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Every day, everyone all around the world shares certain unique experiences,

the most prominent of which is the ability to make decisions. Life is made up of
decisions. I believe that life entails nothing more than a series of choices that we must
live with the consequences of.
Matthew Lipman's definition of critical thinking was one explanation from the
reading article that sparked my interest since I can connect it to my own life. He stated
in the reading article that “Critical thinking is skillful, responsible thinking that is
conducive to good judgment because it is sensitive to context, relies on criteria,
and is self-correcting.” This phrase seemed to have a big impact on me because of
how critical thinking altered my outlook and approaches to life. I used to make decisions
without second thoughts when I was younger. I speak without hesitation. I act rashly
and make reckless judgments. As a result, it completely encouraged me to utilize my
critical thinking skills. I've received a tremendous amount of advice. Some I followed;
others I listened to but chose a different path. For example, I always waste my money
on unnecessary purchases. Things that I don't even use or need at all. Now that I've
matured so much, I constantly make sure that I create financial priorities and utilize
critical thinking to spend my money wisely so that I can use it for emergencies. I can
plan and budget every peso I spend by using my critical thinking skills. If I could go back
in time and fix one thing, it would be my habit of wasting money on extravagant
purchases. I discovered far too late that money is really precious. I can't always rely on
my parents. I should be open to financial advice in order to improve my intellectual
progress and critical thinking. Based on my irrational behavior and experiences, I
believe critical thinking assisted me in becoming a better version of myself as a human
being. It helped me understand the significance of budgeting and improving my financial
outlook. Without critical thinking, I would most likely continue to waste money on
frivolous things. As a human being, I can encourage others to be rational animals by
embracing the challenge to develop logical thinking. Second, confront your cognitive
biases and rethink your assumptions. Third, create a plan for improving your rational
thinking. Fourth, express yourself rationally and be willing to change. Finally, listen
attentively and communicate accordingly.
Everyone makes diverse decisions in life, resulting in varied yet unique life
experiences. However, only one's choices can change one's life. The decision you
make today may not only make your life happier, but it may also transform the world into
a better place to live on.

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