Skating Away

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#### 6 j
& 8
j œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ œ
There were two coup-les a skat - ing a- way, skat - ing a -way, skat-ing a - way, there

#### j œ œ œ œ j j j ‰
& œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ
were two coup - les a skat - ing a - way, so ear - ly in the morn - ing

VERSE 2: The ice was thin and they all fell in, they all fell in, they all fell in,
The ice was thin and they all fell in, so early in the morning.

VERSE 3: The old swing out and the new swing in, the old swing out and the new swing in,
The old swing out and the new swing in, so early in the morning.

The children form a circle holding hands. Four are chosen to make a small circle of their own in the
middle. They hold their RIGHT hands together in the centre of the circle and make a 'star'.

VERSE 1: The large circle walks/skips to the right and the small circle walks/skips to the left,
(facing the way they are going when they hold their right hands in the centre).

VERSE 2: Swap directions (inner circle now hold their left hands in the centre)

VERSE 3: Each of the four middle children choose someone in the outer circle and swing them
(right arm linked with right arm). On the last line, 'So early in the morning', the nchosen
children go into the middle to make a new four and the others all hold hands in the outer
circle to start again. While the choosing and swinging is going on the other children can
stamp and clap in time to the pulse

NB: It is important that the children in the middle choose their partners quickly because if they take
too long they will run out of music! It can also be helpful for young children to have a band on
their right wrist so there is not so much confusion about which is their right hand!

This game can go on for as long as required.

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