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whether the teacher took anything

away with them and applied it to
their teaching
and so on …
One thing that I’ve noticed more and

more frequently is that many of the
young teachers coming fresh out of
college have read more articles on
teaching and have a far better
knowledge of the latest methodology
than some of their older colleagues. This
might mean they lack some of the skills
that the teachers who have worked in a
classroom have acquired, but it also
means that they are often more receptive
to the training and find it easier to relate
Adrian Tennant has three solutions to the ideas on the course.

for a perennial problem.

Three solutions

ost teachers have faced 3 teachers who have just qualified from So, the reality of teacher training is that
mixed-ability, or multi- teacher training college or university, it is as multi-levelled as any classroom.
level classes at some time but have yet to teach The complexities of a group, their
in their teaching life. In backgrounds, needs, abilities and
In fact, in some ways this is quite a
fact, if we think about it, every class that expectations are almost overwhelming.
lucky group, as it doesn’t seem to
contains more than one student is going So how do teacher trainers cope? Well,
contain anyone who is teaching but
to be mixed-ability because no two in my experience, there are three
hasn’t had some pre-service teacher
students can be identical in every facet techniques that trainers employ to help
training (although it is possible that
of language learning. Many teachers I them through the maze.
people with experience may not have
meet around the world seem to think it’s
had training before they entered the 1 Listen to your participants
a problem that is unique to their context,
classroom). However, at first glance, this
but the reality is … well, it just is. I’ve I begin most of my training courses by
group certainly looks to be mixed-ability
also had teachers say to me: ‘You’re getting the participants to complete a
– and that’s before we go any deeper
lucky because, as a trainer, you don’t have ‘suitcase’, in an idea adapted from one
than a simple one-line synopsis of the
mixed-ability groups.’ However, this is by Tony Wright and Rod Bolitho. The
number of years’ teaching experience
very far from the case. reasoning is that learning is a journey
and a little on qualifications.
– a journey from one place to another.
Multiple profiles Multiple realities
When people go on a journey, they take
some baggage with them. On a journey
Here’s a brief profile of a typical group of learning, this includes their previous
Of course, most teacher trainers will tell
of participants I might have on an experiences, whether as learners or as
you that how long you’ve been teaching
in-service teacher training course: teachers, their expectations of the
is hardly a yardstick for measuring
1 head teacher anything with – apart from how long training and often questions, worries
2 teachers retiring next year with 30 you’ve been teaching. It certainly doesn’t and concerns about the course.
years’ experience equate with being a good teacher. We Therefore, it is very useful at the start to
have three teachers in this group who find out what this baggage is and listen
1 teacher who has an MA from a UK
have been to the UK for a month on to what the participants are bringing
training courses. However, we don’t with them to the training.
3 teachers who have been to the UK The participants create their suitcase
know anything about the following
for a month on training courses by dividing a piece of paper into four
2 teachers who have a local Master’s quarters. In the top-left corner, they
qualification where the courses were write about the experience they have had
8 teachers with between ten and 15 how many hours a day/week they were which they think is relevant to the
years’ experience what the content was training course. In the bottom-left, they
put their expectations about the course.
10 teachers who have between five and whether the teacher understood the
In the top-right, they put any questions,
ten years’ experience content
worries or concerns about the course.
12 teachers who have between one and whether the teacher found the course They leave the bottom-right corner blank
five years’ experience useful to be filled in at the end of the course.

• • ENGLISH TEACHING professional • Issue 98 May 2015 • 51


teaching, and even develop their own will be able to apply them to their
materials and activities. teaching and even develop their own

training 2 Understands the underlying concepts

materials and activities; some will
and will be able to apply them to their understand the concepts but not be
teaching, but can’t develop their own ready to develop their own activities, etc.
materials and activities yet. In other words, it’s the output and not
the input that defines layered training.
3 Understands some of the concepts,
My experience My worries
and concerns but not all, and can apply these to
their teaching.
With any mixed-ability or multi-level
4 Doesn’t understand the underlying
group, it is impossible to provide lots of
concepts, but can still apply the things activities at different levels. Sure, you can
they learnt as they can copy or mimic try to cater for different levels by having
My expectations (they don’t really understand why they an easy, standard and difficult version of
are doing things, just that this is what an activity (eg for a gap-fill you might
the training included). provide an easy version with the missing
5 Isn’t ready yet to apply things from the words in a box, while the harder version
course in their teaching, but had fun! simply has the gaps), but this does
demand a lot from teachers, both in
I give the participants enough time to It would be naive to expect everyone to
terms of preparation and classroom
think and to write in their ideas, and then leave with the same understanding of
management. Even then, there are still
ask them to display their suitcases on the the course content, and this is something
going to be students who find the activity
wall, so I can read what their expectations that needs to be understood from the
they are doing too easy or too difficult.
and concerns are and so they can all read start. Multi-layered activities are a way
In a training context, providing such
each other’s suitcases. I tell them that as the of making sure that everyone takes
support could be counter-productive.
course progresses, I want them to revisit something away with them. So, what
The issue is not whether the participants
their suitcases and add, cross out or change exactly does a multi-layered activity
can complete a task, but what they will
things as their expectations, questions, look like?
do with it afterwards. Materials should
concerns, etc alter or are answered. be chosen based on their suitability for
A sample activity the context, rather than trying to cater
2 Engage in dialogue
Let’s say you’ve decided to use a running for differing abilities of the participants.
The main idea of listening is so that you, dictation. However, you’ve decided to Layered training is about looking at
the trainer, get to understand the add a twist to the standard version by output and thinking about how the
complexities of your participants. This using two stories and cutting them up different participants are going to apply
may involve listening to the things they into sentences, which are then jumbled. what they learn. It’s also about changing
say, but it applies equally to things they You divide the participants into pairs and our ideas of what the outcomes are going
write, the way they react, their body get one trainee to sit down and listen and to be and what we mean by successful
language, even the things they don’t say. write, while the other comes to the front, training. If you expect everyone to
All these give you clues as to what is reads the texts, returns and dictates them understand an activity or methodological
going on beneath the surface of each sentence by sentence to their partner. point, you are likely to be disappointed
participant. Dialogue is, in many ways, a Once all the sentences have been written and frustrated – and so are some of the
natural extension of listening. Once you down, the two participants sit together participants. Layered training is about
think you have found something out and try to reconstruct the two stories. setting a range of differing outcomes so
about a participant, or a group of However, you haven’t informed them that everyone participating takes
participants, then engaging in a dialogue that there are two stories, so they have to something away with them.
to explore it is vitally important. work this out for themselves.
As you can see, this is a fairly Wright, T and Bolitho, R Trainer
3 Use multi-layered activities Development Lulu Enterprises 2007
standard classroom activity with a slight
To explain this technique, I first need to twist. Remember, this is a teacher
talk about the theory/rationale behind training scenario so the aim is to provide
Adrian Tennant is a
freelance teacher trainer,
it, before giving an example. the participants with activities they can writer and consultant
When I train a group of teachers, I use in their classes. with over 25 years’
usually find that they fall into a number experience in ELT. He has
All the activities you use should also written materials for a
of categories (these are rather crude in be underpinned by methodological variety of publishers and
some respects as it’s quite possible for a run training courses and
principles. Even if you discuss the workshops in over 35
teacher to fall into more than one of methodology, you will find that each countries. His interests
these at different points during a course): include swimming,
participant will leave with a different Icelandic crime books
1 Understands the underlying concepts understanding of the activity. A few will and cooking.
and will be able to apply them to their understand the underlying concepts and

52 • Issue 98 May 2015 • ENGLISH TEACHING professional • •

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