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Front office

Topic :personal hygiene.

(QA) 1. To prevent the spread of germs, it is important to _wash your hands regularly.
2.It is important to use ___toothpaste__ when brushing your teeth to help remove plaque
and prevent cavities.
3.One way to care for your skin is to use ____moisturizer__ to keep it moisturized.
4.It is recommended to brush your teeth __twice. a day to help maintain good oral

(QB) True or False.

1.Washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds is one of the best
ways to prevent the spread of germs.True.
2.Flossing your teeth is not necessary for good oral hygiene.False.
3.Wearing clean clothes every day is not important for personal hygiene. False.
4.Sharing personal hygiene items, such as a toothbrush or razor, is a good idea False.
5.Taking a shower or bath every day is necessary for good personal hygiene.
1. What is the most effective way to prevent the spread of germs?
a) Covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze
b) Washing your hands regularly
c) Using hand sanitizer
d) Wearing a mask

2.Which of the following is not a benefit of brushing your teeth?

a) Removes plaque and bacteria from your teeth
b) Freshens your breath.
c) Makes your teeth whiter.
d) Helps prevent cavities.

3.Which of the following is not a recommended way to care for your skin?
a) Taking regular baths or showers.
b) Using moisturizer to keep skin hydrated.
c) Popping pimples and blackheads.
d) Protecting skin from the sun.

4.How often should you wash your hands to help prevent the spread of germs?
a) Only when they appear dirty.
b) Once a day.
c) After using the restroom and before eating.
d) Only when you feel sick

5.Which of the following is a recommended way to care for your nails?

a) Biting your nails
b) Cutting your nails regularly
c) Painting your nails with bright colors
d) Ignoring your nails and leaving them dirty.

Long questions;What are ten important personal hygiene practices that staff should

Topic : front office system.

(QA);Q1. The main function of a front office system is to handle _customer-
facing_________ activities of a company.
Q2. A common example of a front office system is a __CRM___ system.
Q3. The benefits of using a front office system include improved ____customer
service______ and satisfaction, increased efficiency and productivity, and reduced costs
and errors.

(QB);True and False.

Q1. The main function of a front office system is to handle customer-facing activities of
a company.True
Q2. A common example of a front office system is a human resource management
Q3. The benefits of using a front office system include improved customer service and
satisfaction, increased efficiency and productivity, and reduced costs and errors. True


Q1. What is the front office system?

a. The system that manages the back-office operations of a company

b. The system that handles customer-facing activities of a company

c. The system that manages supply chain operations of a company.

Q2. Which of the following is an example of a front office system?

a. Human Resource Management System

b. Customer Relationship Management System

c. Enterprise Resource Planning System

Q3. What are the benefits of using a front office system?

a. Improved customer service and satisfaction

b. Increased efficiency and productivity

c. Reduced costs and errors

d. All of the above.

(Qd) Long questions;

Q2;What is a front office system, and how can it improve customer-facing activities for

Topice; Effective communication.

(QA)1.When communicating with others, it's important to consider their _perspective___

2.Using ___clear____ language can help you avoid misunderstandings and


3.__Reflective listening___ involves repeating back what someone has said to confirm

4.Effective communication requires both ___verbal_ and ___nonverbal__skills.

(Qb)True and False.

• Active listening is a key aspect of effective communication. (True)

• It's important to use long and detailed language to ensure that your message is
clear. (False)
• Reflective listening involves interrupting the speaker to clarify their message.
• Effective communication only requires verbal skills. (False)


1.One key aspect of effective communication is active:

a) talking

b) listening
c) interrupting

d) ignoring

2.To ensure that your message is clear, it's important to use:

a) long and detailed language

b) vague and ambiguous language

c) concise language

d) complex language

3.____________ involves repeating back what someone has said to confirm understanding:

a) Reflective listening

b) Interruptive listening

c) Selective listening

d) Passive listening

4.Effective communication requires both ____________ and ____________ skills:

a) verbal, nonverbal

b) verbal, written

c) written, nonverbal

d) speaking, writing
Q1.Why is nonverbal communication important in effective communication?

TOPIC:caring for customers.

Q1: fill in the blanks

1.Caring for customers means putting their needs and ____ priorities____ first.

2.Caring for customers also means taking ___ accountability____ for mistakes and resolving
issues promptly.

3.Customer feedback is valuable for understanding areas of improvement and providing a

__better_____ experience.

Q2:True and False.

1.Caring for customers means always putting their needs first. ( True)

2.Providing exceptional customer service can help build long-term loyalty and trust. ( True).

3. It's important to listen actively to customers to understand their needs and concerns.



1.What does caring for customers mean?

a) Putting their needs first

b) Putting your needs first

c) Ignoring their needs

d) Prioritizing your own goals

2.What can exceptional customer service help build?

a) Short-term loyalty and trust

b) Long-term loyalty and trust

c) Indifference towards the company

d) Negative experiences for customers

3.What can going above and beyond to exceed customer expectations create?

a) Disappointment and negative word-of-mouth

b) Indifference towards the company

c) Delight and positive word-of-mouth

d) Short-term loyalty and trust

Q1. why is it important for businesses to address customer complaints and concerns?

Topic; using the telephone.

Q1: fill in the blanks.

Q1.When making a phone call, the purpose of dialing a phone number is to __ connect.

Q2.The "mute" button on a telephone is used to temporarily silence the user's __microphone.

Q3.A voicemail message is accessed on a telephone by pressing a specific ___ key____


1.When making a phone call, what is the purpose of dialing a phone number?
a) To establish a connection with the recipient

b) To activate the speakerphone feature

c) To access voicemail

d) To send a text message

2.Which of the following is NOT a typical feature found on a telephone?

a) Caller ID display

b) Call waiting

c) Bluetooth connectivity

d) Speed dial

3.What is the purpose of the "redial" button on a telephone?

a) To end the call

b) To place a call on hold

c) To repeat the previous dialing sequence

d) To transfer the call to another line

(Qb).True and False.

.When making a phone call, dialing a phone number is used to establish a connection with the

2.The "mute" button on a telephone is used to increase the volume of the call.( False)
.A voicemail message is accessed on a telephone by speaking a command.( False)

Topic; Welcoming guests to hotel


1. Welcome to our hotel! May I help you with your luggage.

2.Here is your room key. Your room is located on the __specific floor number__ floor.

3.Our complimentary Wi-Fi is accessible in all ___areas___ of the hotel.

Q2.True or False.

1.The hotel staff can assist you with your luggage during the check-in process.(True)

2.True or False: Guests are encouraged to make themselves comfortable during their stay at the

3.The complimentary Wi-Fi service is only available in certain areas of the hotel.(False)


1.The front desk is available to provide guests with additional ________ upon request.

a) Discounts

b) Amenities

c) Parking spaces

d) Restaurant recommendations

2.The complimentary Wi-Fi service is available in ________ areas of the hotel.

a) All

b) Limited

c) Designated

d) None

3.The room key provided to you corresponds to a specific ________ in the hotel.

a) Time

b) Area

c) Floor

d) Menu


1.What are the key steps and considerations involved in welcoming guests to a hotel and
ensuring a pleasant stay?

Topic; issuing and contronlling room keys.


1.Front desk staff or hotel personnel are responsible for issuing and controlling room
keys in the front office.

2.Properly _controlling_ room keys is essential to ensure the security of the guests and
hotel property.

Q2.True or False.
Q1. Front desk staff are responsible for issuing and controlling room keys in the front
office. True

Q2.Regular audits should be conducted to verify the accountability of room keys.True


Q1.Who is responsible for issuing and controlling room keys in the front office?

A) Housekeeping staff

B) General manager

C) Front desk staff or hotel personnel

D) Security personnel

Q2.Why is properly controlling room keys essential?

A) It saves money for the hotel.

B) It ensures guest satisfaction.

C) It maintains a clean environment.

D) It enhances the hotel's exterior appearance.



1.The hotel must be ready every guest on the time of _arrival_.
2.Opening of gate is usually performed by the _doorman_.
3.The law usually requires all guest to _register_ with the hotel.
1.If an advance payment is required for security reasons it is usually done by cash
deposit or credit card. (T)
2.It is not important to issue a receipt for payments. (F)
3.The check in process provides the receptionist with the opportunity to provide
the guest with all the information. (T)
1.Smaller hotels may use a simple ____ book.
A. Registration
B. Text
C. Check
2.Carry out a final check of the registration card for guest ____.
A. signature
B. finger print
C. verification
3.All hotels require some method in which it can be easily seen what
room are ___.
A. vacant
B. occupied
C. busy
• Explain the check in process.

[1] _TOURISM_ is not just about the facilities and attractions
provided for _VISITORS_.
[2] It is a highly __DIVERSIFIED__ with many component parts
ranging from airlines to hotels.
[3] Tourists are people who for a variety of reasons travel to
• T/F
[1] Environment is our surroundings such as soil, water, air. T
[2] The greenhouse effect is a global issue. T
[3] Tourism and the environment are closely linked. T
[1] there are things that you can do to
reduce the risk on the ___
A environment
B surrounding
C workplace
[2] ___ making and regulation by government can and does
protect the
A Effective policy
B Events
C Approval
[3] Tourists are people who for a __ of reasons travel to
A limited
B increased
C variety
[1] What is hotel organization
• Planning work in advance saves _TIME_
• Always start your shift by organizing and setting up ___work
area ___
1.reception area will be decided by management. T
2.You will need to know how to compile and retrieve this information. T
3.There is some essential information that a receptionist needs to have
at the beginning of a shift so that the work can be carried out
efficiently. T
• The first impression a guest receives is on __ at the hotel.
• It is the responsibility of the _____ to see that the reception
counter is kept clean and organized at all times.
[a] bartender
[b] receptionist
[c] manager
• Work standards can be simply described as the "level of
[a] ignorance
[b] excellence
[c] accuracy
• Describe personal hygiene.


• Every contact you have with the guest should be considered
as a sales opportunity. (T)
• Whichever method is used for sale the basic technique
remains the same. (T)

• Face to face selling opens up most opportunity for the

reception staff to show their skills. (T)

• Selling face to face is the key task for the ___.
• USP STAND for:
• Universal serial port
• Unique selling point
• A good salesman will always offer ____ to a potential
• Alternatives
• Service
• Product


• Selling by _reception_ employees involve in finding the
needs of the customer.
• The receptionist will need to be familiar with the
_accommodation_ of the rooms.

• The hotel may have a choice of _restaurants_ and _bars_ or

the option of room service.

• Write a note on the local environment.
Topic: first aid
filled in the blanks
• How should you open the airway of an unconscious casualty
Head tilt and chin lift.
2. How long would you check to see if an unconscious casualty is
breathing normally No more than 10 seconds.
1. What is a faint?
• A response to fear.

• An unexpected collapse.

• A brief loss of consciousness.

• A sign of flu.

• Which medical condition will develop from severe blood loss?

• Shock.

• Hypoglycaemia.

• Anaphylaxis.

• Hypothermia
• Which of the following is the correct sequence for the chain of

• 911/112. CPR. Defibrillation. Advanced care.

• CPR. Defibrillation. 911/112. Advanced care.

• Defibrillation. CPR. 911/112. Advanced care.

• Defibrillation. 911/112. CPR. Advanced care.

True the false

1. The correct ratio of chest compressions to rescue breaths for
adult CPR is 60 compressions followed by 2 rescue breaths. F
2. Checking for breathing in an unconscious casualty should be
done quickly, in no more than 10 seconds, to determine if
immediate intervention is needed.F
3.Opening the airway using the head tilt and chin lift technique
helps ensure that the tongue is not obstructing the airway and
allows for effective ventilation.T
Question. What is Snakebite? Symptoms prevention first aid?

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