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Unit-426: Teaching, learning and assessment in education and training

Course: DET
UNIT Code: H/505/0912
Assignment Title: 426
Tutor: Carmen Susma
Deadline Date: 13/12/2022
I confirm that this assessment is my own work and that I have duly acknowledged and correctly referenced
the work of others. I am aware of and understand that any breaches to the Code of Academic Conduct will be
investigated and sanctioned in accordance with the Academic Conduct Regulation.


Date Submitted:

Submission Cover Sheet

Please complete all sections and attach to your assignment. You can find these details on
your Assessment Statement

Student Name: Elizabeth Omotunde

Student Number: HE220062

If this is a group submission the details of the student responsible for submitting the work
is to be entered above and the name and student number of other group members below.

Course Title: Diploma in Education and Training - Level 5

Module Title: Unit 426

Module Number H/505/0912

Tutor: Carmen Susma

Assignment Title: Unit 426: Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Education and

Deadline Date:


I confirm that this assessment is my own work and that I have duly acknowledged and
correctly referenced the work of others. I am aware of and understand that any
breaches to the Code of Academic Conduct will be investigated and sanctioned in
accordance with the Academic Conduct Regulation.


Date Submitted:

Table of Contents
Task 2: Produce a research report which covers the following: 4
Own role and responsibilities in education and training. 4
(1.3) Relationships and boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles.
(2.2) Role and use of initial and diagnostic assessment in agreeing on individual learning
goals. 5
(1.4) Referral points to meet learners’ needs. 6
Aspects of legislation, requirements and codes of practice relating to your own role and
responsibilities. 6
Task 3: (Investigation Report) Undertake investigations that explain: 7
(2.1) Important of identifying and meeting the individual needs of learners 7
(3.3) How my planning meets the individual needs of learners. 8
(3.4) How teaching and learning plans can be adapted to meet the individual needs of
learners. 9
(4.1) Importane of promoting appropriate behaviour and respect. 10
(4.2) Ways to promote equality and value diversity. 10
Task 4: Write a personal analysis relating to the area of specialism which considers the
following: 11
(5.1) The effectiveness of teaching and learning, and learning approaches in relation to
meeting the individual needs of learners. 11
(5.2) The benefits and limitations of communication methods and media. 12
(5.3) Analyse the effectiveness of resource methods in relation to meeting the individual
needs of learners. 13
(6.2) Analyse the effectiveness of assessment methods in relation to meeting the individual
needs of learners. 13
(7.1) How minimum core elements can be demonstrated in planning, delivering and
assessing inclusive teaching and learning. 14
(6.1) The purposes and types of assessment used in education and training. 15
Task 5 Evidence to be handed in: Evaluation Produce an evaluation that will: 15
(8.1) The effectiveness of own practice in planning, delivering and assessing inclusive
teaching and learning taking account of the views of learners and others. 15
(8.2) Areas for improvement in the planning, delivering and assessing inclusive teaching
and learning. 16
Task 2: Produce a research report which covers the following:
Own role and responsibilities in education and training.
As a teacher, my prime role is to create an environment to help students learn
more and gain maximum success. This role is woven around different factors. The first
factor is being a source of motivation for my students. Motivation helps learners gain
courage and promote their ability and aspiration for learning. I am also responsible for
moulding students’ perspectives and lines of thought, ensuring they are aligned with
achieving their goals. Inspiring students in class and field activities is thus critical. They
get inspired when they are motivated after failing and when they are assisted where they
get stuck.
Teachers are primary players in ensuring students a successful. Teachers consult
and break down knowledge identifying the information necessary for certain students.
By doing this, they incorporate healthy and appropriate skills and evidence-based
information for the students. Secondly, teachers use their skills to plan how students will
learn better through the development of teaching and lesson plans (Victoria State
Government Education and Training. 2017, p. 3). These plans are formulated as inclusive
and competent to foster learning. Lastly, teachers must conduct assessments to test
understanding and execute good behaviour at work which resonates with
professionalism. The aspects of a teacher help them execute their duties properly and
ensure that students understand their courses.
For example, teachers should always assist challenged and less able students to
catch up with other students. I help my students develop in communication, engage in
healthy and informed discussions and be active role players. My role is to ensure that the
physically or emotionally challenged learners get the right attention and assistance at the
right time. Here I ensure that the learning environment where I engage my students is
supportive and positive fostering the spirit of hard work and devotion to achieve
greatness and help one another.
Besides support for learners, the environment should be protected in every
aspect, such as emotional, physical, or verbal harm. Teachers are also responsible for
following set procedures and job place policies and working well with others to foster
understanding. Collaboration can help achieve set goals and improve students learning
and meet their needs. These responsibilities enhance professionalism at work and foster
respect within the workplace.
(1.3) Relationships and boundaries between the teaching role and other
professional roles.
Teaching and personal life are important and pivotal in a tutor’s life. The two
aspects have a relationship in that the tutor is the common factor and they cannot exist
without these fields. Teaching and other professional roles make a tutor’s everyday life.
However, one must create boundaries between the two aspects. Creating boundaries
between the two entails avoiding having unprofessional contact with students (Besley,
2019, p. 184). Professionalism is critical, and contacting a student should be done only
when necessary. Equally, interactions should remain professional. Here, as a tutor, it is
my responsibility to ensure that I don’t get personally invested in students implying that
emotional relationships should not exist.
Additionally, emotional student-teacher relationships have been regarded as
unhealthy and a violation of codes of ethics and societal values. I need to understand my
roles and responsibilities in this divide and work on realizing them diligently. Besides,
national and state regulations protect children under minors from unhealthy encounters,
including being in a relationship with a much older person than their age. Therefore, I
must adhere to and work within the job descriptions. A healthy learning process will also
be achieved by delivering the right support for students and referring them to the right
assistants where necessary.
I am responsible for keeping interaction, contact, and relationships professional
as I carry out my duties and responsibilities. This avoidance includes avoiding seeking
their attention through offering assistance and support where I don’t fit in the expense of
their attention. It is my responsibility to refer them to the right support system. These
boundaries imply that, while it is important to be concerned with students’ performance
and achievements, being their tutor should not provoke intentions to generate emotional
relationships. Engaging in such an act is unethical and unprofessional. Therefore,
creating strong boundaries between teaching and other professional roles is vital.
(2.2) Role and use of initial and diagnostic assessment in agreeing on individual
learning goals.
Initial and diagnostic assessments are vital in achieving learners’ set goals. With
these assessments, the tutors clearly understand the learners based on where they are
from, where they stand, and where they intend to go. With this information at hand,
tutors can effectively identify what is needed for these students to realise their goals.
Besides, diagnostic assessment highlights the appearance and capabilities of the students
and identifies if they would need further or additional assistance besides tutoring
(Csapó , and Molná r, 2019, p. 3). After carrying out an initial assessment of my students, I
can strategically make correct and practical referrals for my students. For example,
suppose the assessments indicate physical impairment. In that case, I can refer the
students to the medical for a checkup and examination to identify and understand the
help and intervention that will be helpful for these students to help them learn. Besides,
these assessments are critical in understanding the differences between students across
different factors. With this understanding, I can formulate productive and effective
teaching practices to ensure inclusivity and benefit every student. Equally, this
information will help tutors identify students needing extra attention to reach their goals
(1.4) Referral points to meet learners’ needs.
Every teacher’s ultimate desire is to see that their learners’ needs are met,
ensuring satisfaction. Satisfying these needs calls for timely and correct student support
whenever needed. However, there are times when tutors get overwhelmed by these
duties and need to consult or involve external forces. For my students, I strategically
identify and assess their needs to refer them to the right support. For academic needs, I
identify the correct tutors who can help them solve their problems. A mathematical issue
challenging students qualifies for a referral to a mathematics teacher. The less fortunate
and low-income family students have been in the limelight in many situations. These
students may be in need of financial, emotional, and social support during their studies.
Living in such situations calls for tutors’ interventions to revive their morale and support
their education.
As such, it is imperative to strategise how these students visit a psychiatrist, find
financial support to keep them in school and promote welcoming interaction to boost
their well-being. In other situations, consulting health practitioners is important when
learners’ health is of concern. Assessing and treating students is a tutor’s priority as
adherence to health and safety is critical For physical challenges such as hearing
impairment, I consult with the institution and enrol the student on the right help such as
medical intervention. One important support system for students is the guidance and
counselling sector. It has greatly supported students suffering from mental issues and
family matters. These referral points, among others, have helped me ensure that my
students attain the right sobriety of mind ready to gain utmost success in class and in
field lessons.
Aspects of legislation, requirements and codes of practice relating to your own
role and responsibilities.
Teachers are subject to numerous legislative, regulatory, and codes of practice in
their line of work. These are a guide to tutors’ practices ensuring they offer correct and
safe services. Legislative requirements and code of practice also act as protection for
learners, tutors, and employers (Besley, 2019, p. 184). As a teacher, I am under the
protection of numerous legislative and regulatory requirements. These include the
Health and Safety Act, Equality and Diversity Act, and Data Protection Act. Equally, I am
responsible for adhering to and confirming compliance with such regulations as the
Control of Substance and Fire Safety. Teachers need to ensure cleanliness in the learning
environment. Besides, students’ safety is vital; therefore, the learning environment
should be free from harmful, dangerous, and hazardous equipment and conditions
(Barrett et al., 2019, p. 9). These may include unsafe facilities, an uncomfortable
atmosphere in class, and hazardous appliances. As a tutor, I should ensure that students
are free from the risk of harm or contracting diseases or getting injured. Safety gear
should be made available during student activities. Data protection is mandatory to
prevent and prevent violating security and privacy aspects of students and other
relevant stakeholders. Data protection Act should be taught to learners as they prepare
and approach the work environment. Therefore, I must ensure that I practice with utter
professionalism. Behaviours and communication should be sensitive to other people’s
well-being and be aligned with achieving teaching goals.
Task 3: (Investigation Report) Undertake investigations that explain: 
(2.1) Important of identifying and meeting the individual needs of learners
Identification and satisfaction of learners’ needs is every tutor’s desire.
Identifying these needs enlightens the tutors on the existing differences and helps them
strategise their practices for successful teaching. With diversity in student needs,
teachers are responsible for identifying these needs and ensuring they are met
throughout the process. Students’ variations in these needs are factored by social,
physical, cultural, emotional, and intellectual domains. Under the social aspect, students
may present different interaction trends affected by communication skills or levels of
confidence. The physical aspect relates to physical challenges and impairments suffered
by different students. These factors impact how students appreciate learning and cope
with their situations at the same competition level as other normal students.
The intellectual aspect differentiates fast learners from slow learners. Some
students will understand new information faster than others which may cause a conflict
of interest. Cultural factors impact one’s perspectives in terms of values and beliefs.
These can challenge teaching and cause conflict. Emotional aspects can impact the
acknowledgement and deal with situations. These differentiating issues can directly
impact the learning process and outcomes. As a result, tutors must employ assessments
to identify them, plan to overcome them, and deliver their best practices based on these
informed plans. This will help maximise on chances of success of every student
irrespective of the issues of differences.
The learners’ needs form the primary part of a teacher’s responsibilities. Teachers
must work at the individual or team level to ensure that the learning environment and
lessons are right and appropriate for the students. Similar to other social-based
encounters, students feel more appreciated when institutions and teachers show
concern for their well-being and needs. They develop a spirit of motivation and
confidence, believing they are in the right place. As a result, educators and institutions
must ensure that they create such an environment and satisfy these needs for good
results. Identifying and meeting students’ needs also ensures that teachers and
institutions adhere to the duties and responsibilities assigned to them by the education
systems, thereby promoting their brand name and reputation.
(3.3) How my planning meets the individual needs of learners.
Lesson planning is vital to meet student needs and teaching goals. As a result, the
plans set need to have or exhibit the necessary framework for working to achieve these
goals. My lesson plan aspects strong in meeting students’ needs include numerous
approaches to teaching, assessing and interacting with students. Here, I implement
different approaches to ensure all types of students are reached and attended to.
Students have different levels and modes of understanding. Therefore, the plan must
include various approaches to accommodate all students and appeal to all types of
learning. Besides, in such a plan, students experience a positive environment that
enhances the need to learn. In attention to student needs, these approaches need to be
flexible, which is incorporated in my plan/
One important approach to be used is Kolb’s learning cycle. In this style, the first
step is a concrete experiment where involvement is the key to students’ learning
(Virtanen, 2021). It will be necessary to ensure that students actively participate in
experiences. This includes exposure to new tasks. Secondly is to engage students in
reflective observations. Students will take a step back to reflect on what they have
enacted in the experience. This offers the opportunity to discuss with friends and ask
questions. The third step involves abstract conceptualization, where they think beyond
reflective observation and form conclusions on the events enacted on experiences
(Virtanen, 2021). Lastly, Kolb’s cycle will involve learners using the ideas they gained
from experiences in the activities they engage in around them. This motivates students
as they can make consultation which is responded to effectively. For the sake of students’
understanding, I teach in a student-centred manner and offer different assessment
strategies. Assessment includes group work and individual assignments.
Attention to individual tests and the need to contribute to group work fosters
individual learning. As a result, success will be formed all around, making my teaching
successful. Adapting the plan will follow intentions to make changes over time in timing,
learning styles, and teaching style and use varying resources to identify and effectively
respond to the gaps. For example, besides course materials, the students will be supplied
with more resources to expand the scope of research and consultation for information.
Fostering proper, healthy and regular interactions with the students will also be an
essential strategy to adapt the plan since it will act as a great channel to negotiate with
the students on how they feel and what can be done to improve their understanding or
meet their needs.
While assessment is vital in driving toward satisfying learners’ needs and
achieving their goals, planning is critical in the teaching process. It is through the plan
that appropriate activities will be identified that drive towards success. While planning, I
take into account all the different issues affecting the students and the diversity in their
needs. From these factors of consideration, I identify those teaching practices and
activities that will help suppress the differences among the students while promoting
learning for all of them (Confrey, Shah, and Belcher, 2021, p. 209). For example, these
practices aim to ensure that students feel comfortable and supported as they are
included in the activities despite being challenged. Besides, planning creates an
opportunity to foster support amongst learners ensuring they motivate one another.
Regarding differentiation, planning helps formulate interventions to help the weaker
students catch up with the rest, even if it calls for extra attention. Strategic planning lets
students with physical problems participate in class activities and be motivated to work
harder, leaving their problems behind.
(3.4) How teaching and learning plans can be adapted to meet the individual needs
of learners.
Satisfying learners’ needs is critical and call for every possible intervention
including modification of the process to achieve the utmost satisfaction of these needs.
The tutors achieve this goal through the formulation of practical and realistic plans. One
important factor to consider for successfully adapting plans to satisfy learners’ needs is
the diversity in human nature (JamesBarron 2020, n.p). Tutors should know that their
classes will consist of learners with diverse needs. Therefore, they should make their
plans sensitive to every student’s needs while focusing on successful learning.
After identifying different issues affecting these learners, tutors should formulate
activities and practices in their line of work to ensure that learners are in a standardised
environment. While some students learn faster than others, plans should be such that
this difference fosters more learning for both of these students instead of dividing them.
These plans can offer appropriate and strategic attention to weaker learners without
compromising the fast-learning students (Bulloch, 2019, np). For example, my level of
teaching fosters confidence and motivation to work together and help one another. This
strategy can help fight the variations between my students and drive them toward
utmost success.
Based on getting feedback from the students, numerous approaches will be
implemented. First, informal learner feedback will be implemented through regular and
informal interactions and discussions. Here, students can casually outlay their feelings
and ideas in teaching. This style helps identify their feelings as they appeal to their
conscience and inner thoughts and feelings. This type of conversation will be performed
at a personal level outside and in class, where students can give responses based on their
belief that goes beyond what they have learned at that time. Group discussions also act as
critical channels of understanding students, including their feelings on the teaching
process implemented.
(4.1) Importane of promoting appropriate behaviour and respect.

Yes. It is important to ensure that respect and appropriate behaviour is

implemented and retained in learning to foster cohesion, appreciation, and togetherness
among learners. Successful learning depends on a positive, healthy, and supportive
environment (Vincent, 2019, p. 22). This environment heavily relies on the atmosphere
around the students. A good atmosphere fosters success and is weaved around
promoting confidence and motivation for students. It should make them feel at ease, safe
and comfortable as they go through their studies.
Furthermore, promoting appropriate behaviour and respect in teaching and
learning environment can be achieved in numerous ways. First, policies and procedures
must be highlighted and documented. These will require to be followed, and
repercussions will be implemented where the policies are violated. Among these policies,
one major focus could be alleviating the bullying atmosphere. The institutions need to
ensure that students are aware of this rule and demonstrate zero tolerance for the same
aspect. This move should educate and foster an environment of equity and equality in
opportunities and value for one another.
Since these aspects cannot exist without respect and appropriate behaviour, there
should be guides and motivators of respect and appropriate behavioural conduct
(IQualify UK. 2019, np). Therefore, it is important that tutors and learning institutions
put in place ground rules to act as general guides and support for a healthy learning
environment. These rules should be made available for students to familiarise
themselves with them. The ground rules should also, clearly highlight the repercussions
of breaking these rules. Appropriate behaviour and respect will create cohesion and
good relationships between students and tutors, preventing bad and unprofessional
(4.2) Ways to promote equality and value diversity.
Value diversity and equality are important facets of learning. They are necessary
to ensure that learners have equal opportunities (Ainscow, Mel 2020, p. 7)). It can be
achieved by creating a standardised learning environment forming a uniform
competition ground. This creates the aspect of alleviating negative attitudes and unfair
treatment of learners based on favours. Tutors and institutions can formulate or draft
clear ground rules to act as guides for learners and tutors.
Furthermore, equality and value diversity will be achieved if the needs of every
learner are satisfied. Here, tutors have the mandate to identify these needs and any
further support and act accordingly. For example, after realising a student would need
more attention or support for better learning, they should accord those students the
support or refer them to a support system that will benefit the students for success
achievement. Besides, tutors should appreciate the diversity among students and use the
differences as a joining force to ensure students help one another.
By asking the students to work together in groups, they will defy their differences
and help curb discrimination. Ground rules should be clear on how to treat one another
and strictly denounce favouritism and discrimination (Vincent, 2019, p. 26). Intercultural
interaction can also promote diversity; students learn about each other’s culture and
activities. Based on these policies and regulations, students should enforce group work
and teamwork at all times. Intolerance of bullying makes them indulge and promote
inclusion and interact positively. These include well-behaved interactions and positive
engagement within the schools.
Task 4: Write a personal analysis relating to the area of specialism which
considers the following: 
(5.1) The effectiveness of teaching and learning, and learning approaches in
relation to meeting the individual needs of learners.
Choices on the teaching and learning activities to implement is important for
successful teaching. While these teaching and learning are aimed at a common goal
which is helping students achieve success in their studies, they work differently for
different learners. For my teaching area, I have selected individual work, presentations,
online learning and group assignments as the teaching approaches to implement. I have a
strength in using these approaches as they help me satisfy learners’ needs and foster
better learning and understanding.
Group Assignments: this approach entails grouping learners strategically and
getting them to work together on the assigned tasks and discussions. First, the selection
of students into each group is strategic, with each group containing those students who
can achieve much success working together. As a result, the positivity in these groups
helps motivate students as they gain mutual benefits from one another. Besides, group
assignments are vital in fostering cohesion and teamwork among learners (Vincent,
2019, p. 22). Learners must have an understanding of how to work in collaboration with
other people. Equally, learners must appreciate the aspect of effective leadership and
become better leaders. There is no better way to achieve these goals than to let the
learners work on problems together. In the process of sharing ideas and trying one
possible solution after another, they appreciate the importance of collaboration and
expound their ideas and perspectives on different matters. Group work also helps tutors
assess the level of contribution students are willing and able to offer when addressing
other people. However, this approach can need to improve in that some students can
dominate the discussion while others make little or no contribution creating a false
Individual work: Individual work is an approach where learners are offered the
opportunity to research and work on their problems individually by consulting their
inner understanding and capability. As a teacher, individual assignments help me
understand students better. For example, assessing these assignments helps me
formulate a picture of where every student has strengths and where they are weak. As a
result, I can plan the right intervention to promote their knowledge by attending to these
gaps. Besides, through individual work, I can assess the progress students are realising
based on the goals identified during the initial and diagnosis assessment. 
Presentations and demonstrations: this approach to teaching is a critical tool in
the assessment of the overall capabilities of the learners. Presentations can either be
group work or individual projects. Equally, they can be audio or live presentations in
class. Learning is meant to be an all-around achievement. This implies that learners
should understand the virtual scenarios and process and develop communication,
research, and presentation skills. Therefore, with this teaching approach, I can foster a
deeper understanding of the course materials as the students have to interpret real-
world situations and demonstrate their knowledge to the class. Presentation strategies
help students develop communication skills by instilling the spirit of confidence and self-
belief. Besides, the desire to make better presentation add to the development of better
and right research skills to have perfect answers. 
It is important to use these few learning and teaching approaches to ensure that I
motivate my learners and offer them opportunities to become better people in the real
world. For example, good communication skills are necessary in the real world (Ainscow,
Mel 2020, p. 7). Developing these skills while they are students will be an essential
achievement for these learners. Besides, using different approaches ensures that the
students achieve overall success and achievement. 
(5.2) The benefits and limitations of communication methods and media.
Communication is an essential entity for a tutor. I used diverse methods to
communicate with my learners. During my interaction with these means of sharing
information, I have identified numerous benefits and limitations that come with
communication media used. Most of the time, I engage my learners in distant
communication or contact when I need clarification from them, when passing important
announcements, and when tracking progress on an intervention implemented to attend
to their needs. For presentation means of communication, students can showcase their
understanding and knowledge acquisition (Martin, and Bolliger, 2018, p. 209). Their
success in presentation is a key element of communicating special information on
learning and progress. This means of communication is limited, especially when group
presentation is concerned. For example, the results may be work from a few members
while others were dormant. Therefore the assessment may suffer false interpretation.
Besides, its reliance on electricity may suffer technical issues.
However, this type of communication is critical as images and diagrams in
presentation enhance correctness and foster understanding. Online communication is an
ample channel for making announcements, consulting tutors while they respond to
students, and reaching the learners simultaneously (Martin and Bolliger, 2018, p. 216).
However, the use of ICT may suffer invasion from cyber theft, which leads to violation of
data security issues. In-class discussions and interaction are vital in creating an
understanding between students and tutors. Engaging in direct interaction creates the
strength of getting firsthand information about the learners and communicating the
planned interventions, creating positive channels of enlightenment. Group work is
another aspect of communication through which students share ideas among themselves
and come up with a final product. This type of communication is vital for developing
good teamwork perspectives.
(5.3) Analyse the effectiveness of resource methods in relation to meeting the
individual needs of learners.
Another method of service delivery to the students is the use of resources.
Materials offer information for the learners. These can vary from the course information
to other supportive resources. As the plan determines the way to educate these learners,
it is also vital that these plans incorporate materials that will help actualise these goals
(IQualify UK. 2019, np). Furthermore, the resources available in the learning
environment should help ensure the safety of the learners. For example, safety concerns
should be prioritised during practical sessions or activities. The tutors can provide safety
gear for the learners and ensure dangerous or hazardous equipment and items risking
learners’ safety and health are removed. Besides, learners should be provided with the
right and efficient learning materials to ensure they have the right information (Confrey,
Shah, and Belcher, 2021, p. 209). This will aid in better achievements for learners. When
these materials fail to attend to a certain group of learners, relevant adjustments should
be availed. Equally, tutors should consult with relevant stakeholders and seek assistance
when an event happens to the students. For example, tutors can visit or call the health
sector to ask for the extraction of needy students.
(6.2) Analyse the effectiveness of assessment methods in relation to meeting the
individual needs of learners.
Teachers have numerous choices of assessment methods which can effectively
help them realise their goals and satisfy the needs of all their learners. Assessment
intends to seek responses from students concerning the lessons and topics covered. This
exploration ensures that the tutor can track the learners’ progress in the learning
process. Since the main goal is to make an all-around student, different assessment tools
can be used to test all aspects of knowledge gaining. Students may be affected or
impacted by writing or speaking skills at some point in time. As a result, seeking an
alternative assessment strategy for this purpose is vital. The strategy ensures that
students are assessed in a way that helps them understand better (Csapó , and Molná r,
2019, p. 6). Here, written assessment tests can be converted into an audio version for
them to respond efficiently. The first assessment is the initial assessment through which
tutors understand their learners and know the students’ skills, level of knowledge, and
With this information, tutors can plan, together with the learner, the best possible
ways to go about their learning process. Summative assessment helps test what the
learners have learned and retained from the topic. This is done at the end of a topic. The
teacher understands area where students find difficulties and strategise on rewinding.
They also help tutors differentiate students so they can attend to those who seem lost.
Formative assessment critically helps in tracking progress and confirming whether
learners are understanding. It can also help test levels of understanding from students
and generate support effectively. Therefore, assessments help meet every learner’s
needs by drawing a clear pathway of understanding and helping tutors react timely and
(7.1) How minimum core elements can be demonstrated in planning, delivering
and assessing inclusive teaching and learning.
Demonstration of minimum core elements can be actualised through the learning
process. As a teacher, I can demonstrate these by ascertaining that methods of
presenting these elements, such as literacy, ICT, and numeracy, are considered in the
planning, delivery, and assessment processes (Ainscow, Mel 2020, p. 5). These elements
are priM aspects to consider when creating a teaching plan. Besides, diverse or elaborate
assessment materials can be formulated to ensure all core elements are utilised. In
delivering teaching practice, I ensure that the plans are implemented fully and no
element could be missing. As a result, the process I implement will successfully
demonstrate the core elements.
For example, my plan includes a variety of resources and requirements for
success in the study. These include computers and handouts for course reading
materials. These will guide the teaching practice, and the assignments require a student
to research for more information. As a result, these students will gain diverse skills and
the process will ensure that the minimum core elements are utilised. Instilling literacy,
language understanding, and improving numeracy in students is therefore a vital
(6.1) The purposes and types of assessment used in education and training.
Assessment of students is an important process for tutors. It helps create an
understanding and awareness of the learners’ learning progress. Assessment equally
forms a media or strategy through which educators ensure that learners gain relevant
and adequate knowledge from the interaction. After assessing my students, I can review
their state at the beginning and compare the current level to estimate the progress and
forecast what needs to be done.
For an effective review of the gained skills and progress, results from the present
assessment can be compared with initial and diagnostic assessments. These two
assessments define the learners before getting into the program where they are
presented with information for enlightenment. The tutors then undertake other types of
assessments during the teaching process to follow and track the achievements realised.
These are;
Observation. This assessment helps me witness the capabilities and potential of
the learners. I can listen to or watch my learners as they present their assignments and
grade their understanding and line of thought.
Discussions. Engaging students in discussions is an essential assessment channel
where tutors can understand learners’ experiences, skills, level of understanding, and
general knowledge. With this information, I can devise strategic support for those with
Formative assessment. Formative assessment is a strategic evaluation methodology
where I can test my learners and provide immediate responses. I can indicate where the
students need to focus on to achieve success.
Questioning. This strategy helps tutors seek firsthand information on students’
skills and knowledge responses to questions asked, prompting confidence and courage
for learners. Questioning is also an effective and faster way of assessing learners since it
is a one-on-one engagement consuming little time.
Written assignments. Written assessments help students express their ideas
vividly expressing themselves and showcase their knowledge and understanding. These
assessments help present their writing skills and understand how they should express
Task 5 Evidence to be handed in: Evaluation Produce an evaluation that will: 
(8.1) The effectiveness of own practice in planning, delivering and assessing
inclusive teaching and learning taking account of the views of learners and others.
Planning, delivering, and assessing practices are major factors for ensuring
success in teaching. I have always held these aspects with keen concern in my practice
and implemented them effectively. First, I have made relevant modifications and
improvisation to the resources at hand to ensure that all students are satisfied and can
take part in the activities. For example, having a student with some hearing impairment
is a major concern since such a student would struggle in class and during field activities.
Such a student is treated with great concern in my class and would be placed in a
strategic position where they can clearly hear and understand what is being taught.
Equally, I would help the student acquire hearing aids to ensure they feel comfortable in
class and interacting with other students. While in field activities, physical fitness and
disability matters are treated with utter concern. Those students with disabilities or
physical challenges are accorded roles that fit their physicality and capabilities. If such
roles are absent, I always take the initiative to develop a role that will add to what the
rest of the students are doing. This strategy helps me ensure that inclusivity is achieved
and that these students have a role in every aspect of class sessions. 
I always seek feedback from learners on lessons and during free interaction times
to have a deeper understanding of my class. Such information has been critical in
achieving differentiation and making relevant changes to foster learning and inclusivity.
My schema of work and individual learning plan has been resourceful in engaging the
students and ensuring that success is imminent. Assessments in class, such as through
random questioning, have helped build confidence and motivation in students. It helps
them alleviate and fight fear within themselves and participate more.
(8.2) Areas for improvement in the planning, delivering and assessing inclusive
teaching and learning.
I believe that my practice is effective and efficient for learners’ success. I have put
keen consideration and perfection in all the steps starting from planning, approaches to
delivering, and assessment strategies. With flexibility and concerns about students’
needs, I have modified the study resources and settings to ensure that all students fit into
the activities and feel confident. For example, for students with disabilities, I have
developed roles that fit their stature to ensure that they can take active roles in activities.
Besides, I always identify learners’ needs and consult with different sources to identify
the best support systems from which these students will get assistance.
Besides, I incorporate a wide range of resources, teaching approaches, and
assessment strategies to ensure all students find a way to cope with the learning process
and feel included. In my sessions, there is a clear aspect of differentiation and the skills
intended to be developed. This will guide in ensuring that success is imminent. The main
point of addition is the support systems and points of reference. Diversity in learners and
their needs is increasing daily, and these needs must be satisfied. Therefore, more
support systems will be necessary to ensure I always satisfy learners’ needs. Equally,
there is a dire need to retain a pre-prepared program but implement several changes to
promote effectiveness. Flexibility is critical and will help me achieve my goals at all costs.
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