Equilibrium Force 2

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CHAPTER 3 Two-Dimensional Force Systems 3.1._ INTRODUCTION From the foregoing discussions, it is evident that study of mechanics involves detailed analysis of force(s) on rigid bodies, supported suitably by varicties of constraints to ensure equilibrium of the entire system. It is, therefore, quite reasonable to study the force(s) in full vigor that would form the basis of further analysis. 13.2 FORCE It has already been explained that force is any action on bodies that tends to change its status. It is a vector quantity and hence it is completely defined primarily by its magnitude and direction, similar to that of any other vectors. Let us consider a cantilever beam as shown in Fig. 3.1, loaded by a transverse force P applied at the free end A. This force P will cause deflection Jat the free end 4 of the beam as shown by the dotted line. Now if the force P is moved to act at a new position B keeping its magnitude and direction unchanged, the beam will be deflected similarly but present deflection 4 will be smaller than that of 5 Thus it can be concluded that point of application of the load, i.e. the force has got important bearings as regard to its effects. Hence in addition to its magnitude, and direction, point of appli- cation of the load has to be considered for its complete description. Figure 3.1 3.2.1 Types of Forces The action of forces on bodies can broadly be classified into two categories: External and Internal. Refer to the Fig. 3.2 (a). A slender bar of weight IV is hung from the ceiling and subjected to a load P. The force P which is applied together with 17 is called external force. However, this force P and self weight IV are called active force since these cause different effects on the bar like reactions, deformations, deflections, stress, tension, compression, etc. Following Newton’s third law, every action is accompanied by an equal and opposite reaction. Thus the ceiling, by virtue of its reaction will apply a pull force to the slender bar to counteract the effect of P and W. This is what is called reactive force or simply reaction. Note: The self weight Wis called body force and also treated as external force. ‘The internal forces on the other hand are those which are induced in the body as a consequence of resistance that it offers to balance the external force. Under the actions of W and P, the bar will be elongated. This 32 | Mechanical Selesices:t (b) (@) ©) Figure 3.2 Figure 3.3 elongation is accompanied by stress induced in the bar, the magnitude of which is 2 propeny of materials Analysis of stress and other associated parameters find their place in strength of materials. Refer to the Fig. 3.3 (a). the load Py applied at the lower end of the bar will ty to stretch it. Thus, internal force induced by virtue of its tendency to oppose the external load will be directed as shown by P,,,. So the gross effects of Pry is to elongate the bar. The internal forces associated with such situations are called tensile force or tension. If the direction of extemally applied load is reversed, the intemal force will also be modified accordingly Refer to the Fig. 3.3 (b). The extemal force will try to shorten or compress the block and intemal force so developed called compressive force will try to oppose it. 3.2.2 Principle of Transmissibility Refer to the Fig. 3.4. The pull force P applied to the block can be shifted to any point along its fine of netion without changing its effect on the system. This is in agreement p—» | ae with the consideration of force as a sliding. veetor, This is a very useful characteristic of a force, Following the same logic, the block in Fig, 34 (a) which is subjected to a horizontal pull force P applied at (a) the front side may be transmitted to the rear side maintain ing its same line of action to consider as push force The principle by virtue of which force can he envisaged I act at any position Without Violeting its Tine of action with same consequences is culled principle of tranunisibility This can also be explained by the principle af yeetor addition Let a rigid body is subjected to a farce vector PP Bit B44 BA aio’ at point 4 as shown in Fig. 3.4 (b). Since P + (-P) = 0, presence of any sich combination will wot altos Who situation, Let such a combination exist at point B as shown in Fig. 3.4 (b), Now Pat 4 and (—P) at # iF eauweltet cat fosult fv a system equivalent to an applied force P at B maintaining same tine uf action as Was vailior ‘Thus we can conclude that two situations are equivalent 3.2.3 Superimposition of Forces A null vector can be assumed to be a cambination af F4 (-P) Ht sn 1 a cannbination is added to a system without producing any effect, i 1s called sypertmpuriian uf forron Two-Dimensional Force Systems 33 [3.3)_ TYPES OF LOAD = Force can also be classified depending on nature of its loading pattern. If the entire magnitude of force is assumed to be applied through a point, it is called concentrated load; and on the other hand, if it is distributed over a finite area, it is called distributed load as shown in the Fig. 3.5 (a) and Fig. 3.5 (b) respectively, The concept of concentrated load is hypothetical since a definite amount of force can only be transmitted through a definite area. Nevertheless, such en idealisation will help simplify the problem to a great extent without appreciable compromise on accuracy provided Oe the area over which the force is acting is too small compared to other related dimensions. In majority of the analysis, we come across con- @ centrated loading to the structural or machine members. The distributed load normally follows a definite pattern of loading over the entire area. Unlike concentrated load, it is customary to intensity in terms of load/unit length. Thus entire load therefore is calculated by multiplying its length 747% to its intensity. However, there are ample evidences when the dis bution does not follow such linear law. Loading of beams is a very good example of distributed loading. w ret yor © Figure 3.5 13.4. SYSTEM OF FORCES Most of the engineering problems manifest that systems are subjected to different kinds of forces to constitute what is called a complete system of forces in space. Based on certain similarities, these forces can be grouped together under different titles. 3.4.1. Coplanar Forces When the lines of action of several forces lie in one plane, the forces are called coplanar forces as shown in the Fig. 3.6 (a). ae Essentially such forces and their analysis are confined to two-dimensions only. 3.4.2. Non-Coplanar Forces When the lines of action of several forces are not contained in one plane, the forces are called non-coplanar ‘forces as shown in the Fig. 3.6 (b). Force analysis in such a situation requires three-dimensional coordinate systems. 3.4.3 Concurrent Forces When the lines of action of several forces intersect at a point so that we can consider all these forces are applied at that point, these forces together are called concurrent forces as shown in Fig. 3.6 (0) However, the point of application of all such forces may not be concurrent apparently, but following the principle of transmissibility, these can be made to intersect at a common point and hence they are said to be concurrent forces. The common point of intersection is called point of concurrency. Refer to the Fig. 3.6 (4). Forces F,, F, and F, are applied at A, B and C respectively. But extending their lines of action, they do converge at point O and hence considered are concurrent. If it is not possible to attain any such concurrency, then the force systems are called non-concurrent forces. Me | Ntecdanial alent " t 7, | ) g A } : . +r Pog | {ox |] = ya : | peeat ae { é c we * . we . . vr Fry wy w w Ww Manne he 3.4.4 Collinear Forces 11 the lines of action of several fongee ave dentinal, these ate called! aaitine Airave Boe the cutlinear Horees, magnitude ae well ay atrections oF aluttonnat Rakes tay Althn, . . . — Vigne At 3.4.5 Parallel Forces y We the tines of action of several Howes ate pataltel te eh oer, these ae Lek, calles! prurutied Avves ax shown an Pig US Py PEARS A system oc stioctare actevt upon by a aysteu of fuer may exh Ny. any such combinations, igure Ae 3.5, TWO-DIMENSIONAL FORCE SYSTEMS There are quite a number of vxvasions, when forwes ate fovind 40 be eoutined t9 one plane ony, bes. eupranar Analysis of such system of fonves requires twecdinicnsional coottinate taney ony, HH by forves iy ant Fate oxtginating Hho point O, they will patactoyan Lay (as explained ia topic 22.1) goad thea reliant K woul be another vevtat that ean be expuvssed by vector aio af By awl stl at Re Hy Ey The term resultant tnplicy a syle Rove that wel be exuivat to the combined eltect(ed ot sts components The magnitude of A= Ae Be VE cox anal its inclination with By eat be computedt by: the relation: 7 ship tan a= —F8ind it cone Iris musnorer to consider that A= + Fy ancans the muggle OF A BY 4 By Let us now consider few typical cases ‘ase t: When @= 0, con O41 Thus, A= Fy + By This implies F, and Fy are now collinear having same direction, Its noteworthy that when Fy and Fy are parallel having. same dtection, @= al & = maey Case Hz When = 180", 60x O% 1, Thu & = fy directed. When Fy and Fy are parallel but their directions are #y Once aqatin By and Fy become collinear but opposite Just opposite, then & = B\ = By. ‘Two-Dimensional Force Systems 35 Case II: When @= 90°, cos @= 0. R= +F This can be interpreted as R being resolved into two mutually perpendicular components — one horizontal (F,= Fy = R cos @) and other vertical (F, = F, = R sin @) A ‘ 5, Thus in terms of unit vectors i and j, R= Fi + F,j and a= tan’! >. The above addition of two vectors can also be explained by triangle law as discussed in topic 2.2.1. .6 COMPOSITION OF FORCES Following the discussions of topic 2.4, several such forces can be added successively and vectorically to get the final resultant. While doing so, we can follow either graphical approach or analytical approach. A. Graphical Approach: Consider a suitable scale to represent dif- ferent force vectors. . Say, for example, 50 N force is represented by 1 em. So scale Fy factor becomes 50. c 7 Therefore, a force of magnitude 200 N will be represented by

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