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Answer the question by crossing (X) the letter A, B, C, or D!

1. Aminah: “Good afternoon Mr. Ari”

Mr. Ari: “Good afternoon, Aminah.
How are you?”
Aminah: “I’m fine, thank you.
I am sorry, sir. I have to go now.
Mr. Ari: “Good bye, Aminah. Take care!”
A. Good morning
B. Good bye
C. See you
D. Good night
2. My name is Yudi.
It is ….
A. /dabelyu/-/ai/-/di/-/ai/
B. /dabelyu/-/yu/-/en/-/ai/
C. /wai/-/ou/-/di/-/ei/
D. /wai/- /yu/-/di/- /ai/
3. Laily: “Hi, my name is Laily.
Are you Azizah?”
Nana: “….
I’m Nana. Azizah is my sister”
Laily: “Nice to meet you, Nana.”
Nana: “Nice to meet you too.”
A. No, I am not
B. Yes, I am
C. No, she is not
D. Yes, she is
A text for number 4 and 5

Hi, I’m Angga. Let me tell you about my favorite days at school. Thursday
and Friday are my favorite days. Do you know why? On Thursday, I have math,
science, and English. I like those subjects very much. I also love Friday because on
Friday I have physical education and civics.

4. Angga has … on Friday.

A. math
B. civics
C. science
D. English
5. A: “Does Angga have physical education on Thursday?”
B: “….”
A. Yes, it is
B. Yes, he does
C. No, he doesn’t
D. No, it isn’t
A text for number 6 and 7

Hello, my name is Bobby. This is my living room. There is a sofa in the living
room. The vase of flower is on the table. There are also clock and family picture on
the wall. At the corner there is an aquarium. My living room is big and tidy.

6. A: “Where is the vase?”

B: “It is ….”
A. in the bookshelf
B. at the corner
C. on the table
D. on the wall
7. There is … in the Bobby’s living room. It’s hanging on the wall.
A. a vase
B. a sofa
C. an aquarium
D. a clock

The correct statement based on the family tree above is ….

A. Kiki’s uncle is Mr. Ardi
B. Mr. Burhan has four children
C. Satria is Imam’s brother
D. Mrs. Sulastri is Mr. Adi’s wife
9. It’s time for lunch.
I want …
A. rice and orange juice
B. noodle and lemonade
C. porridge and water
D. meatball and iced tea
10. A: “Are you …?”
B: “Yes, I want a glass of iced tea.”
A. sleepy
B. hungry
C. thirsty
D. healthy
11. Mr. Ihsan works in the Islamic elementary school. He goes to school every Sunday to
Saturday. He doesn’t teach the students in the classroom. He helps the students to find and
borrow the book they want. Mr. Ihsan is a ….
A. librarian
B. teacher
C. principal
D. gardener
A dialogue for number 12

Rahman: “I am Rahman. What’s your name?”

Reyhan : “My name is Reyhan.”
Rahman: “What grade are you in?”
Reyhan : “I’m in fifth grade.”
Rahman: “Are you?
Me too.”

12. Rahman is in … grade.

A. third
B. fourth
C. fifth
D. sixth
13. Anisa: “Excuse me, … is the teacher’s office?”
Alina: “It’s beside the principal’s office, near the library.”
Anisa: “Thank you.”
Alina: “You are welcome”
A. what
B. when
C. who
D. where
14. The students do flag ceremony in the ….
A. school yard
B. parking lot
C. teacher room
D. school hall
15. Today I don’t go to school. I am absent because my tooth hurts. I go to hospital to see the
dentist with my father. The dentist gives me advice to rest and drink the medicine. Now, I
feel fine.
From the text above, the writer doesn’t go to school because he has ….
A. a headache
B. a toothache
C. a stomachache
D. an earache
16. These are ….
A. fingers
B. feet
C. elbows
D. knees
17. Arrange these words orderly!
uncle – stomach – his – big – has – a
1 2 3 4 5 6
A. 3 1 5 6 2 4
B. 1 5 6 3 4 2
C. 3 1 5 6 4 2
D. 1 3 2 5 6 4
A text for number 18-19

Raka is going to school with his friend. He is in Islamic elementary school. His
uniform is white and red. The shirt is white, while the trouser is red. He is wearing
black shoes and white socks. Every student must wear the uniform when they are
going to school. If the students don’t wear uniform the teacher will punish them.

18. Raka is wearing a …. to school.

A. white shoes
B. red trouser
C. black socks
D. red shirt
19. A: “Does Raka wear white socks?”
B: “….”
A. No, he doesn’t
B. No, it isn’t
C. Yes, it does
D. Yes, he does
20. The weather is rainy.
Aldo usually wears … in a rainy day
A. a raincoat
B. a t-shirt
C. a jacket
D. a skirt
21. It is a farm animal.
It has four legs.
It eats grass and leaves.
It gives people wool and meat.
It is a … .
A. goat
B. sheep
C. rooster
D. horse
22. Read this text!

Hana has pets. Their name is whitety, browny and greeny. Whitety is a
hamster. It’s very cute. Browny is a rabbit. It likes to eat carrot. Greeny is a tortoise.
Greeny likes to eat vegetables. Hana loves her pets very much. She always feeds them
every day.

Hana’s pets are ….

A. a rabbit, a bird, a hamster
B. a tortoise, a cat, a hamster
C. a hamster, a rabbit, a duck
D. a rabbit, a tortoise, a hamster
23. I would like to tell you about my hobby. My hobby is doing sport. I always do my hobby
with my father. I usually play it on Sunday morning. It makes my body healthier. I need a
shuttle cock, racket and a net to play it.
My hobby is ….
A. playing badminton
B. playing kite
C. playing football
D. playing basketball
24. Indah has a beautiful voice.
She can … very well.
A. cook
B. swim
C. sing
D. dance
25. Ana: “Do you want to go to the beach next month?”
Ani: “No, I don’t
Ana: “Where do you want to go?”
Ani: “I want to go to ….”
A. the mountain
B. the waterfall
C. the lake
D. the river
26. The holiday was fun. It was not boring at all.
The word boring means ….
A. menyenangkan
B. membosankan
C. menarik
D. melelahkan
A dialogue for number 27-28

Dani : “… (27) was your holiday?”

Ahmad: “It was fantastic.”
Dani : “Was your family be with you?”
Ahmad: “Off course. I … (28) with my family. We were so happy.”
Dani : “Happy to know that.”

27. A. What
B. When
C. How
D. Why
28. A. was
B. were
C. did
D. am
29. Wahyu, Toni, and Jamil ... tree yesterday.
A. moved
B. climbed
C. stayed
D. visited
30. Yesterday was Sunday. The student didn’t … at school
A. studies
B. studying
C. studied
D. study
A text for number 31-32

I’m Mahmud. My family and I spent our holiday in Indrayanti beach. It is

located in Yogyakarta. We went there by car. My father said that the scenery around
the beach was great. My brother swam in the beach while I played on the sand. I
made sand castle. My father and mother walked around the beach. My father took a
lot of pictures and my mother bought some souvenir. My holiday was fun.

31. A: “What did Mahmud do at the beach?”

B: “ He ....”
A. took a lot picture
B. played on the sand
C. bought some souvenirs
D. swam on the beach.
32. Mahmud really enjoyed his holiday at the beach because of the scenery was ….
A. fun
B. bad
C. dirty
D. great
A story for number 33-34

The Lion and The Mouse

One day, a lion was sleeping in the Jungle. A little mouse passed by and saw
the lion. He liked the lion’s mane and started to play with it. The lion got up and got
very angry. He caught the mouse in his tail and roared loudly.

33. The … liked the lion’s mane and started to play with it.
A. tiger
B. lion
C. mouse
D. bear
34. The lion caught the mouse’s ….
A. tail
B. neck
C. leg
D. head
35. Read this story!
Once upon a time, there were bears, they are a Papa Bear, a Mama Bear and a
Baby Bear. One day, the bears sat down to breakfast. They ate porridge. The porridge
is too hot. Mama bear said “Let’s go for a walk, when we come back, our porridge will
be just right”

There are … bears in the story.

A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four
36. Read this text!

Based on the text, we can say that ….

A. tiger is as big as a cat
B. tiger is herbivores
C. tiger is orange with white stripes
D. tiger has four legs and a tail
37. The lion caught the mouse. He was very ….
A. angry
B. fun
C. happy
D. bored
This list for number 38-39
Items Price/unit
grape Rp. 33.000/kilo
orange Rp. 18.000/kilo
potato Rp. 27.500/kilo
chili Rp. 15.000/kilo

38. The price of two kilos of oranges is ….

A. fifteen thousand rupiah
B. eighteen thousand rupiah
C. thirty-six thousand rupiah
D. thirty-three thousand rupiah
39. A: “Is it fifty thousand rupiah for chili?”
B: ….
A. Yes, it is
B. Yes, they are
C. No, they are not
D. No, it is not
40. A … is twelve thousand rupiah.
A. can of chocolate
B. bar of chocolate
C. jar of chocolate
D. cup of chocolate
41. Mother: “Put the … on the stove please!
I want fry the chicken.”
Ahmad: “Ok, Mom”
A. plate
B. frying pan
C. bowl
D. colander
42. They … the water to make a coffee.
A. mix
B. bake
C. boil
D. fry

A text for number 43 - 44

How to Make Fruit Salad
Ingredients: Step:
 
melon, etc) 

pour mayonnaise and
 yoghurt over it.

43. We need … to make fruit salad.

A. yoghurt
B. ketchup
C. sauce
D. cooking oil
44. Put the fruit salad in the ... before serving.
A. table
B. drawer
C. refrigerator
D. box
45. A: What is she doing?
B: She is … the floor.
A. mopping
B. cleaning
C. washing
D. sweeping
46. This is Rina’s house.
… house is beautiful, clean and comfortable.
A. his
B. her
C. their
D. my
47. (1) Wrap the can with the paper
(2) Wash the can
(3) Use a can-opener to remove the lid from the can
(4) Color the can with water-based paint
(5) Dry the can with the paper
The good procedure to making a pencil holder is….
A. 2 1 4 3 5
B. 2 4 3 1 5
C. 2 3 1 5 4
D. 2 5 3 1 4
48. Cut the paper using this ….
A. scissor
B. mixer
C. blender
D. cutter
A text for number 49-50
Telephone is invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. In the past,
telephone used cables. People used it only to talk to people in other places. Now, it is
very different. Most of the phone today do not use cable. People use the phone not
only to talk to people in other places. People also use it to send text messages, take
pictures, videos, and play games. Because it can do different things, people call it a

49. People use … to talk to other people in different places.

A. telescope
B. drone
C. telephone
D. radio
50. X: “Can smartphone send pictures and videos?”
Y: ….
A. Yes, they are
B. Yes, it can
C. No, it can not
D. No, it is not

1. B 11. 21. 31. 41.

2. D 12. 22. 32. 42.
3. A 13. 23. 33. 43.
4. B 14. 24. 34. 44.
5. C 15. 25. 35. 45.
6. C 16. 26. 36. 46.
7. D 17. 27. 37. 47.
8. A 18. 28. 38. 48.
9. B 19. 29. 39. 49.
10. C 20. 30. 40. 50.

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