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Question 1

Ans 1: Lisa's disappointment and friction with her team members, Linton and Scoville, can be
attributed to several factors, which can be inferred from the case study. Here are two
instances that highlight the causes of the friction:

Lack of Clear Communication and Guidance: One of the instances that caused friction was
the lack of clear communication and guidance from Linton, her immediate supervisor. On
Lisa's first day, Linton promised to meet with her to discuss objectives but failed to do so for
weeks. This lack of clear direction left Lisa feeling uncertain about her role and expectations
within the team. Additionally, Linton's focus on her own tasks and not giving Lisa the time to
address her concerns made her feel neglected and undervalued.

Condescending Attitude of Scoville: Another major source of friction was the condescending
attitude of Scoville, the associate product manager. Scoville's behavior towards Lisa was
patronizing and dismissive, which made her feel belittled and undermined. His comments
about her learning mode and his assertion of superiority further contributed to her frustration.
This attitude made Lisa reluctant to ask questions or assert herself, as she feared Scoville's
judgment and criticism.

In both instances, the lack of clear communication and the condescending behavior of team
members created a negative and unwelcoming environment for Lisa, leading to her
disappointment and friction with Linton and Scoville.

Question 2
Write your answer for Part 2A here.

Trait Level: High/Low Example supporting the answer

Openness to Low Scoville displays a low level of openness. He

Experience seems resistant to new ideas and dismissive of
others' opinions, particularly when it comes to
Lisa's input. For example, when Lisa
challenged his assumptions during their pricing
analysis, Scoville immediately rejected her
ideas and accused her of being arrogant and
thinking she knows everything. This behavior
indicates a lack of receptiveness to different
perspectives, which aligns with low openness.

Conscientiousness High Scoville demonstrates a high level of

conscientiousness. He is detail-oriented and
focused on the task at hand. He often assigns
specific tasks to Lisa, such as copying reports,
and emphasizes the need for approvals and
accuracy. However, his high conscientiousness
might lead to rigidity and a tendency to
micromanage, which can be seen when he
insists that Lisa complete copying tasks

Extraversion Low Scoville exhibits a relatively low level of

extraversion. He prefers to work independently
and doesn't actively seek out social
interactions. He's not particularly warm or
approachable, and he often comes across as
brusque and condescending, especially when
interacting with Lisa. For example, his manner
of speaking and his comments about her being
in a "learning mode" suggest that he is not
interested in building rapport or engaging in
friendly exchanges.

Agreeableness Low Scoville's agreeableness appears to be low. He

tends to be critical, dismissive, and
confrontational in his interactions with Lisa.
His response to Lisa's refusal to do immediate
copying work by saying, "You're too good for
copying," highlights his tendency to use
sarcasm and challenge others' intentions. This
indicates a lack of cooperativeness and a
willingness to challenge or oppose others'

Neuroticism High Scoville might score High on neuroticism.

While he does not display extreme emotional
instability, he does exhibit occasional bursts of
frustration and anger. For instance, when Lisa
challenged his assumptions during their pricing
analysis, Scoville responded with a shouting
match, displaying emotional volatility. His
behavior indicates a High level of emotional
reactivity under stress.

Write your answer for Part B here.

Ans 2B: Based on the OCEAN framework analysis, here are two ways in which Lisa can
improve her relationship with Scoville:

Openness and Flexibility: Recognize Scoville's conscientiousness and attention to detail.

When working with him, try to approach discussions with a more open and receptive attitude
towards his suggestions or critiques. Show flexibility in considering his viewpoints and be
willing to engage in constructive debates that highlight your willingness to collaborate.

Conflict Resolution: Given Scoville's lower agreeableness and occasional confrontational

behavior, it might be helpful for Lisa to approach conflicts with a calm and composed
demeanor. Instead of reacting emotionally to his behavior, she could address any
disagreements professionally and assertively. Choosing the right time and place for
discussions and using clear, concise language can help defuse potential conflicts and create a
more productive working relationship.

Question 3

Write your answer for Part A here.

Ans 3A: This situation represents the "Blind Area" of the Johari Window. In this area, aspects
of oneself are not known to the individual but are known to others. In Lisa's case, her core
strengths and abilities were not recognized by Linton during the performance evaluation,
which means that Linton was not aware of these strengths, but they were known to Lisa herself
and possibly to others who had worked closely with her.

Write your answer for Part B here.

Ans 3B: To reduce the "Blind Area" in the Johari Window and improve her relationship with
Linton, Lisa can take the following steps:

Open Communication: Lisa can proactively communicate her strengths, achievements, and
areas of expertise to Linton. She can initiate discussions about her past accomplishments,
projects she has successfully handled, and the skills she brings to the team. For instance,
during one-on-one meetings or performance discussions, Lisa could share specific examples
of her analytical abilities and successful contributions to the brand.

Seek Feedback: Lisa can ask Linton for feedback on her performance and strengths. By
actively seeking input from Linton, Lisa can gain insights into how her contributions are
perceived and what areas Linton values. This can help bridge the gap between Linton's
perception and Lisa's actual capabilities. For example, Lisa could request specific feedback
on her recent projects and inquire about areas where Linton believes she excelled.

By engaging in open communication and seeking feedback, Lisa can make Linton more aware
of her strengths and contributions, thus reducing the blind area and enhancing their working

Question 4

Write your answer here.

Ans 4: While giving feedback to Lisa, Linton could have approached the situation differently
to ensure a more constructive and supportive exchange. Here are two improvements Linton
could have made:

Provide Specific Examples: Instead of making broad statements like "unassertive" and
"lacking in initiative and confidence," Linton could have provided specific examples of
situations where Lisa's behavior appeared unassertive or lacked initiative. This would help
Lisa understand the context and identify areas for improvement more clearly. For instance,
Linton could say, "In the last marketing meeting, when discussing the ad campaign, there was
an opportunity for you to share your perspective, but you seemed hesitant to speak up."

Offer Constructive Suggestions: Along with pointing out areas that need improvement, Linton
could have offered constructive suggestions or strategies for Lisa to enhance her
assertiveness, initiative, and confidence. For example, Linton could say, "To address this, you
might consider preparing your thoughts in advance for meetings so you can confidently
contribute to the discussions. Additionally, taking the lead on a smaller project could help you
showcase your initiative and build your confidence."

By providing specific examples and offering actionable suggestions, Linton could have made
the feedback more actionable and helped Lisa work on her development areas more

Question 5

Write your answer here.

Ans 5: To help Lisa feel more motivated and engaged at Houseworld, here are three
engagement tactics that could have been employed:

Clear Goal Alignment: Assign Lisa meaningful and challenging goals that align with her
skills and interests. When employees understand how their contributions contribute to the
company's success, they are more motivated to work towards those goals. For example, Lisa
could have been given the opportunity to work on a project that leverages her analytical skills
to develop innovative pricing strategies for Pure & Fresh, showcasing her capabilities and
providing her with a sense of purpose.

Regular Feedback and Recognition: Provide Lisa with consistent feedback on her
performance, highlighting her strengths and achievements. Regular feedback sessions can
help her track her progress and identify areas for improvement. Additionally, acknowledging
her contributions publicly, such as during team meetings or in company communications, can
boost her motivation. Recognizing her efforts in a visible way could encourage her to continue
excelling and striving for excellence.

Professional Development Opportunities: Offer Lisa opportunities for skill enhancement and
professional growth. This could involve providing her with access to training programs,
workshops, or mentorship opportunities that align with her career aspirations. For instance,
Houseworld could have organized workshops on assertiveness and effective communication,
helping Lisa enhance her skills in areas identified as development needs. This investment in
her growth could increase her commitment and engagement with the company.

By implementing these engagement tactics, Houseworld could have contributed to Lisa's

motivation, job satisfaction, and overall effectiveness as an employee.

Question 6

Write your answer for Part A here.

Ans 6A: Two soft power tactics that Lisa can use to improve her relationship with Linton and
Scoville are:

Rational Persuasion: Lisa can use rational persuasion by presenting well-reasoned

arguments and logical explanations to influence Linton and Scoville. She can conduct
thorough research and gather supporting data to back up her suggestions or ideas. For
instance, if Lisa believes that a certain marketing strategy would be more effective for Pure &
Fresh, she can prepare a comprehensive presentation with data-driven insights to persuade
Linton and Scoville of the benefits of her proposed approach.

Personal Appeal: Lisa can utilize personal appeal by building rapport and using her
interpersonal skills to connect with Linton and Scoville on a personal level. She can find
common interests or experiences to create a positive relationship. For instance, she could
initiate casual conversations about shared hobbies or experiences, which can help break down
barriers and foster a more collaborative atmosphere.

By employing these soft power tactics, Lisa can enhance her ability to influence her superiors
positively and develop a more productive working relationship with them.

Write your answer for Part B here.

Ans 6B: Two hard power tactics that Lisa can use to improve her relationship with Linton and
Scoville are:

Legitimacy: Lisa can use the legitimacy power tactic by emphasizing her formal authority and
position within the organization. She can clearly communicate her role and responsibilities as
an assistant product manager and highlight how her input and contributions align with her
job description. For instance, when presenting her ideas or opinions in meetings, Lisa can
preface her statements with her role, such as "As an assistant product manager responsible
for Pure & Fresh, I believe that..."

Pressure: Lisa can apply the pressure power tactic by using legitimate and relevant pressure
to influence Linton and Scoville's decisions. This can involve invoking the expectations and
opinions of higher-level management, stakeholders, or industry standards. For example, if
Lisa is advocating for a change in a certain strategy, she can mention that this approach is in
line with the direction set by the company's senior leadership or industry best practices.

By tactfully employing these hard power tactics, Lisa can assert her influence and establish a
more constructive working dynamic with Linton and Scoville.
Question 7

Write your answer here.

Ans 7: There is an instance of potential breach of ethics involving Lisa's coworkers in the case
study. The breach of ethics pertains to the spreading of rumors regarding Deborah Linton and
Ron Scoville's alleged affair. While the case study does not provide conclusive evidence of the
affair, the act of spreading such rumors can be considered unethical for the following

Damage to Reputation: Spreading rumors about personal relationships can damage the
reputation of individuals involved, both personally and professionally. In this case, Lisa's
coworkers discussing the alleged affair without concrete evidence could harm Linton and
Scoville's professional image within the organization.

Invasion of Privacy: Gossiping about personal matters, especially those unrelated to work,
constitutes an invasion of privacy. Linton and Scoville's personal lives should be separate
from their professional roles, and discussing their personal relationships without their consent
is unethical.

Creating a Hostile Work Environment: Rumors and gossip can contribute to a hostile work
environment, affecting team morale and cooperation. If Lisa's coworkers are focusing on
baseless rumors instead of productive work-related discussions, it could hinder collaboration
and overall team effectiveness.

In the case study, Lisa's coworker informs her about the rumors surrounding Linton and
Scoville's alleged affair. While this information might not have a direct impact on Lisa's work,
it still contributes to an atmosphere of speculation and mistrust. Spreading unverified
personal rumors can erode the ethical culture within the organization and negatively affect
the work environment.
Question 8

Write your answer here.

Ans 8: Deciding whether Lisa should quit her job at Houseworld is a complex decision that
involves considering various factors. Here are three relevant arguments both for and against
her quitting:

Arguments in Favor of Quitting:

Unproductive Work Environment: Lisa's interactions with her immediate superiors,

particularly Deborah Linton and Ron Scoville, have been strained and negative. This
unproductive work environment, coupled with their condescending behavior, could hamper
Lisa's job satisfaction, motivation, and overall well-being. Quitting could provide her the
opportunity to find a workplace where her skills and abilities are valued and respected.

Mismatch of Expectations: Lisa's experiences at Houseworld have not aligned with her
expectations from her MBA background and previous work experiences. She anticipated a
more hands-on role and greater involvement in decision-making, but her current
responsibilities primarily involve clerical tasks and analyses. Quitting might allow her to seek
a role that better matches her professional aspirations and leverages her capabilities.

Limited Growth Opportunities: Lisa's frustrations with her current role and her perceived
lack of developmental opportunities could stagnate her career growth. The absence of
guidance and meaningful projects might hinder her chances of acquiring skills necessary for
advancement within the organization. Quitting could open doors to positions where she can
learn, grow, and contribute more effectively.

Arguments Against Quitting:

Learning and Resilience: Staying at Houseworld could provide Lisa with the chance to
develop resilience and adaptability. Navigating challenging relationships, such as those with
Linton and Scoville, can teach valuable interpersonal skills that will be beneficial in any
future workplace.

Short-Term Nature of Assignment: Pure & Fresh is a temporary assignment for Lisa, and it's
important to consider the potential benefits of completing her assignment. Successfully
enduring the challenges posed by Scoville and Linton might lead to valuable experience and
accomplishments that she can leverage on her resume in the future.

Networking and References: Remaining at Houseworld allows Lisa to continue building

relationships with colleagues, even if she faces difficulties with her immediate superiors.
Colleagues from various departments and peers can serve as references and connections in
the future, potentially enhancing her professional network.

In summary, whether Lisa should quit her job at Houseworld is a decision that hinges on
weighing her career aspirations, values, and short-term vs. long-term considerations. It's
important for Lisa to carefully evaluate her options, considering the potential benefits and
drawbacks of both staying and leaving the organization.

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