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STUDY BASED QUESTION: ome Study-1 Read the passage given below «an answer the following questions: The angle formed at the Earth between th. Earth-planet direction and the Earth-S direction is called the planet’s elongation This is the angular distance of the plane: from the Sun as observed from the Earth The planet’s elongation keeps on changing. When the elongation attains its maximum value ¢ as shown in Fig. 1.1 Here, r,, denote the distance of the Earth from the Sun, r,, denote the distance of the planet from the Sun and r,, denote the distance of the planet from the Earth. The planet appears farthest from the Sun. In this position, the angle subtended by the Sun and the Earth at the planet is 90°. ities . Assuming the orbit of the planet Mercury around the Sun to be a circle, Copernicus determined the orbital radius to be 0.38 AU. From this, determine the angle of maximum elongation for Mercury (a) 11.22° (b) 22.33° (©) 33.44° (d) none of these In Q1, find the distance of Mercury from the Earth when the elongation is maximum. @ 1284 x 10? km () 1.88 x 10° km (©) 1.884 x 10° km @) none of these ‘The angle subtended by moon at a point on Earth is 0°31’. If the distance of moon from Earth is 3.84 x 10° m, find the diameter of moon @ 3.46 x 10° m (®) 8.46 x 10° m © 3.46 x 108m moon distance is about 60 Physical World and Measurement applications in Physics. It is used to check the correctness of an equation or any other physical relation based on the principle of homogeneity. It is also used to convert the value of a physical quality from one system of units to another system of units and to represent the nature of physical quantity. In mechanics, mass, length and time are the basic quantities. The units selected for the measurement of these quantities are known as fundamental units and thos 10 Physics-X! 5. of the following statement /are true? (@ The dimensional analysis does not provide information about the dimensional constant. (b) Dimensional analysis cannot drive trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions. (c) Dimensional analysis does not give information about the scalar or vector identity of a physical quantity. (d) All of above Case Study-3 Read the passage given below and answer the following questions: ‘RADAR’ stands for Radio Detection and Ranging. Radar pulses are beamed towards the ‘moon from a powerful transmitter. These are high energy electromagnetic waves of very small wavelength which travel at a speed of 3 x 10° ms~!. These waves are reflected back from the surface of the moon. ‘The time interval between the sending and the receiving of the signal is determined very accurately. reflected radar pulse The same reflection technique for measuring the distance of an aeroplane can be employed from an observation point on Earth. The time of flight of the radar pulses is measured and converted to kilometres by air traffic control. 1. A radar signal is beamed ¢ planet from the Barth and received seven minutes later distance between the planet ang, Barth is 6.3 x 10'° m. Cale, i velocity of the signal (a) 3x1ms 6) 3x 0 © 3x10 m/s @) none of th, 2. An air traffic controller uses 4 ra(| range-finder and measures a (in 0.48 ms (0.00048 s) for a radar py to go to and return from an aircr, How far away is the aircraft metres? (@) 7.2x10'm (6) 3.6 x 10'; (c) 28x 10'm (d) none of th 8. Ift be the time interval and ‘\' be | speed of the pulses, then the distai of the moon from the Earth is ut ut (a) th (b) 3 (c) e (d) none of th 4. To measure the distance © submarine SONAR uses to detect and locate objects un! water. Fill in the blank space correct option given below. (a) electromagnetic waves (b) ultrasonic waves (c) ultraviolet waves (d) none of these 5. Light year is the unit of (a) distance (6) time (c) velocity @) none of th Read the passage given below and answer the following questions: An object in motion is the simplest example of a physical system whose some property changes with time. Other examples of such systems are: (i) The pressure of an enclosed gas as it is being heated. In this case, the pressure continues to increase with time as long as it is heated. (ii) A hot body allowed to cool itself. In this case, temperature varies with time. There are many examples of objects in motion. (i) Our Earth rotates not only around its own axis but also about the Sun. (i) The Sun along with its planets travels through our own galaxy. @ii) Aeroplanes, trains, cars, trucks, footballs, cricket balls, etc., are all in motion at one or the other time. A person sitting in a moving train is at rest with respect to fellow passengers but is in motion with respect to objects outside the train. So, rest and motion are relative terms. rs of different combined to give 3 a9 (a) 2BC SS () CD Vi. CASE STUDY BASED QUESTIONS ileal liable Unit. Case Study—1 Read the passage given below and answer the following questions: Newton built on the foundations so well laid by galileo. His further studies led to the formulation of three fundamental laws known after his name as Newton's laws of motion. When an object is thrown from a certain height, the gravitational pull of the 44 Physics-X! earth helps it to develop acceleration. The _ placing it in an orbit around the acceleration increases as the object rocket consists of a combustion cha, advances towards the earth. According to which liquid or solid fuel is burn; Newton’s second law of motion, the — the heat of combustion, the pre acceleration developed by a body is directly the chamber becomes ve proportional to the force. When the object T0cket forces out a jet of h hits the ground, the impact force comes into tail. This is, say, an action fo action. This is the reason why a brittle hot gases exerts a force or object thrown from a tall building suffers P*Pelling it upward, thi more deformity than the situation where free. These forces are inter the same object is thrown from a ‘stem (rocket and ga comparatively shorter building momentum point of vi acquire momentum 1. What causes the motion of a body direction and the rocket acqu which is initially in the state of rest? amount of momentum (@) Force direction. Thus, the motion (®) Displacement an interesting application (c) Speed law of motion and momentw (@) Velocity 1. The rate of cha 2. Which law governs the phenomenon Coma that a table is pulled out from under Oe li a setting a chinaware without (6) Moment of fore damaging it? c) Angular momen: (a) Newton’s first law (d) None of these (®) Universal law of gravitation 2. Arocket of initial mas (c) Newton’s second law mass at a constant rat (d) Newton's third law with constant relativ s7!. What is the 8. A body of mass 2 kg is moving with Pe an acceleration of 50cm s~. Calculate i igus the force acting on it. Neglect gravity ft (@ 1newton (6) 2 newton aa ; © 349ms? (© 3newton —(d) none of these : Pe. 3. Arocket bums 50 g of fue 4. A force F=10i -6j+8k meyton ejecting it as a gas with produces an acceleration of 1 m s 5 tin o-!. What fore in a body of mass m. Calculate m ty the gam on the rocke @ 1212kg —(b)- 1.14 kg (@ 150N 6 (© 14.14kg — @) none of these (©) 240 N (a) none Case, Sieiea 4. In the first second « Read the passage given below and rocket ejects a of its m: Ste enna agertions: relative velocity of 2073 ™ i A rocket is required for carrying an artificial sntellite to a suitable height for is the acceleration of the * (6) 20.95 ms~2 (d) none of these 8 vertical firing. If is 1000 ms“, how ejected per second (a) 42.6 kg st (©) 52.8 kg st Case Study-1 Read the passage given below and answer the following questions: Energy and power are different from each other. Energy of a body shall give us an idea of the total amount of work that the body can do. It has nothing to do with the time taken to do the work. On the other hand, power depends upon the time in which the work is done. Energy is of many types—mechanical energy, sound energy, heat energy, light energy, chemical energy, atomic energy, nuclear energy etc. The mechanical energy is of two types—kinetic energy and potential energy. Kinetic energy is the energy possessed by a body by virtue of its motion. It is logical that a body moving with higher speed should possess more kinetic energy than a body moving with lower speed. ‘A few examples of bodies possessing kinetic energy are given below. () A bullet in motion (ii) A moving hammer (ii) Rumning water (iv) Air in motion (v) Moving piston of a locomotive engine. formula of enery () IML’ @) None of thes a reservoir a ©) eR an ‘wees sk (a) Kinetic energy (b) Potential energy (c) Chemical energy (@ None of these 3, The kinetic energy of an air m js 10-2! J. Express this energ (a) 0.0032 eV (b) 0.0016 (c) 0.0062 eV (d) None of 4. Abullet of mass 20 gis found \ two points 30 m apart in a interval of 4 seconds. Calculat: kinetic energy of the bullet if it mc with constant speed. (@ 0.56285 = (b) 0.56 (©) 0.56 5 @) None 5. A body of mass 2 kg initially is subjected to a force of 8 N. Wha the kinetic energy acquired b 2 body at the end of 12 s? (a) 11043 (6) 1824 J (c) 2208 J (d) 2304 J Case Study-2 Read the passage given below «” answer the following questions: As we go higher above the surface of Earth, the value of acceleration due gravity decreases. But for those hei: which are very small as compared to the radius of the Barth, the acceleration du‘ gravity g and hence the weight mg of a bot! can be regarded as constant. A body of mass m lying on the surfact of the Earth at a place where the value ° acceleration due to gravity is g is shown figure. mg of the body acts vertically In order to lift the body, a force d to be applied in the upward Let /i be the height through which is lifted. mn, workdone W = mg x h - The gravitational potential energy ‘stored in the body is equal to — ~@) mg (b) mgh A (© }mgh (a) None ofthese _ 2. Ifm is measured in gram, g inems~? cE and h in cm, then the potential energy | is measured in (a) joule () erg Work, Energy and Power 57 (a) ¥ nd t ) Y ha + ey a The ST unit of areal velocity is 7. The physical quantity whose dimensions are [ML?T) is ee of a body is a point where the whole mass of the body is Supposed to be concentrated for describing its translatory motion. 2A cose. ds a body with a perfectly definite and unchanging shape. 0. Moment of force is also referred to Vi. CASE STUDY BASED QUESTIONS SS Case Study-1 Read the passage given below and answer the following questions: Consider the Earth-Moon system. Both the Earth and the Moon move in circles about their centre of mass, always being on opposite sides of it. The centre of mass moves along an elliptical path around the Sun. The forces of attraction between the Earth and the Moon are internal to the Earth-Moon system On the other hand, the Sun's attraction on both Earth and Moon are external forces. GBeKotmass Centre of mass of Earth-Moon system 1. The centre of mass of a body (a) lie within, outside .,, of the body (b) lies always inside the | (c) lies always on the surf body (d) lies always outside the 2. The position of centre of 1 system of particles does 10 upon the (a) relative distance he particles (b) position of the particic (c) symmetry of the bod (d) mass of the particle 3. The motion of the centre depends on (a) total external forces (6) total internal forces (c) both (a) and (b) (d) none of these 4. Centre of mass of the Earth-\ system lies (a) on the surface of the Eart (6) on the surface of the Moo (c) within the Earth (d) at the midpoint of the joining their centres. 5. State True or False. The Earth and Moon move circular paths about a comm centre of mass. Case Study-2 Read the passage given below anc answer the following questions: Larger the value of moment of inert of a body, more is the rotational inertia of the body. This property has been put to © The machines such as the automobile engine, Totational motion have a ‘Moment of inertia, called ase of its large moment of el resists the sudden se of the speed of the a gradual change in the s jerky motions. This th ride for the passengers on the unit of moment (6) cems* (d) none of these stored in flywheel in the 3. . The wheels of a moving car posse Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body 71 Moment of inertia does not depend upon (a) point of application of force (6) axis of rotation (c) distribution of mass (d) none of these (a) Potential energy only (6) Kinetic energy of translation only (c) Kinetic energy of rotation only (d) Kinetic energy of translation and rotation both . Generally the mass of a flywheel is concentrated in its rim to (a) decrease the moment of inertia (6) increase the moment of inertia (c) obtain stable equilibrium (d) obtain a strong wheel 4, The areal velocity of the planet is 5. The gravitational forces between two bodies are equal in and in direction. 6. Weight of a body is defined as the force with which a body is towards the centre of the Earth. 7. The force of attraction between any two matrial bodies in the universe is known as 8. The value ofg as we move from the equator to the pole 9. at a point in a gravitational field is the amount of work done in bringing a unit mass from infinity to that point without acceleration 10. The at a point is the negative of gravitational potential gradient at that point 11. In gs. system, the gravitational potential is measured in 12, ofa satellite is the energy required by a satellite to leave its orbit around the Barth and escape to infinity. Vi. CASE STUDY BASED QUESTIONS Case Study—1 p (a) Negative (6) Positive (c) Zero (d) May be positive, negative or zero A body is projected with escape velocity 11.2 km/s from the Earth's surface. If the body is projected in a direction 30° angle to the vertical, its escape velocity in this case will be (a) 11.2 kms (b) 11.23 tans «) 118 ems (d) None of these ‘There is no atmosphere on the Moon because (a) it is closer to the Earth (b) it revolves round the Barth (c) it gets light from the Sun (d) the escape velocity of gas molecules is less than their root mean square velocity Calculate the ratio of the kinetic energy required to be given to a satellite so that it escapes the 84 Physics-X! . & Determine the escape velocity of a body from the Moon. Take the Moon to be a uniform sphere of radius 1,74 x 10° m and mass 7.36 x 10” kg. (a) 148kms? (6) 2.38 kms" (©) 3.28kms (d) None of these Case Study-2 Read the passage given below and answer the following questions: A satellite is a body which is continuously revolving around a bigger body. ‘The centripetal force required by a satellite to move in a circular orbit is provided by the gravitational force of attraction between the satellite and the body around which it revolves. In our solar system, different planets are revolving around the Sun. So planets can be said to be the natural satellites of the Sun. Moon revolves around the Earth in a nearly circular orbit of radius 3.85 x 10° km and completes one revolution in 27.3 days. So, Moon is a natural satellite of > the ym the year 1957, many artificial satellites, ie, man-made satellites have been ad. These satellites are put ‘into their orbits with the help of multi-stage rockets. Various phenomena in the outer regions of the Earth’s atmosphere have been studied with the help of artificial at In addition to this, the artificial te have also been used for weather and intercontinental telecasting (c) The orbtial radi (d) The m 2, Asatellite in an elliptical orbit (a) is the same at orbit (b) is greatest whe the Earth (©) is greatest when from the Earth (d) goes on increas: continuously ¢ ing or dl depending the mass of the satellite 3. An Earth satellite h: 90 minute. Assuming the orbit tc circular, calculate i radius of the Earth jas time period its height. Given: = 6,380 km, ‘g’ at the surface of the Barth = 9.8 ms? 1 = 9.88. (a) 172km (c) 290 km 4. A satellite revolves b) 184k (d) None of these in an orbit close to the surface of a planet of density 6.3.g cm. Calculat of the satellite. Given: G = 6.6 x 10 the time period $ ogs units, radius of the Earth = 6.4 x 10° cm (a) 37428 (©) 4762s () 4236 s (d) None of these 5. An artificial satellite is going round. the Barth, close to the surface. What is the time taken by it to complete one round? Given: radius of the: = 6400 km. (a) 1.41 hour (c) 4.28 hour (b) 2.31 hour (q) None of these

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