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Republic of the Philippines

Western Philippines University

College of Education
Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, Philippines


SCHOOL Philippines YEAR LEVEL Second Year

NAME OF Mutha, Camille A. LEARNING Reading Skills

DATE April 26, 2023
TIME 40 minutes SEMESTER 2nd Semester

I. Objectives

A. Content • Determine the different types of sentences and its

Standard characteristics.

• Create an example sentence in each type.

B. Performance
• Perform a conversation that exhibits different types of
Standards sentences.

C. Learning • Appreciate the importance of learning the different types of

sentences in English grammar.
II. Subject Matter
Topic Sentence Construction
References Types of reading skills. PlanetSpark. (2021, February 21).
Materials PowerPoint presentations, laptop, projector
III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

Before we start our discussion this Okay, ma'am.
afternoon, I want you, Ms. Manibale to lead
the prayer.
Classmates, please stand, let's vow our head
and ask the guidance of our Lord.

Dear God, our guardian dear to whom Gods

love commits us here, ever this day be at our
side to light and guard to rule and guide.

Good afternoon, class! Good afternoon, ma’am, it's nice to see you.

Nice to see you too. Before you take a Okay ma'am.

seat. Please put up all the trash under
your chair.

If you are done, then you may be seated. Thank you, ma’am!

Let’s check the attendance, may I know

who’s absent today? No absent ma’am.

That’s great!
Setting Classroom Rules

It is necessary if we have classroom

rules to follow in our every discussion
to have a functional and successful
learning setting.
So, here are our classroom rules:

• No cellphones throughout the

discussions. You can only use
phones if they are needed for
• Listen to the teacher not to
your seatmate.
• Raise your hand if you have a
question or concern.
• Participate in every activity.
Any violent reaction regarding our None, ma’am.
classroom rules?

Make sure you will follow these rules, Yes, ma’am.



To begin the discussion this afternoon,

let’s have an exercise activity first as an
overview of our topic.

This is activity is called ‘My Missing


We will create a story by making

sentences one by one. The sentence you
create must be connected from the
previous sentence given by your

Understood? Yes ma’am!

Good. Now once I call your name you Okay ma’am.

will give your own sentences, okay?

Ms. Grezones. A while ago, I saw Alex running in the field.

Next, Ms. Aga She was in a hurry because of the requirements

that she needed to pass.
Mr. Servano, it’s your turn. On her way to the teacher’s office, rain began to

So, she looked for shelter and waited for the

Ms. Valles. rain to stop.

Mr. De Guzman. When it stopped raining, Alex immediately ran

to the office and was able to submit her
requirements on time.
Wow, students! That was a great job!
Give yourselves a round of applause.


Our topic is sentence construction.

First, what is sentence structure? Do

you have any idea what is sentence

Sentence structure is about a sentence

that follows Subject + Verb + Object
word order.


He (subject) obtained (verb) his degree


Now, let’s read a story and guess the

moral of the story.

The Rat & the Elephant

A Rat was traveling along the King's

highway. He was a very proud Rat,
considering his small size and the bad
reputation all Rats have. As Mr. Rat
walked along—he kept mostly to the
ditch—he noticed a great commotion
up the road, and soon a grand
procession came in view. It was the
King and his retinue.

The King rode on a huge Elephant

adorned with the most gorgeous
trappings. With the King in his
luxurious howdah were the royal Dog
and Cat. A great crowd of people
followed the procession. They were so
taken up with admiration of the
Elephant, that the Rat was not noticed.
His pride was hurt.

"What fools!" he cried. "Look at me,

and you will soon forget that clumsy
Elephant! Is it his great size that makes
your eyes pop out? Or is it his wrinkled
hide? Why, I have eyes and ears and as
many legs as he! I am of just as much
importance, and"—

But just then the royal Cat spied him,

and the next instant, the Rat knew he
was not quite so important as an

So, what do you think is the moral of

the story we’ve just read?

Yes, Ms. Zambrano.

A resemblance to the great in some things
does not make us great.


And actually, the purpose of the story

and this lesson is to help students gain
perspective awareness, or the
understanding that everyone has a
different perspective on the world
because of their experiences, language,
and culture.

Do you get it class? Yes, ma’am.


Since you said you understand our

discussion, let’s now have an activity.
Make Me Whole

In this activity, we will play a scrabble

game. With the help of their available
tiles, the four players will construct a
word, which they will then use in a

Did you get it? Yes ma’am.

This activity will enrich your

vocabulary, improve your focus,
improve your memory, and scrabble
involves some element of strategy even
though words are the main focus of the

So, let’s get started!


Have you learned from our discussion Yes ma’am.

this afternoon?

If you surely learned, who could give a (Learners are raising their hands)
brief summarization of the topic we

Mr. Gaga-a, please give us an overview Throughout the discussion, I have learned
of our topic this afternoon. that sentence structure refers to a sentence
that uses the word order Subject + Verb +
It looks like you’ve really learned.
That’s great!
Evaluation Answers

Create your own sentence

using the following words:
1. Ditch - a narrow channel dug in the 1. He was praised for ditching the coastal
ground, typically used areas.
for drainage alongside a road or the
edge of a field. 2. the cold made his fingers clumsy.
2. Clumsy - awkward in movement or
in handling things. 3. pictures and prints adorned his walls.
3. Adorned - to enhance the
appearance of especially with 4. he was distracted by a commotion
beautiful objects. across the street.
4. Commotion - a state of confused
and noisy disturbance. 5. the rock star's retinue of security
5. Retinue - a group guards and personal cooks.
of advisers, assistants, or others
accompanying an important person.

Prepared by:

Camille A. Mutha

Checked by:

Karen Meorom Maute


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