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los cazados

Name, Look, y Demeanor When you strike with focused precision destreza When you try to pass as a mortal, roll with
against your enemigos, roll with destreza. destreza. On a miss, both the herd and
On a 10+, pick 3 options. On a 7-9, pick 2. your enemies are misled. On a hit, some-
»» you inflict terrible harm one sees through your disguise de mortal.
»» you suffer little harm On 7-9, pick 1. On 10+, both.
»» you take something from them »» your exposure is immediate and obvious
Rank »» you avoid further entanglement »» your exposure attracts more enemigos
OO Rank 0: New Wolf
OO Rank 1: Seasoned When you let loose your wolf upon your furia When you comfort or support your allies
OO Rank 2: Veteran enemigos, mark stress and roll with furia. or familia, roll with furia. On a miss, you
OO Rank 3: Elder On a hit, your rage carries the day; your say the right thing and offer solace to
opposition is crushed beneath your fangs your loved ones or family. On a hit, you
Obligations and fur. On a 7-9, your frenzy also leaves
you drained and alone in mortal danger
escalate the situation; tell the MC how
you make things worse. On a 10+, the
OO Arts OO Service
or exposes you as a monster, your choice. blowback is immediate; mark a stress.
OO Family OO School
OO Faith OO Work
When you examine signs of your enemigos, visión When you persuade or convince an NPC,
Stress y Trauma roll with visión. On a hit, ask 2. On a 7-9,
your prying attracts someone’s attention.
roll with visión. On a miss, they act as you
suggest, provided the cost isn’t great. On
If you need to mark stress and your stress track is full,
»» what are their vulnerabilities? a 7-9, you’ve misread them; the MC will
you’re out of the fight; mark a trauma. If you can’t mark
»» what is their true position? tell you what it takes to keep the situation
trauma…that’s the end, cabrón. Tough luck.
»» what should I look out for? from escalating. On a 10+, it’s too late; they
»» what do they want with __________? act on their foolish instincts…right now.

stress trauma When you act despite danger or obstacle,

When a move tells you to roll, sum
Advancement >> roll with rank. On a 10+, all’s well for now,
lobo. On a 7-9, the situation gets messy,
two six-sided dice and apply the listed
Mark an xp whenever you roll a miss or when a move modifier. 7+ is a hit; 6- is a miss. If the
dangerous, or otherwise out of control.
tells you to mark xp. When the track fills, choose one: move doesn’t say what happens on a
The MC will offer you an ugly choice,
• take a +1 or -1 to destreza, furia or visión (max +3/-3) miss, the MC says what happens.
hard bargain, or worse outcome.
• replace an old obligation with a new obligation
Assist y Interfere
When you assist a packmate, roll with questions:
• Is your whole pack helping the effort? Take +1.
• Is your pack’s position currently dominant? Take +1
On a hit, they take +1 or -1 to their roll. On a 7-9, you
expose yourself to complications or entanglements.

When you interfere with a packmate, roll with questions:

• Is your destreza lower than theirs? Take -1.
• Are they acting on behalf of your pack? Take -1.
On a hit, they take -2 or +2 to their roll. On a 10+, your
interference is subtle and easily overlooked; ask them
who they will blame instead of you if things go poorly.

Rank y Dominance
When you assert your dominance, roll with questions.
The Story of Los Cazados Character Creation • Is your furia greater than theirs? Take +1.
Long ago, the people of central Mexico faced a terrifying 1. Choose name, look, and demeanor from the lists • Is your rank greater than theirs? Take +1.
enemy, a spirit that birthed vicious monsters. A group of below. Select a rank you have attained, and mark On a hit, they must do as you say or mark two stress. On a
warriors swore to destroy this spirit, pursuing it through trauma for rank, 1-to-1. Old wolves, old bones. 7-9, they may make a counteroffer first; mark an xp if you
deserts, into the mountains, to the lands of the spirits 2. Assign numbers (-2 to +2) to each of the three stats. accept the compromise and withdraw your claim. On a
themselves—the Wild—a place no mortal had gone before. Ex: [destrada +0, furia +1, visión +0], [destrada -1, miss, your attempt at dominance falls flat; take a -1 ongoing
furia -2, visión -2], [destrada +2, furia +2, visió +2]. against them until you prove yourself in their presence.
They killed the spirit, but it cursed them to be more than 3. Select two obligations that conceal you from your
mortal: part human and part wolf. And their children
inherited the curse, forever caught between worlds.
enemigos. Choose wisely. The Hunted need mortals
to keep them safe from the claws of Los Malditos.
When you honor an obligation, roll with questions.
4. Choose a ritual for each level of rank you have • Is your presence here truly needed? Take +1.
But the people were safe. It was a small price to pay.
attained. Select a ritual from the provided lists or • Does your pack know you are here? Take +1.
work with the MC to create a ritual for your wolf.. On a hit, your mortal connections offer you a respite from
When the Spanish arrived in 1519, they brought with them
more than the entrada: Los Malditos—demonic entities of Names: the supernatural; clear one stress. On a 10+, you discover
pain and suffering—also traveled from Spain to the New Martín, Pedro, Raquel, Andrea, Fernando, Blanco, Sofia, Estaban, an opportunity to deepen the obligation; clear your whole
World. They sought new lands…and new masters. Vicente, Guillermo, Pablo, Lancha, Toño, Rodrigo, Francisco, Pera, stress track if you seize the moment. On a miss, your two
José, Rolando, Juan, Lola, Gustavo, Selena, Lorenzo, Carlito, Alber- lives collide; the MC will tell you what chaos ensues.
to, Dolores, Gabriel, Pati, Alicia, Isabel, Elissa, María Luisa, Héctor,
Los Malditos found the pieces of the spirit the wolves Lupita, Victoria, Tilde, Elena, Santiago, Salvador, Zola, Pepe, Gua-
had killed. They christened it La Madre, and they dalupe, Felipe, Chuy, Manny, Chino, Nacho, Bruja, Torpe, Ruy, Mina When you ignore an obligation, roll with questions:
began to put Her back together. As She regained Her • Are you leaving someone in a bad spot? Take -1.
Looks: • Did you previously promise to be there? Take -1.
strength, She whispered to them of the warriors who
• deep eyes, hard eyes, fierce eyes, wild eyes, blank eyes On a 10+, your absence isn’t noticed; clear a stress if you
had once defeated Her, the wolves She had cursed.
• dirty clothes, casual clothes, gang clothes, business clothes admit that they didn’t really need you. On a 7-9, someone
• hulking body, compact body, lean body, sturdy body
The wolves became Los Cazados, the Hunted. For cen- notices your truancy; you attract unwanted attention from
turies, they have fought La Madre and Her allies, fearful Demeanors: the mortal or supernatural world, your choice. On a miss,
that one day Los Malditos will ensure Her full return… • serene, irritable, eager, volatile, calculating, aggressive, your mortal life can’t take the strain; cross out that obliga-
ominous, reserved, cautious, jaded, hopeful, kind, shy tion. You can’t honor it again until you can make amends.
The Pack The Territory The Hunt
Los Cazados have bound themselves together in packs You control a few blocks of an urban city close to the When you hunt, you need a plan and a detail:
for centuries, hoping to stand against Los Malditos and Mexican-American border. Name the city if you like, but • plan: stealth > needs detail: an entry point
other threats. While each wolf must also integrate with all that matters to you is that it is the concrete jungle • plan: assault > needs detail: a vulnerability
mortal society to conceal their true nature from their you protect from threats, spiritual and mundane. • plan: occult > needs detail: an arcane power
enemigos, they know they cannot stop La Madre alone. • plan: deception > needs detail: a clever ruse
You must remain hidden from your enemigos, lest they Don’t plan your whole hunt. Decide on a broad plan
Each pack controls a territory, usually in an urban area. overwhelm you with sheer numbers. But you must also (i.e. stealth—“we’re going to infiltrate their house”) and
The wilds of the mortal world offer some serenity to Los protect what is yours, and keep La Madre from returning. a specific detail (i.e. an entry point—“we discovered the
Cazados, but their duty draws them to the cities in which tunnels under their lair”). Once your pack has both a
Los Malditos (and other enemigos) gather. It is in these As a pack, choose 2 features of your territory: plan and detail, you can lead the pack in a hunt...
messy, chaotic ecosystems that the wolves must hunt. OO your territory contains an area of pristine wilderness.
OO your territory is a home to allies who fight Los Malditos. When you lead the pack to hunt Los Malditos or other
And hunt they do: Los Malditos, spirits that cross El OO your territory’s borders are protected by spiritual wards.
enemies, roll with questions:
Vacío, vampires foolish enough to cross a pack of OO your territory accepts you as a natural protector.
• Are you united in purpose and presence? Take +1.
wolves. Anything that needs to be culled, destroyed, • Are you prepared with knowledge or gear? Take +1.
or driven off. Los Cazados fight with knives, guns, and As a pack, choose 2 troubles for your territory:
• Are you hunting on your own territory? Take +1.
claws to hold on to what is theirs, no matter the cost. OO your territory is newly acquired from another pack.
OO your territory contains an open breach in El Vacío. On a hit, your hunt opens cleanly; you engage your prey
OO your territory is beset by new, mortal development. on your terms. On a 10+, your plan exposes an opportunity;
Life is short. No one knows if Los Cazados die of old the MC will tell you what it would cost to seize it. On a
OO your territory attracts another type of supernatural.
age; few live longer than thirty. The change comes upon miss, a weakness in your planning comes to bear on your
them in their teenage years; life after that is brutal and pack; the MC will tell you what you overlooked or forgot.
At the start of session, the pack must roll with questions:
often short. But a wolf lucky enough to find a pack,
lucky enough to have a territory, has found a cause • Is your territory beset by Los Malditos? Take -1.
• Is your claim challenged by another pack? Take -1. When you reveal how you prepared to overcome a
worthy of an early death. problem or obstacle on a hunt, roll with stress wagered.
• Is your pack divided by infighting? Take -1.
On a hit, your territory is secure; the MC will tell you what On a hit, your plotting proves useful; take +1 ongoing
Outsiders often believe the clumsy lie that each pack is while making use of your prepared resources or position.
ruled over by an alpha wolf. Los Cazados know the truth: troubles lurk on the horizon. On a 10+, your pack gets word
before the storm; the MC will give you an opportunity to On a 7-9, something interferes with your schemes; you’ll
a pack is a family. No one wolf is completely in charge, have to pay the stress you wagered. On a miss, your plan
but younger wolves are wise to defer to their elders. engage a trouble on your terms. On a miss, many troubles
come to bear on your pack at once, fast and furious. explodes, painfully; pay the stress you wagered, and the
MC will tell you how your clever strategy falls apart.
Rituals of the Hunted
Los Cazados know many arcane rituals, occult secrets
passed down from generation to generation, from pack
to pack. Each ritual calls for a specific set of words and
deeds, a carefully constructed method of accessing the
power of the Wild from either side of El Vacío.

Most of the rituals Los Cazados hand down to the next

generation are the most frequently used: rituals of heal-
ing, rituals that mark objects that need to cross El Vacío,
or rituals used to obtain information from sources that
cannot be compelled through tooth and claw.

When you make a character, choose one ritual you have

learned per rank. Each time you raise your rank, select a
new ritual you have learned. You can choose your new
rituals from the sample list given here or work with your
MC to create rituals that reflect your experiences.

Creating a Ritual
When you create a new ritual, work with your MC to…
…select a trigger. The ritual should already be an
interesting action before you pick up the dice. You
don’t need rituals for cooking or tying your shoes.
Sample Rituals
When you cross El Vacío with an object or person, roll When you call upon the Wild to heal a dying packmate,
with questions: roll with questions:
…ask two questions. Rituals rely on questions, not
• Are you returning it to its rightful place? Take +1. • Are you calling the Wild in the mundane world? Take -1.
stats. Determine two questions that either aid the • Do you choose to mark stress or suffer harm? Take +1. • Is the wolf a Veteran (Rank 2) or Elder (Rank 3)? Take -1.
ritual (+1) or detract from it (-1).
On a hit, you bring the object or person through to the On a hit, the Wild itself restores flesh and bone; they
other side. On a 7–9, you attract unwanted attention at heal completely. On a 7-9, the ritual is costly; they or you
…determine effects. Each ritual is an opportunity to
your destination before you can react; the MC will tell you mark trauma, your choice. On a miss, the Wild ignores
add a new element to the game. Make the effects im-
how. On a miss, you end up stranded in the Wild, alone. your request; the MC will tell you how you angered it.
portant and noteworthy, following a 10+/7-9/6- format..

Discovering New Rituals When you consult La Madre for Her corrupt knowledge,
roll with questions:
When you summon the Wild to reveal truths about a
supernatural place of power, roll with questions:
Many lobos seek new rituals in the depths of the Wild, • Are you sacrificing some of yourself to La Madre? Take +1. • Are you in danger or rushed by your enemies? Take -1.
consulting the creatures who live there for ways to fight • Are you consuming the flesh of Her children? Take +1. • Have you investigated this place before? Take -1.
La Madre and Los Malditos. After completing such a On a hit, La Madre answers your inquiries and flatters On a hit, the Wild shatters the illusions that conceal the
journey, create a new ritual by selecting a trigger, two your hubris; ask Her three questions and She will an- secrets of this place; you see it clearly for what it is. On
questions, and the effects of a hit (10+/7–9) or miss (6-). swer two of them honestly. On a 7–9, She offers further a 10+, ask 3. On a 7-9, ask 2. On a miss, ask 1, but the Wild
truths you had no interest in knowing. On a miss, only shows you much more than you can handle; mark stress.
A lobo who secures such a gift gets immediate access to
Los Malditos appear before you, eager to avenge La • Who owns or controls this place of power?
the ritual, even before increasing in rank. Whatever the
Madre for your ancestors’s transgressions. • What can I learn or take from this place?
Wild grants a wolf is theirs to keep, regardless of rank. • How could our enemies make use of this place?
El Maestro de Ceremonias
The pack must hunt. Together, they guard the border
between this world and the Wild, crossing El Vacío to
destroy enemigos both supernatural and mundane.
They are hunted and isolated, the last line of defense
protecting people who often fear and hate them.

As the Maestro de Ceremonias (MC), your job is to give

them enemigos worth fighting—villains and monsters
that challenge the pack and endanger their territory—
and familia y amigos worth fighting for. You portray the
creatures that lurk in the darkness and the loved ones
who call Los Cazados toward the light, alike.

Give equal weight to both worlds, and the dangers

and opportunties present in each. Never let the wolves
forget that they are torn between two realities.
Agendas Rank y Advancement
If you aren’t familiar with games that are Powered by the • make the war against La Madre seem real Los Cazados increase in rank when they hit any rank
Apocalypse, see Apocalypse World (Lumpley Games) or • keep the players’ characters’ lives chaotic trigger. They can only advance to the next rank, even if
Urban Shadows (Magpie Games) for more complete tips • play to find out what happens they hit a trigger for a rank two or three levels higher.
and tricks for running games like Los Cazados. Award Rank 1 if they...
Principles • …suffered an injury so severe only a ritual healed them.
Stress y Harm • ground the story in the pack’s territory • …killed an enemigo of Los Cazados as a part of a hunt.
• …uncovered a serious threat to the pack or territory.
Los Cazados can shrug off most injuries, healing at a • address yourself to the pack, not the players
rate that would make any mortal suspect supernatural • cloak your moves in darkness and metaphor Award Rank 2 if they...
influences. Inflict stress instead of harm to represent the • make your move, but never speak its name • …watched a packmate die from injuries during a hunt.
mental toll that guns and blades take on the pack. • fill the characters’ lives with secrets • …killed a mortal to protect the pack’s secrets or goals.
• ask leading questions and build on the answers • …convinced a major spirit of the Wild to serve the pack.
Los Malditos and La Madre have weapons that can • complicate the pack’s relationships and allies
Award Rank 3 if they...
cause greater damage. When a truly dangerous foe
deals harm to a vulnerable wolf, narrate how it rises
above the level of average wounds. Only a ritual can
Moves • …survived a fight that killed the rest of their packmates.
• …destroyed a powerful agent of La Madre without help.
• surface a conflict, ancient or modern • …discovered an arcane secret lost to Los Cazados.
save a character who suffers such grievous injuries.
• put someone in danger

Questions to Ask •

inflict stress or harm (as established)
reveal a supernatural actor or enemigo
Writing, Layout, y Design by Mark Diaz Truman.
Los Cazados leaves much to your group to discover. • turn their move back on them Additional Development y Editing by Brendan Conway.
Here a few questions you might answer through play: • lock down or exploit a place of power Proofreading by Katherine Fackrell.
• What forms can Los Cazados take when they shift? • lean on a secret, supernatural or mundane Playtesting by Jenn Lewis, Katherine Fackrell, Justin Rogers,
• What does La Madre want? What are Her plans? • warn someone of impending danger Sarah Richardson, Liz Chaipraditkul, y Sam Saltiel.
• Why did Los Malditos ally with La Madre? • say the consequences and ask Special Thanks to Marissa, James, y Derrick for sharing my love
• What sorts of spirits or creatures live in the Wild? of urban werewolves; Sarah y Miguel for help with InDesign;
• activate their stuff’s downside
• What caused El Vacío to divide the two worlds? my Latinx amigos Brandon y Miguel (again!) for inspiring me to
• After every move, “What do you do?” keep pace with the ongoing PbtA #latinxplosion. ¡Gracias!

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