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Empowering Patients through

Autonomy: Understanding the Ethical

Principles of Medical Decision Making

Empowering Patients through

Autonomy: Understanding the Ethical
Principles of Medical Decision Making. In
this presentation, we will discuss the
importance of patient autonomy in
medical decision making and the ethical
principles that guide it.
What is Autonomy?

Autonomy is the right of individuals to

make decisions about their own
healthcare. It is a fundamental principle of
medical ethics and is essential for patient-
centered care. Autonomy is based on the
idea that individuals have the right to self-
determination and the ability to make
decisions that affect their own lives.
Informed Consent
Informed consent is the process by which
patients are informed about the risks and
benefits of medical treatments and
procedures. It is an essential part of
respecting patient autonomy. Informed
consent requires that patients receive all
the information they need to make an
informed decision about their healthcare.
Shared Decision Making
Shared decision making is a collaborative
process between patients and healthcare
providers that allows patients to make
informed decisions about their healthcare.
Shared decision making is based on the
principles of autonomy and informed
consent. It requires that healthcare
providers provide patients with all the
information they need to make an
informed decision.
There are four ethical principles that guide medical decision making: autonomy,
beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice. These principles help healthcare
providers make decisions that are in the best interest of their patients while
respecting patient autonomy.

In conclusion, empowering patients

through autonomy is essential for patient-
centered care. Informed consent and
shared decision making are important
processes that allow patients to make
informed decisions about their healthcare.
By following the ethical principles of
autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence,
and justice, healthcare providers can
provide the best possible care for their
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