Comp Questions

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1)WAP to input n names and phone numbers and store it in

a dictionary and print the phone numbers of a particular name .

2)WAP to input the country capital and currency your program
should output the other 2 when u input one value
3)WAP to store students details like admin no , roll no, name
and marks in a dictionary and display
the info of a student based on admission number
4)WAP to input names of employees and their salary details like
basic salary, HRA,(12%) conveiance allowance(8%).
calculate the and display the details when the user inputs
employee name
5)WAP to find the largest and smallest element in a list
Also find its position in the list.
6)WAP to read list of words and return the length of longest one.
7)WAP to input a list and an element.
Print all the occurnences of a given element in the list
if present or display an error message if not present
8)WAP to input list of numbers and swap elemnts at the
even location with the elements at the odd location.
9)WAP to input list of number ss and check whether
each number in the list is an amstrong number or not
Display appropriate messages
10)WAP that asks the user to input a number, a list that has to be
to an existing list. WAP based on users choice whether to append a list
or the number.
11)WAP to create a tuple stroring the first 9 terms of a fibonacci
12)Create a tuple containing the squares of integers 1 to 50
13)WAP to sort marks of a student in 4 subjects and calculate the grade
of the student based on the marks (No sense)
14)Given 2 list, wap that prints "overlap". If they have atleast one
number in common otherwise prints "seperated".
15)WAP to input a list and two numbers 'm' and 'n'. create a list from
these elements which are divisible by both m and n.
16)WAP to accept the list elements form the user and display the sum of
positive elements and sum of negative elements.

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