T5 EE1 Daria Simon

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Throughout the years humanity has known numerous changes in terms of science, which why it
should represent a popular interest among students. However, people are still not keen on this
subject enough. Although updating teaching facilities is important, I consider that TV programmes
are a better option to boost the popularity of science.

Firstly, students tend to spend a lot of time watching TV. Because they actually take heed of what
they are looking at, they succeed in learning certain things. Namely, should there be a programme
especially created for science, students would be enabled to absorb information only by hearing it
once. Thus, science shows are beneficial for students’ development.

Moreover, TV offers people the possibility to watch and hear at the same time. That is why learning
from a TV programme is very easy. For instance, once a student is shown how a certain fish looks like
and he also hears how it is called, he will surely remember both the name and the appearance of it.
Hence, TV programmes could make science seem more approachable.

However, many people may be under the misapprehension that by improving teaching facilities,
students would be more drawn to science. In my opinion, not even laboratories can not show
students the real beauty of science, which hides in nature. So, instead of spending money on new
equipment, why do we not turn on the TV and see how animals actually live?

In conclusion, technology, such as the TV is the one to help us understand science at best. After all,
nature will always be a part of our society and it is our duty to discover its secrets.


Dear John,

I had so much fun this weekend with you. I’m sorry I haven’t contacted you for since donkey’s years,
but I’ve been snowed under with work for my new job. I’m writing to thank you for the great time
we had and to express a bit of what I hope for the future.

For a start, it never slipped my mind that we would ever meet again. That’s why this reunion caught
me by surprise. When I first bumped into each other, I couldn’t even make out who you were. After
a few seconds, I took a ride down memory lane: I remembered about those times when we used to
travel together or when we cheated in our Math test. How young we were…

However, I’m done with being emotional. I couldn’t help but tell you how much I enjoyed hiking this
weekend. I can’t forget the look on your face when I told you that I hadn’t done this before. Don’t
get me wrong, you know I’m not the adventurous type, but I just couldn’t bare the hustle and bustle
of the city anymore. Also, the view from up high just exceeded my expectations.

Now, in the light of our reunion, I just want to make sure that this experience will happen again. Let
me organize a special bash for the sake of our friendship. I haven’t decided on the location yet, so
maybe you could help me out with that. Also, if you have any suggestions for the dress code, just
feel free to tell me.

Anyway, I must go now and get on with the preparations for the party. Send my regards to your wife
and do write back soon.



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