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A. You have got two tickets to a rock concert on Friday night. Invite B.

B. You have an important exam on Monday and would like to revise for it the
whole weekend, but you are a great rock fan.

A. You have a new DVD and would like to watch it with B at your place.
B. You have nothing to do tomorrow evening and you are a film fan.

A. You are playing a role in a musical and want to invite B to watch the show.
B. You don’t like musical but you don’t want to hurt A.

A. You want to eat out. There is a new Thai restaurant in your town. Invite B
for dinner.
B. You have never eaten Thai food but you like tasting new dishes. You are free
on Monday evening.

A. You want to have a picnic in the park because the weather is fine and the
park is full of beautiful flowers.
B. You like picnicking but you are allergic to pollens.

A. You want to buy a new dress for a special party. Invite B to go shopping
with you in the afternoon and help you choose the best.
B. You are crazy about shopping, but you have an appointment at your dentist.

A. You want to talk about your relationship problems to your friend. Invite B to
a café.
B. You have a lot of homework to do, at the same time you would like to help
A. You are planning a two-day trip to the mountains. It costs $ 50. Invite B to
join you.
B. You are a hobby mountaineer but you are absolutely broke.

A. You want to go clubbing at the weekend. Invite B.

B. You have just passed your exam and you don’t want to stay at home. You
don’t like clubbing.

A. You want to go to the beach this weekend. Invite B.

B. You can’t swim and don’t like the beach.

A. You want to go and get an ice-cream cone. Invite B.

B. You are on a diet.

A. You want to study for your English test with your friend.
B. You have to go to the dentist.

A. You have two tickets to a movie. Invite B.

B. You have an important test on Monday and you need to study.

A. You are going on a school excursion. You can take one friend.
B. You don’t want to wake up early in order to go.

A. You want to study for your English test with your friend.
B. You have to go to the dentist.

A. You want to go shopping for new clothes. Invite B.

B. You love to go shopping.

A. You want to cook a special dish called spaghetti. Invite B for dinner to your
B. You don’t like Italian food.

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