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Ok lets start with Concret Noun

Are people, places or thing including animals

that you can see, that you can smell , taste , hear
or touch.
Let me give you a few examples
If we talk about people
you could say, a man, ,or teacher or me Eliu.
If we talk about places,
you could say a school, a house or beach
and if you talk about things
you could say a shoe, a marker
yo could talk about a dog or food like pizza.
These are concrete noun.
So Abstract noun unlike contract noun
Are ideas, concepts, emotions
And you can not see an idea
you can not smeel a concept
you cant taste an emotion or hear it or touch it
SO they are nouns. they are things that exist,
but you can not see them or taste them
Let me give you a few examples
We could talk about love
or time or religion. Rules
These are words that represent ideas, concepts

It´s very important to know the difference between
countable and uncountable noun
Countable nouns:
Are nouns that you can count

The easiest way to remember uncountable nouns
is to think about nouns that are difficult to count

If you think about it are difficult to count

Uncountable nouns have only one form
They cant be plural
You cant use "a" or "an" with uncountable nouns
Because they cant be counted
You can use "some" "little"

Remember they can be singular or plurar
You can use "Some" with plural nouns when you dont
want to be specific
Or you can use the number to say exactly how many.

1.offer a solutionxx pay attention xx i pologize x role play xx

2.i cant imagine xx
3.that te word
4-to map out
5. emphatize + offer solution
8.right so sorry to
10 given the customer

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