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Class: XI (P1-P5) Time: 3 Hours.



Date: 08/08/2010 Max. Marks: 243

VERY IMPORTANT: The question paper consists of 3 section (Section-1 contains Physics, Section-2 contains Chemistry and Section-3 contains Mathematics ). Please fill the OMR answer Sheet accordingly and carefully.

Each Section contains (21 questions in Part-A) and total number of pages are 22. Please ensure that the Question Paper you have received contains ALL THE QUESTIONS in each Section and PAGES. If you found some mistake like missing questions or pages then contact immediately to the Invigilator. P A RT- A 1. Q.1 to Q.12 are single correct type questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct. For Q.1 to Q.12, you will be awarded 3 marks, if you have darkened only the bubble corresponding to the correct answer and zero mark if no bubble are darkened. In all other cases, minus one (1) mark will be awarded. Q.13 to Q.21 are multiple correct type questions.Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONE OR MORE may be correct. For each question, you will be awarded 5 marks if you have darkened only the bubble corresponding to the correct answer and zero mark if no bubble are darkened. No negative marks will be awarded in this section. Indicate the correct answer for each question by filling appropriate bubble in your answer sheet. Use of Calculator, Log Table, Slide Rule and Mobile is not allowed. The answers of the questions must be marked by shading the circle against the question by dark HB pencil only.


3. 4. 5.

USEFUL DATA Atomic weights: Al = 27, Mg = 24, Cu = 63.5, Mn = 55, Cl = 35.5, O = 16, H = 1, P = 31, Ag = 108, N = 14, Li = 7, I = 127, Cr = 52, K=39, S = 32, Na = 23, C = 12, Br = 80, Fe = 56, Ca = 40, Zn = 65.5, Ti = 48, Ba = 137, U = 238, Co= 59, B =11, F = 19, He = 4, Ne = 20, Ar = 40 , Mo = 96, Ni = 58.5, Sr = 87.5, Hg = 200.5 , Tl = 204, Pb = 207 [Take : ln 2 = 0.69, ln 3 = 1.09, e = 1.6 1019, me= 9.1 1031 kg ] Take g = 10 m/s2 unless otherwise stated


[SINGLE CORRECT CHOICE TYPE] Q.1 to Q.12 has four choices (A), (B), (C), (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct. Q.1 A calorie is a unit of heat energy and its value is 4.18 J where 1 J = 1 kg-m2/s2. Suppose we use a new system of units in which unit of mass equals kg, the unit of length equals m and the unit of the time is sec. Then the value of a calorie in the new system of units
2 (A) 4.18 2 2 (B) 4.18 2
2 (C) 4.18

2 (D) 4.18 2


Two persons of equal weight are hanging by their hands from the ends of a light rope hung over a frictionless pulley. They begin to climb the rope. One person begins to climb with an acceleration a (with respect to ground) while other just hold the rope. Who will get to the top first ?. (A) The faster climber (B) The slower climber (C) Both will get to the top simultaneously (D) Nothing can be said as it is indeterminate Statement-1 : For a body resting on level ground normal reaction and weight form newtons 3rd law action - reaction pair. Statement-2 : Action-reaction pair of newtons 3rd law are equal and opposite. (A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1. (B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1. (C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false. (D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.


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PHYSICS A horizontal force F = 2 N is applied on the system shown in the figure. All surface are smooth. All pulleys and string are ideal. Mass of A and B each is 1 kg. . What is the acceleration of B with respect to A.


(A) 1 m/s2 Q.5

(B) 4 m/s2

(C) 2 m/s2

(D) zero

If two ends of an ideal rope are pulled with forces of equal magnitude of 100 N in opposite direction, the tension at the center of the rope must be (A) 200 N (B) 100 N (C) 50 N (D) 0 N The system shown in figure is released from rest with spring at natural length. The spring starts extending as soon as it is released. (Neglect friction and masses of pulley, string and spring) (A) if M > m (B) if M > 2m (C) if M > m/2 (D) for any value of M


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PHYSICS A train is moving with uniform velocity on a straight track. A boy moving at 4 km/hr due east observes that the train is moving due north. Another boy moving at 1 km/hr due south claims that the train is moving towards north-east. What is the speed of the train in ground frame ? (A) 3 km/hr (B) 4 km/hr (C) 5 km/hr (D) 6 km/hr A car travels at a constant speed around a circular track whose radius is 3.6 km. The car goes once around the track in 60 s. What is the approximate magnitude of the average acceleration of the car when it moves /2 radians ? (A) zero (B) 36 m/s2 (C) 20 m/s2 (D) 10 m/s2 A particle is moving in a straight line and its velocity is changing as v = 2t2. The magnitude of the acceleration of particle when its velocity is 5/2 m/sec is (A) 4 m/s2 (B) 2 m/s2 (C) 2 3 m/s2 (D) 2 5 m/s2




A particle is projected at angle 53 to the horizontal at speed of 10 m/s. Find the component of acceleration along the trajactory at t = 1.4 sec. (A) 5 m/s2 (B) 5 2 m/s2 (C) 10 2 m/s2 (D) 10 m/s2


A block of mass M stops after travelling a distance of 10m on rough horizontal surface. If the mass of the block is doubled to 2M, at what distance will the block now stop with the same initial speed on same horizontal surface ? (A) 10m (B) 5m (C) 2.5m (D) 7.5m


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PHYSICS The system is released from rest. 2 second after the release the bigger block is held for an instant and again released. Find the time elapsed after that before the string again become tight.

m 4m


4 sec. 3


2 sec. 3


1 sec. 3


5 sec. 3


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PHYSICS [MULTIPLE CORRECT CHOICE TYPE] Q.13 to Q.21 has four choices (A), (B), (C), (D) out of which ONE OR MORE may be correct. Q.13 My weight is w = mg, but when I weigh myself in an elevator with a normal weighing machine I am surprised to see that it appears to be a different amount wap. If the coordinate y is measured vertically upward as positive, which one of the following statements is true if acceleration of elevator is av. (A) If wap is greater than w, then the elevator is certainly travelling upward (B) If av is positive, then wap will be smaller than w r r (C) If a v = g , then wap = 0 (D) If the elevator is moving upward, then wap could be greater than w, but it could also be smaller Trajectories of two stones projected from level ground is shown. Let T1 ,T2 be their time of flights and u1, u2 their speeds of projection then.


(A) T2 > T1

(B) u2 > u1

(C) T2 = T1

(D) u2= u1


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PHYSICS Two boats A and B having same speed in still water are moving in a river ; A moves normal to river current as observed from ground. B moves normal to river current as observed from the river frame. Then : (A) For a ground observer, B is moving faster then A (B) for a ground observer A and B are moving with same speed (C) for an observer in river frame, B is moving faster than A (D) in river frame A and B are moving with same speed. Two blocks A and B of mass 4 kg and 2 kg respectively connected by a spring of force constant 100 N/m are placed on an fixed inclined plane of inclination 37 as shown in fig. If the system is released from rest with spring at natural length, which one of the following statement(s) is/are correct
B A 37


(A) There will be no compression/elongation in the spring if all surfaces are smooth (B) Spring will begin to extend if A = 0.8 and B = 0.9. (C) Spring will begin to compress if A = 0.8 and B = 0.7. (D) Spring will begin to compress if A = 0.1 and B = 0.1.


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PHYSICS Two blocks of mass 2 kg and 3 kg having coefficient of static friction 0.3 and 0.4 respectively are joined by a spring of constant 100 N/m and kept on level ground. What can be a possible extension in the spring so that both the blocks are in equilibrium? (A) 3 cm (B) 6cm (C) 9cm (D) 15 cm. Block B in figure weighs 700 N. The coefficient of static friction between block and table is 0.25; assume that the cord between B and the knot is horizontal. Choose the correct option



(A) If the weight of A is 100 N, block B will start sliding. (B) In the static equilibrium condition, the tension in the inclined string is more than the tension of other two strings (C) If the weight of A is 50 N, friction acting on block B is 175 N (D) If the system is in equilibrium, weight of A cannot be equal to the force of friction acting on B.


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PHYSICS While solving a kinematics problem for the motion of an object, a student obtained the following result: a = k bv, where a is acceleration, v is speed and k and b are positive constants. Given that at t = 0, v = 0, which of the following v versus t graphs is consistent with the equation?






The velociy time graph of a particle moving in a straight line is given in the figure. Then starting from t = 0, the particle
v t


(A) continuously speeds up (B) first slows down and then speeds up (C) moves with constant acceleration (D) moves with acceleration of constant magnitude which changes direction at t = t0.


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PHYSICS Q.21 Choose the correct options (A) When a person walks on a rough surface, the net frictional force exerted by the surface on the person is opposite to the direction of his motion. (B) When a body is sliding down a rough inclined surface at a constant velocity, the total force exerted by the surface on the body is vertical. (C) A body resting on a horizontal rough surface is acted on by a horizontal force. The frictional force acts on the body, only when it just starts sliding. (D) Frictional force acting between the surfaces of two solids in contact, may be independent of the normal force exerted by them on each other.


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[SINGLE CORRECT CHOICE TYPE] Q.1 to Q.12 has four choices (A), (B), (C), (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct. Q.1 An experiment requires 100 cm3 of 20% H2SO4, density 1.10 g/cm3. How much concentrated acid of density 1.20 g/cm3 and containing 98% H2SO4 by mass, must be diluted with water to prepare 100 cm3 acid of the required solution? (A) 8.1 cm3 (B) 12.7 cm3 (C) 18.7 cm3 (D) 21.3 cm3 Which of the following represents isotones? (A) 12 C, 13C, 14 C 6 6 6 Q.3
40 (B) 18 Ar, 42 20


Ca , 43Sc (C) 21

40 18


40 20

40 Ca , 41Sc (D) 18 Ar, 21

40 20

Ca , 41Sc 21

A partially dried clay contains 12.5 % water. The original sample contains 30% water; 40 silica and other non-volatile impurities. Calculate the % of silica in dried clay. (A) 55% (B) 60% (C) 50% (D) 45% An electron in a hydrogen atom makes a transition from n = n1 to n = n2. The time period of electron in the initial state is eight times that in the final state. The possible values of n1 and n2 are (A) n1 = 4, n2 = 1 (B) n1 = 8, n2 = 2 (C) n1 = 8, n2 = 1 (D) n1 = 6, n2 = 3



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CHEMISTRY If n1 is the frequency of the series limit of Lyman series, n2, the frequency of the first line in Lyman series and n3, frequency of the series limit of Balmer series, find the relation between n1, n2 and n3. (A) 1 2 = 3 (B) 2 1 = 3 (C) 3 =
1 (1 + 2 ) 2

(D) 1 + 2 = 3


Mole fraction of I2 in C6H6 is 0.2 The molality of I2 in C6H6 is (A)

125 39


250 39


125 78


500 78


A mixture of 1 mole of Al(s) and 3 mole of Cl2(g) are allowed to react. The number of moles of AlCl3(s) formed is (A) 2 (B) 1 (C)
3 2


1 2


The value of 'x', if hydrated salt A2SO4.xH2O undergoes 45% loss in mass on heating and becomes anhydrous, is (where atomic weight of A is 7) (A) 8 (B) 9 (C) 10 (D) 5 Calculate the volume of Cl2 gas (in ml) liberated at 1 atm & 273 K when 1.74 gm MnO2 reacts with 2.19 gm HCl according to the following reaction with % yield 40.[Mn = 55] MnO2 + HCl MnCl2 + Cl2 + H2O (A) 336 ml (B) 112 ml (C) 134.4 ml (D) 44.8 ml


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CHEMISTRY Calculate the mass % of CaCO3 in the 103 gm mixture containing CaCO3 & Na2CO3, which produces 24 litre of CO2 at 1 atm & 300 K with excess of HCl. [Given : R = 0.08 atm. lit / mol/ K] (A) 50 % (B) 48.5 % (C) 53 % (D) 40 % Calculate the mass of HCl (in gm) produced if 2 gm H2 is mixed with 71 gm Cl2 H2 + Cl2 2HCl (A) 35.5 (B) 72 (C) 36.5 (D) 73 When 280 gm of ethylene polymerises to polyethylene according to the equation: n (CH2 = CH2) CH 2 CH 2 . ( )n The weight and mole of polyethylene formed will be (A) 280, 10 n (B)
280 ,n n




28 , 280 n

(D) 280,

10 n

[MULTIPLE CORRECT CHOICE TYPE] Q.13 to Q.21 has four choices (A), (B), (C), (D) out of which ONE OR MORE may be correct. Q.13 Which of the following is(are) correct for 17 g/L of H2O2 solution? (A) The volume strength of solution is 5.6 (B) The solution is 0.5 M H2O2 (C) The solution is 1M H2O2 (D) 1 ml of H2O2 solution on heating gives 2.8 ml of O2 at 273 K & 2 atm pressure.

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CHEMISTRY Figure shows graph of maximum kinetic energy of photoelectron vs frequency (f) of incident radiation for a photosensitive material.

Select the correct alternative. (A) Slope of the graph is equal to planck's constant. (B) The work function of the photosensitive material is K0. (C) If the frequency of incident radiation is made to 3f0 than the stopping potential will be
5K 0 . e


(Where e is magnitude of charge on electron) (D) The intercept of the graph on y-axis is proportional to the work function of the photosensitive metal. Select the incorrect statement(s): (A) Number of oxygen atoms are same in 1 gm O2 & 1 gm O3. (B) 1 gm molecule of any substance contains equal number of atoms. (C) Reactant having minimum number of moles, always acts as limiting reagent. (D) During a chemical reaction total number of moles may increase or decrease or remain constant.


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CHEMISTRY Q.16 Select the correct statement(s) for the following reaction. 2 A(s) + B(g) 3 C (g) + 4 D (l) (A) 2 moles of A always produce 3 moles of C & 4 moles of D (B) 22.4 l of B (g) produces 3 moles of C at 1 atm & 273 K in excess of A if yield of reaction is 100%. (C) B will always remain in excess because volume of gas is very high than solid (D) Moles of D produced is always less than C because volume of liquid is less than gas. An unknown compound contains 8% sulphur by mass. Calculate (a) Least molecular weight of the compound and (b) Molecular weight if one molecule contains 4 atoms of S (A) 200, 400 (B) 300, 400 (C) 400, 1600


(D) 400, 1200


NX is produced by the following steps of reactions M + X2 MX2 M X2+ X2 M3X8 M3X8+ N2CO3 NX + CO2 + M3O4 How much M (Metal) is consumed to produce 206 gm of NX (Given at. wt. of M = 56, N = 23, X = 80) (A)
7 gm 4


14 gm 3

(C) 56 gm

(D) 42 gm


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CHEMISTRY Q.19 X2 is isoelectronic with "NO" and has z + 1 neutron. (z is atomic number of X2), then (A) Mass number of X2 is 27 (C) Atomic number of X2 is 28 Q.20 (B) Mass number of X2 is 57 (D) Number of proton in X2 is 13

Which of the following contain(s) total number of atoms equal to Avogadro's number. (A) 6.00 gm of H2O (B) 4.0 gm of CH4 (C) 7.5 gm of C6H12O6 (D) 4.25 gm of NH3 Select the incorrect statement(s): (Atomic number Fe: 26; Mg = 12) (A) Fe+2 is a paramagnetic specie. (B) Number of electrons removed from 24 gm Mg to convert it into Mg+2 are NA (C) Number of oxygen atoms present in 22 gm CO2 are 2NA (D) Number of electrons present in one mole of NH + are 16 4



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[SINGLE CORRECT CHOICE TYPE] Q.1 to Q.12 has four choices (A), (B), (C), (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct. Q.1 Infinite number of triangles are formed as shown in figure. If total area of these triangles is A then 8A is equal to (A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 1 (D) 2 Q.2
O y

1 9

3 x

1 3

1 27

Number of solutions of the equation sin 7 = sin + sin 3 in 0 < < (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3

is equal to 2 (D) 4


If roots of the cubic 64x3 144x2 + 92x 15 = 0 are in arithmetic progression, then the difference between the largest and smallest root is equal to (A) 2 (B) 1 (C)
1 2


3 8


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Let a, b and c be three distinct real roots of the cubic If the equation x3 + qx2 + rx + s = 0 has roots (A)
3 4

x3 + 2x2 4x 4


1 1 1 , and , then the value of (q + r + s) is equal to a b c


1 2


1 4


1 6


Number of ordered pairs (x, y) of real numbers satisfying the equation x2 + y2 24x 26y + 313 = 0 is equal to (A) infinite (B) finite but more than one (C) exactly one (D) zero If the equation 2x + 22 = 2k has exactly one real solution, then sum of all integral values of k in [ 100, 100] is equal to (A) 5050 (B) 10100 (C) 0 (D) 5050 The general solution of the equation sin2 x + cos2 3x = 1 is equal to
n (B) x = n + 4 2 (where n is an integer)



(A) x =

(C) x =

n 4

(D) x = n +


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MATHEMATICS If sin + cosec + tan + cot = 4, where , 0, , then tan is a root of the equation 2 2 (A) x2 + 2x + 1 = 0 (B) x2 + 2x 1 = 0 (C) 2x2 2x 1 = 0 (D) 2x2 + 2x + 1 = 0 If the equation sin2 x a sin x + b = 0 has three real and distinct roots in (0, ), then the true set of values of b is equal to (A) ( 1, 0) (B) (0, 1) (C) ( 1, 1) (D) (1, 2)



If H1, H2, H3, ............, H101 are in H.P., then (A) 99 (B) 101

i =1

(1)i H

(C) 100

Hi + Hi + 1 H i + 1 is equal to i (D) 1



1 1 1 1 + + + = 0 and a, b, c are not in A.P., then a a 2b c c 2b

(A) a, b, c are in G.P. (C) a, Q.12

b , c are in H.P. 2

(B) a,

b , c are in A.P. 2

(D) a, 2b, c are in H.P.

A sequence is such that the sum of its any number of terms, beginning from the first, is four times as large as the square of the number of terms. If the nth term of such a sequence is 996, then value of n is equal to (A) 100 (B) 112 (C) 125 (D) 132

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MATHEMATICS [MULTIPLE CORRECT CHOICE TYPE] Q.13 to Q.21 has four choices (A), (B), (C), (D) out of which ONE OR MORE may be correct. Q.13 Which of the following statement(s) is(are) correct? (A) Sum of the reciprocal of all the n harmonic means inserted between a and b is equal to n times the harmonic mean between two given numbers a and b. (B) Sum of the cubes of first n natural number is equal to square of the sum of the first n natural numbers. (C) If a, A1, A2, A3, ......... A2n, b are in A.P. then

Ai = n(a + b).
i =1


(D) If the first term of the geometric progression g1, g2, g3, ...... is unity, then the value of the common ratio of the progression such that (4g2 + 5g3) is minimum equals Q.14
2 . 5

Let f (x) = x2 + ax + b and g(x) = x2 + cx + d be two quadratic polynomials with real coefficients and satisfy ac = 2(b + d). Then which of the following is(are) correct? (A) Exactly one of either f(x) = 0 or g(x) = 0 must have real roots. (B) Atleast one of either f(x) = 0 or g(x) = 0 must have real roots. (C) Both f(x) = 0 and g(x) = 0 must have real roots. (D) Both f(x) = 0 and g(x) = 0 must have imaginary roots.


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If all values of x which satisfies the inequality log 1 x 2 + 2px + p 2 + 1 0 also satisfy the inequality


kx2 + kx k2 0 (A) [ 1, 1] Q.16

for all real values of k, then all possible values of p lies in the interval (B) [0, 1] (C) [0, 2] (D) [ 2, 0]

Possible values of K such that quadratic equation 2x2 + Kx + K2 + 5 = 0 has two distinct roots and only one of roots satisfy 0 < x < 2. (A) K = 2 (B) K = 2 (C) K = 0 (D) K = 2


Given a, b, c are three distinct real numbers satisfying the inequality a 2b + 4c > 0 and the equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 has no real roots. Then the possible value of (A) 2 (B) 1 (C) 3
4a + 2 b + c is/are a + 3b + 9c



The sum of 2nd and 3rd terms of an A.P. is g(0) where g(x) = 3x3 + 2 x2 + 13x + 1.If the first term of A.P. is least value of quadratic trinomial f(x) = x2 2x + 3 then (A) 10th term of A.P. is 29 (B) sum of first 10 terms is 155 (C) 10th term of A.P. is 34 (D) sum of first 10 terms is 175


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MATHEMATICS Q.19 The sum of three positive numbers , , is equal to then which of the following hold(s) good? (A) (C) cot cot = 3 Q.20
. If ecot , ecot and ecot form a G.P., 2

cot = cot

(B) 2 cot = cot + cot (D) cot cot = 2

Consider the systems of equations sin x cos 2y = (a2 1)2 + 1 and cos x sin 2y = a + 1. Which of the following ordered pairs (x, y) of real numbers can satisfy the given systems of equations for permissible real values of a ?
, (A) 2 2 3 (B) , 2 2 3 (C) , 2 2 3 , (D) 2 2


If a, b, c are sides of ABC and a > b > c, then the equation a (x b) (x + c) + b(x a) (x + c) c(x a) (x b) = 0 has (A) real and unequal roots (B) roots with opposite sign (C) exactly one root in (b, a) (D) imaginary roots


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