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‘KiwiSat. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 eTRODUCTION 1 Sb ne Page 13 Proper en eae 13 Dewtpton a areas 1A Gorepeneets Pages 15 Techical spedeaons. aes INSTALLATION 2.3 Aesamblynstnctons of he etna Ut enn ae? 2.2 Assembly istrctions ofthe cable run box Page 2.3 esrb insnactons of he conte Bok Page 24 Deetiea connections en age 2 GENERAL SAFETY REGULATIONS 2. Whig 8 nn PET 3 Salty and ecisppiy page 3.3 People eke nc rnvennsonnnoms Pa 3. Safty during sem re 3 suse 443 Destntion fi an Page 13 423 Desenpton cf the 28 conv pane page 123 Sate sear and selection nnn Page DISPOSAL never INFORMATION £63 Manufacturers decaation of conformity 64 roubeshoting 65 Serdcecerters Isatechnalogioy vanced ond igh aut prod for seit TV ey Congas igs sate th noc Ts Li) ese ‘Before nsaling and operating he, satelite stam examine careful the functions ofthe device ards proper se ‘etl roa ths use manal an aay keep t dase to the device fox quick ad easy refornce tb devices varsfered toate party donotfogettopassonaiteneces = ‘Sry documents: 1.1 Desctiption ofthe symbols used lb ipoectis aban Ay |emeeestermnme| iY | tues are @ ee | ae avr mn | uthorted adines ‘he eter shown ae a 1a pope 1.2: Make sure that no ees, wal bulngs or other oes that may compromise the reception ofthe TV stele signal re lose tothe satelite bh before opening Fe te pictures tana 18) | rene uct seaman he 1.22. Before sitchin the stem on, make sur hat there areno obstacles thotmight Finder the apeing ane rtaton ofthe satelite eh ve branches balenies canopies et ‘KéwiSat vy —»> eases ‘KjwiSat 123 nesmteme dn osber degen teed ot nd sp 120k Haar ener ewe nigen yeep Oa ame eh Coed CeraTie ice ny caseconage oes one fyur we 1124 The bate otage mus abvaysbesufient the suppl vag slower than 1%, theeecroniesaery crest wll prevent the sae dish fom bing ite, 14 Components Motor-driven external unit Offset satelite dish Universal LNB Wiring Assembly and use manual Control box for external unit 1.25 The ate voltage must avaye be sficlent fhe suply age isloves than 1, theelectronisaey creat wl prevent the atelite dish fom bing ied, 4126 The satelite dish must be veed ony the external temperature is beween 1S | ‘hd 44 Using the satelite dh ouside tee values may damage he saelte sh oF use rafinctons 1.27 er using the satelite dish and before moving of make sure thatthe satelite ish Ie ose. mary coe do nt move ut te aude sal tht eats that the sh i pred sat Box power connector 2-2 WON 13 Description ‘our Sat satelite deh ues taal automatic seit racking system, “hs sytem con track stlites tat ge 2 sgl modloted in QPSK, according to the (018 S1EN 300468 Stands and can hence: search the lected atelite “parkthesatalte dish " ‘KjwiSat—____ 1.sTechnical specications Stalls dh let Seach tem “uly automatic ND recognition scoring to the DVB SIEN 300468 speciation ‘ependng onthe modelo the county ASTRA19-HOTBAD 13 (Germany-Iay) ASTRA 9- ATLANTIC BRO (France) AST 19-ASTRA 235 (Netherlands) ASTRA 19-ASTRA 28 (England) (OPTUS 01-1 (Newland (OPTUS 0371 (Aust) = Serablesatelte ony Foto) Power supby 1av0C-20+ 30% aborbed arent Max ampere “eure absorbed in standby 5mA ae 512g “Protection fe aa {Siz when coed) eight 198 mm ‘With: drm Leng es0mm INSTALLATION : < Coty peclaled personne! should instal the satelite dish. Inco insalion| rmaydaagetresyiem. ‘singood condton Make sue that al parts eserbedin the suction manda present NM St dozsnot accept ry cs or damage caused by sanspor cemieng mate er he tlie sh has ben install ly ‘fore instalition, op the carton packaging and make sre thatthe satelite sh 2.1 Assembly instructions ofthe external unit ZX casmone tes ony snd cocrig aon ten Sarees one esha nada ageor segue 121.1 On the rofofthe vei find sft large are ool eferaby {thesis of heoohaalows othe posioning of teste dish see pie 2) 2:12 ean cart the fof the oo selected forthe in salltion ofthe external un (emove ol fase and + dort Crfly clean the lower pat ofthe fatering | pte ade to remove any wace of dst and giease 213 Wt aslean gun apply a homogenous ayer fst trl plyrethane schist ambient temperate Inch lowe part of the faening pt Selaoy MS (OF Mss ue recommended Hep 9 the sve ‘ons er appcaton 214 Postion the eternal nt on the prevousty {eae ot res. Push strongly ont oer to ensue ‘geod ditrbuton and sdheson of he gue CAUTION Vinenaserblng he external nt enrre thatthe botom of heh when Sloe facing the cecon a rave be ptute) ‘Tocomplete te instalation ofthe external unt apply 2 layer of adhesive around te fs ‘ening plate moder o mae totaly waterproof Ge pice #) orccto orm Notelebve the adhesive to se or28 hours before moving he vehi 2.2 Assembly instruction of the cable run box 22: For sty and quick nsalton of he satelite ih fin a poston onthe oot ‘here the supply nd contl box lb stalled ee 23.1). 222 _ With 20.dameter le cutter make a hole forthe passage of the ables Inside theveicles cabin, 223. _Clanand remove any gress fom the suface sound the ol. Toke the cable toond me sole so te Ns abe hich nes thea ble an thea connection ce} an pass tough 224 Run the cables insite trough te ole previously made inthe rot and ithe {ble ely tothe abe bon with the al supplies nthe 225 Apply geneous layer of pojurthane aes onthe base of he box se the “Se type a that ued forth stoning ofthe externa un) Poston the box on the ook ‘lose tothe hoe and ress inorder to crsuea good dstution and adhesion ofthe gle Funsnecbles secur longtheoct insert them nto acobl channels oer protect ‘hem om UV ay} ann the excess ables in the camper. 226 _Thecableemustbefastened tothe oon dete prevent them fom moving or being caughtby objects suchas ranches. ‘Theta stembly ofthe satelite ash is now complet ‘onto the wall with two screws. shouldbe fastened vertically and | ; Hi| [sesmroranone—) | | 5 positioned either to the right or leftof the TV. 2st alapeemie pee aac tyr Rolie 232 _ Poston and fstn the wall boxsets accesible and ventlated aso that ‘ny sere operations canbe prtred easy and uc ee picture) CAUTION: The venation ofthe devices important because aves overeating sfthecomponent Rees ay —___@ig _24 Electrical connections 1241 Connect the bck cable fior the exten unto ts terminate internal on tol boxe aoving 7 242 _ Connecttheblck coal cole kom the satelite sh LNB tothe connector of ‘he control box Note in satelite Ges wit al output the secon ack con cbl rom the satelite Ssh mustbe dey connected tothe second recover ee dawing 7.) 2243 _nsrethe power connector supple withthe stem it the special connector ‘onthe conraboe 2.44 Connect the black able ofthe pomer connector tothe negate poe ofthe do ‘est battery andthe red cable‘ the poste ole of the domestibatey 245. Connect he green cable ofthe power connector tothe spec D+ poston on ‘heveice dashboord Tis enables automate dosing fhe ateliteshin ose t eft Inthe up poston Inmany ates the connection is pin 5 ofthe ganeral terminal board andin any case IReoresponds 6 an ative and paste vlage of +12 VDC generated when the whic ignition fey sated “Ts conntton prevents the operation ofthe stelite dish when the vehicle moving torte nition ay toed for gion ___KiwiSsat “KjwiSat GENERAL SAFETY REGULATIONS {CAUTION eadaithe nsetions. ‘Teimproperornonobtevanes of hee insrucsons mayest in svicus dam gear re. KEEPTHESE INSTRUCTIONS. 3.1 Working area fore swtching the sytem on aways make sure thatthe working aes ee ‘fom obstacles ee ranches protdng balconies et). FISK OF DAMAGETO SATELUTE DSH AND VEMCLE 32 Safety and electric supply ‘The device must be exusely powered with 12V suplad det fom he service Bat tering ables wth minimum section of 25 mn Ifo aV eect power sappy Ue instead of te bat, make se that abled ted able to dler3 An comuouy and 10 rps for shart petods. Dont uses poor quay bater charger tats not tabled 33 People'ssafety sere pean fat grb A Sees a e--~ ‘KjwiSa 234 Safety during assembly Forthe assembly operation that inply the iso l the necessary safety pre- autons must be adpte for stance, 3 werk bide to be uses when op eating on the veil roof Make sue that he ooo the vehicle a et cayng| ‘apeety forthe seri opeations. reve during asembly make sue tha. The devices connected fom the elecc maine The person neharge ofthe asarsiydoer note om versgo The person In charge ofthe assembly wears nn-ip and accent prevention those Nate s under th satelite dh cng seb, Theifng Soper enon ip a dy The brage andlor resin abl andrabust ot ‘The satelite is manufactured forthe reception of dg! TV ad a signals em a sstelt ont when te veil satanay The feces unt alow forthe reception of ‘Btelte TV and ad sigas whose fequeny Includes between 107 GHz and 1278 Gh Ary ferent se ender: the waranty 0. 4.1 Destination of use ‘auton: Vn Sat doesnt acept any Iabiltfor damage caused by: Wrong usethat des not comply with he intended us of he deve Repos not performed by utorisd svc centres Tampering with ny mechanical components se of non igina spare parts ana ings + Nor oservance ofthe instructions intlsman INTHE ABOVE MENTIONED CASES THE WARRANTY S VOID 42. Description of the 2° control panel Smiching 00 ‘Toswtch onthe system pres the of) button on he conto panel When his but tons rested there and geen ED wil smultaneousy be switched ont heck at the LEDS ae werkng cone, Afr afew seconds the LED to the selected So ‘orttoflsh, to show tha the system serching forthe stelt. Once te stlte arbeen found ane confimed the LED of selected wl stop fusing and remain acd The LE wi then begin to fash ery uly when he sna srecognaee Antigo back toned mode soon asthe sai eacknowedged sae oa rl ‘wore auTTON 3) A Please not that for any naming signals you musteod paragraph 64.1 Kjwisat a Se Kjwisa 43 Satelite search and selection. The system starts searching forthe previously selected satelite as soon as is suited on. Ifthe satelite shovnisnat theone you want, press fasted button 3 (ON/OFF) ofthe control paneland: ‘The system ill automatically search fr the selected satelite and wil store ts positon in order to facitate and speed up subsequent searches. Ifthe satelite snot able to fn the satelite after performing 3 full san the sy5- ‘tem se the satelite ish its parked poston KiwiSat__O1SPOSAL -< Dp ‘Kiwisa ‘compliance wit ace 13 of Law Deceen 151 of 25th Jy 2005 implementation of the 2002/95/EG 2002)96/EC and 203/106 Directives concerning the reduction ‘ot hazardous mates elect andlecronicdevies and of waste disposal” ‘Ths yo means tha this device must be dispose of epaatey om other vente and notinhouseald wasters we, The wer must spose of his device in the speci collection centres for leci {nd laconic waste a5 regulate the el egisaton noc. ‘The proper ssecve waste cole, followed by recyeing treatment and eco-conpat bledisposal ofthe device has. postve pact onthe envionment ancheathn becouse factats terse and cycling ofthe materials composing the deve Tela epoca ofthe product bythe ver mpi te arinsraie sanctions pro vided orb the regulations infor op neoinaton ieseunemessnnes 64 Service {CAUTION 1 ony cused and athvize personne can repa the devi (ee Darsgroph 55 onthe serace cerves This grants that the dence US Eenltione of sey witout ronnng thei ving the waranty omaha ny Cnigina spare pars reused 6:2 Warranty fy 2 scien ty fo tte dot ae SSIS See a ae te society eee fon es ry {622 Keep the receptor invoice, which must be shown 9 purchase pool or any ‘erie operations under woranylothertsetmewarany Sel {623 _vstsat wl replay defects found on this deve fee of charge Ina ea ‘nab tneafterrecebing te device. The neces costs fori prpose especialy he ‘workend mater costs lb tal charged tous le the costs and sks concen Thetransport ofthe dove tote authored centre vl be charged 9 yO. 1624 The operations under waranty donot imply an extension ot enewaf the wa fanty period ofthe device. The replaces parts become automa ou! Pope 625 _Fer any waranty operations we kindy ask yu to deliver your device fo our au. ‘ows sence cnt Nake sue tt the packaging sn perfec condiions fr safe "ranpor org packaging) Are desipion othe ature must be incused ann "ertedin the pac together with your fades: Moreover asa poet of waranty rah. ‘not eget put your ginal docurent of purchase recip env nthe ack € 6.26 WAIVERS: ‘The waranty does ot over thoe defects hat “ocer fling proper neaigent or caress user toagectthe devs Se caused by wrong nstalaton mantenanc or repair pertedy non authored sonnel by damage caused by vansper Senet rfl to monte dels “pecaused bythe we fon oa spre parts and accesories: “have been caused by hing. wrong supply voltage orate force meu eves. at sable tothe anaes KiwiSat {63 Manufactures decaration of conformity CCE DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY MA-VE International s.r.! Strada Genghe Ditto, 105 47892 - Acquaviva RSM Decare under thi own responsi that the flowing prod: "AUTOMATIC SATELLTE DISH, Type Kt Complies with the flowing standards Becwo-magntic compatiblity ss022 EN s8024 Mechinesaety 12100-,EN12100-26N294N349, Pew 0529 Acquaviva RSM 101062017 ‘Te owner arco Santl _¢@ {64 Troubleshooting SOWTIONS “The ih oa oe! ‘SE Shae io rors oan eh cs me bats fel gicie pton a Re eae tetany heebsvocon. : Sioa i é Beem oy oo rw Er nsicient the battery ft ow an cannot | charge the batiery | Sa Seeierios pooner | athnipte ny" "noe Se” compat ean Svetn| Fr edie eror ‘check the connection | signe DSPOSAL 7 Kiwis (64.1 PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS CONTROL PANEL 2P aun: ‘This type cf contol panel manages errs though gh impuses ond acuste warning sgl sequences. When a fenconal enor och ‘edledtumscn inated made Tot ot whatkindoferor hse acured you ony hve {o press the OWOFF burton. series of ashing and acous signals wl inacate Wh Kitt erorisunderay. Pease eee below abe. we sueune | —_soness | voune | horizontal tation enor a ‘ZIPCODE | __ PROVINCE, ‘TELEPHONE EMAIL rien fi ra | satelite not found enor artery rlekeeat Date of pu nn I | a Retailers stamp | “lon eer ange vers | violation enor range orion “9 ashes with 9 beeps: ey camper ON TORashes wih TObeeps —|=power unstable er Seconds nt tb giaen LED begins to fash ifteerorisconectale the antenna wlegin to fancton normaly if not then yourmust contact your nearest sevice canter. bb \Wasdin 179 clear your antenna fom ay ener, push the ONOFF button for os KiwiSat APOLLO ENTERTAIN Email. ‘Address: 2c Karepito Drive, Whangaparaoa, Auckland, 0932 Phone: 09-424-1427 Fax: 09-424-1425,

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