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PRIVATE ACTS AND THE BILL OF The right to life is not merely a right to
RIGHTS the preservation of life but also to the
security of the limbs and organs of the
Bill of Rights Set of prescriptions
human body against any unlawful harm.
setting forth the fundamental civil
This constitutional guarantee includes
and political rights of the
the right of an individual to pursue a
individual, and imposing
lawful calling or occupation; to express,
limitations on the powers of
write or even paint his ideas for as long
government as a means of
as he does not unlawfully transgress the
securing the enjoyment of those
rights of others; to exercise his freedom
of choice.
The bill of rights are self-executing
provision of our constitution. Dli na siya
kailangan ug existing law para mahimo MEANING OF LIBERTY
syang effective.
It is not only the right of a citizen to be
The Bill of rights is under Article III of the free from the mere physical restraint of
1987 Constitution his person, as by incarceration, but the
term is deemed to embrace the right of
the citizen to be free in the engagement
of all his faculties; to be free to use them
in all lawful ways (Allegeyer vs.
SECTION 1. No person shall be deprived Louisianna, 165 U.S. 578, January 6,
of life, liberty, or property without due 1897).
process of law, nor shall any person be
denied the equal protection of the laws.

DUE PROCESS – Section 1 is also It refers to things which are susceptible of

called the DUE PROCESS CLAUSE – appropriation and which are already
possessed and found in the possession
No person shall be deprived of life, of man (Suarez, 2016).
liberty, or property without due process of
law, nor shall any person be denied the
equal protection of the laws DUE PROCESS MEANS:
1. There shall be a law prescribed in
Meaning of Person All persons, whether harmony with the general powers of
citizens or aliens, without regard to any the legislature;
differences of race, religion, color or 2. It shall be reasonable in its operation;
nationality, are protected under the due 3. It shall be enforced according to the
process clause. regular methods of procedure
prescribed; and
4. It shall be applicable alike to all particular class, determine the
require the matters before
citizens of the State or to all of a intervention of it.
class. the state.
2. Jurisdiction
2. The means properly
employed are acquired over
reasonably the person of
PURPOSE THE DUE PROCESS necessary for the defendant
CLAUSE is a guaranty against any kind the and over
of abuse and arbitrariness, by anyone in accomplishmen property which
t of the purpose is the subject
any of the branches of government. More and not unduly matter of the
specifically, the purpose of the due oppressive proceeding.
process clause is to: individuals. 3. Opportunity
to be heard.
1. Prevent undue encroachment against
the life, liberty and property of individuals. 4. Judgment
rendered upon
lawful hearing
2. Secure the individual from the arbitrary and based on
exercise of powers of government, evidence
unrestrained by the established
principles of private rights and distributive
3. Protect property from confiscation by
legislative enactments from seizure, SECTION II - SEARCHES AND
forfeiture, and destruction without a trial SEIZURES. Also known as RIGHT
and conviction by the ordinary modes of AGAINST UNREASONABLE
judicial procedures. (Suarez, 2016) SEARCHES AND SEIZURE

KINDS OF DUE PROCESS SECTION 2. The right of the people to be

secure in their persons, houses, papers, and
1. Procedural Due Process; and
effects against unreasonable searches and
2. Substantive Due Process. seizures of whatever nature and for any
purpose shall be inviolable, and no search
warrant or warrant of arrest shall issue
except upon probable cause to be
DUE DUE determined personally by the judge after
PROCESS PROCESS examination under oath or affirmation of the
Purpose This serves as Serves as a complainant and the witnesses he may
a restriction on restriction on
the actions of produce, and particularly describing the
government’s judicial and place to be searched and the persons or
law and rule- quasi-judicial things to be seized.
making powers. agencies of the
Requisite 1. The interests 1. Impartial
of the public in court or tribunal
s general, as clothed with
distinguished judicial power to
from those of a hear and

1. It must be issued upon determination

of probable cause;
2. The probable cause must be
As to determined by the judge himself and
authority, The It is not not by the applicant or any other
examines JUDGE necessary that person;
must the judge 3. In the determination of probable
personally should cause, the judge must examine,
examine in personally
the form of examine the under oath or affirmation, the
searching complainant complainant and such witnesses as
questions and his the latter may produce; and
and witnesses; the 4. The warrant issued must particularly
answers, in judge would describe the place to be searched
writing and simply
and persons and things to be seized
under oath, personally
the review the initial
complainan DETERMINATI
t and the ON OF THE NOTE: General warrant is not allowed. It
witnesses PROSECUTOR must be issued pursuant to a specific
he may to see if it is
offense (Stonehill v. Diokno, G.R. No. L-
produce on supported by
facts substantial 19550, June 19, 1967)
personally evidence.
known to
them. GENERAL WARRANTS - Warrants of
Basis of The He merely
determinati determinati broad and general characterization or
determines the
on of probability, not sweeping descriptions which will
probable the certainty of authorize police officers to undertake a
cause guilt of the fishing expedition to seize and confiscate
depends to accused and, in any and all kinds of evidence or articles
a large so doing, he relating to an offense.
extent upon need not
the finding conduct a new
or opinion hearing
conducted 1. Property subject of the offense;
the 2. Stolen or embezzled property and
required other proceeds or fruits of the
examinatio offense; or
n of the 3. Property used or intended to be
and the used as means for the
witnesses commission of an offense.
NOTE: Seized items in violation of Art. search warrant applications? A: YES. A
201 of the RPC, such as immoral finding of probable cause needs only to
doctrines, obscene publications and rest on evidence showing that, more
indecent shows, can be destroyed even likely than not, a crime has been
if the accused was acquitted. P.D. No. committed and that it was committed by
969. the accused. Probable cause demands
more than bare suspicion; it requires less
than evidence which would justify
WHAT COURT WILL ISSUE? conviction. The judge, in determining
probable cause, is to consider the totality
✓ Court with the primary jurisdiction of the circumstances made known to him
in issuing search warrants and not by a fixed and rigid formula, and
✓ The RTC where the criminal case must employ a flexible, totality of the
is pending or if no information has circumstances standard. Facts
yet been filed, in RTC in the area/s discovered during surveillance - on the
contemplated. basis of information and evidence
EXCEPTION: An RTC not having provided by petitioners - constitute
territorial jurisdiction over the place to be personal knowledge which could form the
searched, however, may issue a search basis for the issuance of a search
warrant where the filing of such is warrant (Petron LPG Dealers
necessitated and justified by compelling Association v. Ang, G.R. No. 199371,
considerations of urgency, subject, time, February 3, 2016).
and place.
and Total Gaz LPG Dealers Association
filed a lettercomplaint before the NBI- Probable cause, as a condition for the
IRO, requesting assistance in the issuance of a search warrant, is such
surveillance, investigation, apprehension reasons supported by facts and
and prosecution of respondents for circumstances as will warrant a cautious
alleged illegal trading of LPG products man to believe that his action and the
and/or underfilling, possession and/or means taken in prosecuting it are legally
sale of underfilled LPG products. The just and proper.
NBI-IRO - through its agent De Jamil and
- It requires facts and
undercover NBI asset Antonio conducted
circumstances that would lead a
surveillance and test-buy operations and
reasonably prudent man to
thereafter they filed two Applications for
believe that an offense has been
Search Warrantto conduct a search of
committed and that the objects
the Magsingal LPG refilling plant. Can
sought in connection with that
the personal knowledge of the witnesses
offense are in the place to be
of the commission of the illegal trading
and underfilling of LPG products be a
- Such facts and circumstances
basis for determining probable cause in
antecedent to the issuance of a
warrant that in themselves are standard. FACTS DISCOVERED
sufficient to induce a cautious man DURING SURVEILLANCE - on the basis
to rely on them and act in of information and evidence provided by
pursuance thereof. The evidence petitioners - constitute personal
necessary to establish probable knowledge which could form the basis for
cause is based only on the the issuance of a search warrant (Petron
likelihood, or probability, of guilt LPG Dealers Association v. Ang, G.R.
No. 199371, February 3, 2016).

Q: LPG Dealers Association and Total

Gaz LPG Dealers Association filed a PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE
lettercomplaint before the NBI-IRO,
1. The person to be arrested must
requesting assistance in the surveillance,
execute an overt act indicating that he
investigation, apprehension and
had just committed, is actually
prosecution of respondents for alleged
committing, or is attempting to commit a
illegal trading of LPG products and/or
crime; and
underfilling, possession and/or sale of
underfilled LPG products. The NBI-IRO - 2. Such overt act is done in the presence
through its agent De Jamil and or within the view of the arresting officer.
undercover NBI asset Antonio conducted
surveillance and test-buy operations and NOTE: Initial hearsay information or tips
thereafter they filed two Applications for from confidential informants could very
Search Warrantto conduct a search of well serve as basis for the issuance of a
the Magsingal LPG refilling plant. Can search warrant, if followed up personally
the personal knowledge of the witnesses by the recipient and validated. Looking at
of the commission of the illegal trading the records, it is clear that Padilla and his
and underfilling of LPG products be a companions were able to personally
basis for determining probable cause in verify the tip of their informant. The
search warrant applications? evidence on record clearly shows that the
applicant and witnesses were able to
A: YES. A finding of probable cause verify the information obtained from their
needs only to rest on evidence showing confidential source. The evidence
that, more likely than not, a crime has likewise shows that there was probable
been committed and that it was cause for the issuance of a search
committed by the accused. Probable warrant. Thus, the requirement of
cause demands more than bare personal knowledge of the applicant and
suspicion; it requires less than evidence witnesses was clearly satisfied in this
which would justify conviction. The judge, case (Microsoft Corporation v. Samir
in determining probable cause, is to Farajallah, G.R. No. 205800, September
consider the totality of the circumstances 10, 2014).
made known to him and not by a fixed
and rigid formula, and must employ a
flexible, totality of the circumstances
MERE “RELIABLE INFORMATION” that a warrant of arrest may be issued
WILL NOT SATISFY THE “PERSONAL and he may be held liable for trial.

A police officer cannot amplify or

The long-standing rule in this jurisdiction, modify what has been set out in the
applied with a great degree of warrant
consistency, is that “reliable information”
Such a change is proscribed by the
alone is not sufficient to justify a
Constitution which requires a search
warrantless arrest under Section 5(a),
warrant to particularly describe the place
Rule 113. The rule requires, in addition,
to be searched; otherwise it would open
that the accused perform some overt act
the door to abuse of the search process,
that would indicate that he “has
and grant to officers executing the search
committed, is actually committing, or is
that discretion which the Constitution has
attempting to commit an offense.”
precisely removed from them. The
In the leading case of People v. Burgos, particularization of the description of the
this Court held that “the officer arresting place to be searched may properly be
a person who has just committed, is done only by the judge, and only in the
committing, or is about to commit an warrant itself; it cannot be left to the
offense must have personal knowledge discretion of the police officers
of that fact. The offense must also be conducting the search. It is neither fair
committed in his presence or within his nor licit to allow police officers to search
view.” In Burgos, the authorities obtained a place different from that stated in the
information that the accused had forcibly warrant on the claim that the place
recruited one Cesar Masamlok as actually searched —although not that
member of the New People’s Army, specified in the warrant — is exactly what
threatening the latter with a firearm. Upon they had in view when they applied for
finding the accused, the arresting team the warrant and had demarcated in their
searched his house and discovered a supporting evidence. What is material in
gun as well as purportedly subversive determining the validity of a search is the
documents (People v. Tudtud, G.R. No. place stated in the warrant itself, not what
144037, September 26, 2003). applicants had in their thoughts, or had
represented in the proofs they submitted
to the court issuing the warrant (People
Examination by the investigating judge of v. CA, 291 SCRA 400, June 26, 1998).
the complainant and the latter’s
witnesses in writing and under oath or
affirmation, to determine whether there is QUESTION : Nenita and Julienne were
a reasonable ground to believe that an graduating high school students at St.
offense has been committed and whether Theresa’s College (STC), Cebu City.
the accused is probably guilty thereof so While changing into their swimsuits for a
beach party they were about to attend,
Julia and Julienne, along with several 1. Visual search is made of moving
others, took digital pictures of themselves vehicles at checkpoints;
clad only in their undergarments. These 2. Search is an incident to a valid
pictures were then uploaded by Angela arrest;
on her Facebook profile. Back at the a. NOTE: An officer making
school, Escudero, a computer teacher at an arrest may take from the
STC’s high school department, learned person: a. Any money or
from her students that some seniors at property found upon his
STC posted pictures online, depicting person which was used in
themselves from the waist up, dressed the commission of the
only in brassieres.Escudero reported the offense b. Was the fruit
matter and, through one of her student’s thereof c. Which might
Facebook page, showed the photos to furnish the prisoner with
Tigol, STC’s Discipline-in-Charge, for the means of committing
appropriate action. Were unlawful means violence or escaping d.
used by STC in gathering information Which might be used as
about the photo? evidence in the trial of the
ANSWER : NO. Even assuming that the
3. Search of passengers made in
photos in issue are visible only to the
sanctioned students’ Facebook friends,
4. When things seized are within
respondent STC can hardly be taken to
plain view of a searching party
task for the perceived privacy invasion
(Plain View Doctrine);
since it was the minors’ Facebook friends
5. Stop and frisk (precedes an
who showed the pictures to Tigol.
Respondents were mere recipients of
6. When there is a valid express
what were posted. They did not resort to
waiver made voluntarily and
any unlawful means of gathering the
information as it was voluntarily given to
a. NOTE: Consent to a
them by persons who had legitimate
search is not to be lightly
access to the said posts. Clearly, the
inferred, but shown by
fault, if any, lies with the friends of the
clear and convincing
minors. Curiously enough, however,
evidence. Consent must
neither the minors nor their parents
also be voluntary in order to
imputed any violation of privacy against
validate an otherwise
the students who showed the images to
illegal search; that is, the
Escudero (Vivares v. St. Theresa’s
consent must be
College, G.R. No. 202666, September
unequivocal, specific,
29, 2014).
intelligently given, and
uncontaminated by any
duress or coercion
Instances of a valid warrantless search 221 (2002)]. (2015 Bar) In
this case, petitioner was inadvertent (Fajardo v. People, G.R. No.
merely "ordered" to take 190889, January 10, 2011).
out the contents of his
NOTE: Plain View Doctrine cannot be
pocket (Alcaraz v. People,
applied where there was no evidence in
G.R. No. 199042,
plain view of law enforcers serving the
November 17, 2014).
search warrant (United Laboratories, Inc.
7. Customs search; and
v. Isip, G.R. No. 163858, June 28, 2005).
8. Exigent and emergency
circumstances (People v. De QUESTION: Kwino, a drug pusher was
Gracia, 233 SCRA 716, July 6, entrapped in a buy bust operation. He led
1994). the police officers to the house of Carlo
Ray, his supposed associate and his
house was searched. A cardboard box
PLAIN VIEW DOCTRINE with bricks of marijuana inside was found
in her residence. However, Carlo Ray’s
Under the plain view doctrine, objects warrantless arrest was declared illegal by
falling in the "plain view" of an officer, the court. It follows that the search of his
who has a right to be in the position to person and home and the subsequent
have that view, are subject to seizure and seizure of the marked bills and marijuana
may be presented as evidence. It applies cannot be deemed legal as an incident to
when the following requisites concur: (J- her arrest. Was the marijuana in the
I-A) cardboard box in plain view during the
1. The law enforcement officer in search, making the warrantless seizure
search of the evidence has a prior valid and acceptable in evidence?
justification for an intrusion or is in a ANSWER: NO. The law enforcement
position from which he can view a officer must lawfully make an initial
particular area; intrusion or properly be in a position from
2. The discovery of the evidence in which he can particularly view the area.
plain view is inadvertent; and In the course of such lawful intrusion, he
3. It is immediately apparent to the came inadvertently across a piece of
officer that the item he observes evidence incriminating the accused. The
may be evidence of a crime, object must be open to eye and hand and
contraband, or otherwise subject to its discovery inadvertent. It is clear that
seizure. an object is in plain view if the object itself
The law enforcement officer must lawfully is plainly exposed to sight. The difficulty
make an initial intrusion or properly be in arises when the object is inside a closed
a position from which he can particularly container. Where the object seized was
view the area. In the course of such inside a closed package, the object itself
lawful intrusion, he came inadvertently is not in plain view and therefore cannot
across a piece of evidence incriminating be seized without a warrant. However, if
the accused. The object must be open to the package proclaims its contents,
eye and hand, and its discovery whether by its distinctive configuration,
its transparency, or if its contents are determine the identity of suspicious
obvious to an observer, then the contents individuals or to maintain the status quo
are in plain view and may be seized momentarily while the police officers
(People v. Doria, G.R. No. 125299, seek to obtain more information
January 22, 1999). (Valmonte v. De Villa, G.R. No. 83988,
September 29, 1989).

Motorists and their vehicles passing
Limited protective search of outer through checkpoints may also be
clothing for weapons. Probable cause is stopped and extensively searched
not required but a genuine reason must
exist in light of a police officer’s
experience and surrounding conditions
While, as a rule, motorists and their
to warrant the belief that the person
vehicles passing through checkpoints
detained has weapons concealed
may only be subjected to a routine
(Malacat v. CA, G.R. No. 123595,
inspection, vehicles may be stopped and
December 12, 1997).
extensively searched when there is
probable cause which justifies a
reasonable belief among those at the
CHECKPOINTS checkpoints that either the motorist is a
Searches conducted in checkpoints are law offender or the contents of the
lawful, provided the checkpoint complies vehicle are or have been instruments of
with the following requisites: some offense (People v. Vinecario, G.R.
No. 141137, January 20, 2004).
1. The establishment of checkpoint
must be pronounced;
2. It must be stationary, not roaming; CHECKPOINT RULES UNDER LTO
and CODE (R.A. 4136)
3. The search must be limited to
visual search and must not be an There is, to stress, nothing in R.A. 4136
intrusive search. that authorized the checkpoint-manning
policemen to order petitioner and his
NOTE: Not all searches and seizures are companions to get out of the vehicle for a
prohibited. Between the inherent right of vehicle and body search. And it bears to
the State to protect its existence and emphasize that there was no reasonable
promote public welfare and an suspicion of the occurrence of a crime
individual’s right against warrantless that would allow what jurisprudence
search which is however reasonably refers to as a "stop and frisk" action. As
conducted, the former should prevail. SPO4 Bodino no less testified, the only
reason why they asked petitioner to get
out of the vehicle was not because he
A checkpoint is akin to a stop-and-frisk has committed a crime, but because of
situation whose object is either to
their intention to invite him to Station 9 so security procedures. With increased
he could rest before he resumes driving. concern over airplane hijacking and
But instead of a tactful invitation, the terrorism has come increased security at
apprehending officers, in an act the nation’s airport (People v. Leila
indicative of overstepping of their duties, Johnson, G.R. No.138881, December
dragged the petitioner out of the vehicle 18, 2000).
and, in the process of subduing him,
pointed a gun and punched him on the
face. None of the police officers, to note, Question : Civil Service Commission
categorically denied the petitioner’s (CSC) Chairperson Karina Constantino-
allegation about being physically hurt David received an anonymous letter
before being brought to the Ospital ng alleging that the chief of CSC’s Legal
Maynila to be tested for intoxication. Division, Ricky Pollo, is acting as a
What the policemen claimed was that it lawyer of an accused government
took the three (3) of them to subdue the employee who has a pending case in the
fifty-five year old petitioner. Both actions CSC. Consequently, a team with IT
were done in excess of their authority background was formed to back up all
granted under R.A. 4136 (Sydeco v. the files in the computers found in the
People, G.R. No. 202692, November 12, Legal Division. Pollo was not present
2014). during the backing-up and was only
informed through text message. It was
then found that most of the files sourced
QUESTION: Star was a lady frisker from the computer used by Pollo were
whose duty is to frisk departing pleadings and letters connected with
passengers, employees, and crew and pending cases in CSC and other
check for weapons, bombs, prohibited tribunals. He was found guilty of
drugs, contraband goods, and dishonesty, grave misconduct and
explosives. When she frisked Rochelle, a conduct prejudicial to the best interest of
boarding passenger, she felt something the service and violation of R.A. 6713
hard on Rochelle’s abdominal area which and penalized him with dismissal. Were
was later found to be three packs of the searching and copying of Pollo’s
shabu. Can Rochelle invoke a violation of computer files a violation of the right
the search and seizure clause? against unreasonable searches and
ANSWER: NO. First, Pollo failed to prove
ANSWER: NO. Persons may lose the
that he had an actual (subjective)
protection of the search and seizure
expectation of privacy either in his office
clause by exposure of their persons or
or government-issued computer which
property to the public in a manner
contained his personal files. The CSC
reflecting a lack of subjective expectation
had implemented a policy that put its
of privacy, which expectation society is
employees on notice that they have no
prepared to recognize as reasonable.
expectation of privacy in anything they
Such recognition is implicit in airport
create, store, send or receive on the ANSWER : NO. The time he was waiting
office computers, and that the CSC may for Alteza to write his citation ticket may
monitor the use of the computer be characterized as waiting time. Luz
resources using both automated and could not be said to have been under
human means. This implies that onthe- arrest. There was no intention on the part
spot inspections may be done to ensure of Alteza to arrest him, deprive him of his
that the computer resources were used liberty, or take him into custody. In fact,
only for such legitimate business Alteza himself testified that it was only for
purposes. Second, the search of the sake of convenience that they were
petitioner’s computer files was waiting at the sub-station (Luz v. People
conducted in connection with of the Philippines, G.R. No. 197788,
investigation of work-related misconduct February 29,2012).
prompted by an anonymous
lettercomplaint addressed to
Chairperson David regarding anomalies Question: A search was conducted on
in the CSC-ROIV where the head of the March 3, 1986. During which the
MamamayanMuna Hindi Mamaya Na Philippines has no Constitution. The
division is supposedly “lawyering” for Constabulary raiding team searched the
individuals with pending cases in the house of Elizabeth Dimaano by virtue of
CSC. A search by a government a search warrant and thereafter seized
employer of an employee’s office is some items not included in the warrant.
justified at inception when there are Dimaano questioned the search for being
reasonable grounds for suspecting that it violative of the Constitution. Can she
will turn up evidence that the employee is invoke her right against unreasonable
guilty of work-related misconduct (Pollo searches and seizures during the
v. David, G.R. No. 181881, October 18, interregnum?
ANSWER: YES. The Bill of Rights under
the 1973 Constitution was not operative
during the interregnum. Be that as it may,
Question: Luz was flagged down by
under Art. 17(1) of the International
PO3Alteza for driving a motorcycle
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,
without a helmet. Alteza invited Luz to
the revolutionary government had the
their sub-station and while issuing a
duty to insure that no one shall be
citation ticket for violation of municipal
subjected to arbitrary or unlawful
ordinance, Alteza was alerted by the
interference with his privacy, family,
latter’s uneasy movement and asked him
home or correspondence. Art. 17(2)
to put out the contents of the pocket of
provides that no one shall be arbitrarily
his jacket. It was revealed that Luz was
deprived of his property. Although the
in possession of prohibited drugs. Can
signatories to the Declaration did not
the roadside questioning of a motorist
intend it as a legally binding document,
detained pursuant to a routine traffic stop
being only a declaration, the Court has
be considered a formal arrest?
interpreted the Declaration as part of the
generally accepted principles of
international law and binding on the
QUESTION: A buy-bust operation was
state. The revolutionary government did
conducted in DM’s store. Police Officer
not repudiate the Covenant or the
CA Tandoc posed as a buyer and bought
Declaration during the interregnum. It
marijuana from DM. After the exchange
was also obligated under international
of marked money and marijuana, Tandoc
law to observe the rights of individuals
arrested DM without a warrant. The other
under the Declaration (Republic v.
police officer searched the store and
Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 104768, July
seized a plastic container containing six
21, 2003).
marijuana stocks. Thereafter, DM was
charged with selling marijuana. Is the
warrantless seizure of marijuana legal?
QUESTION: While sleeping in his room,
Kel was arrested by virtue of a warrant of
arrest and he was dragged out of the
ANSWER: YES. The search being an
room. Thereafter, some police officers
incident to a lawful arrest, it needed no
ransacked the locked cabinet inside the
warrant for its validity. The accused
room where they found a firearm and
having been caught in flagrante delicto,
ammunition. Are the warrantless search
the arresting officers were duty bound to
and seizure of the firearm and
apprehend her immediately. The
ammunition justified as an incident to a
warrantless search and seizure, as an
lawful arrest?
incident to a lawful arrest, may extend to
ANSWER: NO. The scope of the include the premises under the
warrantless search is not without immediate control of the accused. The
limitations. A valid arrest allows the accused may not successfully invoke the
seizure of evidence or dangerous right against a warrantless search, even
weapons either on the person of the one as regards the plastic container with
arrested or within the area of his dried marijuana leaves found on the table
immediate control. The purpose of the in his store (People v. Salazar, G.R. No.
exception is to protect the arresting 98060, January 27, 1997).
officer from being harmed by the person
arrested, who might be armed with a
concealed weapon, and to prevent the SEC. 19 OF THE CYBERCRIME LAW
latter from destroying evidence within IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL
reach. In this case, search was made in
the locked cabinet which cannot be said Sec. 19 empowers the Department of
to have been within Kel's immediate Justice to restrict or block access to
control. Thus, the search exceeded the computer data when a computer data is
bounds of what may be considered as an prima facie found to be in violation of the
incident to a lawful arrest (Valeroso v. provisions of the Cybercrime Law. The
CA, G.R. No. 164815, September 3, Department of Justice order cannot be a
2009). substitute for judicial search warrant. The
Government, in effect, seizes and places
the computer data under its control and
disposition without a warrant. Not only
does Sec. 19 preclude any judicial
intervention, but it also disregards
jurisprudential guidelines established to
determine the validity of restrictions on
speech for the content of the computer
data can also constitute speech. Sec. 19
merely requires that the data to be
blocked be found prima facie in violation
of any provision of the cybercrime law. It
does not take into consideration any of
the three tests: the dangerous tendency
doctrine, the balancing of interest test
and the clear and present danger rule.
Therefore, Sec. 19 is unconstitutional
(Disini v. Secretary of Justice, G.R. No.
203335, February 11, 2014).


A waiver of an illegal arrest, however, is
not a waiver of an illegal search.
Records have established that both the
arrest and the search were made without
a warrant. While the accused has already
waived his right to contest the legality of
his arrest, he is not deemed to have
equally waived his right to contest the
legality of the search (Alcaraz v. People,
G.R. No. 199042, November 17, 2014)

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