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Decision making………………………………….1

Jig saw put story together……………………….2

Role playing………………………………………3

Problem –solving ………………………………..4

Informatıon gap………………………………….5

Opinion – Exchange……………………………..6

Decision – making

Aim:What is your decision

Examine the Picture below and guess what is happening.?

Jig –saw
Aim:try to put the story together

Below is a story construction task through pictures. Pair off with your partner .Each will have the
other half of the pictures . Without looking at each other’s pictures , talk to your partner and try
to put the story together.

Age : 14 – 16
Level : pre-intermediate
Aim :act out role and teach to role-playing

You have 2 script at first you will read and act out it with your friend


A friend wants to borrow a

school book from you .You
don’t want to lend it to her as
she is always slow in returning
everything.She insist .Finally
you agree but rather

You need to school book for
your homework but you can
borrow only Hasan but you
know that you didn’t give on
time to last times so apologise
to him for your slowing tell her
you will back quickly this time
and you insist to take the book
Problem –solving

Level : pre – intermediate

Age : 14 -16
Aim: Solving problem

You want to go to abroad you can afford maximum 2000 usd for staying five stars hotel for 1
month below is facilities and what do you want read and decıde which country is suitable for
you (look at the table)

You want

# official language English

# Casinos

# Sea / beach

# Winter sports

Casinos Sea/beach Winter Sports Official lang. ***** hotels

Turkey - yes yes Turkish 1200-1500 usd
England yes yes yes English 1800-2000 usd
Germany yes - yes German 1000-1600 usd
Ireland yes yes yes English 2100-2900 usd
Informatıon gap

Aim: drawing missing animals

Pair off with your friend . One will possee and describe the pictures below and the other will try
to draw.You are not supposed to look at each other’s Picture
Opinion –exchange

Age : 18 – (18+ )
Level : advanced
Aim:opinion exchange

One group will argue for and the other group against the issue

Topic: the television is having bad effect upon the children who grow up with it.

Introduction and quetions form :Teaching language skills book.Pekoz B.

Pictures and cartoons

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