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The consumption of the world's resources such as oil and water is increasing at a

dangerous rate. What are the causes and how can this problem be solved?

Sen 1: Paraphrase the statement in the Task

There has been a growing concern that the world’s natural resources such as water, oil are being consumed at
an alarming rate.

Sen 2: Thesis statement

This essay will discuss/look at/examine some causes of this problem and suggest/propose some ways to reduce
it/deal with it.

Body 1: Causes

Topic sentence: There are two/three main reasons for the increasing consumption of natural resources in the

Supporting idea 1: Firstly/The first reason is …….

Detail 1: For example/For instance / A clear example of this is …/ A good illustration for this is …./ This means
that ….. / In other words, …. / There has been mounting evidence that…/Research has shown that …. / It has
been proved that …./ Recent reports have revealed that ….. /

Supporting idea 2: Another reason is …..

Detail 2: For example/For instance / A clear example of this is …/ A good illustration for this is …./ This means
that ….. / In other words, …. / There has been mounting evidence that…/Research has shown that …. / It has
been proved that …./ Recent reports have revealed that ….. /

Body 2: Solutions

Topic sentence: However, this problem can be reduced / addressed / tackled by taking the following measures.

Supporting idea 1: Firstly/The first solution is …….

Detail 1: For example/For instance / A clear example of this is …/ A good illustration for this is …./ This means
that ….. / In other words, …. / There has been mounting evidence that…/Research has shown that …. / It has
been proved that …./ Recent reports have revealed that ….. / By doing this, ….. / As a result, …. / As a
consequence, …..

Supporting idea 2: Another way is …..

Detail 2: For example/For instance / A clear example of this is …/ A good illustration for this is …./ This means
that ….. / In other words, …. / There has been mounting evidence that…/Research has shown that …. / It has
been proved that …./ Recent reports have revealed that ….. / By doing this, ….. / As a result, …. / As a
consequence, ….. 1-2 sentences


To sum up, ____, ____ and _____ are the causes of _____, which can be solved by Ving, Ving and Ving.

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