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1. Classification of sponges is primarily based on the

1) body organization 2) body plan 3) skeleton 4) canal system
2. Symmetry is cnidaria is
1) radial 2) bilateral 3) pentamerous 4) spherical
3. Cavity of coolenterates is called
1) coelenteron 2) coelom 3) cavity 4) none of these
4. Sea anemone bolongs to phylum
1) protozoa 2) porifera 3) coelenterata 4) echinodermata
5. Medusa is the Reproductive organs of
1) Hydra 2) Aurelia 3) obelia 4) sea anemone
6. The excretory cells, that are found in platyhelminthes.
1) Protonephridia 2) flame cells 3) Solenocytes 4) All of these
7. In which of the following organisms, self fertilization is seen.
1) fish 2) Round worm 3) Earthworm 4) Liver fluke
8. Nephridia of Earthworms are performing same functions as
1) gills of prawn 2) flame cells of planaria
3) trachea of insects 4) nematoblasts of Hydra
9. Phylum of Taenia Solium is
1) Aschelminthes 2) Annelids 3) platylyelminthes 4) mollusca
10. Ascaris is found in
1) body cavity 2) lymph nodes 3) tissue 4) alimentary canal
11. Which of the following animals has a true coelom ?
1) Ascaris 2) pheretima 3) sycon 4) Taenia solium
12. Metameric segmentation is the main feature of
1) Annelida 2) Echinodermata 3) Arthropoda 4) Coelenterata
13. In pheretima locomotion occurs with help of
1) circular muscles 2) longitudinal muscles and setae
2) circular, longitudinal muscles and setae 3) parapodia
14. Body cavity lined by mesoderm is called
1) coelenteron 2) pseudocoel 3) coelom 4) blastocoel
15. Which of the following have the highest number of species in nature ?
1) Insects 2) Birds 3) Angiosperms 4) Fungi
16. Which of the following is a crustacean ?
1) prawn 2) snail 3) sea anemone 4) Hydra
17. The respiratory pigment present in cockroach is
1) Haemoglobin 2) Haemocyanin 3) oxyhaemoglobin 4) None of these
18. Book lungs are respiratory organs in
1) Insects 2) Aarachnids 3) Molluscans 4) Echinoderms
19. The exerctory organ in cockroach is
1) malplghian corpuscle 2) Malpighian tubules
3) green gland 4) Metanephridia
20. Exoskeleton of which phylum consists of chitinous cuticle ?
1) Annelida 2) porifera 3) Arthropoda 4) Echinodermata
21. In cockroach, vision is due to
1) one compound eye 2) two compound eyes
3) two simple eyes 4) two compund and two simple eyes.
22. Which of the following is an insect ?
1) Moth 2) mites 3) prawn 4) scorpion
23. Which of the following respires through gill ?
1) whale 2) Turtle 3) frog 4) Prawns
24. Animals which active at night are called.
1) diurnal 2) nocturnal 3) parasites 4) nocto-diurnal
25. Salient feature of Arthropoda is
1) aquatic and free living 2) chitinous exoskeleton and jointed appendages
3) Radulla 4) None of those
26. The second largest number of species containing phylum in the animal kingdom is

1) Annelida 2) Arthropoda 3) Mollusca 4) Chordata

27. Mollusca is
1) Triploblastic, acoelomate 2) Triploblastic, coelomate
3) Diploblastic, acoelomate 4) Diploblastic, coelomate
28. Tube feet are the locomotory organs of
1) platyhelminthes 2) Echinodermata 3) Mollusca 4) Arthropoda
29. Arms are absent in
1) Seaurchin 2) Sea cucumber 3) Both a & b 4) None of these
30. Scientific name of starfish is
1) Echinus 2) Limulus 3) Echidna 4) Asterias
31. The echinoderms are
1) Arborial insects 2) Marine animals 3) terrestrial insects 4) freshwater worms
32. In Echinoderms, tube fect are related with
1) locomotion 2) excretory system 3) respiratory system 4) reproductive system

33. Match the column :

A) Fasciola i) Hook worm
B) Ascaris ii) Filaria worm
C) Ancylostoma iii) Liver fluke
D) Wuchereria iv) Round worm
1 A = (iii) B = (iv) C – (i) D = (ii)
2 A = (i) B = (ii) C – (iv) D = (iii)
3 A = (iii) B = (i) C – (iv) D = (ii)
4 A = (i) B = (iv) C – (ii) D = (iii)
34.Choose the correct one w.r.t the super-class Pisces “
1) Possess both renal portal and hepatic portal system
2) Lateral line sense organs are present
3) Heart is two chambered with sinus venosus and conus arteriosus.
4) All of the above
35. Read the following statements correctly and pick the correct option
A. When any plane passing through the central axis of the body divides the organism into two
identical halves, it is called radial symmetry.
B. Some cnidarians which exist in polyp and medusa forms exhibit alternation
of generation (Metastasis).
C Some division of labour (activities) occur among the cells in sponges.
D.The body of sea walnut bears eight external ciliated comb plates.
1) T T T T 2) T F T F 3) F F T T 4) T F T F
36. Assertion : Circulatory system first appeared in the members of Annelida
Reason : Annelids are the first eucoelomates.
1) Both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct
explanation of the assertion.
2) Both assertion and reason are true but the reason is not the correct
explanation of the assertion.
3) Assertion is true but reason is false.
4) Both assertion and reason are false statements.

37. Match the Column – I with Column – II and choose the correct option:
A) Porifera i) Canal system
B) Aschelminthes ii) Water vascular system
C) Annelida iii) Muscular pharynx
D) Arthropoda iv) Jointed appendages
E) Echinodermata v) Metamers
1 A = (ii) B = (iii) C – (v) D = (iv) E = (i)
2 A = (ii) B = (v) C – (iii) D = (iv) E = (i)
3 A = (i) B = (iii) C – (v) D = (iv) E = (ii)
4 A = (i) B = (v) C – (iii) D = (iv) E = (ii)
38. Which of the following is an extinct class of the super-class pisces ?
1) Osteichthes 2) Placodermi c) Chondrichthyes 4) Cyclostomata
39. Blood sucking leech is :
1) Nereis 2) Hirudinaria 3) Pheretima 4) All of these
40. Parapodia in Nereis help in:
1) Swimming 2) Locomotion
3) Respiration 4) More than one option is correct
41. Respiratory organs in arthropods are :
1) Gills 2) Book gills
3) Book lungs or tracheal system 4) All of the above
42. The members of the following phylum are exclusively marine, radially symmetrical and
triploblastic –
1) Porifera 2) Cnidaria 3) Echinodermata 4) Ctenophora
43. Notochord is :
1) Ensheathed hollow and elastic structure.
2) Replaced by neurons in vertebrates
3) Located between nerve cord and alimentary canal
4) Bony or cartilaginous structure
44. The freshwater sponge
1) Sycon 2) Spongilla 3) Leucosolenia 4) Scypha
45. The genus Solanum does not include the species
1) tuberosum 2) nigrum 3) melongena 4) alpicola
46. Metameric segmentation, bilateral symmetry, open circulatory system and schizo- coelom is
found in :
1) Echinodermata 2) Mollusca 3) Annelida 4) Arthropoda
47. Larva found in annelids is
1) Planula 2) Amphiblastula 3) Glochidium 4) Trocophore
48. Lepisma :
1) is commonly called ‘silver fish’ 2) Lack wings
3) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’ 4) Belongs to the phylum mollusca
49. Which of the following is common between cockroach and earthworm ?
1) Presence of true & split coelom
2) Presence of malpighian tubules
3) Presence of RBC
4) Presence of haemocoel
50. In echinodermata the digestive system is complete with
1) mouth on dorsal (lower side) and anus on the ventral (upper side).
2) anus on ventral (lower side) and mouth on dorsal (upper side).
3) mouth on ventral (lower side) and anus on the dorsal (upper side).
4) anus on dorsal (lower side) and mouth on ventral (upper side).
51. The genus Panthera included in the order
1) Felidae2) Canidae 3) Primata 4) Carnivora
52. Match the column :
Column-1 Column-II
A) Gills i) King crab
B) Tracheal system ii) Crab, prawn
C) Book gills iii) Butterfly, cockroach
D) Book lungs iv) Scorpion, spider

1 A = (ii) B = (iii) C – (i) D = (iv)

2 A = (ii) B = (i) C – (iv) D = (iii)
3 A = (iii) B = (ii) C – (i) D = (iv)
4 A = (iv) B = (i) C – (ii) D = (iii)
53. The connecting link between Annelida and Arthropodais:
1) Peripatus 2) Limulus 3) Pheretima 4) Periplaneta
54. Ventral nerve cord is present in :
1) Platyhelminthes and Aschelminth 2) Annelids
3) Arthropods 4) All of the above
55. Identify A, B, C and D alongwith their phyla :

Options A B C D
1) Ophiura Octopus, Pila, Asterias,
Mollusca Mollusca Echinodermata Echinodermata
2) Ophiura– Octopus, Pila, Asterias,
Echinodermata Mollusca Mollusca Echinodermata
3) Ophiura– Octopus, Pila, Asterias,
Echinodermata Echinodermata Mollusca Mollusca
4) Ophiura - Octopus, Pila, Asterias,
Mollusca Echinodermata Echinodermata Mollusca
56. Identify the living fossil :
1) Limulus 2)Neopilina 3) Nautilus 4) All of these
57. Select the wrong match :
1) Sepia Cuttle fish
2) Loligo Squid
3) Dentalium Tusk shell
4) Chaetopleura Sea hare
58. The body of molluscs :
(1) Usually remains covered by a calcareous shell(2) Possess segmentation
(3) Possess distinct head, visceral hump but lackmuscular foot
(4) Lack bilateral symmetry
59. Radula is absent in :
(1) Pinctada (2) Sepia (3) Pila (4) Aplysia
60. A : In Mollusca, feather like gills are present in the mantle cavity.
R: These gills have respiratory and excretory function.
1) Both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct
explanation of the assertion.
2) Both assertion and reason are true but the reason is not the correct
explanation of the assertion.
3) Assertion is true but reason is false.
4) Both assertion and reason are false statements.
61. Which one feature is common to leech, cockroach andscorpion ?
1) Nephridia 2) Bilateral symmetry 3) Cepalization 4) Antennae
62. The animals with bilateral symmetry in young stageand radial pentamerous
symmetry in the adult stage,belong to the phylum:
1) Mollusca 2) Cnidaria 3) Echinodermata 4) Annelida
63. Which of the following phyla mentioned below are exclusively marine ?
i) Porifera ii) Coelentrate iii) Ctenophora iv)
v) Aschelminthes vi) Annelida vii) Arthropoda viii) Mollusca
ix) Echinodermata x) Hemichordata
1) i, ii, vi 2) iv, v, vi 3) i, viii, ix 4) iii, ix, x
64. The organisms of the class chondrichthyes swims constantly
1) To avoid sinking 2) As they lack air-bladder
3) As they possess air-bladder 4) Both (1) and (2)
65. Match the following :
Column – I Column – II
A) Cucumaria i) Sea – cucumber
B) Antedon ii) Sea-urchin
C) Echinus iii) Sea-lily
D) Asterias iv) Star-fish

1) A = (i) B = (iii) C – (ii) D = (iv)

2) A = (ii) B = (iv) C – (i) D = (iii)
3) A = (i) B = (ii) C – (iii) D = (iv)
4) A = (iv) B = (i) C – (iii) D = (ii)

S.NO. Key S.NO. Key S.NO. Key S.NO. Key S.NO. Key
1 3 11 2 21 2 31 2 41 4
2 1 12 1 22 1 32 1 42 3
3 1 13 3 23 4 33 1 43 3
4 3 14 3 24 2 34 4 44 2
5 2 15 1 25 2 35 2 45 4
6 2 16 1 26 3 36 1 46 4
7 4 17 4 27 2 37 3 47 4
8 2 18 2 28 2 38 2 48 3
9 3 19 2 29 3 39 2 49 1
10 4 20 3 30 4 40 4 50 3
S.NO. Key S.NO. Key
51 4 61 2
52 1 62 3
53 1 63 4
54 4 64 4
55 2 65 1
56 4
57 4
58 1
59 1
60 2

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