Felton 2016 How Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies Can Threaten or Enhance The Biodiversity of Production Forests

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Biological Conservation 194 (2016) 11–20

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How climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies can threaten or

enhance the biodiversity of production forests: Insights from Sweden
A. Feltona,⁎, L. Gustafssonb, J.-M. Roberge c, T. Ranius b, J. Hjältén c, J. Rudolphi c, M. Lindbladha, J. Weslien d, L. Rist e,
J. Brunet a, A.M. Felton a
Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences — SLU, Box 49, 230 53 Alnarp, Sweden
Department of Ecology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences — SLU, Box 7044, 750 07, Uppsala, Sweden
Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Environmental Studies, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences — SLU, 901 83 Umeå, Sweden
Skogforsk, Uppsala Science Park, 751 83 Uppsala, Sweden
Department of Forest Ecology and Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences — SLU, Skogsmarksgränd, 901 83 Umeå, Sweden

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Anthropogenic climate change is altering the management of production forests. These changes are motivated by
Received 27 June 2015 the need to adapt to the uncertainties and risks of climate change, and by the need to enlist their carbon storage
Received in revised form 18 November 2015 and sequestration capacity as part of global mitigation efforts. These changes do however raise concerns regard-
Accepted 26 November 2015
ing the potential implications for forest biodiversity. Here we evaluate these concerns by assessing the biodiver-
Available online 7 December 2015
sity implications of climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies (CCAMS) being implemented in the
production forests of Sweden. We do so by identifying biodiversity goals aimed specifically at closing the existing
Biological conservation gap between the habitat requirements of forest-dependent species, and the conditions provided by production
Ecosystem services forests, in terms of tree species composition, forest structures, and spatio-temporal forest patterns. We then
Global warming use the existing literature to determine whether and by which pathway each CCAMS is likely to bridge or extend
Picea abies this gap. Our results indicate that CCAMS will often come into direct or partial conflict with Swedish biodiversity
Planted forest goals in production forests. Furthermore, some CCAMS which are inconsistent with biodiversity goals, such as
Sustainable forest management logging residue removal, are being implemented more extensively than those which were most consistent
with biodiversity goals. We nevertheless challenge the necessity of setting the preservation of forest biodiversity
against climate change mitigation and adaptation. We clarify how CCAMS with negative biodiversity implications
may still be implemented without adverse outcomes, if coupled with conservation interventions, or combined
with other CCAMS deemed complementary in habitat provision.
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction to store and sequester atmospheric carbon (Canadell and Raupach,

2008; Lindner and Karjalainen, 2007). Both of these developments are
Humanity depends on a diverse array of ecosystem services provid- motivating substantial changes in how forests are being managed and
ed by forests, including the provision of wood fibers, the regulation of how the ecosystem services they provide are prioritized (Driscoll
water resources, and the creation of environments conducive to recrea- et al., 2012; Lindenmayer et al., 2012a).
tion and wellbeing (MEA, 2005). Over the coming century these and As production forests constitute one third of forest area globally, and
other forest-derived ecosystem services will need to be sustained more than half of the forest area in Europe (FAO, 2010; Pawson et al.,
to meet the increasing demands of a growing human population 2013), altering the management of even a small proportion of these for-
(Costanza et al., 2014). This task is now made harder by the impacts of ests as part of climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts is raising
anthropogenic climate change (Staudt et al., 2013). In some regions concerns regarding the potential consequences for forest biodiversity
anthropogenic climate change is already affecting the delivery of these (Driscoll et al., 2012; Lindenmayer et al., 2012a). Of specific concern is
services by altering environmental conditions and increasing the fre- that climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies (CCAMS) will
quency and extent of disturbances to production forests (Allen et al., work against the accumulated benefits of recent biodiversity conserva-
2010; Seidl et al., 2014). Concurrently, production forests are increas- tion efforts targeted towards improving habitat availability in produc-
ingly being enlisted as part of mitigation efforts, due to their capacity tion forests. These strategies could influence the tree species grown,
the disturbance regimes employed, and the structural attributes
⁎ Corresponding author. favored. Hence, adaptation and mitigation strategies may be counter-
E-mail address: adam.felton@slu.se (A. Felton). productive in relation to biodiversity goals, and may even compromise

0006-3207/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
12 A. Felton et al. / Biological Conservation 194 (2016) 11–20

the biodiversity foundations from which many ecosystem services change adaptation and mitigation strategies (hereafter CCAMS) being
derive (Cardinale et al., 2012; Schröter et al., 2014; Thompson et al., enlisted in Sweden, with this nation's goals for improving habitat for
2011). forest biodiversity. To do so we identified seven CCAMS either already
In this study, we evaluate how climate change mitigation and adap- being implemented in Swedish production forests, or actively consid-
tation strategies will impact on habitat availability within Sweden's ered or advocated by government institutions and other major stake-
production forests. In Sweden, 70% of the land area is covered by forests, holders. Using the available scientific literature and government
which extend from the temperate zone to the boreal. Sweden is the reports we address the motivation for each CCAMS usage, as well as cur-
world's 6th largest producer of industrial round wood (FAOSTAT, rent obstacles and incentives for uptake. We then describe each CCAMS
2013), and relies extensively on the rotational even-aged management in terms of their resultant implications for three major determinants of
of production forests, approximately half of which are owned by small- habitat availability in production forests: tree species composition,
scale private forest owners (SFA, 2014). Norway spruce (Picea abies) is forest structures, and spatial/temporal forest patterns. We anchor this
the most common tree species by volume on productive forest lands assessment to a baseline reference forest condition provided by
in Sweden, though its dominance is supplanted by Scots pine (Pinus Norway spruce dominated production forests, and to biodiversity
sylvestris) in the north of the country (SFA, 2014). The production goals provided by government legislation recommendations from the
focus on these two tree species has greatly simplified the tree species Swedish Forest Agency and non-governmental forest certification agen-
composition of production forest areas, largely to the detriment of cies. In the process we develop an internationally relevant framework
broadleaf tree species. The widespread simplification of Sweden's for conducting such assessments, provide insights regarding how
forests has likewise raised concerns regarding the resilience of these for- CCAMS can readily come into conflict with biodiversity goals, and iden-
ests to the biotic and abiotic disturbance events projected to increase tify opportunities for achieving more synergistic outcomes between
over the coming century (Blennow, 2008; Felton et al., 2010a; Jönsson CCAMS and biodiversity goals in production forests.
et al., 2009). These concerns became particularly acute after a hurricane
(‘Gudrun’) hit southern Sweden in January of 2005, damaging 75 million 2. Materials and methods
cubic meters of primarily spruce-dominated forest, at a cost of USD 2
billion to the forest sector (SCCV, 2007; Svensson et al., 2011). 2.1. Selection and assessment of CCAMS
With respect to the conservation of forest biodiversity, Sweden's
formally protected forests are limited to 3.6% of the productive forest We define CCAMS as changes to the management of production
area, with an additional 4.8% of productive forest lands protected by forests specifically motivated by the need to mitigate climate change,
voluntary agreements (Johansson et al., 2013a; SFA, 2014). As such, or to adapt production forests to climate change associated impacts,
more than 90% of productive forest lands (volume increment of risks, and uncertainties (e.g. pests and pathogen outbreaks, temperature
≥1 m3 ha−1 yr−1) in Sweden falls outside of these types of protective stress, and wind throw risk; see ‘Reference condition’ below). We do not
frameworks. The large-scale transformation of natural forest cover has assess changes to production forest management motivated primarily
contributed to widespread population declines for many forest depen- by economic or production goals (e.g. increased fertilization), despite
dent species (Berg et al., 1994; Gustafsson and Perhans, 2010; the potential associated carbon sequestration benefits (but see
Gärdenfors, 2010) and nearly 2000 forest-associated species occurring Schulze et al., 2012). We do not review all possible CCAMS, but identi-
on the Swedish Red List (Gärdenfors, 2010). Therefore, over the last fied seven prominent and distinct examples that are either already
two decades specific efforts have been made to increase quantities of being implemented in Sweden, or are cited as potential strategies for
dead wood (Fridman and Walheim, 2000; Schroeder et al., 2011) and application in Sweden by government agencies. The CCAMS we assess
the number of green trees retained within stands at final felling include (1) logging residue removal; (2) conversion to short-rotation
(Johansson et al., 2013a). However, as these interventions have only hybrid broadleaves; (3) conversion to introduced conifers; (4) conver-
raised deadwood levels in production forests to an average of sion to broadleaf tree species; (5) continuous cover forestry; (6) short-
8 m3 ha−1 (N10 cm dbh; Kruys et al., 2013), and require only a limited ened rotation times; and (7) prolonged rotation times. We elaborate
number of living trees be retained per hectare at final felling, some on the motivation for the implementation of each CCAMS, as well as
question their adequacy relative to the demands of declining species current obstacles and incentives for uptake, before describing the impli-
(Johansson et al., 2013a). Nevertheless these efforts have increased cations of each CCAMS for tree species composition, forest structures,
the structural diversity of young production forests in relation to pre- and spatio-temporal forest patterns (see Section 2.3 below).
ceding decades (Kruys et al., 2013) and it is likely that these and related
actions will help reduce at least some of the negative effects of forestry 2.2. Reference condition
on biodiversity (Gustafsson et al., 2010; Johansson et al., 2013a).
With respect to anthropogenic climate change, current projections We use a baseline reference condition representative of standard
indicate increases in mean annual temperatures in Sweden varying production forest conditions in Sweden to anchor our assessment of
from 2 to 7 °C by 2071–2100 (Kjellström et al., 2014), thereby exceeding the biodiversity implications of CCAMS. This baseline consists of
global average projections for the same time period (IPCC 2014). rotationally cut even-aged stands, dominated by Norway spruce, due
Projected temperature changes are accompanied by expected increases to it being; 1) the most common production tree species in Sweden
in precipitation levels in Sweden of 0–40%, with large variation between by basal area (SFA, 2014), 2) vulnerable to climate change associated
years and decades. Although there is no clear indication regarding abiotic and biotic disturbance (e.g. wind-damage, spruce bark beetle
changes to storm frequency or intensity, the associated milder winters (Ips typographus), root rot) (Jönsson et al., 2012; Müller et al., 2014;
with reduced soil freezing may produce forest conditions more vulner- Valinger and Fridman, 2011), and 3) a primary target for conversion
able to storm-fellings (Lindner et al., 2014). In response to these and to a variety of other forest types under risk-spreading and adaptation
other adaptation requirements, and as part of global climate change scenarios (Eriksson, 2007; Löf et al., 2012; SCCV, 2007; Skogsstyrelsen,
mitigation efforts, Sweden is already altering production forest man- 2011; Swartling et al., 2012; Vulturius and Swartling, 2013). Norway
agement by, for example, extracting logging residue for bio-energy spruce also exhibits the highest mean annual increment of any native
production, and encouraging the diversification of production forest production tree species in Sweden, indicating the carbon sequestration
alternatives as a risk-spreading strategy (European Commission, 2007; contribution of this stand type (SFA, 2014). Norway spruce production
Ulmanen et al., 2012). forests are primarily managed as rotationally harvested even-aged
Within this context of climate change, production forestry, and bio- planted stands, which are felled after approximately 60–120 years de-
diversity conservation we assess the compatibility of a range of climate pending on site conditions. Notably, although spruce-dominated stands
A. Felton et al. / Biological Conservation 194 (2016) 11–20 13

commonly occur throughout Sweden, this production forest type is and native tree species. In our conceptual framework (Fig. 1) we refer
dominant only in the south of the country. to these as “goals for tree species composition”. Current Swedish gov-
ernmental regulations also state that older trees and the availability of
different categories of dead wood in production forestry stands should
2.3. Biodiversity goals increase (referred to as “goals for forest structures”). At broader land-
scape scales, the environmental goals of the Swedish government and
We identified biodiversity goals from Sweden's current legislation certification agencies recognize the need to increase the proportion of
which were relevant to production forests, and either of three key attri- older forest, limit the area of landscapes clear-cut at a given point in
butes of importance to biodiversity, namely tree species composition, time, and promote disturbance regimes which are more similar to the
forest structures, or the spatial and temporal scales of natural distur- spatial and temporal scales of natural disturbances (referred to as
bances (Lindenmayer and Franklin, 2002). Biodiversity goals were “goals for spatio-temporal forest patterns”) (see Fig. 1).
sourced from the Swedish Forestry Act (1993), Sweden's official envi-
ronmental objectives (Swedish Government, 2001), as recommenda-
tions from governmental bodies such as the Swedish Forest Agency 2.4. CCAMS consistency or inconsistency with biodiversity goals
(see Fig. 1), and the criteria and indicators of certification agencies.
The Swedish Forestry Act (1993) states that on forest land (public and Using the published literature, we evaluated whether these CCAMS
private) biodiversity preservation is to be granted importance equal to are likely to improve or deteriorate forest conditions relative to both
that of timber production. Sweden's broader environmental objectives the baseline forest state (i.e. Norway spruce production forests) and
state that ecosystems and viable populations of native species are to the desired state for forest biodiversity, as codified by governmental
be safeguarded (Swedish Government, 2001). In addition to official and non-governmental environmental goals. This was done in reference
policies and legislation, we include conservation considerations re- to goals for tree species composition, forest structures, and spatio-
quired by forest certification agencies. Over 70% of productive forest temporal forest patterns (Fig. 1). For each CCAMS, we also noted the
land in Sweden is certified according to FSC (Forest Stewardship current extent and rate of increase in implementation (where possible)
Council) and/or PEFC (Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica- using published data, in combination with identified production, finan-
tion) standards. The environmental standards of these two agencies are cial, or policy-related obstacles and incentives to uptake. Due to the
specifically aimed at providing habitats otherwise lost in production extensive information made available by governmental authorities in
forests (Gustafsson and Perhans, 2010; Johansson et al., 2013a). The en- Sweden (e.g. Swedish Forest Agency), for this assessment we assumed
vironmental goals of both the Swedish government and certification that an absence of data for a particular CCAMS is indicative of limited
agencies are consistent in terms of promoting an increase in broadleaf usage.

Fig. 1. The conceptual framework. For each CCAMS we illustrate the relationship between the reference forest state, Sweden's stated environmental goals, and the resultant potential of
CCAMS to bridge or extend the intervening gap. The center area symbolizes the baseline forest state considered, i.e. spruce-dominated forest under even-aged management. The divided
outer ring depicts environmental goals in terms of three primary categories of potential adjustments to production forests: tree species composition, forest structures, and spatial/temporal
forest patterns. The outermost text indicates the specific intentions and source of the environmental goals, including Sweden's Forestry Act (FA), Swedish government's environmental
goals (SEG), Sweden's Forest Agency (SFA) recommendations, and the standards of the two primary forest certification agencies (FSC, PEFC). When referring to the Forest Act, the relevant
chapter and section are provided (e.g. 7:8). The space between the center areas and the outer ring indicates the gap between the reference forest state and these environmental goals. The
arrows indicate for each of the three categories of environmental goal whether the CCAMS will improve forest conditions relative to the baseline forest state (i.e. arrow directed towards
the respective environmental goal), or deteriorate these conditions (i.e. arrow directed away from this respective environmental goal). In cases where the direction of change is likely
neutral, the space is left un-arrowed, whereas in cases where the direction of change is indicated, but there are important caveats or uncertainties, the arrows are merely outlined. In
some cases both arrow directions are used with respect to a single environmental goal, to indicate both positive and negative implications of the CCAMS.
14 A. Felton et al. / Biological Conservation 194 (2016) 11–20

3. Results 3.2. Short-rotation hybrid broadleaf trees

3.1. Logging residue removal An additional source of wood fibers for bioenergy production is fast
growing broadleaf tree species (Millar et al., 2007; Pawson et al., 2013;
The European Union has agreed on joint mitigation goals for all Rytter and Stener, 2011; Spittlehouse and Stewart, 2003). These species
member states, with one of the principle objectives being to increase occur in short-rotation stands that are harvested less than 30 years after
the proportion of renewable energy by 20% by 2020, compared with establishment (Tullus et al., 2012). In addition to their contribution to
the 1990 base year (European Commission, 2013); a target which climate change mitigation, their use is also consistent with risk spread-
Sweden has already surpassed and plans to exceed (www. ing initiatives (Eriksson, 2007; Fransila et al., 2005; Swedish Forest
naturvardsverket.se/en/). There is a large potential for using forest bio- Agency, 2003) and efforts to reduce stand vulnerability to wind damage.
mass as a renewable feedstock for bioenergy production globally (Millar After the storm Gudrun in 2005, government support for the diversifica-
et al., 2007; Pawson et al., 2013; Spittlehouse and Stewart, 2003), tion and increased use of broadleaf dominated production forest con-
though the net climate change mitigation benefits may be challenged tributed to the establishment on 1.5% of storm-felled production forest
or require caveats in some circumstances (see Schulze et al., 2012; lands of hybrid aspen (Populus × wettsteinii Hämet-Ahti), and 0.3% of
Zanchi et al., 2012). In Sweden this practice is used to supplement the these areas with other poplar species (Wallstedt, 2013).
use of more carbon intensive energy sources for industry and the Whereas the use of hybrid aspen is consistent with the goal to in-
heating sector (Ericsson et al., 2004). The biomass is obtained by crease the proportion of broadleaf trees, it requires caveats with respect
extracting logging residues (i.e. branches, tops, and stumps) after final to the goal to favor native tree species. Despite being phylogenetically
felling and thinning (Dahlberg et al., 2011). Extraction of branches and proximate to European aspen (Cervera et al., 2005; MacKenzie, 2010;
tops has increased during recent years from a planned affected area Tullus et al., 2012), hybrid aspen is nevertheless a cross between the
of 27,000 ha yr−1 in 2001, to 117,636 ha yr−1 in 2013, and currently European Populus tremula and the American P. tremuloides. In addition,
is taking place in approximately half of all clear fellings (SFA, 2014). there are concerns regarding the extent of introgression occurring be-
Stump harvesting is taking place in approximately 1–2% of all clear tween hybrid aspen and wild populations of European aspen (Felton
fellings (SFA, 2014), and despite limitations put in place by the FSC, et al., 2013; Koivuranta et al., 2012), which may increase due to climatic
the planned affected area has increased from 597 ha yr−1 in 2006 to change (Koivuranta et al., 2012). The implications of hybrid aspen
2336 ha yr−1 in 2013. The current goal is to further increase the propor- stands for forest structures are likewise complex. If, for example, the
tion of harvested stands in which logging residues are extracted nutrient-rich and high pH bark of European aspen is retained in hybrid
(Anonymous, 2009). aspen, then green tree retention programs and associated dead wood
Large-scale harvest of logging residues in managed forest landscapes creation will likely benefit the many organisms associated with
significantly decreases habitat availability for many dead wood associat- European aspen (Kouki et al., 2004). This is not known as yet. Hybrid
ed species (Geijer et al., 2014; Ranius et al., 2014; Johansson et al., in aspen's intensive rate of growth also enables stands to reach heights
press). Also red-listed species may be affected, since several of them in 25 years that are comparable to Norway spruce during normal rota-
are using stumps (Jonsell and Hansson, 2011) and the branches and tion periods of 60–70 years on similar sites (Johansson et al., 2013b).
tops of deciduous trees on clearcuts. Moreover, it exacerbates the extent Nevertheless, growth rates cannot be assumed to fully compensate for
of unnatural disturbance caused during clear felling, due to the need to age-related structural goals, as the development of microhabitats is
use heavy machinery when extracting residues, in particular stumps, also dependent on tree age (Ranius et al. 2009). Furthermore, species
because it may thereby adversely affect soil and ground arthropod require sufficiently stable substrates through time to establish popula-
fauna, and field layer vegetation (Andersson, 2012; Bouget et al., tions (Gjerde et al., 2012; Marmor et al., 2011). For these reasons we
2012). For these reasons logging residue removal is inconsistent with find that hybrid aspen stands have aspects that are both potentially con-
goals to increase dead wood availability in production forests, as well sistent and inconsistent with biodiversity goals addressing forest struc-
as goals to improve natural disturbance emulation (Fig. 2). tures (Fig. 2). We also caveat this conclusion (i.e. indicate uncertainty or

Fig. 2. The degree of consistency between the seven CCAMS considered or implemented in Sweden, with stated biodiversity goals (see fig. 1). CCAMS are placed solely in relation to a
horizontal gradient (i.e. there is no y-axis) indicating from left to right their relative consistency with biodiversity goals (decreasing), as described in the conceptual framework section
and accompanying text for each CCAMS.
A. Felton et al. / Biological Conservation 194 (2016) 11–20 15

context-dependent aspects in figure outcomes), because recent evi- (Eriksson, 2007; Fransila et al., 2005; Swedish Forest Agency, 2003).
dence indicates that the exclusion of ungulates via fencing, which is rec- As part of these efforts, emphasis has been placed on increasing the
ommended in these stands, is, allowing for a more diverse and use of broadleaf tree species (Swartling et al., 2012) to reduce vulnera-
structural complex understory than is achieved in unfenced spruce bility to wind felling (Wallstedt, 2013) and drought damage (SCCV,
monocultures of the same age, with associated apparent benefits for 2007). A related emphasis has been placed on the increased use of mix-
some forest-dependent taxa (Lindbladh et al., 2014). The short rotation tures (Swedish Forest Agency, 2014; Valinger and Fridman, 2011;
times of hybrid aspen stands are however clearly inconsistent with Vulturius and Swartling, 2013), specifically those combining birch
spatio-temporal goals to increase the proportion of older forest and (Betula spp.) and Norway spruce (Felton et al., 2010b; SCCV, 2007).
emulate natural disturbance regimes (Fig. 2). After the storm Gudrun, close to 20 million Euro was specifically allocat-
ed to the increased planting of native broadleaf stands or broadleaf-
3.3. Introduced conifers dominated mixtures; of these funds only 10% was used by landowners.
This low level of uptake was due in-part to browsing related concerns
Introduced tree species provide a means of adapting production and the associated costs and complications of protective measures
forests to climate change, as the global pool of tree species can thus be (Ulmanen et al., 2012; Wallstedt, 2013). The net result was the estab-
sourced for those species with a reduced vulnerability to climate- lishment of 1% of storm-felled area with birch, and 1% with oak
associated risks (Bolte et al., 2009; Kolström et al., 2011; Millar et al., (Quercus spp.), with an additional 1% of felled area established with
2007; Spittlehouse and Stewart, 2003). Compared to many other EU European beech (Fagus sylvatica), wild cherry (Prunus avium), small-
countries, only a low proportion (~ 1.5% by volume) of Sweden's leafed lime (Tilia cordata) or Norway maple (Acer platanoides).
production forests consist of introduced tree species (SFA, 2014). The Increased use of native broadleaf tree species is clearly consistent
potential for increasing their use was raised by the Swedish Commission with the goals for tree species composition of the Swedish Forest
on Climate and Vulnerability as a risk spreading response to the uncer- Agency, PEFC, and FSC (Gustafsson et al., 2010; Gustafsson and
tainties associated with climatic change (SCCV, 2007). After the storm Perhans, 2010; Johansson et al., 2013a). However, rotation lengths for
Gudrun, diversification efforts were supported by government aid birch can be shorter than those used when growing Norway spruce —
for the establishment of introduced conifers (Wallstedt, 2013). As a depending on production aims (Dahlberg et al., 2006; Hynynen et al.,
result, about 5% of the storm felled area was planted with hybrid larch 2010); whereas rotation lengths for oak may be as long as 150 years
(Larix eurolepis/L. marschlinsii), as well as 1.4% with Sitka spruce (Drössler et al., 2012). As such we acknowledge that rotation lengths
(Picea sitchensis) and 0.1% with Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) for broadleaf stands may be either consistent or inconsistent with
(Wallstedt, 2013). The extent of uptake is however limited by national goals for the occurrence of older trees, but caveat the inconsistency
legislation (Skogsvårdsförordningen 1993:1096), by which the Forest due to the benefits of increasing broadleaf dead wood in production for-
Agency has also suggested regulating the spatial extent (≤25% of pro- ests (Fig. 2). Furthermore, this caveat is also necessary due to the varia-
duction unit area), and distribution (limits proximity to national parks tion among tree species in the age at which microhabitats are formed
and mountainous areas) of introduced tree species (Norén and (Uliczka and Angelstam, 1999). Whether changes to spatio-temporal
Ringagård, 2009). Furthermore, the FSC limits the allowable usage of in- forest patterns will be consistent with current goals will likewise vary
troduced tree species in newly planted stands to no more than 5% of due to associated distinctions in the rotation lengths used for different
productive forest area per estate (FSC, 2010). broadleaf species.
The use of introduced conifer species is inconsistent with goals for
tree species composition, as it contradicts the prioritized use of native 3.5. Continuous cover forestry
tree species (Fig. 2). With respect to forest structures, their use may
severely curtail many of the intended benefits of within stand conserva- Continuous cover forestry (CCF) involves uneven-aged forest man-
tion actions such as high stump creation, as well as dead wood and agement with selective felling to maintain forest cover (Kuuluvainen
green tree retention (Felton et al., 2013). This is because introduced et al., 2012). Norway spruce stands managed using CCF are expected
tree species often fail to overlap with native tree species in the types to have lower risks of some types of damage projected to increase
of resources or secondary plant compounds produced (Gossner and under climate change, such as pest outbreaks and wind throw (O'Hara
Ammer, 2006; Lieutier, 2006), and are therefore depauperate in some and Ramage, 2013; Vulturius and Swartling, 2013), and are thus
of the faunas they support (Gossner et al., 2007; Kennedy and discussed as a climate change adaptation option internationally
Southwood, 1984; Peterken, 2001). However, there are indications (Kolström et al., 2011), and by Swedish government authorities
that the relatively sparse and deciduous nature of hybrid larch canopies (Swartling et al., 2012; Swedish Forest Agency, 2014; Vulturius and
can favor a relatively rich understorey plant community (Barbier et al., Swartling, 2013). Whereas stands actively managed using CCF are
2008; Skogsstyrelsen, 2009). We therefore include a caveat with respect very rare in Sweden, it has been estimated that about one million hect-
to the adverse implications from the use of introduced tree species in ares of productive forest may be suitable for its application (Dahlberg,
relation to forest structures (Fig. 2). With respect to goals for spatio- 2011). The adoption of CCF is however hampered by concerns regarding
temporal forest patterns, species like hybrid larch are likely to be har- production losses, harvesting costs, and the lack of expertise and
vested over a shorter rotation than Norway spruce, whereas Douglas infrastructure necessary for its adoption (Cedergren, 2008). Further-
fir is often managed over longer rotation periods (Rytter et al., 2013). more, recent assessments suggest a potentially heightened risk in
For these reasons the direction of impact on spatio-temporal forest pat- uneven-aged Norway spruce stands of Heterobasidion root rot (Piri
terns is dependent on the introduced conifer planted, and therefore and Valkonen, 2013).
caveated (Fig. 2). Relative to clear-cutting approaches, the application of CCF in
Norway spruce-dominated stands is expected to better maintain late
3.4. Conversion to native broadleaved tree species successional forest conditions and associated micro-climates through-
out the management cycle, specifically in relation to the continued
The diversification of production forests is a recommended means of availability of relatively mature trees and coarse woody debris
spreading the risk posed by climate change (Bolte et al., 2009; Kolström (Atlegrim and Sjöberg, 2004; Lähde et al., 2002). The specifics will how-
et al., 2011; Millar et al., 2007; Ogden and Innes, 2007; Pawson et al., ever depend on how conservation measures (e.g. retention trees) are
2013). In Sweden, government reports have also raised or advocated applied (Gustafsson et al., 2012). Likewise, the use of CCF would limit
risk spreading strategies for addressing climate change, including the the area of clear-cuts, more evenly distribute the proportion of older
diversification of production forests at stand and landscape scales forests in the landscape at finer spatial grains, and is thus considered
16 A. Felton et al. / Biological Conservation 194 (2016) 11–20

more consistent with the spatial scale of natural disturbance regimes in in a clear-cut state at any one time. No clear repercussions for tree spe-
this region, and thus spatio-temporal goals, than clear-cutting (see cies composition occur.
Kuuluvainen and Aakala, 2011; Kuuluvainen et al., 2012). However, it
should be noted that many naturally regenerating broadleaf tree species 4. Discussion
in Fennoscandian production forests are pioneer species, which would
potentially experience poor regeneration in Norway spruce stands man- The CCAMS we evaluated are regional variants of those being con-
aged using CCF. CCF could thereby result in a further increase in Norway sidered and implemented in production forests worldwide, including
spruce abundance (Widenfalk and Weslien, 2009), and thus detract altered rotation lengths, short-rotation bioenergy stands, the increased
from tree species composition goals. This concern is however likely to use of introduced tree species, continuous cover forestry, logging resi-
depend, for example, on the spatial grain of disturbance employed, due extraction, and risk-spreading approaches (Bolte et al., 2009;
and we therefore caveat this concern (see Fig. 2). Kolström et al., 2011; Millar et al., 2007; Ogden and Innes, 2007;
Pawson et al., 2013). We found that these CCAMS often came into direct
3.6. Shortened rotation times or partial conflict with national biodiversity goals and initiatives to
restore habitat availability in production forests. These conflicts arose
Norway spruce's susceptibility to climate-associated storm damage, irrespective of whether CCAMS were primarily associated with mitiga-
bark beetle outbreaks, and drought are noted in governmental assess- tion or adaptation aims, and despite the fact that the reference condi-
ments (SCCV, 2007). A range of international studies (Bolte et al., tion, planted spruce forest, set a relatively low threshold for achieving
2009; Kolström et al., 2011; Millar et al., 2007; Ogden and Innes, biodiversity benefits. Furthermore, the widespread implementation
2007; Pawson et al., 2013; Spittlehouse and Stewart, 2003) and govern- of CCAMS which are inconsistent with Sweden's biodiversity goals
mental reports lend support to shortening rotation times as a means to appears to be taking place relatively unimpeded, as demonstrated by
mitigate such risks (Swartling et al., 2012; Vulturius and Swartling, the extensive adoption of logging-residue removal (Geijer et al.,
2013). Furthermore, post-Gudrun assessments of stand vulnerability 2014). Our findings therefore support the contention that efforts to
to wind throw indicate that storm damage increases with the height address anthropogenic climatic change involving production forests,
of the stand (Valinger and Fridman, 2011), and thus with longer rota- can readily come into conflict with efforts to address biodiversity loss
tion lengths. More general assessments have also linked increased rota- (Lindenmayer et al., 2012a).
tion length to stand susceptibility to both abiotic and biotic disturbance Our findings also reveal that several of the CCAMS evaluated were
events (Jactel et al., 2012). Although uptake is difficult to estimate, there synergistic with Sweden's biodiversity goals, and thus provide an appar-
are indications that in response to perceived risks, many forest owners ent means of meeting the challenge of both anthropogenic climate
are harvesting earlier (Vulturius and Swartling, 2013). Furthermore, change and biodiversity conservation (Pawson et al., 2013; Thompson
the leading forest owner's association in southern Sweden has recently et al., 2011). For example, the conversion of Norway spruce stands to
provided forest management plans to over 50,000 owners indicating broadleaf-dominated mixtures is consistent with all three categories
that in some cases rotation lengths could be shortened by approximate- of the biodiversity goals assessed. In addition, this strategy provides a
ly 10–15 years in Norway spruce dominated stands, specifically to potential means of reducing the risk of wind damage (Wallstedt,
reduce climate associated risks (Södra, 2012). 2013), and pest and pathogen outbreaks (Jactel and Brockerhoff,
Shortened rotation times will reduce the availability of older trees. 2007), while concurrently increasing adaptive capacity by providing
Furthermore, the availability of coarse woody debris will decrease managers with alternative directions for stand development (Lindner
with reduced rotation lengths (Ranius et al., 2003; Weslien et al., et al., 2010). Nevertheless, we found no indication that this or other
2009). For these reasons shortened rotation times are inconsistent CCAMS identified as being consistent with achieving biodiversity
with goals relating to forest structures (Fig. 2). Likewise, shortened rota- goals, are being adopted beyond a limited extent. Identified causal fac-
tion times are inconsistent with spatio-temporal goals focused on in- tors underlying their limited uptake varied depending on the CCAMS
creasing the proportion of older forest and to better emulate natural considered, but included increased risk of browsing damages, produc-
disturbance regimes (Kuuluvainen and Aakala, 2011). Reduced rotation tion and economic losses, increased harvesting costs, and increased
lengths would likewise increase the proportion of forest area in a clear- risks of storm damage (Cedergren, 2008; Skogssällskapet, 2009;
cut state. There are no clear repercussions for tree species composition. Ulmanen et al., 2012; Wallstedt, 2013). We suggest that some of these
obstacles could be overcome using targeted interventions to reduce
3.7. Increased rotation times the concern (e.g. actions to limit browsing damage), or through the
use of policy incentives favoring the CCAMS' uptake (e.g. subsidies)
Rotation times may also be lengthened to increase carbon storage (Puettmann et al., 2015). In either regard, we do not see present circum-
within production forests (Jandl et al., 2007; Pawson et al., 2013). stances as favorable to the widespread use of those CCAMS identified as
This possibility has been raised by Swedish forest management organi- being most consistent with biodiversity goals.
zations (Skogssällskapet, 2009), ENGOs (SNF and WWF, 2011) and Instead, we suggest that those CCAMS which are inconsistent with
government funded projects (Kaipainen et al., 2004). The application biodiversity goals will continue to be used as long as forest owners per-
of prolonging rotation times in Norway spruce stands is however ceive them to reduce risks, increase production capacity, or associated
hampered by concerns regarding a drop in annual harvest volumes, economic returns. For example, the extraction of logging residues for
discounting effects (Skogssällskapet, 2009), and potential production bioenergy production provides an additional source of income (Ranius
losses from increased storm damage (Valinger and Fridman, 2011) or et al., 2014), which probably aids its widespread adoption. Economic
bark beetle outbreak (Fettig et al., 2007; Schlyter et al., 2006). and production incentives can also be enlisted to support the expanded
The implications of prolonged rotation times are the reverse of those use of introduced tree species (Nilsson et al., 2011), and the shortening
indicated for shortened rotations (see above). Lengthened rotation of rotation times in Norway spruce stands (Fries et al., 2015; Södra,
times will increase the availability of older trees, as well as the availabil- 2012). Such incentives could likewise motivate the simultaneous
ity of coarse woody debris (Ranius et al., 2003; Weslien et al., 2009). For adoption within a single stand of several CCAMS deemed inconsistent
these reasons, lengthened rotation times are consistent with goals for with biodiversity goals (e.g. both shortened rotation times and logging
forest structures (Fig. 2). Likewise, lengthened rotation times are consis- residue extraction). Consistently, several previous assessments have
tent with spatio-temporal goals to increase the proportion of older for- concluded that production goals continue to take precedence over envi-
est, due to their relative consistency with natural disturbance regimes ronmental goals in Sweden (see Ulmanen et al., 2012), despite the
(Kuuluvainen and Aakala, 2011), and the reduced proportion of land Swedish Forestry Act (1993) stating that the goals of timber production
A. Felton et al. / Biological Conservation 194 (2016) 11–20 17

and biodiversity preservation are to be granted equal importance in McDermott et al., 2010). In addition, we caution that some CCAMS
Swedish forest lands. Likewise, among Swedish private forest owners, may cause ecological problems of sufficient severity (pest and pathogen
and in particular among their advisors, biodiversity is consistently placed outbreaks, invasiveness) to negate the effectiveness of such compensa-
below production in terms of management priorities (Kindstrand et al., tory approaches. In cases where the use of CCAMS is associated with
2008). In either regard, the implementation of CCAMS which are incon- severe or likely irreversible ecological risks (see Felton et al., 2013),
sistent with biodiversity goals, but which provide financial or production the only adequate measure may be to avoid or limit the use of such
benefits, appears likely to continue under present circumstances. CCAMS altogether.
It could be argued that the local or regional-scale biodiversity costs We suggest that the identified conflict between some of the CCAMS
of CCAMS are justifiable losses, due to the necessity of enlisting produc- considered and a region's biodiversity goals is unlikely to be isolated
tion forests in global mitigation efforts, and the extensive impact that to Sweden. This expectation stems from the similarities in the habitat
anthropogenic climate change will itself have on biodiversity if emis- and resource requirements of forest-associated biodiversity irrespective
sions are not reduced. This argument has in fact been put forward in of the forest biome considered. These similarities are reflected in
Sweden, where some forest industry representatives argued that a the consistent relevance for forest biodiversity of old large trees
focus on biodiversity consideration in production forests could impair (Lindenmayer et al., 2012b; Lindenmayer et al., 2014), tree cavities
the contribution of production forests to climate change mitigation (Remm and Lõhmus, 2011), coarse woody debris (Stokland et al.,
efforts (see Ulmanen et al., 2012). Notably, this point is not limited to 2012), natural disturbance regimes (Attiwill, 1994), and habitat connec-
mitigation strategies per se, as adaptation strategies in production for- tivity (Lindenmayer and Fischer, 2006). Thus, the implementation of
ests are also essential if the contribution of production forests to carbon CCAMS which we expect to diminish such attributes in Sweden's
sequestration and storage is to be continued (Kolström et al., 2011; production forests (e.g. shortened rotation times, logging-residue
Lindner et al., 2010). Anthropogenic climatic change is projected to removal, the use of introduced conifers) can likewise be expected to
greatly exacerbate global extinction rates (Foden et al., 2008; Thomas come into conflict with the habitat requirements of many forest-
et al., 2004), due to resultant changes to habitat (Julliard et al., 2004; dependent species globally.
Warren et al., 2001), species' physiological limitations (Boyles et al., Nevertheless, there are forest systems for which our outcomes will
2011; Oswald and Arnold, 2012), altered species interactions (Van der be less relevant. For example, our baseline reference condition (i.e.
Putten et al., 2010), ocean acidity (Kroeker et al., 2013; Pandolfi et al., rotationally felled even-aged Norway spruce dominated stands), and
2011), increased risk of disease (LaPointe et al., 2005), and synergistic most of the CCAMS assessed, involve relatively high levels of anthropo-
interactive effects (Brook et al., 2008; Driscoll et al., 2012). Thus, the genic input (see Rist et al., 2014). This limits the relevance of some of
suggestion that climate change mitigation efforts take priority over our findings in forest systems with small silvicultural interventions.
local conservation concerns is at least superficially persuasive. We also caution that, even just within the Swedish context, geographi-
However, the underlying suggestion that forest managers must cal gradients in climate, natural disturbance dynamics, tree species
choose between the need for climate change adaptation and mitigation, composition, and historical and current land-use (Gustafsson et al.,
versus the necessity of biodiversity maintenance in production forests, 2015), will alter the extent to which CCAMS affect habitat availability.
overlooks the importance of biodiversity in the resilience, regulation The more extensive biogeographical differences found in other forested
and function of production forest ecosystems (Rist et al., 2014; regions of the world will likewise dictate the biodiversity implications of
Thompson et al., 2011). Furthermore, as our results demonstrate, an these CCAMS. We also suggest that consideration is given to the biodi-
either/or approach to forest management is often a false dichotomy. versity costs of retaining production forests which are prone to increas-
First, we have identified several climate change adaptation and mitiga- ingly severe disturbance regimes under anthropogenic climate change
tion strategies, including continuous cover forestry, conversion to native (Lindner et al., 2014). Relatedly, the retention of current forest compo-
broadleaf tree species, and increased rotation times, which are largely sition can also be inconsistent with the habitat requirements of future
consistent with biodiversity goals and improving habitat availability in species pools (Felton et al., 2014). Though these are all important con-
production forests. Second, we suggest that CCAMS deemed incompat- siderations, they do not override the general principles conveyed by
ible with biodiversity goals may nevertheless be implemented without our framework: if, in relation to baseline forest conditions, and identi-
incurring biodiversity losses, if conservation interventions are increased fied environmental goals, the implementation of a particular CCAMS
or otherwise modified to ensure adequate compensation. A recent study results in the loss of natural tree species composition or diversity (e.g.
demonstrates, for example, that habitat loss for a range of dead-wood conversion to introduced conifers), the removal of important habitat
dependent taxa caused by logging residue extraction, can be compen- structures (e.g. logging residue removal), or causes further departure
sated for by the creation of additional high stumps in stands (Ranius from natural disturbance regimes (e.g. shortened rotation times), habi-
et al., 2014). Likewise, green tree retention practices could be modified tat degradation for native taxa can be expected.
to increase the availability of older larger trees and dead wood in short- Our conceptual framework thereby provides an effective pathway
rotation stands (Nilsson et al., in press). Third, as our findings demon- for identifying both synergies and tradeoffs among CCAMS and forest
strate, CCAMS vary widely in their resultant consequences for tree biodiversity goals. We also see its potential for more widespread appli-
species composition, forest structures, and spatio-temporal forest cation as a policy development tool, whenever changing management
patterns. We therefore suggest that adverse biodiversity impacts could practices have the capacity to adversely affect environmental condi-
also be avoided by combining at landscape scales the use of those tions. The necessary conditions for applying this framework include;
CCAMS complementary in terms of habitat provision. This concept is 1) a baseline reference forest condition from which CCAMS can be
similar to that advocated as part of differentiated land-use approaches, contrasted; 2) codified biodiversity goals providing regionally relevant
in which distinct forest land-use categories are combined at landscape targets for increasing biodiversity in production forests; and 3) expert
scales to achieve conservation and economic goals (Côté et al., 2010). evaluations of the biodiversity implications of CCAMS in relation
Because this approach can involve the diversification of production to this baseline and identified goals. A key assumption underlying our
forests, it also provides the potential benefit of increasing the adaptive conceptual framework (Fig. 1) is that the identified biodiversity goals
capacity of the production forest system overall (Lindner et al., 2010). are relevant to closing the gap between the habitats provided in produc-
In many cases this approach will however also require a shift from tion forests and those required by forest dependent species. If so, then
stand-level to landscape-level management, which brings with it a our approach should provide an a priori means of evaluating the biodi-
number of potential obstacles to implementation (Pawson et al., versity implications of CCAMS. We suggest that once such an evaluation
2013) especially in regions, like southern Sweden, dominated by a is completed, the resultant insights can be added to the broader suite of
large number of small-scale forest owners (Gustafsson et al., 2015; considerations necessary for determining the respective costs and
18 A. Felton et al. / Biological Conservation 194 (2016) 11–20

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