Equilibrium of Forces 2

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ample 25 The block shown is acted on by its weight W=400N, a horizontal force F= 600 N and the pressure P exerted by the inclined plane. The resultant R of these forces is parallel to the incline. Determine P and R. Does the block move up or down the incline? W=400 N So’ution: Step-I: Draw the free body diagram By geometry 0= (45° + 30°) = 75° For resolution refer figure shown. Let R be the resultant force acting along incline towards right, so that YX F.=R. as Weov gr Ww Feos 30" Pisin 75" P cos 75% Now as resultant lines along. x direction, summation of forces along y direction should equal to zero, Step — 11: Find out sum of x components of forces DF, = Feos30°-W cos60°= Peos 75° = R ie. R = 600c0830°— 400 cos 60° — Pcog 75° = 319.61-0,250P... (I) Step-III: Find out sum of y components of forces Ds F, = Ogives Psin75°-W sin60°— fr sin 30° =()..-(2) 400sin 60° + 600sin 30° sin 75° From equation (1), we gel, R=319.61 — 0.259% 669,2 = 146.3N As the value of R j Positive, it means that the correct, So the block is moving upwards, or, P= N=0669.2N assumed direction was _ Example 2.6 A 300 N box is held at rest on a smooth incline by a force P making an angle 8 with the incline as shown in fig, If 0=45°, determine the value of P. FORCE SYSTEM AND EQUILIBRIUM 63 Solution: ; Step-I: Draw the free body diagram LF, =P cos 15°- R sin 30° =0 cos 15° = zB From equation (1), we get, R= - sin 30 From equation (2), we get, P sin 15°=1.9318 P x cos 30°-300 or, 1.673 P—0,2588 P=300 “ P=212.14N — = 1.9318 P Example 2.7 \AThe 300 N sphere is supported by pull P= 160N anda weight of 200 N Passing over a frictionless pulley. Determine the values of aand @ that maintain the emnilibrigm, : Solution: Step-I: Draw the FBD showing all the forces as shown in figure. Step—Il: Find out )°F, dF, =0 gives, 160 sin 6-200 sin @=0......(1) T=200 N Step —IIl: Find out ¥°F, dF, =0 gives, 160 cos 8+200 cos @-300=0......(2) From equation (1), we get, sin O=1.25 sin @ ...... (3) From equation (2), we get, cos @=1.875—1.25 cos @ ...... (4) Squaring equation (3) & (4) and adding, we get, 1=(1.25 sin a)” +(1.875)°-2 x 1.875 x 1.25 cos ar+(1.25 cos a)? or, 1=(1.25)*(sin? @+cos* &)+3.515—4.6875 cos a 4.0775 4.6875 1a = cos” |(0,8698) = 29.55° Now, sin 6=1.25 sin (29.55°) <0 = 38.07° or, COS @ = Example 2.8 In above ‘Example if P is not known and a@ = 30°, compute P and 0. Solution: Equations of equilibrium will be LF, =O ie, P sin @=200 sin 30°.....(1) and © Fy =0 ie, P cos 6 +200 cos 30° = 300 ecetal RCE SYSTEM AND EQUILIBRIUM 0765 From equation (1), we get, pa tO sin @ Putting the value of P in equation (2), we get, =) WE gel, 126.79 ie, tan Ge gan nee sing» 26-79 ie, tan 020.7886 +, 0238.6 and P=161.48 N, Example 2.9 Cords looped around a smalt Spacer separating two cylinders each weighing 400, N and Passed, as shown, over a Srictionless pulley to weights 200 N and 600 N, Determine the angle @ and the normal reaction N between the cylinder and smooth horizontal surface. Ss Total W= 800 N 200 Solution: Step-1: Draw the free body diagram Equations of equilibrium will be LF, =0 ie, 600 cos 8-200 =0 2. B=cos 2) _ 19 590 600 ic., 600 sin 8+ N-800=0 {N “N= 800-600 sin(70.52°) N = 234.3N “Normal reaction between the cylinder ‘and smooth horizontal surface = 234,3N MScr Chapter 2 66 Example 2.10 Determine the forces P, F and T required to keep the triangular frame ABC shown in figure in equilibrium. 3001) N 12001N Solution: Step-I: Draw FBD From fig. it is found that O=tan'! ( : = 18.43" and t=tan' (3) =33.7" P cos ei 3600 N 1200 N Taking moment about B (since two unknowns are involved at this point) yo » =0 gives, T x 8=3600 x 12 T=5400 N Ye =0 gives, T+F cos a@-P cog 6=0 ie, 5400+P cos 33.7° ~ P cos 18,43° 0 sual) and 5° F, =0 gives, 3600-1200—p sin @-P sin 6=0 ic, 2400-F sin 33,7° — p sin 18,43° =0......(2) FORCE SYSTEM AND EQUILIBRIUM _ 87 Solving f dP equations (1) and (2), we gi P= 6330 Nand F= 722 N, P= 6330 N and fe TON, Example 2.11 The wheel loads on a small tractor crossing . ‘ on 18 m span are given in fig. Determine the distance x at which the support reaction at A is twice that of B. ! ee 6mm_ “ls ® : cai \ lL. 18mm % : Solution: Step-I: Draw the free body diagram _ 1800N 600. N x 6mm Step-I: Rax will be zero, since no other horizontal force is present. Step-IIT: * Ly =0 gives, Ray + Rp = 1800+ 600 sane (1) Given that R ay =2Rp . From equation (1), we get, = Rp =800N 2Ry t+ Rp = 2400 B Step-IV: Taking moment about point A, UM, =R, x 18-600 x (6+.)-1800xx=0 “800 x 18-600(6 + x)- 18004 =0 MSCI Example 2.13 A weight W rests on the bar AB as show and B passes over frictionless show that reaction at A is wiz . (L+a) n in fig. The cable connecting W pulleys. If bar AB has negligible weight, Z Solution: Step-I: Draw the free body diagram Ts Tey a 4 f+ Rax B }<— Wy Rw L Step-II: Taking moment about point A, Wa M , =0 gives, -TpxL—(Tp -W)xa=0 “ Tps UM 4 =0 gi BxL- Tp BOT, ‘Step-IIT: Taking moment about point B, yu pO “ (T,-W)x(L—a)+Ry XL=0 ......(2) Step-IV: Putting the value of Ts in-equation (2), we get, ( Wa L+a =W)(L-a)+R,,xL=0 MSC1 or, ( _ )(L-a)=-LR » (-—)( La) Fe H8! L+a ay _ WiL= a) Proved ‘Ay Lta Example 2.14 ; A pulley of 1 m radius, supp’ horizontal beam as shown in fig- The beam wel weighs 50.N. Find the hinge force at C. orting a load of 500 N is mounted at B ona ighs 200 N and the pulley Solution: Step-I: Draw the free body diagram for pulley ‘ as Et , Ray 200 N and for beam C Rx SON sooN DF =O gives, R by +500 sin 36,86°~500~'50 =0 : 250 N. i 2 Rpy ON 0 gives, R jy = 500 cos 36.869 N = 400 N. Step-HIT: For Beam : SXF. =0 gives, Ro, =400N, Step-IV: Taking moment about point A, we gel, Ry X5= 2503 + 200% 2.5 2 Roy =250 N, YF. =O gives, Ry, +Re, = 2004 Ry c. Rg, =200+250— 250 N = 200 N. 2 R= 400? +250" N= 471.7 N and R, inclined with horizontal at @=tan™ (2)=2. Example 2.15 A uniform heavy beam AB of length L and weight 10 kgf is kept in equilibrium against a vertical wall and a string BCC attached to the same vertical wall as shown. If the tension of the string is found to be 5 kgf, determine the reaction of the wall. B Solution: at Step-I: Draw the free body diagram Reaction of wall must pass through O for equilibrium (R= resultant of normal reaction and friction). XA =0 gives, R cos a—T sin 30°=0 * Reos a=5xsin 30° = 2.5 (1) DF, =0 gives, R sin @+T cos 30°-W =0 “Resin @=10—5 cos 30° = 5.67 «....-(2) MSC1 Jw From equations (1) & (2), we gel, R=62kgf and a= 66.2° / a 216 A ball of weight Q= fig. Determine the forces exerted on all surfaces are perfectly smooth. 12.N rests in a right-angled trough, as shown in the sides of the trough at D and E if WBUT 2001 Solution: Step-I: Draw the free body diagram Ro 150° Q=12N From Lami’s Theorem, : 1 we can wrile, & _-_&e-_ => R,=10.39 N sin 120° sin 150° sin 90 and R,=6N. FO : RCE SYSTEM AND EQUILIBRIUM 73 v Two smooth spheres, each of radius 59 J ; $ 90 cm and weight 500 kgf rests in a horizontal ee having two vertical walls, the distance lta the walls being om. Find the force exerted on the walls and th t the points of contact. nes 175 em Solution: Step-I: Draw the free body diagram a Ra_ | ie Re Re | W500 kf { i From fig. cos qe 2a CUEDe 0.75 50+50 a=414° In equilibrium condition, al point D, > =0 gives, R cos @=R, 500 a =0 ei in @=500 = R=———=756 kgf and x5 =0 gives, R sin @: ae 2 2. Ry =756 cos 41.4° kgf = 567 kgf. MSc1 I 7 <_ Eéample 2.18 5, ae sin (90° +45 at point O, XE =0 gives, R cos @=R,, = 567 kgf SF, =0 gives, R sin a+5002R . 2. Re =(500-+500) kof = 1000 kel. 2 Ry =567 kgf R, =567 kgf and R, = 1000 kgf. Q=40 Nis supported as shown in and S, in the wires BA and BC if ‘An electric-light fixture of weight ‘fig. Determine the tensile forces S, their angles of inclination are as shown. A Solution: Step-I: Draw the free body diagram ing at point are in equil Since three forces acti theorem, we can write librium, so from Lami's Si So s) 60° Qe4on FBD of fig 40 = S, oy) 5 Fae aaa) VEM AND QUILSE ILM 16 = att X40. Ne20,3N me in 78" sin 50" sin 7s" and Sy» XAO N= 20.7 N, a tvample 2.19 A circular roller of weight Qs 100N and radiny (=O ome hangs by a : t= 12 @ ' tie rod AC= 12 em and rests against a smooth vertical wall at By as shown in fig. Determine the tension § in the tie rod and the force R, exerted against the wall at B, Solution: : Step-I: Draw the free body diagram : 6 From fig, cos @=—~ 12 2. @=60° In equilibrium condition, MSC and S1F, <0 gives, sin av=Q ie, 8 - vn > y = 0 gives, » sin Qt sin 2. Ry=57.73 N. / Example 2.20 7 Two identical rollers, each of weight Q= 100.N, are supported by an Assume smooth inclined plane and a vertical wall a shown in fig. BandC. surfaces, find the reactions induced at the points of support A, Solution: Free body diagram of figure At point 2, using Lami's Theorem, pier “sin150° si " 0) 2 R100) y= 50N sin 90° and R, =86.6 N. FORCE SYSTEM AND. EQUILIBRIUM 77 At point 1, apply equilibrium condition, SE =0 gives, R =Ry sin 30°48 cos 30° 02) and SOR, =0 gives, Ry cos 30° O48 sin30%=100450 sin 30°= 125 Ry = 144.33 NG) :, From equation (2), we get Ro = 144.33 sin 30°+50 cos 30°N =lISA7N. R, =86.6 N | R, =144.33 N and Rg = 115.47 n| Example 2.21 two smooth circular cylinders, each of weight W = 100 Nand radius r=6 cm are connected at their centers by string AB of length 1= 16cm and rest upon a horizontal plane, supporting above them a third cylinder of weight Q= 200 N and radius r= 60cm as shown in ‘fig. Find the force S in the string AB and pressures produced on the floor at the points of contact D and E. Q Ww ce Ww rel) Laan’ D E Solution: Step-I: Draw the free body diagram MSCr Sameera 8 cos a=. t=48.189" 1 =48.189 At point C, YF, =O gives, R, cos a@=R, cos & R,=R, and D5 =0 gives, 2R,sin a=Q 0 =P 2134.16 N. 2 sin @ At point A, YF, =0 gives, S=R, cos qai34.16xcos 0 =89.44 N. and ee =0 gives, Ry =W+R,sin @ =100+134.16 sin @=199.996 N =200N R, Similarly R,, = 200 N $= 8944 N, Ry =R_=200N- ff FAample 2.22 Hed over a curb of height A roller of radius 7 and weight 0 ie., Px(2h+h) > Wxhv3, ie., pw B Example 2.23 VF ‘A vertical load P is supported by a triangular bracket as shown in figure. Find the forces transmitted to the bolts A and B, Assume that the bolt B fits loosely ina vertical slot in the plate. i WBUT 2002 Solution: Step-I: Draw the free body diagram : Since the bolt B fits loosely in a vertical slot, therefore. there is only one reactive force acts. MSCI The condition for equilibrium DF 0k LF =O gives. Ry, Ry = 0 Ra = Re and Ry, =? Taking moment at point A, PX6= Ry, x8 oR Oe Ray Ra 0 Rax A 1 Ry, = 0.75 P R,=y (0.75P)° +P? =1.25P g=tan" _ fo 53.131 0.75 P Example 2.24 The differential chain hoist in figure consists of two concentric pulleys rigidly. fastened together. The pulleys from wo sprockets from an endless zm in two loops. In one loop is mounted a movable determine the maximum chain looped over the pulley supporting @ Toa load W that can just be rai d W, Neglecting friction, ised by a pull P applied as shown. Z FORCE SYSTEM AND EQUILIBRIUM 81 Solution: Step-I: Draw the free body diagram YF, =0 gives, = We, Re Ww 2 Taking moment about centre O, YM, =O gives PxP.W. 272 %9 TN Bereta aaageaeee ch . d w/2 Ww FBD of movable pulley or, pod =D)=0 4 PED ~. Maximum load W = oP D-d D-d There will be no tension in the loose part of the chain, Example 2.25 A repaired automobile of weight 25 kN is pulled by a rope as shown in figure. The pull applied on the rope is 10 KN at a height of 1.2 m from "the road level. Determine the reaction at each wheel, scr Solution: Step-I: Draw the free body diagram Let us assume the front and re: a ‘ar wheel haves contact with ad a oe 5 contact with the road at A Taking moment about B, we get, Wx1.25+Px1.2=R, X25 a 25x1.25+10x1.2 _ 173 kN ioe ag Total reaction on the front wit heels Ry = 17.3 KN. = 8.65 KN. <. Reaction on each front wheel Reaction of the rear wheels Rp = wWw-Ry= 95—8.65 KN = 16.35 kN. :. Reaction on each rear wheel = 8.175 KN. is kept horizontal by supporting and ~ Example 2.26 ‘A uniform beam AB hinged at A, settling a 40 KN weight with the help of @ string tied at B passing over @ smooth peg C as shown in fig. The bar weight is 20 KN. Determine the reactions at the supports Aand Cas well as tension in the string. : c Solution: given as 40 Let us assume th KN and the self w ¢ tension in the string be T. The weight at D is eight of the bar is 20 KN. ———S K ORCE SYSTEM AND EQUILIBRIUM 83 Stepel: Deaw the free body diagram Let Ray and R, be the vertical and horizontal reactions at A respectively. From triangle BCD, @= tan" (3) = 36,87° 40 KN By taking moment at A, =M, =0 gives, 40X2-TX2+20X3-T sin 36.87°x6=0 FF, 20 gives, Ray =P cos = 25 e08 36.87" AN = 20 KN YF, =O gives, Ray tPA? sin 9=40+20 +, Ry, 260 25~ 25 sin 36.87° kN = 20 KN. the equilibrium of the whole system as shown below. =Ry, =20 KN. Now, let us conside! YF =O gives. Rag and YF, =0 gives: R or, Ro, = (60-20) KN = 40 KN. 4 Ro =40+20 Ay bey ra [e Rw A D — s 4 Rev 20K 40KN MSC Result: ALA [ae Horizontal Reaction 20kN __, 20kN 4 Vertical Reaction 20kN f 40kN 4 Example 2.27 A right circular roller of weight W rests on a smooth horizontal plane and is held in position by an inclined bar AC. Find the tension T in the bar AC and vertical reaction Ry, at B, if there is a horizontal force P acting at C. Solution: Step-I: Draw the free body diagram SF, =0 gives, P-Tsin(90° -a) =0 “.P=T cosa or, T= = Pseca......{1) cosa > F, =0 gives, R, -T cos(90° - a) -W =0 oR, =W+T sing or, R, =W + Psecarsina [Using equation (1)] SW PAN aeiscesee (2) FORCE ORCE SYSTEM AND EQUILIBRIUM 85 ipl ; saaee anne os negligible mass is hinged to a vertical wall at A and support’ at its mid point C by a Tie rod CD as shown in figure. Find the tension T in the tie-rod a nv ind the je J load P applied at B. reaction at A due to a vertical be Solution: Step-I: Draw the free body diagram Now, DF, gives, Tcos45°~R,y =O Ry =T 0045? |. (1) Again, x F,=0 gives, Ry +7 sin45° -P =0 “Ry =P=Tsin 45° ....(2) C Now, )°M, =Ogives, Px4—T'sin45°x2=0 si “Ry =2.828xcos 45° P= 2 P Ry = P~2,828 P sin 45° =—P “Ry =-P Ry, =(2P)? +P? = 2.236 P The tension in the tie rod = 2.828 P and the reaction,at A due to vertical load P applied at B = 2.236 P. Mer, Example 2.29 A 150 i ‘ina en con on the middle point of a 50 kg ladder. Assuming teak. e.wall are perfectly smooth, find the reaction, Rq and Ry yy GZ Z ZG Yi ZG Solution: Step-I: Draw the free body diagram of the ladder. From geometry, tan@= 2 = i 4 2 or, O= 26.565° Now, ye =Ogives, Rey = Ry ove) yM.=9 gives, R,x4eWx1 serenste(3) Ry mes (150+50)x9.81 = 490.5N 4 4 iky =490.5N Ry = 200%9.81N = 1962.N oRy= ag62)" + (490.5) N= 2022.38 N rol RCE SYSTEM AND EQUILIBRIUM 87 Brample 2.30 Ahorizontal prismatic bar AR Of negligible w, tie a vertical wall at A and Supported at B by angle 6 with the horizontal, A weight P E bar. Determine the tension T in the tie eight and Tength Lis hinged a te rod BC that makes an can have any position along the bar and the reaction at A. c Solution: Step-I: Draw the free body diagram Now, )F, =0 gives, Ryy —T cos =0 z LARy =T C08 Bovvere(l)” cat 4 YF, =O gives, Ry, —P+T'sind=0 7 i oRy = P-Tsin@.........(2) Ray 1 ye * x cos = Px Isin@ > Itan@ ax = P3 x, Ry =P- ; bed xsin=P-—"= Pa-7) Px_y 4) ARy=V(Ryy t Re) = (5) (Pa ») | - : MSCr reves v Example 2.31 Determine the forces exerted on the cylinder at B and C by the spanner wrench shown in the figure due to the vertical force of 50 N applied to the handle as shown. Neglect friction at B. Take the value of r as 2.5 cm. 50N Solution: Step-I: Draw the free body diagram Now, > F, =0 gives, Ru —Tcosd=0 Riga Fem), x= Kg YF, =0 gives, R,, -50=0 cy = 50. ervreen(2) YM. =O gives, R, x2.5-50x12=0 N. ORy= n= ON Fee ee tRe =u F50N = 245.150 A FORCE SYSTEM AND EQUILIBRIUM, 89 imple Pf uniform wheel ef 60cm diameter rests against a rigid rectangular | ck of 45 em height as shown in Fig. below, yp Find the magnitude and direction of the least pull through the centre of the wheel that will just turn the wheel over the corner of the block, All \trfaces are smooth. Find the reaction of the block at point C. the wheel weighs 5 KN. WBUT 2003 Solution: ye 0A= OB 30-15 =. 15cm C= 30cm 8AC = VOC? — 0a? =V308 =15%cm = 15, Bem = 25.98cm &ssint (4) =sin™ ie 30° oc 2 . : - MSCr CD =0Cxsin' ZDOC = 30sin (8+) 5x15¥3 or,P==—~79\ 30sin(O+a) Taking moment about c,PxCD -5xAC =0 For minimum value of P, sin (9+a) should be maximum ie, sin(9+a)=1 or,O= 90-30=60° 51585 py = 5B py 4330 2 0+0=90" Therefore, Least Pull, P= 30 Again summing the vertical forces, PsinO + Re sin® =5 / /bxample 2.33 A sphere hangs hy a chord and rests on @ smooth vertical wall. Determine the tension in the chord and the reaction exerted by the wall against the roller. . Given: Mass of the sphere = 100 kg. Diameter of ‘the sphere = 200 mm. Length of the chord = AC = 100 mm. yr c B to Ww WBUT 2004, 2007(Similar Typ?) Solution: FORCE SYSTEM AND EQUILIBRIUM 91 Let the tension in the chord be T and reaction exerted by the wall be Rp. ‘The F.B.D of the sphere will be as follows. Now if the angle between the chord and the horizontal be 6, then, BO 100 i cos =~ = ———_—_ AO 100+100 ol *" AO=AC+CO “2 [=100+100=200 2 0=60° From Lami’s theorem, T R 100 100 kg wt 3in90° sin(90°+60°) — sin120° 100 - T=— = 115.47%kg — : . ae g—wt or 1132.75N Ans. on and, R, =1008i0150" _ 57.734g— wr or 566.38N Ans. sin120° Note: The above problem als6, can be solved by resolving the forces horizontally and vertically. \ ample 2:34 Two balls are resting as shown in figure. Find out the reactions at Cand D. Take the weight of balls E and F as 160 N and supports A, B, 40N respectively. n_ $30 4 ¥. ‘WBUT 2005 MSC1 Solution: pd 40N Re T-W-15 ‘ s To find out @ consider the above angle, wher 421 triangle, where, @ = cos” Bre FBD of the ball F Applying Lami’s theorem R R, 40 D. oe sin(00+8) sin90°sin(180-6) R, =30N And, Ry = ao sin(180 53.13) Consider the F.B.D. of Ball-E From, » F,=0 : Ra 8 R, cos45° = 160+ R, sind ass RB 200 | Ry 2s = BURA Shah® cass? FBD of the ball E Again from ye =0 : R,=Rp sin 45°+ R, cosO = 282,84xsin 45°-+ 50% cos 53.13° = 230N ‘+, Reactions at A, Band C are 730 N, 282.84 N and 30 N respectively. Example 2.35 ~A ball of weigh attached to its cen pulleys at B and C ani Fig. If the string AB is hi ‘on a smooth horizontal plane and has ter two strings AB and AC which pass over. frictionless d carry loads P and Q respectively, as shown in orizontal, find the angle o that the string AC it W rests up FORCE BY8TEM AND LQUILIDEIUM 93 mle SHIN The hortcontal when the ball iy in the position af equlllbrlam. Ado fone Me PrvNNE R Benween the hall and the plane, 1 s oe (aa WBUT 2006 Solution: Equations of equilibrinny will be NAY #0 to, Qeosar= P20 ss arecos”! ( olny, Q From, SFy = 0 inate R=W ed Re W=Qsing = W-Ovi=cos? a 2 2 Pr av =P =W-@/l 0 or, ReW-JQ?=P? Ans. MSCI

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