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‘What We Want $12,000 and an aj'b‘mation that you'll never breach our servers ever again, How We want The payment must come as BTC. Anything dijTerent from this will be considered a dishonaur to our demand and willforce us to go berserk On Vou, Whether the IP was used by you or not and we are certain it’s you as long as they link to you. BTC Address: 2348 7-xxxxxxxwoovocsoon Sincerely, GreenTech |lam very certain you would love to take another glance at how you slit his threat, Would you mind a video 1007 Anyway, I'll keep the videos while you ga through the below attached images. Sincerely Mr. Anonymous 2nd.....Innocent for an innocent target! Hijim, Have you ever been mailed by GrimTech? Ofcourse, not and we do not like mailing people that do not matter. We mostly message two categories of people. The Inclice our Partners and thiewes. Sadly, you fall under the ‘thieves’ category. Recently, one of our server's was breached and information stolen in the process. When our team attempted to run a check, an IP address causing the attack was discovered ane! we have been trailing the IP for weeks now. Fortunately, it matches with your IP and we are convinced that you are the convinced! that you are the bad guy attempting to breach our security servers, IF You would love to play by our instructions, then, you'll be saving yourself a pretty deep mess, We do. ot care whether the IP was used by you or not and we are certain it's you as Long as they link to you, Ast-for the greedy ones. Hello Mr. Peters, Jy committed last week. | would love to burst your is email. Ie-seems as though no one is aware of the murder ¥ der and that person is the sender of thi: bubbles! Guess what, someone is aware of the mur jpture clearly from 100 miles. At this juncture, Me. to measure the mess is but t's certainly 3 deep jue ass, Are The camera used was a sharp one, good enough to caf Peters, I’m sorty you are in mess. Ido not know how ‘ne, However, you are lucky to have been caught by someone who wouldn't mind saving Yo you thinking what I’m thinking? Deal? Yes, a deal and you will savingyour ass, Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Deal? Yes, a deal and you will do as directed My Date Between 3 days from now, ! should be getting the pay from you, Ifyou fault, you'll be sadly readingyourself on the TV ‘and the internet a few days from now. What to Pay and How to Pay | am asking for $20,000 which will be paid in Bitcoin. Bitcoin Address: (Paste BT C Address Here) Hey I an posting your naked pictures on social media and facebook just to let the vole” World read and article’ about you especially your loved ones and am not just posting it an sending copies of it to your area I'm very sure you won't want this Kind of ay of Lite $0. SP you are ready we can talk this out... I'm going to cut the chase. I know you cheated on your wife, more importantly, you know T have evidence of the infidelity. You don’t know me personally and nobody hired me to look into you nor did I go out looking to burn you. It 1s your bad luck that stunbled across your misadventures while working a job, I’ then put in nore tine than I probably should ave look into your life.eric, ‘I'm ready to forget all about you and let you get on with your life and I am going to give you two options that will accomplish that very thing. Those two options are: either you 1gnore this letter or to pay me $760. Let us examine those two options in more details. Option 4 is to ignore this letter and here is what will happen if you choose this path, Twill take this evidence and send to your family, because I’ got all the details I needed about then and sone couple of friends and as insurance against you.. intercepting it before your family or friends gets it, Twill also send Copies to your friends and families. So, Eric Jones and even if you decide to cone flean with your wife about your cheating doing so won't protect you from the huméliation you will feel when your friends and families tind out the sordid details fron me. Ignoring this letter would result in your family and the people closest to you finding out about your adultery. c At this point, you may be thinking “This is blackmail! 1/11 just go to the corps” Yesy ehis is blackwail. And yes, blackmail is illegal and I will likely do come jait term if caught which is why T have taken steps to ensure this letrer cannot be traced back to me. So going to the cops won't stop the evidence tron being sent ‘ove and would destroy your life the same as Option 1. I’m not looking to break your bank. J just want to be compensated for the tine T put in investigating you, $700 will close the books on that. forever henge art at you want me to destroy the evidence and Leave you alone [gpgvers then send ne $709 iTunes gift card (denomination: 160° 7). Maveeg good ife..

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