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Q. 1: Fill in the blanks with suitable 28) My neighbour is jealous __ me.

prepositions: 29) His teacher ordered him to write
1) The calculator is______ the table. _______ ink.
2) He was angry______ me. 30) The dog sprang ______ the table.
3) That man is found guilty_____ theft. 31) It has been raining heavily _______
4) You teacher is not satisfied ____ your Sunday last.
study. 32) Please open you book ______ page
5) He should take care _______ his forty.
health. 33) The examination begins ______
6) Mukesh travelled _______ train. Wednesday.
7) She jumped ________ the well. 34) The Mughal ruled ______ India.
8) You must beware ______ tigers. 35) Raman has no acquaintance ______
9) He quarreled _______ my brothers. Anamika.
10) The thieves broke ______ his house. 36) Sunil offered her an apology ______
11) R.K. thakur is senior _____me. his misbehavior.
12) Meera is satisfied ______ her 37) He is a candidate _______ the primary
husband. teacher.
13) His wife died ______ cancer. 38) He has confidence _______ his
14) My father was acquainted with her success.
______ her success. 39) Mr. Gupta felt grief _______ the death
15) He prefers tea _____ coffee. of his brother.
16) I am fond _____ music. 40) She praised his obedience _______ his
17) My wife has been suffering _______ father.
fever for two days. 41) Akbar was an heir _____ the throne.
18) The teacher congratulated her _______ 42) Her husband is addicted _____
success. gambling.
19) Gandhijee was born _________ 1869. 43) That student acted contrary _____ the
20) The aeroplane was flying _______ the instructions of the principal.
clouds. 44) The dog is very faithful _____ his
21) The police inspector enquired _______ master.
the case. 45) Prabha is good ____ mathematics.
22) His beloved prevented him _______ 46) She was proficient _____ English.
going there. 47) Is that boy related ______ you?
23) The car is running _______ seventy 48) He was shocked _____ the news of his
kilometers an hour. father’s death.
24) He complained _______ his classmate. 49) This shirt is similar _____ that.
25) Distribute these apples _______ the 50) You should abstain ____ bad things.
children. 51) He apologized ______ the teacher for
26) He aimed his pistol ______ the his mistake.
criminal. 52) He never despaired ____ success.
27) What is the time _______ your watch?
53) The shopkeeper deals ______ Nepalese 77) He is ambitious _____ fame.
goods. 78) I am ignorant _____ my brother’s
54) Mohan deals fairly ______ his friend. misconduct.
55) Some goods are imported ______ 79) Death is preferable _____ disgrace.
America _____ India. 80) He is pleased _____ my performance.
56) I have informed the police inspector 81) Listen _____ your teacher carefully.
______ the terrorist. 82) He gazed ______ the beautiful
57) He was prohibited ______ doing this scenery.
work. 83) He reminded you _____ your promise.
58) The two sisters quarreled ______ 84) Mukesh is appointed _____ the vacant
themselves. post.
59) Your answer is _____ the point. 85) He is disgusted _____ my conduct.
60) Manoj will return ______ a week. 86) Binay is not eligible ______ this post.
61) The medicine cured her _____ her 87) Health is essential ______ happiness.
disease. 88) Your religious views are different
62) He arrived _____ the station ______ 10 ______ his.
a.m. 89) Quinine is remedy ______ malaria.
63) Rajendra borrowed Rs. 1000 _____ 90) He has sent me an invitation ______
him. dinner.
64) She did not hide the truth _____ her 91) His great pride ______ his wealth is
husband. foolish.
65) His wife insisted _____ his leaving the 92) ______ advising me, he gave me
place at once. money.
66) Someone was knocking _______ the 93) I am true _____ the publisher.
door. 94) He has been learning music _____ two
67) We must protest _______ injustice. years.
68) The happiness of your country 95) It is difficult for me to part _____
consists _____ the freedom of the money.
citizens. 96) The young man was killed ______ a
69) Good students are respectful _____ criminal ____ a knife.
all. 97) He will become a regular student
70) She exchanged the blouse _____ the _____ tomorrow.
handkerchief. 98) He has been unwell _____ Saturday.
71) The old man is affectionate _____ all. 99) He was staying ______ Jajuar, a big
72) He compared her face _____ the village ____ Bihar.
moon. 100) The train is ______ time.
73) They were making arrangements
_____ the function. Q.2: Find out the error part of the
74) As soon as he received the call ______ following sentences:
his residence he left the office. 1) They walked (1)/ besides (2)/ each
75) The student did not pay attention other (3)/ in silence. (4)/ No error (5)
_____ what the teacher said. 2) His relation (1)/ to Kalpana (2)/ is
76) The house was ______ fire. (3)/ good. (4)/ No error (5)
3) The teacher (1)/ has no (2)/ control 17) Beside chocolate (1)/ they also
upon (3)/ the students. (4)/ No error bought (2)/ many balloons (3)/ for
(5) the child (4)/ No error (5)/
4) We (1)/ travelled (2)/ with steamer 18) Yesterday, Binay (1)/ came across
(3)/ to reach there. (4)/ No error (5) with (2)/ one of his (3)/ old friends
5) His statement (1)/ is very much (4)/ No error (5)/
(2)/similar about (3)/yours.(4)/ No 19) Of what I know (1)/ of her (2)/ I
error (5) hesitate to (3)/ trust in him. (4)/ No
6) The shopkeeper (1)/ deals with grain error (5)
(2)/ but did not deal (3)/ honestly 20) He left of Delhi (1)/ this morning (2)/
with me. (4)/ No error (5) for some (3)/ official work. (4)/ No
7) He (1)/ appealed to the judge (2)/ for error (5)
his release (3)/ from jail. (4)/ No error 21) He cannot (1)/ prevent (2)/ me (3)/ to
(5) go there. (4)/ No error (5)
8) I complained against (1)/ the 22) My book has been (1)/ missing (2)/
magistrate (2)/ against Munna (3)/ from my room (3)/ till Yesterday. (4)/
about his misconduct. (4)/ No error No error (5)
(5) 23) Akbar (1)/ came on the throne (2)/ at
9) We (1)/ are (2)/ responsible for God a very (3)/ early age. (4)/ No error (5)
(3)/ for our actions. (4)/ No error (5) 24) You (1)/ must provide (2)/ to your
10) The doctor referred (1)/ the patient children (3)/ against the evil day. (4)/
for the P.M.C.H (2)/ without (3)/ No error (5)
examining him. (4)/ No error (5) 25) I will (1)/ send you (2)/ this book (3)/
11) My cousin has been (1)/ married with latest by 10th February. (4)/ No error
(2)/ the richest man (3)/ of the (5)
village. (4)/ No error (5)
12) He was (1)/ shocked to hear that (2)/ Q. 3: Correct the following sentences:
her mother (3)/ died of an accident. 1) His wife was dressed up black.
(4)/ No error (5) 2) She is married with a rich man.
13) Mr. Kishori Thakur (1)/ is (2)/ blind 3) Are you careful to your health?
(3)/ with one eye. (4)/ No error (5) 4) The old man died of overeating.
14) On a holiday (1)/ I prefer (2)/ writing 5) This is different to the other.
than going out (3)/ visiting friends. 6) His suggestion was helpful for me.
(4)/ No error (5) 7) Her dress is made up silk.
15) I have been working on (1)/ the 8) I depend over my publisher’s word.
problem from a long time (2)/ but am 9) She is greedy of money.
still not (3)/ able to solve it. (4)/ No 10) He has no acquaintance to this man.
error (5) 11) The publisher’s capacity of hard work
16) Mr. Mishra and his wife (1)/ were seems unlimited.
invited (2)/ for the cultural function 12) My wife prevented me to speaking.
(3)/ at my house. (4)/ No error (5)/ 13) What are you laughing?
14) Is Manu coming in plane?
15) Ruby has been absent from Monday 50) He is busy in his work.
16) Mr. Thakur stood among Aditi and
17) Poverty comes from idleness.
18) My brother in-law travelled by a
19) Did he stay on home yesterday?
20) The workers work in the factory from
10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
21) The train comes on 6’O clock.
22) Milk sells by Rs 22/ a litre.
23) I was born in June 9, 1972.
24) Kumharar Park is close of my
25) He will come up on Monday.
26) I congratulated her at her success in
the SBI Examination.
27) We must be faithful of our master.
28) What is the time from your watch?
29) He prefers milk than tea.
30) He enquired me of the murder.
31) The master has no control on his
32) She relied upon my co-operation.
33) We have duty for our parents.
34) Let me glance on that beautiful girl.
35) He is quick in understanding.
36) An enquiry was made in the matter.
37) An old man is accused to crime.
38) He feels sure to his success.
39) I have no reliance over your word.
40) He was not aware to your intention.
41) There is no limit of zeal.
42) The police inspector went to his
43) What will you do by this little book?
44) He complained upon me.
45) Mr. Prasad has signed to the
46) He persisted to say this.
47) I insisted on him to go away.
48) She assisted to do this.
49) Due to the accident, he could not go.

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