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Improving attainment and progress in English R A G

Leadership Robust QA processes are in place to monitor curriculum planning for

ELA, establishing higher expectations, greater accountability and to
support increased consistency in classroom practice.
Expectations and processes are adhered to by SLT and ELA MLT
A strategy/policy document is in place that clearly outlines
expectations for daily practices and the core literacy block.
To include Phonics, RAZ, Guided Reading/small group literacy
instruction, appropriate scaffolding for ELL, literacy centers, writing
instruction etc.
What are the ‘non-negotiables’?
Evidence of a robust and systematic approach to monitoring and
feedback for teachers on the implementation of the policy document
relating to daily literacy practices. Concerns are formalized and
followed up through individualized PD and coaching.
Performance management is in place for specialist ELL teachers.
Roles and Responsibilities are clear. Evidence of the impact of
specialist provision is being monitored?
Data & Clear and consistent systems and processes are in place for the
Intervention accurate identification, measurement and tracking of language
Demonstrable evidence of robust tracking and monitoring of students’
language levels.
Data is used to inform support and intervention. Interventions are
routinely monitored for impact.
Use of language development standards alongside ELA CCSS to track
and measure language proficiency?
Curriculum High quality guided reading and phonics programs are embedded into
Provision for daily instruction.
excellent Teachers have access to consistent high-quality curricular materials, .
literacy including scopes & sequences, assessments, unit plans, lesson plans,
instruction and assessments.
Students work with suitable grade appropriate texts. Curriculum
resources are utilized effectively.
Scheduling maximises literacy instruction. Enough time is set out for
literacy and ELA.
Observations of learning and QA of planning demonstrate the
curriculum is well matched to individual student needs. Appropriate
scaffolding is in place to support ELL learners.
Common planning time is provided for literacy teachers on a regular
basis with a combination of lesson planning, data analysis, and review
of instructional practices and materials. This is configured at both the
grade level and a grade span to support vertical alignment.
Staff A training plan is in place for staff professional development and
Professional instructional coaching to equip staff with the necessary pedagogy and
Development support strategies to enhance rapid language development.
Training suggestions:
 ELL specific pedagogy- how to support ELL learners.
 Unpacking the ELA CCSS
 Implementing phonics and guided reading effectively
 Training for ELL specialist teachers
 Training for ELA subject leads
Teachers receive ongoing PD on all components of literacy and ELL
Community A vibrant reading culture is promoted across the school.
Engagement (E.g., School environment and display, print rich classrooms, student
and School competitions, use of library, RAZ etc.)
Reading Whole school rituals and routines regularly build in opportunities for
Culture students and staff to showcase reading, writing, and speaking skills.
School regularly provides enrichment opportunities for students to
showcase reading, writing, and speaking skills outside of school.
The school have developed a Family Learning program which focuses
on supporting parents with the development of English at home.
(1 event per term minimum)

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