powers does

so. On the 3rd day, the workers reported for work, clai-
not evidence its right to dismiss only. It also manifests its
ming that they do so in compliance with the Secreta-
right of control because the grounds for its exercise cover ry's return-to-work order that binds them as well as the
an unspecified number of infractions, foremost of which is
Company. The Company, however, refused to admit
non-observance of directives and orders on how the con- them back since they had violated the Secretary's re-
tractor-supplied employees should perform their assigned turn-to-work order and are now considered to have
tasks. lost their employment status.
(c) RSC is engaged in labor-only contracting. The Union officers and members filed a complaint
RSC's paid-up capital of P1 ,000,000.00 falls short of for illegal dismissal arguing that there was no strike
the contracting financial capacity of P5,000,000.00 pres- but a protest rally which is a valid exercise of the wor-
cribed by D.O. 174. Moreover, not only does it lack subs- kers constitutional right to peaceable assembly and
tantial capital; its manpower is also controlled by its princi- freedom_ of expression. Hence, there was no basis for
pal as to means and methods of performing its work. the termination of their employment.

In sum, the illegal status of RSC is evidenced by its You are the Labor Arbiter to whom the case was
having both the essential and confirming elements of a raffled. Decide, ruling on the following issues:
labor-only contractor. (a) Was there a strike? (4%)

VI (b) Were the employees simply exercising their

constitutional right to petition for redness of their grie-
On the day that the Union could validly declare a vances? (3%)
strike, the Secretary of Labor - is-sued an order (c) What are the consequences, if any, of the
assuming jurisdiction over the dispute and enjoining acts of the employees? (3%)
the strike, or if one has commenced, ordering the
striking workers to immediately return to work. The Answer:
return-to-work order required the employees to return
to work within twenty-four hours and was served at 8 (a) Yes, there was a strike.
a.m. of the day the strike was to start. The order at the The elements of a strike are (a) temporary stoppage
same time directed the Company to accept all of work; (b) concerted activity; and (c) labor dispute. As to
employees under the same terms and conditions of the first, the continuing rally means self-removal from the
employment prior to the work stoppage. The Union employees' actual workplace to participate in the union
members did not return to work on the day the activity; hence, it was a temporary stoppage of work. As to
Secretary's assumption order was served nor on the the second, the activity was at the hands of not just a few
next day; instead, they held a continuing protest rally but of all, except those who wanted to report for work but
against the company's alleged unfair labor practices. were barred. And, as to the third, the ULP complained of
Because of the accompanying picket, some of the signals a labor dispute bet-ween the union and the com-
employees who wanted to return to work failed to do pany.
10 BAR Q&A

(b) No. Answer:

It is the substance and not the appearances of a con-
I would not grant Tito's request.
certed activity which determines the fact of a strike (Manila
Public Schools Teachers Assoc. v. Laguio, Jr., G.R. SSS contribution is compulsory for both covered em-
No. 95445, 6 August 1991). Where the activity is substan- ployer and covered employee. The purpose of the law is to
tially a strike, the invocation of preferred freedoms must compel contribution from the salary of an employee while
fail. In such case, strike rules will control. he is productive in order to establish a contingency fund
from which he or his dependents can draw for income re-
(c) The strike is illegal for being violative of an in-
placement in the event of retirement, sickness, disability,
junction; hence, the strikers must be held answerable. An
maternity, or death resulting in loss of income or financial
assumption of jurisdiction order (AJO), whether it expressly burden (Sec. 2, R.A. 8282).
directs return to work or not, has an injunctive effect;
hence, it must be immediately complied with by the union
upon proper service thereof.
As to union members who have committed illegalities Carol de la Cruz is the secretary of the proprietor
in the course of participating in the illegal strike and the of an auto dealership in Quezon City. She resides in
union officers who had notice of the assumption of juris- Caloocan City. Her office hours start at 8 a.m. and end
diction order (AJO) and knowingly consented to the staging at 5 p.m. On July 30, 2008, at 7 a.m. while waiting for
of the strike, they can be dismissed for serious misconduct public transport at Rizal Avenue Extension as has
( Toyota Motors Workers Assoc. v. NLRC, G.R. Nos. been her routine, she was sideswiped by a speeding
158786-89, 19 October 2007). And since the ground for taxicab resulting in her death. The father of Carol filed
their dismissal is such, they are not-entitled to financial a claim for employee's compensation with the Social
assistance (id). Security System. Will the claim prosper? Why? (6%)

Vil Answer:
The compensation claim will proper.
Tito Paciencioso is an employee of a foundry shop
in Malabon, Metro Manila. He is barely able to make Carol's death is occupational under the Continuing
ends meet with his salary of P4,000.00 a month. One Act Rule. Unless her death resulted from unreasonable
day, he asked his employer to stop deducting from his departure or unreasonable diversion, her act of leaving her
salary his SSS monthly contribution, reasoning out that home to go to her workplace and her act of leaving her
he is waiving his social security coverage. workplace to get back home are continuing acts. Neither
exception obtains; hence, her death is subject to compen-
If you were Tito's employer, would you grant his sation.
request? Why? (6%)


Assume that in Problem 5, Mario, an RSC member Pepe Santos was an international flight steward of
disgusted with the non-payment of his night shift diffe- Flysafe Airlines. Under FSA's Cabin Crew Administra-
rential and overtime pay, filed a complaint with the tion Manual, Santos must maintain, given his height
DOLE Regional Office against RSC and PizCorp. After and body frame, a weight of 150 to 170 pounds. After 5
inspection, it was found that indeed Mario was not get- years as a flight steward, Santos began struggling with
ting his correct differential and overtime pay and that his weight; he weighed 200 lbs., 30 pounds over the
he was not declared an SSS member (so that no pre- prescribed maximum weight. The Airline gave him a
miums for SSS membership were ever remitted). On one-year period to attain the prescribed weight, and
this basis, the Regional Director issued a compliance enrolled him in several weight reduction programs. He
order holding PizCorp and RSC solidarily liable for the consistently failed to meet his target. He was given a
payment of the correct differential and overtime pay 6-month grace period, after which he still failed to
and ordering PizCorp to report Mario for membership meet the weight limit. FSC thus sent him a Notice of
with SSS and remit overdue SSS premiums. Administrative Charge for violation of company stan-
dards on weight requirements. He stated in his answer
Who has the obligation to report the RSC mem- that, for medical reasons, he cannot have a rapid
bers for membership with the SSS, with the concomi- weight loss. A clarificatory hearing was held where
tant obligation to remit SSS premiums? Why? (6%) Santos fully explained his predicament. The explana-
tion did not satisfy FSA and so it decided to terminate
Answer: Santos's service for violation of company standards.
PizCorp has the obligation to .report all the RSC Santos filed a complaint for illegal dismissal, arguing
members for SSS coverage and to remit the concomitant that the company's weight requirement policy is un-
SSS contributions. reasonable and that his case is not a disciplinary but a
medical issue (as one gets older, the natural tendency
The obligation to report another for SSS coverage is to grow heavier). FSA defended its policy as a valid
and to remit the corresponding contributions arises from
exercise of management prerogative and from the
one's being an employer. Under Sec. 8 of R.A. 8282, such point of view of passenger safety and extraordinary di-
status attaches when one uses the services of another and ligence required by law of common carriers; it also
controls the latter's means and methods of performance. posited that Santos' failure to achieve his ideal weight
Since, based on control, the locus of employer-employee constituted gross and habitual neglect of duty, as well
relationship is the affair between Pizcorp and the RSC as willful disobedience to lawful employer orders. The
members then the obligation in question should be im- Labor Arbiter found the dismissal illegal for there was
posed on PizCorp as employer. neither gross and habitual neglect of duty nor willful
Is the Labor Arbiter correct? Why or why not?
Explain fully. (6%)
14 BAR Q&A

Answer: the appropriate periods, whichever is higher. Decide.

The Labor Arbiter is not correct. (6%)

In Yrasuegi v. PAL, G.R. No. 168081, 17 October Answer:

2008, the Supreme Court held that the setting of a weight
standard by an airline company for safety reasons was a Respondent exercised substantial control over the
reasonable exercise of management prerogative. complainants; hence, purslJant to Art. 138 of the Labor
Code, the latter were its employees. Moreover, on account
Despite the 1-year period given him to bring down his of the nature of their work as necessary, vital and indispen-
weight to acceptable levels, not to mention his 6-month sable to respondent's business, complainants could only
grace period, Santos came back heavier despite being en- be dismissed under the ·Labor Code for a just cause (Art.
rolled in several weight management programs. Thus, his 297) or authorized cause (Arl. 298) because they were
non-compliance with the weight standard, wh'1ch served a tenured already per Art. 295. Since their dismissal was not
legitimate public safety purpose, amounted to gross and for either cause, there dismissal was illegal.
habitual neglect of duty and wilful disobedience.
As to entitlement to service charges, the new law re-
XI quires complete and equal distribution of services charges
to all employees, except managers (R.A. 11360). Hence,
Complainants had worked five (5) years as wait- not only should the respondent give 85% thereof to the
resses in a cocktail lounge owned by the respondent. complainants but 100% since the new law has done away
They did not receive any salary directly from the res- with the 85%-15% distribution requirement under Art. 96 of
pondent but shared in all service charges collected for the Labar Code.
food and drinks to the extent of 15%. With respon-
dent's prior permission, they could sit with and enter- XU
tain guests inside the establishment and appropriate
for themselves the tips given by guests. After five (5) Arnaldo, President of "Bisig" Union in Femwear
years, the complaints' individual shares in the collec- Company, readied himself to leave exactly at 5:00 p.m.
ted service charges dipped to below minimum wage which was the end of his normal shift to be able to
level as a consequence of the lounge's marked busi- send off his wife who was scheduled to leave for over-
ness decline. Thereupon, complainants asked respon- seas. However, the General Manager required him to
dent to increase their share in the collected service render overtime work to meet the company's export
charges to 85% or the minimun wage level, whichever quota. ,Arnaldo begged off, explaining to the General
is higher. Manager that he had to see off his wife who was
Respondent terminated the services of the com- leaving to work abroad. The company dismissed
plainants who countered by filing a consolidated com- Arnaldo for insubordination. He filed a case for illegal
dismissal. Decide (6%)
plaint for unlawful dismissal, with prayer for 85% of
the collected service charges or the minimum wage for

cond, no-work justifies no-pay pursuant to the "fair day's
Arnaldo was illegally dismissed. ' pay for a fair day's work" rule.
Insubordination, the ground relied upon by the com- As to the second, the supervisors' inability to supply
pany, has legal meaning; it has elements; and it has con- personal services was by reason of the company's tem-
trolling case authority. On the overall, it obtains when an porary inability to supply work to them owing to the strike of
employee wilfully violates a reasonable directive pertaining the rank-and-filers over which it had no control. Being fault-
to his work and his violation is characterized by wrongful less, the company cannot he made answerable for the
and perverse attitude. Here, the inability of Arnaldo .to ren- consequent loss of the salaries at issue.
der work as requested by the General Manager has a valid
excuse. In other words, responsible discharge of marital or XIV
familial duty can never be wrong or perverse. This cancels
out the element of wrongful and perverse attitude. Being "Puwersa", a labor federation, after having won in
insufficient in law, therefore, the company's ground cannot a certification election held in the company premises,
justify the dismissal. sent a letter to respondent company reminding it of its
obligation to recognize the local union. Respondent
XIII company replied that though it is willing, the rank-and-
file employees had already lost interest in joining the
The rank-and-file union staged a strike in the com- local union as they had dissolved it. "Puwersa" argued
pany premises which caused the disruption of busi- that since it won in a certification election, it can va-
ness operations. The supervisors union of the same lidly perform its function as a bargaining agent and
company filed a money claim for unpaid salaries for represent the rank-and-file employees despite the
the duration of the strike, arguing that the supervisors' union's dissolution.
failure to report for work was not attributable to them. Is the argument of "Puwersa" tenable? Decide
The company contended that it was equally faultles:s, with reasons. (6%)
for the strike was not the direct consequence of any
lockout or unfair labor practice. May the company be Answer:
held liable for the salaries of the supervisor? Decide
(6%) The argument of Pwersa is not tenable.
Although allowed by Arts 268 and 269 of the Labor
Answer: Code to petition for a certification election on behalf of a
No. member it has chartered, a federation cannot arrogate un-
to itself the right to collectively bargain. In all respects, a fe-
The company may not be held liable for the Rayment deration is just an agent. If the certification election initia-
of the salaries claimed by the supervisors for the following ted by its petition is held resulting in the selection and certi-
reasons: first, it did not unlawfully withhold subject salaries fication of its principal, Art. 267 of the Labor Code clearly
as to be liable under Art. 116 of the Labor Code; and se- vests in said principal as the. sole and exclusive bargaining

representative, to the exclusion of all else, the right to rep- 2009 BAR EXAMINATIONS
resent the workers for purposes of collective bargaining.
Hence, if the principal dissolves itself in accordance
with Art. 248 of the Labor Code resulting in the cancella-
TRUE or FALSE. Answer TRUE if the statement is
tion of its certificate of registration then it loses its legal
true, or FALSE if the statement is false. Explain your
personality to demand for the crafting of a plant law. In
answer in not more than two (2) sentences. (5%)
such case, its agent cannot demand to discharge the func-
tion it has abandoned. · (a) An employment contract prohibiting em-
ployment in a competing company within one year
from separation is valid.
(b) All confidential employees are disqualified
to unionize for the purpose of collective bargaining.
(c) A runaway shop is an act constituting unfair
labor practice.
(d) In the law on labor relations, the substitu-
tionary doctrine prohibits a new collective bargaining
agent from repudiating an existing collective bargai•
ning agreement
(e) The visitorial and enforcement powers of
the DOLE Regional Director to order and enforce com-
pliance with labor standard laws can be exercised
even when the individual claim exceeds PS,000.00.

(a) True
It is valid provided it is limited as to time, space, and
trade. If ,the general effect is involuntary servitude or res-
traint of .trade; or its specific effect is perpetual prohibition,
relocatiqn to another country in order to be employed, or
prohibition to seek employment even in a trade the emplo-
yer is not actually engaged in then the non-compete clause
would be void. (see Daisy B. Tiu v. Platinum Plans Phi/s.,
Inc., G.R. No. 163512, 28 February 2007).


(b) True
Confidential employees, by force of the Principle of
Necessary Implication, are like managers who are expres- t a. Enumerate at least four (4) policies enshrined
sly disqualified by Art. 255 of the Labor Code. One p,osses- I in Section 3, Article XIII of the Constitution that are not
ses confidential employee status if a party to a fiduciary re-
lationship in which he assists or reports to another in pos-
covered by Article 3 of the Labor Code on declaration
of basic policy. (2%)
session of a labor-management information; provided, he
b. Clarito, an employee of Juan, was dismissed

has access to said information and his access thereto is
for allegedly stealing Juan's wristwatch. In the illegal
inherent in his position.
dismissal case instituted by Clarito, the Labor Arbiter,
(c) False ! citing Article 4 of the Labor Code, ruled in favor of
Clarito upon finding Juan's testimony doubtful. On ap-
Not all business relocations constitute prohibited run- peal, the NLRC reversed the Labor Arbiter holding that
away. It ls only when the n1loqation serves anti-union pur- Article 4 applies only when the doubt involves "imple-
poses that it becomes unlawful. Hence, if the employer's mentation and interpretation" of the Labor Code pro-
purpose ls to make impossible or extremely difftcu!t to tie visions. The NLRC explained that the doubt may not
struck against then the relocation of its shop ls an unfair necessarily be resolved in favor of labor since this
labor practice because 1t violates its workers' right to self- case involves the application of the Rules on Evi-
organization which includes the shadow right to strike. dence, not the Labor Code. Is the NLRC correct? Rea-
sons. (3%)
(d) True
The CBA is intended to stabilize- relations within the
plant; hence. a company that has a GBA with its workers is (a) The following are the policies enshrined in Sec.
deemed organized, Where the incumbentcollectlve bargar- 3, Art. XIII of the Constitution but not covered by Art.3 of
ning agreement is dislodged thru the mass resignation of the Labor Code.
its members resulting i.n its substrtutlon by another Lffiion,
the remedy the law gives the latter is the opportunity to ne- (1) participation;
gotiate over the shortening of the period of the CBA and (2) shared-responsibility;
nothing else more. Before then, it must honor that CBA.
(3) preferential use of voluntary modes of settling dis-
putes; and
(e) True
I (4) just share in the fruits of production.
The P5,000.00 jurisdictional threshold does not apply
to rectification cases under Art. 128 of the Labor Code. It
only applies to recovery cases under Art. 129 of the Code. II (b) The NLRC is not correct.
The Liberal Interpretation Rule under Art. 4 of the
Labor Code has an expanded coverage. Not only does it
require pro-labor resolution of doubts and ambiguities ari-

sing from provisions of the Labor Code and its ORILC but Answer:
also from labor contracts (Alt. 1702, New Civil Code) and
evidence in labor proceedings (Hocheng Philippines (a) The Labor Arbiter has jurisdiction.
Corp. v. Antonio M. Farra/es, G.R. No. 211497, 18 Sec. 7, R.A. 10022 confers jurisdiction on the Labor
March 2018). Arbiter over the money claims, including damages, of
OFWs arising from employer-employee relationship, con-
Ill tract, or law.
(b) Actual deployment of an OFW signals the birth
Richie, a driver-mechanic, was recruited by
of employer-employee relationship between him and his
Supreme Recruiters (SR) and its principal, Mideast
foreign employer (Paul v. Santiago v. CF Sharp Crew
Recruitment Agency {MRA), to work in Qatar for a
Management, Inc., G.R. No. 162419, 10 July 2007). Ne-
period of two {2) years. However, soon after the con-
vertheless, an undeployed OFW can litigate before the La-
tract was approved by POEA, MRA advised SR to
bor Arbiter- over money claims arising from his perfected
forego Richie's deployment because it had already employment contract.
hired another Filipino driver-mechanic, who had just
completed his contract in Qatar. Aggrieved, Richie (c) The "lesser amount rule" in Sec. 7, R.A. 10022
filed with the NLRC a complaint against SR and MRA has been declared as unconstitutional for violating the Due
for damages corresponding to his two years' salary Process Clause and the Equal Protection Clause (Sameer
under the POEA-approved contract. Overseas Placement Agency v. Joy Cabiles, G.R. No.
170139, 5 August 2014). Hence, MRA and SR are liable for
SR and MRA traversed Richie's complaint, raising
the payment of 2 years of salaries.
the following arguments:
The Labor Arbiter has no jurisdiction over the IV
case; (2%)
Because Richie was not able to leave for Qatar, no Diosdado, a carpenter, was hired by Building In-
employer-employee relationship was established bet- dustries Corporation (BIC) and assigned to build a
ween them; (2%) and small house in Alabang. His contract of employment
specifically referred to him as a "project employee" al-
Even assuming that they are liable, their liability though it did not provide any particular date of com-
would, at most, be equivalent to Richie's salary for pletion of the project.
only six (6) months, not two years. (3%).
Is the completion of the house a valid cause for
Rule on the validity of the foregoing arguments the termination of Diosdado's employment? If so, what
with reasons. are the due process requirements that the BIC must
satisfy? If not, why not? (3%)



Answer: 1 Answer:
Yes, the completion of the house is a valid ground for
terminating Diosdado. Although the date of completion is (a) No, Baldo is not entitled to both reinstatement
and backwages. When a dismissal is grounded on an ap-
not predetermined by stipulation, it is still determinable
(Art. 295, Labor Code).
Termination based on completion of project has no
I parent abandonment of work, which turns out to be lacking
in both elements later on, the dismissal is a "good faith"
dismissal; hence, the employer incurs no liability. However,
due process ritual because the project employee is not since there is no abandonment of work because the re-
being dismissed based on fault. However, the law requires quired unjustifiable refusal to work is contradicted by a
the employer to report the completed project and submit a wrongful detention, the employee must be ordered re-
list of all affected workers to the DOLE Regional Director turned to his work.
(P.I. No. 19); otherwise, the project employment would be
in serious doubt (Maraguinot, et al. v, NLRC, et al., G.R. Therefore, Baldo is entitled to reinstatement without
No. 120969, 22 January 1998).
backwages. ·

V (b) No, Domingo is not correct. His dismissal is

valid because: (1) he occupies a position of trust and con-
fidence; (2) he breached his employer's trust knowingly, in-
a. Baldo was dismissed from employment for
tentionally, and purposely; and (3) his employer's loss of
having been absent without leave (AWOL) for eight (8)
trust has factual basis; hence, it is not simulated only.
months. It turned out that the reason for his absence
was his incarceration after he was mistaken as his
neighbor's killer. Eventually acqujtted and released
from jail, Baldo returned to his employer and deman-
ded reinstatement and full backwages. Is Baldo en- Albert, a 40~year old employer, asked his domes-
tic helper, lnday, to give him a private massage. When
titled to reinstatement and backwages? Explain your
lnday refused, Albert showed her Article 141 of the
answer. (3%)
Labor Code, which says that one of the duties of a do-
b. Domingo, a bus conductor of San Juan Trans-
portation Company, intentionally did not issue a ticket
ii mestic helper is to minister to the employer's personal
comfort and convenience.
to a female passenger, Kim, his long-time crush. As a
result, Domingo was dismissed from employment for
Il a. Is lnday's refusal tenable? Explain. (3%)
fraud or willful breach of trust. Domingo contests his b. Distinguish briefly, but clearly, a "househelper"
dismissal, claiming that he is not a confidential emplo- from a "homeworker." (2%)
yee and, therefore, cannot be dismissed from the ser-
vice for breach of trust. Is Domingo correct? Reasons.
'l Answer:

(a) lnday's refusal is tenable. Art. 141 does not

contemplate the rendition by a domestic helper of indecent
services. At any rate, the provisions of the Labor Code on

domestic helpers have been supplanted by R.A. 10361, or (b) The union went on strike without complying
the Kasambahay Act. Under said law, a kasambahay is with the strike-vote requirement under the Labor Code.
entitled to humane treatment by the members of the (2%)
household she ministers to (Sec.5).
Rule on the foregoing contentions with reasons.
(b) The two may be distinguished from each other (c) The Labor Arbiter found management guilty
as follows: of unfair labor practice for the unlawful dismissal of
(1) A domestic helper (kasambahay) ministers to the Johnny. The decision became final. Thereafter, the
personal comfort and convenience of the members of a NMMR filed a criminal case against the Manager of
household; in contrast, a homeworker processes or fabri- Manila Restaurant. Would the Labor Arbiter's finding
cates raw materials into finished products; be sufficient to secure the Manager's conviction? Why
or why not? (2%}
(2) A domestic helper (kasambahay) works at the
house of the household served; in contrast, a homeworker Answer:
works at home or about the premises of his home; and
(a) The company's contention is meritorious. Ob-
(3) The terms and conditions of employment of a do- servance of the applicable cooling-off period is mandatory;
mestic helper (kasambahay) are regulated by R.A. 10361; hence, being part of prescribed pre-strike procedure, its
in contrast, those of a homeworker are regulated by P.D. non-observance renders the strike illegal.
(b) The voting requirement is equally mandatory.
VII Its purpose is the protection of the union numbers against
unscrupulous union officers. In fact, the voting result is
required to be submitted to the NCMB in furtherance of the

Johnny is the duly elected President and principal
same purpose, giving the NCMB 7 days to look into the
union organizer of the Nagkakaisang Manggagawang
regularity of the voting (Art. 279-f, Labor Code)
Manila Restaurant (NMMR), a legitimate labor organi-
zation. He was unceremoniously dismissed by ma- !
; (c) No. The Labor Arbiter's decision finding ULP is
nagement for spending virtually 95% of his working a prerequisite for the institution of the criminal action; how-
hours in union activities. On the same day Johnny re- f ever, it is non-prejudicial. Such finding is based on sub-
ceived the notice of termination, the labor union went ~! stantial evidence; hence, although final, it cannot deter-
on strike. mine the outcome of the criminal case because a convic-

Management filed an action to declare the strike tion for ULP as a crime must be upon proof beyond reaso-
illegal, contending that: nable doubt. "Criminal and labor proceedings involving an
employee arising from the same infraction are separate
(a) The union did not observe the "cooling-off and distinct from one another and should not arrest any
period" mandated by the Labor Code; (2%) and

judgment from one to the other." (St. Luke's Medical Cen-
ter, Inc. v. Ma. Theresa \I. Sanchez, G.R. No. 212054, 11
March 2015).


VIII appeal, there is no need for a writ of execution to effect it

because it is immediately executory as a police power
Alexander, a security guard of Jaguar Security measure. Once the reinstatement order is duly served on
Agency (JSA), could not be given any assignment be- the employer, it has ten (10) calendar days to manifest to
cause no client would accept him. He had a face only a the Labor Arbiter its compliance therewith.
mother could love. After six (6) months of being on
"floating" status, Alexander sued JSA for constructive (c) Reinstatement cannot be prevented. However,
dismissal. The Labor Arbiter upheld Alexander's claim an employer is given three options in effecting it. If it does
of constructive dismissal and ordered JSA to imme- not desire actual reinstatement to either former position or
diately reinstate Alexander. JSA appealed the decision to an equivalent position, it may opt to restore the dis-
to the NLRC. Alexander sought immediate enforcement missed employee to its payroll only.
of the reinstatement order while the appeal was pen-
ding. IX
JSA hires you as lawyer, and seeks your advice
on the following:
a. What is wage distortion? Can a labor union in-
voke wage distortion as a valid ground to go on
(a) Because JSA has no client who would ac,. strike? Explain. (2%)
cept Alexander, can it stm be compe.lled to. reinstate
him pending appeal even if it has posted an appeal b. What procedural remedies are open to wor-
kers who seek correction •::>f wage distortion? (2%)
bond? (2%)
(b) Can the order of reinstatement be imme- Answer:
diately enforced in the absence -of ·a motion for the
issuance of a writ of execution? (2%) (a) A wage distortion is the elimination or serious
contraction of the wage gap advantage enjoyed by one
(c) If the order of reinstatement is being en- wage group over another as to destroy the hierarchy of po-
forced, what should JSA do in order to prevent reins- sitions and corresponding pay rates adopted by the em-
tatement? (2%) ployer based on rational considerations, i.e., as long as the
Explain your answers. obliteration of the wage gap is by reason of a wage law,
wage order, merger of companies, or CSA renegotiation.
Answer: A wage dist-ortion dispute is non-strikable. The allo-
(a) Yes. The posting of an appeal bond does no wable strike grounds are bargaining deadlock and ULP to
stay the execution of a reinstatement order which, by force the exclusion of all others, e.g., inter-union dispute, intra-
of Art. 229, Labor Code is immediately executory even union dispute, and labor standards disputes, like one ari-
pending appeal. sing from a wage distortion.

(b) No. Since the reinstatement was ordered by a (b) Workers who seek correction of a wage distor-
first-level tribunal, as distinguished from one ordered on tion have the following procedural remedies:

If the establishment is organized, they may bring the

issue to the Grievance Machinery. If unresolved at that
level, they may elevate it to voluntary arbitration.
If the establishment is unorganized, their remedy is to
bring the issue to the NCMB which has ten (10) calendar TRUE or FALSE. Answer TRUE if the statement is
days to resolve it; otherwise, it shall refer it to the Labor true, or FALSE if the statement is false. Explain your
Arbiter. answer in not more than two (2) sentences. (5%)
(a) Seafarers who have worked for twenty (20)
X years on board the same vessel are regular emplo-
a. State briefly the compulsory coverage of the
Government Service Insurance Act. (2%) (b) Employment of children below fifteen (15)
years of age in any public or private establishment is
b. Can a member of a cooperative be deemed an absolutely prohibited.
employee for purposes of compulsory coverage under
the Social Security Act? Explain. (2%) (c) Government employees have the right to
organize and join concerted mass actions without
Answer: incurring administrative liability.

(a) The compulsory coverage of the GSIS is as (d) A waiver of the right to claim overtime pay is
follows: contrary to law.

(I) All government employees,..appointive or elective; (e) Agency fees cannot be collected from a
non-union member in the absence of a written autho-
(II) Who are not more than 65 years old; and rization signed by the worker concerned.
(Ill) they receive basic salary.
The following are excluded:
'(a) FALSE
(I) government employees who are paid honoraria;
Per case law, seafarers are contractual employees;
(11) government employees who are paid per diem; hence, their length of service does not confer on them regu-
lar employment status (Mil/ares v. NLRC, G.R. No. 122827,
(b) Yes. A cooperative member whose personal 29 March 1999).
services are utilized by the cooperative and whose means
and methods of performing his work are controlled by i.t is a (b) FALSE
cooperative employee (Sec. 8, R.A. 8282). Hence, being Art. 137 of the Labor Code permits the employment
an employee, he has compulsory SSS coverage. of children who are below 15 under the conditions therein
set, viz., (i) they work directly under the sole responsibility
of their parents or guardians; (ii) their co-employees are

family members; and (iii) their employment does not in any The constitutionality of the two (2) laws is chal-
way interfere with their schooling. lenged in court. As judge, how will you rule? (5%)

(c) FALSE Answer:

While the right to organize is guaranteed to govern- Tenurial Security is a constitutional guarantee (Sec.
ment employees and said right includes their right to en- 3, Art. XIII, Constitution). Therefore, the first innovative
gage in concerted activity, law can withhold said penum-
bra! right. As to them, E.O. 180 withholds that right; hence,
until restored, they cannot exercise it.
i measure which derogates right to security of tenure is
As to the second innovative measure, the Alviado
(d) TRUE. ruling (A/viado, et al., v. Proctor & Gamble , G.R. No.
The character of statutory benefits, like overtime pay, 160506, 6 June 2011) permits the outsourcing of both core
is that they are mandatory benefits; hence, their waiver is and non-core services. In this regard, congressional act
contrary to law. cannot undo case law as the only means of undoing it is
thru a contrary ruling laid down by the full Court (Sec. 4,
(e) FALSE. Art. VIII, Constitution).
A written authorization is not required for the deduc-
tion of agency fees from the wages of non-union members. XIII
The fees are legal obligations imposed on said employees
as correlative money obligations in exchange for receiving Atty. Renan, a CPA-lawyer and Managing Partner
the benefits negotiated by the contracting union. of an accounting firm, conducted the orientation semi-
nar for newly-hired employees of the firm, among
XII them, Miss Maganda. After the seminar, Renan reques-
. , ted Maganda to stay, purportedly to discuss some
In her State of the Nation Address, the President work assignment. Left alone in the training room,
stressed the need to provide an investor-friendly
business environment so that the country can com-
pete in the global economy that now suffers from a
I Renan asked Maganda to go out with him for dinner
and ballroom dancing. Thereafter, he persuaded her to
accompany him to the mountain highway in Antipolo
crisis bordering on recession. Responding to the call,
Congress passed two innovative legislative measures,
namely: (1) a law abolishing the security of tenure
clause in the Labor Code; and (2) a law allowing con-
tractualization in all areas needed in the employer's
Il for sight-seeing. During all these, Renan told Maganda
that most, if not all, of the lady supervisors in the firm
are where they are now, in very productive and lucra-
tive posts, because of his favorable endorsement.
(a) Did Renan commit acts of sexual harassment
business operations. However, to soften the impact of
these new measures, the law requires that all emplo-
t in a work- related or employment environment? Reasons.
yers shall obtain mandatory unemployment insurance
coverage for all their employees. ·

(b) The lady supervisors in the firm, slighted by XIV

Renan's revelations about them, succeeded in having
him expelled from the firm. Renan then filed with the Jolli-Mac Restaurant Company (Jolli-Mac) owns
Arbitration Branch of the NLRC an illegal dismissal and operates the largest food chain in the country. It
case with claims for damages against the firm. Will the engaged Matiyaga Manpower Services, Inc. (MMSI), a
case prosper? Reasons. (2%) job con-tractor registered with the Department of
Labor and Employment, to provide its restaurants the
Answer: necessary personnel, consisting of cashiers, motor-
(a) No, Renan did not commit acts of sexual haras- cycle delivery boys and food servers, in its operations.
sment. The Service Agreement warrants, among others, that
MMSI has a paid- up capital of P2,000,000.00; that it
The gravamen of the offense of sexual harassment is would train and determine Ule qualification and fitness
abuse of authority (Phil. Aeolus Automotive United of all personnel to be assigned to Jolli- Mac; that it
Corp. v. NLRC, G.R. No. 124617, 2,8 April 2000), In turn, would provide these personnel with proper Jolli-Mac
abuse of authority lies in the use of one's influence or as- uniforms; and that it is exclusively responsible to
cendancy as a means of getting sexual favor. The offender these personnel for their respective salaries and all
induces the delivery of said favor thru a promise of employ- other mandatory statutory benefits.
ment, continuing employment or reemployment. Here, Atty.
Renan promised none of these to Maganda and expected After the contract was signed, it was revealed,
no sexual favor from her. If ris conduct requires censure, it based on research conducted, that MMSI had no other
can only be under the Safe Spaces Act of 2019 as same clients except Jolli-Mac, and one of its major owners
may be categorized as a misogynistic_aci. was a member of the Board of Directors of Jolli-Mac.

(b) No, the case will not prosper for lack of jurisdic- Is the Service Agreement between Jolli-Mac and
tion. MMSI legal and valid? Why or why not? (3%)

As the Managing Partner of the accounting firm, Atty. If the·cashiers, delivery boys and food servers are
Renan has free reign over this means of managing the not paid their lawful salaries, including overtime pay,
affairs of his firm. Since nooody exercises labor law con- holiday pay, 13th month pay, and service incentive
cept of control over him, he cannot be an employee of the leave pay, against whom may these workers file their
firm. Hence, applying the Reasonable Causal Connec- claims? Explain. (2%)
tion Rule, the Labor Arbiter does not have the compe-
tence to hear and determine his complaint for illegal dis- Answer:
missal. The dispute, being intracorporate in character (a) No, the SA is not legal and valid for the following
should have been brought to the RTC as a special com- reasons:
mercial court. (R.A. 8799; A.M. No. 00-11-03-SC).
First, MMSI is an in-house contractor owing to the fact
that it is co-owned by Jolli-Mac which happens to be its
sole client;
36 BAR Q&A

Second, MMSI is not substantially capitalized since its (b) May the management or lawyer of MNO
paid-up capital is below the required PSM capitalization; Company legally ask for the absolute termination of
and the certification election proceedings because 180 of
Third, the workers supplied by MMSI to Jolli-Mac are the workers ~ a clear plurality of the voters - have
performing work directly related to the latter's trade. chosen not to be represented by any union? Reasons.
(b) The unpaid workers can proceed against Jolli- (c) If you were the duly designated election offi-
Mac for the payment of their salaries and mandatory cer in this case, what would you do to effectively
benefits since it is their actual employer. In labor-only con- achieve the purpose of certification election procee-
tracting, which obtains in the premises, the legal persona- dings? Discuss. (3%)
lity of the labor-only contractor mergers with that of its prin-
cipal. ·Hence, its violations of Labor Law will impose on its Answer:
principal the comprehensive solidary liability of rectifying
said violations thru payment. (a) No, B cannot be certified as the exclusive
bargaining agent.
xv The winner in a certification election is the partici-
pant, including No Union, which garners majority vote
Among the 400 regular rank-and-file workers of based on the valid votes cast. Hence, since all 400 emplo-
MNO Company, a certification election was ordered yees cast their ballots - except 4 spoiled ones; hence,
conducted by the Med-Arbiter of the Region. The con- invalid - the valid votes are 396. Since the majority thereof
tending parties obtained the follo~if!g votes: is 198+1 (199), then Union B did not win the election
because it garnered 71 votes only.
1. Union A - 70
2. Union B - 71 (b) No.
3. Union C - 42 Based on the total number of votes cast for union rep-
4. Union D - 33 resentation, i.e., 222, which is more than the 180 workers
5. No union - 180 who favor non-representation, the clear desire of the plura-
lity is to hold a certification election.
6. Spoiled votes - 4
There were no objections or challenges raised by (c) I will conduct a run-off election between Union
any party on the results of the election. A and Union B for the following reasons:
(a) Can Union B be certified as the sole and (i) the CE is valid because it is not barred and
exclusive collective bargaining agent among the rank- majority of the eligible voters cast their votes;
and-file workers of MNO Company considering that it
garnered the highest number of votes among the con-
(ii) there are three or more participants, including
No Union;
tending unions? Why or why not? (3%)
38 BAR Q&A

(iii) none of the participants got majority vote based tion- election during the freedom period. On March 30,
on the valid votes; 200.8, no CBA had been concluded. Management
(iv) the total votes given by the workers to the parti- learned that the Union would declare a bargaining
cipating unions, excluding No Union, is at least 50% of the
number of ballots they cast; and
deadlock on the next scheduled bargaining meeting.
As expected, on April 3, 2008, the Union declared
(v) there is no election contest that can materially a deadlock. In the afternoon of the same day, manage-
alter the no-winner result of the CE. ment issued a formal announcement in writing, posted
on the bulletin board, that due to the CBA expiration
XVI on December 31, 2007, all fringe benefits contained
therein are considered wjthdrawn and can no longer
The Company and Triple-X Union, the certified be implemented, effective immediately.
bargaining agent of rank-and-file employees, entered (a) When was the "freedom period" referred to
into a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) effective in the foregoing narration of facts? Explain. (2%)
for the period January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2007.
(b) After April 3, 2008, will a petition for
For the 4th and 5th years of the CBA, the signifi- certification election filed by another legitimate labor
cant improvements in wages and other benefits ob- union representing the rank-and-file employees legally
tained by the Union were: prosper? Reasons. (3%)
1) Salary increases of P1 ,000 and P1 ,200 month- (c) Is management's withdrawal of the fringe
ly, effective January 1, 2006 and January 1, 2007, res- benefits valid? Reasons. (2%)
I (d) . If you were the lawyer for the union, what
2) Vacation Leave and Sick Leave were adjusted
from 12 days to 15 days annually for each employee; i legal recourse or action would you advise? Reasons.
3) Medical subsidy of P3,000 per year for the I
purchase of medicines and hospitalization assistance f Answer:
of P10,000 per year for actual hospital confinement; l (a) The freedom period is the last 60 days of the
4) Rice Subsidy of P600 per month, provided the
employee has worked for at least 20 days within the
particular month; and
political life of the CSA which, in the problem, starts on 31
October 2007 or thereabouts.

5) Birthday Leave with Pay and Birthday Gift of (b) After 3 April 2008, a CE petition would be a
P1,500. . barred petition because the freedom period for filing one is
the last 60 days before the expiration of the CBA (Art. 268,
As early as October 2007, the Company and the Labor Code)
Union started negotiations t~ renew the CBA. Despite
mutual good faith and earnest efforts, they could not (c) Yes. Owing to the expiration of the CSA, the
agr.ee. However, no union filed a petition for certifica- fringe benefits can be withheld for two reasons: first, the

40 ~RQ~

Principle of Non-Diminution of Benefits (Art. 100, Labor

employee would know what exactly to explain. Ample
Code) applies only to benefits enjoyed before the promulga-
opportunity to be heard is any effective means thru which
tion of the Labor Code and second, the right of collective
the employee can ventilate his defense/s.
bargaining includes the right to suspend it. (Insular Hotel
Employees Union-HFL v. Waterfront Insular Hotel (b) No.
Davao, G.R. Nos. 174040-41, 22 Sept. 2010) Alfredo, who does not question the ground for his dis-
missal, takes issue with the denial unto him of due pro-
(d) As lawyer for the union, I will advise the filing of
cess. Based on said violation, he claims that his dismissal
a notice of preventive mediation with the NCMB. If the is illegal. However, violation of pretermination procedure
company agree to the mediation of the dispute, I would does not make a dismissal illegal. For the reason that his
see to the signing by both parties of a submission agree- dismissal is for a just cause, hence valid, he cannot be gi-
ment to vest jurisdiction on the voluntary arbitrator. If the ven a reinstatement and awarded full backwages. ·
company refuses to sign, I would advise the service of a
notice to arbitrate so that the voluntary arbitrator could still
get to hear and resolve the dispute (Insular Hotel, supra;
Tabigue v. JNTERCO, G.R. No. 18335, 23 Dec. 2009)
Cite four (4) instances when an illegally dismissed
employee may be· awarded separation pay in lieu of
reinstatement. (3%)
Alfredo was dismissed by management for se- Explain the impact of the union security clause to
rious misconduct. He filed suit for illegal dismissal, al- the employees' right to seturity of tenure. (2%)
leging that although there may be. jYst cause, he was
not afforded due process by management prior to his Answer:
termination. He demands reinstatement with full back-
(a) Separation pay may be awarded an illegally dis-
wages. missed employee in lieu of reinstatement when tr,ere is a
What are the twin requirements of due process valid reinstatement bar such as any of the following:
which the employer must observe in terminating or i. strained relations;
dismissing an employee? Explain. (3%)
ii the position involved is one of trust and confidence;
Is Alfredo entitled to reinstatement and full back-
wages? Why or why not? (3%) iii. the employee has already reached mandatory
retirement age; and
Answer: iv. reinstatement is detrimental to the interest of both
(a) The twin requirements of statutory due process parties.
are meaningful notice and ample opportunity to be heard.
The required notice is basically a charge sheet particula- (b) The impact of the union security clause is that it
rizing the ground/s for disciplinary action so that the limits the employees' right to security of tenure. It is an ins-

trument to strengthen and ensure the viability of the con- 2010 BAR EXAMINATIONS
tracting union. Hence, subject to the requirements of due
process, the union can demand for the dismissal of an em- PART!
ployee based on refusal to join the union, or failure to
maintain his membership in the union. I
TRUE OR FALSE. Explain your answer briefly.
1. Deeds of release, waivers and quitclaims are
always valid and binding. (2%)
2. The relations between employer and emplo-
yee are purely contractual in nature. (2%)
3. As a general rule, direct hiring of Overseas
Filipino Workers (OFWs) is not allowed. (2%)

Public policy frowns upon deeds of release, waivers
and quitclaims owing to the asymmetrical relationship bet-
ween employers and employees, especially when they do
not represent a fair and reasonable compromise and they
- are not supported with substantial consideration.

Art. 1700 of the New Civil Code characterizes em-
ployer-employee relationship as impressed with public inte-
rest; hence, it is not purely contractual. For this reason,
Art. 1701 ·institutes the Non-Oppression Rule to protect
that interest.

Art. 18 of the Labor Code bans direct hiring. Art. 16,
on the other hand, limits hiring of OFWs thru State agen-
cies but subject to Art. 25 under which the private sector
may be allowed participation under very stringent condi-
tions for the full protection of recruits.

II Ill

a. Distinguish the terms "conciliation," "media- A, single, has been an active member of the
tion" and "arbitration." (3%) Social Security System for the past 20 months. She be-
b. Differentiate "surface bargaining" from "blue- came pregnant out of wedlock and on her 7th month of
pregnancy, she was informed that she would have to
sky bargaining." (2%)
deliver the baby through caesarean section because of
some complications. Can Aclaim maternity benefits? If
yes, how many days can she go on maternity leave? If
(a) Employer-employee relationship is an inter-par- not, why is she not entitled? (3%)
ty relationship, which means that the parties thereto get to
determine the course of their affairs with minimum State Answer:
interference. Regardless, third-party mechanisms for dis-
pute resolution are allowed. Third party participation is: Yes ..

Conciliation if the third party helps the disputants Although single, A can claim maternity benefits under
meet and talk. He does not receive evidence from them, the system because social security law is morality-free and
much less render a judgmen: binding _on them. non-discriminatory, i.e., as long as she has complied with
the reportorial requirements and has paid at least 3 month-
Mediation if the third party, who does not also render ly contributions during the 12-month period immediately
a judgment upon evidence presented to him, helps the preceding her caesarian section.
disputants identify their issue and proposes solutions on
Pursuant to R.A. 11210, known as the Expanded Ma-
"take it" or "leave it" basis.
ternity Leave Act of 2019, her maternity benefits will con-
Arbitration if the third party is a judge who receives sist of 60 paid days of leave, plus 15 paid days if she quali-
the disputants evidence and renders a judgment binding fies as a solo parent. If the leave period is not enough, she
on them. It is voluntary if he has been pre-selected con- is allowed 30 more days but without pay.
tractually by the disputants; and it is compulsory if it ·1s law
which confers on him the power to hear and resolve their IV
A, a worker at ABC Company, was on leave with
(b.) The distinction lies in the following: pay on March 31, 2010. He reported for work on April 1
Surface Bargaining is a bargaining attitude whereby and 2, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, respec-
one goes thru motions of i1egotiating a CBA without an tively, both regular holidays. Is A entitled to holiday
honest intent to perfect it and be bound to its provisions. pay for the two successive holidays? Explain. (3%)
Bluesky Bargaining is a bargaining attitude manifes-
ting uncompromising bargaining position thru unreaso-
nable, unrealistic, impossible or difficult proposals.

Answer: strong union voted on March 13, 2010 to stage a strike.

A notice of strike was submitted to the National Conci-
Yes. liation and Mediation Board on March 16, 2010. Seven
For having been on leave with pay on the day days later or on March 23, 2010, the workers staged a
immediately preceding the two regular holidays, A enjoys strike in the course of which A had to leave and go to
the benefit of the "no work with pay" effect of a regular the hospitai where his wife had just delivered a baby.
holiday. Therefore, he is entitled to 200% of his basic· sala- The union members later intimidated and barred other
ry (Sec. 6, Rule IV, Book Ill, OR/LC). employees from entering the work premises, thus
paralyzing the business operations of the company. A
V was dismissed from employment as a consequence of
the strike.
Company XYZ has two recognized labor unions,
one for its rank-and-file employees (RFLU), and one a. Was the strike legal? Explain. (3%)
for super-visory employees (SELU). Of late, the b. Was A's dismissal valid? Why or why not? (3%)
company instituted a restructuring program by virtue
of which A, a rank-and-file employee and officer of Answer:
RFLU, was promoted to a supervi-sory position along
(a) No, the strike was not legal.
with four (4) other colleagues, also ac-tive · union
members and/or officers. Labor Union KMJ, a rival Under the Means Test, a strike that is otherwise law-
labor union seeking recognition as the rank-and-file ful is rendered illegal by the commission of illegalities in the
bargaining agent, filed a petition for the cancellation course of its staging, e.g., blocking of ingress and igress.
of the registration of RFLU on the ground that A and Likewise, under the Procedure Test, the union is required
her col-leagues have remained to· be members of to observe the applicable cooling-off period and see to the
RFLU. Is the pe-tition meritorious? Explain. (3%) approval of the intended strike by a majority of its mem-
No, the petition for cancellation is not meritorious. Since the union blocked the company ingress not
observe the 30-day cooling-off period, not to mention that it
The ground invoked, viz., mixed-union membership, is staged the strike upon the vote of less than 251, the
not a ground for cancellation under R.A. 9481 (Art. 256, majority of 500, it staged an illegal strike.
Labor Code, as renumbered). Its consequence is limited
to the automatic removal of non-members from the union. (b) A's dismissal was not valid.
When a strike is declared as illegal, union officers
who knowingly participated in straggling it can be dis-
missed. As to union members, their participation must be
A is a member of the labor union duly recognized
coupled with acts of illegality in order to have a ground for
as the sole bargaining representative of his company. dismissing them.
Due to a bargaining deadlock, 245 members of the 500-

Since A, a union member only, did not commit any b. Is his claim for salaries for the unexpired
illegality then his dismissal was not violated. portion of his contract tenable? Explain. (3%)

VII Answer:
(a) No, A's dismissal was not valid.
A was an able seaman contracted by ABC Recruit-
ment Agency for its foreign principal, Seaworthy Ship- It was not enough that A tested positive for Marijuana
ping Company (SSC). His employment contract pro- during the random screening test. The company should
vided that he would serve on board the Almieda II for have proceeded to conduct a confirmatory test (DOH D.O.
eight (8) months with a monthly salary of US$450. In No. 53-03) without a confirmatory test result, there is no
connection with his employment, he signed an un- just cause for dismissing A.
dertaking to observe the drug and alcohol policy
(b) Yes, his money claim is tenable.
which bans possession or use of all alcoholic beve-
rages, prohibited substances and un-prescribed drugs The illegal dismissal of a seafarer is governed by Sec.
on board the ship. The undertaking provided that: (1) 7, R.A. 10022. Pursuant thereto, but as clarified by the
disciplinary action including dismissal would be taken Supreme Court in SAMEER Overseas Placement Agen-
against anyone in possession of the prohibited sub- cy v. Joy Cabiles, G.R. No. 5 August 2014, A is entitled
stances or who is impaired by the use of any of these to all salaries he would have earned had his contract not
substances, and (2) to enforce the policy, random test been illegally preterminated.
sampling would be done on all those on board the
ship. VIII
On his third month of service -while the Almieda II
was docked at a foreign port, a random drug test was ABC company and U labor union have been nego-
conducted on all members of the crew and A tested tiating for a new Collective Bargaining Agreement
positive for marijuana. He was given a copy of the (CBA) but failed to agree on certain economic provi-
drug test result. In compliance with the company's sions of the existing agreement. In the meantime, the
directive, he submitted his written explanation which existing CBA expired. The company thereafter refused
the company did not find satisfactory. A month later, to pay the employees their midyear bonus, saying that
he was repatriated to the Philippines. the CBA which provided for the grant of midyear bonus
to all company employees had already expired. Are the
Upon arrival in the Philippines, A filed with the employees entitled to be paid their midyear bonus?
National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) a com- Explain your answer. (3%)
plaint against the agency and the principal for illegal
dismissal with a claim for salaries for the unexpired Answer:
portion of his contract. Yes.
a. Was A's dismissal valid? Explain. (3%) The Hold-Over Doctrine allows continuity in regard
the expired economic provision of a CBA just as the Auto-

matic Renewal Clause allows the continuity of expired poli- Answer:

tical provisions. Until a new CBA, with both sets of pro- l will advise A not to join the association.
visions, is concluded, the entire CSA between ABC ·com-
pany and U labor union will continue to be effective; hence, Cooperative members who are members at the same
the employees can claim their contractual benefits, inclu- time suffer a disqualification under organizational law due
ding midyear bonus. to conflict of interest. At the end of the day, the association
will demand to bargain with the cooperative; hence, A
IX would be placed in a situation wherein he would be bargai-
ning with himself because he co-owns the cooperative,
A was working as a medical representative of RX therefore, he must be disqualified.
pharmaceutical company when he met and fell in love
with B, a marketing strategist for Delta Drug Company, XI
a competitor of RX. On several occasions, the manage- '
ment of RX called A's attention to the stipulation in his Because of continuing financial constraints, XYZ,
employment contract that requires him to disclose any Inc. gave its employees the option to voluntarily resign
relationship by consanguinity or affinity with co-em- from the company. A was one of those who availed of
ployees or employees of competing companies in light the option. On October 5, 2007, he was paid separation
of a possible conflict o_f interest. A seeks your advice benefits equivalent to seven (7) months pay for his six
on the validity of the company policy. What would be (6) years and seven (7) months of service with the
your advice? (3%) company and he executed a waiver and quitclaim.
week later, A filed against XYZ, Inc. a complaint
j for illegal dismissal. While he admitted that he was not
I would advise A that the policy is a valid "no couples" ! forced to sign the quitclaim, he contended that he
policy because it serves a legitimate business purpose, l agreed to tender his voluntary resignation on the belief
viz., the protection of his employer against unfair competi- ! that XYZ, Inc. was closing down its business. XYZ,
tion. Therefore, he should consider the possibility of losing r Inc., however, continued its business under a different
his job if he decides to marry B. company name, he claimed.

A, an employee of XYZ Cooperative, owns 500

Rule on whether the quitclaim executed by A is
valid or not. Explain. (3%)

shares in the cooperative. He has been asked to join
the XYZ Cooperative Employees Association. He seeks The quitclaim is not valid.
your advice on whether he can join the association. When XYZ, Inc. intentionally withheld the information
What advice will you give him? (3%) that it would reorganize and continue doing business, it de-
nied A his right to make an informed decision over his live-


lihood. Thus, his consent was not an informed consent as XIII

to put in doubt the voluntariness of his wavier and quit-
claim. A is employed by XYZ Company where XYZ
To be valid, the person executing the waiver must Employees Union (XYZ-EU) is the recognized exclu-
have a full understanding thereof (Francisco Soriano, Jr. sive bargaining agent. Although A is a member of rival
v. NLRC, et.al., G.R. No. 165594, 23 April 2007). It is not union XYR-MU, he receives the benefits under the CBA
a fair waiver if secured thru machination or manipulation. that XYZ-EU had negotiated with the company. XYZ-EU
assessed A a fee equivalent to the dues and other fees
XII paid by its members but A insists that he has no obli-
gation to pay said dues and fees because he is not a
On December 12, 2008, A signed a contract to be member of XYZ-EU and he has not issued an authori-
part of the crew of ABC Cruises, Inc. through its Philip- zation to allow the collection. Explain whether his
claim is meritorious. (3%)
pine manning agency XYZ. Under the standard em-
ployment contract of the Philippine Overseas Employ-
ment Administration (POEA), his employment was to
commence upon his actual departure from the port in A's claim is not meritorious.
the point of hire, Manila, from where he would take a
It is the duty of A to pay the required agency fee in
flight to the USA to join the cruise ship "MS Carnegie."
exchange for enjoying the benefits secured by XYZ-EU not
However, more than three months after A secured his
exit clearance from the POEA for his supposed depar- only for its members but for all the members of the CSU it
represents, including himself.
ture on January 15, 2009, XYZ still had not deployed
him for no valid reason. Is A entitled to relief? Explain.

Yes. After working from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on a
The perfection of A's contract has created enfor- Thursday as one of 5,000 employees in a beer factory,
ceable rights, just as it has imposed correlative deman- A hurried home to catch the early evening news and
dable obligations. Hence, its unjustifiable breach entitles A hav~ dinner with his family. At around 10 p.m. o.f the
to relief. Under Sec. 7, R.A. 10022, he can file a money same day, the plant manager called and ordered A to
complaint with the Labor Arbiter for the purpose, among
fill iri for C who missed the second shift.
others, of seeking payment of the salaries he would have · May A validly refuse the plant manager's
earned had he been deployed. directive? Explain. (2%)
Assuming that A was made to work from 11 p.m.
on Thursday until 2 a.m. on Friday, may the company
argue that, since he was two hours late in coming to

work on Thursday morning, he should only be paid for disqualify said employee unless his actual functions make
work rendered from 1 a.m. to 2 a.m.? Explain? (3%) him a real manager who is disqualified (Arl. 255, Labor
Code), or he assists or report~ to another possessed with
Answer: labor-management information and he has access thereto
as a necessary consequence of his occupation of his
(a) Yes, A may validly refuse to fill in for C.
Outside the emergencies situations mentioned in Art.
89 of the Labor Code, an employee may not be required (b) No.
to work beyond his normal hours of work. Since the failure
Mixed-union membership is outside the limited list of
C to report for work did not create an emergency, the plant
cancellation grounds under R.A 9481. The only grounds
manager's directive is unreasonable; hence, has no duty to
now are voluntary dissolution of the union upon a 2/3
comply therewith. votes, misrepresentation, fraud, false statement relative to
the adoption of the Constitution and by-laws, and similar
(b) Yes. acts relative to the election of union officers.
The company is not required to compensate the 2
In the event if mixed-membership, the non-member is
hours which were unworked hours without violating the
simply automatically removed for the union (R.A. 9481).
law. Although Art. 88 of the Labor Code prohibits the off-
setting of undertime with overtime, this provision applies
only when there are at least two days involved. XVI

xv On the first day of collective bargaining negotia-

tions between rank-and-file Union A and B Bus Com-
Samahang Manggagawang Terracota, a union of pany, the former proposed a P45/day increase. The
supervisory employees at Terracota Inc., recently ad- company insisted that ground rules for negotiations
mitted a member of the company's managerial staff, A, should first be established, to which the union agreed.
into the union ranks. After agreeing on ground rules on the second day, the
union representatives reiterated their proposal for a
a. Should A be a member of the supervisory wage increase. When company representatives sug-
union? Explain. (2%) gested a discussion of political provisions in the Col-
b. Assuming that A is ineligible to join the union, lective Bargaining Agreement as stipulated in the
should the registration of Samahang Manggagawang ground rules, union members went on mass leave the
Terracota be cancelled? Explain. (3%) next day to participate in a whole-day prayer rally in
front of the company building.
Answer: a. The company filed a petition for assumption
(a) Unlike Labor Standards Law. under which a mem- of jurisdiction wit'1 the Secretary of Labor and Employ-
ber of the managerial staff has no labor standards cove- ment. The Union opposed the petition, arguing that it
rage (Art. 82, Labor Code), Labor Relations Law does not

did not intend to stage a strike. Should the petition be (c) No, the company cannot validly terminate AA at
granted? Explain. (2%) that point.
b. The Union contended that assuming that the Being a union member, AA can be validly dismissed
mass leave will be considered as a strike, the same only after it has been determined by a forum of competent
was valid because of the refusal of the company to jurisdiction that the strike he participated in was illegal and
discuss the economic provisions of the CBA. Rule on the committed illegalities in the course thereof.
the contention. (2%)
c. Union member AA, a pastor who h.eaded the XVII
prayer rally, was served a not.ice of termination by
management after it filed the petition for assumption
of jurisdiction. May the company validly terminate AA? I A was hired to work in a sugar plantation perfor-
ming such tasks as weeding, cutting and loading

Explain. (2%) canes, planting cane points, fertilizing and cleaning
the drafnage. Because his daily presence in the field
Answer: was not required, A also worked as a houseboy at the
house of the plantation owner. For the next planting
(a) Yes, the petition should be granted for the follo- season, the owner decided not to hire A as a planta-
wing reasons: t' tion worker but as a houseboy instead. Furious, A filed

1. The company is engaged in the transportation busi- a case for illegal dismissal against the plantation ow-
ness which is impressed with national or public interest; ner. Decide with reason. (3%)
2. The concerted activity was a strike because: it was f<
a temporary stoppage of work; it was carried out thru con-
certed activity; and it arose out of a labor dispute; and The positional downgrade from agricultural employee
status to kasambahay status is an overt act of dismissal,
3. Assumption of jurisdiction will allow the secretary to
more specifically constructive dismissal. The consequen-
exercise preemptive power to protect public interest.
ces thereof are as follows: (1) as a kasambahay, A has be-
came a contractual employee; hence, he has been de-
(b) The union's contention is misplaced.
prived of regular employment status; (2) in the event he
Ground rules were agreed upon and same prioritized was illegally dismissed, he would not be given reinstate-
political provisions over economic provisions. Since the ment and backwages but earned salaries and indemnity
company was just observing the pre-agreed order of nego- only; and (3) unless given a written employment contract
tiations, it cannot be in commission of any unfair labor over his compensation, he would be entitled to rural rate
practice under Art. 259 of the Labor Code. Absent refusal under R.A. 10361 only.
or evasion to collectively bargain, the strike is groundless;
hence, it is illegal. Moreover, the union did not comply with
prescribed pre-strike proced,ure.

XVIII a. Was the order to assume jurisdiction legal?

Explain. (2%)
Flight attendant A, five feet and six inches tall,
weighing 170 pounds ended up weighing 220 pounds b. Under the same set o.f facts the Secretary
in two years. Pursuant to the long standing Cabin and instead issued an Order directing all striking workers
to return to work within 24 hours, except those who
Crew Administration Manual of the employer airline
that set a 147-pound limit for A's height, management were terminated due to redundancy. Was the Order
legal? Explain. (3%)
sent Aa notice to "shape up or ship out" within 60
days. At the end of the 60-day period, A reduced her
weight to 205 pounds. The company finally served her
a Notice of Administration Charge for violation of com- (a) The assumption of jurisdiction order (AJO) is
pany standards on weight requirements. Should A be legal for the following reasons:
dismissed? Explain. (3%)
(1) National interest is involved in telecommunica-
(2) Assumption of jurisdiction is a protective measure
The company's weight standard is a bona fide occu-
which Art. 278 (g) gives to the State, not to the parties;
pational qualification given the fact it is a ·common carrier
required to observe extraordinary diligence over passenger (3) Assumption of jurisdiction has no due process re-
safety (Yrasuegi v. PAL, G.R. No. 168081, 17 October quirement; hence, even absent petition and hearing the
2008). However, a cannot be indiscriminately dismissed for secretary can exercise his discretionary power;
her failure to lose those pounds is harsh as to violate the
(4) Assumption of jurisdiction is both extraordinary
Principle of Proportionality. At most, she should have been
and preemptive; hence, the Secretary can hardly commit
suspended only.
grave abuse of discretion unless there is clear and convin-
cing evidence of such abuse.
(b) Yes, the order was legal.
Several employees and members of Union A were
terminated by Western Phone Co. on the ground of re- The injunctive effect of a return to work order compels
dundancy. After complying with the necessary require- the strikers to go back to work immediately upon due ser-
ments, the Union staged a strike and picketed the pre- vice thereof. Likewise, it compels the employer to admit the
mises of the company. The management then filed a strikers back to work under the same terms and conditions
petition for the Secretary of Labor and Employment to which means actual admission. As exception, however,
assume jurisdiction over the dispute. Without the be- where the employment status of a striker is at issue then
nefit of a hearing, the Secretary issued an Order to as- he cannot demand admission. Hence, strikers dismissed
sume jurisdiction and for the parties to revert to the for a just or authorized cause must contest their dismissal
status quo ante litem. and procure a reinstatement order first. After all, a return to
work order is different from a reinstatement order.

xx vised to wait for his visa. After five months, A visited

the office of Alpha Personnel Services, Inc. during
A, a driver for a bus company, sued his employer which X told him that he could no longer be deployed
for non-payment of commutable service incentive for employment abroad. A•was informed ~y the Philip-
leave credits upon his resignation after five years of pine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA)
employment. The bus company argued that A was not that while Alpha Personnel Services, Inc. was a
entitled to service incentive leave since he was consi- licensed agency, X was not registered as its employee,
dered a field personnel and was paid on commission contrary to POEA Rules and Regulations. Under POEA
basis and that, in any event, his claim had prescribed. Rules and· Regulations, the obligation to register per-
If you were the Labor Arbiter, how would you rule? Ex- sonnel with the POEA belongs to the officers of a re-
plain. (6%) cruitment agency.

Answer: a. May X be held criminally liable for illegal

recruitment? Explain. (2%)
The company's twin grounds for contesting the SIL
claim are both misplaced. b. May the officers having control, management
First, a passenger bus driver is not a field personnel
or direction .of Alpha Personnel Services, Inc. be held
criminally liable for illegal recruitment? Explain. (3%)
(Auto Bus v. Bautista, G.R. No. 156367, 16 May 2005).
Second, SIL is a curios animal, i.e., it prescribes in 3 Answer:
years but not in the same manner other benefits prescribe.
(a) No, X may not be criminally held liable for illegal
Where, as here, the employee's choice is to commute his SIL recruitment for the following reasons:
then the 3-year prescriptive period is-reckoned from date of
separation, i.e., thru resignation, retirement or termination (1) Employee status is a defense; provided, the em-
(Rodriguez v. Park-n-Ride, 222980, 20 March 2017). ployee did not take part in the recruitment activity; and
Since A immediately filed his money complaint upon (2) It was not the duty of X to register himself with the
his resignation, his claims was timely filed. POEA as a personnel of Alpha Personnel Services, Inc.
That obligation is imposed on the corporate officers of re-
XXI cruitment companies.

(b) Yes
A was approached for possible overseas deploy-
ment to Dubai by X, an interviewer of job applicants for Failureto deploy within a reasonable time, as long as
Alpha Personnel Services, Inc., an overseas recruit- the recruitis not at fault, is a prohibited act (Sec. 6, R.A.
ment agency. X required A to submit certain docu- 10022). Hence, since it was not A's fault that no deploy-
ments (passport, NBI clearance, medical certificate) ment ensued after paying the required placement fee, the
and to pay P25,000 as processing fee. Upon payment corporate officers are criminally liable for illegal recruit-
of the said amount to the agency cashier, A was ad- ment.

XXII provided food and lodging to its housekeeping em-

ployees, the costs of which were partly shouldered by
A was recruited to work abroad by Speedy Re- it and the balance was charged to the employees. The
cruitment Agency as a technician for a Saudi Arabian employees' corresponding share in the costs was thus
construction firm, with a monthly salary of $650.00. deducted from their wages. The employer concluded
When she got to the construction site, the employer that such valid deduction naturally resulted in the pay-
compelled her to sign another contract that referred ment of wages below the prescribed minimum. If you
her to another employer for a salary of $350.00. She were the Labor Arbiter, how would you rule? Explain.
worked for the second employer and was paid $350.00 (3%)
until her two-year contract expired. Upon her return to
the Philippines, she filed a case against the agency Answer:
and the two employers. May the agency validly raise
the defense that it was not privy to the transfer of A to I will disregard, the hotel's defense.
the second employer? Explain. (3%) Even assuming facility status as regards the items
provided, the hotel cannot 'proceed to deduct their cost
Answer: from A's wages sans a facility evaluation permit. Said per-
No, the defense is untenable. mit will only be issued by the DOLE-RD if applied for and
when he is satisfied of the following:
POEA rule provide that the solidary liability of a recrui-
ter arises from the violation of the terms and conditions of (1) the cost is reasonable;
the POEA-approved employment contract (Sec. 1, Rule II, (2) the items are customarily provided and are
POEA Rules and Regulations). When A's first employer accepted by the employees; and
referred him to his second employer it violated exactly
those terms as it preterminated A's contract without justifi- (3) the employees have given their written consent
for the salary deduction.
Sec. 7, R.A. 10022, imposes on Speedy Recruitment . Since the hotel does not have the required permit to
deduct, its defense must fail.
Agency solidary liability for the consequences of its princi-
pal's contractual breach; hence, it cannot evade that liabili-
ty on the pretext that it was not privy to the transfer. XXIV

XXIII Rank-and-file workers from Peacock Feathers, a

company with 120 employees, registered their inde-
A worked as a roomboy in La Mallorca Hotel. He pendent labor organization with the Department of
sued for underpayment of wages before the NLRC, al- Labor and Employment (DOLE) Regional Office. Ma-
leging that he was paid below the minimum wage. The nagement countered with a petition to cancel the
employer denied any underpayment, arguing that union's registration on the ground that the minutes of
based on long standing, unwritten policy, the Hotel ratification of the union constitution and by-laws sub-

mitted to the DOLE were fraudulent. Specifically, ma• should be referred to the grievance machinery pur-
nagement presented affidavits of ten (10) out of forty suant to an existing Collective Bargaining Agreement
(40) individuals named in the list of union members with Union X, and eventually to Voluntary Arbitration.
who participated in the ratification, alleging that they Is the company correct? Explain. (3%)
were not present at the supposed January 1, 2010
meeting held for the purpose. The union argued that Answer:
the stated date of the meeting should have read "Ja-
nuary 11, 2010," instead of "January 1, 2010," and that, No.
at any rate, the other thirty (30) union members were Labor jurisdiction is determined with two basic rules,
enough to register a union. Decide with reason. (3%) viz., the Reasonable Causal Connection Rule and the
Sole Reference To Labor Law Rule. The first requires
Answer: that the dispute brought for adjudication be connected to
The petition must be dismissed for being groundless. employer-employee relationship; whereas, the second re-
quires that the core issue/s arising from such dispute be
First, the alleged fraudulent statement is an innocent resolvable thru the application solely of Labor Law.
typographical error.
As to the second rule, the constitutional issue cannot
Second, even assuming the date to be true and the be resolved thru the application solely of the Labor Code,
10 witnesses were not present at the meeting, the 20% other statutes, CBA, or labor contract. On the contrary, it is
requirement is not affected because even without them resolvable by reference also to the 1987 constitution and
only 24 members needed to be listed as union members. interpretative case authority.
Without them, the registrant would still have 30 which is in
excess of 20% of 120. Hence, the RTC has jurisdiction.

Company C, a toy manufacturer, decided to ban
the use of cell phones in the factory premises. In the
pertinent Memorandum, management explained that
too much texting and phone-calling by employees dis-
rupted company operations. Two employees-members
of Union X were terminated from employment due to
violation of the memorandum-policy. The union coun-
tered with a prohibitory injunction case (with prayer
for the issuance of a temporary restraining order) filed
with the Regional Trial Court, challenging the validity
and constitutionality of the cell phone ban. The com-
pany filed a motion to dismiss, arguing that the case j



(a) In labor-only contracting:
1. The contractor is not substantially capitalized or
a. Distinguish Labor-Only contracting and Job- possessed with the investment in the form of tools, equip-
Only contracting. (5%) ment machineries or work premises and, in confirmation of
b. A deadlock in the negotiations for the collec- its labor-only contractor status, he does not exercise con-
tive bargaining agreement between College X and the trol over the means and methods of performance of the
Union prompted the latter, after duly notifying the workers it supplies to its principal, or said workers perform
DOLE, to declare a strike on November 5. The strike to- work directly related to the latter's trade;
tally paralyzed the operations of the school. The Labor 2. The contractor is a mere agent who recruits wor-
Secretary immediately assumed jurisdiction over the kers for its principal; hence, pursuant to the Principle of
dispute and issued on the same day (November 5) a Merger of Legal Personalities, its violations of Labor Law
return to work order. Upon receipt of the order, the and Social Legislation are attributable to its principal.
striking union officers and members, on November 1,
filed a Motion for Reconsideration thereof questioning In job contracting:
the Labor Secretary's assumption of jurisdiction, and 1. The contractor is issued a certificate of registration
continued with the strike during the pendency of their to protect public interest, the secretary of Labor can exer-
motion. On November 30, the Labor Secretary denied cise his discretionary power to assume jurisdiction over the
the reconsideration of his return to work order and fur- dispute.
ther noting the strikers' failure to immediately return to
work, terminated their employment.- In assailing the 2. The strikers' pending motion for reconsideration
Labor Secretary's decision, the Union contends that: does not affect the immediate character of the Secretary's
Return to Work Order. In fact, said order has an injunctive
c. The Labor Secretary erroneously assumed ju- effect; hence, immediately upon valid service thereof on
risdiction over the dispute since College X could not the union (University of the Immaculate Conception v.
be considered an industry indispensable to national Sec. of Labor, G.R. No 151379, 14 Jan. 2005)
3. Non-compliance with the Return to Work Order
d. The strikers were under no obligation to im- amounts to non-compliance with an injunction. Hence, pur-
mediately comply with the November 5 return to work suant to the Injunction Test, the union's defiance thereof
order because of their then pending Motion for Recon• renders its strike illegal. Being illegal, the union officers can
sideration of such order; and be dismissed. As to the union members, they cannot be
e. The strike being legal, the employment of the dismissed unless they have committed acts of illegality in
striking Union officers and members cannot be termi- the course of the strike.
nated. Rule on these contentions. Explain. (5%)

II The requisites of a valid dismissal under a union security

clause are as follows: (a) the union security clause applies
In the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) bet- to the concerned employees; (b) a request to dismiss is
ween Dana Films and its rank-and-file Union (which is made by the contracting union; and (c) the employer veri-
directly affiliated with MMFF, a national federation), a fies the ground for expulsion.
provision on the maintenance of membership express-
ly provides that the Union can demand the dismissal (b) The liabilities of Dana Films to the dismissed em-
of any member employee who commits acts of dislo- ployees are as follows: (i) to immediately reinstate them to
yalty to the Union as provided for in its Constitution their former position without loss of seniority rights and
and By-Laws. The same provision contains an under-· other privileges; and (ii) to pay their full backwages (Art.
taking by the Union (MMFF) to hold Dana Films free 294, Labor Code).
from any and all claims of any employee dismissed. As to MMFF, should the expulsion be found to be
During the term of the ·cBA, MMFF discovered that cer- baseless as to make the dismissal an unfair labor practice
tain employee-members were initiating a move to dis- under Art. 260 of the Labor Code, it shall be civilly.and cri-
affiliate from MMFF and join a rival federation, FAMAS. minally liable.
Forthwith, MMFF sought the dismissal of its employee-
members initiating the disaffiliation movement from
MMFF to FAMAS. Dana Films, relying on the provision
of the aforementioned CBA, complied with MMFF's re-
quest and dismissed the employees identified by a. On August 01, 2008, Y, a corporation engaged
in the manufacture of textile garments, entered into a
MMFF as disloyal to it.
collective bargaining agreement with Union X in repre-
a. Will an action for illegal dismissal against i sentation of the rank and-file employees of the corpo-
Dana Films and MMFF prosper or not? Why? (5%)) ration. The CBA was effective up to June 20, 2011. The
I' contract had an automatic renewal clause which would
b. What are the liabilities of Dana Films and
MMFF to the dismissed employees, if any? (5%)

lI allow the agreement after its expiry date to still apply
until both parties would have been able to execute a
new agreement. On May 10, 2011, Union X submitted
to Y's managernent their proposals for the negotiation
(a) Yes. of a new C.BA. The next day, Y suspended negotiations
An action for illegal dismissal against Dana Films will with Union X since Y had entered into a merger with Z,
prosper. As to MMFF, the action should be unfair labor a corporation also engaged in the manufacture of tex-
practice (Art. 260, Labor Code). tile garment$. Z assumed all the assets and liabilities
ofY. Union X filed a complaint with the Regional Trial
As to the company, it could not dismiss the allegedly Court for specific performance and damages with a
disloyal employees because it did not verify the validity qf prayer for ,preliminary injunction against Y and Zand Z
their expulsion. This is a due process requirement and its filed a Motion to Dismiss based on lack of jurisdiction.
non-observance amounts to lack of just cause to dismiss. Rule on the Motion to Dismiss. (5%)

b. · X was one of more than one hundred (100) (b) T.he motion to dismiss should be granted.
employees who were terminated from employment.due
to the closure of Construction Corporation A. The Cruz The dispute between Union X and Y and Z is outside
family owned Construction Company A. Upon the clo- the competence of the Regional Trial Court to hear and
sure of Construction Company A, the Cruzes estab- resolve. It is a labor dispute in contemplation of Art. 219 of
lished Construction Company B. Both corporations the l 9bor Cod~ because lt arose from employer-employee
had the same president, the same board of directors, affair e;1nd the performance issue is resolvable thru the a.p-
the same corporate officers, and all the same subs- p!icatton solely of Labor Law, more specifically Art. 259 of
cribers. From the General Information Sheet filed by the Labor Code,
both companies, it also showed that they shared -the
same address and/or premises .. Both companies also IV
hired the same accountant who prepared the books for
both companies. a. Juicy Bar and Night Club allowed by tolerance
X and his co-employees amended their Complaint fifty (50) Guest Relations Officers (GROs) to work with-
with the Labor Arbiter to hold Construction Corpora- out compensation in its establishment under the direct
tion B jointly and severally liable with Construction supervision of its Manager from 8:00 P.M. To 4:00 A.M.
Company A for illegal dismissal, backwages ,sind sepa- everyday, including Sundays and holidays. The GROs,
ration pay. Construction Company B interposed a Mo- however, were free to pl.y their trade elsewhere at any-
tion to Dismiss contending that they are juridical time, but one~ they enter the premlses Qf the night
entities with distinct and separate personalities from ch.ib, (hey Were required to stay up to closing time,
Construction Corporation A and therefore, they cannot The .GROs eame.d their keep exclusively from com~
be held jointly and severally liable· for the money missions for food and drinks, and tips from generous
claims of workers who are not their employees. Rule customers. In time, the GROs formed the Solar Ugna-
on the Motion to Dismiss. Should it be granted or de- yan ng mga Kababaihang lnaapi (SUKI), a labor union
nied? Why? (5%) duly registered with DOLE. Subsequently, SUKI filed a
petition for Certification Election in order to be recog-
Answer: nized as the exclusive bargaining agent of its mem-
bers. Juicy Bar and Night Club opposed the petition
(a) The motion to dismiss should be granted. for Certification Election on the singular ground of ab-
The RTC has no jurisdiction. The issue brought to sence of employer-employee relationship between the
court is a labor issue because it arose from an organizatio- GROs on one hand and the night club on the other
nal dispute (Art. 219, Labor Code). Despite the inclusion hand. May the GROs form SUKI as a labor organization
of Construction Company B, it is not a stranger owing to for purposes of collective bargaining? Explain briefly.
the merger the effect of which was its automatic absorption
of the obligations of Construction Company A: One of the b. A spinster school teacher took pity on one of
assumed obligations is the duty to collectively bargain with her pupils, ·~ rob1.1st and precocious 12-year old boy
the union. whose poor family could barely afford the cost of his

schooling. She lives alone at her house near the V

School after her housemaid had left. In the afternoor:t, '
she lets the boy do various chores as cJeaning, The weekly work schedule of a driver is as
fetching water and all kinds of errands after school follows: Monday, Wednesday, Friday - drive the family
hours. She gives him rice and P100.00 before the boy car to bring and fetch ·the children to and from school.
goes home at 7:00 every night. The school principal Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday - drive the family van to
learned about it and charged her with violating the law fetch merchandise from suppliers and deliver the
which prohibits the employment of children below 15 same to a boutique in a mall owned by the family.
years of age. In her defense, the teacher stated that the
work performed by her pupil is not hazardous. Is her a. Is the driver a house helper? (5%)
defense tenable? Why? {5%) b. The same driver claims that for work per-
formed on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, he should
Answer: be paid the minimum daily wage of a driver of a com-
mercial establishment. Is the claim of the driver valid?
(a) No.
The GRO's are employees without a definite emplo-
yer; hence, they cannot organized for purposes of "collec- Answer:
tive bargaining" or "dealing" with the Juicy Bar and Night
Club over terms and conditions of employment. Art. 253 of (a) Under R.A. 10361, or the Kasambahay Act a fa-
the Labor Code allows them to organize for the limited mily driver is not a domestic worker or kasambahay - with
purpose of "mutual aid and protection" only. Since, the ulti- more reason if required to perform tasks directly related to
mate purpose of a certification electio!} i~ collective bargai- the business of his employer. .
ning, they are impliedly without the legal personality to peti-
(b) The driver's claim is valid. In fact, he can claim
tion for the conduct of one.
the same commercial pay rate for his work on Monday,
Wednesday and Friday because he no longer works as a
(b) No.
domestic on said days pursuant to R.A. 10361.
The defense is misplaced. Under the Labor Code, a
minor aged below 15 cannot be employed except under VI
sole of responsibility of his parents or guardian and in a
business where only family members are employed. Hence, a. For humanitarian reasons, a bank hired se-
the teacher's defense might be meritorious if she is the veral handicapped workers to count and sort out cur-
guardian of the pupil. However, she is not.
rencies. The handicapped workers knew that the con-
Likewise, under R.A. 9231, minors of like age can be tract was only for a period of six-months and the same
employed by any person in essential public entertainment period was provided in their employment contracts.
or information through media. Certainly, the tasks per- After six months, the bank terminated their employ-
formed by the pupil are outside the letter of R.A.- 9231. ment on the ground that their contract has expired.
This prompted the workers to file with the Labor

Arbiter a complaint for illegal dismissal. Will their ac- (b) Yes.
tion ·prosper? Why or why not? (5%)
The company's pre-employment policy is not a bona
b. Mam-manu Aviation Company (Mam-manu) is fide occupational qualification for the following reasons:
a new airline company recruiting flight attendants for
its domestic flights. It requires that the applicant be (I) it does not serve a legitimate business purpose;
single, not more than 24 years old, attractive, and (II) it is not specific to the occupation at issue; and
familiar with three (3) dialects, viz: llonggo, Cebuano
and Kapampanga~. lngga, 23 years old, was accepted (111) it does not reflect an inherent quality that would
as she possesses all the qualifications. After passing reasonably guaranteed work efficiency.
the probationary period, lngga disclosed that she got
married when she was 18 years old but the marriage VII
was already in the process of being annulled on the
ground that her husband was afflicted with a sexually lnggu, an electronics technician, worked within
transmissible disease at the time of the celebration of the premises of Pit Stop, an auto accessory shop. He
their marriage. As a result of this revelation, lngga was filed a Complaint for illegal dismissal, overtime pay
not hired as a regular flight attendant. Consequently, and other benefits against Pit Stop. Pit Stop refused to
she filed a complaint against Mam-manu alleging that pay his claims on the ground that lnggu was not its
the pre-employment qualifications violate relevant pro- employee but was an independent contractor . It was
visions of the Labor Code and are against public common practice for shops like Pit Stop to collect the
policy. Is the contention of lngga tenable? Why? (5%) service fees from customers and pay the same to the
independent contractors at the end of each week. The
Answer: auto shop explained that lnggu was like a partner who
(a) Yes. worked within its premises, using parts provided by
the shop, but otherwise lnggu was free to render ser-
The special law to apply is Sec. 5 of the Magna Carta vice in the other auto shops. On the other hand, lnggu
for Persons with Disability which guarantees to disabled insisted that he still was entitled to the benefits be-
workers the rights of able-bodied workers, one of which is cause he was loyal to Pit Stop, it being a fact that he
the right to regularization by reason of the nature of work did not perform work for anyone else. Is lnggu cor-
performed. Since sorting out and co1:1nting of coins is a job rect? Explain briefly. (5%)
that is usually necessary and desirable in the usual trade
of the bank then the complainants are regular employees; The modes of determining an exclusive bargai-
hence, they can only be dismissed for a just of authorized ning agreement are:
cause (Art. 294, Labor Co!ie). Since expiration of contract 1. voluntary recognition
is not a listed cause, their dissociation can be challenged 2. certification election
via a complaint for illegal dismissal.
3. consent election

Explain briefly how they differ from one another. b. Are the employees entitled to separation pay?
(5%) {2%)

Answer: c. If the reason for the closure is due to old age

of the brothers and sisters:
(a) No.
d. Is the closure allowed by law? {2%)
lnggu is not correct. Pit Stop did not exercise labor
law concept of control over him; hence, under the Control e. Are the employees entitled to separation
Test, it cannot be safety concluded that he was the benefits? (3%)
employee of Pit Stop. Although likened to a partner, the
name of the defence is not conclusive. Its substance, viz., Answer:
lnggu was a freelancer, controls. Thus, being such worker, (a) As counsel, I will see to the strict observance of
he has no employer but himself (Ushio Marketing v. the 30-day of notice rule and presentation of evidence of
NLRC, G.R. No. 124551, 28 Aug. 1998) the good faith character of the closure.

(b) The three can be differentiated as follows: (b) No. Since the closute is due to serious business
(1) Voluntary recognition is not a mode of selec- losses, the company is not under obligation to pay separa-
tion; whereas, certification election and election are modes tion pay (Art. 298, Labor Code).
of selection;
(c) If the reason for the closure is old age, it is still
(2) Voluntary recognition has a replacement, viz., allowed by law. One of the almost absolute prerogatives of
SEBA request; whereas, certification election and consent an employer, next to hiring is the right to close shop for any
election have no substitutes; - · reason, save that its exercise requires good faith.
(3) Certification election is a statutory mode of
selection is a contractual mode of selection. (d) Yes, the employees are entitled to separation
benefits because the closure if not grounded on serious
VIII business losses his time.

ABC Tomato Corporation, owned and managed by IX

three (3) elderly brothers and two (2) sisters, has been
in business for 40 years. Due to serious business Dennis was a taxi ·driver who was being paid on
losses and financial reverses during the last five (5) the "boundary" system basis. He worked tirelessly for
years, they decided to close the business. Cabrera Transport Inc. for fourteen (14) years until he
was eligible for retirement. He was entitled to retire•
a. As counsel for the corporation, what steps
ment benefits. During the entire duration of his se-
will you take prior to its closure? (3%)
rvice, Dennis was not given his 13th month pay or his
service incentive leave pay.

a. Is Dennis entitled to 13th month pay and ser- able to prove that it had invested in tools, equipment,
vice leave incentive pay? Explain. (5%) • etc. Is the Labor Arbiter's ruling valid? Explain. (5%)
b. Since he was not given his 13th month pay and b. Does the performance by a contractual emplo-
service incentive leave pay, should Dennis be paid yee, ~uppUed by a legitimate contractor, of activities
upon retirement, in addition to the salary equivalent to directly related to the main business of the principal
fifteen (15) days for every year of service, the additio- make him a regular employee of the principal? Explain.
nal 2.5 days representing one-twelfth (1/12) of the 13th (5%}
month pay as well as the five (5} days representing the
service incentive leave for a total of 22.5 days? Ex- Answer:
plain. (5%) (a) Yes. With a capital of less than Three Million
Pesos, XYZ is a labor-only contractor, (O.O. 174). On top
Answer: of this, it has no investment in the form of tools, equipment,
(a) No. machineries and work premises. Lacking in net financial
contracting capacity, it cannot overcome the presumption
Being pald on boundary basis, Dennis fs a worker
that it is a labor-only contractor.
paid on task basl~ (R&.1= Tram,port, Inc,, v. Latag1 ClR.
No. 155214, 13 FetJ. 2®4, As such, his .(7mployer is (b) No. When the contractor, who is substantially
exempt from the coverage of P.D. 851, /RR of P.D. 851).
capitalized or possessed with investment, carries on a
As to service incentive leave, Dennis is not entitled business independent of its principal's, it does not matter if
because he is a worker paid on task and a field personnel its workers are performing tasks directly related to the busi-
at the same time (Ejusdem Generis).:. _ ness of said principal as lor:ig as the latter does not control
their means and methods of performance.
(b) No. Since Dennis is not entitled to both 13th
month pay and service incentive leave, his retirement be-
nefits shall be computed based on 15 days only.

a. XYZ Manpower Services (XYZ) was sued by

its employees together with its client, ABC Polyester
Manufacturing Company (ABC). ABC is one of the
many clients of XYZ. During the proceedings before
the Labor Arbiter, XYZ was able to prove that it had
substantial capital of Three Million Pesos. The Labor
Arbiter ruled in favor of the employees because it
deemed XYZ as a labor only contractor. XYZ was not

2013 BAR EXAMINATIONS (b) I would argue that while Paolo may have been
at work, Jose was not, i.e., at the time of incident. Hence,
the nature of his conduct as a workplace infraction is in
doubt. Pursuant to the Liberal Interpretation Rule, there-
Jose and Erica, former sweethearts, both worked fore, the doubt must be resolved in his favor. Since, he is
as sales representatives for Magna, a multinational not entirely faultless, however, the appropriate penalty is
firm engaged in the manufacture and sale of pharma- suspension only.
ceutical products. Although the couple had already
broken off their relationship, Jose continued to have
special feelings for Erica.
One afternoon, Jose chanced upon Erica riding in Gamma Company pays its regular employees
the car of Paolo, a co-employee and Erica's ardent P350.00 a day, and houses them in a dormitory inside
suitor; the two were on their way back to the office its factory compound in Manila. Gamma Company also
from a sales call on Silver Drug, a major drug retailer. provides them with three full meals a day.
In a fit of extreme jealousy, Jose rammed Paolo's car,
causing severe injuries to Paolo and Erica. Jose's flare In the course of a routine inspection, a Depart-
up also caused heavy damage to the two company- ment of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Inspector no-
owned cars they were driving. ted that the workers' pay is below the prescribed mini-
mum wage of P426.00 plus P30.00 allowance, and thus
a. As lawyer for Magna, advise the company on required Gamma Company to pay wage differentials.
whether just and valid grounds exist to dismiss Jose.
(4%) Gamma Company denies any liability, explaining
that after the market value of the company-provided
b. Assuming this time that Magna dismissed board and lodging are added to the employees' P350
Jose from employment for cause and you are the cash daily wage, the employees' effective daily rate
lawyer of Jose, how would you argue the position that would be way above the minimum pay required by law.
Jose's dismissal was illegal? (4%) The company counsel further points out that the em-
ployees are aware that their food and lodging form
Answer: part of their salary, and have long accepted the
(a) I will apprise the company of Jose's unfitness for arrangement.
continued employment based on his serious misconduct. Is the company's position legally correct? (8%)
His act was committed within both time and space limits of
his employment as a sales representative and within the Answer:
same limits of his victim's employment; hence, it is work-
related infraction. Such workplace misconduct is serious be- No. Even assuming the board and lodging qualify as
cause it was attended by criminal intent as to bar all pos- facilities, their value cannot automatically be deducted from
sibilities that it was born of mere error in judgment only. the prescribed pay rate. The d~duction must be authorized.
by the DOLE Regional Director by issuing the correspon-

ding permit which must be applied for and granted upon

ULP is a violation of the workers' right to self-organi-
satisfaction that the items are customarily provided; they zation (Cu/iii v. Eastern Telecommunications, G.R. No.
are accepted by the workers; their value is reasonable; and 165381, 9 Feb. 2011). Hence, since both of the specific
the salary deduction is authorized in writing. acts complained of do not pertain to organizational right
then they cannot support the charge.
Taken separately from the charge of ULP, the as-
Inter-Garments Co. manufactures garments for sailed selection pertains to management prerogative.
export and requires Its employees to render overtime Since its exercise is not attended by bad faith, the com-
work ranging from two to three hours a day to meet its pany cannot be held liable as to those it does not require
clients' deadlines. Since 2009, it has been paying its to do overtime work. And as regards the diminution com-
employees on overtime an additional 35% of their plained of, Art. 100 pertains only to pre-promulgation bene-
hourly rate for work rendered in excess of their regular fits. The provision prohibits the Labor Code from dimini-
eight working hours. shing them. (Insular Hotel Employees Union-NFL v.
Waterfront Insular Hotel Davao, G.R. Nos. 174040-41,
Due to the slowdown of Its export business in 22 Sept. 2010). H$nce, the invocation of the provision by
2012, Inter-Garments had to reduce its overtime work; the union is rni~Placed. It should have invoked the
at the same time, it adjusted the overtime rates so that Principle of Grants instead.
those who worked overtime were only paid an additio-
nal 25%instead of the previous 35%. To replace the IV
workers' overtime rate loss, the company granted a
one-time 5% across-the-board wag~ i~crease.
Bobby, who was assigned as company branch
Vigilant Union, the rank-and-file bargaining agent, accountant in Tarlac where his family also lives, was
charged the company with Unfair Labor Practice on dismissed by Theta Company after anomalies in the
the ground that (1) no consultations had been made on company's accounts were discovered in the .branch
who would render overtime work; and (2) the unilateral Bobby filed a complaint and was ordered reinstated
overtime pay rate reduction is a violation of Article 100 with full backwages after the Labor Arbiter found that
(entitled Prohibition Against Elimination or Diminution he had been denied due process because no investi-
of Benefits) of the Labor Code. gation actually toQk place.
Is the union position meritorious? (8%) Theta Company appealed to the National Labor
Relations Commission (NLRC} and at the same time
Answer: wrote Bobby, advising him to report to the main
company office in Makati where he would be reinstated
pending appeal Bobby refused to comply with his new
The charge of unfair labor practice (ULP) is grounded assignment because Makati is very far from Tarlac and
on (1) non-consultation on who should render overtime he cannot bring his family to live with him due to the
work; and (2) violation of Art. 100 of the Labor Code. higher cost of living in Makati.
84 BARQ&A '

a. Is Bobby's reinstatement pending appeal le- lidity of the NLRC ruling. It argued that the NLRC acted
gally correct? (4%) with grave abuse of discretion when it ruled on the
b. Advise Bobby on the best course of action to illegal dismissal issue, when the only issue brought on
take under the circumstances. (4%) appeal was the legal propriety of the financial assis-
tance award.
Cris countered that under Article 218(c) of the
(a) No, the reinstatement of Bobby to a position in Labor Code, the NLRC has the authority to "correct,
Makati is contrary to Arts. 229 and 294 of the Labor Code amend, or waive any error, defect or irregularity whe-
which requires immediate reinstatement of an illegally dis- ther in substance or in form" in the exercise of its ap-
missed employee to his former position, in this case, pellate jurisdiction.
Bobby's former position in Tarlac. Dec_ide the c~se. (8%)
A reinstatement order cannot be frustrated with the
exercise of the management prerogative to transfer. Cer- Answer:
tainly, Arts. 229 and 294 are a limitation to said preroga- The NLRC exceeded its appellate jurisdiction.
tive. ·
Art. 225 (c) of the Labor Code unlike under old
(b) Bobby's best course of action is to move that interpretation rulings, does not permit the NLRC to resolve
Theta Company be cited for contempt for defying the Labor issues not raised on appeal for lack of appellate jurisdic-
Arbiter's reinstatement order, not to ·tile a complaint for tion over unbrought issues (Sec. 4 (d), Rule VI, 2011
constructive dismissal. NLRC Rules of Procedure, as amended).


Cris filed a complaint for illegal dismissal against Because of the stress in caring for her four (4)
Baker Company. The Labor Arbiter dismissed the com- growing children, Tammy suffered a miscarriage late
plaint but awarded Cris financial assistance. Only the in her pregnancy and had to undergo an operation. In
company appealed from the Labor Arbiter's ruling. It the course of the operation, her obstetrician further
confined its appeal solely to _the question of whether discovered a suspicious-looking mass that required
financial assistance could be awarded. The NLRC, in- the subsequent removal of her uterus (hysterectomy).
stead of ruling solely on the appealed issue, fully re- After surgery, her physician advised Tammy to be on
versed the Labor Arbiter's decision; it found Baker full bed rest for six (6) weeks. Meanwhile, the biopsy of
Company liable for illegal dismissal and ordered the the sample tissue taken from the mass in Tammy's
payment of separation pay and full backwages. uterus showed a beginning malignancy that required
an immediate series of chemotherapy once a week for
Through a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of four (4) weeks.
the Rules of Court, Baker Company challenged the va-

a. What benefits can Tammy claim under exis- they would conduct their negotiations, particularly on
ting social legislation? (4%) whether to consider retirement as a negotiable issue.
b. What can Roger-Tammy's 2nd husband and Because of the continued impasse, the union
the father of her two (2) younger children -claim as be- went on strike. The Secretary of Labor and Employ-
nefits under the circumstances? (4%) ment immediately assumed jurisdiction over the dis-
pute to avert widespread el~ctric power interruption in
Answer: the country. After extensive discussions and the filing
of position papers (before the National Conciliation
(a) On the assumption that Tammy has an employer, and Mediation Board and before the Secretary himself)
she can avail of gynaecological leave under R.A. 9710, or on the validity of the union's strike and on the wage
the Magna Carta for Women, as to be entitled to two full and other economic issues (including the retirement
month salaries. Moreover, for her miscarriage, she can issue), the DOLE Secretary ruled on the validity of the
avail of the 60-day maternity 'leave guaranteed by R.A. strike and on the disputed CBA issues, and ordered
11210, or the Expanded Maternity Leave Act. Should the the parties to execute a CBA based on his rulings.
period be insufficient, she can avail of additional 15 days
leave with pay if she happens to be a solo parent and Did the Secretary of Labor exceed his jurisdiction
another 30 days without pay. when he proceeded to rule on the parties' CBA posi-
tions even though the parties did not fully negotiate on
.(b) Roger has two leave benefits, viz., 7-day leave their own? (8%)
with pay under the Paternity Leave Act conditioned on his
being the legitimate spouse of Tammy and cohabitation Answer:
with her and 7-day leave with pay ynder the Expanded No. Assumption power is plenary, discretionary, extra-
Maternity Leave Act. ordinary and incidental. Being plenary, the Secretary of
Labor and Employment can resolve any and all issues in-
VII volving the parties before him, including those brought to
other labor tribunals, for simultaneous resolution. He can
Philippine Electric Company is engaged in electric also resolve incidental issues so as to leave nothing unde-
power generation and distribution. It is a unionized termined or unresolved between the disputants.
company with KilusangMakatao as the union represen-
ting its rank-and-file employees. During the negotia- Vlfl
tions for their expired collective bargaining agreement
(CBA), the parties duly served their proposals and After thirty (30) years of service, Beta Company
counter-proposals on one another. The parties, how- compulsorily retired Albert at age 65 pursuant to the
ever, failed to discuss the merits of their proposals comJ.»1-;lilY"i ijffiJ:rernent Plan. Albert was duly paid his
and counter-proposals in any formal negotiation mee- full te;tirernent. benefits of one (1) month pay for every
ting because their talks already bogged down on the y-earof service tinde:rt~e,'Pfan. Thereafter, out of com-
negotiation ground rules, i.e., on the question of how passion, the company allowed Albert to continue wor-
88 BAR Q&A

king and paid him his old monthly salary rate, but with-
out the allowances that he used to enjoy. to give up his right to retire under the law_ Hence, regard-
less of the five (5) additional years of service he rendered
After five (5) years under this arrangement, the for the same company, he cannot retire the second time
company finally severed all employment relations with again.
Albert; he was declared fully retired in a fitting ceremo-
ny but the company did not give him any further IX
retirement benefits. Albert thought this treatment un-
fair as he had rendered full service at his usual hours Pablo works as a driver at the National Tire Com-
in the past five (5) years. Thus, he filed a complaint for pany (NTC). He is a member of the Malayang Sama-
the allowances that were not paid to him, and for hanng Manggagawasa NTC, the exclusive rank-and-file
retirement benefits for his additional five (5) working collective bargaining representative in the company.
years, based either on the company's Retirement Plan The union has a CBA with NTC which contains a union
or the Retirement Pay Law, whichever is applicable. security and a check-off clause. The union security
a. After Albert's retirement at age 65, should he clause -contains a maintenance of membership pro-
be considered a regular employee entitled to all his vision that requires all members of the bargaining unit
previous salaries and benefits when the company to maintain their membership in good standing with
allowed him to continue working? (4%) the union during the term ,of the CBA under pain of
dismissal. The check-off clause on the other hand au-
b. Is he entitled to additional retirement benefits thorizes the company to deduct from union members'
for the additional service he rendered after age 65? salaries defined amounts of union dues and other
,.,_ fees. Pablo refused to issue an authorization to the
company for the check-off of his dues, maintaining
that he will personally remit his dues to the union.
(a) Upon reaching the age of 65, Albert's emplo-
Would the NTC management commit unfair labor
yability was severed by law (Art. 302, Labor Code). How-
practice if it desists from checking off Pablo's union
ever, the Expanded Senior Citizens Act guarantees him
dues for lack of individual authorization from Pablo?
right to employment (Sec. 4). For this reason, he could be (4%)
hired as a contractual employee with no right to retire the
second time and to a second retirement package; other- Can the union charge Pablo with disloyalty for re-
wise, no employer would engage the services of compul- fusing to allow the check off of his union dues and, on
sorily retired employees contrary to the guarantee of the this basis, ask the company to dismiss him from em-
Expanded Senior Citizens Act. ployment? (4%)

(b) No. An employee compulsorily retired by opera- Answer:

tion of contract cannot retire again by operation of law. (a) For a violation of a CBA to amount to unfair labor
When Albert agreed to the terms of the company's retire- practice (ULP), it must be of an economic provision; provi-
ment plan and received retirement pay under it, he agreed ded, the employer's violation is gross and flagrant. A
90 BAR Q&A

check"off clause is a political provision because it is a me" gave him medications; and declared him fit to resume
chanism, similar to the union security clause, to ensure the work as a seaman.
contracting union's political viability. For this reason, the
company's failure to deduct and remit Pablo's union dues After a month, Cesar went back to the agency to
would not constitute ULP. ask for re-deployment. The agency rejected his appli-
cation. Cesar responded by demanding total disability
(b) Actually, Art. 113 of the Labor Code does not re- benefits based on the ailments that he developed and
quire written authorization in regard the deduction of union suffered while on board Meritt Shipping vessels. The
dues. Hence, as long as the company fulfils its contractual claim was based on the certification of his physician
duty to deduct and remit, Pablo's refusal is inconsequen- (internist Dr. Reyes) that he could no longer undertake
tial. Hence, his conduct cannot amount to disloyalty for sea duties because of the hypertension and diabetes
which he can be disciplined with an expulsion and eventual that afflicted him while serving on Meritt Shipping ves•
dismissal. sels in the last 1O years. Rejected once again, Cesar
filed a complaint for illegal dismissal and the payment
X of total permanent disability benefits against the agen-
cy and its principal.
For ten (10) separate but consecutive yearly con- Assume that you are the Labor Arbiter deciding
tracts, Cesar has been deployed as an able-bodied the case. Identify the facts and issues you would con•
seaman by Meritt Shipping, through its local agent, sider material in resolving the illegal dismissal and di-
Ace Maritime Services (agency), in accordance with sability complaint. Explain your choices and their ma-
the 2000 Philippine Overseas Employment Administra- teriality, and resolve the case. (8%)
tion Standard Employment Contra~t (2000 POEA-SEC).
Cesar's employment was also covered by a CBA bet- Answer:
ween the union, AMOSI.JP, and Meritt Shipping. Both
the 2000 POEA-SEC and the CBA commonly provide As to the tenurial issue, the facts and issues of conse-
the same mode and procedures for claiming disability quence are as follows:
benefits. Cesar's last contract (for nine months) ex- (1) Whether or not Cesar was tenured employee;
pired on July 15, 2013.
(2) Whether or not his '10-year service affects the
Cesar disembarked from the vessel MN Seven contractual nature of his employment; and
Seas on July 16, 2013 as a seaman on "finished con-
tract". He immediately reported to the agency and (3) Whether or not he can be dissociated on the
complained that he had been experiencing spells of ground of contract expiration.
dizziness, nausea, general weakness, and difficulty in As to the remunerative issue, the facts and issues to
breathing. The agency referred him to Dr. Sales, a car- consider are as follows:
dio-pulmonary specialist, who examined and treated
him; advised him to take a complete rest for a while; (1) Whether or not Cesar's disability is by reason of a
disease that is bothwork connected and contracted during
the term of his employment contract.

(2) Whether or not Cesar complied with the 3-day 2014 BAR EXAMINATIONS
reporting requirement;
(3) Whether or not the company-designated physi-
cian made a final, categorical and definitive assessment Linda was employed by Sectarian University (SU)
within 120/240 days. to cook for the members of a religious order who teach
(4) Whether or not Cesar disclosed the medical as- and live inside the campus. While performing her as-
sessment of his physician of choice; signed task, Linda accidentally burned herself. Be-
cause of the extent of her injuries, she went on medi-
(5) Whether or not a third physician was selected
cal leave. Meanwhile, SU engaged a replacement cook.
prior to the filing of Cesar's complaint. Linda filed a complaint for illegal dismissal, but her
employer SU contended that Linda was not a regular
In resolution of the issues , I will rule as follows:
employee but a domestic househelp. Decide. (4%)
As to the tenurial issue, Cesar is a contractual
employee (Mlllares v. NLRC, G.R. No. 110524, 29 July Answer:
2002) As such, his separation upon the expiration of the
Linda is a regular emplotee.
last contract is not a case of dismissal. Moreover, his non-
deployment is covered by the Principle of Freedom of SU's contention that Linda is a domestic helper is
Contracts (Art. 1306, New Civil Code). Hence it is not without basis because the latter did not minister to the per-
productive of illegal dismissal. sonal comfort of the members of any household as contem-
plated by the Kasambahay Act (R.A. 10361). Although a
As to the remunative issue, Cesar's disability com- cook, hence listed, she cannot be classified as a kasam-
pensation claims must be dismissed- far lack of cause of
bahay because she rendered services for resident religious
action. By not disclosing the medical opinion of his phy- teachers in a university which was not a household.
sician of choice, he deprived his employer of the
opportunity to initiate the selection of a third physician. In
effect, at the time of the filing of his complaint, he had no II
medical basis. (Philippine Hammonia Ship Agency v.
Fulogio Dumadag, G.R. No. 194362, 26 June 2013) Lucy was one of approximately 500 call center
agents at Hambergis, Inc. She was hired as a contrac-
tual employee four years ago. Her contracts would be
for a duration of five (5) months at a time, usually after
a one- month interval. Her re-hiring: was contingent on
her performance for the immediately preeedfng con-
tract. Six (6) months after the expiration of her last
contract, Lucy went to Hambergis personnel depart-
ment to inquire why she was not yet being recalled to
work. She was told that her performance during her



last contract was "below average." Lucy seeks your

d. No, because it is a fringe benefit that has al-
legal advice about her chances of getting her job back.
ready ripened into a demandable right.
What will your advice be? (4%)
(D) "No, because it is a fringe benefit that has already
I will advise Lucy to file a complaint for constructive ripened into a demandable right."
dismissal, with prayer for reinstatement, because her
floating status has exceeded six (6) months. Explanation:
By virtue of the nature of her job, Lucy attained tenure
Not (A) because the losses do not appear to be
on the first day of her employment. As a regular employee, substantial losses.
therefore, she could only be dismissed for a just or autho-
rized cause. Expiration of her last contract was neither a Not (B) because management prerogative cannot be
just nor authorized cause. Hence, she was illegally dis- the source of a unilateral benefit at one point and the very
missed. Moreqver, her term employment ~ontracts were justification for its taking away at another.
contracts of adhesion; hence" they should be.taken against
Not {C) because Article 100 of the Labor Code
Hambergis Inc. because of its obvious intE1nt to use the applies only to benefits enjoyed before or at the time of the
periods to bar her regularization. effectivity of the Code (Waterlront ruling, 22 Sept. 2010,
CJ Peralta).
Lolong Law Firm (LLF), which..employs around 50
lawyers and 100 regular staff, suffered losses for the
Linis Manpower, Inc. (LMI) had provided janitorial
first time in its history. The management informed its
services to the Philippine Overseas Employment Ad-
employees that it could no longer afford to provide
ministration (POEA) since March 2009. Its service con-
them free lunch. Consequently, it announced that a
tract was renewed every three months. However, in the
nominal fee would henceforth be charged. Was LLF
bidding held in June 2012, LMI was disqualified and
justified in withdrawing this benefit which it had
excluded. In 2013, six janitors of LMI formerly as-
unilaterally been providing to its employees? (1%)
signed at POEA filed a complaint for underpayment of
a. Yes, because it is suffering losses for the first \IW,lges. Both LMI ~ndPOSA were impieaded as respon-
time. dents. Should POEA, a government agency subject to
budgetary appropriations from Congress, be held
b. Yes, because this is a management preroga-
liable solidarity with LMI for the payment of salary dif-
tive which is not due to any legal or contractual obli-
gation. ferentials due the complainant? Cite the legal basis of
your answer. (4%)
c. No, because this amounts to a diminution of
benefits which is prohibited by the Labor Code.

Answer: Answer:
(A). Yes. The segregated votes should be counted as
The POEA, although a government agency, is a statu- valid votes. Probationary employees are not among the
tory employer by operation of Article 106 of the Labor employees who are ineligible to vote. Likewise, the pen-
Code, as implemented by D.O. 18-A (now D.O. 174). As dency of the appeal of the six dismissed employees indi-
such, it can be held solidarity liable for salary differentials cates that they have contested their dismissal before a
resulting from its job contractor's underpayment of salaries forum of appropriate jurisdiction; hence, they continue to
due its workers (Mera/co Industrial Eng'g Corp. v. be employees for purposes of voting in a certification elec-
NLRC, et al., G.R. No. 145402, 14 March 2008). tion (D.O. 40-03).
(B) Yes. The certification election is valid because it is
V not a barred election and majority of the eligible voters cast
their votes.
Liwayway Glass had 600 rank-and-file employees.
Three rival unions - A, B, and C participated in the (C). No. Union A should not be declared the winner
certification elections ordered by the Med-Arbiter. 500 because it failed to garner majority of the valid votes. The
employees voted. The unions obtained the following majority of 500 votes, representing valid votes, is 251
votes: A-200; B-150; C-50; 90 employees voted "no votes. Since Union A received 200 votes only, it did not win
the election.
union"; and 10 were segregated votes. Out of the seg-
regated votes, four (4) were cast by probationary em- (D) None of the participating unions can represent the
ployees and six (6) were cast by dismissed employees rank-and-file employees for purposes of collective bargai-
whose respective cases are still on.appeal. (10%) ning because none of them enjoys majority representative
(A) Should the votes of the probationary and dis-
missed employees be counted in the total votes cast for (E) If the 10 votes were segregated on the same
the purpose of determining the winning labor union? grounds, Union A cannot still be certified as the bargaining
(B) Was there a valid election? representative because its vote of 250 is still short of the
majority vote of 251. However, if the 10 votes were validly
(C) Should Union A be declared the winner? segregated, majority vote would be 246 votes. Since Union
(D) Suppose the election is declared invalid, A received more than majority vote then it won the elec-
which of the contending unions should represent the tion.
rank-and-file employees?
(E) Suppose that in the election, the unions ob-
tained the following votes: A-250; B-150; C-50; 40 vo-
ted "no union"; and 10 were segregated votes. Should l,,i.na ha$ been working as a steward with a Miami.,
Union A be certified as the bargaining representative? U.S,A...b~sed.Lqyateruise· un,es.for the past 15·years.
Sh61 was te.crOit~d by a.J~~f irlan'r:dng agency, Macapa ..
gal Shipping. and was made to sign a 10-month em~

ployment contract everytime she left for Miami. Maca- Explanation:

pagal Shipping paid for Lina's round-trip travel expen-
ses from Manila to Miami. Because of a food poisoning Not (8) because it restricts the term "organizations" to
incident which happened during her last cruise assign- legitimate labor organizations.
ment, Lina was not re-hired. Lina claims she has been Not (C) because the DOJ is not an accrediting
illegally terminated and seeks separation pay. If you agency. R. A. 9999 Jimits its power to accredit to lawyers
were the Labor Arbiter handling the case, how would or professional partnerships to render free assistance to
you decide? (4%) the indigent.

Answer: Not (D) because the "not exceeding Php 5,000" is a

jurisdictional rule, not a rule on law practice.
I will dismiss the complaint for illegal dismissal.
Lina is a seafarer. As such, she is a contractual VIII
employee who cannot require her employer to enter into
another contract of employment with her under the Prin- As a result of a bargaining deadlock between
ciple of Freedom of Contracts. In effect, Lina cannot be Lazo Corporation and Lazo Employees Union, the lat-
awarded separation pay. As an alternative relief, separa- ter staged a strike. During the strike, several emplo-
tion pay is proper only when there is a finding of illegal dis- yees committed illegal acts. Eventually, its members
missal. informed the company of their intention to return to
work. (6%)
VII a. Can Lazo Corporation refuse to admit the
- "
Non-lawyers can appear before the Labor Arbiter

if: (1%) b. Assuming the company admits the strikers,

can it later on dismiss those employees who commit-
A. they represent themselves ted illegal acts?
B. they are properly authorized to represent their c. If due to prolonged strike, Lazo Corporation
legitimate labor organization or member thereof hired replacements, can it refuse to admit the replaced
C. they are duly-accredited members of the legal strikers?
aid office recognized by the DOJ or IBP
D they appear in cases involving an amount of
less than PhpS,000 (A) No. A strike is a temporary stoppage of work only.
Therefore, strikers can go back to, their work in the event of
Answer: a voluntary abandonment of their strike because their
positions are legally unoccupied.
(A). "They represent themselves."
(8) After admission, the ,company can hold the stri-
kers behind the ii'legalities accountable for their acts. If
100 BAR Q&A

found to have committed acts justifying a dismissal, said

contracting arrangement between Luisa Court and Malinis
employees can be terminated after due process.
Janitorial Services is prohibited by D.O. 174 because it
(C) No. The positions left behind by strikers are has the effect of introducing workers to displace Luisa
deemed legally unoccupied. Moreover, the hiring of rep- Court's regular workers.
lacement workers does not terminate employer-employee
relationship because a strike is a temporary stoppage of X
work only. Finally, replacement workers are deemed to
have accepted their engagement subject to the outcome of Luisa was hired as a secretary by the Asia.n Deve-
the strike. opment Bank (ADB) in Manila. Luisa's first boss was a
Japanese national whom she got along with. But after
IX two years, the latter was replaced by an arrogant
Indian national who did not believe her work output
Luisa Court is a popular chain of motels. It was in accordance with international standards. One
employs over 30 chambermaids who, among others, day, Luisa submitted a draft report filled with typogra-
help clean and maintain the rooms. These chamber- phical errors to her boss. The latter scolded her, but
maids are part of the union rank-and-file employees Luisa verbally fought back. The Indian boss decided to
which has an existing collective bargaining agreement terminate her services right then and there. Luisa filed
(CBA) with the company. While the CBA was in force, a case for illegal dismissal with the labor Arbiter clai-
L1,1isa Court decided to abolish the position of cham- ming arbitrariness and denial of due process. If you
bermaids and outsource the cleaning of the rooms to were the labor Arbiter, now would you decide the
Malinis Janitorial Services, a bona fide independent case? (4%)
contractor which has invested i-n substantial equip-
ment and sufficient manpower. The chambermaids Answer:
filed a case of illegal dismissal against Luisa Court. In
I will dismiss the complaint for illegal dismissal.
response, the company argued that the decision to
outsource resulted from the new management's direc- Luisa committed serious misconduct. Her Indian boss,
tive to streamline operations and save on costs. If you regardless of his arrogant nature, had the clear right to re-
were the Labor Arbiter assigned to the case, how primand her for her poor performance. Absent justification
would you decide? (4%) for verbally fighting back, Luisa's act amounted to serious
misconduct. Therefore, her dismissal was valid. However,
Answer: she was not accorded statutory elue process. For this rea-
son, I will award her nominal damages of Php 30,000.
I would declare the chambermaids to have been ille-
gally dismissed.
The chambermaids are regular employees for perfor-
ming work necessary or desirable in the main trade of the Lionel, an American citizen whose parents mig-
Luisa Court. As such, they enjoy security of tenure. The job rated to the U.S. from the Philippines, was hired by JP
102 BARQ&A

Morgan in New York as a call center specialist. Hearing

about the phenomenal growth of the call center indus- Absent willful disobedience, therefore, his termination is
try in his parents' native land, Lionel sought and was
granted a transfer as a call center manager for JP XII
Morgan's operations in Taguig City. Lionel's employ-
ment contract did not specify a period for his stay in Which of the following groups does not enjoy the
the Philippines. After three years of working in the Phi- right to self- organization? (1 %)
lippines, Lionel was advised that he was being recalled A. those who work in a non-profit charitable
to New York and being promoted to the position of institution
director of international call center operations. How-
ever, because of certain "family reasons," Lionel ad- B. those who are paid on a piece-rate basis
vised the company of his preference to stay in the C. those who work in a corporation with less
Philippines. He was dismissed by the company. Lionel than 10 employees
now seeks your legal advice on: (6%)
D. those who work as legal secretaries
a. whether he has a cause of action
b. whether he can file a case in the Philippines
c. what are his chances of winning (D). "Those who work as legal secretaries". Legal sec-
retaries are confidential employees.
(A) Lionel has a cause of action. He has the right to
be secure in his job; his employer tias the correlative Not (A) because, under Article 243 of the Labor
obligation to respect that right; his dismissal constitutes a Code, employees of charitable, religious, educational and
violation of his tenurial right; and said violation caused him medical institutions are· covered employees.
legal injury. Not (B) because piece-raters do not suffer any dis-
(B) Lionel can file an illegal dismissal case in the
Philippines. Being a resident corporation, JP Morgan is Not (C) because the "less than 10 rule" in the Labor
subject to Philippine Labor Laws. And, although hired ab- Code ,affects right to labor standards benefits, in particular
road, Lionel's place of work is Tagu'ig. Hence, he can lodge holiday pay and service incentive leave (Articles 94 and
his complaint with the NLRC-NCR which has territorial 95), not right to self-organization.
jurisdiction over his workplace (Sec. 1, Rule IV, NLRC
Rules of Procedure, as amended). XIII
(C) Lionel has reasonable chances of winning. His
recall to the USA was not a lawful lateral transfer that he Don Luis, a widower, lived alone in a house with a
could not refuse. On the contrary, it was a scalar transfer large garden. One day, he noticed that the plants in his
amounting to a promotion which he could validly refuse. garden· needed trimming. He remembered that Lando,

a 17-year old out-of-school youth, had contacted him Answer:

in church the other day looking for work. He contacted J would tell Luisito that, under the Limited Portability
Lando who immediately attended to Don Luis's garden Law, he will carry with him his creditable service and paid
and finished the job in three days. (4%) contributions as he moves from one system to the other.
a. Is there an employer-employee relationship Hence, he may accept the job offer without fearing that he
between Don Luis and Lando? would lose his years of service in the private sector.
Actually, they can be totalized with his years of service in
b. Does Don Luis need to register Lando with the public sector in the event that he would not be able to
the Social Security System (SSS)? qualify for benefits due solely to insufficiency of creditable
(A) There is employer-employee relationship bet- xv
ween Don Luis and Lando. Firstly, Lando who was looking
for work finally rendered personal -services for Don Luis. Our Lady of Peace Catholic School Teachers and
Secondly, Lando could not have been the master of his Employees Labor Union (OLPCS-TELU) is a legitimate
time, means and methods under the circumstances (Sec. labor organization composed of vice- principals, de-
8, RA 8282). partment heads, coordinators, teachers, and non-tea-
(8) Don Luis does not need to register Lando with ching personnel of Our Lady of Peace Catholic School
the SSS because he is a purely casual employee, hence (OLPCS).
outside SSS coverage (RA-8282). Neither should he report OLPCS-TELU subsequently filed a petition forcer-
Lando for SSS coverage under the Kasambahay Act be- tification election among the teaching and non-tea-
cause, although a gardener, he is an-occasional if not spo- ching personnel of OLPCS before the Bureau of Labor
radic employee. Therefore, he is not a kasambahay who is Relations (BLR) of the Department of Labor and Em-
entitled to SSS coverage (RA 10361). ployment (DOLE). The Med-Arbiter subsequently gran-
ted the petition and ordered the conduct of a joint cer-
XIV tification election for the teaching and non-teaching
personnel of OLPCS.
Luisito has been wor1dng with Lima Land for 20 May OLPCS-TELU be considered a legitimate
years. Wanting to work in the public sector, Luisito labor organization? (5%)
applied with and was offered a job at Livecor. Before
accepting the offer, he wanted to consult you whether Answer:
the payments that he and Lima Land had made to the
Social Security System (SSS) can be transferred or Yes, OLPCS-TELU is a legitimate labor organization.
credited to the Government Service Insurance System Its mixed-membership which includes supervisors and
(GSIS). What would you advice? (4%) rank-and-filers does not affect its legitimacy. The only ef-
fect of such membership is that the supervisors in the per-

sons of vice-principals and department heads are deemed XVII

automatically removed from the union membership. (RA
9481). Philhealth is a government-owned and controlled
corporation employing thousands of Filipinos. Be-
XVI cause of the desire of the employees of Philhealth to
obtain better terms and conditions of employment
Samahang East Gate Enterprises (SEGE) is a from the government, they formed the Philhealth Em-
labor organization composed of the rank-and-file em- ployees Association (PEA) and demanded Philhealth
ployees of East Gate Enterprises (E~E), the leading to enter into negotiations with PEA regarding terms
manufacturer of all types of·gloves and aprons. and conditions of employment which are not fixed by
law. (4%)
EGE was later requested by SEGE to bargain col-
lectively for better terms and conditions of employ- a. Are the employees of Philhealth allowed to
ment of all the rank-and-file employees of EGE. Conse- self-organize and form PEA and thereafter demand
quently, EGE filed a petition for certification election Philhealth to enter into negotiations with PEA for bet-
before the Bureau of Labor Relations (BLR). ter terms and conditions of employment?
During the proceedings, EGE insisted that it b. In case of unresolved grievances, can PEA re-
should participate in the certification process. EGE sort to strikes, walkouts, and other temporary work
reasoned that since it was the one who filed the peti- stoppages to pressure the government to accede to
tion and considering that the employees concerned their demands?
were its own rank• and-file employees, it should be al-
lowed to take an active part in tbe .codification pro- Answer:
cess. (A) Under E.O. 180, Philhealth employees can or-
Is the contention of EGE proper? Explain. (5%) ganize. Thru their organization, they can negotiate with
Philhealth over terms and conditions of employment not
Answer: fixed by its charter, Civil Service Law, or applicable salary
EGE could file the petition for certification election be- standardiz~tion law. ·
cause it was requested to collectively bargain and it could
not do so because SEGE was not the EBR. After it filed the (B) No. Although the right to organize implies the
petition, however, it reverted to its standby status. There- right to strike, law may withhold sard right. E.O. 180 is that
fore, it could not interfere with the selection process which I-aw which withholds from government employees the right
was the exclusive prerogative of its workers. It could only to strike. Hence, they ca11not resort to strikes and similar
participate in the inclusion-exclusion proceedings, and no- concerted activities to compel concessions from the go-
where else.

XVIII period, strike vote, and strike ban. It is in the notice that
ULP and deadlock in Collective Bargaining are included.
The procedural requirements of a valid strike
include: (1%) XIX
(a) a claim of either unfair labor practice or Lincoln was in the business of trading broadcast
deadlock in collective bargaining. equipment used by television and radio networks. He
(b) . notice of strike filed at least 15 days before employed Lionel as his agent. Subsequently, Lincoln
a ULP-grounded strike or at least-30 days prior to the set up Liberty Communications to formally engage in
deadlock in a bargaining-grounded strike. the·same business. He requested Lionel to be one of
the incorporators and assigned to him 100 Liberty
(c) majority of the union membership must
shares. Lionel was also given the title Assistant Vice-
have voted to stage the strike with notice thereon President for Sales and Head of Technical Coordina-
furnished to the National Conciliation and Mediation
tion. After several months, there were allegations that
Board (NCMB) at least 24 hours before the strike vote
Lionel was engaged in "under the table dealings" and
is taken. received "confidential commissions" from Liberty's
(d) strike vote results must be furnished to the clients and suppliers. He was, therefore, charged with
NCMB at least seven (7) days before the intended serious misconduct and willful breach of trust, and
strike. was given 48 hours to present his explanation on the
charges. Lionel was unable to comply with the 48-hour
Answer: deadline and was subsequently barred from entering
(A). "A claim of either unfair labot p-ractice or deadlock company premises. Lionel then filed a complaint with
the Labor Arbiter claiming constructive dismissal.
in collective bargaining."
Among others, the company sought the dismissal of
the complaint alleging that the case involved an intra-
corporate controversy which was within the jurisdic-
Options "B", "C" and "D" refer to strike procedures. tion of the Regional Trial Court (RTC).
"B" refers to the cooling-off period; "C" to the strike vote;
and "D" to the strike ban. What is not expressly referred to If you were the Labor Arbiter assigned to the
in these options is notice of strike. It is this procedural re-
case, how would you rule on the company's motion to
quirement which includes ULP or bargaining deadlock dismiss? (5%)
which are the only strike grounds. Hence, it is correct to
say that "the procedural requirements of a valid strike in-
clude" (see MCQ stem) "a claim for ULP or deadlock in I will deny the motion to dismiss.
collective bargaining" (Option "A"). In other words, the pro-
Lionel is not a corporate officer but a corporate em-
cedural requirements of a valid strike are notice, cooling-off
ployee only because: (a) his office is not a creation of the
Corporation Code; (b) it is not shown that his office is a

corporate position under Liberty's Articles of Incorporation; XXI

and (c} it is not shown that there is a board resolution in-
vesting his position with the status of a corporate office, An accidental fire gutted the JKL factory in Caloo-
much less appointing him thereto can. JKL decided to suspend operations and reques-
Absent intra-corporate controversy, the Office of the ted its employees to stop reporting for work. After six
Labor Arbiter has jurisdiction to hear and resolve Lionel's (6) months, JKL resumed operations but hired a new
complaint for illegal dismissal. set of ,employees. The old set of employees filed a
case for illegal dismissal. If you were the Labor Ar-
xx biter, how would you decide the case? (4%)

Lito was anticipating the bonus he would receive Answer:

for 2013. Aside from the 13th month pay, the company
I will decide in favor of the employees.
has been awarding him and his other co-employees a
two to three months bonus for the last 1O years. How- The fire has not resulted in complete destruction of
ever, because of poor over-all sales performance for employer-employee relationship. Said relationship has
the year, the company unilaterally decided to pay only temporarily ceased only. When JKL resumed operations,
a one month bonus in 2013. Is Lito's employer legally therefore, it became its obligation to recall its old emplo-
allowed to reduce the bonus? (4%) yees instead of replacing them with new employees.
Withholding of work beyond six (6) months amounts
Answer: to constructive dismissal. Hence, I will order JKL to pay the
complainants' full backwages, separation pay because
their positions are occupied already, nominal damages for
Bonuses enjoyed even for 1O years may be reduced non-observance by JKL of prescribed pre-termination pro-
for economic reasons. Article 100 of the Labor Code will cedure, as well as moral and exemplary damages for its
not be violated because it applies only to benefits enjoyed bad faith (Lynvil Fishing Enterprises, Inc., et al. vs.
before or at the time of the effectivity of the Labor Code Ariola, et al., G.R. No. 181974, 1 February 2012), and
(Waterfront ruling). As to whether the Principle of Grants 10% attorney's fees for compelling its employees to
will be violated, the reduction will not also amount to a viola- litigate·_againstit (Art. 111, LC).
tion because benefits given to workers are not raw materials
but the product of business success. This policy of balan- XXII
cing employer-employee interests is one of the pillars of
labor relations (Prof. C. Azucena). Despite a reinstatement order, an employer may
choose not to reinstate an employee if:
(a) there is a strained employer-employee rela-
(b) the position of the employee no longer exists

(c) the employer's business has been closed employees of an independent contractor. If you were
the RTC judge, would you issue a restraining order
(d) the employee does not wish to be reinstated.
against the union? (4%)
Answer: Answer:
(A). "There is strained employer-employee relation-
I will not issue a TRO.
The dispute brought to the RTC is a labor dispute
Explanation: despite the fact that the disputants may not stand in the
proximate relation of employer and employee (Art. 212,
Not (B} because the stem implies that the employer
LC). Moreover, the issue of regularization is resolvable
has a choice between reinstatement and non-reinstate-
thru the application solely of labor laws. Under both Rea-
ment. Here, he has no option at all because the position in
sonable Causal Connection Rule and Sole Reference
question no longer exists. to Labor Law Rule, the dispute is for labor tribunals to
Not (C) because the employer has no option due to resolve.
the closure of his business. For lack of jurisdiction, therefore, I will dismiss the case.
Not (D) because the employer cannot choose not to
reinstate due to his employee's decision not to be re- XXIV
Lanz was a strict and unpopular Vice-President
XXIII for Sales of Lobinsons La1'1d. One day, Lanz shouted
invectives against Lee, a poor performing sales asso-
Luningning Foods engaged the services of Lami- ciate, calling him, among others, a "brown monkey."
tan Manpower, Inc., a bona fide independent contrac- Hurt, Lee decided to file a criminal complaint for grave
tor, to provide "tasters" that will check on food quality. defamation against Lanz. The prosecutor found pro-
Subsequently, these "tasters" joined the union of rank- bable cause and filed an information in court. Lobin-
a nd-file employees of Luningning and demanded that sons decided to terminate Lanz for committing a po-
they be made regular employees of the latter as they tential crime and other illegal acts prejudicial to busi-
are performing functions necessary and desirable to ness. Can Lanz be legally terminated by the company
operate the company's business. Luningning rejected on these grounds? (4%) ·
the demand for regularization. On behalf of the
"tasters", the union then filed a notice of strike with Answer:
the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE). In
response, Luningning sought a restraining order from As to the first ground, crime to b.e a just cause for dis-
the Regional Trial Court (RTC) arguing that the DOLE missal must be against the employer, members of his im-
does not have jurisdiction over the case since it does mediate family or representative (Article 297, LC, as re-
not have an employer-employee relationshi,p with the numbered). Since the potential crime of Lanz is not against

Lobinsons or its duly authorized representatives, it cannot b. monthly salary plus sales commissions
of itself justify his termination. c. monthly salary plus sales commissions, plus
As to the second ground, Lanz's dysfunctional con- cost of living allowance
duct has made the work environment at Lobinsons hostile d. monthly salary plus sales commissions, plus
as to adversely affect other employees, like Lee. There- cost of living allowance and representation allowance
fore, he can be dismissed on the ground of serious mis- Answer:
conduct and loss of trust and confidence.
(A). "Monthly salary only."
Alternative Answer:
As to the first ground, crime to be a just cause for
Not (B) because the basis of separation pay under
dismissal must be against the employer, members of his
Art. 298 (renumbered), LC, is monthly salary only.
immediate family or representative (Article 297, LC, as re-
numbered). Since the potential crime of Lanz is not against Not (C) because monthly salary means basis salary
Lobinsons or its duly authorized representatives, it cannot which excludes commissions and allowances.
of itself justify his termination. However, it can be treated
Not (0) because monthly salary excludes commis-
as a cause analogous to serious misconduct or loss of
sions and allowances.
trust and confidence. Therefore, Lanz can be dismissed on
this ground.
As to the second ground, Lanz's dysfunctional beha-
vior has made the work environment at Lobinsons hostile Liwanag Corporation is engaged in the power
as to adversely affect other employees, like Lee. There- generation business. A stalemate was reached during
fore, he can be dismissed also on the ground of serious the collective bargaining negotiations between its ma•
misconduct and loss of trust and confidence. nagement and the union. After following all the re-
quisites provided by law, the union decided to stage a
XXV strike. The management sought the assistance of the
Secretary of Labor and Employment, who assumed
Lizzy Lu is a sales associate for Luna Properties. jurisdiction over the strike and issued a return-to-work
The latter is looking to retrench Lizzy and five other order. The union defied the latter and continued the
sales associates due to financial losses. Aside from a strike. Without providing any notice, Liwanag Corpora•
basic monthly salary, Lizzy and her colleagues receive tion declared everyone whp participated in the strike
commissions on the sales they make as well as cost of as having lost their employment. (4%)
living and representation allowances. In computing
Lizzy's separation pay, Luna Properties should consi- a. Was Liwanag Corporation's action valid?
der her: (1%) b. If, before the DOLE Secretary assumed juris-
diction, the striking union members communicated in
a. monthly salary only
writing their desire to return to work, which offer
116 BAR Q&A

Liwanag Corporation refused to accept, what remedy,

relations where the aggregate money claim of each
if any, does the union have?
does not exceed five thousand pesos (PhpS,000).
Answer: c. original jurisdiction to act as a compulsory
arbitration body ov'er labor disputes certified to it by
(A) Yes, the action of Liwanag Corporation is Vc:Jlid. the Regional Directors.
The DOLE Secretary can assume jurisdiction in the d. power to issue a labor injunction.
event of a labor dispute likely to result in a strike in an
industry indispensable to the national interest, like energy Answer:
production (Art. 278(g),· D.O. 40-H-13). His AJO, once duly
served on the union, will produce an injunctive effect. (C). Regional Directors do not have assumption
Hence, if ignored, the union's strike would be illegal even if power; hence, they cannot certify cases to the NLRC.
it may have complied with pre-strike procedure. As a con-
sequence, Liwanag Corporation may declare all the
strikers as having lost their employment as a consequence
of their intransigence (Sarmiento v. Tuico, 27 June
1988). . .
(B) The union may file a complaint for illegal lockout,
with prayer for immediate reinstatement. The refusal of
Liwanag Corporation to admit the strikers back is an illegal
lockout because it is not preceded by compliance with
prescribed pre-lockout procedure. I}- the lockout is unrea-
sonably prolonged, the complaint may be amended to
charge constructive dismissal.


The jurisdiction of the National Labor Relations

Commission does not include: (1%)
a. exclusive appellate jurisdiction over all cases
decided by the Labor Arbiter.
b. exclusive appellate jurisdiction over all cases
decided by Regional Directors or hearing officers in-
volving the recovery of wages and other monetary
claims and benefits arising from employer-employee

2015 BAR EXAMINATIONS (2) shifts of workers with both shifts working beyond
eight (8) hours but only up to a maximum of four (4)
hours. Carding is an employee who used to render up
to six (6) hours of overtime work before the change in
A. Rocket Corporation is a domestic corporation schedule. He complains that the change adversely af-
registered with the SEC, with 30% of its authorized fected him because now he can only earn up to a
capital stock owned by foreigners and 70% of its au- maximum of four (4) hours' worth of overtime pay.
thorized capital stock owned by Filipinos. Is Rocket Does Carding have a cause of action against the com-
Corporation allowed to engage in the recruitment and pany? (4%)
placement of workers, locally and overseas? Briefly
state the basis for your answer. (2%) Answer:
B. When does the recruitment of workers be- No.
come an act of economic sabotage? (2%)
Absent a right recognized by law or contract, Carding
has no cause of action against the company. There is no
law, contract or practice that guarantees to Carding the right
A. No. Foreign ownership of a corporation engaged in to render overtime work of not less than six hours daily. The
recruitment, whether local or overseas, is limited to 25% company can source workers from its own manpower to
(Art. 27, Labor Code). man a second shift in order to meet its business target. This
is a management prerogative that has been exercised in
B. The recruitment of workers becomes economic
good faith by the company. As to the reduction of Carding's
sabotage when:
overtime, it is not an unlawful diminution of benefits because
(1) committed by a syndicate, i.e., by three or more the lost 2-hour overtime compensation is not an accrued
persons acting in conspiracy with one another; and right.
(2) committed in large scale i.e., against three or
more persons, whether dealt with individually or as a group Ill
(Art. 38, Labor Code).
Benito is the owner of an eponymous clothing
u brand that is a top seller. He employs a number of
male and female models who wear Benito's clothes in
LKG Garments Inc. makes baby clothes for ex- promotional shoots and videos. His deal with the mo-
port. As part of its measures to meet its orders, LKG dels is that Benito will pay them with 3 sets of free
requires its employees to work beyond eight (8) hours clothes per week. Is this arrangement allowed? (2%)
everyday, from Monday to Saturday. It pays its emplo- Answer:
yees an additional 35% of their regular hourly wage for
work rendered in excess of eight (8) hours per day.
Because of additional orders, LKG now requires two


The models are Benito's employees. As such, their scheme, she objected. Is. Katrina's objection justified?
services require compensation in legal tender (Art. 102, Explain. (3%)
Labor Code). The three sets of clothes, regardless of Answer:
value, are in kind; hence, the farmer's compensation is not Having enjoyed the across-the-board bonuses for six
in the form prescribed by law. years, Katrina's right to them has been vested already.
Hence, none of them can be withheld or reduced without
IV violating the Principle of Non-Diminution of Benefits.
Benefits can be reduced when the company is in the red,
Far East Bank (FEB) is one of the leading banks in i.e., its losses are substantial and duly established with
the country. Its compensation and bonus packages are financial statements duly certified to by an independent
top of the industry. For the last 6 years, FEB had been external auditor. In the problem, the company is in the
providing the following bonuses across-the-board to black only because it has not proven its alleged losses to
all its employees: be substantial losses in accordance with law. Permitting
(a) 13th month pay; reduction of pay at the slightest indication of losses is
contrary to the policy of the State to afford full protection to
(b) 14th to18th month pay; labor and promote full employment (Linton Commercial
(c) Christmas basket worth : PG,000; Co. v. Hel/era, et al., 23 Feb. 2012).

{d) Gift check worth: P4,000;and . As to the withheld productivity-based bonuses, the
basis of payment is not the company's performance but
(e) Productivity-based incentive ranging from a Katrina's. Therefore, Katrina is deemed to have earned
20% to 40% increase in gross monthly salary for all them because of her excellent performance ratings for
employees who would receive an -evaluation of "Excel- three quarters. On this basis, they cannot be withheld with-
lent" for 3 straight quarters in the same year. out violating Art. 116 of the Labor Code because they are
Because of its poor performance over-all, FEB wage-type.
decided to cut back on the bonuses this year and
limited itself to the following: V
(a) 13thmonth pay;
Soledad, a widowed school teacher, takes under
(b) 14th month pay; her wing one of her students,Kiko,13 years old,who
(c) Christmas basket worth 4,000; and was abandoned by his parents and has to do odd jobs
in order to study. She allows Kiko to live in her house,
(d) Gift check worth P2,000 provides him with clean clothes, food, and a daily allo-
Katrina, an employee of FEB, who had gotten a wance of 200 pesos. In exchange, Kiko does routine
rating of "Excellent" for the last 3 quarters was looking housework consisting of cleaning the house and doing
forward to the bonuses plus the productivity incentive errands for Soledad. One day, a representative of the
bonus. After learning that FEB had modified the bonus DOLE and the DSWD came to Soledad's house and

charged her with violating the law that prohibits work b. Will Nico need to register Ador with the Social
by minors. Soledad objects and offers as a defense Security System (SSS)? (2%)
that she was not requiring Kiko to work as the chores
were not hazardous. Further, she did not give him Answer:
chores regularly but only intermittently as the need
may arise. Is Soledad's defense meritorious? (4%) (a) Ador is a worker paid on task basis; hence, ther~
is employer-employee relationship between him and Nico.
Answer: When the latter assumed the control of both result and man-
ner of performance from Ador, all vestiges of the initial inde-
No. pendent contractorship arrangement disappeared. What re-
Soledad's defense is not meritorious because the placed it was employer-employee relationship.
work rendered by Kiko at her house is in the form of phy- (b) Ador is a purely casual employee; hence, Nico
sical exertion requiring compensation. Hence, it is an em- need not report him for SSS coverage.
ployment which no person can contract with a minor below
15 years of age (Art. 137, Labor Cade). Her defense that
his occasional work did not expose him to hazardous con-
ditions cannot take the place of the defense allowed by
law, viz., the employer is either parent or guardian. She is Don Don is hired as a contractual employee of
neither. Therefore, her defense must fail. CALL HELP, a call center. His contract is expressly for
a term of 4 months. Don Don is hired for 3 straight
contracts of 4 months each but at 2-week intervals
between contracts. After the third contract ended, Don
Don is told that he will no longer be given another
Ador is a student working on his master's degree contract because of "poor performance." Don Don
in horticulture. To make ends meet, he takes on jobs to files a suit for "regularization" and for illegal dismissal,
come up with flower arrangements for friends. His claiming that he is a regular employee of CALLHELP
neighbor, Nico, is about to get married to Lucia and and that he was dismissed without cause. You are the
needs a floral arranger. Ador offers his services and Labor Arbiter. How would you decide the case? (4%)
Nico agrees. They shake hands on it, agreeing that
Nico will pay Ador P20, 000.00 for his services but that Answer:
Ador will take care of everything. As Ador sets about
to decorate the venue, Nico changes all of Ador's I will decide the case by applying the contract of ad-
plans and ends up designing the arrangements him- hesion rule. Given the nature of Don Don's work , which is
self with Ador simply executing Nico's instructions. usually necessary and desirable in the usual trade of
HELPCALL, as well as the short intervals between his
a. Is there an employer-employee relationship fixed-term contracts, there is no doubt that periods were
between Nico and Ador? (4%) resorted to for purposes of circumventing the law on te-
nure. Therefore, since it was the company that prepared
the three contracts, with Don Don's participation being limi-
124 BARQ&A

ted to affixing his signature thereto only, the 4-month pe- trade of Star Crafts. Since both essential element and con-
riods must be taken against it. Having attained tenure,
firming element of labor-only contracting are present, Star
therefore, Don Don cannot be dismissed for poor perfor-
Crafts as principal and the supplied workers are related as
mance because said ground is neither a just nor an autho- employer and employees.
rized cause.
As principal, Star Crafts will always be an employer in
VIII relation to the workers supplied by its contractor. Its status
as employer is either direct or indirect depending on the
Star Crafts is a lantern maker based in Pampanga. latter's standing in law. Thus even if People Plus were a
It supplies Christmas lanterns to stores in Luzon, legitimate job contractor, still Star Crafts will be treated as
Metro Manila, and parts of Visayas, with the months of a statutory employer for purposes of paying the workers'
August to November being the busiest months. Its fac- unpaid wages and benefits (Art. 106, Labor Code; D.O.
tory employs a workforce of 2,000. workers who make 18-A; D.O. 174).
different lanterns daily for the whole year. Because of
increased demand, Star Crafts entered into a contrac- IX
tual arrangement with People Plus, a service contrac-
tor, to supply the former with 100 workers for only 4 Din Din is a single mother with one child. She is
months, August to November, at a rate different from employed as a sales executive at a prominent super-
what they pay their regular employees. The contract market. Sh~ and her child live in Quezon City and her
with People Plus stipulates that all equipment and raw residence and workplace are a 15-minute drive apart.
materials will be supplied by Star Crafts with the One day, Din Din is informed by her boss that she is
express condition that the workecs cannot take any of being promoted to a managerial position but she is
the designs home and must complete their tasks with- now being transferred to the Visayas. Din Din does not
in the premises of Star Crafts. want to uproot her family' and refuses the offer. Her
boss is so humiliated by Din Din's refusal of the offer
Is there an employer-employee relationship bet-
that she gives Din Din successive unsatisfactory
ween Star Crafts and the 100 workers from People
evaluations that result in Din Din being removed from
Plus? Explain.(4%) the supermarket.
Answer: Din Din approaches you, as counsel, for legal
advice. What would you advise her? (4%)
People Plus is a labor-only-contractor because it is Answer:
not substantially capitalized. Neither does it carry on an in-
Din Din's transfer to the Visaya's is a scalar transfer
dependent business in which it actually and directly uses
because it is a promotio_n. As such, it can be refused by her
its own investment in the form of tools, equipment, machi-
especially because her compliance therewith will entail
neries or work premises. Hence, it is just an agent or re-
hardship on her part as a single parent. Performance by her
cruiter of workers who perform work directly related to the

of the lawful act of refusing a promotion, therefore, should an investigation for a serious offense in order to prevent
not be punished with poor performance evaluations. him from causing harm or injury to the company or fellow
employees (Secs. 8 & 9, Rule XX/II, Bk \I, OR/LC; Mari-
As a sales executive, Din Din's office entails perfor-
ca/um Mining Corp. v. Decorion, G.R. No. 158673, 12
mance of work usually necessary and desirable in the
April 2006; Artificio v. NLRC, G.R. No. 172988, 26 July
usual trade of the company. On this basis, she is tenured.
2010). Given the physical proximity between Karina Santos
Hence, she cannot be dismissed on the ground of poor
and the complaining crew, and the likelihood of a
performance which is neither a just nor authorized cause.
disciplinary action, the latter must be protected from further
For this reason, she may file a complaint for illegal dis-
verbal abuse.
Rico has a temper and, in his work as Division
Karina Santos is a famous news anchor appearing Manager of Matatag Insurance, frequently loses his
nightly in the country's most watched newscast. She temper with his staff. One day, he physically assaults
is surprised, after one newscast, to receive a notice of his staff member by slapping him. The staff member
hearing before the station's Vice-President for Human sues him for physical injuries. Matatag Insurance de-
Resources and calls the VP immediately to ask what cides to terminate Rico, after notice and hearing, on
was wrong. Karina is told over the phone that one of the ground of loss of trust and confidence. Rico claims
her crew filed a complaint against her for verbal abuse that he is entitled to the presumption of innocence be-
and that management is duty- bound to investigate cause he has not yet been convicted. Comment on
and give her a chance to air her side. Karina objects Matatag's action in relation to Rico's argument.(4%)
and denies that she had ever verbaily assaulted her
crew. The VP then informed her that pending the Answer:
investigation she will be placed on a 30-day preventive
suspension without pay and that she will not be Matatag Insurance does not have to await the result
allowed to appear in the newscast during this time. of the criminal case before exercising its prerogative to dis-
miss. Under the Three-fold Liability Rule, a single act
Is the preventive suspension of Karina valid? may result in three liabilities, two of which are criminal and
Discuss the reasons for your answer. (4%) administrative. To establish these liabilties, the evidence of
the crime must amount to proof beyond reasonable doubt;
Answer: whereas, the evidence of the ground for dismissal is sub-
Yes. stantial evidence only. In this regard, the company has
some basis already for withhoJding the trust it has reposed
Preventive suspension is justified where the emplo-
in ·;ts manager. Hence, Rico's conviction need not precede
yee's continued employment poses serious and imminent the execution of his intended dismissal. Criminal and labor
threat to the life or property of the employer or of the
cases involving an employee arising from the same infrac-
employee's co-workers. It may be imposed in the course of
tion are separate and independent proceedings that should

not arrest any judgment from one to the other (St. Luke's (b) The Successor Employer Doctrine rests on the
Medical Center, Inc. v. Sanchez, G.R. No. 212054, 11 in personam character of employer-employee relationship.
March 2015). A third party that. buys the business of the employer does
XII not become the new employer of the employees of the
selling employer. For this reason, it is totally insulated from
Blank Garments, Inc. (BLANK), a clothing manu- the liabilitfes of the latter in relation to its displaced emplo-
facturer, employs more than 200 employees in its ma- yees. By way of exception, when established facts justify
nufacturing business. Because of its high overhead, the application of the Principle of Piercing the Veil of
BLANK decided to sell its manufacturing business to Corporate Fiction or Instrumentality Rule then the lia-
Bleach Garments,lnc. (BLEACH) lock, stock and barrel bility of the first corporation may be imposed on the second
which included goodwill, equipment, and personnel. in its original form pursuant to the Principle of Unaltered
After taking on BLANK's business, BLEACH reduces Responsibility.
the workforce by not hiring half the wor~ers specifical-
ly the ones with seniority. BLANK and BLEACH are XIII
still discerned to be sister companies with identical in-
corporators. The laid-off employees sue both BLANK Lui$a is an unwed mother with 3 children from dif-
and BLEACH for unlawful termination. ferent fathers. In 2004, she became a member of the
a. How would you decide this case? (4%) Social Security System (SSS). That same year, she
suffered a miscarriage of a baby out of Wedlock from
b. What is the "successor employer" doctrine? the father of her third child. She wants to claim mater-
(2%) nity benefits under the SSS Act. Is she entitled to
claim? (3%)
(a) I will resolve the case by applying the Principle of Answer:
Total Insulation. Under this principle, BLANK and Yes.
BLEACH have distinct and separate legal personalities
regardless of the fact that they have common incorpo- Provided Luisa has reported to her employer her
rators. Hence, unless BLEACH absorbs all the workers of pregnancy and date of expected delivery and paid at least
BLANK then it does not succeed as employer. Since it has three monthly contributions during the 12-month period
decided not to employ the complainants, BLEACH is totally immediately preceding her miscarriage then she is entitled
insulated from whatever liabilities BLANK may have to maternity benefits up to four deliveries, i.e., under R.A.
incurred by reason of its closure. There are no facts to 8282. As to the fact that s·he got pregnant outside wedloc.k,
justify imposition of unaltered responsibility on BLEACH as in her past three pregnancies , this will not bar her claim
since neither Principle of Piercing the Veil of Corporate because the SSS is non-discriminatory. Likewise, the sys-
Fiction nor Instrumentality Rule can be applied based on tem is morality-free; hence, the several men in her life are
mere perception. immaterial. Incidentally, under the Expanded Maternity
130 BARQ&A

Leave Act of 2019 (R.A. 11210), the number of contingen-

He was advised by the ship's doctor to take complete
cies is immaterial. bed rest but was not given any other medication. His
Therefore, regardless of non-marriage and lack of condition persisted but the degree varied from day to
morals, Luisa is entitled to maternity benefits under the day. At the end of the cruise, Victor went home to lloilo
Social Security Act of 1997 and there had himself examined. The examination re-
vealed that he had tuberculosis.
a. Victor sued for medical reimbursement, dama-
Luis, a PNP officer, was off duty and resting at ges and attorney's fees, claiming that tuberculosis
home when he heard a scuffle outside his house. He was a compensable illness. Do you agree with Victor?
saw two of his neighbors fighting and he rushed out to Why or why not? (2%)
pacify them. One of the neighbors shot Luis by mis- b. Due to his prolonged illness, Victor was un-
take, which resulted in Luis's death. Marian, Luis's wi- able to work for more than 120 days. Will this entitle
dow, filed a claim with the GSIS seeking death bene- him to claim total permanent disability benefits? (2%)
fits. The GSIS denied the claim on the ground that the
death of Luis was not service-related as he was off Answer:
duty when the incident happened. Is the GSIS correct?
(3%) (a) TB is listed under Sec. 32-A of the POEA-SEC;
hence, it is a work-related disease. It was also either con-
Answer: tracted or aggravated during the effectivity of Victor's con-
tract. Having shown its manifestations on board, Victor
No. should have been medically repatriated for further exami-
The GSIS is not correct because Luis was just off- nation and treatment in the Philippines. This obligation was
duty. A policeman, just like a soldier, is covered by the 24- entirely omitted in bad faith by the company when it waited
Hour Duty Rule. He is deemed on round-the-clock duty for his contract to expire on him before signing him off. On
unless on official leave, in which case his death outside this basis, Victor is entitled to medical reimbursement, da-
performance of official peace-keeping mission will bar mages and attorney's fees.
death claim. In this case, Luis was not on official leave and
he died in the performance of a peace-keeping mission. (b) No. Victor's TB may be work-related and it may
Therefore, his death is compensable. have developed on board, thereby satisfying the twin-re-
quisites of compensability. However, despite his knowledge
xv of his medical condition, he failed to report to his manning
agent within three days from his arrival as required by Sec.
Victor was hired by a local manning agency as a 20-8(3) of the POEA-SEC. Since he already felt the mani-
seafarer cook on board a luxury vessel for an eight- festations of TB ~efore his sign-off, he should have submit-
month cruise. While on board, Vict9r complained .of ted to post-employment medical examination (Jebsens Ma-
chronic coughing, intermittent fever, and joint pains. ritime Inc. v. Enrique Undag, G.R. No. 191491, 14 De-
cember 2011). The effect of his omission is forfeiture by him

of disability benefits (Coastal Safety Marine Services, Inc. c. Was LB justified in terminating all those who
v. Elmer T. Esguerra, G.R. No. 185352, 10 August 2011). were members of AILU on the two grounds cited?(3%)
In effect, the120-day rule has no application at all. ·
(a) Since AILU did not fully observe prescribed pre-
strike procedure, it was not justified in declaring the strike.
The Alliance of Independent Labor Unions (AILU)
The dismissal of a duly elected union officer, like a Treasu-
is a legitimate labor federation which represents a
rer, is union busting if said dismissal threatens the exis-
majority of the appropriate bargaining unit at the
tence of the union. Assuming such threat was present, the
Lumens Brewery (LB). While negotiations were
ongoing for a renewal of the collective bargaining
union could not validly stage a strike without serving a
strike notice and conducting a strike vote (Art. 278, Labor
agreement (CBA), LB handed down a decision in a
Code). Even if the cooling off period may have been zero
disciplinary case that was pending which resulted in
the termination of the AILU's treasurer and two other
owing to perceived union busting, the required strike notice
and strike vote could not be dispensed with based alone
members for cause. AILU protested the decision,
on the fact that the ground relied upon was union busting.
claiming that LB acted in bad faith and asked that LB
reconsider. LB refused to reconsider. AILU then (b) The refusal of the Secretary to assume jurisdiction
walked out of the negotiation and declared a strike is valid. Art. 278 (g) of the Labor Code leaves it to his
without a notice of strike or a strike vote. AILU sound discretion to determine if national interest is involved.
members locked in the LB management panel by Assumption power is plenary and discretionary (Philtranco
barricading the doors and possible exits (including Se,vice Enterprises, Inc. v. Philtranco Workers Union-
windows and fire escapes). LB re(f-llested the DOLE to AGLO, G.R. No. 180962, 26 February 2014). Thus, if in his
assume jurisdiction over the dispute and to certify it opinion national interest is not involved then the company
for compulsory arbitration. cannot insist that he assume jurisdiction.
The Secretary of Labor declined to assume juris- (c) The company has to file a complaint for illegal
diction, finding that the dispute ·was not one that strike first. Once the strike is declared by final judgment to
involved national interest. LB then proceeds to ter- be illegal, it can dismiss the union officers. As to members,
minate all of the members of the bargaining agent on their dismissal must be based on their having committed il-
the ground that it was unlawful to: (1) barricade the legalities on the occasion of their illegal strike. Since the
management panel in the building, and (2) participate company prematurely and indiscriminately dismissed the
in an illegal strike.
a. Was AILU justified in declaring a strike with•
AILU members then their dismissal is illegal.

out a strike vote and a notice of strike? Why or why
The Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) bet-
b. Was the Secretary of Labor correct in decli- ween Libra Films and its union, Libra Films Emplo-
ning to assume jurisdiction over the dispute? (2%)

yees' Union (LFEU), contains the following standard no ULP was committed (BPi Employees Union - Davao
clauses: City v. BPI, G.R. No. 174912, 24 July 2013).
1. Maintenance of membership; (b) A Closed Shop clause requires an employer to
2. Check off or union dues and agency fees; and hire from the union membership only; on the other hand,
Maintenance of Membership clause requires as a condition
3. No strike, no lock-out.
for continued employment continued membership in the
While Libra Films and LFEU are in re-negotiations contracting union. Both are union security clauses.
for an extension of the CBA, LFEU discovers that
(c) Union dues are assessed from members of the ex-
some of its members have resigned from the union, ci-
clusive bargaining representative (EBR) which has conclu-
ting their constitutional right to organize (which in-
ded a CBA with the company; whereas, agency fees are
cludes the right NOT to organize). LFEU demands that
collected from members of other unions or non-union in
Libra Films institute administrative proceedings to ter-
exchange for being recipients of the same benefits se-
minate those union members who resigned in violation cured by the EBR thru collective bargaining.
of the CBA's maintenance of membership clause.
Libra Films refuses, citing its obligation to remain a
neutral party. As a result, LFEU declares a strike and XVIII
after filing a notice of strike and taking a strike vote,
goes on strike. The union claims that Libra Films George is an American who is working as a con-
grossly violated the terms of the CBA and engaged in sultant for a local IT company; The company has a
unfair labor practice. union and George wants to support the union. How far
can George go in terms of his support for the union?
a. Are LFEU's claims correct? Explain.(4%) (3%)
b. Distinguish between a "closed shop" clause
and a "maintenance of membership" clause.(2%) Answer:

c. Distinguish between "union dues" and "agen- George is not an alien employee but an independent
cy fees." (2%) contractor. The term "working" per se cannot be used as
an indicium of employer-employee relationship because a
Answer: worker is any member of the labor force, whether em-
ployed or not (Art. 13, Labor Code). As a consultant, he is
(a) LFEU's claim that Libra · Films committed ULP logically the master of his time, means and methods. What
based on its violation of the CBA is not correct. For viola- he advises the company and how he does it are entirely
tion of a CBA to constitute ULP, the violation must be a left to his discretion. Not being an employee, he cannot
violation of its economic provisions. Moreover, said viola- assist the union by joining it.
tion must be gross and flagrant. Based on the allegation of
the union, what was violated was the maintenance of Moreover, foreigners are prohibited from engaging in
membership clause which was a political provision; hence, trade union activities except when employed - subject,

however, to possession of alien employment permits and Answer:

proof of reciprocity (Arts. 284 & 285, Labor Code).
A. The agreement is valid because the preferred
XIX mode of settling labor disputes is thru voluntary modes,
like voluntary arbitration. The agreement is consistent with
What is the rule on the "equity of the incumbent"? Sec. 3, Art. XII/ of the Constitution. Moreover, it does not
(2%) violate any statute, offend morals, or defeat public policy.
B. (1) As counsel, I will advise the union to accede to
Answer: the request of the company. Besides being the constitutio-
The Equity of the Incumbent rule has it that all exis- nally preferred mode of dispute settlement, voluntary arbit-
ting federations or national unions, possessing all qualifica- ration is expected to assure the parties a more lasting in-
tions of an LLO and none of the grounds for CR cancella- dustrial peace.
tion, shall continue to maintain their existing affiliates re- (2) The advantages of voluntary arbitration are:
gardless of their location or industry to which they belong
(Art. 249, Labor Code). In case of dissociation, affiliates (a) the parties' dispute is heard and resolved by a per-
are not required to observe the one union-one industry rule son they both have chosen as their judge; hence, they are
self-assured of his impartiality; ·
(E.O. 111).
(b) if both parties are willing to submit their dispute,
xx the decision is final and binding on them in general by rea-
son of their submission agreement; and
A. XYZ Company and Mr. AB, a terminated emplo-
(c) in the event of a challenge, the decision is eleva-
yee who also happens to be the Pres1dent of XYZ Em-
ted to the CA and then to the SC, i.e., less one layer of ap-
ployees Union, agree in writing to submit Mr. AB's ille- peal.
gal dismissal case to voluntary arbitr~tion. Is this ag-
reement a valid one? (3%) Its disadvantages are:
(a) in case of ·appeal by the employer to the CA, the
B. XYZ Company and XYZ Employees Union
monetary award will not be secured with an appeal bond
(XYZEU) reach a deadlock in their negotiation for a
which Rule 43 of the Rules of Court does not require; and
new collective bargaining agreement (CBA). XYZEU
files a notice of strike; XYZ Company proposes to (b) in case of enforcement of judgment, the Voluntary
XYZEU that the deadlock be submitted instead to vo- Arbitra_tor has no sheriff to enforce it.
luntary arbitration. If you are counsel for XYZEU, what
The advantages of compulsory arbitration are:
advice would you give the union as to the: (1) pro-
priety of the request of XYZ Company, and (2) the rela- (a) subject to pre-litigation mediation, a case. can be
tive advantages/disadvantages between voluntary ar- initiated thru the filing of a verified complaint by a union
bitration and compulsory arbitration? (4%) member, unlike in voluntary arbitration where the Voluntary
Arbitrator acquires jurisdiction primarily thru a submission
138 BARQ&A

agreement. In a cast3 where the company is unwilling., the Answer:

EBR {and only the EBR) may serve a notice to arbitrate;
hence, a union member may be left out in the process if (a) The NLRC has no jurisdiction.
the EBR does not serve that notice;
As to PNN, there is no employer-employee relation-
(b) a monetary award is secured with the employer's ship between itself and NNN; hence, the NLRC cannot
appeal bond; and; (c) there is a system of restitution in hear and resolve their dispute (Reasonable Causal Con-
compulsory arbitration. nection Rule). As to Anya, the injunctive power of the
NLRC is ancillary in nature; hence, it requires a principal
Its disadvantages are:
case which is absent. Besides, the dispute between her
(a) State interference with the affairs of labor and and PNN is not resolvable thru the application solely of the
management is maximized, disregarding the inter-party Labor Code, other labor statutes, CSA or employment con-
nature of the relationship; and tract (Sole Reference to Labor Law Rule).
(b) The system of appeals entails a longer process. (b) The NLRC may issue an injunctive writ to enjoin
an illegal activity under Art. 279 of the Labor Code; as an
XXI ancillary remedy to avoid irreparable injury to the rights of
a party in an ordinary labor dispute pursuant to Rule X,
Philippine News Network (PNN) engages the ser- 2011 NLRC Rules of Procedure, as amended; and to
vices of Anya, a prominent news anchor from a rival correct the Labor Arbiter's grave abuse of discretion pur-
station, National News Network (NNN). NNN objects to suant to Rule XII of the 2011 NLRC Rules of Procedure,
the transfer of Anya claiming that she is barred from as amended.
working in a competing company for a period of three
(c) As to jurisdiction, the LA can hear and resolve
years from the expiration of her contract. Anya pro-
cases under Art. 224 of the Labor Code, money claims un-
ceeds to sign with PNN which then asks her to anchor
der Sec. 7 of R.A. 10022; and referred wage distortion dis-
their nightly newscast. NNN sues Anya and PNN be-
putes in unorgcJnized establishments, as well as the en-
fore the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC), forcement of compromise agreements pursuant to the
asking for a labor injunction. Anya and PNN object
2011 NLRC Rules of Procedure, as amended. On the
claiming that it is a matter cognizable by a regular
other hand, the NLRC reviews decisions rendered by the
court and not the NLRC.
LA; decisions or orders rendered by the RD under Art. 129
a. Is NNN's remedy correct? Why or why not? of the Labor Code; and conducts compulsory arbitration in
(3%) certified cases.
b. What are the grounds for a labor injunction to As to the power to issue a labor injunction, the NLRC
issue? (2%) can issue an injunctive writ. On the other hand, the Labor
Arbiter cannot issue an injunctive writ.
c. Distinguish the jurisdiction of a Labor Arbiter
from that of the NLRC (3%)
140 BAR Q&A

XXII Carlo is not a corporate officer of the business organi-

zation involved, which is a corporation based on the fact
Mario comes from a family of coffee bean gro- that it was incorporated, declared dividends and issued
wers. Deciding to incorporate his fledgling coffee ven- shares of stock. Being the Chief Marketing Agent only, and
ture, he invites his best friend, Carlo, to join him. Carlo not the corporate president, treasurer or secretary, he is a
is hesitant because he does not have money to invest corporate employee. In fact, he was paid salaries and com-
but Mario suggests a scheme where Carlo can be the missions, plus bonuses, for his personal services.
Chief Marketing Agent of the company, earning a sala-
ry and commissions. Carlo agrees and the venture is . (b) Corporate officers are personally accountable only
formed. After one year, the business is so successful as provided by Sec. 31 of the Corporation Code (now
that they were able to declare dividends. Mario is so Sec. 30, Revised Corporation Code) and not solely
happy with Carlo's work that he assigns 100 shares of because they act in the interest of the company (Carag v.
stock to Carlo as part of the latter's bonus. NLRC, G.R. No. 147590, 2 April 2007). Hence, they have
to personally commit the illegality, or ratify it, or be guilty of
Much later on, it is discovered that Carlo had en- bad faith or gross neglect in order to be personally liable.
gaged in unethical conduct which caused embarrass-
ment to the company. Mario is forced to terminate
Carlo but he does so without giving Carlo the opportu-
nity to explain.
Carlo filed a case against Mario and the company
for illegal dismissal. Mario objected on the ground that
the Labor Arbiter had no jurisdiction over the. case as
it would properly be considered as an intra-corporate
controversy cognizable by the. RTC. Further, Mario
claimed that because Carlo's dismissal was a corpo-
rate act, he cannot be held personally liable.
a. As the Labor Arbiter assigned to this case, how
would you resolve the juris~iction question? (3%)
b. What is the rule on personal liability of corpo-
rate officers for a corporate act declared to be un-
lawful? (2%}

(a) Carlo is an employee. Hence, as LA, I have the
power to hear and resolve his complaint.

2016 BAR EXAMINATIONS secretary but is provided free office space in the office
of the company. He is, however, required to meet a
monthly quota of twenty (20) insurance policies, other-
wise, he may be terminated. He was made to agree to a
What are the requisites of a valid quitclaim? (5%) Code of Conduct for underwriters and is supervised by
a Unit Manager.
Answer: a. Is Gregorio an employee of Guaranteed? Ex-
The requisites of a valid quitclaim are as follows: plain. (2.5%}
In general, a quitclaim is valid if: (a) it represents a fair b. Suppose Gregorio is appointed as Unit Manager
and reasonable compromise, and (b) it is supported with and assigned to supervise several underwriters. He
substantial consideration (Periquet v. NLRC, G.R. No. holds office in the company premises, receives an
91298, 22 June 1990). As to the second requisite, the con- overriding commission on the commissions of his
sideration should not be below 50% of, the employee's underwriters, as well as a monthly allowance from the
money claim (Catholic Vicariate of Baguio v. Hon. Patri- company, and is supervised by a branch manager. He
cia A. Sto. Tomas, G.R. No. 167334, 7 March 2008). is governed by the Code of Conduct for Unit Ma-
nagers. Is he an employee of Guaranteed? Explain.
In order to prevent disputes on the validity and enfor- (2.5%)
ceability of waivers and quitclaims, the following must be
stated in the quitclaim: (a) the fixed amount as full and final Answer:
settlement; (b) the benefits with corresponding amounts
which the employee is giving up; (c) the employer clearly (a) No. Gregorio is not an employee. He is an inde-
explained in English or Filipino, or dialect known to the em- pendent contractor because the control exercised by the
. ployee, that by signing the quitclaim he is relinquishing the insurance company over him is not the labor law concept
benefits due him under the law; and (d) the employee exe- of control but a legally prescribed control device. In other
cuted the document voluntarily, freely and knowingly. It is words, it is not pervasive control over means and methods
advisable for the quitclaim to be.signed by two witnesses of performance. He sold insurance policies free from any
and notarized by a competent labor official (EDI-Staffbuil- form of company prescriptions or proscriptions as to how to
ders International, Inc. v. NLRC, et al., G.R. No. 145587, sell. In fact, he employed his own manpower to be able to
26 October 2007). sell insurance policies anywhere. As to his monthly quota
and acquiescence to the code of conduct, the same do not
u go into means and methods of performance but into result
of performance only (See Gregorio Tongko v. Manulife,
Gregorio was hired as an insurance underwriter G.R. No. 167622, 25January 2011).
by the Guaranteed Insurance· Corporation (Guaran- (b) No. The supervisory functions of Gregorio did not
teed). He does not receive any salary but solely relies invest him with employee status. As leading agent, it was
on commissions earned for every insurance policy ap- his duty to oversee the agents under him to ensure their
proved by the company. He hires and pays his own compliance with legally imposed rules on selling insurance

policies. The attending system of control, including supervi- jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiter considering that the
sion over him by a branch manager, is inherent in insu- claim of lnggo is more than PS,000.00. Explain. (2.5%)
rance agency. In fact, it is a legally prescribed control de-
vice (See Gregorio Tongko v. Manulife, G.R. No. 167 Answer:
622, 25 January 2011).
(a) Yes. The Regional Director, exercising power co-
Ill extensive with his visitorial power under Article 128 of the
Labor Code, can make a prima facie determination of em-
lnggo is a drama talent hired on a per drama ployer-employee relationship (People's Broadcasting
"participation basis" by DJN Radio Company. He Service v. Secretary of Labor, G.R. No. 179652, 6
worked from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., six days a week, March 2012).
on a gross rate of PS0.00 per script, earning an ave- (b) No. The P5K jurisdictional threshold applies only
rage of P20,000.00 per month. lnggo filed a complaint to money claims brought by complaint under Article 129 of
before the Department of Labor and· Employment the Labor Code. It does not apply to cases taken cogni-
(DOLE) against DJN Radio for illegal deduction, non- zance of by the Regional Director exercising · visitorial
payment of service incentive leave and 13th month power under Art. 128 of the Labor Code.
pay, among others. On the basis of the complaint, the
DOLE conducted a plant level inspection. IV
The DOLE Regional Director issued an order ru-
ling that lnggo is an employee of DJN Radio, and that Hagibis Motors Corporation (Hagibis) has 500 re-
lnggo is entitled to his monetary claims in the total gular employees in its car assembly plant. Due to the
amount of P30,000.00. DJN Radio elevated the case to Asian financial crisis, Hagibis experienced very low
the Secretary of Labor who affirmed the order. The car sales resulting to huge financial losses. It imple-
case was brought to the Court of Appeals. The radio mented several cost-cutting measures such as cost re-
station contended that there is no employer-employee duc.tion on use of office supplies, employment hiring
relationship because it was the drama directors and freeze, prohibition on representation and travel expen-
producers who paid, supervised, and disciplined him. ses, separation of casuals and reduced work week. As
Moreover, it argued that the case falls under the juris- counsel of Haglbis, what are the measures the compa-
diction of the NLRC and not the DOLE because lnggo's ny should undertake to implement a valid retrench-
claim exceeded PS,000.00. ment? Explain. (5%)

a. May DOLE make a prima facie determination of Answer:

the existence of an employer-employee relationship in
the exercise of its visitorial and enforcement powers? I will advise the following measures:
(2.5%) 1) Notify the DOLE-RD and the concerned employees
b. If the DOLE finds that there is an employee- in writing of the intended retrenchment 30 days before
employer relationship, does the case fall under the actual termination;

2) Establish the substantial losses incurred during: 3 On January 20, 2015, the Hotel issued notices to
years of operation with financial statements duly certified Union members, preventively suspending them and
by an independent external auditor; charging them with the following offenses: (1) illegal
3) Employ fair and reasonable criteria on the selection picket; (2) violation of the company rule on Grooming
Standards; (3) illegal strike; and (4) commission of ille-
of employees to be separated;
gal acts during the illegal strike. The Hotel later termi-
4) Pay separation pay; and nated the Union officials and members who partici-
pated in the strike. The Union denied it engaged in an
5) Observe good faith.
illegal strike and countered that the Hotel committed
an unfair labor practice (ULP) and a breach of the free-
dom of speech.
Asia Union (Union) is the certified bargaining a. Was the picketing legal? Was the mass action
agent of the rank-and-file employees of Asia Pacific of the Union officials and members an illegal strike?
Hotel (Hotel). Explain. (2.5%)
The Union submitted its Collective Bargaining Ag- b. Rule on the allegations of ULP and violation of
reement (CBA) negotiation proposals to the Hotel. Due freedom of speech. Explain'. (2.5%)
to the bargaining deadlock, the Union, on December
20, 2014, filed a Notice of Strike with the National Cc_m- Answer:
ciliation and Mediation Board (NCMB). Consequently, (a) Given the substance of the activity, which was
the Union conducted a Strike Vote on January 14, carried out by blocking ingress and egress, it was not a
2015, when it was approved. picket. A picket is limited to harmless marching to and fro
The next day, waiters who are members of the by employees who carry placards or use speech to attract
Union came out of the Union office sporting closely the public to their cause. Based on substance, the activity
cropped hair or cleanly shaven heads. The next day, was a strike because: (a) there was temporary stoppage of
all the male Union members came to work sporting the work; (b) it was carried out thru concerted activity; and (c)
same hair style. The Hotel prevente(i these workers there was a labor dispute between the union and the com-
from entering the premises, claiming that they violated pany arising from a bargaining deadlock (See Philippine
the company rule on Grooming Standards. Blooming Mills Employment Organization, et al. v.
On January 16, 2015, the Union subsequently Philippine Blooming Mills, et al., G.R. No. L-31195, 5
June 1973).
staged a picket outside the Hotel premises and pre-
vented other workers from entering the Hotel. The (b) The union's allegation of ULP and violation of free-
Union members blocked the ingress and egress of dom of speech is baseless. As to the first, the dismissal
customers and employees to the Hotel premises, was for serious misconduct because the union staged an
which caused the Hotel severe lack of manpower and economic strike on 16 January 2015, or on the 27th day
forced the Hotel to temporarily cease operations resul- following service of its notice of strike on the NCMB on 20
ting to substantial losses. December 2014. In effect, it did not observe the 30-day

cooling-off period as to make- the strike illegal. In this con- of apprising him of the employer's ground for the intended
nection, an illegal strike amounts to serious misconduct dismissal. On the other hand, the second communicates
which is a just cause for foreclosing tenurial security. the employer's final decision to dismiss him. In between
As to the second, there was no violation of freedom of said ·notices, he must be accorded all reasonable means
speech. When the employees started blocking ingress and and assistance as might help him come to the defense of
egress in the course of staging a strike without prior com- his employment. If he requests for a formal hearing, the
pliance with prescribed pre-strike procedure, their activity same must be granted (See King of Kings Transport,
was not protected preferred freedom. It was a strike made Inc. v. Mamac, G.R. No. 166208, 29 June 2009,· Citibank
doubly illegal by the union's violation of prescribed proce- v. Genuino, G.R. No. 142753-54, 4 December 2007; Pe-
dure and employment of illegal means. rez v. PT&T, G.R. No. 152048, 7 April 2009).
(b) No. Biyahe sa Langit Transport transgressed the
VI rule that opportunity to be heard not be perfunctory, pro
forma or meaningless (See Genuino v. NLRC, G.R. No.
Pedro, a bus driver of Biyahe sa Langit Transport, 142732-33, 4 December 2007). Since it can only be pre-
was involved in a collision with a car, damaging the sumed that the company simply received Pedro's explana-
bus. The manager accused him of being responsible tion and nothing else more then it is doubtful if he was
for the damage and was told to submit his written ex- heard at all. The rule observed in this forum is that all
planation within 48 hours. Pedro submitted his expla- doubts arising from evidence in labor proceedings must be
nation within the period. The day after, Pedro received resolved in favor of the workingman (See Hocheng Phil.
a notice of termination stating that he is dismissed for Corp. v. Farra/es, G.R. No. 211497, 18 March 2015).
reckless driving resulting to damage to company
property, effective immediately. Pedro asks you, as his VII
counsel, if the company complied with the procedural
due process with respect to dismissal of employees. Forbes Country Club (Club) owns a golf course
a. Explain the twin notice and hearing rule. (2.5%) and has 250 rank-and-file employees who are mem-
bers of the Forbes Country Club Union (Union). The
b. Did the Biyahe sa Langit Transport comply with Club has a CBA with the l:lnion and one of the stipu-
the prior procedural requirements for dismissal? lations is a Union Security Clause, which reads: "All
(2.5%) regular rank-and-file employees who are members of
the union shall keep their membership in good stan-
Answer: ding as a condition for their continued employment
(a) An employee sought to be dismissed has the sta- during the lifetime of this agreement."
tutory right to be accorded ample opportunity to be heard Peter, Paul and Mary were the Treasurer, Assis-
(Art. 292, Labor Code). Said right translates to service tant Treasurer, and Budget Officer of the Union, res-
upon him of two written notices, viz., notice of intent to dis- pectively. They were expelled by the Board of Direc-
miss and notice of dismissal. The first serves the purpose tors of the Union for malversation. The Union then de-

man~ed that the Club dismiss said officials pursuant order issued in a termination case in which the Club must
to the Union Security Clause that required mainte- be the party respondent (Art. 294, Labor Code).
nance of union membership. The Club required the
three officials to show cause in writing why they VIII
should not be dismissed. Later, the Club called the
three Union officials for a conference regarding the Differentiate learnership from apprenticeship with
charges against them. After considering the evidence respect to the period of training, type of work, salary
submitted by the parties and their written explana- and qualifications. (5%)
tions, the Club dismissed the erring officials. The dis-
missed officials sued the .Club and the Union for illegat Answer:
dismissal because there was really no malversation
based on the documents presented and their dismissal Learnership differs from apprenticeship as follows:
from the Union was due to the fact that they were As to period of training. In learners hip, the period shall
organizing another union. not exceed 3 months; whereas, in apprenticeship, the pe-
a. Is the dismissal of Peter, Paul and Mary by the riod shall not exceed 6 months.
Club valid? (2.5%) As to type of work. In learnership, the work is semi-
b. If the expulsion by the Union was found by the skilled; whereas, in apprenticeship, the work is highly tech-
Labor Arbiter to be baseless, is the Club liable to nical;
Peter, Paul and Mary? Explain. (2.5%) As to salary. In learnership, the employer is permitted
to pay 75% of the applicable minimum wage. However, if
Answer: the learner is employed in piece or incentive rate jobs, he
(a) Yes. A dismissal based on the contracting union's must be paid in full. In apprenticeship, the employer is per-
request under the union security clause is a contractual ob- mitted to pay a starting salary equivalent to 75% of the mi-
ligation of the company. It is valid provided these requisites nimum wage, However, the .SOLE may authorize the hiring
are in attendance: (a) the union security clause is appli- of a.pJrentices without·eompensation if training on the JOb
cable; (b) a request to dismiss on the ground of expulsion ls tequlred:byt:ne school or is a requisite for graduation or
is made; and (c) the employer verifies the ground for expul- board· exah1i11a1lon.
sion (See Alabang Country Club, Inc. v. NLRC, et al., As to qualifications. In learnership, the worker must
G.R. No. 170287, 14 February 2008). All requisites are be able to perform training-on-the job work; whereas, in
present; hence, the dismissal is valid. apprenticeship, the worker must possess vocational apti-
(b) Yes. If the requested dismissal is recklessly or tude and can comprehend and follow oral and written ins-
perfunctorily carried out on doubtful grounds and the Labor tructions.
Arbiter formally declares the expulsion as baseless, the
Club shall be liable to Peter, Paul and Mary. To free the
Club of liability is to leave the trio without means of

reclaiming their jobs. The very means is a reinstatement

IX ciple of Separate Legal Personalities. Absent substantial

evidence to warrant piercing of the corporate veil that se-
Zienna Corporation (Zienna) informed the Depart- parates the two corporate entities, the argument of Nelle
ment of Labor and Employment Regional Director of must be disregarded.
the end of its operations. To carry out the cessation,
Although payment of separation pay does not bar the
Zienna sent a Letter Request for Intervention to the
filing of a complaint for illegal dismissal, the settlement
NLRC for permission and guidance in effecting pay-
ritual went beyond mere payment of separation pay. There
ment of separation benefits for its fifty (50) terminated was a mediation proceeding before the NLRC at which
employees. Nelle executed a quitclaim which represented a fair and
Each of the terminated employees executed a • reasonable compromise supported with substantial consi-
Quitclaim and Release before Labor Arbiter Nocomora, deration. Moreover, the mediation was formally closed and
to whom the case was assigned. After the erstwhile terminated by the Labor Arbiter before whom the quitclaim
employees received their separation pay, the Labor Ar- was executed. Upon these facts, not to mention the pre-
biter declared the labor dispute dismissed with preju- sumption of regularity of the mediation proceedings, the
dice on the ground of settlement. Thereafter, Zienna settlement agreement is final and binding (See Sec. 9,
sold all of its assets to Zandra Company (Zandra), D.O. 147-15) to the point that the NLRC is not allowed to
which in turn hired its own employees. assume jurisdiction (Art. 233, Labor Code).
Nelle, one of the fifty (50) terminated employees,
filed a case for illegal dismissal against Zienna. She ar-
gued that Zienna did not cease from operating since
Lazaro, an engineer, organized a union in Garanti-
the corporation subsists as Zandr!!, Nelle pointed out
sado Construction Corporation (Garantisado) which
that aside from the two companies having essentially
the same equipment, the managers and owners of
has 200 employees. He immediately filed a Petition for
Certification Election, attaching thereto the signatures
Zandra and Zienna are likewise one and the same.
of 70 employees. Garantisado vehemently opposed the
For its part, Zienna countered that Nelle is barred petition, alleging that 25 signatories are probationary
from filing a complaint for illegal dismissal against the employees, while 5 are supervisors. It submitted the
corporation in view of her prior acceptance of separa- contracts of the 25 probationary employees and the
tion pay. job description of the supervisors. It argued that if 30
Is Nelle correct in claiming that she was illegally is deducted from 70, it gives a balance of 40 valid
signatures which is way below the minimum number
dismissed? (5%)
of 50 signatories needed to meet the alleged 25% re-
quirement. If you are the Director of Labor Relations,
will you approve the holding of a Certification Elec-
No. It cannot be lightly presumed that Zienna is the tion? Explain your answer. (5%)
same entity as Zandra based alone on identity of equip-
ment, managers and owners without violating the Prin-

Answer: ness, inadvertence or thoughtlessness then it amounts to

I will grant the petition. mere error of judgment only. Likewise, if not attended by
corrupt or improper motive, it amounts to simple miscon-
First, the establishment is unorganized absent a pre- duct only (See NLRC v. Bernadette Salgarino, G.R. No.
existing CBA. Therefore, I am required to grant the petition 164376, 31 July 2006).
automatically, provided it is sufficient in both form and
substance. Dion is not guilty of serious misconduct because his
act is more trivial than it is of grave and aggravated charac-
Second, the petition is sufficient in substance. The 25 ter. Given his length of service and the isolated nature of his
probationary employees belong to the collective bargaining act, the Principle of Proportionality militates against the
unit (CBU) sought to be represented. Even if the 5 super- imposition of the extreme penalty of dismissal. ln other
visors were counted out, and rightly so, the remainder will words, he should have been imposed a less drastic penalty.
be 195 and 25% thereof is 49, more or less. Therefore, In effect, therefore, he was illegally dismissed.
since the support of 70 CBU members was obtained by the
petitioner then the minimum number of supporting sig- XII
natures was far exceeded.
Amaya was employed as a staff nurse by St.
XI Francis Hospital (SFH) on July 8, 2014 on a probatio-
nary st~tus for six (6) months. Her probationary con-
Dion is an Accounting Supervisor in a trading tract required, among others, strict compliance with
company. He has rendered exemplary service to the SFH's Code of Discipline.
company for 20 years. His co-employee and kumpadte,
Mac, called him over the phone and ·requested him to On October 16, 2014, Dr.Ligaya, filed a Complaint
punch his (Mac's} daily time card as he (Mac) was with the SFH Board of Trustees against Amaya for ut-
caught in a monstrous traffic jam. Dion acceded to tering slanderous remarks against the former. At-
Mac's request but was later caught by the Personnel tached to the complaint was a letter of Minda, mother
Manager while punching Mac's time card. The com- of a patient, who confirmed the following remarks
pany terminated the employment of Dion on the again.st Dr.Ligaya:
ground of misconduct. Is the dismissal valid and just? "Bakit si Dr.Ligaya pa ang napili mong 'pedia' eh
Explain. (5%) ang tanda tanda na n'un? E makakalimutin na yun xxx
Alam mo ba, kahit wala naming diperensya yung baby,
Answer: ipinapa-isolate nya?"
No. The dismissal of Dion for serious misconduct is The SFH President asks you, being the hospital's
baseless. Serious misconduct is a dereliction of duty, or a counsel, which of these two (2) options is the legal and
knowing, intentional and purposeful transgression of a proper way of terminating Amaya: a) terminate her for
prescribed rule or norm of conduct. Hence, if the em- a just cause under Article 282 (Art. 297) of the Labor
ployee's conduct is attended by carelessness, heedless-
156 BARQ&A

Cod~ (Termination by Employer); or b) terminate her their skill before being allowed to work and given ID
for violating her probationary contract. Explain. (5%) cards. They were told to be present from the opening
of the store up to closing time and were required to
Answer: follow the company rules on cleanliness and decorum.
Of the two remedies, the more defensible is the first, They bought their own shoe shine boxes, polish, and
i.e., dismissal for a just cause. The second may not pros- rags. The boys were paid by their customers for their
per because it cannot be lightly assumed that the Code of services but the payment is coursed through the
Discipline was made known to Amaya upon her engage- store's cashier, who pays, them before closing time.
ment. Hence, it is more difficult to justify her dismissal on They were not supervised in their work by any ma-
the ground of failure to qualify. In contrast, her act of nagerial employee of the store but for a valid com-
causing intrigue on the professional ability of Dr.Ligaya can plaint by a customer or for violation of any company
be used to prove serious misconduct. Dr. Ligaya is held rule, they can be refused admission to the store·. Were
out by the hospital to the public as its employee, Hence, the boys employees of the store? Explain. (5%)
Amaya's act of discrediting her is an act directed against
the hospital too. Answer:
No, the boys were not employees. They were free-
Alternative Answer: lance operators because they solicited work from the cus-
Amaya should be dismissed for failure to qualify, tomers of the store on their own initiative and rendered the
albeit the company's standards for regularization have not contracted services in strict accordance with their means
been communicated to her upon her engagement. Her po- and methods of performance. Besides non-exercise of
sition is self-descriptive. Even without such standards, the control over their means and methods, the store had no
nature of her position did not permit her to subjec;:t Dr. obligation to pay for their services. The obligation to pay
Ligaya to uncalled for comment. Common sense required belonged to the customers who availed of their services.
her to keep to herself information hurtful to the professional Thus, under the Two-tier Test, they cannot be considered
reputation of another, especially because Dr.Ligaya must as employees.
have had valid reasons which Amaya had no right to re- '
view for managing her patients the way she did. Common Alternative Answer:
sense is a judicially recognized measure of human conduct
Yes, the boys were employees. They rendered de-
(Wal/em Maritime Services, Inc., et al. v. Donabelle
sirable support services intended to make the shop rela-
Pedrajas, G.R. No. 192993, 6 April 2015).
tively a one-stop shop. The circumstances of their work are
indicative of the unitary nature of the services offered by
XIII the store to the public. As to engagement, the boys were
not self-engaged. As to mode of payment, the store held
Matibay Shoe and Repair Store, as added service out to the public that the services paid for were its services.
to its customers, devoted a portion of its store to a As to power to dismiss, the prerogative to let the boys work
shoe shine stand. The shoe shine boys were tested for inside store premises implied the correlative right to disso-

ciate them. And, as to control, their work did not require ac- xv
tual control because it was a simple manual work.
Jim is the holder of a certificate of public conve-
XIV nience for a jeepney. He entered into a contract of
lease with Nick, whereby they agreed that the lease
Tess, a seamstress at Marikit Clothing Factory, period is for one (1) year unless sooner terminated by
became pregnant. Because of morning sickness, she Jim for any of the causes laid down in the contract.
frequently absented herselffrom work and often came The rental is thirty thousand pesos (P30,000.00)
to the factory only four (4) days a week. After two (2) monthly. All the expenses for the repair of the jeepney,
months, the personnel manager told her that her together with expenses for diesel, oil and service, shall
habitual absences rendered her practically useless to be for the account of Nick. Nick is required to make a
the company and, thus, asked her to resign. She deposit of three (3) months to answer for the restora-
begged to be retained, citing her pregnancy as reason tion of the vehicle to its good operating condition
for her absences. Tess asked for leave of absence but when the contract ends. It is stipulated that Nick is not
her request was denied. She went on leave neverthe- an employee of Jim and he holds the latter free and
less. As a result, she was thus dismissed for going on harmless from all suits or claims which may arise from
leave without permission of management. the implementation of the contract. Nick has the right
Tess filed a complaint for illegal dismissal. The to use the jeepney at any hour of the day provided it is
operated on the approved li'lle of operation.
company's defense: she was legally dismissed be-
cause of her numerous absences without leave and After five (5) months of the lease and payment of
not because of her pregnancy. On the other hand, the rentals, Nick became delinquent in the payment of
Tess argues that her dismissal was all act of discrimi- the rentals for two (2) months. Jim, as authorized by
nation, based as it was on her pregnancy which the the contract, sent a letter of demand rescinding the
company treated as a disease. Whose position is contract and asked for the arrearages. Nick responded
meritorious - the company's or Tess'? Explain. (5%) by filing a complaint with the NLRC for illegal dismisM
sal, claiming that the contract is illegal and he was just
Answer: forced by Jim to sign it so he can drive. He claims he
The position of Tess is meritorious. There is no doubt is really a driver of Jim on a boundary system and the
that her absences were all pregnancy-related. That she reason he was removed is because he failed to pay the
was dismissed on the basis of said absences constitutes complete daily boundary of one thousand (P1 ,000.00)
an act of discrimination against a woman by reason of for 2 months due to the increase in the number of
pregnancy which is prohibited by Art. 135 of the Labor
Code (See Del Monte Philippines v. Lolita Velasco, a. Jim files a motion to dismiss the NLRC case on
G.R. No. 153477, 6 March 2007). the ground that the regular court has jurisdiction since
the agreement is a lease contract. Rule on the motion
and explain. (2.5%)
160 BARQ&A

b. Assuming that Nick is an employee of Jim, was a. Robbie, the employer, contests the award of
Nick validly dismissed? attorney fees amounting to 10% on all the amounts
adjudged on the ground that Article 111 of the Labor
Answer: Code authorizes only 10% "of the amount of wages
(a) I will deny the motion. The Labor Arbiter can hear recovered". Rule on the issue and explain. (2.5%)
the parties' dispute because it has reasonable causal con-
b. Robbie likewise questions the imposition of in-
nection to their relationship as employer and employee
terests on the amounts in question because it was not
(Reasonable Causal Connection Rule). Their lease con- claimed by Apollo, and the Civil Code provision on in-
tract is void because it contravenes case law which recog-
terests does not apply to a labor case. Rule on the
nizes employer-employee relationship between the jeepney issue and explain.'(2.5%) ·
owner and his driver under a boundary system. Moreover,
the issue of illegal dismissal is resolvable thru the applica- Answer:
tion solely of the Labor Code and case law on employment
termination (Sole Reference to Labor Law Rule). (a) Attorney's fees can be assessed not only on the
basis of the employer's unlawful act of withholding wages
(b) Yes. Nick was validly dismissed for gross and ha- and benefits but also on some other lawful bases. When
bitual neglect of duty. By neglecting to make remittances, an employer compels his employee to litigate against him
indicating his total disregard of the interest of Jim, he to protect his rights, necessitating legal representation and
committed gross neglect of duty. His intentional omission expense, attorney's fees can be awarded. Likewise, based
to remit was habitual in character because it was done re- on evidence of the employer's act of oppression, whim,
peatedly. caprice or bad faith, he can be assessed attorney's fees.
- The basis of the 10% attorney's fees is the total monetary
XVI award (See Session Delights Ice Cream & Fast Foods
v. CA, G.R. No. 172149, 8 February 2010).
In a case for illegal dismissal and non-payment of (b) The entire monetary award shall earn legal inte-
benefits, with prayer for damages, Apollo was awarded rest of 12% (See Session Delights Ice Cream & Fast
the following: 1) P200,000.00 as backwages; 2) P80, Foods v. CA, G.R. Na. 172149, 8 February 2010). How-
000.00 as unpaid wages; 3} P20,000.00 as unpaid holi- ever, legal interest shall be 6% starting 1 July 2013 (See
day pay; 4) P5,000.00 as unpaid service incentive leave Nacar v. Ga/lfery Frames, fS.R. No. 189871, 13 August
pay; 5) P50,000.00 as moral damages; and 6) P10,000. 2013).
00 as exemplary damages. Attorney's fees of ten per-
cent (10%) of all the amounts covered by items 1 to 6 xvu
inclusive, plus interests of 6% per annum from the
date the same were unlawfully withheld, were also
Baldo, a farm worker on
pakyaw basis, had been
working on Dencio's land by harvesting abaca and
coconut, processing copra, and clearing weeds from
year to year starting January 1993 up to his death in
162 BARQ&A

2007. He worked continuously in the sense that it was Empire then entered into an agreement for man-
done for more than one harvesting season. power supply with Wave Human Resources (Wave). -
Wave provided the supervisors who supervised the
a. Was Dencio required to report Baldo for com-
TMRs, who, in tum, received orders from the Marketi11g
pulsory social security coverage under the SSS law?
Director of Empire. In their agreement, the parties sti-
Explain. (2.5%)
pulated that Wave shall be liable for the wages and
b. What are the liabilities of the employer who salaries of its employees or workers, including bene-
fails to report his employee for social security cove- fits, and protection due them, as well as remittance to
rage? Explain. (2.5%) the proper government entities of all withholding
taxes, Social Security Service, and Philhealth pre-
Answer: miums, in accordance with relevant laws.
(a) Dencio was required to report his employee Baldo As the TMRs wanted to continue working at
for SSS coverage. Only the following are excluded from Empire; they submitted job applications as TMRs with
SSS coverage: purely casual employees, Filipinos em- Wave. Consequently, Wave hired them for a term of
ployed by foreign vessels while outside Philippine territory, five (5) months, or from June 7, 2007 to November 6,
employees of foreign governments and international orga- 2007, specifically to promote Empire's products.
nizations unless covered by administrative agreements,
government employees, and other employees excluded by
When the TMRs' 5-month contracts with Wave
the Social Security Commission. Baldo, a regular seasonal
were about to expire, they sought renewal thereof, but
were refused. Their contracts with Wave were no
employee, was not one of the excluded employees.
longer renewed as Empire hired another agency. This
(b) The Social Security Act is a-penal law. Hence, an
prompted them to file complaints for illegal dismissal,
employer who does not report his employee for SSS cove-
regularization, non-payment of service incentive leave
and 13th month pay against Empire and Wave.
rage shall incur criminal liability. In addition, he shall pay
the benefit if the latter dies, becomes disabled, gets sick or a. Are the TMRs employees of Empire? (2.5%)
retires. He shall also pay all contributions, plus 3% penalty
b. Were the TMRs illegally dismissed by Wave?
per month.
(a) Empire is the employer of the TMRs. When it en-
Empire Brands (Empire) contracted the services tered into a contracting arrangement with Style, an appa-
of Style Corporation (Style) for the marketing and pro- rent labor-only contractor for want of substantial capital or
motion of its clothing line. Under the contract, Style investment, it became the TMR's employer pursuant to the
provided Empire wlth Trade Merchandising Represen- Principle of Merger of Legal Personalities (Coca-Co/a
tatives (TMRs) whose services began on September Bottlers Phil., me. v. Ricky E. de/a Cruz, et al., 7 De-
15, 2004 and ended on June 6, 2007, when Empire ter- cember 2009). Albeit Wave was a legitimate job contrac-
minated the promotions contract with Style. tor, the service contract between them did not novate the

legal obligations imposed by the first contract on Empire, The NLRC dismissed the appeal for non-perfec-
Hence, it continued to be the employer of the TMRs be- tion on the ground that posting of an appeal bond eq-
yond the date of termination of its contract with Style. As a uivalent to the monetary award is indispensable for the
result, it can be ordered to pay the withheld benefits. perfection of the appeal and the reduction of the ap-
peal bond, absent any showing of meritorious ground
(b) Yes. The TMRs' fixed-term employment contracts to justify the same, is not warranted. Is the dismissal
are void. First, employer-employee relationship is a ques- of the appeal correct? Explain. (5%)
tion of law. Since it existed as early as the time the TMRs
were supplied by Style to Empire, its- continuing existence Answer:
cannot be stipulated against in the fixed-term employment The dismissal of the appeal for non-perfection is cor-
contracts subsequently given the former. Setting aside the rect. While an employer is allowed to file a motion to re-
pre-existence of the relationship, the service agreement duce the appeal bond, this remedy requires compliance
between Empire and Wave has no period. Therefore, the with two requisites, viz.: (a) the ground/s for reduction must
5-month limit on the TMRs' tenure is without basis. As a be meritorious; and (b) the motion to reduce must be ac-
consequence, they are deemed to have been engaged as companied with a reasonable bond. Reasonable bond is
long as the task or undertaking contracted out to Wave 10% of the judgment award (McBurnie v. Ganzon, G.R.
subsists. Under D.O. 174, it is the completion of said un- No. 178034 & 178117, 18 September 2009). While this r~-
dertaking and not the expiration of the TMRs' contracts quirement may have been met, the alleged financial diffi-
which controls. culties cannot be deemed a meritorious ground for bond
reduction in the absence of supporting financial statements
XIX duly certified by an independent external auditor showing
that Filmore Corporation is in the red. It should have shown
Filmore Corporation was ordered to pay P49 the amount of its alleged losses and its capital for compa-
million to its employees by the Labor Arbiter. It inter- rison to determine the extent of the alleged huge losses
posed an appeal by filing a Notice of Appeal and paid (See Linton Commercial Co., Inc. v. Alex He/lera, et al.,
the corresponding appeal fee. However, instead of G.R. No. 163147, 10 October 2007).
filing the required appeal bond equivalent to the total
amount of the monetary award, Filmore filed a Motion xx
to Reduce the Appeal Bond to P4,000,000.00 but sub-
mitted a surety bond in the amount of P4.9 million. Mario Brothers, plumbing works contractor, en-
Filmore cited financial difficulties as justification for its tered into an agreement with Axis Business Corpo-
inability to post the appeal bond in full owing to the ration (Axis) for the plumbing works of its building
shutdown of its operations. It submitted its audited fi- under construction. Mario Brothers engaged the servi-
nancial statements showing a loss of P40 million in the ces of Tristan, Arthur, and Jojo as plumber, pipe fitter,
previous year. To show its good faith, Filmore also and th reader, respectively. These workers have
filed its Memorandum of Appeal. worked for Mario Brothers in numerous construction
projects in the past but because of their long relation-
166 BARQ&A

ship. they were never asked to sign contracts for each

project. No reports to government agencies .were made
regarding their work in the company.
During the implementation of the works contract,
Axis suffered financial difficulties and was not ab.le to A. What are the accepted tests to determine the
pay Mario Brothers its past billings. As a result, the existence of an employer-employee relationship? (5%)
three (3) employees were not paid their salaries for two
(2) months and their 13th month pay. Because Axis B. Applying the tests to determine the existence
cannot pay, Mario Brothers cancelled the contract and of an employer-employee relationship, is a jeepney
laid off Tristan, Arthur, and Jojo. The 3 employees driver operating under the boundary system an emplo-
sued Mario Brothers and Axis for illegal dismissal, un- yee of his jeepney operator or a mere lessee of the
Jeepney? Explain your answer. (3%)
paid wages, and benefits.
a. Mario Brothers claims the 3 workers are pro- Answer:
ject employees. It explains that the agreement is, if the
works contract is cancelled due to the fault of the A. The acceptable tests for determining employer-em-
client, the period of employment is automatically ter- ployee relationship are as follows:
minated. Is the contractor correct? Explain. (2.5%) 1. The Fourfold Test. Its component tests are:
b. Can Axis be made solidarily liable with Mario (a) the Selection Test;
Brothers to pay the unpaid wages and 13th month pay
of Tristan, Arthur, and Jojo? Explain. (2.5%) (b) the Wage Test;
Answer: (c) the Dismissal Test; and
(a) The contractor is not correct. The three workers (d) the Control Test.
are regular employees for having rendered services neces-
sary, desirable, vital and indispensable to the usual busi- 2. Two-Tier Test. It is the combination of
ness of Mario Brothers for several years (Art. 295, Labor
Code). Hence, they cannot be terminated except for a just (a) the Control Test; and
or authorized cause (Art. 294, Labor Code). Since mere (b) the Economic Dependence Test
cancellation of the works contract is neither just nor autho-
rized cause, they are deemed illegally dismissed. 3. Ecclesiastical Affair Test. It rules out employer-
(b) As the principal of a legitimate job contractor, Axis employee relationship on the basis of the origin of the
is imposed the solidary liability to pay the wages and bene- dispute, viz., ecclesiastical or church matter.
fits withheld by its contractor (Art. 106, Labor Code; Me-
ra/co Industrial Engineering Services Corp. v. NLRC, 4. lntracorporate Controversy Test. It rules out em-
G.R. No. 145402, 14 .March 2008). Hence, Axis can be ployer-employee relationship based on nature of relation-
made solidarily liable with Mario Brothers for payment of ship and nature of controversy.
the wages and 13th month pay of Tristan, Arthur and Jojo.



B. A jeepney driver is an employee. The same State- Ill

imposed restrictions which are for the operator to observe
in running his business affair are cross-imposed by him on A. Andrew Manning Agency (AMA) recruited Feli-
his driver. Hence, pursuant to the Control Test, the latter ciano for employment by lnvictus Shipping, its foreign
is an employee under the boundary system. principal. Meantime, AMA and lnvictus Shipping termi-
nated their agency agreement. Upon his repatriation
H following his premature termination, Feliciano claimed
from AMA and lnvictus Shipping the payment of his
Procopio was dismissed from employment for salaries and benefits for the unserved portion of the
stealing his co-employee Raul's watch. Procopio filed contract. AMA denied liability on the ground that it no
a complaint for illegal dismissal. The Labor Arbiter longer had an agency agreement with lnvictus Ship-
ruled in Procopio's favor on the ground that Raul's tes- ping. Is AMA correct? Explain your answer. (3%)
timony was doubtful, and, therefore, the doubt should
be resolved in favor of Procopio. On appeal, the NLRC B. As a rule, direct hiring of migrant workers is
reversed the ruling because Article 4 of the Labor not allowed. What are the exceptions? Explain your
Code - which states that all doubts in the interpretation answer. (2.5%)
and implementation of the provisions of the Labor
Code, including the implementing rules and regula- C. Phil, a resident alien, sought employment in the
tions, shall be resolved in favor of labor - applied only Philippines. The employer, noticing that Phil was a fo.
when the doubt involved the "implementation and in- reigner, demanded that he first secure an employment
terpretation" of the Labor Code; hence, the doubt, permit from the DOLE. Is the employer correct? Ex-
which involved the application of. tbe rules on evi- plain your answer. (2.5%)
dence, not the Labor Code, could not necessarily be
resolved In favor of P.rocopio. Was the reversal cor- Answer:
rect? Explain your answer. (3%)
(A) No, AMA is not correct.
Answer: The solidary liability of a manning agent is not affec-
No. ted by the pretermination of its contract with its foreign
principal. Neither is it affected by the assumption of its res-
The reversal is not correct. The Liberal Interpreta- ponsibility by another manning agent.
tion Rule is not confined to the four corners of Art. 4 of the
Labor Code. Its full extent covers doubts and ambiguities (B) The following are the exceptions to the ban on
arising from labor contracts (Art. 1702. New Civil Code) direct hiring:
and evidence in labor proceedings (Hocheng Philippines (1) direct hiring of Filipinos by the diplomatic corps;
Corp. v. Antonio Farra/es, G.R. No. 211497, 18 March
2015). Hence, the Labor Arbiter's application thereof is cor- (2) direct hiring of Filipinos by foreign governments or
rect. international organization; and

(3) direct hiring as may be allowed by the Secretary of (b) The Kilusang Walang Takot can always seek the
Labor and Employment {Art. 18, Labor Code) review of a blatantly unjust wage order within the 12-month
period which prohibitory period applies only to a new
(C) No, the employer is 1ot correct. application for a wage increase. The grounds for appeal
Under D.O. 75-06, certain aliens are not required to are: (I) non-observance of standards and criteria pres-
procure alien employment permits. Among those listed as cribed by law; (II) absence of public hearings/consultations;
exempt are resident aliens, like Phil. This is still the case and (111) non-service of notices to the proper parties (Art.
under the present D.O. 186-17. 123 Labor Code).


The Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity A. Percival was a mechanic of Pacific Airlines. He
Board (RTWPB) for Region 3 issued a wage order on enjoyed a meal break of one hour. However, during
November 2, 2017 fixing the minimum wages for all in- meal breaks, he was required to be on stand-by for
dustries throughout Region 3. emergency work. During emergencies, he was made to
forego his meals or to hurry up eating. He demanded
(A} Is the wage order subject to the approval of payment of overtime for work done during his meal
the National Wages and Productivity Commission be- periods. Is Percival correct? Explain your answer. (3%)
fore it takes effect? (2%)
(B) The law mandates that no petition for wage in-
crease shall be entertained within a period of 12
8. Distinguish a learner from an apprentice. (4%)

months from the effectivity of the-wage order. Under C. Are there differences between a househelper
what circumstances may the Kilusang Walang Takot, a and a homeworker? Explain your answer. (4%)
federation of labor organizations that publicly and
openly assails the wage order as blatantly unjust,
initiate the review of the wage increases under the (A) No.
wage order without waiting for the end of the 12-month
period? Explain your answer. (3%) Overtime is extra work rendered beyond normal hours
of work, as long as it is rendered within the same work day
Answer: (Art. 87, Labor Code). Since Percival's meal period is
within his normal hours of work, the work required of him
(A) No. during that period is not overtime work. However, all meal
Unless appealed in 1C calendar days to the National periods utilized by Pacific Airlines must be compensated
Wages Productivity Comm;s~ion, a wage order becomes based on his basic salary; otherwise, the company would
effective once issued by the Regional Wages and.Produc- be unjustly enriched at his expense.
tivity Board following proper conduct of consultations. (Art.
123, Labor Code).
172 BARQ&A

(B) A learner differs from an apprentice as follows:

4) As to tenure, a kasambahay is a contractual wor-
1) A learner is engaged for not more than 3 months; ker; whereas, a homeworker has security of tenure (D.O.5,
whereas, an apprentice is engaged for not more than 6 s. 1995);
5) As to jurisdiction, the issues of a kasambahay
2) A learner performs a semi-skilled work; whereas, against his/her employer are for the DOLE Regional Direc-
an apprentice performs a highly technical work; tor to hear and resolve (Sec. 37, R.A. 10361 ); whereas,
3) A learner is regularized by the completion of his the issues of a homeworker against his employer are not
learnership; whereas, the completion of the apprenticeship exclusively for the DOLE Regional Director to resolve.
does not regularize an apprentice;
4) The illegal dismissal a featner on the third month of
his employment regularize him; whereas, th$ illegal dismis- A. One of Pacific Airline's policies was to hire only
sal of an apprentice anytime cH.irlng the period of his ap- single applicants as flight attendants, and considered
prentice does not have the same legal effect; and . as automatically resigned the flight attendants at the
5) In the event of disputes, a learner shall file his com- moment they got married. Is the policy valid? Explain
plaint with the Labor arbiter; whereas, subject to exhaus- your answer. (2.5%)
tion of administrative remedies, an apprentice shall file his
complaint with the DOLE Regional Director. B. Tarcisio was employed as operations manager
and received a monthly salary of P25,000.00 through
(C) Yes. his payroll account with DB Bank. He obtained a loan
from Roberto to purchase a car. Tarcisio failed to pay
The differences between a househelper and a home- Roberto when the loan fell due. Roberto sued to col-
worker are as follows: lect, and moved to garnish Tarcisio's payroll account.
1) As to regulatory law, househelpers (now kasam• The latter vigorously objected and argued that salaries
bahay) are protected by R.A. 10361; whereas, ind.ustrial were exempt from garnishment. Is Tarcisio correct?
homeworkers are protected by P.D. 442; as nmumbered; Explain your answer. (3%)

2) As to nature of work, a kasambahay ministers to Answer:

the personal comfort and convenience of a household;
whereas, a homeworker processes or fabricates raw (A) No, the policy is not valid.
materials; ·
A single status policy is valid only if it serves a legiti-
3) As to place of work, a kasambahay works at his mate business purpose; otherwise, it is discriminatory as to
employer's house; whereas, a homeworker works at home be within the proscriptive tone of Art. 134 of the Labor
or about the premise of his home; Code, as renumbered. Since Pacific Airline's policy does
not amount to a bona fide occupational qualification
(BFQQ), it is productive of disparate treatment; hence, it

is void. (Star Paper Corp., et.al. v. Rona/do Simbol, Answer:

et.al., G.R. No. 164774, 12 April 2006).
The "rights" claim is baseless.
(8) Yes, Tarcisio is correct. The claimants are the emP.loyees of Dr. Crisostomo
The law proscribing garnishment is supposed to per- who is an independent contractor. Under the Fourfold Test.
tain to a worker's wage only. However, given the purpose no legal lie can be established between them and the hotel
of the prohibition which is to prevent virtual loss of employ- which did not select them to be under its employ subject to
ment, it also covers salaries. Garnishment as a creditor's its duty to pay them corresponding salaries. Moreover, the
remedy sometimes results in loss of employment by the hotel is not contractually given the right to dissociate them
debtor, resulting in the disruption of employment, produc- for just or authorized causes. Finally, the hotel does not
tion and consumption which constitutes a substantial bur- exercise control over the means by which they deliver medi-
den on local commerce. cal services. On top of these, they are not economically
dependent on the hotel but on Dr. Crisostomo.
Dr. Crisostomo entered into a retainer agreement
with AB Hotel and Resort whereby he would provide Marciano was hired as Chief Engineer on board
medical services to the guests and employees of AB the vessel MN Australia. His contract of employment
Hotel and Resort, which, in turn, would provide the cli- was for nine months. After nine months, he was re-
nic premises and medical supplies. He received a hired. He was hired a third· time after another nine
monthly retainer fee of P60,000.00, plus a 70% share in months. He now claims entitlement to the benefits of a
the service charges from AB Hotel-antl Resort's guests regular employee based on his having performed
availing themselves of the clinic's services. The clinic tasks usually necessary and desirable to the emplo•
employed nurses and allied staff, whose salaries, SSS yer's business for a continuous period of more than
contributions and other benefits he undertook to pay. one year. Is Marciano's claim tenable? Explain your
AB Hotel and Resort issued directives giving instruc- answer. (3%)
tions to him on the replenishment of emergency kits
and forbidding the clinic staff from receiving cash pay- Answer:
ments from the guests. No, it is not tenable.
In time, the nurses and the clinic staff claimed en- Marciano is a seafarer; hence, he is a contractual em-
titlement to rights as regular employees of AB Hotel ployee (Mil/ares v. NLRC, G.R. No.110524, 29 July 2002).
and Resort, but the latter refused on the ground that As such, the nature of the onboard work performed by him
Dr. Crisostomo, who was their employer, was an inde- under his contracts does not give him regular employment
pendent contractor. Rule with reasons. (4%) status since Art. 295 of the Labor Code has no application.
176 BAR Q&A

IX (b) It depends.

Section 255 (245) of the Labor Code recognizes If the c0nfidential employees' access to the labor rela-
three categories of employees, namely: managerial, tions information is inherent in their job then they are dis-
supervisory, and rank-and-file. qualified; otherwise, they can organize.

a. Give the characteristics of each category of

employees, and state whether the employees in each
category may organize and form unions. Explain your
(A) The labor sector has been loudly agitating for
answer. (5%}
the end of labor-only contracting, as distinguished
b. May confidential employees who assist mana- from job contracting. Explain these two kinds of labor
gerial employees, and who act in a confidential capa- contracting, and give the effect of a finding that one is
city or have access to confidential matters being a labor-only contractor. Explain your answers. (4%)
handled by persons exercising managerial functions in (B) What are the grounds for validly terminating
the field of labor relations form, or assist, or join labor the services of an employee based on a just cause?
unions? Explain your answer. (2.5%) (5%)
Answer: (C) Give the procedure to be observed for validly
terminating the services of an employee based on a
(a) The characteristics of these employee categories just cause? (4%)
are as follows:
Managerial Employees. They ~xe_cute management Answer:
policies in the areas of hiring, firing, transferring, recalling, (A) Distinction:
suspending, laying off and disciplining subordinate emplo-
yee. As distinguished from top managers who are corpo- Job contracting entails a trilateral affair between a
rate officers, they are referred to as middle managers who principal, contractor and worker. In this type of contracting,
have supervision of the plant or a division thereof. the contractor is substantially capitalized or possesses in-
t vestment in the form of tools, equipment. machineries and
Supervisory Employees. Also referred to as Line
work premises as to have contracting capacity. In addition,
Managers, recommend managerial actions. In their dis-
it controls the means and methods of the worker who ren-
charge of this function, they have discretion, independence
ders services in a business undertaking independently car-
and th.eir recommendations are effective; and·they do not
ried out by the contractor. In contrast, labor-only contrac-
perform their work in a clerical or routinary manner only.
ting is prohibited because the contractor lacks substantial
Rank-and-File Employees. If neither managerial nor capital or investment and his worker performs work directly
. supervisory, an employee falls under this last category thru related to the trade of his principal, or he does not exercise
the Principle of Elimination. labor law concept of control over the latter.

The finding that one is a labor-only contractor results B. Marcel was the Vice President for Finance and
in merger of legal personalities, i.e., the principal's legal Administration and a member of the Board of Directors
personality mergers with that of his labor-only contractor. of Mercedes Corporation. He brought a complaint for
In a case initiated by the worker's complaint, therefore, the illegal suspension and illegal dismissal against Merce-
contractor is not a necessary party. (Coca-Co/a Bottlers des Corporation, which moved to dismiss the com-
Phils., Inc. v. Dela Cruz, et.al., G.R. No.184977, 7 De- plaint on the ground that the complaint pertained to
cember 2009). the jurisdiction of the RTC due to the controversy
being intra-corporate based on his positions in the
(B) The specific just causes for employee termination corporation. Marcel countered that he had only been
are the following: removed as Vice President for Finance and Adminis•
tration, not as a member of the Board of Directors. He
(1) Serious misconduct; also argued that his position was not listed as among
(2) Fraud or loss of trust and confidence; the corporate offices in Mercedes Corporation's by-
laws. Is the argument of Marcel correct? Explain your
(3) Willful disobedience; answer. (2.5%)
(4) Gross and habitual neglect of duty;
C. State the jurisdiction of the Voluntary Arbit-
(5) Crime or offense against the employer, immediate
rator, or Panel of Voluntary Arbitrators in labor dis-
member of his family, or authorized representative; and
putes? (4%) ·
(6) Other analogous causes.
(C) The prescribed pretermina~ot} procedure for a
dismlssal for a just cause is as follows: (A) Before the SEBA rule, the modes for EBR
(1) Service of a Notice to Explain (NTE); selection were as follows:

(2) Ample opportunity to be heard in person or with (1) Voluntary Recognition. Thru thls mode of
election, the lone legitimate labor organization is given
the assistance of counsel; and
recognition by the employer as the workers' sole
(3) Notice of Termination (NT). representative for purposes of collective bargaining.

XI (2) Certification Election. After the Med-Arbiter

allows a CE petition, the assigned election officer will
A. The modes of determining the exclusive bargai-
conduct an election between the participating unions and
No Union. The winner is the participant that gets majority
ning agent of the employees in a business are: (a) vo-
vote based on the valid votes cast.
luntary recognition; (b) certification election; and (c)
consent election. Explain how they differ from one (3) Consent Election. During a pre-election confe-
another. {4%) rence, the Med-Arbiter may ask the concerned unions if
they would rather agree on ground rules for the conduct

among themselves of an election. Either they engage the and paid his full backwages and other benefits even as
supervision of the DOLE Regional Director or not. it appealed to the NLRC.
A few months later, the NLRC reversed the ruling
(B) Mercedes argument is correct. of the Labor Arbiter and declared that Juanito's dis-
An intra-corporate dispute is determined with two (2) missal was valid. The reversal ultimately became final.
jurisdictional rules, viz., Relationship Test and Nature of May Mandarin Company recover the backwages
Controversy Test. The first test on which the Mercedes and other benefits paid to Juanito pursuant to the
Corporation relies, is not all there is to testing the existence
decision of the Labor Arbiter in view of the reversal by
of an intra-corporate controversy. The second test equally
the NLRC? Rulewith reasons. (2.5%)
requires that the issue be one,involving the application of
regulatory law. Here, the issue is the validity of a
B. Gene is a married rli!gular employee of Matibay
suspension and dismissal which is resolvable thru the
Corporation. The employees and Matibay Corporation
application solely of ~abor Law. had an existing CBA that provided for funeral or be-
reavement aid of P15,000.00 in case of the death of a
(C) The jurisdiction of the Voluntary Arbitrator's (VA),
legal dependent of a regular employee. His widowed
or Panel of VAs is as follows: mother, who had been living with him and his family
Traditional Jurisdiction. The VA has jurisdiction over for many years, died; hence, he claimed the funeral
unresolved disputes arising from CBA interpretation or im- aid. Matibay Corporation denied the claim on the basis
plementation; and over unresolved disputes arising from that she had not been his legal dependent as the term
company personnel policy enforcement or implementation. legal dependent was defined by the Social Security
(Art. 274, Labor Code). _ _ Law.
Jurisdiction by Stipulation. The VA can hear and re-
(a) Who may be the legal dependents of Gene
solve such additional disputes. as may be expressly con-
under the Social Security Law? (2.5%)
ferred on him by the parties to a CBA or similar agreement.
(Art. 275, Labor Code; Vivero Doctrine) (b) Is Gene entitled to the funeral aid for the death
of his widowed mother? Explain your answer. (2%)
C. Rosa was granted vacation leave by her emplo-
A. Juanita initiated a case for illegal dismissal yer to spend three weeks in Africa with her family.
against Mandarin Company. The Labor Arbiter decided Prior to her departure, the General Manager of the
in his favor, and ordered his immediate reinstatement company requested her to visit the plant of a client of
with full backwages and without loss of seniority and the company in Zimbabwe in order to derive best ma-
other benefits. Mandarin Company did not like to allow nufacturing practices useful to the company. She ac-
him back in its premises to prevent him from influen- cepted the request because the errand would be im-
cing his co-workers to move against the interest of the portant to the company and Zimbabwe was anyway in
company; hence, it directed his payroll reinstatement her itinerary. It appears that she contracted a serious

disease during the trip. Upon her return, she filed a (II) Secondary Beneficiaries, who are his parents as long
claim for compensation, insisting that she had con- as wholly dependent on him for support.
tracted the disease while serving the interest of her
employer. (b) Yes, Gene is entitled to the funeral aid because
his deceased mother was wholly dependent on him for
Under the Labor Code, the sickness or death of an support until her death. Being his legal dependent, she is
employee, to be compensable, must have resulted covered by the provision of the CBA on funeral or be-
from an illness either definitely accepted as an occu- reavement aid.
pational disease by the Employees' Compensation
Commission, or caused by employment subject to (C) Yes, it is compensable.
proof that the risk of contracting the same is increased
by working conditions. Under the Amended Rules on Employee Compen-
sation (AREC), disability or death arising from disease is
Is the serious disease Rosa contracted during her compensable if the disease is an occupational one, i.e., it
trip to Africa compensable? Explain your answer. (2.5%) is listed under Annex "A" of the AREC as such. If unlisted,
it is stm an occupational disease if covered by the Proxi-
Answer: mate Cause Theory or the Increased Risk Theory. In
(A) No. Rosa's case, she contracted the disease as a result of her
performance of a work-related task. Hence, there being no
Mandarin Company cannot recover the wages it paid efficient intervening cause breaking the chain of causes
Juanita under the payroll reinstatement for these reasons: connecting that performance to her disease, the occupa-
(1) It was its exclusive prerogative to choose the kind tional character of her medical condition is beyond doubt
of reinstatement to give Juanita who- would have chosen (Proximate Cause Theory).
actual reinstatement if he had his way; hence, he cannot '
be punished for helplessly submitting to the payroll reins- XIII
tatement imposed on him; and
A. Given that the liability for an illegal strike is in-
(2) No employee would ever agree to a payroll reins-
dividual, not collective, state when the participating
tatement if, at the end of the day, he would be compelled
union officers and members may be terminated from
to reimburse as to be driven to penury (PAL v. Garcia, et.
employment because of the illegal strike. Explain your
al., G.R. No. 164856, 20 January 2009),
answer. (4%)
B. B. A sympathetic strike is stoppage of work to
make common cause with other strikers in another es-
(a) Gene's legal dependents under the Social Security
Law are as follows: (I) Primary Beneficiaries, who are his
tablishment or business. Is the sympathetic strike va-
lid? Explain your answer. (1%)
l~gitimate spouse who lives with him and all types of chil-
dren who are below 21, unmarried, and unemployed; and C. Due to business recession, Ballistic Company
retrenched a part of its workforce. Opposing the re-

trenchment, some of the affected employees staged a XIV

strike. Eventually, the retrenchment was found to be
justified, and the strike was declared illegal; hence, the Pursuant to his power under Sec. 278(g) (263(g))
leaders of the strike, including the retrenched emplo- of the Labor Code, the Secretary of Labor assumed ju-
yees, were declared to have lost their employment sta- risdiction over the 3-day old strike in Armor Steel
tus. Plates, Inc., one of the country's bigger manufacturers
Are the striking retrenched employees still en- of steel plates, and ordered all the striking employees
titled to separation pay under Sec. 298 (283) of the La- to return to work. The striking employees ignored the
bor Code despite the illegality of their strike? Explain order to return to work.
your answer. (2%) (a) What conditions may justify the Secretary of
Labor to assume jurisdiction? (2.5%)
(b) What are the consequences of the assumption
(A) The individual liabilities of the participants in an of jurisdiction by the Secretary of Labor, and of the
illegal strike are as follows: · disobedience to the return to work? Explain your
As to union officers, they shall lose their employment answer. (2.5%)
on the basis of their knowing participation in the illegal
As to union members, they shall lose their employ- (a) The Secretary of Labor may assume jurisdiction if,
ment based on their participation and act of committing ille- in his opinion, there is a labor dispute likely to result in a
strike or lockout in an industry national interest (Art.
galities in the course of the illegal striJs.e .•
278(g), Labor Code).
(B) No, a sympathetic strike is not valid. (b) The Assumption of Jurisdiction Order (AJO) of the
Of the three elements of a strike, the required labor Secretary of Labor, whether it has an express "return to
dispute is lacking. A labor dispute is understood as one work" instruction or not, has an injunctive effect. Hence,
arising from a bargaining deadlock or unfair labor practice. once duly served, the union must return to work imme-
There can be no such type of dispute between parties not diately. If it ignores the AJO, the strike becomes illegal for
violation of an injunction (Injunction Test).
related as employer and employee.

(C) Yes.
Since the retrenchment preceded the strike, the liabi-
lity of the company to pay separation pay under Art. 298 of
the Labor Code has attached already. Hence, regardless
of the outcome of its complaint for illegal strike, it must dis-
charge said duty. An illegal strike staged by retrenched
employees will not extinguish said obliga"tion.

2018 BAR EXAMINATIONS 809, 13 February 2017, Art. 302 of the Labor Code, as
renumbered, is a curative legislation which guarantees
retirement benefits to "any employee" in the absence of a
collective bargaining agreement (CSA) or similar contract.
Narciso filed a complaint against Norte University Moreover, the implementing rules of R.A. 7641 employ the
for the payment of retirement benefits after having term "all employees"; hence, non-regular employees are
been a part-time professional lecturer in the same not set apart from regular employees.
school since 1974. Narciso taught for two semesters
and a summer term for the school year 1974-1975, took (b) Since Narciso appears to be entitled to both ser-
a leave of absence from 1975 to 1977, and resumed vice incentive leave (5 days) and 13th month pay (2.5.
teaching until 2003. Since then, his contract has been days), his retirement benefits shall be computed based on
renewed at the start of every semester and summer, 22.5 days. The same shall be multiplied by his applicable
until November 2005 when he was told that he could daily rate and thereby his length of service which shall
no longer teach because he was already 75 years old. include his authorized leaves.
Norte University also denied Narciso's claim for retire-
ment benefits stating that only full-time permanent II
faculty, who have served for at least five years imme-
diately preceding the termination of their employment, Nayon Federation issued a charter certificate
can avail themselves of post-employment benefits. As creating a rank-and-file Neuman Employees Union. On
part-time faculty member, Narciso did not acquire per- the same day, New Neuman Employees Union filed a
manent employment status under the Manual of Re- petition for certification election with the Department
gulations for Private Schools, in relation to the Labor of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Regional Office, at-
Code, regardless of his length of service. taching the appropriate charter certificate.
a. Is Narciso entitled to retirement benefits? a. The employer, Neuman Corporation, filed a mo-
(2.5%) tion to dismiss the petition for lack bf legal personality
on the part of the petitioner union. Should the motion
b. If he is entitled to retirement benefits, how
be granted? (2.5%)
should retirement pay be computed in the absence of
any contract between him and Norte University provi- b. The employer likewise filed a petition for can-
ding for such benefits? (2.5%) cellation of union registration against New Neuman
Employees Union, alleging that Nayon Federation al-
Answer: ready had a chartered local rank-and-file union,
Neu.man Employees Union, pertaining to the same bar-
(a) Yes. gaining unit within the establishment. Should the peti-
tion for cancellation prosper? (2.5%)
Although not a regular employee, Narciso is entitled
to retirement benefits under the Labor Code. As held in De
La Salle Araneta University vs. Bernardo, G.R. No. 1~0
; ,;>,,.,ll~ •;> "•• "' • ,• .. ' ""'



Answer: retrenched rank-and-file employees. Five years later,

and before management was able to pay Nicanor the
(a) No. amount promised to him, Nicanor died of a heart
For the limited purpose of filing a petition for certifica- attack. His widow, Norie, filed a money claim against
tion election, a charter has the legal personality even be- the company before the National Labor Relations Com-
fore it can formally be issued its certificate of registration ission (NLRC), including interest on the amount of the
(Art. 241, Labor Code). Moreover, a certifrcation election unpaid claim. She also claimed additional damages
is a mode of verification only. Being investigative in charac- arguing that the supposed resignation letter was
ter, which does not initiate a litigation between the union obtained from her spouse through undue pressure and
and the employer, the latter cannot move to dismiss the influence. The employer filed a motion to dismiss on
petition because it is just a standby fHerit~ge Hotel the ground that (A) the NLRC did not have jurisdiction
Manila v. Sec. of Labor, et al., G.R. No. 172132., 23 July over money claims, and (B) the action has prescribed.
2014). Finally, the relationship between a federation and (a) Does the NLRC have jurisdiction to award
its charter is that of an agency wherein the latter is the money claims including interest on the amount un-
principal. As such, it can take back from its agent the dele- paid? (2.5%)
gated power to file a certification election petition on its
behalf. (b) Assuming that the NLRC has jurisdiction, has
the action prescribed? (2.5%)
(b) No.
(c) May Nicanor's spouse successfully claim ad-
The only recQgniz~d .grounds fe>fCi;lnc::eUl:itipn of a ¢er:.. ditional damages as a result of the alleged undue pres-
tlficate of registration underArt. 247 oftha Labor Cod~. sure and influence? (2.5%)
as renumbered,; are:.(a) .mrarepresentat19n,·facls1?.$tatem~nt st
orfraud relative t9 the adoptkm or ratiflcatlom e1Hhe un1or:i s; Answer:
constitution and by-laws (CBL); (b) misrepresentation,
false statement, or fraud relative to the election of its union (a) Yes.
officers; and (c) voluntary dissolution. The ground invoked The NLRC, thru the Labor Arbiter, has jurisdiction
being outside the statutory list, the cancellation petition over money claims reasonably connected to employer-em-
filed by the federation should not be allowed to prosper .. ployee relationship (Reasonable Causal Connection
Rule); provided the money issue is resolvable thru the
Ill application solely of Labor Law (Sole Reference to Labor
Law Rule). Since both jurisdictional requirements are
Due to his employer's dire financial situation, present, the widow's money claims, including interest, can
Nicanor was prevailed upon by his employer to be heard and determined by the NLRC.
voluntarily resign. In exchange, he demanded payment
of salary differentials, 13th month pay, and financial (b) No.
assistance, as promised by his employer. Management
promised to pay him as soon as it is able to pay off all Pursuant to the Principle of Promissory Estoppel,
the action has not prescribed (Accesories Specialist, Inc.
190 BARQ&A

v. Alabanza, G.R. No. 168985, 23 July 2008). Here, the seven (7) calendar days, the same shall be elevated to
employer made an express promise to pay; said promise voluntary arbitration.
reasonably induced belief or action; and the employee,
having been induced to believe that payment was forth- (b) Unless expressly prohibited by the CSA, both se-
coming, did not file a money complaint within 3 years. If his paration pay and retirement benefits can be claimed
omission be taken against him then he would be disadvan- (Good Year v. Marina Angus, 185499, 14 November
taged by his reasonable reliance on his employer's 2014). This is in keeping with both the Social Justice
promise of payment. Clause and the Full Protection Clause.
(c) Yes.
The wife may allege and support with substantial evi-
dence moral and exemplary damages (Art. 224, Labor Nelda worked as a chambermaid in Hotel Never-
Code). In this regard, she must prove the employer's use land with a basic wage of PhP560.00 for an eight-hour
of scheme, manifest bad faith, and intention to make use workday. On Good Friday, she worked for one (1) hour
of Art. 306 of the Labor Code to avoid a legal duty. from 10:00 PM to 11 :00 PM. Her employer paid her only
PhP480.00 for each 8-hour workday, and PhP70.00 for
IV the work done on Good Friday. She sued for under-
payment of wages and non-payment of holiday pay
Natasha Shoe Company adopted an organiza• and night shift differential pay for working on a Good
tional streamlining program that resulted in the re- Friday. Hotel Neverland denied the alleged underpay-
trenchment of 550 employees in its main plant. After ment, arguing that based on long-standing unwritten
having been paid their separation -benefits, the retren- tradition, food and lodging costs were partially
ched workers demanded payment of retirement bene- shouldered by the employer and partially paid for by
fits under a CBA between their union and manage- the employee through salary deduction. According to
ment. Natasha Shoe Company denied the workers de- the employer, such valid deduction caused the pay-
mand. ment of Nelda's wage to be below the prescribed mini-
mum. The hotel also claimed that she was not entitled
(a) What is the most procedurally peaceful means to holiday pay and night shift differential pay because
to resolve this dispute? (2.5%) hotel workers have to work on holidays and may be
(b) Can the workers claim both separation pay assigned to work at night.
and retirement benefits? (2.5%)
(a) Does the hotel have valid legal grounds to de-
duct food and lodging costs from Nelda's basic sa-
Answer: lary? (2.5%)
(a) Since the establishment is organized, the mode of
(b) Applying labor standards law, how much
settlement most procedurally peaceful is recourse to the
should Nelda be paid for work done on Good Friday?
grievance machinery. If the dispute be not resolved within

Show the computation in your test booklet and en- (b) Assume that the eligibility of 30 voters was
circle your final answer. (2.5%) challenged during the pre-election conference. The
ballots of the 30 challenged voters were placed inside
Answer: an envelope sealed by the DOLE Election Officer.
Considering the said envelope remains sealed, what
(a) No.
should be the next course of action with respect to the
Even assuming the food and lodging qualified as faci- said challenged votes? (2.5%)
lities, the hotel should have first applied for a facility eva-
luation permit with the Office of the Regional Director. Ab- Answer:
sent said permit, it could not deduct the value of the food
(a) No.
and lodging from the wage of Nelda.
To win a certification election, a participant must gar-
(b) Nelda's take-home pay for working on Good
ner so much number of votes comprising majority of all va-
Friday is as follows:
lid votes. In this case, the majority vote is 97 .5. With just 45
Salary for 1 hour work rendered P 70.00 votes, Union Nana lost the election; hence, it cannot be
Holiday Pay P560.00
Nightshift Pay (10:00 to 11 :00 work) 7 .00 (b) The necessity of opening the sealed envelopes
Total ............................ P 637.00 must be determined. If the 30 challenged votes could ma-
terially alter the result of the election then they have to be
opened. Since there is a possibility that at least 17.5 of the
challenged votes were cast in favour of No Union, the en-
velopes must be opened. If added to its 80 votes, No
A certification election was conducted in Nation
Union would win the CE with 97.5 votes. Needless to say,
Manufacturing Corporation, whereby 55% of eligible
No Union can win a certification election.
voters in the bargaining unit cast their. votes. The
results were as follows:
Union Nana: 45 votes
Nico is a medical representative engaged in the
Union Nada: 40 Votes pro-motion of pharmaceutical products and medical
Union Nara: 30 votes devices for Northern Pharmaceuticals, Inc. He regular-
No Union 80 votes ly visits physicians'clinics to inform them of the che-
mical composition and benefits of his employer's pro-
Union Nana moved to be declared as the winner ducts. At the end of every day, he receives a basic
of the certification election. wage of PhP700.00 plus a PhP150.00 "productivity al-
(a) Can Union Nana be declared as the winner? lowance." For purposes of computing Nico's 13th

month pay, should the daily "productivity allowance" e) the Contractor's two service vehicles and ne-
be included? (2.5%) cessary equipment will be utilized in carrying out the
provisions of this Agreement
Answer: f) When Newmark fired Nathaniel, he filed an ille-
Since a productivity allowance is not performance- gal dismissal case against the wealthier company, Nut-
based, it is not under the category of wage-type bonus. As rition City, Inc., alleging that he was a regular emplo-
such, it is not part of Nico's basic salary (Boie-Takeda yee of the same. Is Nathaniel correct? (2.5%).
Chemicals, Inc. v. Dela Serna, G.R. Nos. 92147 & 102
552, 10 December 1993). Therefore, it should be excluded Answer:
because 13th month pay is computed based only on a co-
(a) No.
vered employee's basic salary (P.D. 851).
In job-contracting, the principal is a statutory employer
VIII but for a limited purpose only, i.e., to ensure payment of
the wages unlawfully withheld by its service provider as re-
Nathaniel has been a salesman assigned by New- quired by Art. 106 of the Labor Code (Mera/co Industrial
mark Enterprises (Newmark) for nearly two years at Engineering Services, Inc. v. NLRC, G.R. No. 145402,
the Manila office of Nutrition City, Inc. (Nutrition City). 14 March 2008). Being substantially capitalized or in pos-
He was deployed pursuant to a service agreement bet- session of required investment, Newmark is a legitimate
ween Newmark and Nutrition City, the salient provi- job contractor. Hence, applying Art. 106, its act of illegally
sions of which were as follows: dismissing Nathaniel will not create comprehensive solida-
ry liability on the part of its principal as to be liable therefor.
a) the Contractor (Newmark) agrees to perform
and provide the Client (Nutrition City), on a non-ex-
clusive basis, such tasks or activities that are consi- IX
dered contractible under existing laws, as may be
Sgt. Nemesis was a detachment non-commis-
needed by the Client from time to time;
sioned officer of the Armed Forces of the Philippines
b) the Contractor shall employ the necessary in Nueva Ecija. He and some other members of his
personnel like helpers, salesmen, and drivers who are detachment sought permission fr~m their Company
determined by the Contractor to be efficiently trained; Commander for an overnight pass to Nueva Vizcaya to
c) the Client may request replacement of the Con- settle some important matters. The Company Com-
tractor's personnel if quality of the desired result is mander orally approved their request and allowed
not achieved; them to carry their firearms as the place they were
going to was classified as a "critical place." They
d) the Contractor's personnel will comply with the arrived at the place past midnight; and as they were
Client's policies, rules, and regulations; and alighting from a tricycle, one of his companions acci-
dentally dropped his rifle, which fired a single shot,
and in the process hit Sgt. Nemesis fatally. The shoo-

ting was purely accidental. At the time of his death, he (b) Neither Nelda nor Narda is entitled to the benefit.
was still legally married to Nelda, but had been sepa- As to Nelda, she is not living with the member; hence,
rated de facto from her for 17 years. For the last 15 lacking the second requisite, she is not a primary depen-
years of his life, he was living in with Narda, with dent. As to Narda, she is not the legal spouse; hence,
whom he has two minor children. Since Narda works lacking the first requisite, she is not also a primary depen-
as a kasambahay, the two children lived with their dent.
grandparents, who provided their dally support. Sgt.
Nemesis and Narda only sent money to them every (c) The minor children, even if not fully dependent on
year to pay for their school tuition. Nelda and Narda, Sgt. Nemesis, are entitled to the benefits because they are
both for themselves and the latter, also on behalf of all below 21, unmarried and not gainfully employed. Being
her minor children, separately filed claims for compen- fully dependent, or living with the member, is not a requi-
sation as a result of the death of Sgt. Nemesis. The site as to them.
Line of Duty Board of the AFP declared Sgt. Nemesis'
death to have been "in line of duty", and recommen- X
ded that all benefits due Sgt. Nemesis be given to his
dependents. However, the claims were denied by GSIS Nonato had been continuously employed and
because Sgt. Nemesis was not in his workplace nor deployed as a seaman who performed services that
performing his duty as a soldier of the Philippine Army were necessary and desirable to the business of N-
when he died. Train Shipping, through its local agent, Narita Maritime
(a) Are the dependents of Sgt. Nemesis entitled to Services (Agency), in accordance with the 2010
compensation as a result of his death? (2.5%) Philippine Overseas Employment Administration
Standard Employment Contract (2010 POEA-SEC).
(b) As between Nelda and Narda, who should be Nonato's last contract (for five months) expired on
entitled to the benefits? (2.5%) November 15, 2016. Nonato was then repatriated due
(c) Are the minor children entitled to the benefits to a "finished contract." He immediately reported to
considering that they were not fully dependent on Sgt. the Agency and complained that he had been expe-
Nemesis for support? (2.5%) riencing dizziness, weakness, and difficulty in
breathing. The Agency referred him to Dr.Neri, who
Answer: examined, treated, and prescribed him with medica-
tions. After a few months of treatment and consulta-
(a) Only the primary and secondary dependents of tions, Nonato was declared fit to resume work as a
Sgt. Nemesis, meeting prescribed qualifications, are en- seaman. Nonato went back to the Agency to ask for re-
titled to compensation. As to Nelda, she must be his legal deployment but the Agency rejected his application.
spouse and she must be living with him. As to his children, Nonato filed an illegal dismissal case against the
both legitimate and illegitimate, they must be below 21, un- Agency and its principal, wi,th a claim for total disabi-
married, and not gainfully employed. lity benefits based on the ailments that he developed
on board N-Train Shipping vessels. The claim was

based on the certification of his own physician, Dr. sician and his physician of choice. He did not. For this ad-
Nunez, that he was unfit for sea duties because of his ditional reason, he cannot successfully claim disability
hypertension and diabetes. compensation based on his medical evidence. (Philippine
Hammonia Ship Agency v. Eulogio Dumadag, G.R. No.
a) Was Nonato a regular employee of N-Train 194362, 26 June 2013).
Shipping? (2.5%}
b) Can Nonato successfully claim disability bene- XI
fits against N-Train Shipping and its agent Narita Mari-
time Services? (2.5%) Your favorite relative, Tita Nilda, approaches you
and seeks your advice on her treatment of her kasam-
Answer: bahay, Noray. Tita Nilda shows you a document called
a "Contract of Engagement" for your review. Under the
(a) No. Contract of Engagement, Noray shall be entitled to a
A seafarer is a contractual employee (Millares v. rest day every week; provided that she may be reques-
NLRC, G.R. No. 110524, 29 July 2002). As such, he is ted to work on a rest day if Tita Nilda should need her
bound to the period stipulated in his fixed-term employ- services that day. Tita Nilda also claims that this
ment contract. Therefore, dissociation by reason of expira- Contract of Engagement should embody all terms and
tion thereof does not constitute dismissal of a regular em- conditions of Noray's work as the engagement of a ka-
ployee (Alma Covita v. SSM Maritime Services, Inc., sambahay is a private matter and should not be regu-
G.R. No. 206600, 7 December 2016). lated by the State.
Nonato cannot successfully claim disability compen- a) Is Tita Nilda correct in saying that this is a
sation for these reasons: First, the requisites for compen- private matter and should not be regulated by the
sability are not present. Second, the Third Physician Rule State? (2.5%)
was not observed. b) Is the stipulation that she may be requested to
The twin-requisites of compensation for disability ari- work on a rest day legal? (2.5%)
sing from disease are: (a) work-connection, and (b) effec-
c) Are stay-in family drivers included under the
tivity of contract (Sec. 20 -A, POEA-SEC). For a disease
Kasambahay Law?
to be work-connected, it must be listed under Sec. 32-A of
the POEA-SEC, subject to the disputable presumption of
work-connection as to unlisted diseases. To meet the se-
cond requisite, it must have been contracted or aggravated (a) No.
during the effectivity of the seafarer's employment contract.
The engagement of an employee is not a contractual
Since Nonato finished his contract, i.e., he was not me-
matter only; it is, at the same time, impressed with public
dically repatriated due to a work-connected disease, the
interest to the end that stipulations in employment con-
second requisite is absent. Moreover, he should have sub-
tracts are subject to special laws for the protection of labor
mitted himself to a third physician given the conflicting me-
(Alt. 1700, New Civil Code).
dical assessments made by the company-designated phy~

(b) Yes. the acts of the offender. If the combined acts, i.e., preposi-
tioning the lewd pictures and summoning Nena into
The stipulation is reasonable. A kasambahay is en-
Nesting's office for her to view them, "resound with defea-
titled to a weekly rest period of a 24 consecutive hours fol-
ning clarity the unspoken request for sexual favor", sexual
lowing 6 consecutive days of work. However, for justifiable
harassment is deemed committed. (Domingo v. Raya/a,
ends, a worker's scheduled rest day may be moved to
G.R. Nos.155831& 155840, 18 February 2008)
another day. Hence, unless the stipulation is abused as to
amount to deprivation on a regular basis, it is valid.
(c) No.
Nicodemus was employed as a computer prog-
Stay-in family drivers are not kasambahays. They are rammer by Network Corporation, a telecommunica-
regular employees pursuant to R.A. 10361. tions firm. He has been coming to work in shorts and
sneakers, in violation of the "prescribed uniform poli-
XII cy" based on company rules and regulations. The
company human resources manager wrote him a let-
Nena worked as an Executive Assistant for Nes- ter, giving him 10 days to comply with the company
ting, CEO of Nordic Corporation. One day, Nesting uniform policy. Nicodemus asserted that wearing
called Nena into his office and showed her lewd pic- shorts and sneakers made him more productive, and
tures of women in seductive poses which Nena found cited his above-average output. When he came to work
offensive. Nena complained before the General Ma- still in violation of the uniform policy, the company
nager who, in turn, investigated the matter and recom- sent him a letter of termination of employment.
mended the dismissal of Nesting to_th_e Board of Direc- Nicodemus filed an illegal dismissal case. The Labor
tors. Before the Board of Directors, Nesting argued, Arbiter ruled in favor of Nicodemus and ordered his
that since the Anti-Sexual Harassment Law requires reinstatement with backwages. Network Corporation,
the existence of "sexual favors," he should not be dis- however, refused to reinstate him. The NLRC 1st Divi-
missed from the service since he did not ask for any sion sustained the Labor Arbiter's judgment. Network
sexual favor from Nena. ls Nesting correct? (2.5%) Corporation still refused to reinstate Nicodemus.
Eventually, the Court of Appeals reversed the decision
Answer: of the NLRC and ruled that the dismissal was valid.
Despite the reversal, Nicodemus still filed a motion for
execution to with respect to his accrued backwages.
The essence of sexual harassment is unwanted se-
xual attention. That Nena found the lewd pictures offensive a. Were there valid legal grounds to dismiss Nico-
is an indication of the unwanted nature of Nesting's overt demus from his employment? (2.5%)
act. Demand, requirement or request for sexual favour b. Should Nicodemus' motion for execution be
need not be articulated in a categorical oral or written granted? (2.5%)
statement. It may be discerned, with equal certitude, from

Answer: before the Regional Director failed, the latter procee-

ded to direct both parties to submit their respective
(a) Yes.
position papers in relation to the dispute. Needy Cor-
The acts of Nicodemus constituted willful disobe- poration argued that since Nelson was willing to settle
dience. The company rule he violated was a reasonable for 75% of his money claim ~uring conciliation procee-
workplace rule; it pertained to his duty; it was made known dings, only a maximum of 75% of the said money claim
to him; he wilfully violated it; and his wilful violation is cha- may be awarded to him.
racterized by wrongful and perverse mental attitude (Mon-
tallana v. La Consolacion College Manila, et al., G.R. a. Was DOLE's action to conduct mandatory con-
No. 208890, 8 December 2014) as shown by his persis- ciliation in light of Nelson's complaint valid? (2.5%)
tence and incorrigibility. In fact, habituality is not even an b. Should the Regional Director sustain Needy
element of insubordination. (Aparente v. NLRC, G.R. No. Corporation's argument? (2.5%)
117652, 27 April 2000)
(b) Yes.
(a) Yes.
Nicodemus is entitled to reinstatement wages. Had
No dispute shall progress to the filing of a complaint
Network Corporation complied with the reinstatement or-
der, he would have been momentarily restored to both his unless the disputants have gone thru SEnA proceedings
(Sec. 1, R.A. 10396; Art 234, P.D 442). Hence, it was en-
work and pay. Absent justification for the non-reinstate-
tirely proper on the part of the Regional Director to treat the
ment, the duty to pay the wages he would have earned
had he been reinstated and allowed to work until reversal complaint as a SEnA request.
of the judgment must be imposed on t-t=ie-company (Garcia,
(b) No.
et al. v. PAL, Inc., G.R. No. 164856, 20 January 2009,
Footnote No. 12). Since mediation proceedings failed, judgment shall
be rendered after reception of evidence. To be valid, said
XIV judgment must be based only on established facts and ap-
plicable law and doctrine. Incidents, like monetary de-
Nelson complained before the DOLE Regional mands or offers in a failed SEnA proceedings and in failed
Office about Needy Corporation's failure to pay his preliminary mandatory conferences do not constitute evi-
wage increase amounting to PhPS,000.00 as mandated dence. In fact, they are to be treated as sacrosanct or privi-
in a Wage Order issued by the Regional Tripartite leged communication (Pentagon Steel Corp. v. CA, et al.,
Wages and Productivity Board. Consequently, Nelson G.R. No. 174141, 26 June 2009).
asked the DOLE to immediately issue an Order sustai-
ning his money claim. To his surprise, he received a xv
notice from the DOLE to appear before the Regional
Director for purposes of conciliating the dispute bet- Nexturn Corporation employed Nini and Nono,
ween him and Needy Corporation. When conciliation whose tasks involved directing and supervising rank-

and-file employees engaged in company operations. rights of Nuber Corporation and absorbed all of the lat-
Nini and Nono are required to ensure that such emplo- ter's employees. Nagrab Union immediately demanded
yees obey company rules and regulations, and recom- enforcement of the above-stated CBA provision with
mend to the company's Human Resources Department respect to the absorbed employees. Nagrab Corpora-
any required disciplinary action against erring emplo- tion refused on the ground that this should not apply
yees. In Nexturn Corporation, there are two indepen- to the absorbed employees who were former emplo-
dent unions, representing rank-and-file and superviso- yees of another corporation whose assets and rights it
ry employees, resp.ectively. had acquired.
a) May Nini and Nono join a union? (2.5%) a) Was Nagrab Corporation correct in refusing to
b) May the two unions be affiliated with the same enforce the CBA provision with respect to the ab-
Union Federation? (2.5%) sorbed employees? (2.5%)
b) May a newly-regularized employee of Nagrab
Answer: Corporation (who is not part of the absorbed emplo-
yees) refuse to join Nagrab Union?
(a) Yes.
As supervisors, Nini and Nono are allowed by Art. c) How would you advise the human resources
255 of the Labor Code to join a union; provided, they do manager of Nagrab Corporation to proceed? (2.5%)
not join a union composed of rank-and-filers to bar conflict
of interest.
(a) No.
(b) Yes.
The distinction between employees hired as probatio-
Under R.A 9481, a union composed of rank-and-file nary or temporary to be regularized later and absorbed
employees and one composed of supervisors can affiliate employees is insubstantial. As long as they joined the com-
with the same federation, provided they belong to the pany after the effectivity of the Union Shop Clause, they
same establishment. are bound thereto. Therefore, as to the absorbed emplo-
yees, they are covered by the union security clause (BPI v.
XVI BPI Employees Union- Davao Chapter-Federation of
Unions in BPI UNJBANK, G.R. No. 164301, 19 October
Nagrab Union and Nagrab Corporation have an 2011).
existing CBA which contains the following provision:
"New employees within the coverage of the bargaining (b) No.
unit who may be regularly employed shall become
members of Nagrab Union. Membership in good stan- He is not a new employee or a new hire; hence, he is
ding with the Nagrab Union is a requirement for con- not covered by the union security clause. Only a CBA pro-
tinued employment with Nagrab Corporation." Nagrab vision in print. can be enforced (SWOFLU, et al. v. SONE-
Corporation subsequently acquired all the assets and DCO, G.R. No. 220383, 5 October 2016).

(c) I will advise the HR Manager to classify the em- back to work. As an exception, which fails to obtain here,
ployees into new hires and old hires, with specific refe- strikers whose employee status is under challenge may be
rence to the date of effectivity of the Union Shop Clause. reinstated on the payroll (University of the Immaculate
Those covered by the clause may be dismissed upon re- Conception, Inc. v. Hon. Sec. of Labor, G.R. No. 151
quest of the union, subject to due process. 379, 14 January 2005).


Upon compliance with the legal requirements on

the conduct of a strike, Navarra Union staged a strike
against Newfound Corporation on account of a collec-
tive bargaining deadlock. During the strike, some
members of Navarra Union broke the windows and
punctured the tires of the company-owned buses. The
Secretary of Labor and Employment assumed jurisdic-
tion over the dispute.
a} Should all striking employees be admitted
back to work upon the assumption of jurisdiction by
the Secretary of Labor and Employment? Will these
include striking employees who damaged company
properties? (2.5%)
- .
b) May the company readmit strikers only by
restoring them to the payroll? (2.5%)

(a) Provided the Assumption of Jurisdiction Order
(AJO) is duly served on the company, it must admit the
strikers back to work under the same terms and conditions
obtaining prior to the strike. As to the strikers who da-
maged company properties, they shall be admitted back
unless dismissed under Art. 297 of the Labor Code.

(b) No.
The phrase "under the same terms and conditions" in
Art. 278(g) of the Labor Code means actual admission

2019 BAR EXAMINATIONS productivity at work (Star Paper Corp., et al. v. Simbol, et
al., G.R. No. 164774, 12 April 2006).
PARTI (e) A grievance machinery is a contractual dispute
resolution mechanism for all grievable disputes. It is a
A.1. mandatory provision of a collective bargaining agreement
(CBA), without which it cannot be registered.
Define, explain or distinguish the following_terms:
{a) Just and authorized causes (2%) A.2.
(b) Seasonal and project employees (2%) X is a member of the Social Security System
(c) Strikes and lockouts (2%) (SSS). In 2015, he died without any spouse or children.
Prior to the semester of his death, X had paid 36
(d) Bona fide occupational qualifications (2%) monthly contributions. His mother, M, who had pre-
(e) Grievance machinery (2%) viously been receiving regular support from X, filed a
claim for the latter's death benefits.
Answer: (a) Is M entitled to claim death benefits from the
(a) A just cause is a fault-based ground for dismissal SSS? Explain. (2.5%)
under Art. 297, Labor Code; whereas, an authorized (b) Assuming that X got married to his girlfriend a
cause is a non-fault ground for dismissal under Articles few days before his death, is M entitled to claim death
298 and 299 of the Labor Code. benefits from the SSS? Explain. (2.5%)
(b) A seasonal employee is one- engaged for the du-
ration of the season for which he has been engaged; Answer:
whereas, a project employee is one whose employment is (a) M is entitled to the death benefits. Being the
co-terminus with the specific project or undertaking for mother of X, who was single and without issue, she is ele-
which he has been engaged; provided, its scope or dura-
vated to the status of sole beneficiary (Sec-. 8 '(k), R.A.
tion was made known to him upon his engagement (Art. 8282).
295, Labor Code).
(b) In view of the marriage of X to his girlfriend, M is
(c) Strikes are carried out thru temporary stoppage
deemed restored to her secondary beneficiary status.
of work; whereas, lockouts are carried out thru temporary Hence, X's wife will be his primary beneficiary until she
withholding of work (Art. 279, Labor Code). remarries; provided, she was living with him at the time of
(d) A bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ) is his death (Sec. B(k), R.A. 8282; Yolanda Signey v. SSS,
an occupational requirement based on quality or attribute. G.R. No. 173582, 28 January 2008).
It is valid if it serves a legitimate business purpose, it is
work-related, and its possession enhances an employee's

210 BARQ&A

(b) No, the Medical Director is not correct. Employer-
employee relationship is a question of both law and fact.
A, B, and C were hired as resident-doctors by MM
Law provides its cognitive significance, whereas evidence
Medical Center, Inc. In the course of their engagement,
gives its out-there representation. Being a matter of law
A, B, and C maintained specific work schedules as de-
and evidence, it cannot be the subject of stipulation. A, B
termined by the Medical Director. The hospital also
and C, who are not medical specialists, are the employees
monitored their work through supervisors who gave
of MM Medical Center, Inc. owing to the "means-methods
them specific instructions on how they should perform control" exercised by the latter over them.
their respective tasks, including diagnosis, treatment,
and management of their patients.
One day, A, B, and C approached the Medical Di-
rector and inquired about the non-payment of their em- Mrs. B, the personal cook in the household of X,
ployment benefits. In response, the Medical Director filed a monetary claim against her employer, X, for de-
told them that they were not entitled to any because nying her service incentive leave pay. X argued that
they were mere "independent contractors" as express- Mrs. B did not avail of any service incentive leave at
ly stipulated in the contracts which they admittedly the end of her one (1) year of service and hence, not
signed. As such, no employer-employee relationship entitled to the said monetary claim.
existed between them and the hospital.
(a) Is the contention of X tenable? Explain. (2.5%}
(a) What is the control test in determining the
existence of an employer-employee? (2%) (b) Assuming that Mrs. B is instead a clerk in X's
company with at least 30 regular employees, will her
(b) Is the Medical Director's reliance on the con- monetary claim prosper? Explain (2.5%}
tracts signed by A, B, and C to refute the existence of
an employer-employee relationship correct? If not, are Answer:
A, B, and C employees of MM Medical Center, Inc.?
Explain. (3%) (a) No, X's contention is not tenable. As a kasamba-
hay, Mrs. B is entitled to service incentive leave {R.A.
Answer: 10361). As such, she has the prerogative to use it, mone-
tize it after 12 months of service, or commute it until sepa-
a) Under the Control Test, the person who exercises ration from service. If she elects the second, she has three
labor law concept of control, actual or reserved, is the em- (3) years from demand for payment to avail of the benefit
ployer of the person over whom he exercises it. Labor law (Lourdes Rodriguez v. Park N Ride, G.R. No. 222980,
concept of control is control over means and methods of 20 March 2017) . .Hence, not being a prescribed claim, its
performance (Orozco v. CA, Philippine Daily Inquirer & withholding is unlawful.
Magsanoc G.R. No. 155207, 13 Aug. 2008).
{b) Being a corporate employee, Mrs. B is a covered
employee. And not being one of the less than ten (1 O) re-
gular employees, as her employer has at least 30 regular

employees, she is qualified. Hence, prescription being a Is the argument of D tenable? Explain. (2.5%)
non-issue, she is entitled to service incentive leave.
A.5. No, D's argument is not tenable.
Ms. F, a sales assistant, is one of the eight (8) wor- The Principle of Non-Diminution of Benefits (Art.
kers regularly employed by ABC Convenience Store. 100, Labor Code) strictly pertains to pre-promulgation be-
She was required to report on December 25 and 30. nefits and not to post-promulgation benefits such as
subject allowance (Apex Mining Co. v. NLRC, G.R. No.
Should ABC Convenience Store pay her holiday 86200, 25 Feb. 1992; Insular Hotel Employees Union-
pay? Explain. (2.5%) NFL v. Waterfront Insular Hotel Davao, G.R. No. 174
040, 22 Sept. 2010). If what is diminished is a post-promul-
Answer: gation benefit, the rule violated is the Principle of Grants.
No. ABC Convenience Store, being a retail establish- At any rate, the subject allowance has not yet ripened to a
ment, does not have the duty to pay holiday pay to Ms. F demandable right since its enjoyment was for a few
because she is one of its less than ten (10) regular em- months only and the company did not intend to grant it
ployees. As such, she is disqualified by Art. 94 (a) of the permanently.
Labor Code.
W Gas Corp. is engaged in the manufacture and
D, one of the sales representatives of OP; Inc., distribution to the general public of various petroleum
was receiving a basic pay of PS0,000.00 a month, plus products. On January 1, 2010, W Gas Corp. entered in-
a 1% overriding commission on his actual sales tran- to a Service Agreement with Q Manpower Co., whereby
sactions. In addition, beginning three (3) months ago, the latter undertook to provide utility workers for the
or in August 2019, D was able to receive a monthly gas maintenance of the former's manufacturing plant. Al-
and transportation allowance of PS,000.00 despite the though the workers were hired by Q Manpower Co.,
lack of any company policy therefor. they used the equipment owned by W Gas Corp. in
performing their tasks, and were likewise subject to
In November 2019, D approached his manager
constant checking based on W Gas Corp. 's proce-
and asked for his gas and transportation allowance for
the month. The manager declined his request, saying
that the C{)mpany had decided to discontinue the On February 1, 2010, Mr. R, one of the utility
aforementioned allowance considering -the increased workers, was dismissed from employment in line with
costs of its overhead expenses. In response, D argued the termination of the Service Agreement between W
that OP, lnc.'s removal of the gas and transportation Gas Corp. and Q Manpower Co. Thus, Mr. R filed a
allowance amounted to a violation of the rule on non- complaint for illegal dismissal against W Gas Corp.,
diminution of benefits. claiming that Q Manpower Co. is only a labor-only con-

tractor. In the course of the proceedings, W Gas Corp. Acting on her manager's advice, Ms. T submitted
presented no evidence to prove Q Manpower Co.'s a letter of resignation. Later on, Ms. T filed a case for
capitalization. constructive dismissal against her employer. While
Ms. T conceded that her manager spoke to her in a
(a) Is Q Manpower Co. a labor-only contractor?
calm and unforceful manner, she claimed that her re-
Explain. (2.5%) signation was not completely voluntary because she
(b) Will Mr. R's complaint for illegal dismissal was told that should she not resign, she could be ter-
against W Gas Corp. prosper? Explain. (2.5%) minated from work for just 'cause and worse criminal
charges could be filed against her.
Answer: (a) What is the difference between resignation
(a) Q Manpower Co., not being substantially capita- and constructive dismissal? (2%)
lized and possessed with investment in the form of tools, (b) Will Ms. T's claim for constructive dismissal
equipment, machineries or work premises, is a labor-only
prosper? Explain. (3%)
contractor. Relevantly, its apparent labor-only contractor
status is confirmed by the fact that it does not control the Answer:
means and methods of performance of the manpower it
supplied. Since both essential element and confirming ele- (a) A resignation is a voluntary self-termination when
ment are present, it is a labor-only contractor (Prof. C.A. personal reasons cannot be sacrificed in favor of the exi-
Azucena). gency of the employer's business (Gan v. Galderma Phi-
lippines, Inc., et al., G.R. No.177167, 17 Jan. 2013 ). In
(b) Yes, it will prosper. In labor-only contracting, the
contrast, a constructive dismissal is a quitting because the
legal personality of the principal merges with that of its la-
employer has made continued employment impossible, un-
bor-only contractor who is just its agent ·rcoca-Cola Bott-
reasonable or unlikely (Phil. Japan Active Carbon Corp.
lers Phils., Inc. v. de/a Cruz, et /., G.R. No. 184977, 7
v. NLRC, G.R. No. 83239, 8 March 1989).
Dec. 2009). Hence, pursuant to the Principle of Merger of
Legal Personalities, the former as the real employer can (b) No, Ms. T's claims will not prosper. She was not
be proceeded against for illegal dismissal despite the placed in a situation that left her no option except to self-
termination of subject contracting agreement. terminate. Instead, she was just given a graceful exit. A
graceful exit is within the prerogative of an employer to
A.8. give instead of binding an employee to his fault, or filing an
action for redress against him (Central Azucarera de
Ms. T was caught in the act of stealing the com- Sais, Inc., et al. v. Janet T. Siason, G.R. No. 215555, 29
pany property of her employer. When Ms. T admitted Ju/y2015).
to the commission of the said act to her manager, the
latter advised her to just tender her resignation; other- A.9.
wise, she would face an investigation which would
likely lead to the termination of her employment and After due proceedings, the Labor Arbiter (LA) de-
the filing of criminal charges in court. clared Mr. K to have been illegally dismissed by his
216 BARQ&A

former employer, AB, Inc. As a consequence, the LA

(b) After the denial of the appellant's motion for re-
directed ABC, Inc. to pay Mr. K separation pay in lieu
consideration, the NLRC's decision and order of denial can
of reinstatement as well as his full backwages.
be assailed under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court thru the
While ABC, Inc. accepted the finding of illegal filing a petition for certiorari within 60 days from receipt of
dismissal, it nevertheless filed a motion for reconsi- said denial order. Correction of error of jurisdiction, resul-
deration, claiming that the LA erred in awarding both ting in the nullification of the assailed dispositions, should
separation pay and full backwages, and instead, be sought based on the NLRC's grave abuse of its appel-
should have ordered Mr. K's reinstatement to his for- late power amounting to lack of, or excess of jurisdiction.
mer position without loss of seniority rights, and other
privileges, but without payment of backwages. In this A.10,
regard, ABC, Inc. pointed out that the LA 's ruling did
not contain any finding of strained relations or that For purposes of prescription, within what periods
reinstatement was no longer feasible. In any case, it from the time the cause of action accrued should the
appears that no evidence was presented on this score. following cases be filed:
(a) Is ABC, lnc.'s contention to delete the separa- (a) Money claims arising from employer-emplo-
tion pay, and instead, order reinstatement without yee relations (1 %)
backwages correct? Explain. (3%)
(b) Illegal dismissal (1%)
(b) Assuming that on appeal, the National Labor
(c) Unfair labor practice (1%)
Relations Commission (NLRC) upholds the decision of
the LA, where, how, and within what timeframe should (d)-Offenses under the Labor Code (1%)
ABC, Inc. assail the NLRC ruling? (2-%}
(e) Illegal recruitment ( 1%)
Answer: Answer:
(a) As to separation pay, the LA's decision fails to
state that there is a bar to reinstatement; hence, he should (a) Money claims arising from employer-employee re-
have ordered reinstatement pursuant to the general rule lationship shall be prosecuted within 3 years from date
prescribed by Art. 294 of the Labor Code. Since the alter- they become a legal possibility, or can be judicially brought
(Art~306, Labor Code; Art. 1150, New Civil Code; Anabe
native relief of separation pay is an exception, it must be
justified with a reinstatement bar. As,to backwages, how- v. Asian Construction, G.R. No. 183233, 23 Dec. 2009);
ever, it cannot be deleted because it is a logical conse- (b) Illegal dismissal shall be assailed within 4 years
quence of a finding of illegal dismissal (!CT Marketing from complete severance of employer-employee relation-
Services, Inc. v. Mariphil Sales, G.R. No. 202090, 9 ship, or date of salary/positional downgrade (Art. 1146,
Sept. 2015). Hence, absent any reason for limiting or with- New Civil Code; Orchard Golf & Country Club v. Fran-
holding it, it should be awarded as it was awarded by the cisco, G.R. No. 178125, 18 March 2013);
(c) Unfair labor practice shall be brought by complaint
under the Labor Code not later than 1 year from date of

commission (Art.305, Labor Code). As to its criminal as- (b) Bureau of Labor Relations
pect, it shall be prosecuted within 3 yea.rs from date of (i) Original Jurisdiction. Jurisdiction over intra-union
finality of the ULP judgmeni (Arl. 305, Labor Code). and inter-union disputes involving national unions, and like
(d) Offenses under the Labor Code shall be prosecu- labor organizations (Art. 232, Labor Code).
ted within 3 years from date of commission (Art. 305, (ii) Appellate Jurisdiction. Jurisdiction over appealed
Labor Code); and decisions of the DOLE Regional Director in intra-union and
(e) Illegal rE?Grui:tment shall be pro~Elqlited within 5 inter-union cases (Art. 232, Labor Code; Bar/es v. Bito-
years if simple illegal recruitment, and within 20 years if nio, G.R. No. 120270, 16 June 1999).
economic sabotage (Sec.7, Rule IV, RA. 10022).
(c) Voluntary Arbitrators
PART II Traditional Jurisdiction. Jurisdiction over unresolved
disputes arising from CBA interpretation or implementation;
8.11. and unresolved disputes arising from the enforcement or
implementation company personnel policies (Art. 274, La-
Briefly discuss the powers and responsibilities of bor Code).
the following in the scheme of the Labor Code: Jurisdiction by Stipulation. Jurisdiction over such other
(a) Secretary of Labor (2%) disputes as may be expressly conferred by a CSA or similar
agreement (Vivero v. CA, G.R. No. 138938, 24 Oct. 2000).
(b) Bureau of Labor Relations (2%)
{c) Voluntary Arbitrators (2%) 8.12.

Answer: Due to serious business reverses, ABC Co. deci-

ded to terminate the services of several officers re-
(a) Secretary of Labor
ceiving "fat" compensation packages. One of these of-
(i) Ordinary Powers. Visitorial and enforcement (Art. ficers was Mr. X, its Vice-President for External Affairs
128, Labor Code); appellate ( review of compliance orders and a member of the Board of Directors. Aggrieved,
issued under Art. 128, Labor Code; and review of CE or- Mr. X filed a complaint for i'Uegal dismissal before the
ders per Art. 272, Labor Code); rule-making (Art. 5, National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) - Regio-
Labor Code); and, control and supervision (The Heritage nal Arbitration Branch.
Hotel Manila v. NUWHRAIN-HHMSC, G.R. No. 178296.
ABC Co. moved for the dismissal of the case on
12 Jan. 2011).
the ground of lack of jurisdiction, asserting that since
(ii) Extraordinary Powers. Assumption power under Mr. X occupied the position of Vice-President for Ex-
Art. 278 (g); and suspension power under Art. 292 (b), ternal Affairs which is listed in the by-laws of the
both of the Labor Code. corporation, the case should have been tiled before
the Regional Trial Court.
220 BARQ&A

The Labor Arbiter (LA) denied ABC Co.'s motion hence, he can keep the salaries he received. (Garcia, et
and proceeded to rule that Mr. X was illegally dis- al. v. PAL, G.R. No. 164856, 20 Jan. 2009).
missed. Hence, he was reinstated in ABC Co.'s payroll
pending its appeal to the NLRC.
(a) Did the LA err in denying ABC Co.'s motion to
dismiss on the ground of lack of jurisdiction? Explain. Mr. A signed a one (1 )-year contract with XYZ Re-
(2.5%) cruitment Co. for deployment as welding supervisor
· (b) Assuming that jurisdiction is not at issue and for DEF, Inc. located in Dubai. The employment con-
tract, which the Philippine Overseas Employment Ad-
that the NLRC reverses the LA's ruling of illegal dis-
missal with finality, may ABC Co. claim reimbursement ministration (POEA) approved, stipulated a salary of
US$600.00 a month.
for the amounts it paid to Mr. X during the time that he
was on payroll reinstatement pending appeal? Explain. Mr. A had only been in his job in Dubai for six (6)
(2.5%) months when DEF, Inc. announced that it was suffe-
ring from severe financial losses and thus intended to
Answer: retrench some of its workers, among them Mr. A. DEF,
(a) The LA did not err. Even if the office occupied by Inc. hinted, however, that employees who would ac-
cept a lower salary could be retained.
Mr. X may have been listed in the corporate by-laws as a
corporate office, it should have been shown that he was Together with some other Filipino workers, Mr. A
appointed to it by the Board of Directors. Absent evidence, agreed to a reduced salary of US$400.00 a month and
Mr. X was a corporate employee; hence, the tenurial issue thus, continued with his employment.
he brought to the LA was not an iAtra-corporate issue.
(a) Was the reduction of Mr. A's salary valid?
(Cosare v. Broadcom Asia, Inc., et al., G.R. No. 2011 Explain. (2.5%)
298, 5 Feb. 2014). Moreover, mere membership in the go-
verning board does not make one a corporate officer. Un- (b) Assuming that the reduction was invalid, may
less elected as President, Secretary or Treasurer, a mem- Mr. A hold XYZ Recruitment Co. liable for underpay-
ber of the board would not qualify as a corporate officer ment of wages? Explain. (2.5%)
(Sec. 24, Revised Corporation Code).
(b) ABC Co. cannot claim reimbursement because
Mr. X had nothing to do with the reinstatement given him. (a) No, the reduction was not valid. There was a con-
On the contrary, the company exercised its exclusive right tractual breach. Applying lex ex contractu or lex loci
to determine which type of reinstatement to give him. Had ce/ebrationis, Philippine law controls; hence, the substan-
it informed him of the possibility of a reimbursement, he tial character of the alleged financial losses must have
would not have chosen to be driven to penury at the end of been proven with financial statements duly certified by an
the day thru a reimbursement by compulsion. In this case, independent external auditor. Mere announcement of los-
the Principle of Unjust Enrichment has no application; ses would not suffice. The threat of retrenchment was just

a scheme to conveniently effect the illegal substitution of Answer:

the POEA-approved employment contracts.
(a) A wage distortion is the elimination or serious
(b) Yes, Mr. A may hold XYZ Recruitment Co. liable contraction of the wage gap advantage enjoyed by one
for the payment of his wages under the rule that a recruiter wage group over another of the same wage region; provi-
is solidarity liable for breaches of the terms and conditions ded, such elimination or compression is caused by a wage
of the POEA-approved employment contract (Sec 1 (f), law, or wage order (Art. 124, Labor Code); CSA renego-
Rule II, Book II, POEA Rules and Regulations; Datuman tiation (Metro Transit Organization, Inc. v. NLRC, et al.,
v. First Cosmopolitan Manpower and Promotion Servi- G.R. No. 116008, 11 July 1995); or merger (Manila Man-
ces, Inc., G.R. No. 156029, 14 Nov. 2008). darin Employees Union v. NLRC, et al. G.R. No. 108
556, 19 Nov. 1996); but not a promotion (NFL v. NLRC,
B.14. G.R. No. 103586, 21 July 1994).

Upon a review of the wage rate and structure per- (b) No. Since the cause of the alleged elimination is
taining to its regular rank and file employees, K Corpo- not one of the recognized causes, as it was an adjustment
ration found it necessary to increase its hiring rates of the hiring rate for new hires joining other wage groups,
for employees belonging to the different job classifica- the elimination of the wage gap is not a wage distortion. It
tion levels to make their salary rates more competitive is rather clear that the increased rate would only be given
in the labor market. to new hires and not to all the members of the wage
group/s they would be joining. Hence, the company has
After the implementation of the new hiring salary, npthing to adjust or rectify.
Union X, the exclusive bargaining agent of the rank
and file employees, demanded a simitar salary adjust- B.15.
ment for the old employees. It argued that the increase
in hiring rates resulted in wage distortion since it On December 1, 2018, GHI Co., an organized es-
erased the wage gap between the new and old emplo- tablishment, and Union J, the exclusive bargaining
yees. In other words, new employees would enjoy agent therein executed a five (5)-year collective bar-
almost the same salary rates as K Corporation's old gaining agreement (CBA) which, after ratification, was
employees. registered with the Bureau of Labor Relations.
(a) What is wage distortion? (2%) (a) When can the union ask, at the earliest, for the
(b) Did a wag~ di~tt>rtion arise under the circums- renegotiation of all terms of the CBA, except its repre-
tances which legally obligated K Corporation to rectify sentation aspect? Explain. (2.5%)
the wages of its old employees? Explain. (3%) (b) When is the earliest time that another union
can file for a petition for certification election? Explain.

Answer: matter through the third-doctor conflict resolution pro-

cedure as provided under the 2010 POEA-SEC.
(a) Except for the representation aspect of the CSA,
the other provisions can be renegotiated not later than 3 (a) What is the third-doctor conflict resolution
years from date of the CBA's effectMty (Art.265; Labor procedure under the 201 O POEA-SEC? Explain. (2%)
Code). (b) Will Seafarer G's claim for total and perma-
nent disability benefits prosper despite his failure to
(b) Another union can file a petition for certification first settle the matter through the third-doctor conflict
election during the freedom period of the CBA which is the resolution procedure? Explain. (3%)
last 60 days of its political iife (Art. 265, Labor Code).
(c) Assuming that Seafarer G failed to submit
8.16. himself to a post-employment medical examination
within three (3) working days from his return, what is
W Ship Management, Inc. hired ~eafarer G as bo- the consequence thereof to his claim? Explain. (2%)
sun in its vessel under the terms of the 2010 Philippine
Overseas Employment Administration-Standard Em- Answer:
ployment Contract (POEA-SEC). (a) In the event of conflicting medical assessments,
On his sixth (6th) month on board, Seafarer G fell the parties are required to select a third physician whose
ill while working. In particular, he complained of sto- finding shall be final and binding on them. Under Sec. 20
mach pain, general weakness, and fresh blood in his (B) of the 2010 POEA-SEC, the selection is consensual;
stool. When his Illness persisted, he was medically re- however, jurisprudence has made it mandatory (Philippine
patriated on January 15, 2018. On tne _same day, Sea- Hammonia Ship Agency, Inc. v. Eulogio Dumadag,
farer G submitted himself to a post-employment medi- G.R. No. 194362, 26 June 2013).
cal examination, wherein he was referred for further
treatment. As of September 30, 2018, Seafarer G has (b) Yes, it will prosper. The Third Physician Rule
yet to be issued any fit-to-work certification by the has no application when the company-designated physi-
company-designated physician, much less a final and cian exceeds·tne 120-day treatment period without making
definitive assessment of his actual condition. Since a final, categorical and definitive assessment. Here, he al-
Seafarer G still felt unwell, he sought an opinion from lowed 209 days to elapse without issuing a fit-to-work as-
a doctor of his choice who later issued an independent sessment or a disability grade (Apines v. E/burg Ship-
assessment stating that he was totally and permanent• management Phil., Inc., G.R. No. 202114. 9 Nov. 2016).
ly disabled due to his illness sustained during work.
(c) Non-compliance with the 3-day reporting require-
Seafarer G then proceeded to file a claim for total ment results in the forfeiture of G's entitlement to disability
and permanent disability compensation. The company compensation (Sec. 20(8), POEA-SEC).
asserts that the claim should be dismissed due to
prematurity since Seafarer G failed to first settle the

B.17. cause it was not expressly communicated to her upon her

engagement that her tenure was for six (6) months unless
Ms. A is a volleyball coach with five (5) years of she survived pre-disclosed standards for regularization.
experience in her field. Before the start of the volley- When an employee is hired without being apprised of such
ball season of 2015, she was hired for the sole pur- standards, he is deemed a regular employee regardless of
pose of overseeing the training and coaching of the the employer's intent to hire him as a probationary emplo-
University's volleyball team. During her hiring, the yee (Abbott Laboratories v. Alcaraz, G.R. No. 192571,
Vice-President for Sports expressed to Ms. A the Uni- 23 July 2013).
versity's expectation that she would bring the Univer-
sity a championship at the end of the year. · (b) The violation of Mr. A's right to statutory due pro-
In her first volleyball season, the University cess requires the assessment of the University with nomi-
placed ninth (9th) out of 10 participating teams. Soon nal damages. The amount is P30,000.00 because a dis-
after the end of the season, the Vice-President for missal for failure to qualify is akin to a dismissal for a just
Sports informed Ms. A that she was a mere probatio- cause (Abbott Laboratories v. Alcaraz, G.R. No. 192571,
23 July 2013).
nary employee and hence, she need not come back for
the next season because of the poor performance of
the team. B.18.
In any case, the Vice-President for Sports claimed When resolving a case of unfair labor practice
that Ms. A was a fixed-term employee whose contract (ULP) filed by a union, what should be the critical point
had ended at the close of the year .. of analysis to determine if an act constitutes ULP?
(a) Is Ms. A a probationary, fixed-term, or regular (2.5%)
employee? Explain your reasons as to why she is or
she is not such kind of an employee for each of the Answer:
types of employment given. (5%) The nature of an unfair labor practice, (ULP) is that it
(b) Assuming that Ms. A was dismissed by the is a violation ofworkers' right to self-organization (Art 258,
University for serious misconduct but was never given Labor Code_; C.ulfll v. Eastern Telecommunications
a notice to explain, what is the consequence of a pro- Phils., G.R. No. 165381, 9 February 2011). An act, how-
cedurally infirm dismissal ft'om service under our ever unfair it may be, is not a ULP unless listed as such
Labor law and jurisprudence? Explain. (2%) under Articles 259 and 260 of the Labor Code. Therefore,
the critical point of analysis in a ULP case filed by a union
Answer: is whether the act complained of is expressly listed as ULP
under Art. 259 of the Labor Code.
(a) Ms. A is a regular employee. She cannot be consi-
dered a fixed-term employee in the absence of a fixed-term
employment contract, nor a probationary employee be-
228 BARQ&A 2019 l;!AR EXAMINATIONS 229

B. 19, tructive dismissal after the period expires. In such case,

the company would be ordered to reinstate and pay back-
Because of dwindling sales and the consequent wages.
limitation of production, rumors were rife that XYZ, Inc.
would reduce its employee force. The next day, the B. 20.
employees of XYZ, Inc. received a notice that the com-
pany will have a winding down period of 10 days, after Discuss the differences between compulsory and
which there will be a six (6)-month suspension of ope- voluntary/optional retirement as well as the minimum
rations to allow the company to address its precarious benefits provided under the Labor Code for retiring
financial position. employees of private establishments. (2.5%)
On the fourth (4th} month of suspension of its
operations, XYZ, Inc. posted an announcement that it Answer:
will resume its operations in 60 days but at the same A voluntary/optional retirement is a termination of em-
time announced that instead of closing down due to fi. ployment based on a bilateral agreement to terminate em-
nancial losses, it will retrench 50% of the work force. ployment at an agreed age regardless of years in service,
(a) Is the announcement that there would be re- or after a certain number of years in service regardless of
trenchment affecting 50% of the work force sufficient age. It is a matter of contract. In contrast, a compulsory
compliance with the legal requirements for retrench- retirement is a termination of employment by operation of
ment? Explain. (2.5%) law. It is a matter of statute.

(b) Assuming that XYZ, Inc., instead of retrench- Under Art. 302 of the Labor Code, retiring emplo-
ment, extended the suspension of-its operations from yees shall be paid retirement benefits computed as follows:
six (6) months to eight (8) months, would the same be (22.5 days x Daily Rate) x Length of Service. The 22.5
legally permissible? If not, what are the consequen- days consist of 15 days representing half-month salary, 5
ces? (2.5%) days as service incentive leave, and 2.5 days representing
1/12 of 13th month pay.The full 22.5.days shall be used if
Answer: the retiree is entitled to both service incentive leave and
13th month pay. In all cases, the 15 days must always be
(a) No. The 30-day notice requirement is a written no- used.
tice that must be served on both the Department of Labor
and Employment and the affected employees (Art. 298,
Labor Code). Hence, the posted announcement is a viola-
tion of the prescribed pre-termination procedure.

(b) Temporary suspension of business operations un-

der Art. 301 of the Labor Code should not exceed 6
months; otherwise, the suspension would ripen to cons-

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