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Universidad Católica de El Salvador

Centro Regional de Ilobasco.


Escuela de Turismo

Tourist promotion of the municipality Juayua.

Members: Daniel Stanley Martínez Ramos

Estefany Julissa Maas Campos

Fatima Yasmin Benitez Torres

Karla Estefany Juárez Martínez

Luciana Alexandra García Flores

Silvia Estela Martínez Cuellar

Teacher: Peter Paul Maldonado.

Facultad: Multidisciplinary.

Date: 23/08/2023.


Introduction......................................................................................................................................... 3
Objectives. ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Generalities of the municipality of Juayua, Sonsonate. ...................................................................... 4
Tourist Places of Juayua....................................................................................................................... 7
Conclusion. ........................................................................................................................................ 22
Recommendations. ........................................................................................................................... 22
Bibliography. ...................................................................................................................................... 23
Annexes. ............................................................................................................................................ 24


The present investigation deals with the cultural gastronomy and tourist places of
Juayua, which can be of great importance, the necessary characteristics are met to
attract tourism since through this the tourist influence can be increased, thus
benefiting the local community.

A country must have a special combination between culture and nature and together
all this becomes more attractive when you want to achieve the objective of satisfying
the tourist, it is done by complementing it with quality, which is why tourism also
includes the activities that people carry out during their trips and stays in places other
than their usual environment

It is precisely those "places" of reception, containing attractions and services

demanded by visitors, spaces that are transformed into what are currently called
tourist destinations. These spaces are nothing more than territories where certain
components of a structured tourist offer are located based on attractions, products
and services, accesses and other elements that make it possible for visitors to stay
and enjoy such elements.

Despite the importance of destinations for the increase in tourists, studies related to
tourism have historically been oriented towards catering and other aspects directly
linked to the tourist operation.

Most of the tourist and cultural attractions that the municipality has, can be taken
advantage of, however they are unknown by the visitors who arrive at the place. This
is due to the lack of tourist information, the present investigation will serve as
support, since it intends to grant an important role to tourism to benefit the
municipality of Juayua.


General objective:

• Promote tourism in Juayua with the creation of a Brochure and a fan page
with the necesary information about Juayua, that benefit local tourism
development and enhance the natural and cultural heritage of the

Specific objectives:

• Investigate the gastronomic specialties that are prepared in the municipality

of Juayua on special dates and that coincide with locally civic or cultural
• Know about the cultural development of the municipality and its customs and
• Visit the tourist places that Juayua has with the greatest endowment of
resources and conservation of natural sites.
• Creat a Brochure and a Fan page to promote the tourism of Juayua through
the social media.

Generalities of the municipality of Juayua, Sonsonate.

Meaning of the name of the municipality.

River of purple orchids.


The municipality of Juayúa has a population of approximately 24,500 people.


It is held every year from January 1 to 15 in honor of the Black Christ, an image
venerated by local and visiting Catholics. These festivities include religious, cultural,
sports and recreational activities, such as the mail parade, the burning of gunpowder,
the gastronomic festival, dance parties and pilgrimages.



The gastronomy of Juayúa is very varied and delicious. You can enjoy different
typical and exotic dishes, such as rabbit meat, chorizo, pupusas, yuca with pork
rinds, crazy corn, corn tortillas, pineapple atol, coffee and much more like the
chachaguillos that are rolled like a gypsy arm and served with loroco, an edible
flower typical of El Salvador and the tenquiques are similar to pupusas, but smaller
and with more filling. These dishes can be tasted at the gastronomic festival that
takes place every weekend in Juayúa.

Customs and traditions.

The candle of the stick, which takes place on the last day of the year. The mayor of
the city chooses the mayor of the night festivities, who has authority to rule the city

for one night. The mayor of the night festivities receives a stick decorated with
ribbons and flowers, and goes accompanied by a band of music and a group of
people who follow him through the streets.

The gastronomy party in Juayúa takes place every weekend of the year, as part of
the famous gastronomic festival that attracts many tourists and visitors. In this event
you can taste different typical and exotic dishes from the region, also international
options are offered, such as Italian, Mexican, Chinese and Japanese food. The
gastronomic festival takes place on the sides of La Unión Park in Juayúa.

Tourist Places of Juayua

Laguna de las
Ranas is located
Between the
departments of
Ahuachapán and
Sonsonate. In
the winter
months, it fills up
and is home to
amphibians that
give this place its

This destination
is perfect for
ecotourism. Its
magical green
forests, colorful
flowers, and clean air will make you connect with nature from beginning to end. If
you like to discover unconventional places, Las Ranas is an incredible spot that you
must visit.

several food and drink stalls.

Church of the Black
Christ of Juayua.
Church built between
1953 and 1956, a
temple dedicated to
Santa Lucía,
currently it is
popularly known as
the Church of the
Black Christ of
Juayúa. In it you will
appreciate colorful
stained glass
windows of
European origin that
portray biblical
passages that
harmonize with
images brought from
Spain, standing out
unique and imposing
architectural details
of El Salvador.

The Central Park of Juayua,
located in Sonsonate, is a
charming and cozy place that
offers a unique experience. Once
you arrive at the park, you realize
the vibrant energy that emanates
from the square. It is full of street
vendors offering traditional food,
handicrafts and souvenirs. When
you are there, you can also enjoy
the peaceful and safe
environment while listening to the
locals sing karaoke. If you are
brave, you can even take photos
with snakes to show your friends
how daring you are. Sunday is
the best day to visit the park as
the market is in full swing with a
wide variety of dishes for $5.

Juayua also offers us a
fun experience with
train and carriage rides
through the central city
of Juayua for only $5

The majestic temple,

made up of three main
naves, two bell towers
in a soft romantic and
neo-baroque style, was
inaugurated on January
26, 1957. The imposing
building keeps true
artistic jewels inside,
beginning with the
impressive and
miraculous image of the
Black Christ in its main
altar to the magnificent
stained glass windows,
works of the German
craftsman; the above accompanied by precious Italian lamps and marbles.

The chorros de la
Calera are a natural
wonder located in the
town of Juayúa in the
department of
Sonsonate in the
southwest of El
Salvador. These jets are
like waterfalls that
descend through the
mountain until they
reach levels where there
are some natural pools
that are used by locals
and tourists during
sunny days.

The easiest way to get

there is to take a
motorcycle cab or one of
the popular Tuc Tucs,
which for little money
take visitors to this natural wonder. But if you are in good physical condition, you can
also get there walking taking one of the streets following the well-known statue of
the Mermaid and on this road, tourists can find several stories like the one that says
that in one of the bridges every seven years a new river is born that has healing

Nestled in the
mountains of
in Juayúa, Lechuza
Café is the perfect
place for your
introduction to coffee
history & Salvadorian

Lechuza café is a
coffee Farmer,
restaurant, bar and

Portezuelo is an
adventure park
within the mountains
of El Salvador, 90
minutes from the
country's capital. It is
full of outdoor
activities, guided
horseback riding,
guided tours of the
cloud forest,
bicycles, 4x4
mountain rides,
extreme swings,
bumper balls, many
activities for children
and families, two
restaurants with local
food and freshly
brewed coffee, areas
for camping and
cabins to spend the
night comfortably and much more. Team Buildings, school camps and retreats are
our specialty.

Party bike consists of a
carriage that can be pedaled
by six people and you can
enjoy the ride through the city
of Juayua with your Friends.

Eco Le Doratt is an ecopark
where you can camp for $6
per person and they also have
an ecohouse for 6 people that
costs $70 a night but if you
only go with your partner the
ecohouse costs $40.

Eco Le Doratt also

offers tours to the seven
waterfalls of Juayua for an
additional cost of $10 per

Kafen is a beautiful place
surrounded by coffee
plantations and
waterfalls, ideal for

They have two domes,

one with a pool and the
other with just what is
necessary and they cost
$130 a night from
Monday to Thursday and
from Friday to Sunday
they cost $150 a night
they also have a tiny
house that costs $80 per

Las ranitas
restaurant is located
in the center of
Juayua next to the
central park of
Juayua. In this
restaurant you can
try different dishes
and drinks, both
alcoholic and non-
alcoholic, but
especially you can
try their star dish,
frogs. They offer
different types of
dishes with frogs
such as roasted frog
nachos with frogs
among others.

Buena Vista Garden is
a suitable place to
camp with your friends
or go glamping for
more comfort

You can also take

walks to the Juayua
waterfalls or swim in
its eco-pool. In this
place the prices
usually vary
depending on the type
of service you want
and for the number of
people or days you
want to stay but the
prices are usually from
$45 to $150 per night.

Cabin in a rural complex
with all the home
services, pleasant climate
with wide streets for walks
in the middle of the
coffee-growing mountain
and close to towns and

guest access

The entire cabin and its

gardens available to the


Due to the pleasant

climate, air conditioning is
not required, if the stays
are more than a week, a
person can be added to
clean and wash and dry
clothes, as long as the rental is made with the appropriate rate.

The stay costs $46 dollars per night.

Juayua offers us many
gastronomic delights but
you cannot miss the
parboiled yuca with pork
rinds, especially the
parboiled yuca from Mrs.
Carmen. She has her
parboiled yuca with pork
rinds in front of the Juayua
central park and its price
ranges from $1 to $5.

Don Alvaro's farm is
the ideal place for you
to relax in a rustic
place full of fauna and
a beautiful forest. In
this place you can
enjoy farm animals
such as cows, horses,
chickens, hens, etc.

Don Alvaro's farm also

offers us delicious
dishes and drinks.


In conclusion Juayúa is an ideal destination for lovers of nature, culture and

gastronomy. It is a town that preserves its Nahua identity and its coffee tradition, but
that has also adapted to the demands of tourismkltrñh

Finally, it is important to keep in mind the value and importance of the customs,
traditions, gastronomy and tourist places of said municipality since they represent
Juayua and we must continue to maintain them.

✓ Support local producers who make the ingredients and typical dishes that
represent the municipality of Juayua gastronomy, consuming their products
and spreading their quality and flavor.
✓ Transmit to the new generations the value and importance of the customs and
traditions of Juayua, encourage them to be present in our municipality year
after year.
✓ Support initiatives for sustainable cities and communities that promote
culture, tourism and local gastronomy.
✓ Raise awareness and take care of the environment so that tourist places
continue to be the main attractions that represent the municipality of Juayua.


Portezuelo Parque de Aventuras.(n.d.).

colaboradores de Wikipedia. (2023). Juayúa. Wikipedia, La Enciclopedia Libre.

Facebook. (n.d.).

Tripadvisor. (n.d.). CHORROS DE LA CALERA (Juayua) - Qué SABER antes de ir


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