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PLANE BUILDING FROM ‘A’ TO ‘2’ * OVER 230 HANDY HINTS * 35 PAGES OF DATA SHEETS 7 MODEL E $2.00 * 19 SCALE THREE-VIEWS * 36 SELECTED AIRFOILS a Ee Tonto i lele MODEL PLANS Introduction: KK 48 i OC" MODEL PLANE, BUILDING ++ from ‘A’ to 2! } FLYING MODELS has for many years set the pace for informative material which has been of help to bboth beginaer and expert. The highly popular "Data Sheets” can be considered one of these paceselters and many a beginner found it easier to start in this fall ing honby because of them. This material alse jogged the memories of experts who had drifted away from many usable techniques. T?s the effort of tals handbook te comprass the max imum of usable information into one handy reference ‘To do this, we've taken materiel which has created the greatest interest in modelers over the years and comparémented' it into this publication. We feal that this material has been refined down to ts most usable form, Teis to no amazement that there is a recurring re~ ‘quest for material of this nature. The hobby and sport of model plane building is constantly fining new re- eruits in search of material to get started. Also, many of the oldtimers are seeking sourees to replace mate MODEL PLANE BUILDING FROM ‘A’ TO ‘Z’ inl and information which was lost or misplaced. ‘Then, too, there is the group that missed out getting the material az originally published because supplies were exhausted by the time of their request. We feel that this book will prove to he an excellent guide for clubs and schoals With projects in model plane building. Tt should also serve to indicate how bbroad the ficld of modeling spreads, its eamplesities and solutions, its simplicities and pleasures, ‘The simple gauging of the man-hours that went into drawing all of the lines, lettering all of the panels and plans — not fo mention the man-hours of Mought that went into producing the Handy Hints — Is too formicible to contemplate, What you find here is a condensation of many years of effort by many excel- ent model builders, designers and artists, ‘We hope you enjoy this publication and gain many ‘time-saving knacks to meke hobbying more pleasant And, we suggest that you keop clase tabs on this edi tion. It is 2 limited printing and will prove to be seareity as have the 5 previous Handbooks in this a Che Editors TABLE OF CONTENTS: HANDY HINTS .. a ‘THREE-WIEWS anine i Davis Menta Fighter North American S63 THU Seawoll Cartas XF-769 DATA, CONSTRUCTION, DESIGN Dattormeliners & iaok-vpe Covering Mode Planes a Eovering & Finishing a3 Hliminction OF Wack Spots Finishing Mosel Planes Bdine Contre) Systeme Controlling Installation Retrerrible ending Geer Konding Got single Strobe Altera, single 7 Shiner, single ween aa Nomad, sing a Seu Gull, single a PUBLISHER: Rajo Publications, Ine. 215 Park Av. COMPILED BY; R. J. South, New York, N. ¥. 10003 rages AI Reproduction tights Reserved hy the Publishers Printed in the Ua oOono00g0000000000 ‘We would like to dedicate this publication to two staunch modelers whose designs and efferis ave done so much for model aviation — Paul Del Gatto and S. Calhoun, Smith. Both have pessed from the modeling scene but they have left their mati for the many that follow, Much of what you find in thess pages was created and drawn by them and we feol that Mopet PraNe Buuoixe rom “A’ wo 'Z'ig.a fitting tribute, Plan savin eee ee ur Hower ‘Wage omantoy og nate the sued siren wevatel ence ‘Behsent ey folie eset ie ih HO ra pees Severa ops [np nau seus {Se a deal Weck wal ae ‘ager out Ue apd ar wtate SSHSTTeAE AEE Mosout a0 Baa REOADS. Freaert Ine queue ruses ML pass bones tbe ‘er aan enon msachanacia ea oii ied er wig weir fine the poper mer tim rang: tr HOwLASE AMNS ateaspes, alee hao Mien ‘Geiter ir Sine wala a tee, eeroren tine Boat eda tetnae nee oro thoelos alpe Biee or be om be fo Fikes! 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