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Mycol. Res.

100 (8): 923-935 (1996) Printed in Great Britain 923

Trichoderma: a review of biology and systematics of the genus

United States Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Research Service, Systematic Botany and Mycology Laboratory, Room 304, B-OI1A,
BARC-W, Beltsville, MD 20705-2350, USA.

Species of Trichoderma, a genus of hyphomycetes, are ubiquitous in the environment, but especially in soils. They have been used or
encountered in many human activities, including commercial applications in production of enzymes and biological control of plant
disease. They are the cause of disease in commercially produced mushrooms, and have been identified as causal agents of disease in
immunosuppressed humans. Knowledge about what constitutes a species of Trichoderma, or about interspecific relationships, has not
kept pace with the expanding number of applications or frequency of encounter of Trichoderma by biotechnologists, plant
pathologists and medical personnel. This review presesents an overview of the interaction between humans and Trichoderma, and a
more intensive review of knowledge of systematics and taxonomy of the genus.

Two-hundred years ago, when it was first described, source. Whether and how this source can be utilized will
mycologists mistook Trichoderma Pers.: Fr. for a Gastero- depend upon understanding the biology of the species.
mycete (Persoon, 1794). It was only half a century later that Trichoderma is a genus of filamentous deuteromycetes. Its
the true nature of the genus was realized, but movement members are generally found in all soils including forest
beyond the point of recognizing the class affinities of humus layer (Wardle, Parkinson & Waller, 1993) as well as in
Trichoderma to development of a species monograph has been agricultural and orchard soils (see Chet, 1987; Roiger, Jeffers
slow. While the only comprehensive taxonomic monograph & CaldwelL 1991 and references therein). Davet (1979) and
for the genus is admitted by its author to be artificial (Rifai, Smith, Wilcox & Harman (1990) have described media
1969 b), researchers in applied fields have been attributing to selective for Trichoderma. Trichoderma species are rarely
Trichoderma species novel biological properties and activities. reported to occur on living plants and have not been found as
Between the years of 1992 and 1995 alone, approximately endophytes of living plants (Petrini, 1986 & pers. comm.).
550 articles that cited the genus were catalogued in the United Danielson & Davey (1973) reported that individual species
States Department of Agriculture database AGRICOLA. I will showed preference for soil temperature and moisture content
not review all those papers here, but refer the reader to the of forest soils. Widden & Aribtol (1980) found a seasonality
excellent reviews available for the fields of biological control to species distribution, although the seasonal occurrence of
(Papavizas, 1985; Chet, 1987, 1993; Lumsden, 1992) and individual species may be influenced by competition provided
enzymology (Kubicek et aL 1990). A comprehensive bib- by other Trichoderma species. Trichoderma viride Pers. does
liography for Trichoderma up to 1980 is found in Domsch, seem to be adapted to cooler climates (see Roiger et al., 1991,
Gams & Anderson (1980). In the present review I will present and references). Trichoderma species may be sensitive to some
some of the major advances in our knowledge of the biology environmental pollution, as is indicated by the low rate of
of Trichoderma, followed by a more intense review of the steps recovery of T. viride from coniferous forests that had been
taken to understand the systematics of the genus. subjected to alkaline dust for a period of 25 years; the high pH
(6.6) of the humus layer was blamed (Fritze & Baath, 1993).
While Trichoderma species are generally considered to be
Trichoderma has not yet, given us any 'wonder drugs' such as aggressive competitors, Wardle et al. (1993) found that the
penicillin, but the ability of some species to produce enzymes ability to compete was species dependent. Thus, Mucor
and/or to attack or inhibit other fungi has attracted major hiemalis Wehmer displaced T. harzianum Rifai from the forest
research efforts in several areas, including biological control of soiL but was itself induced to produce more conidia at the
plant disease, and enzyme production, as well as in studies of expense of biomass by T. polysporum (Link: Fr.) Rifai in forest
genetic control and manipulation in filamentous fungi. At a humus. Some niche differentiation was suggested, as both of
time in human history when we acknowledge the need to the species mixtures had higher biomass of the fungi after 47
appreciate the economic, if not aesthetic, value of our days than the monocultures of each species.
biological diversity, Trichoderma stands as a readily exploitable Physiological activities of Trichoderma species have been
Trichoderma: a review of biology and systematics of the genus 924

both beneficial and harmful to human enterprise. The ability Caldwell, 1991). Trichoderma virens and T. longibrachiatum
of Trichoderma reesei E. G. Simmons to break down cellulosic Rifai were useful in control of groundnut root and stem rot
materials through the production of cellulase enzymes has diseases caused by Rhizoctonia solani in India (Sreenivasaprasad
lead to their commercial exploitation (see Reese & Mandels, & Manibushanrao, 1993). Trichoderma harzianum, T. parcer-
1989; El Gogary et al., 1990; Kubicek et aI., 1990; Cuevas, amosum Bissett, and T. viride showed in vitro antagonism
Culiat & Manaligod, 1991; Bedford & Classen, 1993) in areas against Cryphonectria parasitica (Murrill) M. E. Barr, the cause
as diverse as clothes-washing detergent. animal feed and fuel of chestnut blight (Arisan-Atac, Heidenreich & Kubicek,
production. Cellulases from T. reesei also have the potential of 1995). Trichoderma species, especially T. viride, when used in
bleaching kraft pulp, thereby providing an alternative to combination with fumigants, were positively correlated with
conventional bleaching with chlorine (Buchert et al., 1994). a decline in viability of Phellinus weirii (Murrill) R. W. Gilb.
The effluent from chlorine bleaching contains environmentally in live roots of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) (Nelson,
problematiC chlorinated hydrocarbons. Cellulolytic enzymes Theis & McWilliams, 1995). The authors also suggested the
produced by T. viride and T. reesei help the sugar industry to use of Trichoderma strains in combination with lower levels of
dispose of sugar by-products, molasses and sugar beet pulp by fumigant for control of root rot in individual trees of high
transforming the sugars to protein, that can be fed to value.
ruminants (Nigam, 1994). Katayama & Matsumura (1993) Trichoderma species have been used in commercial prepara-
have found that T. harzianum possesses an oxidative system tions for biological control of fungal-induced plant diseases
that is capable of degrading the organochlorine pesticide (Lumsden, Lewis & Locke, 1993). Trichoderma harzianum is the
endosulfan. Chitinolytic enzymes from T. harzianum and T. active ingredient in TRICHODEX<tB>, which is used against
virens O. H. Miller, Giddens & A. A. Foster) Arx (formerly postharvest rot of apple, and is combined with T. polysporum
known as Gliocladium virens J. H. Miller, Giddens & A. A. in the product BINAB-T<tB>, which is used in control of wound
Foster) are thought to be responsible for degradation of decay and wood rot (Ricard, 1981). Trichoderma harzianum
fungus cell walls and, thereby, effective in biological control AG2, prepared from protoplast fusion. protects against a wide
of the fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea Pers.: Fe. (Cruz et al., range of soil-borne plant diseases (Harman, 1990). GlioGard<tB>
1992; Di Pietro et al., 1993; Lorito et al., 1993, 1994). On the has T. virens as its active ingredient and is used to prevent
other hand, those same enzymes are responsible for failure of damping-off in seedlings caused by Pythium and Rhiwctonia
the shi'itake (Lentinula edodes (Berk.) Pegler) crop in Japan species (Lumsden & Locke, 1989). Unidentified species of
(Komatsu, 1976; Tokimoto, 1982) through disruption of the Trichoderma are active in two products used in control of
mushroom mycelium. deadarm disease of vines and stone fruit in New Zealand
Trichoderma harzianum and T. virens (mostly under the name (Trichoject and Tricho Minidowels; Hunt & Gale, 1995).
Gliocladium virens) are the most commonly cited species in No single mode of action of Trichoderma species against
biological control (see reviews in Papavizas, 1985; Chet, fungal plant parasites is known; for a review of this subject see
1987). Trichoderma harzianum, alone or in combination with Chet (1987). Control of Rhizoctonia solani and Pythium ultimum
other Trichoderma species or chemical adjuvants, has been by Trichoderma species, including T. harzianum, may be
used in control of several diseases. Some of these include: effected through direct penetration of host hyphae (Dennis &
Rhizoctonia damping-off in radish (Lifshitz, Lifshitz & Baker, Webster, 1971; Benhamou & Chet, 1993). Inbar & Chet
1985), com and soybean (Kommedahl et a!" 1981); grey- (1992) have found that mycelium of T. harzianum is
mould on tomato (Migheli et al., 1994), grapes and straw- preferentially attached to nylon fibres that had been coated
berry (Elad ef al., 1995; Harman et aI., 1995); Colletotrichum with a plant lectin (concanavalin A) or a lectin derived from
storage rot of apple (Tronsmo & Hjeljord, 1995); cucumber the cell wall of Rhiwctonia solani. Extracellular enzymes.
fruit rot caused by Rhizoctonia solani J. G. Kuhn (Lewis & including j3-1,3-glucanase, chitinase and cellulase (Elad, Chet
Papavizas, 1980). take-all disease in wheat (Ghisalberti & & Henis, 1979; Cruz et aI., 1993; Lorito et al., 1994; Harman
Sivasithamparam, 1991), and sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de et aI., 1995) are effective in disrupting the mycelium of the
Bary in pea (Knudsen & Eschen, 1991) and 5. minor Jagger in pathogen. On the other hand, mycoparasitism is not the
lettuce drop (Vannacci et al., 1991); and a wilt-complex, primary mechanism of biocontrol of Pyfhium ultimum and R.
predominantly caused by Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc., Rhizoctonia solani by T. virens (Howell. 1987; Lumsden et al., 1992).
solani and Fusarium oxysporum Schldl. in lentil and chickpeas Howell (1987) showed that mutants of strains of T. virens
(Mukhopadhyay, 1995). In addition to a direct role of T. normally parasitic on R. solani had lost their mycoparasitic
harzianum in individual applications, it is effective in restoring ability but retained the antibiotic capability of the parent
suppressiveness to heat-treated media amended with com- strains. Later Howell & Stipanovic (1991) divided strains of T.
posted hardwood bark (Nelson & Hoitink, 1983). Soils amended virens into two groups on the basis of antifungal antibiotic
with T. harzianum can be disease suppressive, have greener production. One group. designated as 'Q' strains, produced
turf, probably by enhanced root growth, and reduced brown gliotoxin and were effective against Rhizoctonia solani but
patch (Rhizoctonia soIani). dollar spot (Sderotinia homeocarpa inactive against Pythium ultimum Trow. The other group,
F. T. Benn.), and Pythium blight (Lo, Nelson & Harman, 1995). designated as 'P' strains. produced gliovirin and were strongly
Trichoderma harzianum also produces volatile chemicals that active against P. ultimum but were inactive against R. solani.
arrest wood rot induced by basidiomycetes (Morrell. 1990). Inhibitory volatile substances were also suggested as the
Various Trichoderma species gave control of Phytophthora means of biocontrol of Botrytis cinerea mould of snap beans by
crown rot of apple seedlings in Wisconsin (Roiger, Jeffers & T. hamatum (Nelson & Powelson. 1988). Ghisalberti &
G. J. Samuels 925

Rowland (1993) found several antifungal metabolites produced biocontrol applications through transformation with bacterial
by T. harzianum to suppress growth of take-all (Gaeumanno- DNA, and the transformants have remained stable in the
mycesgraminis (Sacc.) Arx & D. L. Olivier). Faull, Graeme-Cook environment (Sivan & Harman, 1991; Migheli ef al., 1994).
& Pilkington (1994) studied production of an isonitrile antibiotic Meza ef al. (1995) transferred a benomyl resistance marker
by a uv-induced mutant of T. harzianum and its activity between strains of T. reesei, and selected progeny of protoplast
against soil-borne plant pathogens (Faull & Scarseletti, 1994). fusion were higher in cellulolytic ability than either parent.
Antifungal antibiotics produced by Trichoderma species are Shin & Cho (1993) obtained recombinant, interspecific fusion
reviewed by Ghisalberti & Sivasithamparan (1991). progeny when protoplasts of biological control strains of T.
While Trichoderma species are generally considered either virens and T. harzianum were crossed. The ability to generate
useful to humans or at least ecologically neutraL this is not protoplasts has also provided an opportunity to separate
always the case. Taylor (1986) reported that members of chromosomes and to localize genes on individual chromo-
Trichoderma and Gliocladium produce some of the most toxic somes, as has been done for T. reesei (Gilly & Sands, 1991;
substances known. These include trichothecenes (Adams & Mantyla ef al., 1992).
Hanson, 1972; Corley, Miller-Wideman & Durley, 1994) and Sexual reproduction is known in Trichoderma in the sense
'pentaibols', polypeptides containing a high proportion of a- that the only known teleomorphs of Trichoderma are species
aminoisobutyric acid that exhibit toxicity to experimental of Hypocrea Fr. and closely related genera, members of the
animals (see Scott, 1991). ascomycete order Hypocreales. There are few documented
Trichoderma species are not generally known to affect cases of Hypocrea species undergoing the sexual cycle in
human health, but there are scattered reports indicating artificial culture; the best known is Hypocrea spinulosa Fuckel
pathogenicity to humans. Trichoderma viride and T. Iongi- (as Chromocrea spinulosa (Fuckel) Petch). In this species sexual
brachiafum, respectively, have been involved in complications reproduction is under control of one locus and two alleles, but
of renal dialysis (Loeppke ef al., 1983; Tanis ef aI., 1995). A half of the progeny appear to be self-fertile owing to
liver transplant recipient developed infection of a perihepatic unidirectional shifting to the compatible mating type in some
haematoma due to Trichoderma viride, and despite surgical mycelial nuclei (Mathieson, 1952; Perkins, 1987). A similar
removal and treatment with amphotericin B, abundant phenomenon was suggested by Canham (1969) for H. cifrina
quantities of the Trichoderma were recovered from the (Fr.) Fr. var. cifrina and var. americana Canham, and by Samuels
haematoma (Jacobs ef aI., 1992). More recently Trichoderma & Lodge (1996) for H. poronioidea Moller. In the case of H.
species (T. Iongibrachiafum, T. pseudokoningii Rifai) were poronioidea, however, Samuels & Lodge (1996) were not able
identified as the cause of death in immunosuppressed humans to induce crossing between the self fertile and self sterile
in the U.s.A. (D. A. McGough, pers. comm.). strains and suggested that half of the progeny of meiosis were
Trichoderma species are not involved in plant parasitism or sexually incompetent. It should be added that Samuels &
in postharvest crop loss. However, because of its mycoparasitic Lodge (1996) did not use auxotrophic mutants or other
abilities, T. harzianum does cause serious losses in commercial genetic markers, so that the possibility of crossing between
mushroom production. This includes shi'itake and Agaricus self fertile and self sterile strains cannot be excluded. On the
mushrooms in Japan (Komatsu, 1976) and other parts of the other hand, Samuels, Petrini & Manguin (1994) observed a
world (Muthumeenakshi ef al., 1994; Speranzini ef al., 1995; P. normal bipolar segregation of mating type in asci of H. jecorina
Romaine, pers. comm.). Berk. & Broome. Rehner (pers. comm.), using amplified
Most Trichoderma strains are not encountered in association fragment length polymorphisms of nuclear rONA, demon-
with sexual stages, and are considered to be strictly mitotic, strated the ability of widely geographically separated strains
clonal fungi. The apparent lack of sexuality is a barrier to of H. jecorina to undergo meiotic recombination. Hypocrea
understanding interrelationships within and among Tricho- jecorina, the teleomorph of T. reesei (Kuhls ef al., 1996a),
derma species. Moreover, the absence of outcrossing denies a represents an excellent model system for classical genetic
means of genetic manipulation which has caused dismay for studies in Trichoderma.
authors such as Papavizas (1985). One of the most important
developments in Trichoderma biology has been the discovery SYSTEMA TICS
of the ability to fuse protoplasts of genetically diverse strains
Toward a concept of genus
or even species. Improved biological control and industrial
strains have been found among the nonparental progeny While it is difficult to define, there is a general concept of
resulting from the fusion of isolated protoplasts (Pe'er & Chet, a 'basic' Trichoderma morphology (see for example Rifai,
1990; Stasz & Harman, 1990; Harman & Hayes, 1993; Meza 1969; Bissett, 1984, 1991a-c, 1992; Fig. 4): rapid growth;
ef al., 1995); and genetic linkage data concerning enzyme abundant powdery, green conidia; and ill-defined conidio-
markers have been obtained from protoplast fusions in T. reesei phores. That this morphology has been unmistakable is
(Bawa & Sandhu, 1994). Stasz & Harman (1990) could not attested to by the paucity of generic synonyms: only four
explain the resultant variation in progeny of crosses involving taxonomic synonyms were uncovered by Rifai (1969). The
T. viride, T. hamafum (Bonord) Bainier, and T. koningii Oudem. most persistent of the generic synonyms was Pachybasium
in terms of classical parasexuality. However, Bawa & Sandhu Sacco (1885). Pachybasium was proposed for species of
(1994) used auxotrophic and cellulolytic characterization to Verficillium Nees that have sterile elongations on the
demonstrate the presence of haploid parasexual progeny. conidiophores (Fig. 2), but Bainier (1906) soon recognized
Strains identified as T. harzianum have also been improved for Pachybasium to be synonymous with Trichoderma. Within
Trichoderma: a review of biology and systematics of the genus 926



Figs 1-5. Trichoderma and Hypocrea. Fig. 1. Tolypocladium niveum, ex neotype (ARSEF 3280). Fig. 2. Trichoderma polysporum-aggr.
anamorph of Hypocrea sp. (G]S 98-121). Fig. 3. Trichoderma minutisporum Bissett, anamorph of Hypocrea sp. (CBS 901.72). Fig. 4.
Trichoderma viride anamorph of Hypocrea rufa (G]S 90-97). Fig. 5. Hypocrea pulvinata anamorph (G]S 91-220). Scale bars = 10 11m.

Trichoderma, the Pachybasium-types can be distinguished from a genus, Bissett (1991a, b) accepted the section Pachybasium in
Trichoderma sensu stricto in having white conidia produced Trichoderma.
from doliform phialides that are held in botryose clusters, and The morphological concept of Trichoderma is not completely
often with a sterile or terminally fertile extension (Fig. 2). settled. Although the Trichoderma morphology is usually
Although most authors, including Hughes (1958) in his critical unmistakable, there is morphological intergradation with
evaluation of hyphomycete genera, did not accept Pachy- other hyphomycete genera. Carmichael et ai. (1980) questioned
basium, a few new species were described in the genus as whether Toiypocladium W. Cams could be a synonym of
recently as 1961. While Pachybasium is not now recognized as Trichoderma, possibly because of a similarity in arrangement of
G. J. Samuels 927



Figs 6-9. Trichoderma and Gliocladium. Fig. 6. Trichoderma virens. ex type culture. Fig. 7. Gliocladium viride (J. P. Jones Gl 114). Fig. 8.
Gliocladium prnicillioides, anamorph of Sphaerostilbella aureonitens (GJS 83-286). Fig. 9. Trichoderma anamorph of H. flavovirens (GJS
95-154). Scale bars = 10 11m.

phialides of T. inflatum W. Gams (= To. niveum (0. Rostr.) The inclusion of Gliocladium virens (Fig. 6), one of the most
Bissett; Fig. 1) to that of Trichoderma polysporum (Link:Fr.) frequently cited of the biological control fungi, in Trichoderma
Rifai (Fig. 2). However. the morphological comparison is only by Arx (1987) has only recently been accepted following
superficial as To. niveum is now known to be the anamorph of DNA sequence analysis (Rehner & Samuels, 1994, 1995). The
Cordyceps facis Kobayashi & Shimizu (Hodge & Krasnoff, penicillus of phialides, combined with conidia held in slime, all
1995; Hodge, Krasnoff & Humber, 1996), a member of the on a more or less discrete conidiophore (Fig. 6) are generally
Clavicipitales. characteristic of Gliocladium Corda. Trichoderma virens is not
Trichoderma: a review of biology and systematics of the genus 928

the only Trichoderma to have a generalized Gliocladium-type in any current taxonomic treatment it would be placed in
conidiophore, which is found among anamorphs of Hypocrea Gliocladium. For a general discussion of the integration of
species such as H. gelatinosa (Webster, 1964; Bissett, 1991b) anamorph fungi into the ascomycetes see Cams (1995).
and various other Hypocrea species (Doi, 1972; e.g. H. Bissett (1991 a) expanded the morphological concept of
flavovirens Berk. & Broome, Fig. 9). When viewed in light of Trichoderma by including anamorphs of species of Hypocrea
the different teleomorphs and biologies, the morphological that have effused stromata in sect. Hypocreanum Bissett. These
similarity between T. virens and the type species of Gliocladium, Hypocrea species include H. pulvinata Fuckel (Rifai & Webster,
G. penicillioides Corda (Fig. 8) is not indicative of close 1966b; Fig. 5), H. citrina (Rifai & Webster, 1966b; Canham,
phylogenetic relationship. 1969), and others. Their anamorphs have colourless conidia
Gliocladium penicillioides, and similar Gliocladium species, are borne in conspicuous clear and uncoloured liquid on more or
anamorphs of species of Sphaerostilbella (Seifert, 1985). less verticillately branched, or unbranched and then Acrem-
Sphaerostilbella Henn. species occur on basidiomata of members onium- or Verticillium-like conidiophores. Bissett (1991a)
of the Aphyllophorales and the genus is more closely related envisioned a progression of forms among the Hypocrea
to Hypomyces Tul. than it is to Hypocrea (Rehner & Samuels, anamorphs that ranges from these Acremonium-or Verticillium-
1995). Further, many unrelated hypocreaceous anamorphs are like to more typical Trichoderma conidiophores (e.g. H. rufa
classified in Gliocladium because they have penicillately (Pers.: Fr.) Fr., Fig. 4).
arranged phialides (e.g. G. roseum Bainier, which is a Preliminary results of sequence analysis of rDNA (Rehner.
Cionostachys Corda; see illustrations in Domsch et al., 1980). peTS. comm.) place these Hypocrea species with effused
Bissett (1991 b) included T. virens in Trichoderma sect. stromata within the larger genus Hypocrea. However, care
Pachybasium Bissett on the basis of morphological comparison should be taken before accepting the placement of the
to other species that he included in that section. From the anamorphs of these fungi in Trichoderma, as it is at least
point of view of teleomorphs, T. virens is probably closely possible that rather than being Trichoderma anamorphs, they
related to T. aureoviride Rifai, the anamorph of H. aureoviridis are synanamorphs or even spermatia. Hypocrea poronioidea, a
Plowr. & Cooke, a species that is morphologically and Hypocrea species with a discrete, turbinate stroma, produces
anatomically similar to H. gelatinosa Tode: Fr. both a typical Trichoderma anamorph as well as a synanamorph
Rehner & Samuels (1994) compared various hypocrealean that is morphologically similar to the anamorphs of H.
ascomycetes that have Gliocladium anamorphs using sequences pulvinata. In H. poronioidea, however, these colourless conidia
of large subunit nuclear ribosomal DNA and found T. virens, apparently only form on incipient stromata, and this suggests
G. viride, G. roseum, and G. penicillioides to be widely dispersed that they have a sexual function (Samuels & Lodge, 1996).
in the Hypocreales. Trichoderma virens was arranged among Furthermore, on the basis of rDNA sequence similarity, H.
Hypocrea species, and can thus be regarded as a species of poronioidea is basal to the species of Hypocrea that have effused
Hypocrea. The consequence of this finding for Trichoderma stromata, and closer to them than it is to other Hypocrea
taxonomy is that the morphological stereotype of Trichoderma species (Rehner, pers. comm.). Conceivably the formation of
has to be modified to accept this stereotypical Gliocladium spermatia, or at least Acremonium-like anamorphs, is an
morphology. In the case of G. virens, however, it is not too apomorphy for this group. Hypocrea poronioidea, hypothesized
difficult to rationalize the Gliocladium morphology within as being primitive, retains the ability to form Trichoderma
Trichoderma because (i) of the intergrading Hypocrea anamorphs conidia as well as the Acremonium-like conidia whereas the
and (ii) the branching pattern of G. virens can be seen to be a ability to form Trichoderma is lost among the more derived
modification of a more typical Trichoderma, (iii) the formation members.
of typical Hypocrea-like chlamydospores (Figs 5, 6), and (iv)
the formation of green conidia.
Toward a concept of species
In his subdivision of Trichoderma into sections, Bissett
(1991 b) tended to the philosophy that Hypocrea anamorphs As is usually the case, species of Trichoderma have been
are, a priori, species of Trichoderma. However true that may be defined on the basis of their morphology. Morphological
in phylogenetic terms, inclusion of all Hypocrea anamorphs in characters used in species recognition in Trichoderma have
Trichoderma may require an unacceptable expansion of the been outlined by Rifai (1969b) and Bissett (1984, 1991a-c,
morphological concept of the genus. Gliocladium viride Matr. 1992). Unfortunately, some of the richest characters for
(formerly known as G. deliquescens Sopp, Fig. 7) is the species recognition in hyphomycetes in general are either not
anamorph of Hypocrea Iutea (Tode: Fr.) Petch, although the variable enough, or are difficult to describe in Trichoderma.
species is found commonly in its anamorph form from soil Conidial size and shape, an extremely useful character in other
isolations. Hypocrea lutea is morphologically, biologically and genera, are of limited value in Trichoderma. Conidia of most
genetically similar to H. gelatinosa (Rehner & Samuels, 1994, species are less than 5 I.lm long and wide. Conidia may be
1995). Although this Gliocladium-like anamorph is not difficult globose, subglobose, ellipsoidal or oblong, and the shape is
to distinguish from G. penicillioides, it does not bear much useful in recognizing groups of species, but within groups its
morphological similarity to more typical Trichoderma species. value is diminished. Conidia may be some shade of green or
While acknowledging that G. viride behaves, genetically, like greenish yellow, or colourless. The differences in shade of
a Hypocrea species, and thus like any other Trichoderma green, which may range from a deep green to nearly grey,
species, it represents the diagnosticians worst nightmare: it may be taxonomically significant, but difficult to interpret and
would be impossible to determine this species as a Trichoderma; communicate. Conidial ornamentation, which may be smooth,
G. J. Samuels 929

warted or tuberculate, is certainly a useful species character sometimes reminiscent of coconut. The coconut odour
but may require scanning electron microscopy to demonstrate. produced by some strains of T. viride and T. harzianum has
There are usually no definable conidiophores in Trichoderma been attributed to an antifungaL unsaturated pyrone, 6-
(see, for example, Figs 2-4). The conidia tend to aggregate pentyl-a-pyrone (Serrano-Carreon et aI., 1992; see also
into pulvinate masses, the aggregates formed of intertwined Claydon et ai., 1977).
hyphae bearing phialides and often appearing to be attached Rifai (1969) concluded, not surprisingly, that anamorph
to the substrate at one or a few points. An ontogenetic study characters alone might not provide a useful taxonomy of
of such aggregates could be fascinating, and could also help in Trichoderma. He took the attitude that there is no real way to
defining a conidiophore. For example, do aggregates originate define a biological species in morphological terms, that the
with a single hypha that proliferates7 The width of the hyphae morphological characters were continuously variable, and that
within the aggregate is significant. Bissett (1991 b) has made there is no way of knowing the degree of variation tolerable
extensive taxonomic use of fertile or sterile elongations of within an individual species. One way to chart variation
conidiophores (Fig. 2). The arrangement of phialides on within a biological species of Trichoderma is to use anamorphs
hyphae within aggregates is characteristic but is virtually of known Hypocrea species, so that there would be no doubt
impossible to define and communicate (compare Figs 2-4). that all strains, derived from ascospores as they are, would
Phialide shape is characteristic of a species but, again, is represent only one species. Because, prior to 1969, the number
difficult to define. Perhaps new mathematical definitions can of Hypocrea species that had been grown in pure culture was
be developed that would reflect form of phialides and patterns smalL Rifai refrained from proposing narrow species concepts
of branching more accurately than the available words. Seifert, in Trichoderma. He adopted instead the concept of 'aggregate'
Wingfield & Wingfield (1995) have suggested that branching species, which he defined as ' aggregations of morphologically
in Trichoderma resembles 'iterated functional systems' that are very similar and often hardly separable species.' Of these
derived from mathematical formulae. aggregates, five were based on Hypocrea species, viz. T.
Chlamydospores in Trichoderma tend to be globose to aureoviride Rifai (H. aureoviridis), T. hamatum Rifai (H. semiorbis
subglobose, terminal or intercalary in hyphae, smooth, green, (Hook.) Berk.); T. piluIiferum Webster & Rifai (H. piIuIifera
and less than 15 ~m in diameter (Figs 5-7). While these J. Webster & Rifai), T. pseudokoningii (H. d. schweinitzii (Fr.)
chlamydospores are characteristic of Trichoderma and Hypocrea, Sacc.), and T. viride (H. rufa). Although he considered that his
their form is not diagnostic of species but their presence may work was preliminary and not to be taken as a complete
be (Samuels, Doi & Rogerson 1990; Bissett 1991 b). taxonomic treatment, it has become the primary source of
Synanamorphs, apart from chlamydospores, are rare in species identification for Trichoderma.
Trichoderma. Hypocrea suIawesensis Yoshim. Doi (Samuels et al., Bissett (1984, 1991a-c, 1992), like Rifai, adopted a
1990) produces solitary' macroconidia' at the tips of branches morphological approach to taxonomy of Trichoderma. He
of conidiophores of its Trichoderma anamorph. In H. poronioidea essentially elevated each of Rifai's aggregate species to
(Samuels & Lodge, 1996), hyaline conidia held in drops of sectional level (Bissett, 1991a) and proposed one new section
colourless liquid at the tips of sparingly branched conidio- for Acremonium-like or Verticillium-like anamorphs of the
phores form in addition to a typical Trichoderma anamorph. Hypocrea species, such as H. puIvinata, that have effused
As was discussed above, these hyaline conidia may be stromata. Doi, Abe & Sugiyama (1987) added an additional
spermatia. section, sect. Saturnisporum for species that have warted,
Characteristics of colonies grown on agar media are subtle. wrinkled or nearly winged conidia. Bissett has published
Most species grow rapidly and conidiate readily on common revisions of sections Longibrachiatum (Bissett, 1984) and
media. Unlike comparable genera such as Penicillium Link or Pachybasium (Bissett, 1991 b) and recognized several pre-
Fusarium Link, where cultures present many diagnostic sumably biological species in each.
characters, in Trichoderma there is virtually no aerial mycelium In the publications of Rifai (1969) and Bissett (1984, 1991
and most diffusable pigmentation is typically in shades of a, b) we have taxonomies that reflect differing taxonomic
yellow. Yellow pigment is a characteristic for some species of philosophies. Bissett has perceived noncontinuous morpho-
sect. Longibrachiatum. Trichoderma colonies often show zo- logical characteristics of biological species where Rifai saw a
nation in conidial development; Schrufer & Lysek (1990) continuum within a few basic morphologies. Is one system
demonstrated that rhythmic growth and sporulation are any more reflective of reality than the other? Independently
heterogeneous in populations. They also reported a de- derived, macromolecular, data have been applied in tests of
pendence on light for induction of sporulation. Whether the morphotaxonomic hypotheses.
conidial production occurs in aggregates, or predominantly on
Macromolecular approaches to Trichoderma taxonomy
'mononematous' conidiophores diffused throughout the
colony, may be a species character. It has been my observation The first efforts at macromolecular characterization of
that a relatively weak medium such as cornmeal agar with 2 % Trichoderma strains and species were undertaken not by
dextrose permits better observation of conidial aggregation professional taxonomists, but by frustrated users of the
when compared to media such as potato dextrose or oatmeal existing taxonomy. Stasz et aI. (1988, p. 170) plaintively
agar, where conidial production is generally much more remarked that, ' ... methods are lacking to differentiate among
profuse. However, diffusable pigment forms more reliably on strains for patent purposes, or to determine the variability and
potato dextrose agar than cornmeal agar with dextrose or abundance of strains in natural ecosystems'. Morphology
oatmeal agar. Some cultures develop sweet odours that are alone in Trichoderma has not led to a satisfactory taxonomy or,
Trichoderma: a review of biology and systematics of the genus 930

at any rate, to a taxonomy that has been useful to many users. determine that T. 'todica' (ATCC 36936), an unpublished
Characters derived from nucleic acids and enzymes are strain patented for the production of antiviral antibiotics, is
attractive because, with cladistic analysis, they seem to offer actually T. parceramosum, a member of sect. Longibrachiafum
the possibility of greater objectivity than do traditionally Bissett. Schlick et ai. (1994) used DNA fingerprinting to
observed and analyzed data. Whether these techniques identify patent strains of T. harzianum. They also found that
increase taxonomic objectivity may be debated, but the strains that had been produced by gamma irradiation had the
additional characters are certainly welcome. same ITS-1 and ITS-2 sequences as the parent strains. Zimand
Macromolecular analyses based on enzymes and nucleic et al. (1994) used the RAPD procedure to identify biocontrol
acids have shown that at least some of the aggregate species strains of Trichoderma species.
are phylogenetically based (e.g. Okuda, Fujiwara & Fujiwara, Bissett (1984) elevated the T. Iongibrachiatum-aggregate
1982; Stasz et aI., 1989; Leuchtmann, Petrini & Samuels, 1996) species to status of section and included the species T.
at the same time confirming genetic diversity of the individual citrinoviride, T. Iongibrachiafum, T. parceramosum, T. pseudo-
aggregates (Zamir & Chet, 1985; Stasz et aI., 1989; Meyer, koningii, and later the anamorph of H. schweinitzii (Bissett,
1991; Meyer et al., 1992; Fujimori & Okuda, 1994; 1991c). Samuels et ai. (1994), using isozymes, and Kuhls et ai.
Muthumeenakshi ef al., 1994; Samuels ef al., 1994; Zimand ef (1996a, b), using a variety of DNA techniques, confirmed that
aL 1994; Kuhls et al., 1996a, b; Leuchtmann ef aI., 1996). sect. Longibrachiatum is distinct from other sections. Bissett
Stasz et al. (1989) evaluated five aggregate species of (1984) included the species T. pseudokoningii, which Rifai
Trichoderma using enzyme polymorphisms. While they (1969) regarded as an aggregate species, in sect. Longi-
concluded that morphological species are not characterized by brachiatum. Trichoderma pseudokoningii was originally isolated
specific alleles at single loci, or specific patterns of alleles at from ascospores of Hypocrea d. schweinifzii in eastern Australia,
multiple loci, they demonstrated what they called 'core and Leuchtmann et a/. (1996) found that T. pseudokoningii is
groups' of morphological species. Despite individual strains similar to other Hypocrea strains found in New Zealand. They
that gave widely divergent allozyme patterns, the core groups also concluded that T. pseudokoningii, a species commonly
coincided well with Rifai's aggregate species T. pseudokoningii, reported in the literature, is most likely limited in distribution
T. koningii, T. hamafum, and T. viride. Strains used under the to Australia and New Zealand and has probably been widely
name of T. harzianum aggregate fell into one of two clusters. misinterpreted (e.g. Bissett, 1984).
These results indicate that, in part. there is a genetic basis for Trichoderma sect. Longibrachiafum includes T. reesei, a species
the morphological aggregate species, and also confirm Rifai's that is well known for cellulase production (Reese & Mandels,
own contention that each aggregate is genetically het- 1989) and that accounted for about half of the approximately
erogeneous. 550 articles that cited Trichoderma in the USDA AGRICOLA
Meyer & Plaskowitz (1989) observed two types of conidial data base for 1992-1995. Bissett (1984) synonymized T. reesei
ornamentation among twelve strains referable to T. viride, a with T. Iongibrachiafum on morphological grounds. Meyer et
member of sect. Trichoderma. Meyer (1991) later found that al. (1992), using DNA-fingerprint analysis, and Samuels ef ai.
mitochondrial DNA restriction fragment data distinguished (1994), combining morphometries and isoenzyme profiles,
between those two groups and he suggested that each group, distinguished between T. reesei and T. Iongibrachiatum. In
characterized by conidial ornamentation and mtDNA type, another isozyme study (Leuchtmann et al., 1996), using a much
could represent a distinct species. This is an interesting larger set of strains than was used by Samuels et al. (1994), T.
correlation that should be confirmed by the study of more reesei and H. jecorina were closely joined to each other and
strains if only because T. viride is the type species of the genus. formed a group that was distinct from all other species in sect.
Okuda et al. (1982) found that the aggregate species T. Longibrachiatum, including other associated Hypocrea teleo-
hamatum, T. harzianum, T. koningii, and T. viride could be morphs. Kuhls et al. (1996a), using rDNA sequence analysis
subdivided on the basis of production of isonitrile antibiotics. and PCR-fingerprints, observed T. reesei to behave exactly as
There was some correspondence between the respective any strain of H. jecorina, concluded that T. reesei is the
groups and phenotypical characters of the strains. anamorph of H. jecorina, differing in minor phenotypic
Zamir & Chet (1985) divided twenty-three strains of the T. characters and in its inability to undergo sexual reproduction
harzianum-aggregate among five different types according to (Samuels et aI., 1994).
their enzyme profiles. Fujimori & Okuda (1994) and Doi et al. (1987) proposed the new sect. Saturnisporum for
Muthumeenakshi et al. (1994), also working with the T. two species, T. ghanense Y. Doi, Y. Abe & Sugiy. and T.
harzianum-aggregate, used various molecular techniques to safurnisporum HammilL species that have conspicuously
distinguish, respectively, two and three groups within the warted, sometimes alate, conidia. Branching patterns of both
aggregate. Muthumeenakshi et ai. (1994) found three distinct species are similar to branching in sect. Longibrachiafum and,
types of ITS-I, and strains characterized by ITS type 2 were like sect. Longibrachiatum, both have ellipsoidal conidia. Kuhls
aggressive antagonists in commercial mushroom production. et al. (1996b) and Turner et ai. (1996) used nucleic acid
In this regard it is interesting that Stasz et al. (1989), using analyses to place, respectively, T. safurnisporum and T.
isozyme analysis, also found two enzyme profiles in T. ghanense in sect. Longibrachiatum.
harzianum. The teleomorphs of Trichoderma
Fujimori & Okuda (1994) successfully used RAPD's to
identify duplicate Trichoderma strains in microbial screening. Trichoderma has all the essential characteristics of anamorphs
Kuhls, Lieckfeldt & Borner (1995) used RAPD's of T. reesei to of the ascomycete order Hypocreales (Samuels & Seifert.
G. J. Samuels 931

1987): brightly to lightly coloured conidia, conidiophores and Japanese, Asian Pacific and tropical American species, is the
colonies, and conidia formed from phialides. By the time the most comprehensive study of Hypocrea available (Doi &
first volume of the Transactions of the British Mycological Society Doi, 1979, 1986; Doi, 1966 - 1968, 1971 - 1973a, b, 1975,
was published in 1902, the specific link between T. viride and 1976, 1978, 1980; Doi, Doi & Toyozawa, 1984; Doi &
H. ntfa was an accepted fact (Smith, 1902), thus establishing Yamatoya, 1989). Unfortunately, Doi did not publish keys to
the generic link between Hypocrea and Trichoderma. Berkeley, either teleomorphs or anamorphs. Domsch et al. (1980)
as early as 1860, suspected a link between l. viride and some assigned many of the anamorphs described in Doi's work to
unnamed ascomycete when he enigmatically noted that the Rifai's aggregate species, but any aggregate could be linked to
Trichoderma species was' probably not autonomous.' In that more than one Hypocrea species. Doi (1972), in his revision of
same year L.-R. Tulasne (Tulasne, 1860) proved that l. viride Japanese Hypocrea, recognized two subgenera. He further
and the ascomycete Hypocrea rufa are expressions of one life divided one of those subgenera into sections, subsections, and
cycle. The brothers Tulasne (Tulasne & Tulasne, 1865) series based on stromal anatomy. While there was broad
illustration of T. viride is remarkably accurate in the consistency within the subsections and series as to the type of
representation of the phialides and their disposition on the anamorph, anamorphs in sect. Hypocrea subsect. Hypocrea,
conidiophore. The observation of the relationship between H. which includes the type species H. rufa, could be assigned to
rufa and l. viride, later proven by single ascospore cultures by one of four of Rifai's aggregate species. Thus, at least in the
Brefeld (1891), represented a major advance in our under- case of one subsection, the anamorphs and teleomorphs are
standing of the interrelationship between deuteromycetes telling different phylogenetic stories because it is not possible
and ascomycetes. to predict from most Hypocrea species the aggregate species of
The only proven teleomorphs for Trichoderma have been the Trichoderma anamorph.
closely related genera, viz. Hypocrea with fewer in Podostroma Hypocrea perithecia do not form in cultures of Trichoderma
P. Karst. and sarawakus Boedijn. Our knowledge of all of strains isolated from natural substrates; however, Trichoderma
these genera is slowly developing, but a picture is emerging anamorphs occasionally develop in cultures derived from
wherein species of Podostroma and sarawakus that have Hypocrea ascospores. One can question whether Trichoderma
Trichoderma anamorphs could be placed in Hypocrea. Since strains encountered in the absence of a teleomorph are parts
1860 many Hypocrea species have been grown in pure culture of Hypocrea life cycles. Some of the aggregate species
and their Trichoderma anamorphs described (see list in Doi & described by Rifai (I969) are Hypocrea species in the sense that
Doi, 1979). they are based on ascospore isolations from Hypocrea species
Because only members of the Hypocreales have been (see above).
proven to have Trichoderma anamorphs, there is no doubt that However, given the difficulty of understanding what
Trichoderma is a genus of that order. It is, however, somewhat constitutes a species of Trichoderma, it is still unclear whether
more difficult to assign Trichoderma to a single teleomorph Trichoderma strains encountered in nature are actually Hypocrea
genus because the three, albeit closely related, ascomycete anamorphs. As was discussed above, T. reesei, while apparently
genera have Trichoderma anamorphs. Ribosomal DNA sequen- incapable of sexual reproduction and culturally distinct from
ces (Rehner & Samuels, 1994; Kuhls et al., 1996a), PCR- H. jecorina, behaves exactly like any strain of H. jecorina (Kuhls
fingerprints (Kuhls et al., 1996a, b; Turner et al., 1996) and et ai., 1996a). However, l. reesei is known only from its
isozyme studies (Samuels et al., 1994; Leuchtmann et al., 1996) original isolation and the mutants that have been derived from
have integrated individual Trichoderma species, not known to it (EI Gogary et al., 1990).
reproduce sexually, among Hypocrea species. Leuchtmann et al. (1996), Kuhls et ai. (1996 b), and Turner et
Bisby (1939), unable to distinguish the Trichoderma al. (1996) studied the relationship between T. citrinoviride (sect.
anamorphs of H. rufa and H. gelatinosa, referred to both as l. Longibrachiatum) and H. schweinitzii (Fr.) Sacc. Unlike l. reesei,
viride. Because, in his estimation, the anamorphs were the l. citrinoviride is a common and cosmopolitan species. In each
same, he considered the green-spored H. gelatinosa to be a study, four strains of H. schweinitzii, three from eastern USA
growth form of the white-spored H. ntfa. Bisby can, perhaps, and one from France, were interspersed with strains of l.
be forgiven for confusing the anamorphs of H. rufa and H. citrinoviride, some HypocrealTrichoderma pairs or clusters more
gelatinosa because, in Bisby's time, several species of Hypocrea closely interrelated than individual pairs or clusters were
could have been confused with H. gelatinosa, and all of them related to other individual pairs or clusters. There also
have a Trichoderma anamorph that could have been confused remained several l. citrinoviride strains that clustered singly or
with l. viride (for example H. f/avovirens, Fig. 9). In 1964 the alone, but not with Hypocrea strains. Unfortunately because H.
anamorph of true H. gelatinosa was recognized to be a schweinitzii has not been induced to reproduce sexually in
Trichoderma with slimy conidia (Webster, 1964) similar to l. vitro, no comment can be made about interfertility among the
virens. Ten years later Webster and Rifai published a series of various Hypocrea and Trichoderma strains or whether the l.
papers detailing connections between Hypocrea species and citrinoviride strains are sexually competent. There is little
their Trichoderma anamorphs (Webster, 1964; Rifai & Webster, doubt, however, that H. schweinitzii is the teleomorph of T.
1966a, b; Webster & Rifai, 1968). In addition to H. gelatinosa, citrinoviride. Thus, Hypocrea teleomorphs have been proven for
this series established the current holomorphic concept of the at least two commonly occurring species of Trichoderma, viz.
common species H. pulvinata and H. ntfa, and culminated in l. citrinoviride and T. viride. Bissett (1991 c) illustrated an
the publication of Rifai's revision of Trichoderma in 1969. anamorph for H. schweinitzii that was based on a New Zealand
The work of Y. Doi and his collaborators, which includes collection (CBS 243.63). New Zealand H. schweinitzii strains
Trichoderma: a review of biology and systematics of the genus 932

are genetically diverse, comprising at least two populations helpful in recycling cellulosic waste materials while producing
(Kuhls et al., 1996b; Leuchtmann et al., 1996), both of which useful by-products. Trichoderma species are also a valuable
may be distinct species and different from typicaL north tool for the biological control of plant pathogens, thus helping
temperate H. schweinitzii. to reduce the need for polluting chemicals. A comprehensive
taxonomic scheme is urgently required to provide rapid
How many species of Trichoderma are there 7 identifications, to distinguish deleterious strains, and to
adequately and safely survey the biodiversity, and realize the
Just how many species are included in Trichoderma has been a
commercial potentiaL of Trichoderma.
continuing matter of uncertainty. The genus was originally
Emerging evidence has shown that some of Rifai's (1969)
proposed by Persoon in 1794 with four species, of which only
aggregate species, such as T. longibrachiatum, are mono-
one, T. uiride, remains. In all of Saccardo's Sylloge fungorum
phyletic. Other aggregates, such as T. harzianum have been
only 27 species of Trichoderma were included, and prior to
proven to be perhaps even more diverse than Rifai had
1980 there were fewer than fifty described species. The only
envisioned. There has only been limited testing of more
key to Trichoderma prior to 1939 was that of Gilman & Abbott
narrowly circumscribed morphological species, but at least in
(1927), who recognized Pachybasium with one species, and
sect. Longibrachiatum the species proposed by Bissett (1984)
distinguished four species of Trichoderma on the basis of
have been supported.
colony characters, and conidial shape and pigmentation. Bisby
We still do not know what a species of Trichoderma is.
(1939) considered that colony characters and conidial shape
Development of a species concept in Trichoderma requires a
and ornamentation were too variable to define species, and
combination of phenotypic and genetic information derived
concluded that there was only one species, T. uiride. He noted
from repeated collection of Hypocrea and Trichoderma strains.
that while a small number of isolates might exhibit
It may be possible to use phenotypic characters in the
characteristic colonies or morphology, apparent differences
identification of many species, but it must always be borne in
were blurred on examination of many more cultures. Between
mind that strains that look different, and that in more 'naIve
1939 and 1969 Trichoderma was basically seen to include only
times,' before the development of isozyme and nucleic acid
one species. Obviously, literature about the biology of
analyses, might have been described as distinct taxa, are not
Trichoderma from that period should be viewed carefully.
necessarily genetically distinct. This is certainly the case with
Today there are about seventy-five described species of
T. reesei and H. jecorina. We cannot even begin to guess at the
Trichoderma. Doi & Doi (1986) listed the species described
number of so-called Trichoderma species that are nothing more
before 1986.
than clonal lines, genetically like but phenotypically distinct
How many species are there really? The answer to this
from other lines. A challenge for the future will be to
question will depend upon the operational definition of a
understand how speciation occurs in Hypocrea and Trichoderma.
species. If the example of T. reesei given above is representative,
then there could be an endless number of morphologically
distinct clonal species that are genetically very close to other I am indebted to Ms Kathie Hodge for letting me see her
morphospecies. If one assumes that the majority of Hypocrea unpublished manuscript on Cordyceps facis, and for providing
represent 'good' species of Trichoderma, and if only half of the illustration of Tolypocladium inflatum. Dr S. A. Rehner
more than 200 described species of Hypocrea are 'good' allowed me access to his unpublished data on Hypocrea and
species, then there must be at least 100 biological species of Trichoderma. Drs M. E. Palm, C. T. Rogerson and A. Y.
Trichoderma. But this would be an underestimation as it does Rossman read various drafts of this work and provided helpful
not account for the many Hypocrea species still to be comments.
The state of our knowledge of Hypocrea taxonomy is not
much further advanced than it is for Trichoderma itself. An idea
of the described us unknown species diversity in Hypocrea is
seen in Doi's (1972) monograph of the genus for Japan. Of the Adams, P. R. & Hanson, j. R. (1972). Sesquiterpenoids metabolites of
fifty-two taxa (including forms) that he accepted, 31 Trichoderma polysporum and T. sporulosum. Phytochemistry 11, 423.
Arisan-Atac, I., Heidenreich, E. & Kubicek, C. P. (1995). Randomly amplified
(approximately 60%) were described as new. The majority of
polymorphic DNA fingerprinting identifies subgroups of Trichoderma viride
these had Trichoderma anamorphs; while many could be
and other Trichoderma species capable of chestnut blight biocontrol. FEMS
assigned at least to one of the aggregate species, it is evident Microbiology Letters 126, 249-256.
that there is more morphological variation than is accounted Arx, j. A. von. (1987). Plant pathogenic fungi. Nova Hedwigia Beihefte 87,
for in Rifai's aggregates. So, while Domsch et al. (1980) 1-288.
correctly noted that each of Rifai's nine species aggregates Bainier, G. (1906). Mycotheque de l'Ecole de Pharrnacie.III. Bulletin de la Societe
Mycologique de France 22, 130--133 +pJ. 8.
could be connected with more than one teleomorph species,
Bawa, S. & Sandhu, D. K. (1994). Parasexual analysis in Trichoderma reesei
much of the phenotypical diversity in Trichoderma remains using protoplast fusion. Fungal Genetics Newsletter 41, 17-19.
undescribed. Bedford, M. R. & Classen, H. L. (1993). An in vitro assay for prediction of
broiler intestinal viscosity and growth when fed rye-based diets in the
THE FUTURE? presence of exogenous enzymes. Poultry Science 72, 137-143.
Benhamou, N. & Chet, I. (1993). Hyphal interactions between Trichoderma
Trichoderma has been shown to be a valuable source for the harzianum and Rhizoctonia solani: ultrastructure and gold cytochemistry of
commercial production of enzymes, for example, that can be the mycoparasitic process. Phytopathology 83, 1062-1071.
G. J. Samuels 933

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Transaclions of Ihe Brilish Mycological Sociely 23, 149-168. genus Hypocrea and its allies in Japan (2). Enumeration of the species.
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classification. Canadian journal of Bolany 69, 2357-2372. pseudogelalinosa sp. nov. Reporls of Ihe Tollori Mycological Inslilule Uapan)
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on section Longibrachialum. Canadian journal of Bolany 69, 2418-2420. Islands (1). Memoirs of Ihe Nalional Science Museum 6, 65-75.
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Ascomycelen II 10, 157-378 + Tabs. IV-XIII. Heinrich Schoningh: Doi, Y. (1976). Revision of the Hypocreales with cultural observations IV. The
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reesei cellulases in bleaching of kraft pulp. Applied Microbiology and Doi, Y (1978). Revision of the Hypocreales with cultural observations XI.
Biolechnology 40, 941-945. Additional notes of Hypocrea and its allies in Japan (1). Bulletin of Ihe
Canham, S. C. (1969). Taxonomy and morphology of Hypocrea cilrina. Nalional Science Museum, Series B (Bolany) 4, 19-26.
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Cannichael, J. W., Kendrick, W. B.. Conners. I. L. & Sigler, L. (1980). Genera of Trichoderma states of Hypocrea albofulva B. et Br. and H. nigricans (Imai) DoL
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(Accepted 26 February 1996)

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