Needs Analysis Questions For Teacher Training Sessions

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Take nothing
for granted!
Sue Leather and Simon Smith recommend pre-emptive preparation for their trainer training.

t’s the first day of your trainer A trainer training scenario questions, and compared them to a list

I training course, but nobody told

you that the trainers you are
working with have never actually
! This is a ‘right questions’ exercise
that you might try individually
with your trainer training group, or
we had already produced. On page 47
you will see a compilation of our own
questions and those suggested by the
trained in English before and feel very participants.
lacking in confidence about the with colleagues in the staffroom:
prospect. It’s only now that you realise 
that the question ‘Do the trainers know You have been asked to run a four-
week trainer training course in July
Obviously, some of these questions will
that their regional education authority differ, according to the target groups at
2009 for a group of teachers. The only
expects them to run their training courses all levels. Still, we feel that it’s a good
information you have at present from
almost exclusively in English?’ would ‘template list’ for anyone involved in
the sponsors, a regional education
have been a good one to ask. It’s only trainer training, either as an
authority, is that:
now that you realise that checking independent trainer trainer, or as a
assumptions is of vital importance. ‘We plan to begin an early-start trainer trainer in an organisation.
Far fetched? Not really. It’s a programme for teaching English to Contacting sponsors and organisers
scenario that can happen to even the young learners in September 2010. and pro-actively checking your
most seasoned trainer trainer. As We would therefore like you to design assumptions will help you to plan your
independent trainer training consultants, a four-week trainer training course to
course effectively. And it just might help
experience has taught us that it’s help our 12 trainers begin work in
you to avoid that first day shock!
essential to check our assumptions September 2009 to run courses for
If you feel we have missed any
before planning and delivering any teachers to help them to teach young
questions and would like to add them to
trainer training programme. For learners. The trainers will be expected
our list, please contact us at the email
example, finding out how trainers-in- to use English almost exclusively in
address below. ETp
training are selected is vital, especially their training sessions.’
if, as one trainer-in-training commented To help you plan your course, what
to us after a course, the selection is less questions would you like to ask the
than systematic. Or, as she put it: ‘If you education authority about:
really want to know how we were selected a) the early-start programme it is
… the answer is simple: the Holy Spirit planning for young learners?
came down from heaven on our heads in
b) the teachers who will attend teacher
the form of a letter at the end of April.’
training courses from September
And it’s not just questions about the
trainers. When we are dealing with Sue Leather and Simon Smith are ELT trainers
trainer training, we will want to ask c) the trainers who will attend the
and educational consultants. They have
questions aimed at three levels of trainer training course, and the worked in over 30 countries for the British
training programme which they will Council and other organisations. They work
impact: teacher trainers, teachers and with teacher trainers and teachers on
run from September? training, curriculum and capacity building
learners. If you don’t ask the right
projects all over the world. One of their
questions at the crucial preparation current projects is consulting on a large
stages, then the chances are that you’ll We asked a group of participants in regional project in Central and South Asia for
the British Council.
have a surprise, even a shock. But what our presentation at IATEFL 2008 to do
this task. They came up with their own
exactly are the right questions?

46 • Issue 62 May 2009 • ENGLISH TEACHING professional • •


a) Questions about the early-start programme 5 Will the teachers be volunteers or will they be
1 What are the objectives of the early-start programme? selected/appointed?
2 How old are the learners? 6 Will the new teachers be specialists serving the needs of
a whole school community for English classes, or will the
3 Is there a primary EFL syllabus?
ability to teach in English be a characteristic of all future
4 Will it be a programme within which the young learners primary teachers?
(YLs) will be expected to read or write in English to any
7 Will there be additional funding to resource the teaching
great extent in the first two years of learning?
of English in primary schools?
5 Is there any documentation you could send us about
8 Will the teachers get additional pay for teaching English?
questions 1–4?
6 Does the programme recommend or assume a particular
c) Questions about the trainers and the training
methodology for working with YLs? they will run
7 Is the early-start programme a pilot, or is it fixed? Are 1 What will the trainers’ present background be? Will they
there plans to evaluate it? all be experienced trainers? Will they be familiar with the
8 Will the programme be implemented in the state sector, special issues involved in teaching young learners?
the private sector or both? 2 What will the language level(s) of the trainers be?
9 Is it decided which year/age group the delivery of primary 3 Do the trainers know each other?
EFL will start from?
4 Do the trainers know that they are expected to run their
10 Are there plans in place to effect a smooth transition from
training almost exclusively in English?
primary to secondary for the teaching and learning of
English? 5 How have the trainers been chosen for their new roles?

11 Will there be separate ‘English lessons’, or ‘sensitisation’ 6 Will they be full-time trainers or will they have other
or ‘CLIL’ (Content and Language Integrated Learning), or continuing roles as teachers?
a flexible combination of these? 7 How many of the trainers will have had specific primary
12 Is it envisaged that the teachers will use a coursebook? language teaching experience?
If so, have any decisions about this been taken? 8 Is there a programme or syllabus in place for the teacher
13 How many hours per week of teaching are planned to training courses that they will start in September?
focus on/include English? Will this figure stay the same 9 Are there materials in place for these teacher training
for each year-group? courses?
14 What parameters are envisaged for class size? Will there 10 Will trainers have additional roles apart from those of
be a maximum? implementer of a training course? For example:
15 Will other second/foreign languages be taught in parallel ● Will they be required to design the training courses?
or subsequently? ● Will they be expected to evaluate the training courses
they run?
● Will they have any pre- or post-course administrative
b) Questions about the teachers who will teach
young learners from September 2010
● Will they be expected to assess whether the teachers
1 How many teachers will need to be trained? they train have the necessary skills/attitudes/knowledge
2 Will the teachers to be trained/re-trained to provide the for working with young learners?
English language classes in the early-start programme be: 11 Will their training duties include lesson observation and
● ‘early years’ specialists without previous EFL training? school visits?
● primary teachers with some existing EFL training?
12 How will the provision of training be organised – will they
● secondary EFL teachers with EFL training proposing to
have to do blocks of training, train teachers who are on
transfer to primary?
‘day release’, provide distance training, do weekend
● some combination of these?
courses, or some combination of these?
3 Will the teachers be given some official certification as
13 Will the trainers be working mainly as individuals or in
well as the training?
small teams when they start their work? What institutions
4 What level of English will the teachers be expected to will they work with?
have if they are to be asked to teach English at primary
14 Do support networks and resources exist to provide
level? Will they have to be of a defined level, have a
longer-term resourcing and follow-up support for the
national or international certificate, or have passed a
trainers once they have started their work?
specific course?

• • ENGLISH TEACHING professional • Issue 62 May 2009 • 47

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