Ensayo Etica

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José Carlos Méndez Bianchi

La Metamorfosis

La metamorfosis

The Metamorphosis was a very interesting book for me because many

interesting and at the same time desperate things happen.

The metamorphosis is a literary work made by Franz kafka that was published
in 1915 but well the work is about a man named Gregor who is the man who
works of his family to support it economically and his family consists of his
father, mother and his sister and what happens is that one day Gregor wakes
up remembering that he had a bad dream like a nightmare and little by little
Gregor feels different and he discovers that he is a huge insect, and it turns out
that he was a cockroach and little by little he sees himself and he sees his legs,
his new abdomen, now he had a shell and he also had new jaws.

This worried him a lot because his change of physical appearance was going to
trigger many events that put Gregor in danger because his family did not know
he was an insect and he did not know how his family was going to react to see
this and obviously they were going to be scared and something bad could
happen. After analyzing everything he did not know how to justify his absence
from work and in the afternoon as Gregor did not go to work a manager where
Gregor works went to look for him at home to find out what had happened to
Gregor, when his manager arrived at his house Gregor made a great effort to
get up and open the door and then as Gregor could not open, his family arrived
and realized that Gregor had changed his body and was now an insect.

When his family saw Gregor like this they did not know how to react or what
they should do.

His father, instead of helping him and asking him how he was, got angry and
despised him, but on the other hand his sister, who is called Grete, felt a great
appreciation for her brother Gregor, so much that Grete took care of him, fed
him, gave him water, etc. After some time, when his mother saw him, he fainted

and Gregor's father got upset and blamed him and threw apples at him to try to
kill him for making his mother faint. This confinement and the time Gregor had
already been locked up and the inability to communicate with his family and the
outside world had already made Gregor desperate. Then Gregor finds himself
trapped in his new form and for Gregor it was impossible to express his
thoughts and emotions.

Gregor's metamorphosis became a manifestation and something intriguing and

at the same time desperate for how he was going to solve the problem of no
longer being a cockroach and being able to be him again. Gregor begins to
accept and come to terms with his new form and adapt to his life as an insect.
He even finds a certain degree of comfort and security in his problem that he no
longer saw it as much of a problem because he was once again adapting to
being an insect.

After some time the Gregors were unable to work because of their condition, so
for the family it was just an emotional and financial burden. And therefore
Gregor's family had to reduce expenses and to help the economy the family
decided to rent some rooms. But that decision was difficult because now they
were sharing the house with the tenants and that caused too many conflicts with
the family and it was very heavy because the tenants were very demanding with
the cleanliness and the difficult thing was to keep Gregor in secret.

One day at night Grete played the violin for the tenants and Gregor as he liked
music and as his sister played the violin decided to go to the living room where
everyone was and the tenants did not take long to realize that there was an
insect that was a cockroach so they decided to leave and without paying for the
days they had stayed.

The family was very upset with Gregor and told him that he was just an
unbearable burden and that it was very heavy for them to be taking care of him
in that condition in which Gregor was, then Gregor understood that he was
useless for his parents and for his sister so he decided to lock himself in his
room, without food and it didn't take long for them to know that he was dead.
With these the book ends with a doubt in the future of the family of Gregory.

Well in this part I would like to connect some of the topics that he saw in the
class. During this two partials, well the topics that I could find related to the
class were many but for me this were the most important, the first one was love
and hate were is to extended to talk about it but the most important that is in the
book. Was all since the transformation of Gregory to a cucaracha the animal
most hated in the world, starting we can say that the hate that his family to him
in that aspect that he was rational cause they considered him bad for being as
an cucaracha, evaluate him by his aspect and for the problem that he would be
to have him in their big apartment , that if they had problems pay for the
apartment imagine when Gregory was in that aspect. We could say that the
concept of hate is well represented. Passing with the opposite we have love
that how is represented in the theory of Kang he had two different love the love
transcendentalism and the opposite the conditional love, the first one is
represented is when Gregory still as a cucaracha his family support him not
mattering at what cost, all when her sister wanted to help him to be more
comfortable and that Gregory was to preoccupied always how was his family
not mattering the moment that was. How it was pleated till the end when he
died. Passing to the other side of the coin that will be the conditional love. This
concept is shown in the begging of the book before all starts when all was
normal Gregory was the principal income of the family to pay the taxes or the
outgoings that his family have, here is where the concept of the conditional love
enters cause his family only loved him if could say in a polite form it was only for
interest but how all changed when occurred the transformation of being a
human being to a cucaracha, this love was transformed to the
transcendentalism love. To give my conclusion, I would like to answer a
question that is very important. And that is if the book has a relationship with the
class? That would be yes, and here are some points in order to have a more
solid answer. First, the book tells a problem ethics of a sudden change that puts
barrias complications in others. Where do ethical and moral values come in
where I would like to clarify some points. Where the treatment of the main
character is related to several topics that we saw, such as humanism, ultraism,
the adaptation of the fittest, although that is a bit deepened, the perception of
love and hate, and the different ideas of love of the most important one of them

Kang. Starting from HIM, several ideas arise where we can argue. If it was
ethical or not.How the situation of the book was treated that we saw in class.
That if it is fair to judge a person by his appearance or if it is ethical or not.
Another point that could be related to the class could be the ideas of humanism
where in this theory he puts man at the center of everything. And Ultraterism
where he treats a person for what he has what he is. Or because of what he
can have or give, and those points are very strong in the story to reach the
conclusion of the finale. Where the main character dies where the family has an
uncertain future, I decided to leave, with that we can say that the class is very
strongly related to the entire book due to the problems. The results that were
achieved and that thanks to the class it was possible to understand it.

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