Problems Set 12

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Week 12 Problem

Explain what a Pareto chart is 

A Pareto diagram is a bar graph where the bars address frequency or cost. The bars are

organized by size with the longest bars on the left (Mineva, 2020).

What the related philosophy is 

Utilizing a Pareto graph permits its clients to picture the meaning of specific


What they are commonly used for

Pareto outlines are regularly used to imagine the recurrence of issues, decide the main

sources, and dissecting wide issues (Mineva, 2020).

Pareto graph is in the clarification segment below.


The Pareto chart above illustrates the frequency of diverse medication issues and the

cumulative percent of total occurrences. It demonstrates that a enormous component of medicine

troubles (around 80%) is resulting from only a few forms of errors.

In this example, the top 3 contributing factors are:

Dose Missed (21.40%): This is the most common issue, accounting for about 21.40% of all

mentioned issues.

Wrong Time (18.99%): The 2nd maximum common difficulty, contributing to about 39.39% of

the whole issues.

Wrong Drug (16.58%): The 1/3 most conventional difficulty, inflicting about fifty five.97% of

the medicine-associated issues.

The Pareto Chart enables healthcare specialists and administrators to prioritize their

efforts in addressing those problems. By focusing on the essential few, they can allocate assets

successfully to reduce the most significant medication errors and enhance affected person safety.


Mineva, D. (2020). Application of the pareto principle in the contractal process for oncological

disease. KNOWLEDGE-International Journal, 38(4), 985-989.

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