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6, JUNE 2020 2527

Output-Feedback Cooperative Formation

Maneuvering of Autonomous Surface Vehicles With
Connectivity Preservation and Collision Avoidance
Zhouhua Peng , Member, IEEE, Dan Wang , Senior Member, IEEE, Tieshan Li , Senior Member, IEEE,
and Min Han , Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—In this paper, a cooperative time-varying formation output feedback control method for cooperative time-varying
maneuvering problem with connectivity preservation and colli- formation maneuvering of ASVs with connectivity preservation
sion avoidance is investigated for a fleet of autonomous surface and collision avoidance.
vehicles (ASVs) with position–heading measurements. Each vehi-
cle is subject to unknown kinetics induced by internal model Index Terms—Autonomous surface vehicles (ASVs), collision
uncertainty and external disturbances. At first, a nonlinear state avoidance, connectivity preservation, state observer, time-varying
observer is used to recover the unmeasured linear velocity and formation maneuvering.
yaw rate as well as unknown uncertainty and disturbances. Then,
observer-based cooperative time-varying formation maneuvering
control laws are designed based on artificial potential functions, I. I NTRODUCTION
nonlinear tracking differentiators, and a backstepping technique.
ORMATION control of multiple marine vehicles has
The stability of closed-loop distributed formation control system
is analyzed based on input-to-state stability and cascade stability.
The salient features of the proposed method are as follows. First,
F drawn compelling interest from various communities due
to its wide applications in ocean engineering fields, such
cooperative time-varying formation maneuvering with the capa- as sensor networks, coordinated search and rescue, marine
bility of connectivity preservation and collision avoidance can be
achieved in the absence of velocity measurements. Second, the survey, etc. [1]–[11]. Marine operations by utilizing a fleet
complexity of the cooperative time-varying formation maneu- of marine vehicles contribute to improved efficiency and
vering control laws is reduced without resorting to dynamic effectiveness over a single vehicle. In the literature, various
surface control. Third, the uncertainty and disturbance are formation control schemes are proposed, including leader–
actively rejected in the presence of position–heading measure- follower approach [12]–[14], virtual structure, graph-based
ments. Simulation results are given to substantiate the proposed
mechanism [15]–[19], etc. In particular, graph-based dis-
tributed formation control methods have been widely explored
for surface vehicles [16]–[18], [20], [21], and the key advan-
tage is that a collective formation pattern can be reached
Manuscript received October 25, 2018; revised March 10, 2019; accepted though local information exchanges [22]–[29]. However, the
April 30, 2019. Date of publication June 5, 2019; date of current version restriction of the results in [16]–[18], [20], and [21] is twofold.
May 7, 2020. This work was supported in part by the National Natural
Science Foundation of China under Grant 51579023, Grant 61673081, and First, the collision avoidance among vehicles is not consid-
Grant 61773087, in part by the Innovative Talents in Universities of Liaoning ered [16]–[18], [20], [21]. Second, the network is not assured
Province under Grant LR2017014, in part by the High-Level Talent Innovation to be connected in the presence of limited communication
and Entrepreneurship Program of Dalian under Grant 2016RQ036, in part by
the Training Program for High-Level Technical Talent in Transportation Field range in a sea environment.
under Grant 2018-030, in part by the National Key Research and Development Surface vehicles moving at a complex sea environment
Program of China under Grant 2016YFC0301500, in part by the Fundamental inevitably come across various static and dynamic obsta-
Research Funds for the Central Universities under Grant 3132019013, in part
by the Fundamental Research Program for Key Laboratory of the Education cles, and collisions may occur when achieving a collec-
Department of Liaoning Province under Grant LZ2015006, and in part tive formation [30]. Therefore, collision avoidance capability
by the Science and Technology Innovation Funds of Dalian under Grant is of critical importance for safe maneuvering of multiple
2018J11CY022. This paper was recommended by Associate Editor Y. Shi.
(Corresponding authors: Zhouhua Peng; Dan Wang.) marine vehicles [31]–[33]. Prevailing collision avoidance
Z. Peng and D. Wang are with the School of Marine Electrical approaches include behavior-based method, potential func-
Engineering, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026, China, and also tions [15], and prescribed performance technique [31]–[33].
with the Collaborative Innovation Institute of Unmanned Ships, Dalian
Maritime University, Dalian 116026, China (e-mail:; In addition to collision avoidance, connectivity is desired to be connected during the coordination of multivehicle
T. Li is with the Navigation College, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian systems [34]–[38]. It is worthwhile mentioning that all
116026, China (e-mail:
M. Han is with the Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering aforementioned results [15], [31]–[33] assume that full state
Department, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China (e-mail: information is available for feedback design. However, the position and heading of marine vehicles can be obtained by
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at using GPS device and magnetic compass, while their velocities
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCYB.2019.2914717 may not be easily obtained. From a practical perspective, it is
c 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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rewarding to investigate the distributed time-varying forma- functions are introduced [45]:
tion maneuvering control of surface vehicles based on output ⎧ 2
⎨ R̄2 −pij 2
information [39]–[43].   , R ≤ pij ≤ R̄
Motivated by the above observations, this paper addresses Vijc pij =  pij  −R2
⎩ pij > R̄ or pij < R
the output feedback control for cooperative time-varying for- 0,
mation maneuvering of autonomous surface vehicles (ASVs)
and its partial derivative with respect to pi is given by
subject to unmeasured velocities and unknown kinetics. A
practical design method is presented for developing the dis- ⎪
⎨ 4 R̄2 −R2 pij  −R̄2

∂Vij pij , R < pij < R̄
tributed time-varying formation maneuvering control laws with 3
= pij  −R2
2 (2)
the capability of avoiding obstacles and collisions between ∂pi ⎪

02 , pij ≥ R̄ or pij < R
neighboring vehicles, in addition to preserving connectivity.
Specifically, a nonlinear state observer is used to recover where pij = pi −pj and pi = [xi , yi ]T ; R is the smallest safe col-
the unmeasured velocity and yaw rate of each ASV as lision avoidance radius; and R̄ is the detection range. Note that
well as unknown uncertainty and disturbances. Then, dis- both Vijc and ∂Vijc /∂pi are continuous at pij  = R̄. Hence, Vijc is
tributed output feedback formation maneuvering control laws
continuously differential with respect to the domain pij  > R̄.
are designed with the aid of nonlinear state observers, artifi-
Besides, Vijc monotonically decreases when pij  > R, and
cial potential functions, nonlinear tracking differentiators, and
∂Vijc /∂pi = −∂Vijc /∂pj = ∂Vjic /∂pi = −∂Vjic /∂pj .
a backstepping technique. Finally, the stability of closed-loop
distributed formation maneuvering system is analyzed based
on input-to-state stability and cascade stability. Simulation B. Obstacle Avoidance
results are provided to substantiate the proposed output In order to avoid collisions with static obstacles in com-
feedback for cooperative time-varying formation maneu- plex ocean environment, the following potential functions are
vering of ASVs while avoiding collisions and preserving introduced [45]:
connectivity. ⎧
Compared with the existing results, the salient features ⎨ R̄2o −pik 2 2
Vik (pik ) =
o , Ro ≤ pik  ≤ R̄o
of the proposed design method for cooperative time-varying pik 2 −R2o (3)
⎩ 0, pik  > R̄o or pik  < Ro
formation maneuvering of ASVs are as follows. First, in con-
trast to the state feedback formation control laws proposed and its partial derivative with respect to pi is given by
in [13], [31]–[33], and [44] the output feedback formation ⎧  2 2  
maneuvering control laws without using velocity measure- ∂Viko ⎨ 4 R̄o −Ro pik 2 −R̄2o pik , R < p  < R̄
  o ik o
ments are proposed herein. Second, compared with the works = pik 2 −R2o
∂pi ⎩0 , pik  ≥ R̄o or pik  < Ro
[13], [31]–[33], where dynamic surface control is used to 2
reduce the complexity of formation control laws, the proposed
control laws are simplified without using the dynamic surface where pik = pi − pk ; 02 = [0, 0]T ; Ro is the smallest safe
control. Third, the vehicle uncertainties are estimated based collision avoidance radius with respect to the obstacle; and R̄o
on velocity measurements [13], [16], [18], [31]–[33], while is the detection range. Hence, Viko is continuously differential
both vehicle velocities and vehicle uncertainties can be esti- with respect to the domain pik  > R̄. Besides, Viko monotoni-
mated by using position–yaw measurements. Moreover, only cally decreases when pik  > R, and ∂Viko /∂pi = ∂Vkio /∂pi ,
one parameter is required to be tuned in the observer and the ∂Viko /∂pk = ∂Vkio /∂pk = 0. The distances between two
complexity of distributed time-varying formation control laws obstacles are assumed to be larger than 2R̄o .
is reduced drastically compared with the approximation-based
control. C. Connectivity Preservation
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Connectivity maintenance functions are used to keep con-
Section II introduces some preliminaries and states the nectivity of ASV pairs which are inside the preservation
problem formulation. Section III gives the observer-based dis- regions and are chosen as
tributed formation maneuvering controller design. Section IV

provides the cascade stability analysis. Section V gives an   1 , R < pij < R̄m
Vijm pij = 2 R̄m −pij 
2 2
example for illustrations. Section VI concludes this paper. (5)
Throughout this paper, || · || denotes the 2-norm of a vector. 0, pij ≥ R̄m or pij ≤ R
λmin (·) and λmax (·) denote the minimum and maximum of a
and its partial derivative with respect to pij is given by
symmetric matrix.

2 , Rm < pij < R̄m
∂Vijm ⎨
R̄2m −pij 
= (6)
∂pi ⎩0 , pij ≥ R̄m or pij ≤ R

A. Collision Avoidance where R̄m is the maximal communication range and Rm is the
In order to assure collision-free cooperative time-varying minimal range when the connectivity maintenance function is
formation maneuvering between ASVs, the following potential active.

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1) Geometric Objective: The ASVs are driven to achieve

a time-varying formation pattern with relative position
and orientation as follows:
lim ηi (t) − ηid − η0 (θ (t)) < l1 (11)

where l1 ∈  is a small positive constant. ηid ∈ 3

denotes the desired formation position and orientation
with respect to the virtual leader.
2) Dynamic Objective: The derivative of the path variable
θ converges to a desired speed us (t) as

lim θ̇ (t) − us (t) < l2 (12)
where l2 ∈  is a small positive constant.
3) Collision and Obstacle Avoidance: The collisions among
Fig. 1. Reference frames.
vehicles and obstacles can be avoided such that

pi (t) − pj (t) > R, pi (t) − pk (t) > R (13) o
D. Problem Formulation where R ∈  and Ro ∈  are the smallest collision
Consider a fleet of ASVs with the ith vehicle dynamics avoidance radii.
described as [46] 4) Connectivity Preservation: The network is connected
such that
η̇i = Ri (ψi )νi , i = 1, . . . , N (7)
pi (t) − pj (t) < R̄m (14)
Mi ν̇i + Ci (νi )νi + Di (νi )νi + gi (νi , ηi ) = wi + τi (8)
provided that the agents are initially connected, that is,
where ηi = [xi , yi , ψi ]T ∈ 3 denotes the position and pi (0)−pj (0) < R̄m . R̄m is the maximal communication
heading. Ri (ψi ) ∈ 3×3 is a rotate matrix given by range.
⎡ ⎤
cos(ψi ) − sin(ψi ) 0
Ri (ψi ) = ⎣ sin(ψi ) cos(ψi ) 0⎦. (9)
0 0 1
A. Observer
νi = [ui , vi , ri ]T ∈ 3 are the surge, sway, and yaw veloc- In this section, a nonlinear state observer is used for esti-
ities in the body-fixed reference frame as shown in Fig. 1. mating the system uncertainties as well as recovering the
MiT = Mi ∈ 3×3 is the inertial matrix. Di (νi ) ∈ 3×3 is a unmeasured surge, sway, and yaw rate information using the
nonlinear damping matrix. Ci (νi ) = −Ci (νi )T ∈ 3×3 denotes obtained position–heading information. To this end, the ASV
a Coriolis and centripetal matrix. τi = [τ1i , τ2i , τ3i ]T ∈ 3 dynamics (7), (8) is rewritten in a compact form as
is a control input. wi = [w1i , w2i , w3i ]T ∈ 3 denotes the 
vector of unknown disturbances induced by the wind, waves, η̇i = Ri (ψi )νi
and ocean currents. gi (νi , ηi ) ∈ 3 represents the unmodeled ν̇i = ζi + Mi−1 τi
hydrodynamics. where ζi = [ζui , ζvi , ζri ]T ∈ 3 is a state vector expressed as
The ASV group is guided by a virtual leader moving along ζi = Mi−1 [−Ci (νi )νi − Di (νi )νi − gi (νi , ηi ) + wi (t)].
a path parameterized by The following assumption is made during the nonlinear
 T observer design.
η0 (θ ) = x0 (θ ), y0 (θ ), ψ0 (θ )
  Assumption 2: There exists a positive constant ζi∗ such
ψ0 (θ ) = arctan yθ0 (θ )/x0θ (θ ) (10) that ζ̇i  ≤ ζi∗ .
ζi is a vector of velocity-related functions, and it is natural
where (·)θ (θ ) = ∂(·)(θ )/∂θ ∈ 3 is the partial derivative of
to assume that their derivatives are bounded. Besides, because
(·)(θ ) ∈ 3 ; θ ∈  is a path variable. It is assumed that η0θ (θ )
the energy of external disturbances and control inputs to drive
is bounded.
ASVs is limited, Assumption 2 is reasonable.
Let V = {n0 , n1 , . . . , nN } be a node set and E = {(i, j) ∈
A full-order state observer is used for estimating the
V × V} be an edge set. The communication graph among the
unmeasured velocity and unknown uncertainty as follows:
ASVs and the leader can be described by a graph G = {V, E}. ⎧  
⎪ ˙
The following assumption is made on the graph G. ⎨ η̂i = −K1i η̂i − ηi + Ri (ψ )ν̂
i i
Assumption 1: The graph G contains a spanning tree with ν̂˙ i = −K2i
o RT
(ψ i ) η̂ i − η i + ζ̂i + Mi−1 τi (16)
the root node being the node n0 . ⎪
ζ̂i = −K3io RT
i (ψi ) η̂ i − η i
Problem 1: The cooperative time-varying formation maneu-
vering of ASVs with collision avoidance, obstacle avoidance, where η̂i = [x̂i , ŷi , ψ̂i ]T ∈ 3 , ν̂i = [ûi , v̂i , r̂i ]T ∈ 3 , ζ̂i =
and connectivity preservation is to achieve the following [ζ̂ui , ζ̂vi , ζ̂ri ]T ∈ 3 and x̂i , ŷi , ψ̂i , ûi , v̂i , r̂i , ζ̂ui , ζ̂vi , and ζ̂ri
objectives. are the estimates of xi , yi , ψi , ui , vi , ri , ζui , ζvi , and ζri ,

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respectively. K1i o ∈ 3×3 , K o ∈ 3×3 , and K o ∈ 3×3 are Letting us − ϑ = θ̇, it follows that:
2i 3i
observer matrices and they are selected as [K1i o , K o , K o ]T = ⎧ N
2i 3i ⎪
⎨ ż1i = −ri Sz1i + asi νi − j=1 aij
RTi Rj νj
[3ωi I3 , 3ωi2 I3 , ωi3 I3 ]T , where ωi is the observer bandwidth. θ
Only one parameter ωi is required in the observer, and the − ai0 Ri η0 (θ )(us − ϑ) − N
j=0 aij Ri η̇ijd
T (24)

⎩ ν̇ = ζ + M −1 τ .
tuning process can be much simpler than the existing neural- i i i i
network-based observer [17]. The inertial matrix Mi can be Step 1: To achieve the cooperative time-varying formation
determined by mechanism modeling or identification pro- control with the capability of collision avoidance and connec-
cess. As a result, a nominal inertial matrix can be used in tivity preservation, a kinematic control law νic is proposed as
implementation. follows:
The error dynamics of the observer from (15) and (16) can ⎛
be expressed as K1i qi N
⎧ νic = ⎝−  + aij RTi Rj ν̂j
⎨ η̃˙ i = −K1i η̃i + Ri (ψi )ν̃i
⎪ o j=1
qi 2 + 21i
ν̃˙ i = −K2i RTi (ψi )η̃i + ζ̃i
(17) ⎞

⎩ ζ̃˙ = −K o RT (ψ )η̃ − ζ̇ N
i 3i i i i i T θ
+ ai0 Ri η0 (θ )us + aij Ri η̇ijd
T ⎠ asi (25)
where η̃i = η̂i − ηi , ν̃i = ν̂i − νi , and ζ̃i = ζ̂i − ζi are estimation
errors. In what follows, the error dynamics (17) can be put where qi = z1i + RTi z3i with
into a matrix form as
No  ∂Vijm
X̃˙ = A X̃ − B ζ̇
(18) ∂V o ik
i i i i i z3i = +2 + (26)
∂ηi ∂ηi ∂ηi
where X̃i = [η̃iT , ν̃iT , ζ̃iT ]T ∈ 9 and j=1 k=1 j=1
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
−K1i o Ri (ψi ) 03×3 03×3 K1i ∈ 3×3 is a diagonal matrix; 1i ∈  is a positive con-
Ai = ⎣−K2i o RT
i (ψi ) 03×3 I3 ⎦, Bi = ⎣03×3 ⎦.(19) stant. The introduction of 1i helps to avoid large virtual
−K3i Ri (ψi )
o T 03×3 03×3 I3 control signal during transient.
In order to update θ smoothly, a filtering scheme is used to
By introducing a state transformation Eio = Ti X̃i with Ti =
update ϑ as follows:
diag{RTi (ψi ), I3 , I3 }, (18) becomes
N  T
Ėi = A0i Eio + ri STi Eio − Bi ζ̇i (20) ϑ̇ = −λ ϑ + μ ai0 η0θ (θ ) Ri qi (27)
where where λ ∈  and μ ∈  are positive constants. For details,
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
o I3×3 03×3 0 −1 0 the readers are referred to [46].
A0i = ⎣−K o 03×3 I3 ⎦, S = ⎣1 0 0⎦ (21) Substituting (27) into (25) and using (16), it follows that:
2i ⎧
o 03×3 03×3 0 0 0 ⎪ ż = −ri Sz1i −  K1i2qi 2 + asi (−ν̃i + z2i )

⎨ 1i qi  + 1i
and STi = diag{ST , 03×3 , 03×3 }. θ  (28)
⎪ + ai0 Ri η0 (θ )ϑ + N
j=1 aij Ri Rj ν̃j
Remark 1: The observer in (16) relies on the absolute ⎪
⎩ −1
position information of the vehicle. When the absolute posi- ż2i = −K2i Ri η̃i + ζ̂i + Mi τi − νid − asi qi
o T c

tion information is not available, it is desirable to design an where z2i = ν̂i − νic and νidc = ν̇ c .
observer based on relative information. Step 2: In order to stabilize z2i , an anti-disturbance kinetic
controller is proposed as follows:
B. Controller ⎛ ⎞
K z
τi = Mi ⎝−  c⎠
2i 2i
At first, a cooperative formation maneuvering error based − asi qi − ζ̂i + ν̂id (29)
on the information of neighbors is defined as z2i  + 2i
2 2
z1i = RTi aij ηi − ηj − ηijd + ai0 (ηi − η0 (θ ) − ηid ) where K2i ∈ 3×3 is a diagonal matrix and 2i ∈  is a pos-
c is an estimate of ν̇ c and will be designed
itive constant. ν̂id i
in step 3. The introduction of the TD is to reduce the calcu-
where Ri = Ri (ψi ), ηijd = ηid − ηjd ∈ 3 . In case that the ith lation complexity of the cooperative time-varying formation
ASV obtain the path information, ai0 = 1; otherwise, ai0 = 0. maneuvering control laws.
Similarly, if the ith vehicle obtain the position and heading Substituting (29) into (28), it leads to
information of the jth ASV, aij = 1; otherwise, aij = 0. ⎧

⎪ ż1i = −ri Sz1i −  K1i2qi 2 + asi (−ν̃i + z2i )
By differentiating z1i and using (7) and (8), it leads to ⎪
⎪ qi  + 1i
⎧ N ⎪
⎪ + ai0 RTi η0θ (θ )ϑ + N j=1 aij Ri Rj ν̃j
⎨ ż1i = −ri Sz1i + asi νi − j=1 aij Ri Rj νj
⎪ K z
⎪ ż2i = − z2i 2 + 2 − asi qi + ν̃id
 2i 2i c
θ N
− ai0 Ri η0 (θ )θ̇ − j=0 aij RTi η̇ijd
T (23) ⎪

⎩ ν̇ = ζ + M −1 τ ⎪

⎩ 2i
i i i i − K2io RT η̃
i i
where asi = j=0 aij and Rj = Rj (ψj ). where ν̃id
c = ν̂ c − ν c .
id id

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Step 3: Let νic pass through a finite-time nonlinear TD to where γ1i = ([i (1− θ̄i )]/[λmax (Pi )]) and 0 < θ̄i < 1 provided
obtain an accurate estimate of ν̇ic as follows [47]: that
 T  T 
c A0i Pi + Pi A0i + i I ≤ r̄i∗ STi Pi + Pi STi 
ν̂˙ i = ν̂id
   c ρi2 (37)
ρ ν̂ (31) AT0i Pi + Pi A0i + i I ≤ −r̄i∗ STiTP +PS
i i Ti
ν̂˙ c = −γ 2 ki1 ν̂ c − ν c i1 + ki2 id
id i i i γi
where r̄i∗ ∈  is a bound satisfying |ri | ≤ r̄i∗ and i ∈  is a
where ν̂ic ∈ R3 and ν̂id
c ∈ R3 are the estimates of ν c and ν̇ c .
i i
positive constant.
ki1 ∈ R , ki2 ∈ R , ρi1 ∈ R, and ρi2 ∈ R are design
3×3 3×3 Proof: Construct a function Vi = (1/2)Eio T P E and its time
i io
parameters. [b]ρ = [sign(b1 )|b1 |ρ , . . . , sign(bN )|bN |ρ ]T , derivative is given by
where b = [b1 , . . . , bN ]T and ρ is a positive constant. 1 T  
According to [47], there exist positive constants li∗ and lid ∗ V̇i = Eio Pi A0i + AT0i Pi + ri Pi STi + STi
Pi Eio
such that − EioT
Pi Bi ζ̇i . (38)
ν̂ − ν c ≤ l∗ , ν̂ c − ν c ≤ l∗ . (32) Using (37), it follows that V̇i ≤ −(i /2)Eio 2 +
i i i id id id
Eio Pi Bi ζ̇i .
Note that ν̂id
c is continuous due to the integration, which make
As Eio  ≥ [(2Pi Bi ζ̇i )/(i θ̄i )] renders
the control signal τi free from chattering.
Remark 2: The control law design procedure follows the V̇i ≤ − 1 − θ̄i Eio 2 (39)
backstepping design technique with the exception that a finite- 2
time nonlinear TD is employed to estimate the time derivative it follows that subsystem (20) is ISS. Note that Vi bounded by
of virtual control law. As a result, the complexity of control ([λmin (Pi )]/2)Eio 2 ≤ Vi ≤ ([λmax (Pi )]/2)Eio 2 . Eio (t)
law can be reduced without resorting to the dynamic surface is bounded as (35). Noting that Eio  = X̃i , it leads
control [13], [31]–[33]. to (36).
Remark 3: Compared with the path following designs in [7], The stability of subsystem 2 in (34) is stated as below.
[46], [48], and [49] where there exist one path and one fol- Lemma 2: The subsystem 2 in (34) is input-to-state stable
lower, multiple vehicles are required to follow one path herein. outside the connectivity preservation and collision avoidance
This means that a team of ASVs can be guided by one path. range.
Proof: Consider a Lyapunov function candidate as
⎛ ⎞
1 ⎝ T  
N No
The closed-loop system consisting of the observer error Vc = z1i z1i + z2i z2i + asi
Vij + Vij + 2asi
c m
dynamics and distributed formation maneuvering error dynam- i=1 j=1 k=1

ics can be expressed by ϑ2

+ . (40)
1 : Ėi = A0i Eio + ri STi Eio − Bi ζ̇i (33)
⎧ Taking the time derivative of Vc and using (34), it follows that:
 K1i qi
⎪ ż1i = −ri Sz1i − qi 2 + 2 + asi (−ν̃i + z2i )

⎪ ⎛

⎪ 1i N 

+ ai0 RTi η0θ (θ )ϑ + N j=1 aij Ri Rj ν̃j
V̇c = ⎝−qTi K1i

qi + qTi
aij RTi Rj ν̃j − zT2i K2i z2i
2 : (34)
⎪ K z
⎪ ż2i = − z2i 2 + 2 + ν̃id − K2i Ri η̃i
 2i 2i c o T
⎪ i=1 j=1

⎪ ⎞
⎩ 2i
− asi qi . ϑ2
+ zT2i ν̃id
− zT2i K2i
o T
Ri η̃i + zT3i v̄i ⎠ − (41)
The stability of subsystem 1 in (33) can be described as
follows. N N 
where v̄i = a η̇ − a η̇ , K = K / q 2 + 2 ,
Lemma 1: If Assumption 1 is satisfied, the error dynamics ij j ij ijd 1i i

j=0 j=0 1i 1i
in (33) with the state vector being Eio and the input vector
and K2i = K2i / z2i 2 + 2i . Then, one has
being ζ̇i is input-to-state stable, and the estimation errors are

bounded by 
 V̇c ≤ ⎝ − λmin K1i qi 2 − λmin K2i z2i 2
λmax (Pi )
Eio (t) ≤ max Eio (t0 )e−γ1i (t−t0 ) i=1
λmin (Pi )
2Pi Bi ζi∗ + qi  aij ν̃j + z2i  ν̃id
, ∀t ≥ t0 (35)
i θ̄i j=1

and  o  T ϑ2
! + λmax K2i z2i η̃i  + z3i v̄i ⎠ − . (42)
λmax (Pi ) −γ (t−t )
Xi (t) ≤ max Xi (t0 )ei 1i 0
λmin (Pi ) Define q = [qT1 , . . . , qTN ]T , z1 = [zT11 , . . . , zT1N ]T ,
2Pi Bi ζi∗ z2 = [zT21 , . . . , zT2N ]T , E1 = [zT1 , zT2 , ϑ]T , and c =
, ∀t ≥ t0 (36) ), λ
i θ̄i mini=1,...,N (λmin (K1i min (K2i ), 1/μ).

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Outside the connectivity preservation and collision avoid- Let e = [eT1 , . . . , eTN ]T , where ei = ηi − Pi − η0 , and then
ance range R̄ < pij  < R̄m , (∂Vijc /∂ηi ) = 0, and z1 = (H ⊗ I3 )e, where H = D − A with D = diag{di } ∈ N×N
(∂Vijm /∂ηi ) = 0. Hence, qi = z1i and we have and A = [aij ] ∈ N×N . Under Assumption 1, H is nonsingular,
and we obtain e ≤ z1 /o(H), where o(H) is the smallest

 ∗  o c  singular value of H. Hence,
V̇c ≤ −c E1 2 + E1  asi ν̃i  + λmax K2i η̃i  + ν̃id
! ! %
λmax (Pc )  λmax (Pi ) 2hi Pi Bi ζi∗ ∗
i=1 N
1 lid
(43) e ≤ +
o(H) λmin (Pc ) λmin (Pi ) i c θ̄i θ̄ c θ̄
and (49)
V̇c ≤ −c 1 − θ̄ E1 2 implying (11). Since ϑ is bounded, there exists l2 such
# $

 c  that (12) is satisfied. This means that control objec-
− θ̄c E1 2 − E1  i Eio  + ν̃id tives (11) and (12) are achieved.
i=1 Next, we prove the stability of the distributed formation con-
N trol system where the ASVs are inside the collision avoidance
where a∗si = j=1 aji and i = maxi=1,...,N {a∗si , λmax (K2i
o )}.
and connectivity preservation range, that is, R < pij  ≤ R̄
Noting that
and Rm ≤ pij  < R̄m . Recalling (41), it follows that:
N  c 

i=1 i Eio  + ν̃id
E1  ≥ (44) N N
θ̄ c V̇c ≤ ⎝−qTi K1i

qi + qTi
aij RTi Rj ν̃j − zT2i K2i z2i
renders i=1 j=1

V̇c ≤ −c 1 − θ̄ E1 2 ϑ2
(45) + zT2i ν̃id
− zT2i K2i
o T
Ri η̃i + asi zT3i v̄i ⎠ − (50)
it can be concluded that subsystem (33) is ISS.
Choosing and

λmin (Pc ) 2 λmax (Pc ) 2 

κp1 (s) = s , κp2 (s) = s (46) V̇c ≤ ⎝−λmin K1i qi 2 − λmin K2i z2i 2 + qi  aij ν̃j
2 2
i=1 j=1
with Pc = diag{1, asi , 1/λμ}, it follows that: ⎞
! c  
+ λmax K o z2i η̃i ⎠ − ϑ .
λmax (Pc ) + z2i  ν̃id (51)
E1 (t) ≤ max E1 (t0 )e−γ2i (t−t0 )
λmin (Pc )
c % Letting E2 = [qT , zT2 , ϑ]T , it follows that:
 i Eio  + ν̃id
, ∀t ≥ t0  
c θ̄ V̇c ≤ −c 1 − θ̄ E2 2
i=1 # $
(47) N
− θ̄ c E2  − E2 
i Eio  + ν̃id .
where γ2i = ([2c (1 − θ̄ )]/[λmax (Pc )]). i=1
The stability of the closed-loop formation control system Noting that
cascaded by (33) and (34) is stated as below. N  c 

Theorem 1: Consider the ASV dynamics in (7), (8) i=1 i Eio  + ν̃id
E2  ≥ (52)
together with the nonlinear state observer (16), the control θ̄2
law (25), (29), and the path update law (27). If Assumptions 1 renders
and 2 are satisfied, the distributed formation maneuvering con-  
trol with collision avoidance and connectivity preservation can V̇c ≤ −c 1 − θ̄ E2 2 . (53)
be achieved, and all signals in the closed-loop distributed for- Since Eio and ν̃id
are bounded, it follows that all signals in E2
mation maneuvering system are uniformly ultimately bounded. are bounded and Vc is nonincreasing when the ASVs are inside
Proof: The proof is divided into two parts. We first the collision avoidance and connectivity preservation range.
prove the stability of closed-loop system outside the colli- Since Vijc = ∞ as pij  = R, Vijo = ∞ as pij  = Ro , and
sion avoidance and connectivity reservation range. By apply- Vijm = ∞ as pij  = Rm , there is no collisions between ASVs,
ing [20, Lemma 1] and using Lemmas 1 and 2, the closed-loop static obstacles can be avoided, and connectivity is maintained
system cascaded by subsystem 1 and subsystem 2 is ISS. if the vehicle networks are initially connected. As a result, the
c are bounded by ζ ∗ and l∗ , respectively, it
Noting that ζ̇i and ν̃id i id control objectives (13) and (14) are achieved.
follows from (47) and (35) that E1  is ultimately bounded by Since the proposed observer is stable in terms of uniform
! ! % ultimate boundedness, asymptotically stable of the closed-loop
λmax (Pc )  λmax (Pi ) 2hi Pi Bi ζi∗ ∗
E1  ≤ + . system could not be derived in the presented work.
λmin (Pc ) λmin (Pi ) i c θ̄i θ̄ c θ̄ Remark 4: A parameter selection guide is provided as fol-
(48) lows. The parameter ωi is selected by considering sampling

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Fig. 2. Communication graph in the simulation.

Fig. 5. Velocity recovery performance using the proposed state observer.

Fig. 3. Time-varying formation pattern with collision avoidance and

connectivity preservation.

Fig. 6. Disturbance estimation using the proposed state observer.

η0 (θ ) = [0.09θ + 3, 0.09θ + 3, π/4]T . The communication

graph among the five vehicles is given in Fig. 2 and a time-
varying formation pattern is set to η1d = [0, 0, 0]T , η2d =
Fig. 4. Cooperative time-varying formation maneuvering errors.
[−a, −a, 0]T , η3d = [a, −a, 0]T , η4d = [−2a, 2a, 0]T , and
η5d = [2a, −2a, 0]T , where a = 2.8 − 1.8 cos((t + 30)/30),
t < 200; a = 2.76 − 0.003(t − 210)2 , 200 < t < 210; and
rate and measurement noises. K1i and K2i are chosen based
a = 2.76, t > 210.
on the maximal velocity and control input. 1i and 2i are
The parameters for the proposed control laws are set to
selected according to the desired transient performance. asi is
K1i = diag{0.2, 0.2, 0.2}, 1i = 1, 2i = 1, K2i =
chosen according to the communication graph.
diag{129, 169, 13.8}, ωi = 20, γi = 10, λ = 10, and μ = 10.
The parameters for the potential functions are selected as
V. S IMULATION R ESULTS R = 1, R̄ = 2, Rm = 5, R̄m = 6, Ro = 6, and R̄o = 7.
A coordinated formation control system consisting of five The positions of two static obstacles are set as [23, 35]T and
ships is considered to illustrate the control performance of the [35, 23]T with a radius 6. Simulation results on the proposed
proposed distributed time-varying formation maneuvering con- output-feedback control method for time-varying formation
trol laws. The surface vehicle employed in the simulation is maneuvering are illustrated in Figs. 3–8. Fig. 3 shows the time-
Cybership II developed at Norwegian University of Science varying formation pattern shaped by the five vehicles, which
and Technology and its parameters are given in [46]. The is guided by a virtual leader moving along the parameter-
virtual leader is set to move along a path parameterized by ized path. It can be observed that collisions between vehicles

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the proposed nonlinear observer. Fig. 7 depicts the control

performance of connectivity maintenance and collision avoid-
ance. It shows that relative range are within the connectivity
maintenance range without violating the collision avoidance
constraints. Fig. 8 depicts the control force and moment of
each ship and the control signals are bounded.
Discussion: In the proposed control design, the distributed
time-varying formation maneuvering laws are proposed for
fully actuated vehicles. To address the distributed time-varying
formation maneuvering of under-actuated vehicles, several
methods may be applied, such as the transverse function
approach, coordinate transformation, and auxiliary variable
method. This deserves to investigate in future works.

This paper investigated the cooperative time-varying for-
mation maneuvering with connectivity preservation and col-
Fig. 7. Collision avoidance and connectivity preservation performance.
lision avoidance for multiple ASVs in the presence of
position–heading measurements only. Each vehicle is subject
to unknown kinetics induced by internal model uncertainty
and external disturbances caused by wind, waves, and ocean
currents. At first, a nonlinear state observer is developed for
recovering the unmeasured velocity and yaw rate as well
as unknown uncertainty and disturbances. Then, distributed
output feedback time-varying formation maneuvering con-
trol laws are designed based on the backstepping technique,
nonlinear tracking differentiators, and artificial potential func-
tions. The stability of closed-loop distributed formation control
system is analyzed based on input-to-state stability and cas-
cade stability. Simulation results substantiate the proposed
output feedback method for cooperative time-varying forma-
tion maneuvering of ASVs with capabilities of connectivity
preservation and collision avoidance. For future works, it is
rewarding to investigate the distributed formation maneuver-
ing of under-actuated ASVs with connectivity preservation and
Fig. 8. Control inputs of torque and moment.
collision avoidance.

and obstacles are avoided. Fig. 4 depicts the cooperative
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