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TE-307 Antenna and Wave Propagation

Due Date: 06-04-2023
Marks: 25 [CLO1, PLO1, 2]
Note: Plagiarism/Copying will result in zero marks. Write Reg No & Section on 1st page.
Q# Problem statement Marks
Q-1: For 5

Determine the approximate directivity (in dB) using

(a) Exact formula
(b) Kraus’ formula
(c) Tai and Pereira’s formula.
Q-2 Find the directivity (dimensionless and in dB) for the antenna of U = sin 𝜃 sin 𝜙 using 5
numerical techniques with 10◦ uniform divisions and with the field evaluated at the
(a) midpoint (b) trailing edge of each division.
Q-3 A uniform plane wave, traveling along the x-axis in the negative x-direction, whose electric 5
field is given by

where Eo is a real constant, impinges upon a dipole antenna that is placed at the origin and
whose electric field radiated toward the x-axis in the positive x-direction is given by

where Ea is a real constant.

Determine Polarization Loss Factor (PLF).
Q-4 A uniform plane wave, with a power density of 10 mwatts/cm 2, is impinging upon a half 10
wavelength dipole at an angle normal/perpendicular to the axis of the dipole. Determine the:

(a) Maximum effective area (in λ2) of the lossless dipole element. Assume the dipole has a
directivity of 2.148 dB, it is polarized matched to the incident wave and it is mismatched,
with reflection coefficient of 0.2. to the transmission line it is connected.
(b) Physical area (in λ2). Assume the physical area of the dipole is equal to its lengthwise
cross sectional area; the dipole diameter is λ/300.
(c) Aperture efficiency (in %).

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