Pages From MP1-DD-INF-RU003-ACM-ZZ-ZZ-SP-HW-000001-Specification For Highway Works - Telecom

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22 Concrete encasement shall be class C20 concrete with 13 mm maximum size aggregate for all duct
banks. For warning purposes, a red dye shall be towelled into the top surface after pouring the
concrete. Sand encasement shall be class C20 concrete with 13 mm maximum size aggregate for all duct banks.
For warning purposes, a warning tape shall be placed to the top surface. Orange marker shall be used to identify telecommunication facilities. For telecom duct banks, this can
be accomplished by either of the following methods:

 Placing an orange marker tape above the concrete encasement of the duct bank. The marker
tape shall be located 300 mm minimum above the concrete encasement.
 Mixing orange dye with the concrete used for encasement.
 Applying orange dye on the top surface of concrete encasement. An expansion of 55 mm per 100 meters maximum shall be provided in the duct banks. Additionally, a
construction joint shall be installed if pouring of concrete is commenced any time after initial set of
adjacent concrete. Neither expansion nor construction joints shall be installed under a roadway. For duct banks in stable soils, the soil below the duct bank shall be compacted to 90 % of maximum
density to a minimum depth of 300 mm. A dewatering system shall be used to lower the water table
below the final excavation depth to eliminate disturbance of in-situ soil densities. Provide 1% slope to duct bank for draining. Joints for ducts shall use water proof cement, to Manufacturer’s recommendations with at least 80
mm overlap.

Duct bank (Sub- duct) Five Sub-ducts High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) of 32 mm diameter to be installed in 100 mm duct
and conforming to DIN 8075 and ASTM D3350 as shown on series 500 typical details drawing ref
MP1-DD-INF-RU003-ACM-PB00-C-AA-000-DG-UT-050107. Sub – ducts to have pre-installed rope to facilitate, the pulling of Fiber Optic Cable through it. Colour Sub-duct to be used for easy identification shall be in accordance with CITC guidelines in
section 3.4.1 PVC pipes for underground installation shall be Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC) plastic pipes
conforming to ASTM D 2665, Schedule 40 or Class IV conforming to SASO. Pulling ropes shall have strength of 2.5 kN.

Manholes Appropriate type and size of manholes shall be provided as shown on the series 500 drawings or
required on site in compliance with the requirements of SASO, NEC and Electricity Supply Authority. Manholes for communication and low current systems shall be constructed in accordance with the
standard practice and as shown on communication drawings. Main manholes for the Service Providers are to be located every 300m and sizes to be as per STC
guidelines 1.5m L* 1.2m W * 1.5m D. Manhole type to be Cubis STAKKAbox™ Fortress access chamber system or similarly approved by
the Client and laid parallel to the carriageway with long side facing the road. Manhole to have two extra spare pop out 100mm ducts for any future connection requirements from
each of the four sides. Smaller manholes for MOI Security to be placed every 100m measuring 0.6m L* 0.6m W * 0.8m D to
be to be Cubis STAKKAbox™ Fortress access chamber system or similarly approved by the Client
375 WEST HEGRA, ALULA Page 69 of 89 Uncontrolled when Printed

MP1-DD-INF-RU003-ACM-ZZ-ZZ-SP-HW-000001 G- 30/01/23

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