The Other Side of A Coin

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The Other Side of a Coin

The Philippines strive for its freedom since Spaniards occupation in the
country. For almost 300 years the country had been colonized by the Spain. This
leads to many stories of bravery and sacrifices told throughout history. One of the
most remarkable story is battle of Mactan led by Datu Lapu-Lapu, chieftain of
Mactan in Cebu. A lot names followed this patriotic action like, Sultan Kudarat, Diego
Silang, Andres Bonifacio, Marcelo H. Del Pilar, and Jose Rizal. They fight not only
using arms but also through pen. Some may use different approach but it all seeks
one goal, independence.
The story is based during the war between Philippines and America. It is all
started when the Spaniards and America entered a treaty called Treaty of Paris. On
December 10, 1998 the Spain relinquished all claim of sovereignty over and title to
territories described there as the island of Porto Rico and other islands now under
Spanish sovereignty in the West Indies, and the island of Guam in the Marianas or
Ladrones, the archipelago known as the Philippine Islands, and comprehending the
islands lying within to the United States. The Spaniards paid 20 million US dollars to
Emilio Aguinaldo, the president of the First Republic of the Philippines
commanded General Antonio Luna to fight back to American after consecutive
incidents of dispute between the soldiers of both parties. The official declaration of
war between the Filipinos and American was declared.
I did not expect the story will be that exciting. The setting of the film is the
Philippine-American war. I remember when I was student. I can read the whole war
in one page of a history book. The story is very brief. When the Americans arrives
the Philippine declared war then lost. Gen Emilio Aguinaldo captured and declared
surrender after a year. But when the government surrender there are still some
groups that still fight the American soldiers. The most remarkable is the Muslim Moro
in Mindanao. I’ve seen the dispute between the government cabinet and Gen.
Antonio Luna. Some members of the cabinets are in favor to be allied with the
Americans and others want to fight back and prove autonomy in our country. There is
a scene when in the middle of the quarrel the Gen. shouts “Para kayong mga birhen
na naniniwala sa pagibig ng puta” with despised look in his face. I can see in this
scene the quarrel of belief between higher official in state. When facing a great threat
of life, sometimes you need to bow down to power. Where some people can be
blinded by deceit and some have different mindsets to achieve better future of our
country. Before he took his journey to the battlefront he stated in front of the altar
together with his loyal henchmen the phrase “Ang magtagumpay at mamatay” while
on their knees. Showing their strong desire to win and serve in expense of their lives.
They did not know what will be the outcome of the battles that may face but still they
walk head high for the sake of peace that they dream.
The Philippine fight the American. They show they courage and resolve to
defend the country. If you compare today, the Filipinos soldiers at that still lacks
resources like; equipment, supplies and training. But through the sheer thought to
serve the country they still fight.
General Antonio Lune have a bad temper and aggressive behavior in inflicting
discipline towards Filipino soldiers. I remember he scolded them for negligence of
duty, lousy standing in attention, dirty uniforms and even improper haircut. Through
this attitude he received bad remarks from some of his colleagues. This is not new in
his soldiers. His actuation reached even the meeting with the higher official of the
government on that time. But this behavior will led danger in his life. The anger
arises beyond what he can see. His companions, that oath to serve and protect the
nation collaborated to pin him despite all his war achievements. Some disrespect
him. The best example is the scene where he planned to make a strong hold in the
north part of the Philippines. He instructed General Mascardo to provide aid to their
bases in Bagbag and Ginga. The General did not follow his instruction. General
Antonio Luna tempted to leave his post just to discipline General Mascardo. While he
confronts General Mascardo in Guagua the American take this chance to attack the
two important bases that they have. He returned to their post but it is too late. A lot
his soldiers dies and injured while their bases is conquered by the American soldiers.
I can feel not only his frustration but also the frustration of the land. Some Filipinos
fight to protect the land but some are just protecting their personal status.
Time come when General Antonio Luna earned the fruits of his misdeeds. He
killed not by the enemy. He was killed by his own kin. Every strike in dealt in his
body, serve as punishment. A punishment to all Filipinos through their ignorance.
The terror of war. Made them coward and dependent to the strong. They did not
value the importance of self-governance, sovereignty, freedom and sense of pride
that our ancestor fight for.
As a whole, I can say it is a beautiful movie. Some of the scene may be
exaggerate or altered because it is still a Filipino movie (I assumed it is created for
entertainment and profit). I learned some part of the story favored to General Antonio
Luna. I wish we can learn the truth the people from that time itself. To discover the
truth kept hidden in the depth of darkness. As Kate Moose said “ History is created
by the victor, the strongest, the most determined. Truth is found most often in the
silence, in the quiet places”.

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