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Department of Education

Region X
Division of Bukidnon
Kibawe West District
East Kibawe, Kibawe, Bukidnon



School Kibawe NHS- Poblacion Campus Grade Level Grade 7

Teacher JUNALYN M. ALGONES Learning Area English
Grade 7- Tebunto (1:00- 1:50 pm)
Quarter Fourth
Teaching Dates & Time
I. Objectives
A. Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of: contemporary Philippine literature as a
means of responding to the demands of the global village; various extended text types;
lexical and contextual cues; appropriate and polite oral language, stance, and behavior;
and use of imperatives, prepositions, verbs and wh-questions.
B. Performance Standard: The learner transfers learning by: explaining the need to be cooperative and
responsible in today’s global village; using appropriate strategies to comprehend
extended text types; using lexical and contextual clues to understand unfamiliar words
and expressions; using imperatives, prepositions, and appropriate and polite oral
language, stance and behavior in various information-sharing formats
Competencies/Objectives EN7LT-IVh-3:Explain how a selection may be influenced by culture, history,
environment, or other factors
1. Examine why the literary piece “I am a Filipino” by Carlos P. Romulo greatly
exhibits patriotism and love for country.
2. Imbibe the spirit of patriotism through the readings on culture, history, and
II. Content: I am a Filipino by Carlos P. Romulo

III. Learning Resources

A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide Pages K-12 Curriculum Guide p. 162

MELCS p. 15
English – Grade 7 Exemplar (4th Quarter) page 6-12
2. Additional Learning 1. Activity Sheets
Resource 2. Copy of the selection
IV. Procedures

Preliminaries (Management Of Learning)

 Prayer
 Orderliness
 Checking of Attendance
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Reviewing previous - Ask the students what they have learned  The students will give a recap
lesson or presenting the from the third quarter lessons. about the previous lessons.
new lesson

B. Establishing a purpose for Introduction: Filipinos have come a long way  The students will listen
the lesson before they achieved independence. Through carefully to the teacher.
the storms and surges, they endured, showing
sturdy resilience to the world. Indeed, our rich
tradition and colorful history manifested our
character as a nation which steadily copes
with time.

C. Presenting Give examples of how culture, history, and The students will listen
examples / environment have influenced various literary carefully to the teacher.
instances of
the new lesson works throughout history. Use examples like
"comparing the influences brought by other
countries to our country that shows impact in
the history.
D. Discussing new Introduce Carlos P. Romulo's literary piece,  The students will read the
concepts and practicing "I am a Filipino" to the students. Discuss the selection given by the teacher.
new skills #1
background of the author and the historical
context of the literary piece. Talk about how
culture, history, and environment are reflected
in the literary work. Engage the students in a
group discussion about the themes of the
literary piece, such as patriotism and love for

D. Discussing new Divide the students into small groups and

concepts and practicing assign each group a different section of the  The students will collaborate
new skills # 2 literary piece to analyze. Have them identify with their group mates and
specific examples of how culture, history, and analyze the text given.
environment are reflected in the section they
are assigned to. Afterward, have each group
present their findings to the class.

Understanding the Text

1. Who is the author of the essay?

2. What are the characteristics of the Filipino

as mentioned by the author?
3. How can you prove the claim of the author
that the Philippines has rich land?

4. What is the two fold task of a Filipino?

Expound your answer.
 The students will participate
F. Developing mastery Ask the students to write a short reflection on in the activity and answer the
(Leads to Formative questions given
the literary piece and how it reflects their
understanding of the culture, history, and
environment of the Philippines. Use this as a
formative assessment to gauge their mastery
of the concepts taught.
G. Finding practical Discuss with the students how they can apply  The students will answer the
applications of concepts and the knowledge they have learned to their daily questions given.
skills in daily living. lives. For example, they may become more
appreciative of their culture and history and
develop a deeper sense of loyalty for their

H. Making generalizations Encourage the students to make

and abstractions about the generalizations and abstractions about the  The students will participate
lesson. lesson based on the story by means of in the activity.
completing the statements
. 1. I am a Filipino for I
2. Filipino is a great race because
3. Our experiences in the past taught us to
4. I will protect our freedom as a nation by
I. Evaluating Learning Filipinos, have endured struggles as they
were enslaved by the past, meet the  The students will perform a
challenges of the present, and believe in the skit about the given topics.
promise of the future. In accordance to the
selection, “I am a Filipino,” groups will be
selected and they should present a short skit
with the following themes:

1: How the Filipinos fought the Spaniards
during the Spanish times
Topic 2: How the Filipinos make their culture
and tradition survive the present times
Topic 3: How the Filipinos prepare for the

( They will be rated using the rubric given by

the teacher)
J. Additional Activities for  As an additional activity, ask the  The students will participate
Application or students to research and analyze in the activity and will present
Remediation their output next meeting.
other literary works that exhibit
patriotism and love for country. They
may also compare and contrast these
literary works with "I am a Filipino"
and identify how culture, history, and
environment are reflected in them.

 For remediation, provide additional

reading materials and resources for
the students who need extra help in
understanding the concepts.



A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies work well? Why did these

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovations or localized materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other teachers

Prepared by: Approved & Checked


English Teacher I School Head

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