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1 2 3 4
One Two Three Four
5 6 7 8
Five Six Seven Eight
9 10
Nine Ten
11 Eleven 16 Sixteen
12 Twelve 17 Seventeen
13 Thirteen 18 Eighteen
14 Fourteen 19 Nineteen
15 Fifteen 20 Twenty
Logo, do 13 - 19 será
acrescentado: "Teen"
Thir + Teen
Four + Teen
20 Twenty 60 Sixty
30 Thirty 70 Seventy
40 Forty 80 Eighty

50 Fifty 90 Ninety
Notem que do 20 - 90 foi
acrescentado: "Ty"
For + Ty

Fif + Ty
Esse acréscimo, tornará o
número em dezenas: 20, 30...

Tomem cuidado na
pronúncia do "Teen" e "Ty'
22 Twenty - two
33 Thirty - three

44 Forty - four

55 Fifty - five
66 Sixty - six

77 Seventy - seven

88 Eighty - eight

99 Ninety - nine
100 One hundred

201 Two hundred and one

220 Two hundred and twenty

333 Three hundred and Thirty-three

555 Five hundred and fifty-five

777 Seven hundred and seventy-seven

888 Eight hundred and eighty-eight

999 Nine hundred and ninety-nine

1000 One thousand

2002 Two thousand and two

2200 Two thousand and two hundred

3333 Three thousand, three hundred

and thirty-three
5555 Five thousand, five hundred and

7777 Seven thousand, seven hundred

and seventy-seven

9999 Nine thousand, nine hundred and

100.000 One hundred thousand
1.000.000 One million
How old are you?

What is your house


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