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Ritual for

Align With Your
True Path

Created by Kristyn Caetano, Biz Coach for Spiritual Entrepreneurs ~

The Power of Ritual
For centuries the purpose of ritual has been for healing, and also to serve as a
sacred connection to your higher self. Rituals are essential tools in today’s world.
They are conscious, intentional acts that focus our attention in practical ways.
Rituals can help you gain clarity, connect more deeply with your inner wisdom,
and get into full alignment with your unique life purpose.

When you are deeply connected, your life doesn’t flow aimlessly. Your truly
aligned life force is integrative. It infuses the body and mind with just the right
amount of energy and mojo, resonance and flow, clarity and confidence, and
keeps you engaged with what matters most.  Activating these energies within
you is crucial for awakening to your Higher Calling, and creating your soul-
aligned business.

Here is a simple ritual you can use to help find guidance for your unique purpose.
Feel free to modify any parts of it  to make it your own!

*(You can also use this as a template to create NEW rituals to help with other areas of
your life such as relationships, health, etc.)

I invite you explore the benefits of

incorporating RITUAL into your everyday life.

All my best ~ Kristyn 

Created by Kri styn Caetano, Bi z Coach f or Spi ri tual Entrepreneurs ~ https: //kri styncaetano. com
Ritual for Clarity:
Align With Your True Path


Find a special space in your house or outside where you can have some
solitude. Gather the elements you want to include in your ritual and create a
simple altar. Include a journal or notebook, and oracle cards if you wish.

Use of Symbols: Place symbolic items in your ritual space that are meaningful
and will inspire you. Examples include family photos, photos of special
mentors or teachers, words of wisdom/favorite quotes, a special piece of
jewelry, or anything else that holds some significance for you.

You may want to include objects from nature (a live plant, flowers, fruit), and
representations of the 4 elements such as:

Earth: Smoke from sage, incense, salt, wood, stones, shells, crystals 
Water: Small fountain, a picture of water, or a small bowl filled with water
Fire: Candles
Air: Feathers

Space Clearing: Burning sage or incense can help purify your space. Use of

sound instruments can also help clear your space. Examples include:  bells of
any kind, Tibetan singing bowls, rattles, chimes, drums, gongs, or even a pan
and a spoon. Your own voice or simply clapping is also great.

Created by Kri styn Caetano, Bi z Coach f or Spi ri tual Entrepreneurs ~ https: //kri styncaetano. com
Set your intention.  You and your intention are the most important tool for
any ritual. It is your focus and intent that are the catalyst for clarity and
change.  Be clear about what it is you intend, for example: “I now let go of old
stuck energy and confusion about my purpose, and invite in new opportunities and


Before you begin, form 1-2 questions that speak directly to the matter you
are seeking clarity for. You may want to write these down in your journal.

*Light a candle

*Breathe and ground yourself. You can do this by closing your eyes and
visualizing roots going down into the earth from your feet and attaching to a
huge boulder in the center of the earth.

*Establish contact with the highest source of wisdom and love within you (You
may choose to call this source Higher Self, etc.).

*Ask for Divine love and wisdom to shine a light on the situation to help you
find clarity on the path that serves your best and highest good, and the
highest good for all.

*Read your intention/questions out loud

*Connect with the Stillness within you. Listen to what your heart is saying.
*Ask yourself the following questions:

Created by Kri styn Caetano, Bi z Coach f or Spi ri tual Entrepreneurs ~ https: //kri styncaetano. com
*What is it I want more than anything? Why do I want it?

*What are the best ways to serve the mission I came to Earth to carry out?

*What are the very best gifts I have to offer other humans, and the planet?

*What path will ultimately allow me to learn the most about love, growth, and

*How do I need to change in order to carry out my mission, experience life

fully, and learn everything I can learn?

*What influences and attitudes do I need to eliminate?

* Optional: Focus on the issues you're seeking guidance for. Pull 1-3 cards
from your favorite deck (oracle, tarot, goddess, etc.) to add additional insight.


*Take some time to journal about how the information makes you FEEL.

*Then write out a mission statement for what you want to accomplish in your

*Create a list of action steps you will take in order to make that mission come

*Include 3 action steps you will take in the next month to get you more
serious about accomplishing your goals, and that will give you the
momentum to move past the situation at hand.


Created by Kri styn Caetano, Bi z Coach f or Spi ri tual Entrepreneurs ~ https: //kri styncaetano. com

Invoking The Unseen + Blessings

*Give silent thanks to any guides, helpers, ancestors, archangels, etc. that may
wish to assist you in gaining clarity at this time.

*Simply acknowledge that you’re open to receive the lessons, blessings, and
challenges that will help you achieve the goals and get the answers you’re

*Quietly speak aloud one one thing you’re grateful for.

*Speak out loud one thing you appreciate yourself for.

*Blow out the candle to complete the ritual

Benefit of Repetition

Repeating your rituals over and over will help to ground your intention, and
will create new neural pathways in the brain that can help you turn your goals
and desires turn into a reality.

Created by Kri styn Caetano, Busi ness Coach & Hypnotherapi st ~ kri styncaetano. com
Thank you for checking out this Ritual for Clarity,
I truly hope it is useful and inspiring!
Now you can create your OWN rituals anytime you need clarity and

There is a unique and special design to your life that you were born with.
Uncovering your role and purpose in the world can be ACTIVATED and
ACCELERATED through ritual and other practices that help you tap into
your soul’s blueprint, and your inner knowing.  

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Created by Kri styn Caetano, Bi z Coach f or Spi ri tual Entrepreneurs ~ https: //kri styncaetano. com

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