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Gannon Murray

Prof. Courtney Slavin

HIST 1302

21 April 2023

Film Review of “Full Metal Jacket”

“Full Metal Jacket”, directed by Stanley Kubrick, is a movie showcasing a specific battle

in the Vietnam War, and the dehumanizing experiences of Marine Corps basic training.

Although there are many gruesome and grotesque moments, providing the most accurate

depiction of war is essential, which makes this movie outstanding. In short, “Full Metal Jacket”

shows the story of a young soldier nicknamed “The Joker,” talking about his experiences

throughout basic military training and his efforts on the front lines of the Vietnam War. There is

a common message throughout the film, showing the grueling process that soldiers are required

to go through in the military, and the atrocities of guerilla warfare. American soldiers are

subjected to brutal and strict training, brainwashing them into killers.

At the beginning of the movie, we are shown the process of basic training in America.

One must shave their head, wear the same clothes every day, sleep on uncomfortable bunk beds,

use the bathroom in front of each other, and much more. The purpose is to toughen these young

adults and break their egos, beginning the process of brainwashing. Each recruit is verbally

abused, and physically challenged to their maximum, daily. Disregarding any disabilities,

weight, or other problems, one is expected to push their limits no matter what. Many times,

soldiers are unable to push through, and mentally give up or risk losing their sanity. During the

movie, we are shown this when Private “Pyles,” a mentally challenged individual, can not endure
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the suffering of his training anymore, killing both himself and his Drill Sergeant as a result.

Many events lead up to his demise, though, such as when he attempts to sneak a donut into his

belongings which ultimately leads to the punishment of the whole group. Then, during the night,

he is held down and beaten with soap socks signaling his start of insanity. This best showcases

the theme of the movie, representing how brutal Marine Corps training is. Although these cases

do happen, the result of this training oftentimes brainwashes recruits to strategize, fight, kill, and

know how to react to anything during the war. Soldiers will fight until they die and forget about

their normal lives at home. Throughout the movie, we can see hundreds of soldiers that are

affected by this training, let alone the near millions of total soldiers in the American military.

“Full Metal Jacket” best conveys this theme throughout its characters, though. For

example, the main character, Private “Joker,” writes the words “BORN TO KILL” in all capitals

across his helmet showing his intent to kill. At the end of the film, he shoots a now harmless girl

praying and begging to be killed, although doing it with hesitation. Another character, “Animal

Mother”, is another example of how he was turned into a ferocious killer, and a victim of brutal

training before war. While mourning two bodies of the dead he explains how they are all there

for a “slaughter”, indicating that they will kill or be killed. It is terrible how gruesome soldiers

are forced to think while both preparing and during the war. Countless scenes convey and prove

this common theme, but above all connect into one bigger message. The horrendous nature of

guerilla warfare and the arduous trials that soldiers must endure in the military without a doubt is

a problem that needs to be solved soon.

In conclusion, “Full Metal Jacket” is an extremely well-made movie for its time and best

showcases the experience of the Vietnam War and basic American military training. Although

many scenes could be redone, improved, or added, this film without a doubt deserves the
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attention and rewards it has. The dehumanizing and gruesome process of going through Marine

Corps training is a common problem that needs to be improved today. As shown in the film,

many events occurred leading to the loss of sanity and suicide of Private “Pyles,” and if anything

leads to the self-harm of an individual overall it needs to be fixed. The common theme in the

film showcases brutal and strict military training, leading to the brainwashing of American

soldiers into killers. The movie executes its overall message and theme very well, and I highly

recommend the movie to those who have not seen it.

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