EDUC. 475 - Draft Annotated Bibliography - Melissa Campbell With CM Comments

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Annotated Bibliography

Anidhea, N. O., & Suliyanah, S. (2022). The effect of Pogil model with paves-PEPS strategy to

improve students' self-efficacy and learning outcomes in physics learning. Prisma Sains:

Jurnal Pengkajian Ilmu Dan Pembelajaran Matematika Dan IPA IKIP Mataram,

10(2), 399.

 This study examines the effects of the POGIL (process-oriented guided-inquiry learning)

model with the PAVES-PEPS (Predict, Add, Verify, Elaborate, Simplify, Provide,

Elaborate, Practice, and Summary) strategy on students' self-efficacy and learning

outcomes. This combination of models aimed to encourage critical thinking, problem-

solving, communication, and responsibility skills in students with teachers taking on the

role of a facilitator. The study was conducted on 38 physics students using a quasi-

experimental design. The results of this pretest-posttest study indicate that the POGIL

model with PAVES-PEPS improves students' self-efficacy, allowing them to feel

confident in their physics abilities, and improves learning outcomes. The study concludes

that the POGIL model with PAVES-PEPS can be an effective approach to improve

physics education.

 This study had a small sample size of 38 physics students, making the generalizability of

the study questionable, especially when considering the biology context. Also, students

were not randomly selected. The researchers were advised by the school on which

students would represent a diverse range of capabilities in physics. Additionally,

academic resilience or buoyancy were not addressed, only self-efficacy and learning


Anwar, Y. A. (2019). The multilevel inquiry approach to achieving meaningful learning in

biochemistry course. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 48(1), 28–37.

 Anwar aimed to identify the impact of the multilevel inquiry approach on deep learning

in the biochemistry context. This study measured learning outcomes, practical skills, and

attitudes toward biochemistry as the dependent variables that would indicate meaningful

learning. The levels of inquiry included: structured, guided, and open, going from most

prescriptive to least prescriptive (involving more student choice). The open inquiry

required students to design their own experiments, making most of the choices for the

project themselves. Using random assignment and a pretest-posttest approach for both an

experimental group and control group, Anwar found that the multilevel inquiry approach

resulted in greater meaningful learning than the control group, which received traditional


 This study did not identify if one individual level of inquiry was more effective than the

other, and it used different teachers for each condition. This lack of control means that it

is still unknown if these results were due to variance in the teachers or if there was one

level of inquiry that was effective as opposed to the multilevel inquiry approach.

Additionally, this study addressed post-secondary students instead of secondary, and

biochemistry when the topic of interest is biology.

Bailey, C. P., Minderhout, V., & Loertscher, J. (2011). Learning transferable skills in large lecture

halls: Implementing a POGIL approach in biochemistry. Biochemistry and Molecular

Biology Education, 40(1), 1–7.


• Bailey et al. (2011) implemented the Process-Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL)

approach in a biochemistry course with over 200 students with the aim of enhancing

students’ critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and teamwork skills. This

student-centered approach involved active learning, cooperative group work, and inquiry-

based activities. The results of this study supported the idea that students who

participated in the POGIL approach demonstrated improved content knowledge and

transferable skills compared to those who received traditional teaching approaches.

Additionally, students’ attitudes toward learning and motivation to study biochemistry

improved. This study was significant because it advocated for inquiry learning in large,

lecture hall contexts.

• This study is limited in answering the research question of this paper because it sampled

university students instead of secondary students. Furthermore, this study involved a

biochemistry context, limiting its generalizability to a pure biology context.

Ballen, C. J., Wieman, C., Salehi, S., Searle, J. B., & Zamudio, K. R. (2017). Enhancing diversity

in undergraduate science: Self-efficacy drives performance gains with active learning.

CBE—Life Sciences Education, 16(4).

 Ballen et al. (2017) set out to investigate the impact of active learning on self-efficacy,

performance, and sense of belonging in the university science context. They were

particularly concerned with underrepresented minority (URM) students noting the

differences in impact of active learning regarding URM vs. non URM students. The

results demonstrated that active learning positively impacted both groups of students’

self-efficacy and performance concerning course outcomes. However, the impact was

greater for URM students. The researchers concluded that active learning could help to

address the gap in self-efficacy between URM and non-URM students.

 In this study, active learning was addressed, which is a lot broader than inquiry-based

learning. Additionally, the researchers were sampling science students in general and at

the university level, not high school biology students. Additionally, data was only taken

from one university, limiting the generalizability of the results.

Beck, C. W., & Blumer, L. S. (2012). Inquiry-based Ecology Laboratory courses improve student

confidence and scientific reasoning skills. Ecosphere, 3(12).


 Beck and Blumer (2012) investigated the effects of inquiry-based laboratory work on

student confidence and scientific reasoning skills. These researchers selected

undergraduate ecology students for a pretest-posttest study, using an additional ecology

lab class as a control group. Students self-reported their levels of confidence before and

after the course. The researchers concluded that inquiry-based labs were generally

beneficial for all students, however, they noted that self-reported self-confidence was not

correlated with demonstrated scientific reasoning. In some instances, confidence

improved while scientific reasoning skills decreased.

 This study is limited in that it took a sample of only 38 students. These students were

from only two different institutions, which were both historically black, liberal arts

colleges. This limits the generalizability of their findings. Additionally, this research was

based on post-secondary students when the research question is concerned with high

school biology students.


Brown, P. J. (2010). Process-oriented guided-inquiry learning in an introductory anatomy and

physiology course with a diverse student population. Advances in Physiology Education,

34(3), 150–155.

 Brown (2010) aimed to identify the impact of POGIL on learning outcomes of diverse

students in an anatomy and physiology course. Brown defined POGIL as a student-

centered and collaborative approach that prioritizes the development of critical thinking

skills. Students were those taking an anatomy & physiology course at a small, private

college. The first semester was taught with typical, traditional methods, while the second

semester involved introducing POGIL activities. The study took place over three

semesters from spring 2008 to fall 2009 and included 91 students from different

backgrounds. The results showed that there was not a significant difference in the class

average scores on their final exams between the lecture semester and the first POGIL

semester, however, the distribution of scores changed dramatically with the

implementation of POGIL. There was a significant decrease in the number of students in

the D/F range, suggesting that POGIL is an effective strategy to improve student learning

outcomes. This was especially true for URM students.

 However, there was a year between the first lecture-only semester and the last POGIL

semester. Professors may have also acquired more experience in teaching the material,

which could account for the improvements observed. Additionally, this study did not

address high school students or academic resilience.

Chiang, C. Y., Huang, H. W., Chen, S. Y., Chen, Y. A., Chang, Y. M., & Huang, H. J. (2020). An

authentic inquiry‐based laboratory module for introducing concepts about volatile‐


mediated communication resulted in stronger students' self‐efficacy. Biochemistry and

Molecular Biology Education, 49(2), 251–261.

 Chiang et al. (2020) set out to discover the impact of inquiry-based laboratory work on

students’ self-efficacy. They used a pretest-posttest design questionnaire and self-report

data to evaluate students’ self-efficacy before and after inquiry-based instruction. They

found that inquiry-based instruction improved students’ learning motivation and their

self-efficacy scores increased. However, they did not observe any improvement in

students’ ratings of their interest in biology.

 These findings are limited due to the small sample size of 23 and the fact that this study

took place in a university context rather than a high school context. Additionally, this

research was specifically interested in the topic of volatile-mediated communication,

which is an incredibly niche topic in biology and is not representative of secondary

biology coursework.

Coşkun, Y. D., Garipağaoğlu, Ç., & Tosun, Ü. (2014). Analysis of the relationship between the

resiliency level and problem-solving skills of university students. Procedia - Social and

Behavioral Sciences, 114, 673–680.

 This study aimed to investigate the relationship between post-secondary students’ levels

of resilience and their abilities to problem solve. They defined a resilient person as an

individual that could be flexible and quickly rise above difficult circumstances and stated

that this feature enables young people to develop into normal, functioning adults, despite

challenges. This was a quantitative study, involving 375 students. They found a

substantial positive correlation between resiliency levels and problem-solving skills.


Coşkun, Garipağaoğlu, and Tosun’s (2014) findings are significant because resiliency and

problem-solving skills tend to impact both social and academic standing.

 Regarding my research question, this study fails to address inquiry-based learning and the

context of biology education. Additionally, my concern is with high school students and

this study addresses university students.

Diniyyah, M., Susilo, H., Balqis, B., & Sudrajat, A. K. (2022). Improving critical thinking and

problem-solving skills through Pogil combined with Digital Mind Map. JPBI (Jurnal

Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia), 8(3), 275–284.

 This study emphasized the importance of students developing both critical thinking and

problem-solving skills. Diniyyah et al. (2022) elucidate their goal of promoting skills of

identification, evaluation, organization, perspective, and interpretation in students so that

they are equipped for the real world. These researchers conducted their study with high

school biology students using rubrics and an online learning platform. The objective of

the study was to understand the effects of POGIL on problem-solving and critical

thinking skill development. They used a pretest-posttest method over two cycles of

intervention with POGIL and found that POGIL markedly improved students problem-

solving skills and critical thinking skills. These researchers recommended POGIL as an

effective way to student engagement, as it proved effective in this online learning study.

 Unfortunately, the sample size for this study was only 28 students, which is too small to

be generalizable for a large population. Additionally, this research did not address

academic resiliency, however, it did involve high school biology research and a measure

of the impacts of inquiry learning. Therefore, it is still considered a useful source in

investigating my research question.


Goudsouzian, L. K., Riola, P., Ruggles, K., Gupta, P., & Mondoux, M. A. (2018). Integrating

Cell and Molecular Biology Concepts: Comparing learning gains and self-efficacy in

corresponding live and virtual undergraduate laboratory experiences. Biochemistry and

Molecular Biology Education, 46(4), 361–372.

 Goudsouzian et al. (2018) performed a study that aimed to identify the effects of inquiry-

based learning, either live or virtual, on self-efficacy and learning gains. They

accomplished this by providing university students with pre-lab quizzes to test baseline

understanding and self-efficacy and then having groups of students take part in either an

online virtual lab or live lab, which demonstrated cell signaling pathways, as part of an

undergraduate biology course. Afterwards, students were given post-lab quizzes to assess

their new understanding. The findings of this study confirmed previous studies which

also demonstrated that inquiry-based strategies result in increased academic performance

on tests. Additionally, these strategies not only help students acquire content knowledge,

but useful, employable skills as well. Self-efficacy was also positively correlated with

academic achievement.

 This study is limited in that it addresses post-secondary biology students rather than high

school biology students. Moreover, these tests were only implemented in two

institutions. These findings did not specifically investigate academic resilience, but they

did shine a light on the impact inquiry learning has on self-efficacy, which may play an

intermediate role in the development of academic resilience or buoyancy.

Martin, A. J., & Marsh, H. W. (2008). Academic buoyancy: Towards an understanding of

students' everyday academic resilience. Journal of School Psychology, 46(1), 53–83.

 In this study, Martin and Marsh’s (2008) aim was to gather self-report data from 402 high

school students from two schools to determine factors that contribute to academic

resilience. Moreover, they were interested in the benefits that could be incurred by

developing academic resiliency. Martin and Marsh (2008) identified the following as

factors that contribute to academic resilience: self-efficacy, planning, control, low

anxiety, and determination. In turn, they found an increase in academic resilience is

likely to promote school enjoyment, participation, and views of self.

 This study does not specifically address the biology or even science context, nor does it

discuss inquiry-based strategies. Additionally, it is only based on self-report data from

students of two schools. Further research that considers teacher and parent reports as

well as numerous, diverse schools is needed to improve the generalizability and

reliability of these findings.

Martin, A. J., & Marsh, H. W. (2006). Academic resilience and its psychological and educational

correlates: A construct validity approach. Psychology in the Schools, 43(3), 267–281.

 This study by Martin and Marsh (2006) discussed the distinction between academic

resilience and academic buoyancy. They defined academic resilience as the ability to

succeed in academics despite adversity, in terms of acute and dramatic trials. Rather,

academic buoyancy was explained as the everyday stresses that students must learn to

overcome as a normal, expected part of life. In this way, studies on students’ capacity to

succeed despite adversity may be more generalizable to the wider student population.

They collected self-report data from 402 Australian high school students to determine the

dynamics between academic resilience and psychological and educational correlates.


They found that academic resilience was positively correlated with academic standing,

motivation, and engagement, but negatively correlated with academic anxiety and

depression. Self-efficacy, engagement in school, and low anxiety were found to serve as

protective supports that would benefit students when facing difficult circumstances.

 This study is limited in its applicability to the biology context as it was concerned with

high school students in general. Additionally, self-report measures are not always

accurate, as they could be influenced by a respondent misunderstanding the phrasing of

survey statements or having an inaccurate view of self. It also does not specifically

address inquiry-based approaches.

Manishimwe, H., Shivoga, W. A., & Nsengimana, V. (2022). Effect of inquiry-based learning on

students’ attitude towards learning biology at Upper Secondary Schools in Rwanda.

Journal of Baltic Science Education, 21(5), 862–874.

 Manishimwe, Shivoga, and Nsengimana (2022) conducted a study that tested the effect of

inquiry-based learning on students’ attitudes toward learning biology. They gathered self-

report responses from 228 high school students in Rwanda. This was a quasi-experiment

that used the pretest-posttest method to identify the impact of inquiry-based learning. One

group of participants experienced traditional biology instruction while the other

experienced inquiry-based learning. The researchers found that inquiry-based learning

significantly improved students’ interest and attitudes toward biology. This shift in

attitudes was also thought to have provided some relief for students as they navigated

some of the more difficult concepts.


 This study is limited in its ability to address the research question because it fails to

address academic resiliency. Additionally, it relied on self-report data, which is not

always reliable.

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