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Pre-Final Reflection Paper

The National Situationer webinar is an eye-opening talk about the challenges our
country, the Philippines faces. This challenges stems from the inequalities in our systems.
And the talk elaborates clearly what inequality does to each sector and how we are to address

Inequality is an ongoing problem and a topic not very much discussed, as if turning a
blind eye to it we continue to live our lives thinking that this is just how life works. This
problem has gotten worse and is more evident as we experienced during the pandemic. The
lockdown has caused so much social and economic distress as we are mandated to stay
confined in our homes. The situation presents how the privileged has lived comfortably,
whereas the unfortunate does not even have homes.

R.U. Mendoza says that the political system reflects the inequality in the Philippines
as political dynasties take over most of the development in the areas. In which case, there is
little to no progress in improving poverty. As these politicians are basically hording these
positions among their family members, there are almost no chance for new candidates outside
these dynasties to make a difference. This is the start of what is called the inequality trap. The
imbalance in power and status in our country allows for influenced individuals to thrive in the
current unequal status quo. This is alarming as it basically tells us that politicians, who are
part of the upper class, will not be actively trying to reform and address this issue as the
primary benefactors from it.

To break free from the inequality trap, there is a need for us to actively strive towards
inclusion, specifically; inclusive society, inclusive democracy, and inclusive economy. We
have to regulate political dynasties and give opportunities to those alternative and
transformative leaders. Additionally, allow for a more level playing field which will give the
lower class more opportunities to thrive.

Understanding why these situations are happening is important. It is easy to say to the poor
that they should work hard so that they can live a better life. But I see now that this it is not
easy for them at all. And that is because of the inequality in opportunities that are available to
these poor families that they remain poor. And the people we should be turning to, to help
empower and unshackle the unfortunate are the main cause of why they are suffering. This
webinar has certainly changed the way I view politics. I now see clearer. The next time I cast
my vote, I will no longer be blinded by the political dynasties. My vote will be to a leader
who much deserves it and should be given a chance to try and reform the country.

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